' - i n - . i i - - . . : 1 I aaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaaMBwMHM ii m i - MISCELLANEOUS. CURETTES ute spciiJly surkd oirDi'nnirPfciriiz$& Club Dinner's, nd occasions wnen ii mi r Temen.wiTn us' dizsir m ous Th. .'tot'DE LA CREpE . (i5aY'We I -1 I I 1 I marts this demand, Each Cigarette is provided with a weet, clean, new mouth piece, which disposes of all nicotine. b4 "for Wk-malc BU Lb jSon (jcnuine wilhouL it. Watch the papers for our, large .advertisement; different portraits of eading men each time. une ret urm 3m IT LEADS ALL. No other blood-purifying medicine is made, or hai ever beet prepared, which so com pletely meets the warns ox physicians ami ' the general public as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ' It leads the list as a truly scientific prepara tion for all blood diseases. If there is a lurk Cnnnnn a ing tint of Scrofula about you, OwKUrULA Avk' Saiwxpabilla will iliilttdgeTt aud expel it from your system. For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, Pirinnti Aykr's Sarsaparilla is the UAIAnnn true remedy. It has cured numberless cases. . It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, aud remore the sicken ing odor of the breath, which are indications ol scrofulous origin. Ulcerous Hutto,Tex., Sept. 28, 1SS2. "At the acre of two years one of Oat)C my children was terribly afflicted WUaLO with ulcerous running sores on its face and neck. At the same time Its eyes were swollen, much inflamed, and rery sore. Qnne CVCO Phrsiciaustoldusthatapow OUtiu ELluw erfulalteratire medicine must be euiplored. They united in recommending Ayku's Sarsaparilla. A few doses pro duced a perceptible improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was contin ued to a complete and permanent cure. J No evidence has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat meat of any disorder was erer attended by more prompt or effectual results. Yours truly, IS. F. JOHSSOX. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all bruggUta; $i. six bottles for S3. aa I ljiotp dJtW A 2 9 PARSLEY & .WIGGINS, SI VS0rACTU4ER3:or S.VSU, BLINDS, DOORS, AN ORNAMENTAL WOOD WRK. - apliJtf V Boxes and Crates, lifcUl rUPKT 'IP VOSTB K3 AND 17 fruits. In aa-mcs or r vly tasae. rB.L.LOVr PINK LUlitSKK. - A tall stock of ftoutjn and Dressed Lumber. La'hs, fr Bolldluf purposes. C3 Orders by tao cargo, Domestic and For Tipl 22 L&Y -. PAS3LKY WIGGINS. WE EL EiE no i- The Daily Review, mi,, . . tteirin ha thj Inrrrexi ona fide circulation, of any newspaper i uMished. in the city of WilmifbgUm. J9 FRIDAY, JULY .11. 1884. LOCAL NEWS. Hound over for a new trial last Sum mer's suit. Sinking is jroing o be fashionable at weddings. It is the base-ball pitcher who dots regular army work. Many men. the moment they g t into trouble rush for a tiht -place the sa il on. The Kiiail boy beii s t swim now, ami the 'big one won't drown if he can help it. i . Of course it takes all kinds of people to make a world, and vet all people are not kind. Never put devil d crabs belorc a hen pecked husband; it. is a sad reminder of his own condition. V. ' The newc-fct lancy in embroidery is called the ' railroad stitch " Ii proba bly hasn't a "brake" in it. It a straw bed is a bed stuffed with straw, why should not a strawberry be a berry stuffed with straw? The most difficult undertaking imag inable is to rouse a man in a railr.jai car who is r.-ccupjing two scats. Nor brig Amykos, Ho'.sta I, cleared i-day tor Riga, ilusia, with 2.104 barrel? rosin, valued at 82 ilf shipped ry Messis. Patu'- n, Downing & Co. The North Carolina '(Jon l'eclir Hte Home .Col. W F. IUasley, rnsident ol the Coiif dTate llurm- Association of North1 Carolina, in aoeotdaiiLC with previous. !,noui c mcnt,,met th.e'L'id'es ol the Menu rial A. ci.-iton, iogith r with otlerladie and "t'tiilcsjien of Wil mintiton. at the n oms I" 1 1 e Wilmint; !oii"L'bray Afsx ia'i-n at 5:30 oYloek yiterday aferi.oon n -d addri ssei ihim ii)'ii the plan-' piopo'd for n ('on led ra c Iline lr N'i 'h ( -a c "lisia IIh I'u ly ami cxhausi iv-lj exjTlaini d to bis hearers the plan which it w:n pii s td to follow in ert at n tl;i Uoiuu. a;nl was listened to with niarki d at, cntion and inleiesl thn tuln i;t.- The method by which the money is to be raise 1 for j the H m.e was cor tained in a circular issued bj Co . Be ish y, which ve pub lished a few w e- k- ago,. and wecon-mler it entjiely le sit le ami not difficult to acc mplish. 1 he sni'-unt to be raised is $100,000, and a very mi; all conti iiiuion by each individunl vhite person in the State -would raise the ei.tire .um. rherearemanj ladies and gtntU:n.e.i in hi Slate who line- abundant mean', md v, ho would tltdly contribute litx r ;'ly io an enifi pi i.-e vvfieh appeals bu iiitctl and ea i tti) 'o their pat i i t- sm in bi h df iA the maime', .iitip!v tl n.d hilplS:S hcr's v lio saei i'iU-id so niich on the abar t North Carolii a' Tlie lemaiks .f Col. liea-hy created nuch enthusiasm a'aiong his he:ners, md wrll i hey might. Although a tiiu speaker, lie attempted no fi ghts i t oi ali iy, ffut coiifiued idms If to a plain. ractical. common sense hlatCm i.t o: tie btims ot our disabled and infirm xe'erans upon the people of North (Jar ihna, and in a purely bush. ess main.ei unfolded his phtes, concluding with an urgent apt ;il to the pa.Ui'tie heat ted people ul Wilmington H) awake to tin m portai c u of i he und riakiiiir and b Uie lull o! t.ver citizen ?o a'd in i:s speedy completion. At the conclusion ot his rcmaiks. a d alter a full and free discussion ol the subjict, in a.l its hearing, in whhieh a numb rot our citizens participated, it was decided tf at the Ladies' Memorial ABs ciaticn ot Wilmington be request" id to undertake to iaite the .um ot $1, SCO, which is the amount apportioned to New Hanover county as its contribu tion lo this most worthy, laudable and noble cause. This task the Ladies' Me morial Association will undertake and will enter at once up n the duty, which o the members will be a labor ol love as well as mercy ; and as the ladies never tail in whatever they un derlake in a g'Kid caue, the complete success of their undertaking becomes a foregone conclusion. We hope that every white man, woman and child in New Hanover couuty'may be appealed to and opportunity gien to alj to con tribute to the object in which all should feel a deep interest. None will refuse but, on the contrary, would consiJer it a blessed priyilcge lo contribute as their means will permit lo such an enterprise. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are oeing made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. ti. A. Carrtf. To all who are suffering loiu the errors and ' indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay loss of man hood. &-3 , I will sund a recipe that wil care you. FREE OF CHARGE. This threat remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in bouth America. Send a sell addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. I nm an. Station 27, Acta York City. eodd&wly. STATE KE78. Durham Sevorier: Mr, Alex Dixon, an old and highly respected citizen of O ranee, died at bts home last JUonuay, aecd 77 veare. lie. has been lor a num ber of years a consistent member tf the Pf esbytertian Church, and has lived a most exemplary life. Charlotte IIome Democrat: II is ca- t:uiated tjiat the increase in the valua tion of real estate in Charlotte Town ship, since the valuations of 1883, by reason of improvements, will be about $60,000. And in Deweese Township about $27,000. The same proportion ale increase in other townships ol this comity may be calcu'a'ed. This section of the State is processing in every line of imj rovement. Shelby Aurora: The Tin Mine at King's Mountain has iwtbeen worked recently. A party of capitalists with lr Hidden, the discoverer of hiddenite, visited the mine anl a contract was nearly consummated and lhev were t- pay 5.000 cash tor privilege of develop ing the mine. If the mine proved valuable alter prospecting lor three months, the captalwts were tfay a huge sum, about $100,000 for the tin minp. Some difliculties arose in con summating the contract and t he nego tiations tailed. Chatham Iicmrd: On last Thmsday there was the heaviest fa'.i of rain in the wealtrn'' part l this county that his almost ever before been known. Not only weie all the streams tJonce swol len out ot 'their banks, but all the flat and level places became ponds of water. Several washouts occurred in the road bed ot the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad be tween Siler and Egypt, but they were soon repaired. Many farmers loft a good deal of their wheat and oaU which had been shocked in the fields-anil were washed away by the rushing waters. Greenville ll-jleclor: A very bad accideut occurred n a r the wharf Hst Friday morning. A party f colored men had the cannon out and i ete firing saiutes to thts excursion its ; fr.iru Washington. The gun had been fired several nines and while :i lo'.d ws being rammed in it fired off ficcTdentally anil seveVely wonded George Dudley nnd William Hsnrahan and slishtly in jured one or I vro others. ILmiahan was ih. own nb"iit ie:i te t ti';u the gun aud was t- rrihly burmd ab'm tho hi ni", face and b.-dy Dudley's severest injury was about the lace and it is thought his eyesight is totally destroyed P.i Idsboro Alcsscnyer : . Cfip. Swift (rnl oway aUended the Chicnjfo ; -veutiop, jusi to get a . peep at the in -pos'liiTjeei e, conifMised oi the natiotiV repnsentative'', an I a i lera i trom Mrj HtuitK informs us that the Cp ain has been elected one if the 1 reading clerks. Capt. I'.-uhbsni. n s;dent tit the Sfa e Fruit -Fair, spent I'm sday in thi.s ci-3r, with the l.eal bard directors, who are bestirring them selves in every department , .with 'such energy as Capt. Rid' ison snsjhe has never before witne.-s d in the history of he Fair. He sas he teels satisfied that the coming r r in this cuy will ar eclipse any former exhibition of the association. Clinioa Caucasian: There is a large ong leaf pine near the Faison arid Giddensvdle roal , in Piney Grove township, which ennoht onhre the 1 1th ol April and hps burned ever since, ith the appearance of having lire jeuough. from the smoke Irom two holes; twenty eetlrom the ground to run any orJi- naiy cook stove. : 1 he rains last week destroyed thousands of bushel ol corn on the water courses in Sampson, and dil great damage, to cot tori f Still. wit h favorable felons Irom ijow out. uplands will do thvir best ami i.i ji neaure compensate the 1 ss Uj"r he whole the outlook lor crops is hip -"ul. much moie so thnnat thistime hvsr year. Asheville Citizen: Mr. Wi:lnn.s ta- kindly called tou ur nt?entioti tieii- erai Older No. li)(. issued tluni g the wr by Gentrai Lee in tte ful!ii-s the tender regard he aiway ili-nl'iv i! or "he hiii.th ahd cointrt ot li s intn. In view ol I he prevalaiv e of the c m i l iin.s ineidei.t to the Summer, the rder suggetttd the wearing of a tlsn el band aiourd the abdomen, saitl hard beinir wider in lro"t. the exLrem- e t bn adth of w hit h nfd in t exceed tourinchis. It woubd be especially UM'ful t children, all of whom U'c ii-i- j'e to attack ' of Summer c imi'aiuts. 1'he philosophy . ol t lits "pplica i r. si cms to be the control of the mo' ion ot the jovc!s in daily exercise Th s is th seuMMi whi n a trial of a very simple uweinive can be readily tested,' News und Observer; Mr Duke was ic:e yi sti;rdHV and was interviewed by a reporter: He said he thought t is let rer puMiiihed some week' ag , iu which he declined the nomination as State treasurer, was ofliciar1 enough. But ho ascertained that it was not thought to be niflicimtly so and hence came here to see the committee in per son, aud f say to them that he could ot be acandidate. He said this wahis unalterable de'ermiuation. lie said further that he did not know whether or not the committee would fill the vacancy. Some persons had said the acaney wt uhl not be filled. He w-a in clined io the belief that it would he soon It seems t be understood that i this Le done, it will b3, at the next meetmg of he reorganized c mraittee. A leading member ot the ReDub- lican State executive committee said that the campaign made by his party io this State will be a particularly aggres sive one. The tactics emnloved in 1880 will again be used. He said it would be a "campaign to the very throat latch." He would not say whether he had any great hope of the success of his party, but said he would fcut it this way if the Republicans conld not and did not carry North Carolina,-he did not care a ior tneir success in the National campaign. Charlotte Obtervcr: At Monroe yes terday about noon a heavv fire broke out. resulting in the totallestruction of the planing mills of Mr. J. T Hart. together with a large quantity of lum ber that was piled in and around the mills. The fire broke out while the hands were at dinner and gained rapid headway. There was no insurance on the property, and the loss, we arc told, will amount to $2,000, or probably more. -The train fr m Snelbv ar rived yesterday morning; crowded wiih' passengers, and as they got cut at tie depct thev appeared to be discussing some exciting question. As they talked a reporter caught such ex- . . 1 a 15 came through the glass." "didn t stop the train,'1 like'n to hit me," tc. and JU was evident Irom this that their train had been fired into. Such proved to be the c ss. and Irom tte reports, given by the passengers, it was one of the boldest outrages on record; The. train was nearing Caar lotte; and was entering the .precincts of- Biddlesviile, when the report of a pistol was - heard, followel by the sound crashing of eI&s, and a bulUt ltdged in the canrasJ covering ot the interior ot the car. Capt. J. L. Maf fitt. ot Wilmington, who wa on the train, saw the man standing in the cut beside th track deliberately draw a pistol, and taking quick aim, lire into the passenger : coach. - - Several other passengers also saw the inan draw Ms pi3tol and fire the shot. It was some moments before they could rcc-ver from their astonishment and notify Capt. Harry Johnston, the conduct o-, who was busy at work on his papers in the baggage car. and by that time the, train had lett the scene ol the shooting j a mile behind. It was deemed useless to stop then, as the rascal was undoub- j edly beyond reach. The passengers gave jrTull description of the man, who j was they think, a tramp. Every ef fort is being made to capture him, and it is to be hoped that he will jet feci fT.e. halter draw. THEMA1LS. The malls close nd arrive at the CUy -Ph. office as follows : CLOSE. . " Northern through mails, fast ..7.3'j;P. M. Northern through and wi. inalla....S 0i A. M. Raleigh, i .6.45 V. M. ami S.O A. M. Mails tor the N. C. liailroad anl routes supplied theretrom lnclud- 'n A. C. liallrcwi at 7.3'J 1 il. and c".0o A. M Southern Mulls for all points South, dally. S.C0 P. M Western mail3 (C. C. Iiailway) dally, (except Sunday) 6.4 P. &l. All points letween Hamlet and Ral eigh , 6.4 P. M. Mall for Chcraw and Darlinston Kail road --- s-00 p- M- Mails for polntbetween Florence and Cliarieston: Sa0 P. it ITavettevllle ajdoulce& on Cape Fear Iilver, Tuesdays and Fridays .I.iH) P. M. Fayette vllle, via C U Ual'road, dally, except Sunday. ...... i 64 P. M Onslow C H. and Intermediate otli ccs, Tuesdays and Fridays ......K) A. M. Smlthville malls, by Bteamiioat, daliy (except Sundays) 2.30 P. M Mails for Easy Ilill, Town Creek, jsnaiioite ana little uivpr, tavs ami Friday Wrights vllle, dally ...6.X) A. M. ..8.30 A. M. ; OPEN FOR 1M BJVKUY. Northern: through and way mails ..7.30' A. M ..7.S0 A. M "MHitnern Alans.. Carolina Central Railroad.... A. M. tails collected from street boxes 0uelnes portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5 :Q t' M. aud from other points of tho city at 5 P. SI. -tamj OlILce open from 7 A. xM. to 6 P. M., Moue.y order and lieglatr Department opcr. trom S A. M. to 5.30 P. M. general delivery open from 7A.M to 6 P.M. i-id rt Simdn vs from 8.30 to .30 A. M. Carriers' delivery oion on Sunday from H. W l.iS.i.jM. Quarterly ilcf tinj?. Third Hound for '.he Wihnin'o i Dis tficf of the Method st E. CIuireh,SontM : Wilmington, at Filth Sirocf, July 12 and 13. leaden Circuit, a. M.-X t' tV, July 19 and 20 Clinton Circuif, at G slien, Ju'y 2fi and 27. "AViliuington, a Front .Street, August 2 a- (13. Smiihvillc, Angus' 9 ar d 10. Brunswick Circuit, a" Mt. Zion, Au gust 12 and 13. AVhitevillo Circuit, :t Peacock's Au gust IH and 17. Fle;ninrt n Circui , at Carver's Creek, August 23 and Eliza; et.M C rcu t, at Purdie's, Au gust 3') :.nd 31 No -von Grve Mis-i n, at Newton (Jrove, 'Aim ust 30 ai.d 31. Cokes bury Circuit, at Bethel. Sep-tcnib- r (5 i.nd 7. m Th. Di.-trict Confcr.-iire wi'l be Juki at Gosl-cn, on the Cii' ton C rcuif-, com mniciuij Wednesday morning, July 23d iv 10 o'clock. F i 'av on ruing, organization of Sunday Sch ol Cont'ercnc-' a -id Sunday Sch- ol addri ss. Centenary si t vices Saturday ni'.rn-J mg several short addresses and centenary- sermon - W. II Robuitt. P E Removal. QN AND AFTEU rill DAY, JULY Hlh, uiy friends will Had me at No JS N. FRONT ST. Store now on iu led by 'Air. w: T. John son. Couie and bec me. C. M. IlAllliis, july 1 lwk Ncivj ie-Jcr. Headquarters FISHING TACKLE, AT W. E. SPUJVGKU CO'S., 19. 21 and 23 Market tftei The largest acd t;est assortmeiit ever'ofle'-ed In this market. iulv 7 Wew Goods ND LOW PKICES AT GIIJCS tb MUKCIIIS N'6, 3S and 40 Murr.hf.--on Rlork. july. 7 J. L. WINNER, AlfAiCIJMAKEU & JEWELLER, Chronometers. Frr.e Witcl.R g?xA and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Eai i . T n . . uiipusuB ew ULUtrKet, s roni st Harper's Young Peopie AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Paih SUITBD'TO BUYP ASD GIKUJ OF FSull filJ TO SIXTEEN TKAK8 OF AGE. VoL V. commences November 6, 1883. U AKPEK'8 Youno People U the best week ly f or children La America Southwestern Christian Advocate. ' All that the artists skill can accomplish in the way of illustration has been done, and the best talent of the country has contributed to Us text New JSngUnd Journal of Education. Boston.; In Us special field there is nothini? that can be compared with it Hartford Evening Pott. TERMS: HARPEH'S TOUNG PEOPLE, i Per Year. Postage Prepaid, ) 91 5P Ncmbkks, Four Cents each. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three C:s. The V Glumes of Ilarpcr's Young People f or SI 82 and 1SS-J, handsomely bound In Illumina ted Cloth, will be sent by mall, postage pre paid, on receipt -of 3 ooeach. Cloth Cswi for each volume, suitable lor binding will le sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of "iO cents etch. ttemlttances should be made by Poet OC c Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of h i - fwspapcrs are not to copy this advertise ment without the express oruer of IIakfvr SxoTHXU. Address . - IIAKPKj; A BROTHERS ! nressions a?, "villain "Disui suol. AVER'S Otire ! contains aai antidote for all malarial lis- orders winch, so far -as known, other remetly. jit contains no i3 used iu no Quiuine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what evor, and consequently produces no injuriousCS effect npoii tle constitution, bnt: leaves tho 5 stein a3 healthy as it was before the attack. 7E WAEEANT AYES'S AQUE CUBE to cure CTcry caseof Fever 'andj Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Eenitent Fever, I.'unib Ague, Bilious Fever, and liver Com n'aiiit caused by malaria. Ih cage of failure, filter due trial, dealere are authprizett, by our cisx'ular dated July 1st, 182, to ;rcfu nil tho money. " Dr. J.C.Ayerc Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. . iu:iy id A v U M Jl K ICC i A I, n t: w . W f?-M f N iTC N M A IK KT ' July 1 1-4 1. M . SPI1UTS TURPENTINE-Quoted sseadv at 2S cents per cal loft . Sales" of 3o0 eaks at these iijrure. I UOSIX Quoted linn at t)7i cents for Strained and $l.02 fur 'Good Strained TAU Quoted Grin at $1.30 per bbl d 2H lbs CRUDE TURPEN TIN Quoted steady at 1.85 for Virgin., dnd Yellow Dip and l for Hard" CO FTON Quoted dull and nominal. Small sales on a basis of ljj cents per pound f r Middling. The iollowingare the oilicial quotations Ordinary L r d Ordinary : .. . . I) Middling. ....... - Middling - ivl iiidlin. . . . 1- cehts ti it If DAILY KEGKlfTS-f Spirits Turpentine i 513 .-asks Rosin. ; 1073 bbls Tar ...... i .127 bbls Crude Turrxttitine. - -. 218 Mls MA It IN 13 N !: WK tr ARiUVEl). I , Steamer Passport, Harior. Smith ville. Master. ' " Steam yacht Louise, -W?k didc Sniiihville. Master . Steamer Bladen, Oreerj, Fayette ville. C S Love & Co. ? Steamer A V Hurt, AVorth, Fayette Worth & Worth ! CLEARED j; Steamer Vassoort, Ilarher. Smith ville. Master ! Steam yacht Ijouise, I Wo tld.do. Smith ville, -Master Steamer Bladen, Green, Fayette ville. C S Ijyve & Co. Steamer A P Hurt, Worh, Fayette . viilu, Worth & AVorth. Steamer John Dawson, Black, Point Caswell U PiPaddison. ; Nor brig Auiko, ; lIolt.nd. Riga, Russia, Pate.rson, Dowr.ing'l& Co Export, j KOKKION. j Rii?3, Russia Nor L;rig AJmykos 2,- 104 bbls rosili MONTHLY STATllKN I STOCKS ON HAND JL"Ly1. Ib4 Cotton ashore, 83-i; afloat, 40" total, 82. . j Spirits ashore. 1.510; afloat, 2,254; to tbi. 3794. i Rosin ashore, 68,371 ; afloat, 9,495; to tal. 77.8oT. Tar ashore, 1,G12; afloat; 110; total, I 752. Crudt ashore, 1,67. KECEIPTS FISOM JUNE 1 TO JULY 1. Cotton, 56; spirits, 8.793; rdsin. 23.79; tar, 1.720; crude, 4.43 L . j EXrOUTSFKOM JUNE 1 TO JULY 1. i DOMESTIC- f Cotton, 335; spirits, 1.031, ijosin, 5,601; tar, 1.957; crude, 4.767. t FOREIGN. ' i Spirits, 5 074; rosin. 24,328;; crude, 150. LIST OF VESSELS CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Nor 4 gdcr. 455 tons, FlagstadC, from Hull, May 17. j Nor I'fodata, S7i tons, Atdcrccii, silled from llaraburjr, June 1. i Ui r itmihe, ll'J tons, Sliultz, jfrom SwIdc niuude, May 6 j Nor Frey, 81 tons, Ilalvcrsen.iat Liverpool. May 2t j . Nor oibraltur, I'M ton3, rriceden, called from ltoitcrdam, June 4 I . Jlr. atili II., I 3 tons, Cochran, Balled from Hull, Jrne 23 1 G r i ucy t Paid, 328 tons, Aa re, sailed from biui in, 1uue25. Nor uj-Ln, 32 tons, Clausen, Ifrom StctJn, Kay 12 ; Ger Tex.s, 591 tons. T oof, at Ilamburg, May 13. . j . - Ger Verein, 4;3 tons, JahncVei sailed from Ilauiburg, Jnne M ' 5 UraiHl Excursion.! : f ' ' ' V V1LMINGTCN TO WASHINGTON CITY AND RETURN. j yiLL LEAVtf. ON MUSDAy , JULY H ONLY $7. Ladles atd Gtnt'enjen need not hesltiteln regard to going, a the undersigned will take charge of the three carl set aside for white persons. Tickets now oY gae. For.partlculara anl circulars, Mi ply to u,y 8 " P. UEISSDEBGER. Change of Schedule. o SmltK.IM.. - v.ivuu,0 . jnly 7 lw 4i.W. HARP3&B. Eooflng and Tin Work, uur etock of goods o f the D EiT MATKBIAL. It i ou want a COt K hTO VE call a t I Leave Uianingtun Monday, Tixesday. Wed THE PUBLic- Hatb uwonm Ta a,ett.f rectal iK Buc ( "V to be offered. Thai Kt,.- re aow enumcrato nr GEXKbAl hill conllnne dnr!nr i tt . . and See. na notlco Kh yu tinMVC x,,, ) ; o cents. iUixlTV 6C nr.i.J . 65 Cents. Cents. f-cvp.nty-Fi' ljnt for mi ,i I Corsvt lo V Kxtensu"; H i u.-t, for ne VolUr and a On' v-tlue ne Doll ir an.) a ji.w ''QL cfj Core et. Imt oneu : A ii i i i.1.? A it i vuute-lliin.il. . I I ldUlreu's CorsciS-whh J?1' e have a TAYLOR'S BAZAAR 1 18 3Iarkct St., july 9 WILM1NGT0X. S. c Good pe t C. . to anv iM'rtf ... I For the Campaign, 1HK - POl ITICAL C A Hl'AIGN Cft, . which the ptonle . of Sonh ust prcpailnjr to enter will, beyond an ion, oe one or irreat t xMtfmnnt n. . au tn a id i.eedad to inhurfi n. eos a?.d contloned nroBOPrttv tn ti, J!:.. Hi a pUln, luthful statement of whu ml tne racts of tilstory. or are d iii 1 he reasons ior Democratic vlct..rv. . J,l even stronger re -ona for Kepu .Hc'an Ueftil ec vin uvwuw, auu it 13 me purpose of THE REGISTER t do Ks fu'l part In lajhu thombefortd At) il)C t.Cot means In it nnwr n Ihl. u .n answer o i,ip ain, w l EGISTBU i I - v iuw m the reach ol very one tin n.irtiio ,.i.ntt. u,iiu i r BicicMiai 'urapdvns. v bo v it;i us; br.t that tlutv will uav n J mi. nu.nuu uuri inn. v.iL4rv -imiiih r n n.uifji.v.... . r..u . ... .iiu lin e mere must he wtiv work, hi I . . t M. l ' . " - 1 o k, work all ihe ti ne. It iroiwt voverJ nu-nt nd-a peop e'u )roejeiity n vnt working lor, let im all g.i to work, andatoJ CAfllPAIGN RATES. 1 he lU oiSTKitwIll he fu.nishcd to L until November 1 , at lite to.llnjr rte: u r copy, sc.; live -oi:fS. ft, e. copH 75; twenty rot.l. 1 lify ppie, $l3;o iiun -in u coj-icB, $ s ' la every cjcC tue paper ulll be 6entonm tbe returns of the tlceti'm th.tll.be reretTM atd piibllsntd. arui we lnvl'e the aitnlloiof hxei uthc Lou.ralt'icj of Oouiit)cDdToirt bhlpi?, v Ji'i of all oihcr ln.er. tted. to Ihe Un Vgn hEolSTEU as a sure and cheap nieinuf luriabning lniormation 10 tne peop e. . Address Haleigh kzgistek, Kateili, S.C. DOCUMENT NO l-im. 'DEMOCRACY Va. kEPUBUCASlSIL HANDBOOK VV NOKTU CAB0LIX1 POLITICl FOR 1SS4 The Platforms, The Parties, and Tte Iuoei Tb-ronghiy iiscubN!. Tub Inrtinrn of i'ocumtnt No. 1." ''M by tbe Democratic State Executive Coramiuw n nsat was generally reugucu vs- A elnilir Uandb k Irs leei preprtf.w!l tula year's ue, and will be issued lone ly; after the session ot the Cuieago Dcoiocw lc Convention; , , .,, phlet of about 150 pages, Svo , nd w llcw- tain tuc luiicst inrormaiion un uin Document No 1, lor 18S4, will bo supplied 1. TES DOLLAK3 PEIi IIVKVUID. the actual cash ost of ivpc-Bcttlog, pair & press work. -..) In order that the size of the cdluo wjw determined, prompt orders are A,l.ia CALKJGII KF.OlSTKaV Address. iuly Ij mi Notice. SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL rrillK UNDEIWIGNBDHAVBSUcCIgj; 1 in enr-gln the 'rvlcev ot h "J, Caterer, MilAKK WBBIl la jl lull control 01 oun cuc" uoi r ecte l with the Culinary Ucpr Sf 0,.nv atlft'clion to oie ana v the t-JCL-SIDfc j AUK Btn-VT resort -,' t t: ,,nc "FanJ O IUIflSUtDl UJ - carry our guests to t e JnE'-,.. Llrect Teiepbone eQmmjgg 4 July 10 tf V At rpnlS WILMISGTOS SJJV 1 No. 27. Market at. Vjjgr Jsd 7. e. Congress. tM niost KaS 25c and qpwarda. Seaside S JW Boy's yachting H ?'vaSu i f rs 2 and upwards ml'ti ers, reinforcI. equal to lincnBome 75c- Drawers made to or er f hlrts with 2IC0 linen bosom niade'" $1. Orders from ibe nnt2.,4j. prompUy attended to. jZlJf iun9 i Shmhmfr NeW. hi ihe comer of Front and gx tJ wnere purest viuiu w '-allf Ladles, and gentlemen aw respec Order promptly filled 'f WTjilP1. charge Mtt. & blil-i. J. L. "3pl one 17 1m ' - "Dyed if -J, avis " 1 f tween Uart-cttad Princess. J I tlemen's g.xbi of every ! Also, cleAiunr, scourlur ana we- i me a pair of tout old Kid f noTJfrtf e nave aw von sile Orsct Ca, ndec. Underwear, Mtlru. Mela Jk ParasoK-Iland C tcht i s 8Un8,,ad Feathers. Mate, Ij e uloveJJiJ Milt io;or, style. or tixc, it uuls,

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