MISCELLANEOUS gTORTHINGTQ3 S ThciDailyTRevjev. SUMaiER. A drift of sweets, a flash oi Moonlight over all discloses V" bummer the sweet i here. v?-?i??M-lh2 Ulr with Slden hair. . uiies orosen upon the air. ouiuuicr mo queen or the year. A mossy sweep, with clover growinj Mr; ttackus Prescribes for Him. "Havo YOU ever &nv rvlfl rm1if4f?nn for places in your company. Mr. Back us? asked the reporter of the famous , comedian, now turning gray. but as humorousas ever. "I hare," he re plied. "Will you describe one?" "An aristocratic lady in a coach drawn by blooded horses drovo nn in fmnt nf m v theater one day. She fayed on Fifth avenne and was verv wealth v. She in- And languid sounds of waters flowing iuied for my office and then went up . id here. 10 '" 1 said 'Good day, madam she j ly "tTT Vt Me to mack and boweU. Injrodoced 'rffSw. Wejor-Gener.1 ; Hon. Ke- Warren, runcj"'-"'""-' 7 anHcitor U. S. Treasury, ana mne Jn" A0,Sit and Dealer.. Only .,-irnlB bottle. Sole proprietor.. THEeHAItttA.W8iFb. Mcb 23 IV Price. genuine if 8. A. . rv ...... tfv V-f!anital I'rizo & 4 o,uuua x ;Atonly$5. Sliaresinpro- portion. Summer the swo.et bummer 'that holdeth And careth for young bird3 in the nest! ouiuuier uie.queen 01 the year. there conies a hum from thp .1 rot) 111 o clover. Songs dcop down irom birds that float over. Summer the sweet is hrrp one laseui an motherless things in her arms, And foldeth them out from chill alarms. ouinmerthe queen ot the year. Send down thy measure of sweetness up n U3. in its fullest couiD!ctenes3. Summer the oueen of the vear! us chant to ihe pulse of the sea. wun sons down dropDins: and hum Dee, Summer the sweet is here! Jennie Maxwell Paine. of said (iood day- Mr. Backus: I've come to Eeeyou about my son, our ODly chUd. We don't know what to d with him. He eets drunk, nomes home and kicks in the door,fights roos ters, goes to rat Dits. and to set. miirU li3ts tight. Now he forgets his father's name. Ave don't care what becomes of him, fo I guess we'll have him join your company" Well, madam," said Mr, rsackus. 'I would advise vou take mm to Marry mil's, to race conurses, to the Madison bquare Garden, to Sar atoga and Boston. Show him the Bun ker Hill monument. Take bim to the top ot the monument " ell, Mr. Buckus, what shall I do with him then?" -Thrown him off." New lork Journal. Louisiana State Lottery Company. we do Am t y certify that we supervise the for all the Monthly and Ssmt-! Tnni Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot ure Company, and in person manage and con trnl the Drawings themselves, and that the mm ure conducted with honesty, fairness, and it nood faith towara cw yu.ri.Ko, o uuwwi ize the Company to use this certifteate, toithfac- o..r.fmLT nanazures ouoencu. rawuttver IIt Y neiaertis. v Commissioners. inwrmratot In 1883 tor 25 years by the Ict lsIatarefoT Educational and Charitable pur- nrtv-writh a capital of tl. 000.000 to winch a Bvan overwhelmlnz ootiulat vote Its fran rh)dc was made arart of tho present State Constitution adoptctl December 2d, A. D.,1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. , It never scales or postpones. It3 Grand Slnsrlo Number Drawings take pl.v monthly. A SPTiKMDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Elirhth Grand Drawlnsr. Class H. In tbe Academy ot Music, at New OrleanB, Tuesilay, August 12, 1834 171bt Monthly Draw Capital Prize, $75,000. 100.000 Tickets at Five Dol lars JSacli. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LI3T OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of... 75,000 1 Capital Prize of v,oou 1-2.00C 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 30,000 25,000 Michigan's 'Strange Coiumuu ity. oi iNnzi ius is a curmos communr.v. iimuj?n iounuc ns l nir am us IbVJ its population h wvf but 212, iiihIc up of Gcnuaii Socialists and peasant wo man suffragists. The articles of as3o ciation for the settlement is. in fact. but a society provide for a board of seven trustee, consisting of preist, three men and three women, elected by all the adult men and wo r,en annually. V ome vote there the same as the men lierman is the only language spoken, and only two, the general manage and the doctor, know English. They live entirely by themselves, and take no inteVest in the. outside world They are 11 agriculturists. The women work out in the field as well as the men, and by their industry have made a val- uab.eesta e ot their possessions. The people take a great many orphans, ex pecting to maintain toe community in that way. They are very religious, and three times a day assemble in their chapel for prayer. Chicago News Mensman's Peptonized Beef Ton ic. the only preparation of beet contain ing its entire nutritious properties. It contains blood-making, force generating and hie sustaining properties: invalua ble for Indigestion. Dyspepsia. nervous prostration, and all forms of general debility : also, in all cnleebled conditions, whether the result ot ex nanstion, nervous prostration, over work, or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazakd &Co., Proprietors, New York. Sold by Druggists, sat lw Millionaires Who Began Poor. The least remarkable thing about Russell Sage is that he is self-made lie oegan poor 1113 is tne common lotof.all American of genius to-day. and is almost unitormlv irue ot promi nent men in thi3 city, f eter Cooper, was a hatters apprentice : Charles I) Conor was, born in a shanty, of the poorest of Irish parents; H. B. Claflin, 1 Capitol Prize of 2 Prizes of $6,000 5 Prizes of 2,000 10 Prizes of 1,000 20 Prizes of 500 100 Prtaes of 200 300 Prizes of 100 600 Vrtzea-. of ) 1000 Prizes ot 25 25,000 jtkoximation prizes. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 500. 4,500 9 tt 250. 2,250 1.9C7 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or leans. For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK, New Obleaks, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Express (all sums of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or kL A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St.. Washington. D. C. july 15 wed-sat 4w-dw By the Light of Day. PAST IMPOSSIBILITIES THE FACTS OF THE PRESENT HELP IN THE NEW ERA. "I remember when they were putting up the poles for the first telegraph line In the Stafeof New York, and now look there!" ex claimed a cluzen of the metropolis to his friend, aa the two stood on the summit of the Ull Equitable Building Ln Broadway. "The city la strung with wires like a harp, and elec trie communication Is tho daily miracle of the , world . People no longer wonder and laugh at Jt as they did at Morse when he first suggest tilU possibility." The age marches on and prejudice must give !h '. Kol)0dy has a monopoly of trulh. Even n conserva'ive guild of physicians admit n . fecrcts of medlcirc are shared bv all him ' ,dreescl Ms wound and God healed e w8 d old Galen- Once that terrible dis inT'i:: . mUam. as supposed to be a shift aminaLallmcnV now. stacking the joints Ud J l mu3tl5 To-dtj it is denonstra- K be a disease of the blood uTii17 BSgc of F0- Atlantis Ave ue Brooklyn N. Y writes to Messrs. His Iirf Tni;J?f.?e,r.loTk Proprietors of PAR-SbW?10- "Si Bhe had completely Wk n ,om KheumaUsm and pain in the Toxic bP waa &d visctT to take the her 1tdn, dw- She did so. and tanS? eu?J?'SBl aippeared. Ihe reason Is icsvnTn.J ""sed Kidneys produce rhenmat vpwtuV 3,- c.ure them and you destroy Rheii getAi ,lU admitted by all lntelll- on thWclan8- 11 18 thQ nw lighi thrown PAMrt!S!T2rn 40(1 mistaken theories, the T0NIC which is a comblnaUonof science. t Jn.edles for blood known to lo? this tiUKTer34lly successful. In combat ho litA U y common .complaint. Those LlTe'rdi"' sert suffer from Kidney or laipimi ki i8 0r any complaint arising from aacert,win "nd thQ Toxic a prompt totte ThP081- prices. 0c- ad $1 per inn" ii , 8 rger size the cheaper. Tho Art of Being: Happy. There ia a deal of misery in the world; tbree-fourths of it is entirely unnecessary : ttere is no real cause tor it. The greater part of it might be banished from the earth if people only wijed to do it. Wc borrow most ol our troubles; they arc imaginary rather than real ; We have never learned the art of being happy. IIow many there arc in the world - who are surrounded with plenty; who have home comfort and conveniences; who have health and friends; who have good compan lonsanugoou cnnciren; wno are re spected and possess fair characters' and cherish many Christian virtues aud are yet quite unhappy, discontented with their lot and disposed to find fault with almost everything. loausucn people we would say. study the art of being happy. There is such an art; ilean be learned and ap plied to life. Every one can have and apply it if ho wills to do it. It ?s no difficult art; do more difficult than the art of reading and writing. It requires only a firm resolution, a steadfast and determined will, a spirit of persever ance. But to begin. Take then a better view of life; count up your blessings; look on the bright side of things, not on the dark side; cherish a good temper; speak pleasantly to every one you meet; by your sweet speech and sunny char acter draw out the good traits of your friends and acquaintances; wear a smilinglace; harbor no ill will ; think no unkind thought of any one'; keep a sunny heart and life will be sunny; think of the virtues ot thos we love; find excuse for their faults; be hopeful; labor to be good and to dogood, and the art of being happy will soon be learned. N. O, Picayune. who now pays his confidential clerk $25,000 a year, was a Vermont school teacher; .Leonard Jerome was an iiinerant printer; Henry Villard was a reporter; John ii. Moore ran away from come to -start bimselt in life; James Watson Webb was cleark in a country store; D.Appleton once kept s grocery in Haverhnl. Mas3. ; James it Keene came to this country irom Jjn gland with $20 in his pocket; Cyrus McCormick was a millers boy; uutus Hatch began by dealing in ''garden sass:" Jay (ioiud was a cowooy on a rugged farm ot JJelawere county; bid nev Dillon an errand boy on the New York Central . William H Vanderbilt at 30 was Commodore Vanderbilt's thririftless son, trying in vain to get living on a Statm Island farm, while his father freely alluded to him m com m on 'conversation as a "fool." New York Letter. Nervous and Weakness and all Dr. Mraft NC-YfcR Vl!T rr. Vv, ...r. utn Of th Kl.).. r i ni. ct.i.t fhygir,! TT.vV "nary aiseases VUOSC tilltrvl J 1 ,J,-Uil IT CU&UCiJS suu au 0r Exce "" caused by indiscretion &U77nii 8JPttllis In all Ito forms perma n4 bod, ca- i ellow or Brown spots on face 8jvVlore Throat and Nose, Scrofula, Old iWeT cz?m. Tetter and all Blood and Skin pce t.i Q&rT diseases cured In S days. sTKViEH03e money to FRANK bentb?S.9P' tpnore. Md.. and H wUl fUurLv.?111 sealed. For sale by all drug- JOYS AND GIKLst YOU CAN GET RICH fetanerhee?C, 50 8hee 1 . reta ROC. FLY PAPER CO., loae liim North Ave., .""wwxni Rocaeater, N. Y. After the Opera. One evening last week a rather dudic young man, accompanying a sylph-like croature with beautiful blonde hair, boarded a Washington avenue car at Jefferson avenue, after Princess Ida at Uhrig'8 Cave. Every seat iu the car was taken, and both platforms were crowded. The dudic young man and his fairy-like companion made their way toward the forward end of the car. Most of tbe persons inside were ladies, but on the right-hand seat, uext to the front window, sandwiched between it and a very fat woman, sat a tall, well dressed gentleman,-who looked very tired. The car started , and the young blonde beauty nearly lost her balance, but still no one gave her a seat. The tall gentleman in the corner looked pained, but more than ever tired. Finally he drew his knees up together and said: "Miss, excuse me, but 1 have to ride clear out to Grand avenue, and I am actually so tired that I can not stand. If you will sit on my lap, though, and consider it no impropriety, you are welcome to a seat." She looked at him a moment, as though to fathom his soul, and then sat down. Thi dudic young man seemed surprised, but evidently thought the blonde beauty could do nothing wrong, and that if she thought it proper to sit there it was all right. She chatted with him just as though the ta'l gentle man on whose lap she was sitting had uot been in existence, and, after a ride of ten blocks, both -she and her escort got off the car T1 'I'm exceedingly obliged to you, she said sw otly tolhim. Not at all," answered tha tali gen tleman, and the car started on again the next minute. There's a girl wot'sgot sense,"sa1d a man on the rear platform, and his mo tion was carried unanimously. Si. Louis SundaylSayings. A Fair Offer Trie Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Volatic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, Jand kindred troubles. See advertisement ia paper. t thseow&w tariff ihall bo gradually, reached, are subjects which the party's representa- ives at the Federal capitol must be rusted to adjust; but in our opinion he duties on foreign imnortation should be levied for the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in its adjustment should be such "as would place the highest rates on luxuries and be lowest on the necessaries' of life. distribute as - equally as nossible the burdens of taxation and confer the greatest good to the greatest number of the American people. Hesolved. That the conrse ot tho Democrat! nartv in furtherance of popular education, by efficient public schools in all sections, and the establish ment ot graded and normal schools in he larger towns and accessible centers, s a sufficient guarantee that we favor the education of all classes of our people and we will promote and imnrove the present educational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the peopie Dy excessive taxation. and whereas, There is now more ban a hundred millions of dollars in the treasurv of the TTnitnd Ktatoa wrung from the rockets of the nnonln by unjust taxation on the nart nf t h Republican party, therefore, Hesolved. That we will acnent sunh distribution of said surplus revenues of me government tor ndnontinriAl riir. poses as may be mado bv the Congress ot the united States: provided always, thas the same shall bo disbursed bv State agents and not accompanied by objectionable features' and etubarrass ing conditions . Resolved, That it is due to the white people of our eastern counties, who have so cbeerlullv borne their share ol our common burdens, that the pres ent, or some other equally effeciiyo system of county government, shall be maintained. Resolved, That in view ot tho exist ing and increasing harmony and kind ly feeling between the two races in this State and a similar condition of things which we believe to exist generally in other Southern States, we deprecate the attempt of the Republican party . in its recent platform at Chicago . to force civil rights as a living issue, and wo denounce it as a fire-brand and a hypo critical expression of interest in the black race, a wanton insult to the whites of the South, and tending to stir up stnte between the now lnendly races. MISCELLANEOtJS. inSCELLAlTEODS. WHITE ROBES With Embroidery to match. A few left at "very low figures. WHITE GOODS STOCK A few bargains inAVhite Spreads.; TOWELS BATH TOWELS We wish you Jo compare with any la this or . '' .(: any other market."1 r;;: CORSESTS In all GOOD MAKES, aU sizes. v .; JERSEYS A complete stock, 32 to 46. t " 1 . FANCY MATTINGS-Wc will compare patterns and prices with any in tho j market. Ia few pieces left at S7.50 (10 yards.) - 4 R. IV3. lUIclOTIRE; july 16 vj: -f ,IT" 1' i m,m i .ri - W. P. SUMSEU, VmuM. r.R.mscnxTVi SCv. National Wire & Iron Co. Xoi s4 P rushes, S-n; 2CCr'- CrcbttniT. V Wlr SLlxcf acttucbs or Oolh. Wire Ountrt- Ttninjrs. Wtr Pkrnm. OmUait nil a C-oI srntB.1, Went iter BUtot flxwrea. IUmj. mch 13 tSTSend for Catoloux d4w ly ltu & Lioa t eiicot, Iroa Shutters, Counter Supportt&o. CO-3icaUon Uiia rapcr. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re ntwer never fails in restoring gray hair to its youthful color, lustre, and vitali ty. Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts, endorses it, and all who give it a fair trial unite in gratetul testi money to its many virtures. MISCELLANEOUS. A Great Blood Medicine. One of the best medicines ever known for the cure of diseases arising ofwm imDure blood, no matter from what cause is Rosadalis. It is a great alter ative medicine as well as a blood purifier.' It cures Scrofula. Swellings Goitre, Skin Diseases. Liver Com plain. Rheumatism, &c. Read tbe following important letter from a dis tinguished gentleman in Florida: Lake Ikena, Fla., June 10th. 1882 I have been a great sufferer for 15 years, net able to walk, from an injured leg. Have tried many M. D.'s and their remedies to little purpose. believe liUSAUALflo will care me Send me one dozen by steamer. It was recommended to me by a friend. have taken 2 bottle, and find it help ing me'. The Druggists who usually keep it are out of it, and I cannot afford to wait the slow arrival ot their supplies. JOHN T. BEEKS, Supt. Board of Public Instruction. Platform of the Democratic Party of North Carolina. We again congratulate the people o North Carolina on the career of peace prosperity and good government on which she entered alter the inaugura tion ot a Democratic State administra tion. and which has been unbroken for so many years since; upon the lust and imoartial entorcement ol tne laws; up on the efficiency of our common school system, and tbe great progress made in popular education ; and upon the gen eral improvement aud enterprise man- ( ifested in every part ot the State. And we again challenge a comparison be tween this state of things and the crimes, outrages and scandals which attended Republican ascendancy in our borders; and we pledge ourselves to exert, in the future, as we have done in the past, our best efforts to promote the material interests ot all sections of the State: Affirming our adherence to Demo cratic principles as heretofore enuncia ted in the platforms of the party, it is hereby Resolved, That we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at the ballot-box as the only sure means of pre serving our free American institutions and that the corrupt and corrupting use of federal patronage, in influencing and controlling elections is dangerous to the liberties of ihe State and tbe Union. ; Resolved, That we are in favor of the unconditional and immediate abolition ofthewholo internal revenue system, as an intolerable burden, a standing menace to the freedom ot elections and a source of great annoyance and - cor ruption in its practical operation. Resolved, That no government has a right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually ex tinguish its public debt. And that whenever the revenues, however de riyed. exceed this amount, they should be reduced so as to avoid a surplus in ihe treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress to exert themselves in favor of such legislation as will secure this end. Resolved, That with respect to the tariff we reaffirm the life-long and fund amental principles of the party declar ed in the National Democratic plat forms and that the details of the method by which tho constitutional reienue Advertising: Cheats ! ! ! "It has become so common to begin an article in an elegant interesting style. "Then run it into some advertise ment that we avoid all such, "And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon est terms as possible, "To induce people " To eive them one trial, which so proves their value that they will never use anything else." , "The Remedy so favorably noticed ln all the papers. Religious and secular. Is "Havlri? a large sale, and Is supplanting all otner meaiines. "There Is no denying tho virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown irreat shrewdness and ability "In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so paipaoie to every one's observation. Did She Die? "No ! "She lingered and suffered ajong, pining away ail the time lor years, "The doctors doing her no good "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about." "Indeed I Indeed!" "How thankful we should be for that medicine. A Daughter's Misery. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed ol misery, "From a complication, of kidney, liv er, rheumatic trouble and Nervous de bility,. "Under the care of the best physi cians, "Who gave her disease various names, "But no relief, "And now she is restored to us in food health by as simple a remedy as op Bitters, that we had shunned for years before using it. The Parents. Father is Getting: Well. "My daughters say- "How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters." "He is getting well alter nis long suffering from a" disease declared incu rable." A Lady of Utica, N. Y. K3" None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on .the white label, shun all the vile, NO ,MOREv Grsyllnei the Great Hair Restorer and Renew!". Changes ffray "ffCJSJSJr color jrradually and permanently; Not a dye. A marvellous invention. O ray-luJTM persons men and old women, made to look: young in threo weeka. No more gray hair A1h grows! ratttittyand luxuriantly. Send for deaortpUve book, and testimonials and opinions Of eminent cTm lata and doctors, etc. , who recoipmend It highly. Address, - $. u, Nicholson, 7 Murray St New Tor a n foY june 3 J ly d t th sat wly eow ' r- - Ana if ou are Aiany. No matter how f ou ot It Bcabon's Capclnc Porous Plasters wUl cure yourJUycpcpsla. july 14 4w poisonous stuff their name. with "Hop" oi "Hops" in july Vi lm asw nrm New Yorfc & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIEB 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR... Saturday, July 5 BENEFACTOR... ..Saturday, July 12 REGULATOR Saturday, July 19 BENEFACTOR Saturday, July 26 FROM WILMINGTON : BENEFACTOR. ....Saturday Jubj 5 REGULATOR. .........Saturday July 12 BENEFACTOR.... .....Saturday July It REGULATOR. ......Saturday, July 26 Through Bllla Lading and Lowest Through Jtate gxLaranteed to and from Ponita la North and South Carolina, ' For Freight or Paaaage apply to H. G. PM A T.T.BONES, SgpermtendCBt, Wilmington. X. C W1L P. CLYDE Jk c6M Oencral Arentr , Zi Rroadway, New YorK. may ll-tf. S WHOLESALE PPICES: Tho following anoirtlons rTirQscn Wholesale prices generally. . In making up small orders higher prices nave to be charged sent free by july 14 4w Burn Ii a m ' IMPROVED Standard Turbine ! Is the best constructed and finished, gl?es better percent- j age, more power ana is eoiu for less money, Ter horse pow- than anv other Turbine in JtCSf New pamphlet BROS, York, Pa er. the world, ' BURNHAM The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. 11 n mo 15 10 n 16 ii o a a a a KNOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK rf"- '' ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality,. Nervoul and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, .Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. 1 1 contains 125 prescriptions for? all acute .and chronic diseases, each one of which is invalu able. So found by the Author,! whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 Sages, bound In beautiful French muslin, em ossed coders, full gilt, guaranteed to be a 3ner work in every sense mechanical, literary hd professional than any other work sold ln this country for $2.50, or thei: money will be refunded ln every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mall, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cts Scnd now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. i The Science of Life should bo read by the young for instruction, and by tho afflicted for relief. It will benefit all London Lancet. There Is no member tff society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth.parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman A rgonaut. Address the Pcabody Medical Institute, "r Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street. Boston, Mass,, who may be consulted ou all tlscascs requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have baffled tho skill of all J C A I other physicians a specialty, mm d mm Such treated successful-TP U 17 I ET ly without an In- I 11 I wCkr s tance of failure. Mention this, paper, july 14 dw 4w t BAGGING Standard..... 2 lb l lb... BACON North Carolina: Hams, V lb Shoulders, y lb sides, ............ WESTERN SMQKED li&ms. ....... .. Sides. V ftv... ., Shoulders.... .. DBY SALTED uxuvo, v iu. ....... ll Shouldcrt. y ft.... .......... 00 a BARRELS Spirits Tunentlne. Second Hand, each .i l'T5 New New York, each 1 90 isew mty,each. ..... .......... BEESWAX, V lb i BRICKS, V M BUTTER, VVtr- North Carolina............... Northern. .... ... ............. CANDLES, V lb ;c . Sperm, r ............ Tailow Adamantine. ... CHEESE. V lb- Northern Factory............ 13H5 Dairy, Cream.... ............ 14 0 State 10 O COFFEE, v m Java 17 O Laguyra ..' 12UO Rio nto CORN MEAL, V bus., in sacks 85 S3 11 H THE PUBLIC AVE DISCOVERED THAT WHSN WE advertise a Special Sale, BARGAINS are sure to be offered. The busy season having passed, - i - wo now enumerate our GENERAL CLOSING OUT SALE through all Departments, and shall continue daring JULY, 'f Come and See. ' Exam'ne the different Departments, com pare the prices with those of other Houecs, and notice what you can save Djr our Bargains. 39 Cents. Thirty-Nine Cents for a fine THALIA COR SET; Fifty Cents for a fine COKOL1NK CORSET. f i - 65 Cents. Sixty-Five Cents for a fine Sateen Corset ln any color Pink, Black, Blue, Cardinal and White. 75 Cents. Seventy-Five Cent3 for an elegant Con tile Corset. Taylor's Extension Corset, spoon bust, for One Dollar and a Quarter; actual value One Dollar and a naif, i The C. A P. Corset, imported ; B. A G. Double-Bone Mould ed Corset; a fine Nursing Corset; Misses and Children's Corsets which weiare ready to fell at a very low figure at TAYLOR'4 BA ZAAR. $ We have also on sale Corset Cover, Che mise, Underwear, Skirts, Nlghfe Robes, Fans, Parasols, Hand Satchels, Sunshades, Flowers, Feathers, Hats. Lace Gloves, Silk Mitts ln sny 60 26 O'1 a 2 oo n a n 20 tO, IS 1 12' a 90 00 25 S3 25 12 12 UlUVSl ... Baugh'a Phosphate Carolina FcruUzer u 12 ?5 14 13 S7U COTTON TIES, V bundle.... 1 80 O 1 7C DOMESTICS Sheeting, 44, V yd .; 8UH Yarns, V bunch . 85 a ' ' ' EGGS, V dozen . ...?.... 16 O IT FISH . Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl ..16 00 O20 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. 8 60 010 00 Mackerel, No. C, bbl.... .. 9 60 " 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. 5 00 0 5 60 Mackerel, No. 8, V bbL...... 7 75 0 8 00 Mullets, V bbl 4 00 0 ' Mullets, Pork bbla...: ...... 7 00 0 8 50 N. C. Roe Herring, V keg.... 8 00 0 4 00 Dry Cod, V lb ? 5 O ; FERTILIZERS, V 2,000 fts ' Peruvian Guano, No. 1 57 60 062 60 " No. 2...... .86 00- 87 00 .00 00 .45 00 Ground Bone- .......00 00 Bone Meal J0O 00 Bone Flour ..............00 00 Navassa Guano.. ............ .40 00 Complete Manure .......00 00 Whann's Phosphate...... ....00 00 Wsndo Phosphate .....00 00 . Bcrgcr & Bulz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellcnza Cotton Fertilizer. 55 00 French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 00 French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 60 rLOUli,Vbbl - - - Fine: o 00 Northern Super 4 75 -" Extra.... 5 75 Family ..... 6 50 OS 00 City Mills Extra.. .... 6 0 ' 2 & 60 jramuy.... 6 75 a 6 00 Extra Family.... 6 50 O GLUE V ft 11 a GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bags.whlto. 8 1 O Corn, cargo, ln bulk, white.. '4 0 Corn, cargo, ln bags, white.. 72 O Corn, cargo, mlxcd,ln bags.. 4 O - oats, from store 65 o Cow Peas..... ......... ....... 1 25 o HIDES, V lb Green 5 0 UA I , V 1UU IBS Eastern.... 1 200 1 25 Western 1 15 O I 25 , North River 75 0 ' 85 HOOP ttRON. V It. 30' S4fc LARD.V m i ZT- - Northern.... 10O ' 11 051 00 O60 00 O50 00 O40 00 4245 00 037 0C 045 CC v m: 4970 00 070 00 O00 00 J60 00 ft T60 O 9 0 0 4 25 0 6 25 0 6 25 50 li 85 ' 75 00 67V 175 f 8 12 color, style or size, at TAYLOR'S I BAZAAR, " 118 Market St., July 9 WILMINGTON, N. C. Goods sent C. O. D. to any part of the coun try, with the privilege of examining before paylug. L 1 '.- ' ":- - . I -" : ' " r WO ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL find large consignments of Apples. Peaches. Pears, Cniexens, Agg uu wiower ouuoirj prouurc. These goods must be sold at once- Call on A. W. RI VENBARK, The Live Grocer and Commission Merchant, 114 North Water st Julys... -,' ;. Trilagton,a.C. North Carolina 00 LIME, V barrel................ 1 40 LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed.. ....... ..18 00 Rough Edge Plank.... 15 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality..... 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 Scautling and Board, corn's.. 12 00 MOLASSES. V gallon New Crop Cuba, In hhda..... " " lnbbls...... Porto Rico, In bads In t.w o o 10 Sugar House, ln hhda i VWMV... ....... 3C 3J 82 35 00 26 40 V Keg.Cut.10d basis.. 0W OILS, V gallon Kerosene Lard Linseed............ .......... Syrup, ln bbls. NAILS, 1 11 10 90 90 00 00 Boein Tar... Deck and Spar.. tspruuiritx vmcxens, uve, grown... .... " Spring...,. 10 Turkeys 75 PKANUTS-Hr bushel l ia POTATOES, 4f bnshel Sweet......................... fo Irlsh, r bbl S 00 PORK, r barrel- ; . City Mess............. ....... .13 60 Prime is oo 4 Rump 17 no muz. uarouna. f ft.......... itongn. y DushOL. RAGS, tf- lb Country... RopEt"ifft.""."irriirrii"i 8ALT, r sack, Alum..... Liverpoo ..................... . Lisbon........ ......... ....... American... ...... .. .......... 8UGARJT B-Cuba-.....M... Porto Rico A Coffee. : B " 4920 00 16 0C CIS- t 4922 06 C15 0 15 n O 88 0 45 O 00 0 23 0 80 O S CC 0 ' 01 45 O 1 00 O 1 00 49-29 a 22 49 f 49 01 o 5: ..4.......... Ex C ..;vi;....r 4924 4917 4913 95 491 10 1WO 149 oo a oo a oo o oo a 00 49 00 49 00 49 ; 00 49 60 CA4O , 75 7$ . 00 75 CO 00 ; V : 7 -11 Crushed... ..........i.....;.. IOWjO SOAT.y ft Notthcru......... 49 61 SHINGLES, 7 la. 1L... 10 60 4711 00 Common.. s 60 , 49 S 00 Cypress, 8aps...;... ......... 4 60 49 6 00 Cypreeallearts........ ....... 0 00 49 7 50 ' STAVES, f M-W. O. irrel.12 00 4513 CO i B.O. Hogshed.............00 CO CIO '