I THISPArKB every evening. Sunday II cepted by jOSU T.JAMES, .UITOB AKD PBOPZKTOB. rrlFTlOSS POSTAL 3UI55C Six months. $2 PAID: ' C3. Three w i 00 one monni,' gjo Jm delivered by carriers free T-P3T 11. ..nnts TW V i nv part of the city, at the above -'fiow ta per week. rlK!' tMn- rates low and liberal. A'TC:rirTbc win rciort aD7 an,J aU fa" ,r54lvc their paper regularly. "Zr V faily Ilcview has the largest J cirrdnlion, of any newspaper x '". . tif ri.u of Wibninalon. -pBMVjCKATIC TICKET; T KIa-;i-vn Tuesday, Nov. 4. ok president: (iliOVEIL CLEVELAND, of New York. vice president: THOMAS A. IIEXIHilCKS. of Indiana. van governor : ALFRED M SCALES, of Guilford. - l ti: LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CIIAULES M. STEDMAN. ot' New Hanover. Hi: SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wako. H R STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. RAIN, of Wake. rou auditor : W. 1. ROBERTS, of (Jates. .,. i ou attorney-general: TUKODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. ekintendent of public ix stuuctionT S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. A:m.(IVIE JUSTICE SUPREME COUKT: A. S. MERRIMON, ot Wake. toil ELECTORS-AT-LARGE: W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES Mr. O'Connor, a Nationalist, the feeder of a public house, has been elected. Lord Mayor of Dublin. The Tresidio County 'ews, of Texa?, tailiid to receive its white paper a few dvsagoui time, and was obliged to print Us edition on ordinary yellowish" brown wrapping paper. . - Boston has a fond mother who. seeing her boy astride the rampant wooden lion of a merry-go-round, made hi in stantly dismount; but she let him con tinue his ride on the back of a camel. . During a week in June last there were in Paris 387 marriages and 1.153 births. 2Jl of the births being illegiti mate, though of the 291 were imme diately recognized in the legal manner. ,- : Notwithslandiiiff many reports to the contrary, the cholera seems to have taken firm hold atToulon. The number Pt deaths per diem increases, and the oxsgea cure which it was said they had discovered proves of little or Ho value. "No scholar in this country." says the Boston Transcript, "is gifted with such special erudition as to have been able to produce the oration delivered .before the Phi Beta Kappa by Professor Jebb and no one of our public speakers would have delivered it so poorly." Ex-Senator James R. Doolittle, of W iseonsio, after a loDg retirement to Private life reappeared in public at' the Chicago Convention. He "was in the Greeley Convention in Baltimore. The N'evv York Times revives a damaging scandal agaiDst him. u is asserted on eminent engineering authority that the best wood vet discov ered, for railway sleepers iszapote. used JfUhis purpose in Mexico. It is essen lyatropicaltimber, and is exceed lnSty durable for outdoor or indoor orK above or below ground, Keifer has repented of his intention to rehre to private life. He now declares at he will not retire unless compelled 0 He has entered the contest for a niination. and proposes to go back to "gressor know the ieason why. Un- T 1CSS an signs (ail, ho w'-U find out reasoQ in a plentiful lack of votes the A Maine man is making a fortune mQnfacturing white plumes ot his a invention out of the wood shav- 2s- He says he can supply the Blaine Qbs with a good imitation of a $5 os ir'ch feather for filtv oonts Tho Sav. aiwVews says: What the BlainC jen most need now is a few hundred -uuq wooden voters that can be med o2 as genuine. TT . " : ' e invito tl,n r . aiicuilUU Ol ClurUll.lx.CU9 ttefactthat first quality shirts are e ing made to order at one dollar at the wuxaintton Shirt Factory. U. VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY, JULY 12, LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO KEW AnvFBTlSEMEilTS. F C Miller Conundrum Cleveland and Ilendrlckb IIeinsberoer Base RUlsad Rata P Hkinsijekger Grand Excursion .To Subscribers Telephone Exchange Good Temi-lars Family Excursion C W Yates Bool: seller and Stationer SIunds Bros. & DeRosset Yachtmcn Day's length 14 hour3and 22 minutes. There was one bale ol cotton received at this port to-day. There were no interments in liellevuc Cemetery this week. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 1G minutes past 7 o'clock. There was one interment an adult in Oakdale Cemetery this weik. The ! Register of Deeds issued two marriage licences Lbis week, both for colored couples. There were seven interments in Piue Forest Cemetery this week, three of which were adulU and four were children. In the First Haptist ChunJ to-mor row morning Dr. Fritchard's sermon will be especially addressed totheyoung people. There wi'l be services at the Second Presbyterian church to-morrow at 11 a. ni. and 8 p. m., conducted by the Rev. R. C. Reed, of Virginia. We learn that M. W. II. Branch, col Lored, will take the stump for Mr. Elijah Hewlett or Sheriff, in oDposition to the present incumbent. Branch r3 also a caudidate for the legislature. This has been, most emplwlicaly, a hot day. There has been some breeze stiring in exposed situations, where the sun has had a chance the wind none the heat was great. but and Mr: II. G. Smailboncs, whi c c idl ing up from Greenville Sonnd this morning, shot near the Sound a bird which is a peculiar one here. It is lit e a stork and like a pelican but it is r ot either. It measured six feet from tip to tip of the wings. We are glad to learn that the condi tion, this morning, ot Mr J. B. Mun son was much more favorable than it has been tor the past few days. The fever had mitigated considerably and all the symptoms were decidedly for the better. Bteamboatmen report that the Cape Fear is so low that navigation has be come troublesome The recent rains along the course of the river seem to have been drank up by the thirsty earth, and none of the streams tribu tary to ttc Cape Fear have been swol len to any no.iceable amount. . As will be seen by an advertisement elsewhere in this issue Harmony Tent No. 19, I. O. of G. T., will give an ex cursion to Smithville and the Forts on the 17th inst. , on the Passport. The committee of arrangements will spare no pains to make the trip pleasant and agreeable to all who may wish to en joy a day on the river and at the sea side. " T There is a rumor, which comes to our ears on tno 'oreezes mat geniiy blow," that the young men of Seaside Park and others living in that vicinity. on the Sound, in connection with gen tlemen from this city, will give Mr D. II Scoville, of the Seaside Park Hotel, a party and "hop" on Monday night next in honor ot his birthday The nominations have been the subject of much comment to-day among all classes of our citizens, and in nine cases out of ten the people are highly pleased at the result of the Con vention's work. Numbers have said during the day that they proposed to vote for the jext President. They had voted for candidates heretofore, but this lime they would vote for the Presi dent. City Court. J. II. Moore, colored, was brought belore the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct. According to his own statement, a party of colored boys, of which he was one, found a col ored man asleep, and in a freak ot sport they thought to set him on Ore would be a nice way lo awake him. Accord, ihgly one of the boys got some shavings and placed them around the teet of the sleeper, while another ot the number set them on fire, Moore being merely a spectator. He was sent below for 10 days and warrants were issued for the arrest oi the others. E. Pearce, colored, disorderly con duct, was discharged.. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. roo Young to Die. We are pained to learn of the death, in this city, last evening, of Roger, eld est son of our our esteemed fr.end, Col. Roger More, of this city. He was a bright, promising lad, a great favorite with all who knew bim, and gave much piomise of a future of usefulness and honor. He was but Utile more than 16 years ot age. Verily, whom the gods love die young." - Won the Pi ze. j Mr J. E. Shepherd, whose father re sides in'this city and does business on the S. E. ca rper of Chestnut nd North Water Street, a student at Louisville, Ky., Medical College, won j the gold medal offered by Prof Qopmes. of that jnstituiion, lor the best notes on his '' Clinical Lectures." Thus it is that infa quiet and unobtrusive way the sons of the Old North State are mak ing a shining mark in the world. For the Lake, i Agiand family excursion to Lake Waceamaw will be given on Wednes day next under the auspices of St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Sunday School. The Committee, ot which Mr. W. H Strauss is the Chairman, will spare no pains to make the occasion a pleasant and agreeable one to all. Espercial pains will be taken to see that there is ample seating room for all and refreshments will be served on board the train. For Washington City. The special train which is to carry the excursionists to Washington city will leave Front Street depot on next Monday altcrnoon and all who would propose taking advantage of the oppor tunity, and who have not yet supplied thetnselvc3 with tickets, should see to it at once. The fare tor the round trip is only $7 and such another excellent opportunity to yisit the Capital will not, in all probabity, present itselt lor a twelve months to come. I To Iteinove. j We are very sorry to bear that Mr J. A. Springer, of this city, will re move shortly to Alabama. He hasdis posedof his business here toaparty from Charlotte who will take hold of it in the Fall. Mrl Springer takes j this step entirely because of the fact that his health needs a more Southern climate and that be has been recommended by his physician to make a change. We shall part with him with a great deal of regret. Personal. Mr. R. II. Whitaker. of Raleigh Grand Worthy Secretary , of the Grand Tent of Good Templars of North Carolina, is expected to arrive here on the night of the ltfth inst. Hej will be the guest ot Harmony Tent, NoJ 19, I. O. of G. T., while in the city, to whom he will devote some hours in imparling instruction in the works of the order He will probably join them in their ex cursion down the river on the 17h inst. Mr. W. P. Canaday, Sergeant-aU Arms ot the U. S. Senate, ha3 returned to the city. j The Ball. The Grand Military Ball given at Smithville last night by the Smithville Guards was a splendid success. There was a large attendance of ladies and gentlemen, the Italian band, ot this city, furnished the music and dancing was kept up until a late hour. The arrangements were all that could be desired and the management may be complimented upon their skill in mak iug everything pleasant anil agreeable to the many dancers. Alter the ball had closed the Italian band and Kerel ty Quadrille band ioined their forces and gave the people of Smithville the benefit of a most delightful serenade. The Confederate Corn. Goldsboro Bulletin: A few weeks ago we received from Mr. TiF. Bagley, of Wilmington. N. C, a sack of corn forwarded to us to be sold for the bene fit of the North Carolina Soldiers' Home. This is one of five sacks dona ted by some federal soidiers of Fort Scott, Kansas, to be sold and the pro ceeds to be used for th purpose above specified. We put up this corn in pint sacks and offered it tor sale a few j Saturdays back and though the bidding was not very spirited we raised $0.75. The most of it was re-donated by the pur chasers and consequently the sack- is about fall. We propose to offer it again, if not before, on the occasion of the Fruit Fair here on the 30th and 31st insts.. when we hope that a good sum may bo realized. . . Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c., should go to JacoePs 1 to get best qualities and lowest pricc?t j - . " i Meat aucl Greens. The display of mefct3 and vegetables especially the latter at the market house and viciDity thi3 morning, was the best we have ever seen in the ciiy of Wilcuineton. It would have done credit to ihe market of any city in the country, so far. a3 quality is con cerned. Of;course the quantity was not large enough lo supply the demands of larger citjes, but the variety was Urge and the quality as good as the best. The improvement in this parti cular within the last few years has been marked, and the truck farmers seem to be possessetLwith a spirit of emulation to see who can bring the best products of the soil to market. JHx-Presitlent Iavis. The tollowing very interesting cor respondence between Mr.F. L.Meares, of the Wilmington Light Infantry, and ex-President Jefferson Davis, an hon orary member ot that Company, will be read with much interestand pleasure by all : Wilmington, N. C, June 12, ISbi. lion. Jefferson Davis Beauvoir. Miss: MYDEAKbitt: At the anniversary celebration of the Wilmington Light Intantry, held a lew evenings since, a toasGvas offered to ''Jefferson Davis Our beloved honorary member. In replying to it XJol. Roger Moore offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted, viz : That i he Secretary be instructed to write to Mr. Davis, saying that we had thought of him on this occasion, and that ev ery member of the company and their invited guests joiued most heartily in the toast to the venerated and es teemed Southerner." Permit me, sir. in forwarding these remembrances, to attest the unanimity of feeling existing among our members in their veneration and regard lor you : their full kuowledge of the trials you have experienced and the 'sufferings you ro nobly endured, in behalf of the South ; their appreciation of the great honor you have reflected on the South ern people in bearing with such manly fortitude the results of the war for se cession. In the remembrance ot these things, let us hope that the future ot our coun try may brighten each year that in stead of discord and antagonism be tween distinctive sections, each may, iu a measure, depend upon the other tor its mat -rial development; that with a harmonious combination of influ ences she may surpass all other coun tries in the attainment ot a position of All wealth ana renown. Allow me, sir, betore closing, to tjive expression to the great admiration I have tor you. an admiration imbibed in my early child hood and strengthened by ma'ure.r knowledge and reflection upon your life and character. It is a proud privilege I have in admiriugthat name, around which cling the hearts of a no ble people; a name that imparts addi tional glory upon the rarest and high est virtues possessed by that people. Again extending to you the highest re gard and best wishes ot our company, believe me. sir,- with iircat respect, your obedient servant, F. L Meakes. Mil. DAVIS' KEPLY. ' Bkauvoik, Miss., July 7, 1881. F. L. Meakes. Esq. Dear Sir: I received and read with feelings of deep gratification your letter informing me of the toast and resolution adopted at the anniversary celebration of the Wil mington Light Infantry. In the eallant defence made by- our people of the- inheritance their lathers left them, North Caroliua rendered her full quota of service. The many fields dyed with the blood of her best and bravest testify as well to her valor as to hr fidelity. Nothing could be more consolatory than to receive assurances that such a feeling as you express animates the great body of vour noble people. It is worthy and characteristic of them to find in my misfortunes cause for increase of re gard. A less magnanimous people would have turned in the day or disas ter with criticism and reproach upon their leader. Please give my special thanks to Col. Roger Moore for hiskind consideration. and accept for yourself my cordial ac knowledgement of the sentiments to wards mo which you so generously ex press. hver faithfully. xoar inend ana Drotner. jEFFEiiSON Davis. After Twenty Year. Milboy. Mifflin Co.. Penna. Mrs. John Gemmiil, ;in 1864, injared her spine and was partially paralyzed for nearly twenty years. She was ad vised to use St. Jacobs Oil, the con queror of pain. ' The - first application gave instantaneous reiiet. ieiore ine second bottle was exhausted she was cured. Base Balls and Bats QF ALL KIND3. Himmocks, three Unas, very latest sijier. Lottos, two sizes. a B C Cards and Blocks, Kubber Balls, all sizes. ) K'-tcher Harmonicas, the Tery best. Tlolins, Guitar and Banjo Strings. Italian Violins and Violin Bows. Just received and for sale cheap at HEINSBEKGER'S, Uto Book tad Uulo S texts. I " III M I I 1884. 165 Church Services To4Morrow. St. John'3 Church, corner Tlinl an-1 IU 1 Cross streets, llcv. James Carnchacl. 1. I).. Hector. Fifth Sundav after Trlslty, July 1U, :s.M Holy Communion at T.SOio'clock, a! iu. MorolDj; Prayer at 11 o'clock. Junlay School at 5 o'clock, p. m.'E veiling l'rayiratG o'clock. First Baptist CJmn-h, comer ok Market 'and Filth &trtU. Itev. T. II. Pritchard, I. !., pastor. Sunday Scho 1 at 3..'o a m. Services at 1 1 a. m . and S.15 p. m. Prater and Piake niretiug Thursday night at.8 ,15 "o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church, corner ot Fourth and Campbell streets. Jfervlccs at 11 a. m an t S i. m., ivniiuctcd by the Kcv K C. Ueed. Sabbath .School at 4 p. m. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corn-r of Sixth and Market streets, llev. F. W. K. IV.; chau, Pastor. German tervlcc at 11 o'chx k, a. m. Eplinh services at Ko'cjlock. Sunday School at U.U0 a. m. W. 11. . Strauss, Sujeriu tendent. i ' : Fifth Street M. K. Church, rlwtkveen Nun and Church streets, lie v. XV. J. Jlull, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and H.p m. Clas meet ni; at p. ni. ; Prayer faceting Thursday even n- at 72 o'clock. Front Street M. E. Church, Solith, corner of Front ;md Walnut -streets.. Kuv. Dr. K. A. Yates, Pastor Services at 11 ni in. and b p. in. Sabbath school at o p. in., . M. P;tki r, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at S o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after iirs.t and third Sabbaths, at S o'clock I Seals free .and strangers and visitors cordially Invited. Kcligious services in Tilcstort Uper Uooru every Suud at :i P M. Public cordially In vited. - Seamen's Bethel, Dock between Water and Front streets. Capt. W. J. Potter, Missiona ry to the Seameu. Services cvCry Sunday at 10..50 a. m ami 4.UQ p. m. Seamen and all others are cordially iiiviteu. Selits free. Part ot the service will Imj iiiNorwcgtm, conducted by Capt. Chiisiiansen. t St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. Fjirt Mass at 1 a in. Second Mass at 10 a. m.L Vespers and Benediction at So'clockpui. Daily Mass at 0:0 a m. j Christ Clulrch (Congrcgalion;iis)Niin street, between Sixth and Seventh., lieiv. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching service,? aft 11 o'clock ' a. ax. and 8 o'clock, p. in. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m, Prayer and ifraisc meeting, Wednesday, ti o'clock, p.m. Hnnday School, 3 o'clock, p.'m.. iu Memorial llall, corner 7th and Nun sis. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church had Castle streets. Kef'. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11a. m. anil S p. m. bun lay School at Da. ni. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. f First Baptist Church, (col.) qjprner of Fifth and Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m.. 3 p. i., and 7,30 p. m. S. S. School at I p. in i Quarterly Mcotiugs. Third Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church,South : WilmiDgton, at Fifth Street, July 12 and 13. : Bladen Circuit, at McNatt's, July 1J and 20. Clinton Circuit, at Goshen, July 20 and 27. Wilmington, at Front Street, August 2 and 3. j Smithville, August 9 anil 10. Rrunswick Circuit, at Alt. Zion, Au gust 12 ami 13. Whitevillc Circuit, at Peacock's, Au- IUOLi 111 illlli LI. Fleminirtoii Cirrinr fil- Cliirvnr's Creek, August 23 and 21. Elizabeth Circuit, at Furdie's, Au- Sttst 30 and 31. Newton Grove Mission at Newton Grove, August 30 and 31. oKcsDiiry uircuit, at etiiel. Sep cniocr o and 7. 1 The District (Jonferencc? will bo held at Goshen, on the Clinton C rcuit, com mencing Wednesday morning, July 23d. at 10 oYlock. j Friday morning, organization of Sunday School Conference and Sunday School address. Centenary services Saturday morn ingseveral short addresses and cen tenary sermon. W. II BobIjitt, P. E. Fullest assortment ot Fijhin Tackle can be found at Jacobi's. j f NEAV A1JV13KTISEMENT8. FAMILY : EX0TJESI0N. rjTlUE HAUMONT TENT NO. 1 1. O. OF GOOD TEMPLARS, will givfc an excurtion on THURSDAY, the 17th inst on the Steamer PASSPORT, to Smithville ami the Forts. Ke f reshmcnts at city prices. There will be music for danclrg at Fort Caswell s, by Pascaccl's band. Fare for l he round trip SO ccnia ; child ren half price. Boat wiltJeave at y o'clock, sharp. Per order of Committee, july 12 2t eat wed Star $opy sun wed Cleveland & Heildricks! LLGOOD DEMOCRATS ARE HAPPY ! Victory is assured ! But to nlake assurance doubly sure, call at MciO WAN'S "Old North State Saloon" and trv,hia justly popular Beer andemokeoneof his Af tor-Dinner" Clgirs. It will put you in a good humor with yourself and the rest of mankind, even with Ben But ler and John Kclley. juiy 12 Grand Excursion ! WILMINGTON TO WASHINGTON CITY AND RETURN. XyiLL LEAVJ& ON MONDAY, JULY lith. ONLY $7. Ladles and Gentlemen need- not hesitate in regard to, going, as the undersigned ' ! ' will take charge of the three cars set aside for white persons. A t- Tickets now on 6ale. : i ' For particulars and circulars apply to julyS tf P. IISlNS BERGER. Sabscnkrs U WiL Ttlepitee 'EicbBje. Pkae add to your list No. 55 Y. G. A N. Robinson, Grocery Deal ers South Front Street. No- 74 P. L. Bridgcrs A Co., Grocery Deal ers. Front Street. 'No. se James C. Stevenson; Grocery Deal er, Market Street. - K No 13 William Gcnaust, Beer Dcaler.Noi th Fourth Street. 1 . W: Manning, Pine Grove, IIotcL a ' ; Cbacges and Additions will be published in the Daily Bevixw. Jlontiua Star and the Surdag Morning MaiL monthly. Subscriber! will please note them fa their lists, as publish ed. " G. U GLASS, jolylS It . Manager Wwiubgia4 to roccTm conuatuiteattcB nwa our friends on aay tad all tatJtcU. eraeral Interest bat I Tbe name of Uto writer most Hinji bo S. o taelEdnor 4 ,4 t CoamrniToOoaa nsM ' bo wxltto u oal oaotlJeof Uus ppcr. - : PtrsoniliticamiutboaTold!; And It 1 epecnny and particularly unTer tood thti the Editor doc not always esdo ae the views of corrcspondeata tmft ao etatt. In the editorial colnmna. NEW A1VKIITISEMJENT8 Board. AKW TADLK BOAHDKIiS CA!. DE axommoi;itcl during the Summer months at reasonable rates. PRtsant location, iroo! attendance and the best the market affortts. iractoient boanlcrs accommo.Jatcil by tho lay or week. MHV RORKUT I.KK, , H3J Market Street, julylllydAw vYH3ilcgtontM. C, Steamer Louise. N AND A.FTEU THIS date HIC hl-IIC'HHC oi luc r re LOUl-K will 1-c M-ril' ndar. i n J Tne-lar, Wednesday, Hmrsday and Friday at 4 O Clock, li. Til rclnntn Viv Rmllhi-liu at..I.a ni. On Saturday leave Wilmington at y a. m. ; returning, leave SmuhvJlle eair.e day, at 4 p. m. in Sunday fcaro' Wilmington at y a. m. ; rcturntng, gam- day, arrlvo at Wil mtngtcn at 7 p. m. July 11 2t Yachtmen 1 1; gPl.tlNDlD Be)AT SPONCB3. MU.NDS BliOS. A DeUOSSEI. npiNK L'iT BATH SPONUK. lion ojtarh them. CalUnftt f cc M"'PiBros,&DeRosset,s iuly At yUr sec Wilmington, N. C, July 8a?.1V.,,V... 5 pl3fjli HZZt QUICKEST liOUTE TO ASIIEVILLV5, Warm Springs and other Western North Car ollna Ecsorts. - - Through Pullman Palace S'ecpingCar irom Goldsboro -to AshcvlUc and Warm Springs, connecting with J a. m . Train from Wilmington. . T. M. KUKOSON, july 8 twk Star copy Gen'l Pass. Agt. Wagonette p JK WUIGIIT3VILLE SOUND, will Cie bouthcrland's Stables DAILY at C P. M. shan. Bcturniug, will Kave Sound at 7 A. M. sharp junc 25lf T. J. SOUTIIKHLjAND. For the Campaign. rilUE POLITICAL CABIPA1GN UPON L which the icople of North Carolina arc just preparing to enter will, beyond all ines tion, bp one of great excitement as well a ono of vital importance to them. It will bo no cnnu'fl piay. All that is needed to Insure Democratic suc cces aiid continued prosicrity to the State is a plain, truthful statement of what are now the facta of history, or arc dally becoming so. The reasons for Democratic victory, andlhe even stronger reamii3 for Republican defeat, are abundant, and it id the purpose of THE EEGISTER to do ltd full part Li laying thcai lforo the people. t As the best means in IU ower to this end,' and in answer to appeals, the Register will be f urnlbhcd at such low rates as to pnt it in the reach of every one during the present State and Presidential "ampalsns. , If wo all do our full duty, victory will sure ly be with us; but that duty will leave ut no idle time. There must be early work, late work, work all the time.- If good govern ment and a people prosperity are worth working for, let us all go to work, and at once. CAMPAIGN KATES. The Register will be furnished to Clubs, until November IS, at the following rates: 0e copy, 50c; five copies, ri, ten copies, $3 To; twenty copies, $7; fifty copies, $15.; ono hundred copies, , In every cio the paper will bo sent until the returns of the election shall be received and published, and we invite the attention of Executive Committees of Counties and Town ships, and of all others interested, to the Cam paign Register as a sure and cheap means of furnishing information to the people. . - Address Raleicu Register. Raleigh, -N.C. - DOCUMENT NO 1. 181 v V DEMOCRACY vs. REPUBLICANISM,' Handbook or North Cajiolwa Politics FOB lUi, The Platforms, The Parties, and The Issues Thoroughly Discussed. , The infloence of Document T!io7t Utu&l by the Democratic State Executive Committee in 1S82, was. generally recognized as decisive In that year's campaign. A similar Ilandb-ek his been prepare! for this year's nee, and will bo Issued Immediate, ly after the session ot the Chicago Democrat ic Convention. .. The Handbook will be a well printed pam phlet of about 130 pages, 8ro , and will con tain the fullest information on matters involv ed in this year's elections. - ; Document No l, for lssi, will be supplied at TEN DOLLARS PER UUNDBJCD, 1 the actual cash ccst of typc-ectUng, paper and press work. " ' In order that the size of the edition may be determined, prompt orders are -requested. j Address, RALKJGIX REGISTER, "s iulyU RaleUh, N. C. ft E MONACIPS, 1(W SECOND 8TBJKET.be- t ween Market knd Princess, Ladles aal Gen Uemen's goods of every description, any color. Also, cleaning, seourtnr and bleaching.! Sesp ' ne a pair ol your old Kid tilotes. BOT.3-tf -rrr