u oubed erery evenly. 4undy- ex eepted by JOSH T.JAMES, , kditob AjroraoraiETOB. ,nBSCBlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: . r t00. Six months, $2.00. Three Ooe 7 qq. one month, 35 cents. BTWr wilt delivered by carriers free Ji lB any Part of the city, at the above ' Tiocfenu per week. 'estlslng rates low andUberaL . , Subscribers will report any and all fall- tes to " iacu 1 ' J' :Trrrr mi' rW7. Rfi.ine.ui has the laraest i ne, is'vy - " - circulation, of any newspaper lihed,inlte city of Wilmington, ynJKATIO TICKET. - Kleclion Tuesday, Nov. 4. for president: c;KOVER CLEVELAND, of New York. ton vice president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOR GOVERNOR I ALFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford. FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAN, of New Hakover. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. ' FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR : W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL,: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. FPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT! A. S. MERRIMON," of Wake. j-'OR ELECTORS-AT-LARGE : W. H. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STABLES. , LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. See ad Excursion P c Miller Conundrum C W Yates New Goods ilKiNSBKKOKK Hammocks University of North Carolina Mtrcros Beds'. & DeRosset Trusses Oysters next month. More rain and a plenty of it. . We lose this month 59 minutes of daylight- ' This is just the right kind of weathar for sunstrokes. r There were 54 carts in market this morning. ; August, the last of the Summer months, is with us to-day. This month lias five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays. The hard rain this afternoon did some excellent scavenger work. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil . -4 lv d w 4 2 Eyeryldy in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c, should go to Jacobi's Some very fine August mnllet3 have been brought to market during the past fewdayg. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. t Mayor Hall has returned from his visit to the Fruit Fair at Goldsboro. Another large consignment of Sash, . Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depot t The storm signal, which was dis played yesterday and last night, was taken down this morning. The steam tug Wm Nice has been laid up for overhauling of machinery, repainting &c. She will be off in about a week. Every Farmer ought to get a "Boys Clipper Plow," greatest invention 'of the age. Jacobi is the Agent 4- There was "a sharp blow here last night and heavy raiiH The wind, how ever, subsided with tiie coming of the rain. ' " ".. : i ' Ve invite the attention of our citizens ,tti-he fact that first quality shirts are being made to ordertit one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. ti. Mr., Anther. Prempert request us JO state that the publication of his name as a member of the Stedman Base Ball Nine is a mistake as he does not belong to the organization. The ;iadies of Fifth Street M. E. Church will "give on the PassporUou Tuesday next, one of the series of de lightful excursions which has heretofore been bo liberally patronized and which hare been so thoroughly enjoyed by all who have attended them , : - 1 ( VOL. VIII. Gov. Jarvis Has not yet arrived here He was expected yesterday, but it is understood now that ho will not come until Monday. He is to speak here on Tuesday night. Rev. father Mahonev. IWn. ff Mary's Cathedral. Sydney. N. S.' W. Australia, writes, ihatn.ll Jacobs Oil, the great pain -cure, were greatly benefited and speak highly of it. 50 cents a bottle. A Loye Feast will be held at the Front street Methodist church this, Friday, evening, at 8 o'clock prepara tory to the third quarterly meetiDg which is to be held on Sunday ' by the Presiding Elder, Rev Dr. Bobbitt. Mr. A. W. Rivenbark, of this city, has presented to Mayor Hall, to be placed in the City Hall Park, a young buck. We suggest .that it be named G rover Cleveland, after the next Presi dent of the United States. - University of North Carolina. We call attention to the advertise ment of our State University in this issue. Seven Trustees from different parts of the State made recently a care- fnl inspection of its works and rendered a most favorable report as to its teach ing, morale, &c. We are pleased to notice that much attention is given to instruction of praclicallysLlvie to men in various pursuits of life and that the spirit of economy rules among the students. ltdaw. Orand Council. The Grand Council of the American Legion of Honor will convene in New- bern on Tuesday next. 5th inst. at 10 a. m. Messrs. N. Jacobi, P. G. C; J. I. Macks, Q. S., and R. ET Heide, G. R., will attend fro.n Clarendon Council, ofth-scity. On Friday Cosmopolitan Council No. 211, of Newbern, will give an excursion to the delegates down the Neuse on the steamer Shenandoah, .and we return thanks for anfinvitation to participate in that part of the delibera tions. The Wedding: liells. Our good friend Wiiliams T. Banner man, Esq., Clerk of Superior Court of Pender county, was married on Wed nesday at Castle Haynes,in this county, to Miss S. E. Grady, daughter of A. J. Grady. Esq , a young, charming and accomplished lady. The knot was tied, and safely tied too, by Rev. Colin Shaw. The happy couple left immediately for Mr. Bannerman's house at Burgaw and the people of five counties join with us in wishing them every happi ness that this earth can bestow upon them. Death of an old Citizen. Mr. James Garrison, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Pender county, died yesterday morning at his reaidenco near -Long Creek, very sud denly, of heart disease. He was dis tinguished 'for his strict integrity and probity of life. Thus has another old and reliable landmark passed away; and his virtues hereafter, as in life, will be admired by all who knew him. Deceased was about 82 years old, and was a native of Duplin county, but for aboutTfifty years ho had resided at his old home in Pender. The Seaside f ark. Yesterday's Charlotte Observer says : We learn that Mr. George Seoville, of thb Buford House in this city, hai be come interested in the Seaside. Park, at Wrightsville. and will divide his time between the Buford and Seaside Park. Mr. Seoville will go down to Wrights ville on the first of August and take a hand in the management of the hotel. It is proposed to make the Seaside Park awinter resort, but this plan, we believe, has not jet been fully decided upon. With the assistance of hi3 brother, M. Dabney Seoville will no doubt be able to give even better satis faction in future to the gue3ts of the hotel. , Collapsed. About five or six months ago, adver tisements and hand bills were circulated freely over this State in the interests of a lottery conco'rn i called the Dismal Swamp Lottery. The headquarters of the lottery were in Norfolk and to that port no little bit of tar heel cash found its way, but there is now an end to the swindle. The Dismal Swamp Lottery Company has come to grief. Their charter has been revoked, but they are not disposed to obey the law. and have been doing business since July 1st, when they were ordered to close op. The officers are after them now, and the agent in Berkely has been put in Jail, and the Mayor of Norfolk has had the wheel and otner parapnernaiia seized, and Manager Horbach will be tried as oon as he can be had. W ILlVnNGTON. N. C. TTII DAY. AUGUST GOLDSBORO: Opening: of the Fruit Fair The Concerts The Seasides in Goldsboro. Dear Review: The Fruit Fair was opened in . due . form yesterday at about noon. Rev. T. Whitfield, of the Baptist Church, led prayer, after which. addresses were made by Gov Jarvis and Senator Vance, which were both very interesting and were iistcned to-with the most profound attention. These having been concluded the Fruit Fair was declared open. There wa3 a largeHhrone: in attendance and they kept arriving and departing all through the day. The display was very fine in some respects superior to that of last year. The fruit was generally better and finer in quality. Trie hall was com modious and the arrangements perfect. That the attendance was laree may be known from ihe fact that the receipts fur admission yesterday amounted to $250.75, and they will reach fully the same figures to-day. When the train arrived from Wil mington, at about noon, it brought a large numbsr of visitors from New Hanover, Pender, Duplin, , Sampson and the lower partion of Wayne. The Seaside Base Ball Club were of the number and their arrival caused a good deal of speculation as to the merits of the two clubs and as to the result of the game. Owing to the unavoidable de lays; it was quite late before the game was called. It 'was broiling hot, vet the grounds were thronged with ladies and gentlemen who endured the in tense heat in order to see the exciting game. It was won by the Seasides in score of 17 to 9 for the Nationals. The concert last, night was largely attended and the performance was ex cellent in every respect. Tha receipts amounted to about 300, and the pros pects are favorable to equally vas large and profitable a house to-night. We are under obligations to Mr. J. H. Bonitz, of the Messenger, to Dr. W. Du Pont, the business manager of the same, and other attaches of the office as well as to the officials of the Fair for many courtesies while we have been here. Mr. Bonitz has been up to his eyes in business, haring had an immense amount of work to do, in connection with the fair, iu consequence of which he has been kept away from the office much of the time. In his absence, however, Dr. Du Pont has ably and courteously filled his place. F. A. Grand Affair. Editor Review : On Monday it was my great boon to attend the most glorious pic nic that it ha3 ever been my good fortune to join. W e lelt Bur gaw early in the morning, and after fording, swimming and compassing several swollen streams we called a halt at the residence of that ppnee of good fellows, Jasper Carbett, who had prepared -his elegant grounds with an eye single to the enjoyment of his friends A magician's wand seemed to have been waved over the place, for nothing that the most fastidious could ask for was wanting to make the day and the occasion the completest of the year. Pleasure seekers fn their holiday attire wero as thick as leaves in Val lambrosa, and you could take any guest of our inimitable host and find a perfect picture of satislaction, of true content ment. A splendid paviliion had been erected tor the devotees of Terpsichore and when the music struck up the electricity got terribly tangled in your correspondent's toes,and staid there un til be left, and even at night in dream land he was threading the giddy mazes, beside a lassie who had rested her cheek upon the damask rose and re tained its color. Mr. Editor, Jwhy did'nt you come? We all wanted you, and as these gatherings arc to be annual, we now tell you that you must be on hand next year ! - And this people should be happy. For a truth the great and good God has blessed them. There never has been such a crop of corn and cot ton grown in thi3 section and I put them against the crops of any poition of the habitable gobe. It would do you some good to see the reward that Dame Nature has poured into the lap of this section. We are going to have money and some to spare in these parts this year. And, great Heavens, I save the best for the last! I. had no idea that there was so large a crop of beautiful girls left. They were there, and there were a plenty of them. -Talk about the philosopher's stone a greater mystery there is. jHow could a mnn attend Jas per Corbett's pic nic and remain single another day ! I can't answer this ques tion ; I can but say. that if I had been single then I wouldn't be so to-day. J T C. Bukgaw. N. C, July 28th, 1884. City Court. Before the'Mayor this morning J . H. Jones, charged with disorderly con duct, was fined $3, which he paid. Eii Smith, disorderly, was fined $4, which was yaid. . Monroe-Thomas, disorderly- S3, paid Melissa Hines, disorderly, $5 or 10 days. She went below. , To Leave To-Niffut. Mr. W. H. Sterling. Manager of the Western Union Telegraph office in this city, who exchanged positions with Mr. C. C. Brown, of Norfolk, as already noted by ns, will leave to-night with his family for his old home. Mr. Sterling y,txa KoiH h nntitinn here lor nearly five years and leaves many friends be- bind him. Mr. Brown s iamujr arrived here and that gentleman has assumed charge of the office at uus place. . '. - The congregation ot the Second Presbyterian in this city have extended a call to Rev. R. C. Reed, of Virginia, to assume the charge of that church. The Historical and Scientific Society will meet this evening inTienken Hall on which occasion Dr. Thos. F. Woodl wmread. a paper entitled A Few Evenings with Old Papers." There was a very exciting game of boso ball this morning at the Park be tween the Katz Nine, Capt. C. W. Polvoght, and the Freeman Nine. Capt. E. H Freeman, resulting in 8 for the former and 7 lor the latter. At least, this i3 the report handed in to us. : Whatsay You, Doctor? Some physicians are afraid to pres cribe anything except what they direct the apothecary to compound. Yet frequently we find those who have found Brown's Iron Bitters such a valuable medicine that they are clad to prescribe jt. Among these is Dr. B. F. Smith, of Hat Creek, Va.. who says, I have frequently prescribed Brown's Iron Bitters in my practice, and find it a most excellent preparation." . From SmlThvTUeT SMixnviLLE, N. C. July 30, 1884. Editok Review: Since my letter of the 25th we have had what may very appropriately be termed a "successful continuation ." Delightful weather, cool ing breezes, and social companionship have all contributed their quota to our enjoyment The large number of your Monaay issue containing. At Smith ville" were all quickly disposed of, and you will no doubt receive applications for additional copies to be fowarded to friends of 'our transients" in this and other States. In my list of guests I named Col. R. M. Oates, owner, and H. C. Eccles, pro prietor, ot the Central Hotel at Char lotte, who are in chargeof a party from -London" (N. C). As I wa3 sitting on the piazza this morning debating whether I should play a game of bil liards with Mr. Bish. Short, or a game of croquet with Lieut. Ross, with a certainty ef getting beat in either case, or pander to the feeling of in dolence natural to ' the seaside, and rest where I sat I was very much amused at hearing Mrs. Eccles say, 'I would like to see that Review re porter and find out why he failed to say any thing about our ride." Upon in quiry I found that Mrs. Eccles, the Misses Oates, Mrs. G E. Linton, Mrs. Seigle, Miss Kate Blackwood (whom I name for the edification of their Charlotte friends) and others enjoyed a ride in Mr. Sublett's" conveyances, which consist of three carts a horse cart with no, boards 4n the bottom, a horse cart with boards and an ox cart all a la mode Mrs. Eccles says the ride re minded her so forcibly of the rides she used to take in 'the days of her youth when she went to borrow watermelons from her father's farm on the Yadkin . The guests of the Hotel were treated to a seven mile trip to sea through the kindness of that genial, good natured and accommodating Harper and returned highly pleased and With appetites whetted as only the sea air can whet them. Through the courtsey of Capt. "Kit" Morse they will enjoy a sail on the ocean in his pilot schooner this evening, and return ing stop at Fort Caswell for a dance in the pagoda. Your correspondent is now on the Passport, and with the double purpose of acting out his resolve of "getting his back up" against return ing to neat and toil, and of seeing the last of "spots to memory dear" is facing Smithville, waiving his bandana to tho girls he has left behind him and with a kind farewell to them and you he j remains, - : Yours, Quix. ! THE MAILS The malls close and arrive at the City Poa office as follows : CLOSE. I Northern through malls, fast 7.3(P. M. Northern through and wsv malls.... 3.00 A. M. Raleigh..'. 6.45 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. N.C: Railroad at 7.30 P. M. and 8.00 A. U Southern Malls for all points South, daUy S.00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. KaUway) dally, (except Sunday) 6.45 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 6.45 P. M. Mailf or Chcraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston .8.00 P. M. Fayettevllle and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays. 1.00 P. M. Fayettevllle, via U C Railroad, daily, except Sundays - C.45. P. M. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smithville malls, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 20 P. M Malls for Easy llill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Tues days and Fridays...... 6.00 A. M. Wrightsville, dally 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails 7.30 A. M Southern Malls .7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 P. M. and from other point of the city at 5 -P.M. Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. General delivery open from 7 A.M- Vo 6 P.M. and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M, Carriers delivery open on Sunday from &.30 to S JSO A. M. . Quarterly Meetings. Third Round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church,South : Wilmington, at Front Street, August 2 and 3. Smithville, August 9 and 10. Brunswick Circuit, at Alt. Zion, Au gust 12 and 13. Wfaiteville Circuit, at Peacock's, Au gust 16 and 17. Flemington Circuit, at Carver s Creek, August 23 and 21. W.H Bobbttt.P.E. 1, 1884. M in i ... .1 A . M . NO. 182 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Excursion. TIIE LADIES OF THE FIFTH STREET M. E. ClIUKCII wllleiveanarxcureiononthe Steamer PASSPORT to Smithville and the Forts, on Tuesday. August 5h. Refreshments will be on sale at city prices.f Fare for round trip 50 cents Children half price Boat leaves Market Dock at 9 A. M., sharp, auglSt Star copy jsunday. University of North Carolina i . rjlflE NEXT SESSION BEGINS ON TUE UST THURSDAY AUGUST, on which, and on the two lucceedin dav s, examinations f r admission will be had. Tho Instruction embraces not only he old curri culum," but also brance 8 rj especial value to teachers, farmers, merchants and other busl resa men. A Law and Medical School at tached. I For Catalogue and for the report of the vts I lng committee of seven Trpstees on the In struction, discipline, morale! Ac. atfply to PKBS1DENTBATTLE . EE- cr to W. T. PATTKRSON. Sec'y. aug 1 It dAwi Chapel llill, N.C. House Builders, HARDWARE OF EVKUYj DESCUIPTION, Locks, Ulnges, Butts Nails, Window F&steninjts, &c. Contractors can save money by consulting us. Large ct6ck, good assort ment and good tcoods. W. E. SPRINGER & CO.. Successors to John lawson & Co.. july 27 Wilmimjiou, n. C. 1 l City Drug Store. aiO MARKET $TJitEET. NO CONUNDRUM ABOUT THIS : Soda Wi.ter at 5c per glass. It can't be good at 2 or 3 .cents per glass; (too much foam and gas). Drugs and! Cigars in great variety. My Soda Water is alWays good. It can't be excelled every day. My Cologne is the best to be had. Ice Creajm Soda occasion ally. Call on "OLD" JIM COSOLEY, jure2G I Manager. Library Lamps. riHIE HANDSOMEST AND LARGEST AS sortment ever ccen In this city. , &ir Lamps and Lamp Gools a speciilty. i GTLES A MtiRCHISON'S. 33 and 40 Miirchlson Block. july 21 Notice. rjmE EMBERS OF THEj DEMOCRATIC Executive Committee of Pclder County are requested to meet at Burgaw ion Monday, Aug. 4th, at 12 o'clock M. I desirelhat every Town 6hip shall be represented and urge each mem ber of the Commit tee to be present. JNO. RJPADDISON. 1 Chairman, . Ft. Caswell, N. C, July28, 18SL July 20 d&w td THE BEST 5 CENTS CIGAR IS j THUKBER'S j No. 5, SOLD AT LAFON'S GROCERY STORE, 220 N. Front St., cornel Mulberry. "3ive our COFEEE a trial. Arc sure to j ... please. july 31 Jew Goods! "jyrE BEG TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to our floe lire of Aiitogu ph and Cabinet Photograph Albums, handsomely bound In Plush and Russian Leather. Also a, beautiful assortment of Ladles' and Gents Leather Card i and Letter Cases, Russian Leather,-Alligator and Turkey Morocco; Mexican and Co ton Hammocks, with and without stretchers, $L0D to $2.50. A few eet3 ajad half sets cro quet left. Base Balls, Bats,-Ac Special low rates on Stow Cases. Send if or prlces- C. W. YATES, july2S " 119 Market Street. At i- 1M1K WILMINGTON SI4IRT FACTORY, . No. 27, Market st. Nhrht Shirts, all sizes, 75c. Congress, the most popular and beet White Shirt on the market, 75c Colored Shirts 25c and qp wards. Seaside Shirts at all prices Boy's yachting in great variityi ! Gent's Draw ers 25. and upwards. Wamsutta Jeans Draw ers, reinforced, equal to linen, something new. 75c Drawers made to orlet. 75c Wamsutta Shirt 8 with 2100 linen bosom made to orderat $1. Orders from the country ! solicited an promptly attended to. Glvq us a call. J. ELSliACII. july 21 j Manager' Quarantine Notice. Q UARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil- minglon will be enforced 'from May 1st to Novomber 1st, as follows : Pilots will bring all vessels from Ports south of Cape Fear to the Quarto tine anchorage; also, all vessels wblch have: had any kiad of sickness on board during the passage, or on arrival, and will cause a bigoal to be set In the main rigging on the port side, as toon as pos sible after crossing the Bar-1 No vessel musW Jeave the Quarantine anchor age, or aUow any person, steamer or tug boat, lighter, or boat of any kind togo along sie, unless by written authority :f rom th Quaran tine Physician ; and every Te&sel must be an chored as tar to the eastward of the channel as is consistent with safety.J , Regulations governing easels while In Quar amine may be had on application at the office of the Quarantine Physician at Smlthrllle Applications for permluto visit vessels in Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thomas F. Wood or Dr. faeo. G. Thomas, and permits so obtained will be endred by the Quarantine Physician, If. in his opinion, It la proper and sr.fe ta allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of $2 0 for each; and every o'ffence, will be enforced against any person violating any of the Quarantine RegulaUonsof the Fort. W. G. CUETIS, M. D., Quarantine Physician, Port, of Wilmington. TITOS. F. WOOD. M.V. 'J rlnirtlllJ,nt GEO. G. THOMAS. M. D. 1 CniUltaU. siiy.jt sua cxa ixa ' YTi tr2l fca giid to rscdra csisrizslca'ioa rjrcacarfriiafijcaajiy xsd all exljjacui scacraltatoestbct - .. -; ' , Tl iixsio cf tia trrscr rSst always t torn tfVlie papci; f ;?t':f; ; rcracmaastoa'-at W arcldoS.: --AJ U U especUllyaad ?jtlctilaxly tnTc ood that the Eto doe. aoValways indca se H10 views of cortespOTdeata tialeas to atau. In the editorial fcurfc'.-wV n NEW yEBTISEMCNTS. SonietliiDg Kew. THE "DEModEATIC b6oM" 13 THE Best Five Cents ClgarfoU In tbo city and It Is sold only at the NORTH STATE SALOON, - " where also you wUl find tho best Clcmmcr Whiskey at 10 cents a drink and the Coolest " Boer in the city. ijZZU J. M. MCSOWAN A SON. CONUNDRUM. "yyUY. IS THE STEAMER PASSPORT ' like a Suing Band ? ' Because It cannot do without Its "Harper! - ' IKU?2.- .lRFUMES, SOAPS, FANCY and Toilet Artlcls, Ac. . Sr Prescriptions a speclaUy at - ' F. C MILLER'S.- may 26 Corner Fourth and Nnn sis - ammocks. JUST RECEIVED, THE THIRD LOT OF New HAMMOCKS, large and small sizes. - BASE BALLS AND BATS, CAPS AND BELTS. Now Is the tinn for you genUemca : to supply yourselves and lo happy.- SUMMER READING for everybody. Please V call and make your selections from a larjr stock '' , , . At "-' - . HEINSBERGER'S, ju!y2S Live Book and Music Stores. Trusses. gPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BEST MAKES, Braces,? FOR MAIJ3 AND FEMALE. Complcto lino of abpvc articles, various elxca and prlccsl - For sale by - ! Munds Bros. & DeRosset; DKUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. " july 2S To Close Out. "yyE WILL OFFER FOR TJIE NEXT sixty days, or until closed out. BARGAINS In GcntsV Low Quartered Shoe 3. AUo, acme remnant lots of Ladles,' and Misses' ferg . Goods and Ladies' Slippers; which we are sell lnjf far tclow cost. ' Out regular lines are fulrt ; Call and sec us. - Geo. It. French & Sons,' 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. july 21 Our Stock TS UNEQUALLED. FULL AND COMPETE. I Wc keen tho. BKST nrtlHra nnrl of o cIoeo marein. OnT Hnnk Stnvra inrl thA t of the most fastidious when used. Lap Boards. jiuuiug Doaru3, Glomes jiorses, liiscmt Duarus, comng rins, tcmon oqucezcrs. Re frigerators, and other useful articles too nu merous to mention. i ' PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. July 11 Lomons. Butter. Lemons.. JUST RECEIVING BY. A, C LINE and N." Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low InH quantities to suit. S30 bushs. V. McaL 75 Boxes Lemons, 25 tubs Va. and N. a Y. Butter Michigan Flour. Virginia Flour, Bacon, Lard, Jtc. E. G. BLA.IR, junelS No. 19 N. Second Streets AS AS EVDIECE OF HE MUIAEIIY OF Royster's Candieo O UK LAST WEi K'3 SALES NEARLY doubled thoea of previous weeks, and genera 1 satisfaction baa ensued- " FRESH, PURE AND WHOLESOME, 3 lbs for 81.0O. Kaiser Imported Beer, TROPIC BEER; AND THE Scotch and English Ales Trtll keep you cool wben nothiogiec wllL -:;v";v. v--.:r- 'Xo-':-'. ::-: -I"C P. L. BBIDffEES & CO HO North Front St.