MISCELLANEOUS il! AND .1 1 t i. -onUTT, Summer Complaint, IjiepMa, rh u. i(JnJ 0, tJie ,omae and bowel. Introduced lr IN), u V rui(trvn-.ut"t w - r" , , Vd Warren, Purvcyor-Geoera.! : Hob. Ken-i- s TrMuniT. and others. Price. 3 in ' trtt cur 1 ' li't.uvWn iu bottle. Bote proprietors. THE CHARLES A. VOGEIER COMPAKY, ,n Biuivuei, Mb., U. S. A. Mch 2: lv d&w. "S-Capital Prize 75,000.3 Tickets only $o. Shares in proportion. i v "a Louisiana State Lottory Company. jferf--; Vft-y certify that we supervise the crrr,naiintnts for all the Monthly and Scmi tnwiAt Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot terv Compaay, arid in person manage- and con trol lie Drawings tliemselres, and that the a1rx ure conducted icith honesty, fairness, and invod faith ioicard all parties, and we author ' A. r.nMnnv trt use this certificate, with fac t:e i. v. .. - ' '..ntnLritianaiures attached, in its adver ffiHUlit - ' -9 ' -qr c A' 5 Commissioners. Incorporated In 1338 for 25 years by the Leg Islatiftv for Educational and Charitable pur pos-wlth a capital of $1,000,000 to winch- a (serve fund of ' over $550,000 has since .been iMel. By an overwhelming populai vote Its fran chUs was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any Sf-ate. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthlv. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO-WIN A FORTUNE. Eighth Grand Drawing, Class H. in the Academy of Music, at New Orleans, Tuesday, August 12, lSS4-171bt Monthly Draw ing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths iu proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of. 75,000 1 Capital Prize of 25,000 1 Capital Prize of 10,000 2 Prizes of $5,000.:.....; 12,001 5 Prizes 10 Prizes 20 Prizes 100 Prizes 300 Prizes Prizes 1000 Prizes 2,000.... 10,000 1,000... 1U.000 500 10,000 200 20,000 100 30,000 50 25:000 25 , 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 500. - 4,500 9 " 250. 2,250 of Of of of of of of 1.K7 Prizes, amounting to....: $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made oniy to the omce of the Company in new ur '.ems. for further information, write clearly, glv Jng full address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to SEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La, POSTAL NOTF.S r nrdlnaTv letters bv Mall or Express (all sums of $5 Rd upwards oy express at our expense) to M. A. DABPH1N, New Orleans, L. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. july lj-wexl-sat 4w-dw WIFE AND I. She who sleeps upon my heart . . " v as me nrst to win it; She who dreams unnn mu Kmocf liVerremns within it? . Shewho kisses oft mv lino 'NVdkes ther warmest hlps!? n err She who rests within my arms - , rueis tneir closest pressing. Other days than these shall come, Days that shall be dreary ; Other hour3 may greet U3 yet. noars mat shall be weary Still thi3 heart shall be thy home, Still thi3 breast thy pillow; Still these lips meet thine as soft As billow meeteth billow. Sleep then on my happy heart. oince my love nata won it , Dream then on my loyal breast; None bat thou hath done it ; And wnen age our bloom shall change With its weary weather. May w in the sellsame srravc By the Light of Day. PAST IMPOSSIBILITIES THE FACTS OF THE PRESENT HELP IN THE NEW ERA. remcnucr when they were putting np tl.e poles for the first telegraph line in the State of New York, and now look there!" ex claimed a citizen of the metropolis to his friend, as the two stood on the summit of the 'all Equitable Building in Broadway. "The hy is strung with wires like a harp, and clec trie communication Is the dally miracle of the J or'.d . People no longer wonder and laugh at ;n nicy um at iuorse wnen nc Urst suggest cd its po3iMUtv." Tlie age marches On and prejudice must give way. .Nobody has a monopoly of truth, fcven ;ie eonservadve guild of physicians admit iiiat the secrets of medlcirc are shared by all jnen. I dressed his wound and God healed iui. siiiu oiu uaien. once that temble dis t'asc, Rhcuaiatism. Was SiinnnsAil tn rin n. shift local ailment, now attacking the joints musciQ-j. xo tl.iv it U aemonstra ie.ito be a disease of the BLOOD Mrs Henry Bogert. of No. 454 Atlantic Ave "nc. Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to Messrs. II is 1X .V ( 'a nt Vanr "'rv.V- iAnlAfMM DAD. S TONIC, that "she had been completely gabled trom Rheumatism and pain in the i?ck and limbs. h vest. Advised to take the r Rheumatism disappeared, a he reason Is ""pie. Dlse sod Kidneys produce rhcumat 2 symptoms. Cure them and you destroy Ilheu W'sn. This is now admitted by all intelll .yfrliyBicians. It la the new lighi thrown V-fifJr time-worn and mistaken theories. ..tilXER'S TONIC which la a combination of V--wst remedies for the blood known to faience, la universilly euccessful In combat "sthU terribly commoa complaint. Those r". iike Mrs. Bogert, sulTcr from Kidney or im r diseases or any complaint arising from impure blood, will find the Tonic a prompt oa certain remedy. Prices. tOc and $1 per , nic. The larirPT iH"c 11 lm The larger size the cheaper. nrmd&W Dr. Dodd's Nervine No. 2. riLL CURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL , ani jenlul Weakness caused by lndis-. iiW. ttUV iuiaung me laws m u&uiu, DR. HUNTER' PILLS YeSn Syp,M1!s .ln a" forms' and stages. r.wt"1 "rewn i pots on me iacc ana uouy. rn, J1 andiNose, Scrofula, Tetter, Kcze- Strw &kln DlseasesJUitoary Diseases mctV9 speedily ciLretT Price $2 Blcin. " lore irregularities or bupprca ladihf?? by 001,18 or disease. Married delicate slate of health are vlsi0, either medicine to FRANK STK ent h A,C Fillmore, Md and It will be .it rlP? mall or crnress sealed. Tor Rile hv irntrtricf. . . - all and ThePally Review, Sleep and dream together. Will embrace riPr ffloTr?t Aanrr- ins most of tin ohtviHia ;n:nn(r.iA' Ulenry Ward Beecher'a position is said cu nave convinced the Cleveland man agers of the necessity for an anthorita tive contradiction of the story. Beech era more r(nnt rliiirtinn thvt va looks on it as a malicious calumny and Will take the Stnmn fnr Plovalan mn.a the greatest satisfaction to local Demo crats. Thev are rnnfidant fk.r tha promised statement will effectually dis pose of the scandal and, by exposing the motives of those who circulated it, insure a more hearty enthusiasm for C.eveland than existed prior to its pub hcation. Governor Cleveland, accompa nied by Dr. Ward, his physician and personal friend, left by the Delaware & Hudson railroad for the Upper Sara naclake at 1 :15. There was no demons trationvery few people Using at the depot. New York, August 7. Hon. Ro3well P. Flower, who at the Chicago conven tion opposed the nomination of Mi.i Cleveland, has offered his services to the Democratic State Committee to fur ther the election of Cleveland and Hend- ricKS. The curative power of Aver's Sarsa- parilla is too well known to require the speeiou3 aid of anv exajreerarnri or fictitious certificate. Witnesses of its marvelous cure are to-day living in every city and hamlet of Hie land. Write for name3 it' vou want home evi dence. Only a Child's Question. A little girl of four and one-half years oi age once posed her mother by the following: "Why does not a wasp hurt a window pane with its stin??" Because the window pane has no nerves nerve3, ana so is not ableleel. answer ed the mother. "Why do nerves feel?" quetied the child, and it is needless to say she wa3 not answered. Another little girl saw her father write his serj mon and asked: "Papa, does God tell you what to write m a sermon r1 Af ter a little consideration the parent re turned an affirmative answer, but he was completely nonplussed by the fur ther question: "Then why do you scratch it out?" The first of these storie3 is vouched for by Mr. Sully, author of "Outlines of Psychology," the second by G. T. Romanes. Why suffer with Malaria ? Smoky's Standard Cuke Pills are infallible, never fail to cure the most obstinate cases : purely vegetable. 25 cents, eod Swallowed the IoIl. A remarkable ,storv comes Ironi Woodland. A little child of that town. aged about 2 jears, has been ailing for some time, and as the local physicians could not discover the cause, the parent took the child to San Irancisco, whore it was examined by the leading physi cians, who were equally as unsuccessful in their search for the ailment. It seemed that the infant must slowly die, and the parents resigned all hope of saving its life. But while the little one was receiving the customary morning bath a short time since a knot about tne size of an egg was discovered in its side.whichhadformed very suddenly.and seemed to contain some hard substance. A physician was called and decided to cut open the knot. Upon doing so, it was lound to contain a china doll about two inches long, which the child had swallowed about a year since. The little one rapidiy improved after the operation, and is now as well and live ly as ever. oa? rancisco Alia. Cleveland's Character. Brooklyn, N. Y., August 7. Gen eral ILyato King, whose report of what he learned in Buftalo led Mr. Beech cf to turn to Governor Cleve land's support, said to a reporter to day: "Alter leaving, Buffalo I went to Albany and saw Gov. Cleveland. He frankly told me' that my version of the stories was substantially correct, adding; I acted throughout as any honorable man should.' " The veision thus endorsed is in Gen. King's words as follows: Many years ago when the governor was sowing his wild oat, he met this woman and became intimate with her. She was a widow, and not a good woman by any means. Mr. Cleveland learning this, made inquir ies, and found that two of his friends were also intimate with her. When a child was born-, Cleveland, to shield his two friends, who were married men, asssumed the responsibility of it, and took care of the child and mother until the woman became a confirmed victim to drink, and her conduct made it impossible to have anything to do with her. He never separated mother and child, nor did aaytaing to injure her. He was a victim ot circumstances,. and accepted responsibilities lhat not one in a thousand has shouldered and acted honorably. -The other stories against him could not be substantiated, and no one willing to father them could be lound. Albany. August 7. The announce ment that Governor Cleveland would start on his Vacation to-day drew a large number ol visitors to the capitol. The governor was. in good spirits and was engaged mostot the morning shak ing hands with friends who came to wish him a pleasant and healthful time. Among the prominent callers were Mr. Arthur Jenkins, ot the Syracuse Ilerald. and Carter Han ison, mayor of Chicago. Mr, Harrison was asked if his inter views with Governor Cleveland and Dan Manning had been satisfactory. His reply was, Oh, yes; moderately so." This was all the Democratic candidate for the governorship of Illi nois would say. He will leave for New York this evening. Gen. Butler's determination to run on the Greenback and anti monopoly ticket is a lively topic of discussion to day. The workingmen take keen in terest in the announcement, Cleveland clubs consisting largely of members ol trade unions have already been formed in the city, but the unions have taken no official action in rezard to the campaign. - Some curiosity is cxpresss ed as to j the effect Gen. Butler's candidacy will have upon them-. As indicated in these dispatches yes terday, the-BuSTalo scandal is not to be allowed to run uncontradicted. There is the- best ot authority- for declaring that a statement of the true facts in the case will be given to the public in a few days. -Maria Halpin is .reported to have been' here for two weeks, and it is . probable- that th3 ' statement JL-iattorni of .the Democratic Party of North Carolina. We again congratulate the people ot xsorih Carolina on the career of peace prosperity and good government on which she entered alter the inaugura tion ot a Democratic State administra tion, and which has beeu unbroken for so many years since; upon thoiust and impartial eniorcement ol the laws: ud on the efficiency of our common school system, and the great progress made in popular education ; and upon the gen eral improvement and enterprise man nested in every part ot the State. And we again challenge a comparison be tween this state of thmg3 and the crimes, outrages and' scandals which 1 lf l 1 ' 1 aut iiueu liepuoiicau ascendancy in our borders; and we pledge ourselves to exert, in the future, as we have done in the past, our best efforts to promote the material interests of all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to Demo cratic principles as heretofore enuncia tea in tne piatiorms oi tne party, it is hereby Resolved, That we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at the ballot-box a3 the only sure means of pre serving our tree American institutions, and that the corrupt and corrupting use of federal patronage,- in influencing and controlling elections is dangerous to the liberties of the btato and the union. Resolved, That we are in favor of the unconditional and immediate abolition ot the wholo internal revenue system, as an intolerable burden, a standing menace to thelreedom ot elections, and a source of great annoyance and cor ruption in its practical operation. Resolved, That no government has a right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually ex tinguish its public debt. And that whenever the revenues, however de rived, exceed this amount, they should be reduced so as to avoid a surplus in the treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Kepresentatives in Congress to exert themselves in favor of such legislation as will secure this end. Resolved, That with respect to the tariff we reaffirm the life-long and fund amental principles of the party declar ed m the National Democratic plat forms and that the details of the method by which the constitutional revenue tan rr snail oe graauauy reacnea, are subjects which the party's representa tives at the federal capitol must be trusted to adjust ; but in our opinion the duties on foreign! mportation should be levied for the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in its adjustment should be such as would place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the burdens of taxation and confer the greatest good to the greatest number o the American people. Resolved, That the course of the Democratic party in furtherance o popular education, by efficient public schools in all sections, and the establish ment of graded and normal schools in the lareer towns and accessible centers, Is a sufficient, guarantee that we favor the education of all classes of our people and wc will promote and improve the present educational advantages so far as it can bo done without burdening the people by excessive taxation And whekeas, There is now more than a hundred millions of dollars in the treasury of the United States, wrung from the pockets of the people bv uniust taxation on the part of the Republican party, therefore, Resolved. That we will accept such distribution of said surplus revenues o the government tor educational pur poses as may be mado by the Congress of the United States; provided always, has the same shall be disbursed by State agents and not accompanied by objectionable features and embarrass incr conditions. Resolved, That it is due to the white people of our eastern counties, who have so cheerfully borne their share ot our common burdens, that the pres ent, or some other equally efiectiye system of county government,, shall be maintained. Resolved. ing and increasing harmony and kind ly leeiing Detween tne two races in mm State and a similar condition of things which we believe to exist generally in other Southern States, weOdeprecate the attempt of the Republican party in its recent platform at Chicago to force civil rights as a living .issue, and we denounce it as a fire-brand and a hypo critical expression of interest in the black race, a wanton insult to the whites of the South, and tending to stir up strife between the now friendly races. MISCELLANEOUS. Advertising Cheats ! ! ! It has become so common to beirin an.5rtlcle in an elegant interesting style. . .m-wu ,iua ib mio some aavernse ment that we ayoid all such, . And simply call attention to the merits of Hop' Bitters in as nlain hon est terms as possible, , jlu iuuuce people 'To- cive them one trial, which so proves, their value that they will never use anyining else. imjujji bo lavoraoiy noucea in an thA papers. Keugipua and secular, la other medWnftR. There Is no denying the virtues of the Hop piant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a medicine whose virtues axe paipabie te every one's observation." Did She Die? "No ! one lingered and suffered alonir. inuing away all the time for years," j. ue uociors uoinz nor no gooa. And at last was ntimd liv this TIYm -witters the papers say so much about. "Indeed f Indeed!" How thankful we should be for that medicine. A Daughter's Misery. ' Eleven years our dauirhter suffered on a bed ot misery, b rom a complication of kidnex. liv er, rheumatic trouble and Nervous de bility. "Under the care of the best physi cians, (Tiri . , . vuo gave ner disease various names, "But no relief. ahu now sne is restored to us in i i ni. i i , s'hw ueauu oy as simple a remedy as nop fitters, mat we had shunned for years before using it. The Parents. Fatfier is Getting: Well. "My daughters say: ' "How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters." lie is treiiinr wen niter ins nn? suffering from a disease declared incn rable ." A Lady of Utica. N. Y. JQ& None genuine without a bunch of gr' en iiops on me wnue laoei. snun an tne vile. poisonous stun with "Hop" oi ,,nop3' ln their name. july 12 lm d&w nrm New York & Wilmington Steamship Co. FKOM PIEK 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock. P. M. REGULATOR Saturday, Aug ? BENEFACTOR Saturday, Aug. REGULATOR .Saturday, Aug. 16 Aug, 23 BENEFACTOR Saturday, REGULATOR. Saturday, Aug. 30 FROM WILMINGTON : BENEFACTOR.... Saturday Aug. REGULATOR ...Saturday Aug. BENEFACTOR.. Saturday Aug. 16 REGULATOR Saturday Ausr. 23 BENEFACTOR Saturday Aug. 30 T Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points In North ana south uaroima. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. General Agentr, 35 Broadway, New Yor. july 29 tf NEW YORK HERALD. WEEKLY EDITION, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. MISCELLANEOUS. Lemons. Butter, lemons; JUST RECEIVING BY A. C. -INE and N Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low in quantities to suit. SDfrbmihs. Y. Meal, 75 . 'i Boxes Lemons, ?5 tubs Va. and Ni. a Y. Butter Michigan Flour. Virginia Flour, Bacon. Lard, Ac E. Gi BLAIR. June 12 No. 19 N. second Street. For the Campaign. rriHK POLITICAL CAMPAIGN UPON x. wmcnmc people or ?orth Carolina axe just preparinz to enter will, beyond all ouea- uon, lkj one oi great excitement as wen as one oivnai importance to them. It will be no child's play. au mat la needed to insure Democratic suc cess and continued prosperity to: the State la a plain, truthful statement of what are now the facts of history, or arc dallyi becoming so. The reasons for Democratic victory, and the even stronger rearons for Republican defeat. are auunaaut, ana it is tne purpose oi THE REGISTER" J WHOLESALE PPI ES. The ' followtwr cuotrliona rrrresea wholesale prfees generally. In xnaklag up small orders higher prices Lave to be charted 15 10 11 16 11 7 90 60 26 23 20 laying them before the power o this end. tne kegistek win It contains all tho general news of the Dally Edition of the Herald, which has the largest circulation in the United Stathcs. Independent Ik Politics, it Is the most valuable chronicle of political news In the world, impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, so that all sides may be known. In the department Foreign News the Herald has always been distinguished by tho fullness of its cable despatches. The new transatlantic telegraph cables will Increase facilities. The Farm Depabtmxxt of the Weekly Ilerald Is practlcaL It goes to the point, and does not give wUsl theories. The farmer will save many jnore than One Dollar a ear from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gardening, poultry and agricultu ral economy. - "The Home" instructs the housewife and the children In re gard to economical and tasteful new dishes, the .fashions, and the making of home com That in view ot the exist-i Maiam. are given latess report Pbodcce Markets, the condition of money, columns of Miscella neous Reading, Poetry, a Complete Story every week. Jokes and Anecdotes, Sporting News, ' Popular Science, the. doings of well-known Persons of Itbf World.a department devo:ed to Sermoxs and religious Notes. While the WEEKLY HERALD gives the latest and best News of the World, it is also a Journal for the Family. Subscribe one dollar, at any time, for a full year. Postage Free to any part of the United States or Canadas. THE NEW YORK HERALD, in a Weekly Form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAH Address, NEW YORK HERALD, dec 19 Broadway and Ann Street Just the Ticket. AFTERJBREA K FAST. A FT KR DINN ER, ; AFTER SUPPER, AND ALWAYS. riMOKER? WILL FIND AT O 23 South Front street, the best Cigar In the city. . -t' Long Filler Havana Cigar. - Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Also a lull hue of CHOICE FAMILY GROCIIRIES. ' . Fresh Goods every Steamer. -Do noi forget the place, so, wr" Vfa CRAPONS Fire Genu G110.ll, CHATON. Art At 11HE WILMINGTON SHIRT FACTORY, . No. 27, Market st. NIcht Shirts, all sizes. 7ft. Congress, the most popular and best Wblte Shirt on the market, 75c. Colored Shirts 25o and qpwards. Seaside Shirts at all prices. Boy's yachtinr in great variety. Gent's Draw era 22 and upwards Wamsutta Jeans Draw ers, reinforced, equal to linen, something new. 75c Drawers made to order. 73c Wamsurta Shirti with 2100 linen bosom made to order at $L Orders from the country solicited and promptly attended to. Give us a ralL - to do its fuM part ln people. As tne best moans in its and in answer to appeals. be fumibhed at such low rates as to put it ln the reach of every one during th$ present State and Presidential "ampaliins. i ii we an do our fuu duty, victory win sure ly be with us: but that duty will leave u no idle time- There must be erly work, lato work, work all the time. If good govern ment and a people's prosperity arc worth working for, let us all go toworjfe, and at once. CAMPAIGN KATES. i The Register will be fuhiished to Clnbs. until November 15, at the following rates: oj copy, .50c: five -copies, 2, ten copies. $3 75; twenty copies, $7: fifty cjbplca, $15: one hundred copies, f?S. In every cse tho paper will be sent until the returns of the election shall be received and published, and we Invite tho attention of Executive Committees of Counties and Town ships, and of all others interested, to the Cam paign Register as a 6ure and cheap means of furnishing information to the people. Address Raleigh Register, , Raleigh, N.C. DOCUMENT NO 1.4-1881. DEMOCRACY va. REPUBLICANISM. Handbook of North Carolina Politics foe ISSi. ; Tho Platforms, The Parties, aqd The Issues Thoroughly Discussed. The influence of "Document No. 1,' issued by the Democratic State Executive Committee in 1SS2, was generally recognized as decisive in that year's campaign. ; A similar Handb'ek hs been; prepared for this year's uee, and will be Issued immediate ly after the session of the Chicago Democrat ic Convention. j The Handbook will be a well printed pam phlet of about 150 pages, Svo , and will con tain the fullest Information on matters involv ed in this year's elections. Document No 1, for 1884, will be supplied at TEN DOLLARS PER HUNDRhiD, the actual cash cost of type-setting, paper a press work. In order that the size of the edition may determined, prompt orders are'requested. Address, RALEIGH REGISTER iulyU Raleigh, N. BAGGING. Standard,.,...,. S fl U... ...... ....... .. BACON North Carolina: Hams. Y lb.... Shoulders, f lb... ............ Sides, ib.................... WESTERN SMOKED Hams........ siaes. v Q... .......... ....... Shoulders.... ........ . . DRY SALTED Sides. E.................... Shoulders, IT lb.... .......... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand. each........... I New New York, each 1 iew city,eacn.... BEESWAX, V ft... BUTTER, V ft North Carolina.. i'Ul WJV I u. ....... ............. CAN DEES, V ft Snerm ..: . . Tadow... AdamanUse. . ... CUEESlc, y tn Northern Factory... Dairy, Cream.... .. State.. ...i COFFEE. V ft Laguyra.f luo........ CORN MEAL, jf bus., ln sacks wniuJi ties, r bunue... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 44, V yd...... Yarns, bunch.. ...... EGGS, V dozen... ...4 ........ FISH t 1 . Mackerel, No.1, f bW;..,.16 00 Mackerel, No. 1, y half bbl.. 8 60 Mackerel, No. 2, PL bbl.... .. 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. 5 00 Mackerel, No. S, V" bbL..... 7 75 Mullets, V bbl 4 00 Mullets, Pork bbls.... ....... 7 00 N. C. Reo Herring, V keg.... S 00 Dry Cof. y ft..:..:...... .... & FERTILIZERS, V 2,000 tts Peruvian Guand, No. 1., .57 SO I f 1 Ko. 2.;....S6 00 - ' ' liObos.... i.00 00 Baagh's Phosphate. ..00 00 Carolina Fertilizer.. ...4 00 Ground Bone... ............. .00 00 Bone Meal....... .......00 00 Bone Flour.... .,00 CO Navassa Grand... ......40 00 Completo Manure. . ......... .00 00 .Whann's Phosphate. 00 00 wanao xnopbate ....00 oo Berger & Ruiz's Phosphate.. 00 00 11 O a a a o ... WM UV oo a ii o a 2 a l o 00 90 00 n a 1884. Harper's Baizar. ILLUSTRATEP. Harper's Bazar Is at once the' . 11 and useful -Household Journal ; It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashion this country. Its fashion plates are the new est and most stylish; and its pattern sheet supplements and econamic suggestions alone are worth many times the cost of subscription. Its Illustrations of art needlework are from the best sourcesjlta literary and artistic merits are of the highest order. Its stories, poems, and essays are by the Urst American and European authors. Its choice art plcturce would fill portfolios, and its humorous cuts are the most amualng to be found in any jour nal in America. A host of brllant novelties are promised for 1884: f . Harper's Periodicals. i Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR ,t $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY !.... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PBOPLE. 1 50 Harper's Franklin square LiBRARr, One Year (52 Numbers)......8..... 10 00- r Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begbi with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four, Annual Volume of Harper's Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will ie 6ent by m4B, postage paid, or by express, ftee of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpiid, on re ceipt or $1 00 each Remittances should be made hs, Poet-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid ebanee of loss Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER BROTAERS, nnv 23 New York 1884. ! Harper's Young people; AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Pages. SUITED TO BOTf AND GIRLS f OF FROM SIX TO SIXTEEN TEARS OF AGE. Vol. V. commences November 6, 1S83. hbm Harper's Young People is the beet week ly for children in America. jSouth western Christian Advocate. . 1 All that the artists skill can accomplish in the way of illustration has bceudone, and the best talent of the country has contributed to its text New England Journal of Education, Boston. i In its special Held there Is nothing that can be compared with it Hartford .Evenirg Post. - TERMS HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPIJS; Per Year. Postage Prepaid. Sjmglb NcxBESJ. FourCenU each. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cla. The Volnmes or Harper's Young People for Si K3 and 1S83, handsomely bound la Illumina ted Cloth, vrul be sent by mall, postage pre paid, on receipt of $3 oo each. Cloth Caves for each volume, suitable lor binding, will be sent by mill, postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents each. 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