ex- II 'cepted "by JOSH T. JAMES, 5 KPITOK AinniOPMKTOK. -eoTPTION3 POSTAGE PAHh. s fii-r montns. V6.w. anree . AA Mil Oo J" . nrt. One month. 35 cents. $4.UU. K.UVt 10011 ' be delivered by carrier free or 10 cento pct week, ''eetlsingratefllow and HberaL Subscribers will report finy and all tall- to lve their paper regnlarly. Daily Review has the largest Jja fide circulation, of any newspaper. pEMOCRATIC TICKET. -rwi ion Tuesday, Nov. 4. rff . ' Fon president: (IKOVER CLEVELAND, of New York. kok vice president; THOMAS A. HENDRICKS of Indiana. fou governor : r ALFRED M. SCALES, ' of Guilford. FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Vake.-v. FOR STATE" TREASURER: DONAL.D W. BAIN, of Wake. . FOR AUDITOR: W..P. ROBERTS, of Gates. fou attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. upeuintendent of public ii struction: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT: A. S. MERRIMON. ot Wake. FOR ELECTORS-AT-LARGE : W. H. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. The late Allan Pinkerton. the detect ire, left an estate valued at $200,000. The heat was so great in London on the 4th that work was almost impossible It is believed that theJEngli3b harvest this year will be -one of the nnest Of the decade. ;. The sanitary inspectors in New York are now looking after dealers who doc tor coSee with chrome yellow.' James Reilly, who has given exhi bitioDS as a snake charmer, died in ter rible agony in New York last week from the effects of a rattlesnake bite. A Maine Republican has just passed away at the ripe old age of 110 years. Some Republicans, says the Boston Post, had rather die than vote fo Blaine. Ex-Collector SimmoDS, of Boston, one ot Gen. Butler's most trusted lieu tenaants, was interviewed in New York, lie says he will cordially sup port Cleveland. The Rochester Union confidently be lieves that Cleveland and Hendricks will carry 22 States, haying 255 elector al vote?. These States are the Solid South and California, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Wiscon sin. In a letter acknowledging the con gratulations of a well-known" New York merchant. Governor Cleveland writes: 4,I am glad that in my nomi nation you find so many causes for thankfulness'. I bope that I . f halfc. not fail you." H. B. Scharmann, president of the Kew York State Brokers' Association, who has fipr many years been an active publican, is outspoken in his opposi fioa to Blaine, and he has many fol jjwen among the rank and file ot the German-Americau Republican voters Kings County. Sanies M. Brown, pre sident of XewYork Chamber of Com merce, s the best interests of the country in a coQimercial sense demand a change Prty control and the election of such 1 in as Governor Cleveland . Mr. S. Babcock, expresident of-the same yisofhe same opinion. Prepare for better times. The wheat CrPof;heUnitd States at 80 cents Per bushel is worth four hundred mil dollars. East Of the Rocky moun- ln ;t is worth $360,000,000. The Win r wheat is sayed, and is beginning to jjve briskly to market. Jhia Part of e Pi which may be considered a asset, is worth, at 80 cents, $280, "woo- In a fw weeks the Spring wheat n?'f wbic ls iQ every way promising, U1 faU into tho procession. it - m VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C.V WEDNESDAY. JULY 23 QGen. Logan's letter of acceptance has been published. It butechoves Mr. Blaine's few remarks and is careful to steer clear of shoals and quicksand8 and all embarrassing subjects. Georce W. Grubb3 has been nomi nated for Con cress by the Republicans of the Fifth Indiana Congressional District, but we incline to the opinion that Indiana will hardly furnish any Republican year. Congressional grub this Statistics published in Berlin give 80,104 as the number of Germans who emigrated mostly to America, during he, first five months of the present year. This number is 709 less than the number for the coriespondmg per iod in 1883. For the same period in U2 the number was 102,324, and in 1881 it was 102,519. The estate of the late Archbishop Jame3 F. Wood, of Philadelphia, is valued at but $7,143. His will pro vided that his library and money de posited with him in truet should bo transferred to his successor, with the same power that the decedent held. It was also set out in the will that there wa3 no real or personal estate to de scend to his heirs or next of kin. We could state for the benefit ot Mr. Blaine that there is a lar;e force of his voters now engaged in this State in building railroads and upon other works of internal improvement, but, unfortunatelWDy the terms of their contract, andlhe interpretation of our laws, they will not be permitted to re turn home to vote. ' The Convention of Independent Re publicans, which met in New York ye3terday, was largely attended and the delegates were all representative men. An organization wa3 effected and an adjournment was had nntil to-day. There is but little doubt that Cleveland and Hendricks will be endorsed. Edward Kearney, a prominent Tammany sachem, says: "I am' in favor of endorsing Cleveland and iHendricks at once." Thomas Dunlap, another Tammany sachem, says: "The ticket is in the field and we will have to support it. I think that the sooner we ratify it the better for the party and the organization." Jacob F. Schoelkopf, the wealthiest German manufacturer in Buffalo, N. Y., has declared for Cleveland. Mr. Schoelkopf is a thorough Protectionist but he believes Cleveland to be able and honest, and is for him out and out. It is conceded that a hirge majority of the German leaders of Buffalo will support Cleveland. Another Radical rose has fallen to the ground. Edward McCarthy, of New Haven, who wrote to Mr, Blaine and, claiming to be a Democrat, announced his intention of supporting the Republi can ticket and to whom Mr. Blaine re sponded with a regret that he was not yet abie to discharge the little debt of gratitude, turns out to b a Republican of several years standing. He was formerly a Democrat but became dis gruntled at not having received a nomination to which he aspired, and which was given to a better man, and has for three elections past voted full Republican tickets. He is a"Deuiocrat" of theTyreYorke School. The Blaineites will please trot out another Democratic bolter to take the place of this lone fisherman just as soon as they can find him. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO KEW ADYERTISEMEMTS. O Blair Wanted F C Millek Conundrum Heinsbekger Just Received W B Hocox Pender Democrats Scovillb & Co Base Ball Match. C W Yates Wc Want Your Trade Jas W Kino Attention Democrats &IUNDS fcios. & DkRosset Medicines Capk Fe&r Tobacco Works At Coat J M McGowak &r Son Something New J H Glass, Manager Telephone Exchange . v There were no tramps at- the guard house last night. ; Wq venture the piediction that Mr. Frank H. Darby, of this city, will be the nominee of the Republicans for Congress in this district. Health Officer Hay3 was busy to-day in seeing f hat all the' drains, gutters alleys and rear premises were thorough ly disinfected. J It is said here to-day that Col. Cash was not the man, after all, who' shot Douglass, the leader of the expedition against Bogan Cash. Col. Cash, it is said, was at his home at the time the shooting occurred. ; . A sick sailor, belonging to one of theJ r i . r . I io reign vessels in porx, was aaicen to police headquarters last night, and wjis turned over to the Marine Hospital this morning for treatment. The attention of the health authorities is called to the fact that the odor from decaying watermelon rinds left in the sun is not by any means pleasant to the olfactories nor invigorating to the system . The smell was a rank one this forenoon at the foot of Market street.. Personal. Hon. Wharton'JV Green and his daughter, Miss Sadie, are at the White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia. The New York World correspondence says that she is greatly admired and her name heads a list of accomplished, horse women that i3 given. The C. & P. C. K. K. Capt. R. P. Paddison has taken the contract for building 15 miles of the Clinton & Point Caswell Railroad, and the subscription list has been placed in his bands for collection. HOwill push the enterprise with his well-known en ergy, and he will needthe subscriptions as fast as theyCan be obtained. It has been asserted that the climate ot Wilmington is not suited to the manufacture of tobacco; that it is too moist here. We fail to see how this can be, as Mr. Meadows has now on hand at his store a lot of Cape Fear Smoking Tobacco, put up by him four years ajo, which we smoke every day and which is as sweet and pleasant as the day it was first put into the bags. Big Sweetness. Messrs. E. J. Moor$-& Co. will have on exhibition and tor sale at the Lawn rartv at (Jitv Hall rark to-nignt, a piece of confectionery in the shape ot a Confederate Soldier. It will be mount ed on a pedestal, which will also be a confection, and will be gotten up with taste and akill. The proceeds of its gale will be devoted to the North Caro- ina' Confederate Home. The pgure will present a Lfioe soldier-like appear ance. which Mr. Moore ought ' to know how to design, as he was for four long and weary Jyears as gallant a Con feder ate soldier as ever did honor to the gray City Court. John Mernct, a yon ng colored man, was brought before the Mayor this morning a3 a suspicious character. The evidence showed that he was caught yesterday afternoon in the house of Capt. James Bagley, corner of Fourth and Davis streets, while the family were absent at the Sound. He had gained an entrance by ' opening " a window, and when found was under a bed with a razor and file in his posses sion. He was raised on Capt. Bagley 's premises, and when arrested, claimed that be entered the house to feed the canaries. He was taken to the guard house and was brought up for exsftnina tion this morning, Due as no one ap peared against him , he was discharged The Xjawn Party To-Nifflit. There will undoubtedly be a large assembly at the City Hallmark in at" tendanceupon the.Lawn Party given by theLadiea' Oakdaie Memorial Associa tion for the benefit of the North Caro lina Confederate Home. The manage ment are making every .exertion possi ble' toinsurea pleasantjoccasion, and wc trust that they may be amply rewarded for their efforts. There will be music by the Cornet Concert Club, which, of itself, should be a sufficient inducement to attend. There will aho be refresh ments of the best kinds in abundance which may be obtained at reasonable prices. The "proceeds of the party will be devoted to a noble and patriotic cause which should be dear and sacred to everv person who had a loved one in the Confederate Army. r - A New Counterfeit. The secret service division of the Treasury Department has received ad vices that a new counterfeit 10 silver certificate has appeared in the West. It is supposed to have been printed from a wood-cut, but is likely to de cciye an ordinary judge of money. It is of the serifcs of 1880. G. W. Scho- field, register; Jamas Gilfillan. treas urer. The note is one quarter of an ' inch shorter than the genuine ; the.paper is composed of two thin layers, with the silk parallel lines and fibre placed between them. In the . story on the back, where it should read : And al public dues and when so received'1 the word all" is entirely omitted, and the words "when son are tied together as one word.- There are numerous other defects which judges of paper money will readily discover. C . ........ . . .4. i. ..- - ' ' Important Th delegates to the Congressional Convention at Lumbei ton from this city are requested to meet at tho City Hall at 8: 30 o'clock on Friday night. Business' of importance is to be tran sacted and it is. hoped that all the delegates may be present. This call is issued bylMr. II. McL- Green, chair man of the County Convention. The members of tho police force are anxious to get up a . walking match, and offer-'ifl Utakisi money on officer Woebse against "anfr policeman in the State, the distance to f ten miles or more. If; ahy1bllce officer' in other portions of the" State would like to try ashoft distance running match, officer Grant, of the-WHinington force, will be happy to accommodate him. Democatic Mass Meeting. As will be sen by notice elsewhere in this issne, the Democratic Executive Committee of New Hanover countv have called a mass meeting of the Democrats of the county, to be held at the Court House in Uiis city, at 8:15 o'clock to-morrow night. The object of :the meeting will be to form a Dem ocratic Central Club, and it is hoDed that there may be a full attendance. From South Carolina. There will be a match game of base ball on the 7th of August next, to be played between the Mechanic nine of Columbia, S. C, and the Seaside Park nine of this city. The game will be played on the grounds of the latter at m rr I i ait . - wrigntsviue. me Aiecnanics coming here for that purpose. An excursion party irom uoiumoia will accompany . 1 1 i 1 v v mem ana we snau do giau to see our friends from the capital of our sister State. Lawn Party. There was a very pleasant time at the Lawn Party last night, given by the congregation of St. Thomas' Catholic Church. There was a large number in attendance, nico retresnments were on sale, fine music enlivened the hours and a pleasurable time every way. Col F. W. . Kerchner was declared the most handsome we mean the mos popular mercnant by an immense majority, in consequence of which he became thereceipient of the gold-headed cane. It was worthily bestowed and we congratulate Col. Kerchner upon his successful popularity. Music on the Waters. The excursion on the Passport to morrow, will be .given under the auspi ces of the Cornet Concert Club, and o course every ticket will be sold. The number will be limited, aCthe Club are more anxious that their guests shal suffer no discomfort from a crowded boat than thev are to swell the balance in the treasury. The Club is composed of some of the best and most deserving ot buc younger citizens, who have been at a good deal of expense and the sacri fice of much time to cater to the mu steal tastes ot our people, and we should do all in our power and with in our means to encourage and sustain them in their laudable enterprise. . Maj. bteaman wuiDegin nis part o the campaign in the Western counties of the State and after he gets started the Republicans in those sections will have but little time for 'vacation until the canvass is made. He will - lead them tho liveliest sort of a dance. The. daughter of Mr; James R. Hatcher, of Clair View, Inverell , N, S. W., Australia, was for months unable to speak. Her case was given up by the physician, and her father .writes, that one application f St. Jacobs Oil. the great pain-cure, restores her speech. ...... . : , , ' We learn that Caleb Blount, the colored man who was shot a few nights since, has considerable fever, but other wise is doing as well as could be ex pected. The excursion given to-day on the Passport by the Y. P. A., of St. Paul's E. L. Church, was largely attended and there is no doubt that a pleasant time for all has been the result. The Cornet Concert Club received two nw instruments to day one tenor and one base tuba.' The latter will be played by Mr. S. G. Hall, who is an excellent base player. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made o order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. ti. Mr. W. B. HocuV Chairman of the Rocky Point . Executive Committee, calls upon the voters of that township to assemble at Rocky Point depot cn Saturday. August 2d, for the, purpose j of forming a campaign clab. . s . ,. . . 1884; NO. 174 At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 89 de grees. . Fullest assortment of Fishing Tackle can be found at Jacobi's. f t The members of the Cornet Concert Club are requested to be! on band promptly at 8 o'clock to-night to take part at the Lawn Party at City Hall Park. Exports Foroln. Ger. barque Richard, Paske. cleared to day for Riga, Rusia. With 4.092 barrels ot rosin, valued at, 5.257,21, shipped by Messrs. DeRosset & Co. Br. barque George Davis, Macomber, cleafed"f6f Hull. Eng., with 2.000 casks spirits turpentine and 3475 barrels rosin, valued at $32,500, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son; making a total yalue of exports foreign amount ting to $37,757.31. Base Hall. There will be a match gaie of base ball between the Clarendon and the Seaside Park nitres. :o be olaved on the grounds of the latter nt Wrightsville. The game will be called af 4 o'cldck Friday afternoon, and there will probably be a large gathering to witness the exciting contest. Messrs. Scoville & Co., of the Seaside Park Hotel, will give a hop in the evening complimentary to the winning nine. which will be quite an attractive feature in the day's sports. I f Every Farmer ought to get a Boys Clipper Plow," greatest invention of the age. Jacobi is the Agent t You Must Go. a pieasant evening lor an wno may attend the LawnPartv for the' benefit of the Confederate Home, to be given this evening m the City Hall Park. There will be many attractions. The Cornet Concert Club will periorm. some of their choicest pieces. A deligtful sup per will be ready for all who may cal for it and then a quiet game of whist. chess, backgammaon or checkers may be indulged in afterwards,and all in the open air and by the light of Chinese lanterns. Let all who have the cause at heart be sure to go. j The Law System. Mr. W. R. Cook, manager of the Construction Force of the Southern Bell Telephone Company. airiveiOn the city this morning, from Charlotte, with six men, for the purpose cf put ting in position the new; fire aterm which is to be adopted here and which is now in use in Norfolk, Danville and other cities. The new plan is known as the Law System and its' advantages over that now in use lie principally in the fact that it can be used both as a .telephone and a fire alarm j Another largo consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory! prices, just receive6!at Jacobi's Hardware Depotf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Wanted, AYOU5G MAN FROM THE COUNTRY who Is not afraid of work, to Clerk In a Grocery Stare, Best recommendations re quired. E. G. BLAIK. j v 23 Star copy Wednesday Friday. SomethiDg Ifew. rjlHE "DEMOCRATIC BOOM" IS THE Best Five Cents Cigar pold In tic city and It Is sold only at the NORTH 8TATE SAIXX)N, where also yon will find the best Clemmcr Whiskey at 10 cents a drink and, the Coolest Beer in the city. , 1y 23 tf J. M. McSOWAN A SON. Subscribers to Wilmington Telephone Exchange. JLEAbE ADD TO YOUR LI&T3 NO. 76, W. H. Kenan, Provision Broker, South Water st. G. H GLASS, jy23 2t j Manager. ROOMS OF DEM. EX. COMMITTEE OF ROCKY POINT TOWNSHIP, PENDER COUNT,!1, Julf 22, '&L i rjlHE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF ROCKY Point Township axe requested to meet at Rocky Point Depot on Saturday, the 2nd day of Aturnst, 18S4, for the purpose of forming a Cleveland and Hendricks, Scales and Stedman Club. By order of the Towhship Executive Committee. W. B.HOCUT. jy 23 It . I Chairman. At Cost! QVER 500 BOXES TOBACCO AT COST to close out. Also, a large stock" of Plug and Smoking Tobacco, at very low prices, from the Best Faftorles in Virginia. Cigars and Cigarettes By the mlulion, at the Offica of CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS, jy2Jtt No. 133 North Market St. T7trat3sUi : -5 iz:-r:a iMeo tits' x',. I v i . Psnonaraca taustta tTfi!M! - And It U especially JarVparttcalaxIy taCer tood that the Editor doe not always eadat xw ox correspoadeata unle- n tn editorial coHnm, f jrew AiiVEimaizii2iT3. BaU! Match At Sea-Side Park. ; FRIDAY AFTERNOONi JULYJ5, BITWEEM ' !"' - H Clarcadoa 1 Sci-Silc Pari Bise, MMv - , . .. .- 't ....... The best and onlr nnirnnnMl ninha! in hm city. ' .-v The game triU be called at 1 o'clock. . . Accomnotlations to all gue&ts. Grand Hop cemnllmfintirv te da rinnm at evening. "7 " iv M . SCOV1IXB & CO.. J7 tf yH Proprietors. Cornet Concert Clul) ! Grand Musicdlo, Concert ! STEAMEU PASSPOItT;! "DY GENERAL REQUESTTBE CORNET CONCERT CLUB will give a Grand Day Ex curslon on . THURSDAY.. 24th. Inst. A trwl Ume and plenty of New and Attractive if nln are assured. Tickets 50 cents. To be had at tho Book Stores, John Drer & Son, and o It. II. GRANT, , J. E. W1LLSON, T W. L. DEROSSET, Jr.. ' UJ, OTTERBOCilQ. July U . CoDunltt:e. . New Grocery. IJ1HE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED AT the corner of Front and Mulberry streets, a NEW FAMILY GROCERY STORE," where will be kept a nice and fresh stock o choice trroccrics. Everv thlnfir I offer la new and fresh front first hands and is iure to please. I propose to; soil for CASH and to be satisfied with a small margin; hence I shall aell cheap er than any other house in Wilmington. ' A call is respectfully solicited. . . F. L4FON, july 22 3m Cor. Front and Mulberry sts CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, Jul 2t, ISst: I HEREBY REQUEST ALL CITIZCN3 TO give all aid in their power In assisting the City Authorities in putting the City in tho best possible Sanitary condition. Much can be done by houeeholdcrs in keeping the'r yards in good condition. They should be well swept, -and all garbage, in both liquid and dry form, should be placed on the sidewalk in front or their residences, when It will be removed every morning. AU sinks and privies must bo well' disinfected. Amplcmaterial can always be got by application at the City Hall. All stag nant water must be reported to the proper au thoritlesat once. It behooves all good citi zens in lending their hearty assistance to this work. , K. D, II ALL, July 22 2t 7 , -i Mayor. Lawn TRAILING TO OBTAIN TILE PASSPORT for an Excursion, as proposed, for next week, tho Ladles' Oakdalo Memorial Association will give a Lawn Party at the City UaU Park on Wednesday evening, the 13rd. The pro ceeds arc to be used in behalf of tho Con fed crate Home, to bo established in North Caro , Una. The public generally, who are Interest ed in the cause, are invited to contribute re freshments of any kind, or their equivalent, ' for the occasion. Any donations can be cent to tho President, 224 North Third street, or the Vice President, 115 Market street, or, on the day of the Party, to the caro ef the -Mayor, at the Cly 11 all. Should the weather prove unfavorable, tho first pleasant evening after will be used. - c . .j Jy lOt To the Demterab jt NewHanorer foasfj.; rjllIE CAMPAIGN OF lS$k IS ABOUT TO open. The State Ticket for North Carolina has ben put into the field, and embraces a list of candidates whom every Democrat in the v State will bo pround to assist la elevating to" the respective offices for which they are nom inated The National Tlcke t presented to tha country by the Democratic Convention at Chicago has been received throughout the broad land with every demonstration or satis faction that betokens a glorious victory in November. - .,. ,The time has arrived- to- make "preparation for the battle that miut be waged togainthU grand consummation. We must not rest in tho hope that so glorious a result can be com. passed without labor and organization. And ' to this end the Democratic Executive Com-' mltteo of New Hanover County beg leave to call upon all good Democrats of tho County to render their lull and hearty co-operatton; and for the purpose of effecting a more perfect or ganization of tho pary do name Thursday. the 24th day of July, 8Vi 1. M., as the day on which the party is requested to assemble in mass, at the Court Mouse, for the purpose of forming a Democratic Central Crafty JA8. W.KI5G. jy 23 St Chairman Dcm. Ex. Com. - -1 " Just Received. gLANK BOOKS, LETTER BOOKS. - -INVOICE BOOKS, LONG DAYBOOKS. White and Manilla EN VI LOPE?, all sizes. Latest Styles BOX PAPER. ; - . . . . Japanece Bcveled-Edged VISITING CARDS At ' . . HEINSBERGER'S, July 21 Live Book and Music torts. THE CUTICURA REMEDIES, WABNER'4 SAFE UVER AND KIDNXT CURE, . DUKEII ART'S EXTRACT OF If ALT ABD . . ; HOPS, ' . . . - i 'i'lX : U ri S. 8. S. TWO SIZES. COMPLETE LINE OFEUGS, - - . . MEDICINES AND FANCY GOODS. - ' llunds Bros &'DeRosset, '. :-TIlTJGGISTS, . WIXMIKGTON, !N; C, ? ' i .1