THIS PAFEB every evening.. Sunday t .vv foy ex JOSHT..TAMK8, gpjTOB AMD FROPMCTOB. DarRlPTIONS rOSTAGE PAID. . 80m w six months. -t2.C2. Three iKHJ one mown, cvuw. B r wi'l Slivered by carriers free tfc ,aI nrt of the city, at the above .v.--numr reinilarrv. w receive r-1.,, l77.v )(ti7v Orgeat ..irruhdion. of any newsixiperj 1.1.1 nut . . i. in the city of Wilmington. Jtt iVKMOCitATlO TICIvKT. i Tuesday, rvov. 4. .gaj,. - . y,,K (,'itVKUxon : AI.FI!i:i) M SCALES, ! ol (JuilforJ. . " I IKI T. liOVKKNOK; ' ( IIAKLKS M. STEDMAN. . 4.f Now Ihui'.vtr. . y,,r -I i UKTAUV OF STATE : WILMAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wakes rK STATE TKEASUKEIS: I)()AL1 U . liAliN,. of Wake. foi: auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, offiates. " mi; attorsky-genekal: TIIKODOUE F. DAVIDSON, of IJuueoaibe; I I I KIXTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION. S. M. FINGER; ' of Cat'twba. an'iaii: .iustice supreme coirt: A. S. MEllltlMOX. ol Wake. tor: ELECTORS-AT LARG E : W. II. KITCHEN, .IOIIN N. STAPLES. Emily Faithful soys .there is no coun try in the world in which husbands are pod, so kind and so affectionate as ip the Dnited Statos. Perhaps Emily would talk diflerently jt she had one of htrown , b.rd Walter 'Campbell, Loine' jouuirer bntlier, who learned stock pimbUng in Wall strest. and who now i ii broker in Lor.don, has been joined in the busuC33 by another sprig of nobil Uy. Chester Moataguo, Lord Mande xWWi brother. A dispatch from Washington to the Boston Advertiser says: ''It is none the Uss the fact that Secretaries Lincoln, Folder, Frelinghuysen and' Judge Ores ,tiaiu have iepiatedly expressed Iheir astonishment and regret at the Jphicago "iiooiination." z , Emparor William A the recipient of J Indian pipe, made ot the so-called sacred sYone.-' from the Historical Society of Missouri, as a present on his recent 67th birthday. Although : it arrived rather late, it has been most cordially accepted. . . A gentleman who was on the inside tho Chicago RepubPcan Convention expresses the con Gdent .opinion that the Arthur campaign from first to last did not cost less than $300,000, and that the cost I of the Blaine campaignras very much greater. At a memorial service in St. Paul'a church, Cincinnati. Bishop Wiley said he had once asked Bishop Simpson about the extraordinary power which attiraes.Jn the clfmax -of a sermon, 'airly magnetized and mastered his hearers. "He told me," said' ; Bishop Wiley, "that he could not explain it; that it wa3 always a surprise to him self." - A Boston paper suggests the follow in5 slate for Blaine for the formation of his cabinet; Hon. P6weli Clayton. .Secretary of State ; Hon. John Roach, Unitary bf the Navy; Hon. FerdU QdWard. Secretary ot the Treas ;Hon. Sitting BifU. Secretary of r; lion. Stephen A. Dorsey, Sccre lary ot the Interior; Hon. Frank Jaies, Postmaster-General. ' T o thousand francs, divided into five Ps. nas been offered by a rich wine rchant of Epernay. France, lor the st Poem on champagne. : Eleven jondred poems were sent in. Clovis "asbes was awarded the first prize of jeen Hundred francs and Gaston Jol Jt. the brilUant versifier of Figaro, ed the second . T wen ty-five others honorably mentioned, anfireceiy- a bket ot wine to ncourago them. wm. G. Cabell. S. Oreson'St.. toonthQ0re-' fW- W s to soffeTed for anS;S.Wllh sere sciatica, and a few Painsri 3 ot st- Jacobs Oil. the great rehever. cured him. dicks i?l?ofnewiy hatched the sphurjustatviflc ' n Thin People. . balth . 1?ealth Renewer" restores eotrnS7l2or, cures DySDepsia; Im- DexnaVDebiUty. .81. cod 1 II Ih VOL. VIII. LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX TO MEW &OYERTISEMEMTS. F C Milleu Conundrum A W KlVEsni.KK Monday ' Heinrbeegeb dJaac Balis a-d Bits C W YATE8 Bookseller and . tV mcr MUKDS Bros. & DeRosset rTimely Notlcs 'V ' : - - Day's length 14 hours aud 29 minutest Gen. II. IV Taylor of this city, is in IUI r)l. ' ' Sunset to-morrow, afternooa at minutes past 7 o'clock 10 Fullest assortment d Fishing Tackle can be found at J a corn's. f There were no interments in Relie vuc Cemetery this week. . . j No mor holidays now until Thanks giving, nearly' live months. There were two interment, in Oakdale Cemttery this week; both adults. There weie thive interments in Pine Forot Cemetery this wee k! a! ren. child- Every Farmer cught to get a "Boy J Cipper Plow." greatest invention ol the age-. jACor.i is the Agent- f German brig Kmiiiu, Voss. cleared lo-dsy for Wolgast. Ger. with 178,924 feet lumber, valued at $3,573. shipped by Air. W., Walter. The Register ot Deeds issued two marriage license- this week, one of which was for a white, and one lor a colored, couple. A liberal use of lemons and lemonade his sort of weather has the best effect upon debilitated people. Equal parts of lemon juice and water, without stf gar, nre the best proportions. City Court. Ella Martin, colored, was brought before the Mayor thia morning charged with being drunk and disorderly yes terday morning." . She admitted the fact, but plead in extenuation that it was the anniversary of her birth day. This was not considered sufficient ex cuse and she was fined $5, in default of which she was sent below for 30 days. Ellen Smith, colored, for disorderly conduct, was-fined 5. in default ol which she also was sent below for 30 days. ' Everybody in want of Paint.-?, White Lead. Glass &c. should go to Ja'COBi's to get bes,t qualities and- lowest prices.f. ' 1 : - yIaliiag:eo fSrops. We are very sorry to hear; as wo do from a note received by us from Sheriff Tay&r, that the recent heavy mins have inflicted very serious damage .on the growing crops in some portions of Brunswick county. Sheriff Taylor live on Town Creek and he writes that the hopes of good crop3 in tha locality have been blasted. It ha3 rained there for eight days corn and cotton have been washed "up and a large portion of the land has been under water f or several days. The cotton crop there will be almost a complete failure. The Sheriff tells us that he has lived on Town Creek ever since 1852 and his never yet een as much water on the earth on the first ot Juiv as tnere is now in his locality. Another large consignment ofSasb, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.f Historic Matter. Wo lind in tho Raleigh Register a series of admirable sketches of each one of the distinguished ecntlenien who appiar on our State ticket and wc have been so much pleased with a perusaljof them that wc wish our readers to share thepleasure, With this end in view we will publish them" all, beginning with that of General Scales, which appears on tho third page of this issue. That ol MaJ, Stedman will, appear on Mon day, Col. Saunders will follow on Tues day and the rest wiil be taken in regu lar order. As tbi3 is all matter of his toric interest and of men who will them selves pass into history, our readers will do well to preserve these issues ot the Review. Phre Cod-Liveu Oil made from selected livers, on the seashore, by Cas- weiju Hazard & Co., New xorK. it is absolutely pure and sweet. Paticnls who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it su perior to any ol tno otner oi;s in marKct. Hands. Face.. Pimples, and rough Skin, cured by using J usi- per Tak Soap, mauo oy uaswell, Hazakd & Co . New York, th 3 w i - m . , . " .... Wo invite the attention of onr citizens to the fact that first quality r shirts are beinsxnade to order at one dollar at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory. i tm M IM WILMINGTON. N. C.. THE FOURTH OF JU1V. Its Pleasures. Incidents ami Acciriiils The Itesratta at the Sound Serenade to Stedman. Base Ball Acci dent to one of the Goldsborol NIne--Kxcurioii on the P;u-h-port r-The Hocks Smith ville during the Iaylisplay "of Bunting Dancing at J the Pavilion, Smi.Hhiiie and ICain The City Ueriopulated. Yesttrday was indeed! a gala day to the people ot Wilmington, although it was enj.jed m the main by tiipo to the Sound, to the Roc,ks and to Smithville. leaving our streets with' the quiet ap pearance of a Sunday morniiiir. For several uijs we might alrnot say wetks the disposition to be Jiiadc t the national holiday has been a subject for c;iivi rsitton. among many of our people ami as the day approached nearer it h is beon a matter of considtr ation winelifof the attractions afforded should be e jycd It was ' apparent that there would be no notable event in the city to ' attract', the attention arid. tins being setttufi, tne queinon arose 'Where shall we go?" At Wrightsville there was t ) be a regatta, a match game of base ball the presence, ot the Cornet Conceit Club and the Wilming ton Light Infantry, besides Jho ball at night, and the oDly drawback to thi. resort was tho expense with some andt he impossibility with others to secure teams with which to go there. There was, however, a large number of our ckizens who visited that popular resort, and it wa3 estimated by competent judges that a thousand Wilmingtonians were at Wrightsville during the day. There were 207 carriages passed the toll gate during the 12 hours ended at 5 o'elock yesterday afternoon, and it is safe to say that they woulcP average tour in each carriage, which, added to the number who journeyed thither on foot and the large number who went down on Thursday night, makes the estimate of a thousand entirely reason able. The day opened beautifully, but in a short time the sun became obscured and about 9 o'clock yesterday morning the rain began to fall, and there were freqpent showers during the day. This natural-drawback did not, however, tn4a,terially iuterlere with the pleasures of the day. The people were bound to have their sport,- and were not, to be' deterred 4y any such trifle as a slight sprinkle of Tain. r THE SEI1ENADE At 10:30 o'clock the Cornet Concert Club proceeded to the residence of Maj." C. M. Stedman and serenaded him in honor of his nomination which is s equivalent to on election as the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina.. After the Club had discoursed some of their best music in superb style, Maj. Sted" man appeared and thanked them for their courtesy in a brief and appropri ate speech, at the conclusion of which he invited them into his house4, where a hasty but bountiful collation had been prepared for them and to which they did ample justice. The Club then re turned to the Seaside Park Hotel. - TIIE BASE BALL GAME. The two base ball nines who were to play a match game of base ballihe Seaside Park, of this city, and the Na tional, ot Goldsboro were formed in line, and, escorted by the Cornet Con cert Club, marched to their respective positions on the Seaside Parklgrounds. The commencement of tho game was somewhat delayed in consequence of the rain and was not called until about noon. During the third inning the catcher of the Nationals got badly hurt by being struck ty a ball in the temple. He continued to play, however , until the fifth inning when the gamo was called with a score of 8 for the - Seaside Park, to 5 for the National. The game, until the accident, was skillfully played and hotly contested on both side?, ' and had it continued to the end the result would have been impossible to prede termine. THE KEG ATT A. At 3 :30, p. m , the yachts started on their first iacothis season in the fol lowing order: Bubble Capt. R. Cameron. Mabel Capt. G. II. Smjth. I Bessie Lee Capt. O; A. Wiggins. ailgc Capt. W. Li Smith. Jr Guk Capt. J. H.Bradley. Besttcss Capt. S. P. Cowan. Bosa Commodore Pembioke Jones. Letlie Capt. G. U. Greene. - Zephyr -CapCH. M.Bawden. . ' MisccUQavU G. D. Parsley -' ; SATURDAY. JULY 5, The Frolic, Capt. C. W. .Worth, was to hare Failwl. but but in coming over parted her stay, in consequence of which she diil not e iter. In round iai buoy No. 2, off the Club House wharf, the yaclus Gli(LUUic, and Ma bel eapsiz-d and were not in at the fin ish. The .yach.s Bubble. Bessie IjCC and Zephyr became disable 1 during the race and were consequently withdrawn'. This left only four boats to finish i he rae wh'ch vas won by the licst'css, the Bosa coming in second; 'followed by th ! MuscoU and Mubc in the order named. Tne distance ea lod was8 miles over the uiual cour.-e. Tiie judgf-s were Messrs. J. L. Dudley, OA-eh Fen n ell." and J. J. Bowden. There wa3 a stiff bretze blowing which at time almost amounte 1 to the magnitude of a gale of wind. Tin prizes, which consisted ot a1 silver, goblet to the wianiug boa , lhi Restless,! a marine glass to the Rosa, and a fine 'picture to the Mudge, which was tle last boat c"mplctiog the course were then awarded by Mr. George W. Kidder, atcompanyiag each award with neat and appropriate lvniarks This closed the sports of the day and we are happy to say without any further damage to any than a thorough d lcking to some of the y achtsmen when their boats capsized. . There was no drurjkenness and consequently no disorder or disturbance to. mar the pleasures of the dny. At night there was a bill at the Seaside Paik Hotel which was' well attmdtd and at which the dancing was kept up until a late hour. DOWN THE KIVEK. At precisely 9 o'clock yesterday morning the steamer Passport, Capt. Harper, left her wharf at the foot of Market street for her trip down the river, bearing one of the largest excursion parties we have ever seen on that de servedly popular boat. There were the old, the middla aged and the young of both sexes, bound for a day of pleasure and recreation. The weather was threatening, the wind blew briskly and there were two or three quite smart showers on the way down the river. but none were seriously incommoded and all were good natured and in the best of spirits. Arriving at the 'Rocks1' about one third of the party landed there to fish and in other ways pass the time until the return of the boat. As soon as these were landed the steamer resumed her coarse and in a sf time was alongside her wharf at Smithville The revenue cntter Colfax, which was 4at-anchor in the stream off the town, was gaify d,ecorated with bunting as wer,Iso one of the pilot boats, some of the vessels in ' the harbor and the signal office on shore.4 Many of the passengers landed here while others went to Fort Caswell to enjoy the breezes of the ocean, and about fi fty ventured to take a trip to sea. It was quite rough outside and the little craft plunged hawse holes under at every heave of the sea, keeping her forward deck deluged with water. It is unnec essary to say that there was sickness among those venturesome passengers. It would be saying too much to state that all were - sick, for they were not; bat a large proportion were miserably sick. AT SMITHVILLE. Those who landed at Smithville soon dispersed themselves about the town, the most of them, however, seeking the pleasant shade, the cool breezes and delightful view afforded by the Hotel Brunswick Pavilion, where some cf them, in a few moments, were gliding over the floor in the mazy dance, their feet im impelled by the merry music of Kcre- sey's Quadrille Band. Others repaired to the Hotel, Brunswick, where mine host,. Mr. Sublett, was in waiting to extend every courtesy and accommoda tion to hi3 guests. At noon the people were startled by the loud report of a cannon on board the Colfax, which was soon followed by another and an other until the national salute was fircdl So much has been said of the Hotel Brunswick, the Pavilion and the nu merons improvements made for -the comfort ancl convenience of guests, in the columns of the Review, that little can be added. It is indeed a delightful place; the entire business is condutced m first class order by accomplished, experienced a-d courteous attendants, and it is worthy ; tho most liberal pat ronage. . - THE UETUKX. .-J At 4 o'clock p. m., the Fassporl, which had returned some time before : from her sea trip, had her passengers all on board, swung away from the" wharf and "scimed op the river on her rctnro. In jast 30 minutes shercschetl tho Rocks, where ' " : 1884. tf6. 159 T she waited an hour to give those who flesired an opportunity to g- 'ashore. Nearly all availed themselves of the pleasure, seme to fish, some to wander along the rocks, some to visit the Itttlc cluster of. houses and a few ladies to the bathing house to ot th? indulge in an invigorating bath.- At the ap pointed time the whistle sounded ant wc were aga;n soou. under way for home, where w all arrived and were safrly landed, in due season. The: o was neither accident nor disorder dur ing the cn'irc day and thcivcrdict of tb.3 passengers, was that It had been a delightful excursiou, and that much credit was due to Capt. Harper jfor his kindness and courtesy "in helping to make the trip pleasant and agreeable. Thus ended the Fourth of July 18S1. ; - ' ! Church Services To-Morrov. St. John's Cbureli, corner Third km! Utd t'rM streets. JJev. James Caruiicbacl. J. D." Kcctor. Fourth umlav after Inn'Jy, July U, J8sT Prjyer and Holy Communion at 1 1 o'ciock. Sunday school at 5 o'clock, v. First Baptist Church, corner of larkcl and. Fifth streets, lie tf.T. 11. Pritctiard, i. I)a-tor. Suuday -scho 1 al 9.10 a. in Services at 11 a. m . an- 8 15 p. m. After toe morn ing services tho Lord's hupi er wilt bo a -inin; isto cd. Kfgular monthly churth meetinjr Monday nlgbt at S o'clock. 'Prayer and 1'ra'fcC meeting Thursday night at at 8 13 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church, -; corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Prayer meet iogtrlla. m Mo services at night. Sabbath school at 4 p.m. ; ,j St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, licv. F. W'.T E. l'es chau, Pastor, fcrghhh bcrviccs at 11 b'cL ;k, a. m. ' No services at night. Sunday School at D.UQ a. ni. W. JI. Strauss, Superintendent. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nuuand Church streets, Kcv. "W. 1. Hull, pjustor. Services at 11 a. m: and S p. m. ; CLibd meet ng at 3 p. m. ;,lrayer meeting Thursday even ng at 7s oclojck. . Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets, liev. On K. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. in., W. M. Parkfr, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. : Christian Association Tuesday evening after lirst and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'dlock. Scats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. Religious services In Tilcston Upper Koom every Sunday at 3 P M. Public cordially in vitcd. Seamen's Bethel, Dock between , Water and Front streets. Capt. W. J. pottery Missiona ry to the Seamen.? Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and 4.30 p. m. Seamen and all othcr3 arc cordially invitert. Seats free. Part of the service will bo in Norwegian, conducted by capt. cnus'iansen St Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 1 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vcaners and Benediction at 5 o'clock p m.' Daily Muss at o:.ju a m. Christ Churcli(Congregatlohalist)Niin street, between Sixth and Seventli. iley. D. D. Dodge, minister, l'reacnuig servicps at ll o clock, a m. and S o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m, Prayer and Praise mcetingJ wcuncsuay, : b o'clock, p. m. Sunday Scikm)!, jo clock, p. ni.. in Memorial llaiL corner 711 and Nun sts. Secoml Baptist Church, on Sixth, 'lfetw ecu Pastor. Services at.ll a. and 8 p. tn. 'Sun lay Scliool at Da. m. Prajjr. meeting ctcry x uesuay nignt. , i - First Baptist) Church, (col.) corner ol rlftli and Campbell streets, A. M. Conw ay pastor. x'rcacnin ai a. m.. 3 p. m.. ana .w p. jjm. S. S. School at I p. m . ' . : - A Fair Offer The Voltaic Belt Co.,of Marshall, Mich.f offer Co send Dr. Dye's Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men,' old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. See advertisement in this. paper. t th s eow&w NEW ADVEUTISEftI ENTS tVIonday A ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL find large consignments of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Chickens, Eggs and all other country produce. These goods must be sold at obac. Call on A. W. KIVKNBARK, The. Live Grocer and Commission Merchant, 114 North Water st jnly 5 , Wilmington, N. C. State of North Carolina, Pender County. E. T. Hancock and WYT. Daggett, parlies in iraae as n an cock a xtsggctt. - vs. W. F. 'Monroe : Before B. N; Blood worth, J P. THIS IS A CIVIL ACTION TO BECOVEE of the defendant. Vf . F. Monroe, anac count for goods, wares and merchandise, sold and delivered, amounting to One Hundred and Six dollars and Eighty five cents. ($1065) with Interest from 18th Angus;, lfeSS, and to enforce a lien for the same on a lot of land at Point Caswell, in Pender County, on the N. E. corner of Simpson and Paddlson Avenues. 120 feet square. The defendant is required to appear ai me omce or u . Bloot worth, J. P., In Burgaw, In paid County of Penler, on the 21st day of August, 1831, and answer or demur to the complaint. i B M. BLOODWOBTir, J. P. DuBrutz Cutlas, PlalnCfTs Att y. June 28 law Qw sat i SELLING OUT. TXTILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF MILL! NEB Y GOOD 3, NOTIONS. TOY, fellOW CASES. MIBROB3, ilAT BACKS, al oat dur az the ux two weeks.' " " .. Part'ci wanting an j thing In my hno will fi ni It advantageous to call and examine early.. ucsr-cetfully, - ! - - MB'. S, J. BAKES, jancaOlw' !0. 12lllarict'&t. yATCUMAKEB A JEWELLEI tnr Chronometer. Fine . Watches .' 1 and Jewelrr repai rt-j and warraate l. Upjio-:j.2-. iiartet, iro'-tst- . PLEAfiS KOXICS. . , w wiin gijm to reoclvs ewasatUcjtBolL - w. uicaci ca any ana an utjict. general Intercsltmt . ,1 , . - ' ' The ume ct the writer must alwara b taahaa, to tn Eoaor. i- . .. j cosimTuaic3iuona mint b writtn ca en) FersonantSeamTiBtbeaTolded.: -And It Is especially and pamcnlarry onfer tood that the Editor does not always endorse tho views of correspondents nnlsdui so stsu. uo emtoruu coiuBans. NKTV ADVERTISEMENTS. First National Bank of Wil , . mington; - A DIVIDEND OF TIinEEl AND .A HALF nitA? l.n l1' by the! Eosr.1 ot uircctors of this Bank payable on tho 10th lDSt A. WALliKK, ; jty 4taac uas&ier. pa It is a Fact That HUMPIIUEV. JENKINS & CO. keep a ficsh fciipply cverv day of Apples, Peach- 8. Pe.., Whprtlcberrti8, Cherries. Torai. tts. atcrtnclon$ and Canta!ouif s: alfio LMckc'lKkAGd Kg8,.tC j X - - CousIgncionU of tho above solicited ad. nat If ac:Iou guaranteed, tilvo s a trUl is all we asW. No. Hi South Front et.- -T Jul . 1 . ; . Something ffew. F-llt-T CLA.S4 ICE ChK AM PAUIJU al iheoorwrof Front nn I M-iillrrr' etnets u uore purest Cream lu tho city can ho fouml. Uidies nd gentlemen arc rexpec fully Invited ur;leraTon ptly filled anl dchvertd froc of chaive MU. Mm. J. U H-Jllic". luac i lin in.4.: Polish THAT WILL MAKfc OLD UAUVK83 1 look new. Pur? Neifa r ant fi l iiu,. v'ii, iiacRiug,-ijj.rnes8 oap,hsmoi .sklw: i -- -t iivin, aruess fcahdles. Trunks, atchcls. Bag. Sacks, &c. i runksf epaircd by the only prac tical trunk maker in the tUte. - tons. , aicIOtlNALl. BOWDEN, H4 North FrorVSt. ' N.ixpto I). . Smith's Furniture torc june3 - - , . , C. W. Yates, BOOKSELLKlt AND STATIONER; K .119 Market St . Wilmington N. CJ. v school lioaks and School uppjlqa, Bor s of ory description in slock and made to order, when desired. : Fancy Goods, 1 lbums, Pictures, : Frames. Musical I U3trnmcnt3, Ac. Bibles. Hymn Books, Prayer Pooks, Sun day School Books, &c. . - . - ' 1 T f ' . Lithographing and Engraving a eiKscialty. S Special 'discount, to teachers and mcr chants. , , Don't fend off for yor School or Oflieo $np piles. We can give you bottom prices and' save You freight. i , -. . Large stock of . Wrapping Paper and Taper Bags always on hand. jane M Car Load, to all ioints on the Railroads or Rivcr.4, ami hoH5 to secure a reasonable thare of patronage. ts. II. .7. AURRNS, ,' . Proprietor of New Ice House Send for Prices. ( ' june 27 lm ' Ilurraii for Our Ticket ! rjUIE OLD NOUTH STATE J. K. In NoVciubcr. Wc hav WILL BE D. i i have tho strongest and continues to keep -the coolest Beer, the choicest Cigars, and the purest Whiskey to bo found in the city. Call at No. 6 So. Front St.. and ecc what McGOWAN can do for you, ; Base JJalls and Bats QF ALL KINDS.- . , . , Hammocks, three kinds, very Litest style?. LcttOS, tWO alzCS. ' ' ' ABC. Cards and Blocks, I Bubber Balls, all sizes. ; Kltchcr Harmonicas, the verytXEL I v Violins, Gruitar and Banjo Strings ' Js- Itallan'yiol i and Violin Bows. J ust received and for salo cheap at . HEINSBERGER!S, jnlyl Live -Book and Mnslo Stores. - Timely Notice. ... v - . 4 ... JT WOULD BE WELL' XOR EVJCBY MAN In Wllmlngtoa, intending to spend tho Gkrl oua Fonrfh is i Tf'nllHiV r ilrk . ' - l .,; . . . " . "t i Munds Bros. & DeRosset's Drug Store and purchase & fcwolticlr PaUce tegars, decidedly lhc best 30 jcents Segarln the city, or the Calcutta Cheroot, which every- body kuox Is worth the 5 cent' ak:d for It, A word t y the wise." etc, ,' ; . The Mayo Housed - AT i OBT FISHES. 13 ONE OF THE most pleasant resorts In the State THE FIN EST BATHING, BOITIKO AND FISHING FACILITIES. Best Liquors and Cfgars. Flh, Shrimps, Clams and Terrapins scrred In every. style MW CHARGES VERY MODERATE. Parties going down on Steamer Ps'ssnort can pend abuat alx hours at th) Point and remm MDie day Those wUIj1d to go out&idc to lUh on boutht-rn t:;k wilt hive to remain over night A an Icare the r!ty at 4 o'clock. In - the) stternooa, on steamer Lmilse, and reurn next evening; Mrs. Mavo will look af cr the rora fort t ladles. . ,Vf. E. J1ATO. City Drug Store-;; 4 !ilO DIAi&IIirf STUE17T. XTtCONUNORUM, AL'OUT tlllisf i , ' l-l Sola-Wi tcr at 5c icr g!as tt tua't hn good at 3i or 3 cents tier gUsi; t3 mt:ch loam and gss). Dru and Cleats la rrrat variety. My tvvia Water L a' 3 r -i. It can't exccliaj errry d."j. : .. t - tht bca. to be fcs L l Lr n r aly. CUoa -OLD" Jl.'i , r-lM C I?;:. . . . -. - Ice. Ice. I - Ice I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY the citizens and the public generally, that I Invc laii in a full supply of CHOICE ICE. LOW PRICES, bv the BarreL Hno-shom.! a ouim, we nave nau since tho war. -Every ledy is pleased and ready to go tlbwork. TooOidNorthStato Saloon" is rt