TH1SPAPEB , JOSH T. JAMES, BOITOH AKD PROPKETOB. WIUPTMXS rOSTAGE PAID: f SUB1"' mr moniha. $3.03. Three ine 5 $I- one mouth. 35 cents. BonthB, 4tellvcreti by carriers free v,n any rrt of the city, at the above 0lv. pfr wees.. Irlt8 r, lr low and liberal. A crn will report any nnd all fall rive their paper reiilu-ly. I - - . n.,.7. Rnricftn has the larcest far 'jtic - ,3.ti1alion. of any newspaper 7CK'ATlir TICKET fjocti"!! Tuesday, Nov. 1 i ;overnok : AU-ltKI) M SCALES, ol (lull fur J. i n. I T. GOVERNOR: CjlAULKS M. STEDA1 AN. I of New Ilanov r. . m: kktakv of state: WILUAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wakoi STATE TREASURER: DONALD Y. BAIN, of Wake. i h'i: auditor: W. T. ROBERTS, . of Gates, ioi: attorney-general? TIIKODOUE F. DAVIDSON, of Bnncooibe. 1 PKUIXTENDEXT OF PUBLIC IX STHUCTIOX: f S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT: A. S. MERRIMON. . of Wake. ' FOU ELECTORS-AT-LARGE : YV II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. (Jov. Cleveland, io denying that he ver belonged to the order . of Know iXothings, says: I cast my first vote a 1658 for the Democratic ticket, and hive never voted for any other." Speaker Carlisle will go to Chicago fCongrcss adjourn?, as will a majority of tk Democratic Senators .and mem m. Carlisle favors Bayard as a first choice and McDonald as a second hoice. ( Gov. Cleveland, of New York,- was able to-be at his desk in the executive fchamber at Albany, on Friday morning, lor the first time in two weeks. A tcni orary illness confined him to hi , rooms. As. Frances IIodg3on Burnett, the her povelist, is familiarly called by Washington friends "That Lasso1 Low- No's," from the book which has brought er greatest fame.' Though English by b rtb, she has resided so long in this puntry that she looks upon it almost hi her native land. The Minis' er of the Interior of the Hawaiian Government offers to fur- pish immigrants, who, 'on arrival will be ready to e,nter into an engage- pent, service for three years at S10 :r-month for males, and $6 for fe nales. with food and lodging for plant ation laborers, and 15 per month and 'ouad for domestic servants." The Presideat vesterdav vetoed thr; for the relief of Gen . Fitz John Por er anJthe House tiromritlv naased thn pi over his velojby a two thirds mojori- lt has gone to the Senate where I'is next to impossible to procure the piount of votes necessary to overcome l? veto and this will kill the hill. Mr. Arthur's veto 13 nothing more nor less an making a great question subserv Dt lo the littleness of a political m-p?- Nco and he will live to regret it. air T ry ti .' ... KtoV lk- muora, urookime, KM' says he has used St. Jacobs Oil. J - Pam-cnre. in rheumatism and ana iouna that it Is all that it Represented to be. ow Ume to give Smith's Worm Iv d-w Jbe Galorious Fourth will boxclebr&t ,!? ?rQe st3 'Je to-morrow at the Seaside K Hotel at AVr;k..:if M n. fmmeas arragned, and of which already written, will bo car- ;0 f XhTQ are a variety of attrac 'w. ,. edfly whch cannot iail to gho may attend. ' - . City Court. Jlne Davs. pi . i JtneMavn ur., j tn..-301".1" conduct. Thc charge day, ch sbe was sent below for Lively. colored, who is Wat visitor at police headquar 'nT attai2ned uPn the charge of wxrV cvidenco was sufficient rrant her being bound over to tlie L !f2ffUi Criminal Court ia the Vis . ;indefault of which she 1 15 Emitted. - - . : .n 3 -i VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY.'' JULY 3, LOCAL NEWS. -IMDEX TO SEW AOVIRTISIMEHTS. FU Miller Conundrum J W Hakpee Fourth of July ' T J 8octheklaxi The Fourth Hkinsbekgek Base Balls and Rats J J IIedbick, Jr, let Scrg't-W L I C V Yates EocksdlCK. and Stationer vCOV-ille & Co -The Glorious Fourth Knights and Ladies of Honor Local ad A K WALKtn, Cash'r Dividend Notice Wunis J'.k-j. & DkRosset Timely Nolle y Ucpo-t of the Con iilmof the First National Rank of Wilmington, N C A few more rain ihU tsuvnoon. ly way L-i" variety. . - There was only one bale of. cot tin received at this pori, to-day. The Fostoflice will be closed to-morrow from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. . Col S. B. Taylor, of Catharine Lake" Onslow county, was in the city to-day. Pecchc-S are scarce and hih here now. Why don't our country friends relievo the pressure? , The mairkets will close to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock, a fact which housekeepers should note. . The Wilmington Light Infantry will add to the attractions by being present at Wrightsvifle to-morrow. Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead, Glass &c. should go to Jacobi's to get best qualities and lowest pricest Capt. T, J. Southerland will run three wagonettes to Wrightsville to morrow mornipg, leaving the city at 8 o'clock. : : - I The Board of Directors of the Fir3t National Bank of Wilmington have declared a dividend of 3 per cent, pay able on the 10th inst. To-morrow being the Fourth of July the usual holiday will be taken and therefore no paper will be issued from this office on that day. fcnigiits and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It It is likely that there will be a general suspension of business here to-morrow. The public offices will all be closed, and there will be" very few "places of business open. Capt. Harper promises a pleasant time to all who may go down with him Io morrow on the Passport The boat will stop at the usual points and will in addition make a long trip to sea and there may be some opportunity, of fishing outside. The chance i3 an unusually good one for "a day on the briDy deep," Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy Clipper Plow," greatest invention of the age. JaCoiu is the Agent. t Will Not Go. Some of our young people are doom ed to disappointment to-morrow. They had made up their minds , within the last day or two that they would join the throng and visit Wrightsville, but when they went to seeure a team they found that they could not be accommo dated as every available horse, mule and vehicle had been engaged scyeral days previously. -He ward of Merit. f We saw in the window of Mr. Geo. Honnet's jewelry store this morning the prize medal awarded by Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, to Mr. 'Harry Ros enthal, for efficiency and promptness as a firemau. The person belonging to the Company who gets to the Hook and Ladder Hall first for the greatest num ber of times, in cases of I tire alarms, during the year, is entitled to the prize, and it has been worthily won during the last year by MY. Rosenthal. The medal is of gold, is surmounted by crossed axes, has the 'fireman's ladder and also the iiremau's cap. It is chaste, unique and appropriate in design and reflects credit upon the Company as well as upon its recipient, Mr. Rosen thal. Orion Lpdcre. At the regular meeting of Orion Lodge, No. 67, 1. O. O. F.. held last nlsht. the following officers were in stalled in dnelorm by Installing Officer, G. M. Altaffer, viz: N. G W. J. Penny. V. G- J. S. Barnes. R. S. H. O. Craig. F. S.W. C. Farrow. Treasurer W. S. Warrock. Warden W. W. Mintz. , V Conductor G. M. Altaffer. I. G. W: S. Hewlett. OG. C D. Morrill. Jl S. toU. G.--S. A. Craig. . . I,.S. to N. G. B. F. Penny. R. S. S. J. F. Maunder.. l:;S. S. A; T. Uewlett. -L. V.G. Geo. Bishop. Yesterday's Convention, The Democratic Convention of! the Third Congressional ni3tr ict of North Carolina,- convened at the Court House at Burgaw, Pender" county, at 12.30 p. m., yesterday, and was called to order by Capt. J. B, Smith, of Cumberlaud. Chairrnanj)f the District Executive Commi tee. The Convention organized by making Capt. J. G. Kenan;, of Duplin. Chairman, and Messrs. Cooper, of Sampson, and Evaas, f Cumberland, secretaries. Capt. R. P Paddison, of Pender, put in nomination Col. Wharton J. Green, the present incumbent, as the Democratic candidate for "Representa. live to Congress from the Third l)is trie!.. No other nominations were made and Col. Green wasrnominated by acclamation. CL Green, upon baing notified of his nomination, ap peared upon iho stand and addressed the Convention. His reception was as enthusiastic as his nomination had been unaninjoiH. Gov. Jarvis, who wasprcsint, Maj C W. McClammy and others also addressed the assem blage. . Maj." C. W. McClammy was made Presidential Elector and Messrs. J. A. Bonilz. of the Goldsboro Messcnycr, and E. J. Hale, of the Fayetteville Observer, were elected delegates to the Chicago Convention. Tha following comprise the Disiric1 Executive Cjmmittee: J. B. Smith, of Cumberland ; D. J. Hall, Bladen ; J. G. Kenan, Duplin; B. F. Shaw, Har nett; J. A. Worthy, Moore; S. B. Taylor, Onslow; T. J. Armstrong, Pender; D. B. Nicholson, Sampson; Chas. B. Aycock, Wayne. The Convention adjourned at 3:30 o'clock, having been in ''session just three hours, during! which time it had taansacted all the business which prop erly came before it. ; The meeting was largely attended, the proceedings were harmon.'ous throughout, and tho dele gates were business men who performed the duties entrusted to them with fidel m ity and zeal. Many of the ! delegates from Bladen and Cumberland reached here last night on-the 8:35 train and took -passage for home on the steamer D. Murchison, which had been kept in waiting here for them. A iMeasaut Party. The excursion on tho steamers Pass port and Louise last night to Smithville, and the ball at the pavilion, after reaching there, was one of the most pleasant and agreeable occasions im gmable. There were many who did not dare to' venture the trip oa account of the unfavorable appearance of the weather, yet there was a large party present. The Cornet Concert tJlub furnished, music on the Passport, going down the river, and Keresey's quad rille band supplied the 'music for the dancings The entertainment at the Hotel Brunswick was all that the most lastidious could desire, the dancing was kept up until a late hour, the manage- mtnt spared no pains in achieving a success, and there was neither accident nor disturbance to mar the pleasures of tha time. Union Veterans' JBlaiue and Liogran Clttb. A Republican campaign club, com posed entirely of colored ex-soldiers and ex-sailors, was organized last night at the Grand Army Hall, with the above title and with the following officers : President G. L. Mabson, 1st Vice Priesident James Galley. 2nd Vice President Lewis Nixon. Secretary J. S. Eagle3. - Ass't Secretary Geo. E. Berden. Treasurer James A. Green, i Sergt-at-Arms Reuben Carter. Committee of Management Wm. Taylor, Alfred Hill, lsham Smith. Nel son Davis , J. A Ashe. Needham Arp, and Sandy Stewart. Chairman, Accident at Play. Wo saw a couple of, colored boy3 this afternoon, aged about ten and twelve" years, respectively, engaged in a friend ly tussle near the foot of Princess street in which bo.h displayed remarkable strength and activity, After awhile the younger and smaller of the two gained an advantage and threw the other violently on to tho sidewalk. The lat ter fellUpon the flagging, striking the side of his head and making a gash from which the blood flowed quite fref 2 ly. The little fellow, hen be found what he bad done, was very sorry and did everything in his power to console his injured companion. , We invite the attention of ear citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are b Mug made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, -" if. .- I- ' : Angola Pocosin. Angola'Bay.or Angola Pocosin, is the name under which a l irge tract of wild land in this section has been known for many years. It is located in .Pender county and reaches from the banks of the Cape Fear river, oppsite old South Washington, across, in an easteriy di rection, towards White Oak Swamp, with which it communicates. It is a Wild, uncultivated, unbroken tract of lanJ;aud but very few persons have ever penetrated ils recesses. Wc re mem ber, when a boy. heaiing some strange . stories' relative to an attempt being made once to explore it by a party who" clothed them selves in buckskin garments, and were armed with axes, halebets and guns. This paity, it is said, were gone seven days and then returned by the way they had entered, completely nude, having Lst every particle of the clothing Jhey wore in their encounters with roots and briers and vine?. This wa, per haps, a tradition, but a good many years ago an attempt, which ws suc cessful, was made to pierce this wilder ness. One of the party, who were all young men, was the late far. John D. Love, and from an account written by him at the time, we published some years ago, in the Review., a report of tfie undertaking. We are now told by the 'News and Observer that Dr. Cha?. W. Dabney has been in this swamp, although to how great a distance is not mentioned, and that he brings back most interest ing accounts of its wonders. It is of great extent, there being in it. upoa a rough com putation, 40,000 acres of land. The fertility is inconceivably great. It i3 now beiug drained and divided into sections, each four miles square. It presents such a view to the explorer as does a tropical forest. Indeed it is tropical in many of its characteristics. Enormous vines and creepers wrap the trees, small and large, in their close embrace, and run riot, at the earth's surface and far above. . The most beautiful and fragrant wild flowers are there in luxuriant profusion and infinite variety of color and odor. The blue jessamine is one of the most fragrant of all. The progress of the great canal.' or ditch, through the swamp is satisfactory and it will develop some of the best land to be found anywhere. The "blue jessamine" referred to is probably the flower known to us as the blue bell, a beautiful and fragrant blossom to be found in profusion on the banks of the rice fields near the city, and known to botanist's as -the blue clematis. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tackle can be found at Jacobi's. f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rbport of the Condition QF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, at Wilmington, in the Siateof North Carolina, at the clse of business June 0, ISM: RESOURCES: Loans and discounts.. $4GS,663 93 Overdrafts 6,419 t5 U. S. Bonds t secure circulation... 50,000 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 55,934 98 Due from approved reserve agents . . 25,68 i 05 Due from other National Banks 5,537 31 Due from State Banks and bankers. 5,S3d 20 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. 74,791 19 Current expenses and taxes paid. . . . 8,976 34 Bills of otaer Banks 23.768 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, anu pennies iw Specie. .VT. r. ... . 28,730 00 Iegal tender notes 13,595 ( 0 Redemption fund with u. S. Treas urer, o per cent ox circulation. . . . 2,250 CO Total ..$1,074,924 97 LIABILITIES : Capital stock paid in... ..$250,000 00 Surplus fund. 43.CS9 05 Undivided profits 30,786 67 National Bank notes outstanding. . . . 44,a 00 Dividends unpaid. 2,082 i o Individual deposits subject to check 235,206 SO Demand certiiicates of deposit.... - 285,021 t9 Due to other National Banks 5,121 77 Due to State Banks and bankers. . . . 99 Notes and bills re-discounted 121.445 49 Bills payable , 50.000 00 Total ...$1,074,924 97 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) , Cocxtt ok New Hjlxovek, sa. j I, A. K. WALKER, Cashier, of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge andbelicL A. JC WALKER, Caahlfir. Subscribethand sworn to before me this 2nd day of July, 1S3L A. J. HOWELL, - . Notary Public Correct Attest : : E. E. EUERCSS. i ALFRED MARTIN Directors. D. G. WORTH. iw. 1884 NO. 158 NEW AIVEirriSEMl3NTS First National Bank mington. of Wil- DIVIDEND OF THREE AND A HALF per cent, has bcea dcc'rcd by the Eoard of directors oi iiua isani. payable ontheiotn lost july 3 iin&c Cashier. HDQS3 WIL. LICJUT IN FAST HY, AKMUIiY, July 2d, 1SS4. M emu Em Ain; hereby! notified to meet at the Armorr. VliOMPTLY. at 7..W A. M., July 4th, fo-Hcieitlmat Wrilila vl!l3 Soucd. Traiwpoi tatlon ordered By order of the Captain J NO. J. UEDUICK, Jr , july 3 It ltttcrgcaut The Fourth. rjltlKEE WAGONETTE3 WILL LEAVE F02 VVEIGUISVILLE, on tLc raornlnfc of the Fourth, (t b o'clock. Fare for Coucd JM; fl. T. J. SOUrilEUHND. july i It Timely Notice. JT WOULD BE WELL Fbli EVilUV MAN In Wllrolng'OB, intending to spend the tiloil OU3 Fourth as a Holiday, to drop Into n MundsBros. & DeRossetV Drug Store aad purchase a fewof their Talace Scgars, decidedly Ihe best 70 cents Srgar in the city, or tie Calcutta Uherooti which every body kuowa la worth the 5 cents asked for :t. A word t the wise," etc. July 3 - The Glorious Fourth ! SEASIDE PARK HOTEL Everything Beady ! QOME TO SEE THE EASE BALL Match ! The grand Yacht Race; attend the Concert; Gran 1 BaH In the evening. jan3 1t ! ' SCOVILLE&CO. Notice- A LL-PE8SONS NOT MEMBERS OF THE Carolina Yacht Club, and not irucsts of mom bers, are forbidden to trespass upon the grounds of the Club, or enter the Club House oa the Banks at Wrightsville, unaer penalty. xiio enures excepiei io nsncrmen. F. M. KING. junc2(thtt ; Purser 1 Fourth of July. rjlHERE WILL BE NO EXCURSION ON STMR. PASSPORT. Persons desiring a quiet diy of recreation can be accommodated. Tlie boat vlll make a long run out to sea. junc 30 2t m th J. W. HARPER. It is a Fact That fresh supply every day of Applet, Peach es, l-ears, v noriieucmes, unemes, Toma toes. Watermelons and Cantaloupes; also Chickens and Eggs, c ! Consignments of the almve solicItcl and sat lefactlon guaranteed. Give us a trial Is all wc ass. jno. lis south Front st. july 2 Something New. A FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM PARLOR at the corner of Front and M-ulbcrry streets, where purest Cream in the city can be found. Ladles and gentlemen arc respectfully invited to call. i Orders promptly filled and delivered free of cnarge AIR. & MR?. J. L. FISUEtf, luneuim -Proprietors SELLING OUT. ILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, - . . I 1 NOTIONS. TOYS, SHOW CASES. MIRRORS, HAT RACKS, at costdur'ng the next two weeks. -- '- PartC3 wanting anything in my Hue will . : i . 11 id It advantageous to call and examine early. aicspcctfully,: - ; mr. s. j: baker: June 30 lw . No. 12iMarset fct. The Mayo House, JT FORT FISHER. 13 ONE OF THE most pleasant resorts In the SUtc THE FIN EST BATHING, BQ ATI KG AND. FISHING FACILITIES. Best Llrjuora and Cigars. Fish, Shrimps, Clams and Terrapins scrrcd In every ftyle rr CHARGES VERY MODERATE. Parties going down on Steamer IasTort can tpend about six hours at the Point and retire same day. Those within to go outside to h on Southern Cock will hive o remain over night l an Jeae the city at 4 o'clock;. In the afternoon, on steamer, and return next creniug. Mrs. Mayo will look aLcr the com fort of Ladles. W. K. MAYO. City Drug Store. 210;flIAKKKT STIUSlilV NO CONUNDRUM ABOUT THIS : Soda Yft ter at Si: per glasa Jt eant be good at 2 or 3 cents per, g Lias; (loo much foam and gas). Drugs and Clears In grt s t varkrty. JlfWU Water Is always goot. -It can't te excelled every day. My Cologne la th best to be hid, loo Cr4 am hjla orTkn al y. Call oa 'OLD' JIM CO OLEY, . ja-eS'J " - UiteftT. I PLKAJ5S KOXICS, , ft win be gl&3 to recclra codanalciUoa from oar friends oa any aa4aH ntjacta. paeral interest bet ... - ' , ) ,-5. , , ; Tbe auac cf tto wxltor mt tltrxyi Ia tehej to tho Editor.' ' j JiCoaaaCTtctaon must t wrltUa oa cml one aide of the papct. I . K Peraouaatlct must ba avoided: ; Aad!tl3 especially and rrOcclaly entfer tood that the Editor does not almys wdose, the tiews of correspondenta uxlesa mtt la the editorial colurans. Roofing r and Tin Work, JJY EXFERIENCED WORKillCN. : J Our stock of goodsof tc BEST MATERIAL.' If you want a COOK STOVE call on ' - Polish r. BIAKE OLD nARNKS3 T! AeC 1 rJmk.8 "PJHwl by the only prac tical trunk makcrin tho St3t. - UCIHUHALI. BO WD EN. v. . Aor.n rrortst. . Junes SlBllllVl'llnJt''ir Store Headquarters pOR FISHING TACKLE, AT ; '": - WT. E. MMilNGEU A COM.i J : 13.21 mil ll.rtjmn-.l,! Tbp largest and best aaaortmcst if ver r.n"cmi i In this market. jur.o TO BOOKSELLER AND ST TlONKlt. ' 119 Market St . Wilmington H. JC. " ' school hooks and School feuppllcs. Hlank BoaV s of every description la stock and mailt' to order, when desired. ' : Fancy Goods. Albums, IMcturcs, Frames, Musical Instruments, &c. . 'i "... Bibles. Hvmn Botiks, I'ravcr Books. Son daytcaool Books, A'C- LlthograihInguad Kngraving a specialty. SiKidal ilscouEt to leachera and'mcr chants. Don't fend off for yoar School or Ofllce Sup plies., e can give you bottom prices and save vou freight. i,1.1"? 8tock of Wrapping paper and Paper Bigs always oa hand. j June 30, ' Ice. Ice. Ice. rim AT WILL a lull line t Carriage, Jiuggicj. Fha'tons. Harnew. Sahdlcs. Trunk-. fru.,Vji iu,,f T WOULD RESPECTFUlLY NOTIFY tho JL citizens and tho public generally,-that I t have laid in a full supply of CHOICE ICE. LOW, PRICES, by tho Barrel. Hogshead or Car Load, to all points on the Railroads or uivers, and hope to secure a reasonable eh arc 0 Proprietor of NcwIcoUocso. Send for Prices. j nee 21 1 in WaffoiifittA pOOt WRIGnT3VILLK SOUND, will loive ! boathcrland's Stables DA ILY at G P.M. sharp. : m wi Till in i n i w i i i inn rn yknn at t a mr i . juce23tf ' .t! J. SOUTHERLAND. Hurrah for Our Ticket ! r I il IK OLD NORTH STATE WILL TflK O. , JL K. In November. Wo havo tho strongest Sttto Tfckct we have had since tho war. Every ledy is pleased and ready to go to work. The "Old North Stato Saloon" Is alo O.. and continues to keep the coolest Beer, the cholc'stClgars, and the purest Whiskey to bo found In the elty. Call at No. 6 So. Front st.. and ecc what McUOWA N can do for you. luly 1 ' . - Hase Halls and Hats . QF ALL KINDS. . ' - Hammocks, three kinds, very latest sty leg. Lottos, two sizes. ABC Cards and Blocks, Rubber Balls, all sixes. . . Rltcher Harmonicas, the very bct. Vlolinsi Guitar and Baiyo Strings ii ;- Just rcrclvcd and for sale cheap at" :, ; S...,J HEINSBERGER'S, juJyl Ure Book and Muaic 8tore. Wil. & Wei. R. R. Co., ti; SECRETARY & TREASURER'S OFFICE, - . .WILMINGTON, Nlc.- i JulyUt,lc8L. . ; . A DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT. ON tho Capital Stock of the Wilmington & Wcl- don Railroad Co., will be raid to the Btcck ' holders of record on the Bookjs of the Compa- C ny June3Cth, atthUCffl:e, cm arf after ihc Ulhl-st. J. W. THOMPSON, ' w july 1 3t Sccfy and Treas.. Mcnds Bros. & DeIIosset, 4 Munds Bros. & JDellossct, JVIunds Bros. & DeRosset Manufacture a delicious extract cf Vanilla. Flavor your Ice Cream. Custards and Pastry with it And be made hanuy and eontnfvsr Ihis Extract U oacd in the 4 Ice Cream, which has given I , - . MUNDS BROS. L'KaOSSET'3 lco Cream Soda Water raen t Splendid rcimtatton. s1.. ICE CREAM &ODA every day thU week; Notblcg f the klndciuaU It. . . . jucnaezvoua ror Ladies. Market and Secon. d fy , - - iuae 23 . -Wllaiagton, N. C. Our Dr. N. Robinson, jpROM ELiDN, IIA3 ARRIVED Alo cu jlec t.oods from New York. ' PUIadt ij.Lla. ' , . " ;. . -:-4 .,, : ;. BaIUmor. and icany morg arc expected. .The "CuFCTva's ravorltc Animal Cracktr. hare ixxlr&i and the "O M Folks' em oucac In nn tne more substantial! to the same line. We have a smalt stock ofjehdlce S:, C Meat. S. c, Ferris and I X. U liat3. Mrlp, n. c ouht-' cr, lrtot Beef. Ac. - - - ikotwlthitsnolng tl decline in fusars wo art seiEUig as .tow a tht'y car bo bo'j-;t eltc- AVeiansell tM rtnj b-t YJA nonraf tt 75 per J i! -ntcr rradM H pro; urtS-n.