MISCELLANEOUS Cl f y 11 any eiv. gR.WgHXHSMSTOn1 4-00;;i) "ANIDVL, MISC-XIANEOUS.- ml st GREAT AND . IARkHOEA1 07E& 25 YZAS.S. j5 i RAMP c miner Com plaint. lypcjla. ReeoEi- Hoc. Kca- Prv-s. rhifB.J5r",.cri'-; . .... imr. 1st.!, bv fcureeon-tieneml u. 8. A- ;i V f.r'Gen. Weira, Parveror-General ; t .,.r Kr;iUor U. S. Treaaurv. ami others S.yi by l'rufniiits aQ'l Dealers. Only gecuiae ir is blown in botue. ! proprietors. THE CHARLES A. YCSELE3-CSHPAKT, Mcti Baxtuiuek, ilo., V. S. A. fArabella wa3 a"school-'irl wasoauy Ann; ' fhan two schoolgirls can.. ' . TllPKfl Horn tk;t , , . . Deathless love thPy 8Worc( ! ;o.f .Knau?l,t on earth should One fore eer more. tuey grew up as school-girls will do- V ent tn nnrfl And as oft before lias happened, Suitors came to woo. ' As fate ne misguided man " Javored blue-eyed Arabella More than Sally An.n. And. of laai ine hwo ?ra oni. !? womeo, ..yuS.i luej, wisnea it much. So k coolness rose between them tlio Demor.rntf. if orth Carolina. how to antut:1 oa loa'tlknow - e again congratulate the Ywn! Fnr fTio n,,- teacfryoS f L?? he career.; caeS' VauiHuiSU. toK my directionsoS will 5i3L A"" itJJra "t on I UUD an which has-been nnhmln I jiut iren.t "t;1.1.15 - WBE3 i . viiwr i w . r t a . iit . ? - v a your health thtr wrara.oaore; - now i wein,, and the great progress made in Ccsa Bd rrirT ta better m mv iir." " nEi" .3 Q ,OOK r;3,.l're1Bm W and enterprise man, Tha wVtoSK charnTin . t i? murDiar iou Joofc Fwpuiar education ; and unon tho crn joy her health?' inH .V"' .r'Ti!'.' "t.P4" M State. And itched the o K"iD5APPein b SS2S public ascendano, in our ed his office, and In 1 PiC-e Pselvjo no nnsf - i . . . . " " ThVTn a f "al,. WCOalOff SflC CTen stronger resona for Kepu'juSn dScaU are abundant. nrl it i ik. "it. . - uwtS ; . I'H lUZK l T1IK IIEGISTER odplClla fal1 PatUa laJtn before tii3 Jig thfi ViPtt mnina I. I, i ... ' ; A - WHOLESALE PPICE3," -: amaU orders hUheT prtcis kaxe to be cfcarca BAGGIXU-. Stanoarl....... .T...".nir - ii BACON North Carolfcxa: Hams. V & . SW a?w ......... t DRY SALTkil"" Sides. ft 11 o 10MO 15 10 11 11 O tea as agthQit: 1LA 2t. IMW m 1 n 1 T "ai . i , ..uuuauiUK 11(1 vr nni in I uuhci l.l l iniproaio .t nil n " . . I aul x ipnilal . ! "f.SSJ ju,ner commT State.. T u .uwra? wm Eux. ..vuu-ium Ill IliT. mmmnHnTo. l..., I A! rmmo . '- I ..... w biUA b UlTSlil If arn n is your health this 7Tn l: ' "t crit "l"1 "I1!0?6 lo J erly FworkT late mint I never saw von W- c ted in th " n:.".rrTu,B nncia y Second Uat!i5, cach....4!7i 75 hew York. CiiCh i on SrSvX r Itrescut State I BUTTKB, Rv North Caxollaa............... CANDLES, - crerm.aa." A oo o IX o l yc O CO o Si S3 " r9-Caiital Prize S75.00( 4 . .r.- . ' 7 ivuu me cause-a man. Tickets only fco- Shares in pro. O'old was Arabella very portion. Colder Sally Ann. Now they call each other "creature," What 13 Sf l mnroco,! ' ?' th2u?,h she woa thc treasure. Vvishss Sally bad. Tmiisiana Statu T-nttoru . "'" vy v - Mm v w k V X J I 1 T!nmnrin The Feminine Hand. vviixvaLLy . , The hand of the finest lad v, be it ever f,eaowi.iT7 ce. ty iu we supervise Oit ruu uaimy, snoiUU be able to arranyf.- ana tfemi- wua ine lull lervor of friendshin Annual Drawings of The Louisiana Stat ru nnH t A .. . , '"tnusnip . "ii lines in me paim indicate characteristic virtues, if ihe nana be so small and meaningless that- it can oDnosR iho roro nit it n( u 1: no dependence can be pUced upon it in ILme Or PmorimnAn ii- : - - ... , anu ibis no creait, no matter how pretty it is, to either man or woman. The notion that exists among certain people that a ladyTshand must be of this kind, is in the real sense oithe ; word, vulgar. . Delicacv is dnhVhtrnl h.nf must either excite p?ty or contempt, SL001?8 S 11 is seif-impo5ed or not. . ."m.i 'iuwa ma nuns to grow until they resemble claws, prid- unuscii upuams eviuence that he , r . , , auoum reel extr r- !LUJ J?,r a few leave to visit J & U jS J m yoJ1wish?"yir;Low much timo do "About three weeks, sir." wtehM wmi ' T-Ir' w"h my best as an intolerable burden, a standin wishes. Will you dino with menace to thofrPAfio sir. at 3 oVlnol-P" " ann r " r - wtJ UCU1UU?. anu -ru i . u giciifc annoyance .and ror- Thank you. s r T ahnU k raDt on n iicnMnf;,i auu i """"sc. minnuencing and SSSSffl'W e"?." is to the r , , VAT w lu union, nnft -That we arc in iavor ot the uncondaional and immediate abolition wuuio internal revenue svstejn vo uo myselt the honor." tery Company, and tn person manage and cor. inn m" ttfi Mul Hie vmt are conducted with honest, fairness, and iiwdfc.U'i toward all parties, and tee author f;p the CoTnfKiny to ise this certificate, with fac ,,mkt of our signatures attached, inilsadvcr Motliers. If you arc faili nor- hpnb-nn . and nerycus, use "Wells' Health Ee ncwer." $1. Druggists. Commisners. Inrorp'-rntcl In 1S5S for 25 ycar3 by the Lea is.;i :ri: ouuaiionai ana UllHTltablC ,rtrs-with ;i capital of $1,000,000 to which a wrye fund of over 1550,000 bas . lnci been 2; an ovorwh.elmInj? populai vote Its fran r.h'se was macte apart of the present State tonsatutior. adopted -December, 2d, A. D.,1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed ly the people of any Stcie. It never scales or postpones. to Grand Single Number Drawings take iiai:c uiijtillliv. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Ninth Grand Drawing, Class I fn thc Academy of.MnsIc. at New Orcan3, TrwRdav, September 9, 1881 172d Monthly Capital Prize. 875,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars EachN. Fractions in Fiftlis in proportion. LIST OF PlilSES. 1 Capital Prize o , 75.000 j yniuuu t nzu ci 25,000 i Capital Prize of 10,ooo 1 Ul i.VJ'). .. . . 1 ftfW lU.UCKl 10.C00 10,000 2Q,000 30,00 25.000 25,000 6,750 4,500 : 2,250 pur: never did, and is incapable or doing, anv Vne ca,r,.as ch a manly work, and many ladies nnlTivnti l,k a 5 Prizes of 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 300 Prizes of S00 Prizes nf V0 Prizes of 2.000.... 1,000..... 500 . 200 100.. 50 55 "" Approximation Prizes of $750. a ..' " . ' 500. 3 " 250. I fc'T mV V i u l",clUD3 should be made T to the oihee of the Company In New Or- For fiirt)!fn i,f i . - . dnr. fri i i.f.i wnce clearly, glv- . OliLK ANS NATION A L Jl AN K, p New Okleans, La. Mallo- Fv,it)Snan(1 ordinary letters by by fanJ T1'1?3 (al1 8um3 of 5 and upward! ui t-sitrcss at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, A. DAUPHIN NCW 0rlcanfl l a ii- i vr.tix 5t- Waflhbft6n. D. C. . - j iui uuuivaie fhillhnMllA i . I ",c,t Uttuusw support toe same notion It must be remembered that the longer and more pointed the nails, the more Mivy mts suggestive ot claws. Surely it cannot be in good tase to recall our animal origin at the expense of human capabilities. The Greeks, who accen tuated all peculiarity and distinctly human characteristics, carefully Avoid ed pointing the nails, though no Darwin nausnown them whence came those ana. Xney aiso rejected the idea of beauty m the smaHness of hands, such as the .deal of modern taste demands 1 roportion and fitness were to them rulinsr nrinniTjlpa nfcirin .u:u , 1 ------f , ui wiiiuii iuev found no beauty. Hands are no more beautiful for Dsnag sinali than eyes are for being bi uuiuuu dui many a modern girl would ask her fairy god mother, if she had one. to ive her eyes as big as saucers and hands as small a those of a doll, believing really that the ". vuuuui ub iuu large nor ine last too small. Indeed, ,we know of a youns- iaay who was one of the excitements jast summer at Saratoga ' because she kept her eyes so staringly wide open tiaat they looked as if they were popping out.ofher head. She thought by so doing she gave them the' appearance of enormous size Forney's Progress. What Broke Him Up. A man with , . ""-uiui expression of countenance sat in thc corner of the smoking.car. says Drake's Traveler's Magazine. One of his eyes was hidden thynf if fn flap, the other gave evidence that it had violently come in contact with some hard substance. His nose looked as thonndi t hA v, n-. , a.;nDf ":;iT r."" wu. ""enea k i uuw Pn wnen he was a auu imvHr rp train ar i itni... -v- no uaiuiauaane. juc car was missino- i a .. " .uv UUUC1 J -"v VUUCl n, . . " ujuiuiu" Kiorv. is left arm war in o 0i;n ntrorj r,t klr, .:.Li i -i . . . w r J?" .if " . IiSUl' uaDU Pointed in the vr i . . vcluo nioi"' nfl gazed compassionately at the wreck be- Collision ?" m,njnngiy : -Prbfi "No." . "Mother-in-!aTOP" "No." "Doe-?" "No." nii3hn What under the sun broke you a f . -"?S??S?3l ?r?aned thc victim, pull ma oioucn nat aown over his fres- A S n ... ers oarsapanlla is designed for .V'"" ,a .medicine to purify : utrJU .uuuu l.fiem up, increase .il uppeute, ana rejuvenate their hn8L8- .uS?0. Preparation cia want. it touches the exact spot. Its record of forty years is one of constant triumph over disease. an: DO YOU KRJOW THAT LORRILARD'S CLIMAX I'LUG TOBACCO Y'-'loV MVcPPP,NGSJ ,anU black Brown and . . . . whj. i - uutoi(i:nL. . . , i, au 6 ly d&w ..Molt's Powders M an ofthlh,TO CUIiS INFLAMM a. s a,l rH' Gravel, Gleet. Strict Pbyslca iii.iiinarj: casea. Nervous and i SSScss and ail or-sc-0 rw.n, . US,Y y discrellon nbody so-o TiTilV "V,wn BPt3 on lace s, 0-;2 ose, bcrof ula, Old upases i-;." t ... auu au ioou and Skin I W. LSSndisc . 8 day.. sent bv moTK lllu.?re. "d-. and sent by mail. The Testimony of a Physician. James Beecher. M. D., of Sigourney- xuvya, Da)s iur buyerai years i have been using a Cough Balsam, calledDR. VM HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE ana in almost every case throughout my practice I have had Ol I f 1 r"- f1 r T t - viiiiu ouauas. x nave usea ana prc- bcrioea nunurcus ot bottles ice aayi when Loui It is the Best Salvn tor r!nt iimic,,,. G " AJIUUVJ a--v r- 111 I I . oyiua, uiueis, oaic litieum, Tetter. uappea liaiuls, Chilblaius. Corns ana an kinds ot Skin Eruptions, DURNO'S CATARBH SNUFF cures all aflectiors of the mucous membrane, of the head and throat. lied 'HorSiPowdnrS rliro rlunocnu i - ' xvbw ulvliJVO 111 anjiiKii: Quarter Meetings. Third Round for the Wilmington Dis trict Of til A Afotbrillef T? n t ?T .. wtT-V -11;. . vuurcn,ooutn gusTlB and i7lrCU1'' ' PeaC0ck'3' A" Elizabeth Ci milt flf Pnr,VV A 01. orv j "w Ului --U- usi, ou ami ji. Newton Grove Mission, at Newton Cokesbury Circuit, at Bethel. Sep tember fi nnrl 1 ' 1 m Ihe District Conference will be held I,q hn-.nn I runtion in its nmnf .r'"' ,AUIlV no government has a r ?htln hnn on iD i . ... . l" pupils wan taxes uuu auiuriuc required to pay its r;'.n;L ,T?a"u. gradually ex- M"sul-9U ll? Puunc ciebt. And that whenever the revenues, however dc .cu,cacwu mis amount, they should be reduced so na infn;,i . . the treasury. We therefore urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress to exert themselves iu favor of such legislation as will secure this cuu. Resolved, That with respe6t to the tariff we reaflirm the life-long and fund amental principles of the party declar ed in the Natirtnol 1.!' .r. , . formsand that, the details of the method by which the constitutional revenue tariff shall be gradually reached, are subjects which the party's represents lives at the federal capitol must be trusted to adjust; but in our opinion the duties on foreign importation should De loViea lor thfi n-rn no J revenue, and the discriminations in its adjustment should be such as would pittutJ me niP-npsr rama on nvn..n., 1 Xhe lowest on the necessaries oflife. uistriDiiieas equal v af nossihlo th burdens of. taxati on nml onnPnn 41 . , WlilSL IUU greatest good to the greatest number of fimciiuau people. Resolved. Thnt. ieujocraue party in furtherance of schools in all sections, and the establish- mC.M,ui6lilueuana normal schools in thc larcftr tntvnc'inrl n . ----- - 4vA-aiuie ueuiers. Is a sufficient guarantee that we favor the education of all classes of our people nl rxrn mil I i 1 yiuuaute anu improve the present nni!if inn oi n.i. a3 it can be done without burdening the DOODle bv exnrseT7i tav.t:nn A TT wr. ... . mi u v" T""."" "lore- xuail U UUDUrRfl mi inna nF ,111 j.wv.s- uuiiais iu the treasnrv of. t ho tt; c?i. wrung from the pockets of the people by unjust taxation on the part of the Republican party, therefore, j-Muiveu, xnac we will accept such ! nhBS r" Vc. received " wo inviic me aitontlon of l?MawsSS llalelgh, N;C. DOCUMENT NO 1. 1881. tv i 17 . " IKMOCRACV v. UEPUBLICANISM. 11AXDEOOK OF Noil TU CAKOM.VA. POLITICS xuu x jaurms. The Fartics, and The Hsucs -.nuruugiuy ilSCllSte-! Inflccncc of "Tocumcnt Noll 1." laeued in Iks? ::r v"01" In that year's campaign. "-i-e f eltcij,iir Handb ek hs lxicn prepared for wfifraSf,aee fDd WIU Issued.-lmmpd ate IV alter thft eottlnn nrtl,n lc Convention democrat The H.infitAiir n-m i. n L. . nhiAt n "". printer! iam. foin fiT ,J . ofo , ana will cob- 7i i V, , , uufswuiormauon on mattera Ipvolv etl in this 5 car's elccUons. - I T v Horn rYiiv xr-v i i i - - mwi, irtV , . . W1U uo isnppnea at ,1,. . , . i.ilk the actual Mah nr.fik.nf f rr...i i ' press work. . 'T. .ii01ter,thatlhCElz80 the edition xnay determined, prompt orders are requested. iulyl, "7 Raletlgr 1884. ;r Uarper's Bazr. a ILLUSTRATED. Horner's Itaanr laatnnth. 1 M. v w v La VVy iilv larid n cofn 1 ITAimnk -r . 1 .v uvui jlau uni: 1 it 1 11 1 .miirnq 1 .-v It is the acknowledged arbiter of Ifashlon iQia country. Its fashion plates ara the new- o,,ru m0Sl Bt,yUsn; and. Its paftern sheet supplements and cconamic suggestlors alono li DoiiKSTins ?hcetpr,44, f yd........... Mackerel, No. 1, Vtbl 16 00 Macfcerc 1,0. 1, & half bbl.. 8 60 Jfaccrel, No. 2, r calf bbl.. 5 00 Mackerel No. IB, y bbL...... 7 75 fui ets.r.bbj...!. :::::: I co Mullets, Pork bbla.... ' 7 00 FKUTllJ:Rs,2.oboir" 5 Fcruvlaai Guano, No. I.......57 so ;. t . 2. sa 00 Baogh'a eVha&;.v.::S S Carolina Fcrullzcr... ...... .1.45 00 Ground Bono. . 00 00 c-uu our... ........... 00 00 Navassa Guauo .i 40 on CJomplcte Manure........ !0q 00 Wsndo Phosphate.. ...... ....oo 00 ZL M'8 rbonhato..00 00 fwTPP I ITi V t 9 V.l. . Inch's Ajrrfcultnral Limo.Ii: FLO UK, bbl .... Fine............... Northern Super. . . " Ext City Mlila-Krtra.' .UU.IJ .... ... of ma - GRAIN, linchnl fl1' f0ni 80' ?SB.WMtO Cora, cargo, ln bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, in bags, white:. tow l'eas...... mDES.yib-: Green Dry ilAYi y 100 fi3 EaAtim. Western.... , .'. i KnWh 1 -..... 1 15 .:XV."A"F 73 7 00 8 50 0 00 4 73 5 75 6 5) 00 5 75 6 50 U- C 20 CO 10 0C -rlfl oo CD 5 W O 8 00 0 a s re A? 4 00 ? ; tW2 te CKH CO ' -751 00 4960 00 4T 00 em oo 1'&0 ew7 ic rl5 0C 4?C7 OC ?70 (X) 270 00 ?G0 CO GC0 00 i 7 50 ' OJ0 43 4 r tO 5 2A ft) 6 21s O 8 00 6 6j a e oo 60 O 12 74 72 C5 23 I 5 11 a a a a a o Si 81 75 00 49 s - .12. .....1 20 O 1 25 NortHftTTi iNortn Carolina td 1 10a oo a a 25 85 "Vft 13 -jtv. uy mu jjrbt: American and KTirnnAS-n onthn.i. T i u i would fill pprtfoUo?, and its hunJroua cuts are the most amusing to be found hi any jour nal in America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for 1884: j l w Harper's Periodicals. jwougu ja-uge Plank..-. i West India Cargces.aecordlne quauty W1S aq nonca.is 00 Mm rcT com-n..ia oo PerYear: j-o( "u i" X . , Vlli aP' SUCn -Oil'JB'S BAZAR...... attribution of said surplus revenues of harper's magazine the government tnr Adnnniinnai ., I Tr . w ' w.uLbtXX IJUl DOSeS as mav b?. ma?r nu t ho - ol the United Stafns? nmvw has the same shall be disbursed by State agents n.nl objectionable features and embarrass ing conditions. Resolved. That it. IS flno tn iVi - - - v.w . mo rriiiit; Deonle or nnr onatom i. x cvwxu W UO have so nhnp.rinllv h wvi.ux IUU1 OUiHO Ol our common burdens, that the pres ent, or some other cauallv effect ivn government, shall ..$4 oo 4 oo 4 00 1 50 HARPER'S WEEKLY . HARPER'S YOTjNG PEOPU...! " Hakper's Fhanklin square Library, une xeai- C53 Numbers).... Vi.....io oo i PrtSt.JHrp. V mr In oil enl.ni,. i StateA or r nno.tQ - VM -v-.a,a 7 OTO 1 lWa New Crop Cuba, la hhda..:.. -L. " . tabbls -uitlujuco, m mas. ...... . ln obis.::::::::: augar Uouse.ln hhda syrup, in bbis..':..;..;.:;:; Kerosene.. Lard 'T'" i T 1.l ...... .......... l Rosin To Deck and Spar..... " " live, grown... ... PEANUTS V hiVhli 4W0 OS 4316 CX au 4322 0C 113 3) S3 3J 00 20 11 10 90 90 00 00 a a a a & a 15 4) J 5 00 28 2i .10 75 10 School addrpsts . Centenary servioes Saturday morn- inrr cnvni-n 1 r. K 1. .1 J . . 1Vwavo auu Uvll" tciiaiy sermon. W. II BOBBITT, P. E. Prevent .?Irlrnncc Ktt (rMnn jj waiug uueasion- XV Vi -iiiuiiii a JjITTLE UATIIAl -i:rr' ! T"?11U1 appetizer, an I twawtlre uure OI tfiiuousness. 15 cents. For it will sale by all drur juiyw aawiy Dodd's Nervine No. 2. "TTrt r IV . . NERVOUS pirynTp T ' and Gmti i . ' 1 1L AL 7" ojbs caused by indfe rand violating the laws of health 1SS: "UNTER'S PILLS .WV RrJS-r1 au wrma and stages. STkSi nv'P013 on the face and body. towBJSE: Scul. setter, S2 iind st7 -neum and all 51cUl?re- ?-i:8 m :7.-e.?. . V'i- i . - 4. - lin'iri an lftS AW Wn-n-nA.. niLClc58 .r sease, parried rwc-fo 7. fce we o health are fS?y lor iuf"i8":,.F.ric.. Enclose the x 'UTO1UUD LU IISAKK 2V1 H: vi express eeaiecL nr a--. . VOUllt L7its: npftt JCWlv ry Ittercliauts, 40 T( r G KOCERIS, Wl LJj FIND A FULL STOCtC AT fcliner & Calder Bros. At If icea to suit dull Unie. .LJE .Hr.. .SUGAR. HAY, COIiN. '-a . . RVv"' ...ox DAN GOODS. KEi;cl7"V,LALE ONLY. ta i ,oALDER BROS., cg 4 l acd 223 North Water St., Wltaungton.N.c. Hit It. The Small bov SOniGtimns fntnhns rn by instinct. In Pearl street Hie other day, as two of them stood looking into 11 winaow, one ot them observod: "Oregon Improvement & Navigation Company. Is that sumhin' new?" "Naw; that's old." ''What improyement is it after?" "I dunno Where doea she navigate to?" ' Can't tell." "SaV. Rill." rfimartpH fholitilu after turning thr n n m n .vop : v.: . r- ''"x v. t 11 ; a mind a littlft lontrnr 'TVo nnf Iff T 0" ? - 1W 6WK lb. Afc an improvement m the way of navigat ing stockholders out of their ttu Jbtreet News. "I am a mnn nfnninr r.;nf-. 55 . 1 rv uuiiar as ne inserted nis jimmv j uiu iwu i aces in in otate and a similar condition of things Which we hfilip.vn Insist -w,w vi snii uii y iu otner Southern States, we deprecate tllP. 51.ti.Pmnt tf lllO Pannklinnn 1 its recent platform at Chicago to force C1V11 rlffnlS J1S a IVinnr icann , o -, .vuu, auu nc cenounce it as a lire-brand ami iixrr. - - - , -wa. M AiT critical expression of interest in the macK race, a wsnton insult to the whites of the South, and tendinc: to stir . : c m. . 1 . . . up snue uetween ine now inendly I HO V rilnmn- !-. : ... n.f v T V . "iV5 -""wr uegm witn the first Number for January of each year. When j no time la montlinoH i.-. J.ZZ' "K'1: that the subscriber wishes tircommcnra with tun M..mi. . . . m. wvx j i,a,ruiina. r . wi, aiwr me receipt or order. I Rniirt. 77..L . The last Four Annual Volumes ot JIarner's nirSS tiS8"01'"" Talent- lnni.iit.W), .:.?V :urPer I iiAuS, " lb COHntrv. . : . 7. uiuuuir, wiu.nc sent u-' l iitv . ......... mall, postage paid, or by exprcss,ffree of ex BoppViV v lue irWBm uocs not CXCCCU SALT " i, one dollar per volume), lor $7 00 nervoW tiJL5ack Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for $attw$ cr 1 by mai, iost w-oa rc- Remittances should be made by iPost-Ofllcc Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbaincc of loss : Newspapers arc not to copy this advertise gent without the express order of .IIarter & Brothers. Adflress HARPER A BROTAER5, nnv 23 Ijffiw York 10 2 00 rOTATo3,Vahel- OHW,... ......... Irish, 47 bbl PORK, V barreJ- W'7 XiCSS.. 4. ............ OS - Prlmp. ? V HnTtin ...... . ie 00 T17 4iiTtt":::::---w 95 a 1 Ol 5C 49 49 1 45 49 1 00 1 CO a 20 0 22 43 459 1 5: 43' 42.2 4924 47)17 LIverpoo noon. ....... ....... American. SUGAR, 4 tb-Cuba.I7.::7"" A CoffCC. 1U 1HO 14V0 00 49 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 fi a a o a a TTip f nv it - T mon U : j i " "-j u io uis Buengui. i you are weakened down throueh exoec siye study, or Jby. early indiscretions, re-tore all lost vigor, and strengthen all f o -uiinu auu rsoay. si; u tor S5. At. rlrncroicfa Ur :i . H. Allen, 315 First Ave., New York . If eod lamiliarity doe3 not always contempt. For instance, there girl and ice cream, i breed is the A Card. Rnnnrli nv. I r. 1 tl 1 h.. u jri.3i.er; ana indiscretions of 5 Porous and strengthening, improved, weakness, early decay O best for hnoL-flnlioo noTno ir, I hnrw! Aw T n.;i I J the best for backaches,pain in chest or oiul. I 1 it'll rn M 1 1 sin rvAri 'oimn Druggists or mail. ToialJ are suffering from the errors ana indiscretions 7 - jvuvu, Ubl w UUO loss of man- f DR. f , 1884. j Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Ex c Crnphnrl f "lb"-Nortbcrar.7rr7 SHINGLES, 7 ln.4M...." 7 " ----- 1 Cypress ;Sapa... 7 0340 IOV4O o a 75 75 00 75 00 Oo 7 011 00 43 3 CO 49 6 00 49 7E0 A1S 00 10 00 49 6 Harper's if aaazine . . . . o w-ob . r-vi,uvu W VA- ! ume wan the Decern r iimtw rv i, 1 .-.v : r . w ife? .alT5?8. Juy . brft the "-.vo .u 1M uuiuiicui oi BUDiecisvoi current vanclhg its standard of llterarv rf lati mechanical excellence. Among ita attractions - - -w. n u-w lit 1 v tr 4 i v vi 14m loco 2 50 Cynnva Tr--. -. OO mi rV,;,I,;?.hcad oo oo Z...'J v IB.... i . Mill Prime , Zi Mill FJx 7 50 49 8 60 Common Mni" 5 52 2SSSf?.;g g oo Si- :: is g. g W UI - A t' .f?" y Attey; a new novel by tj.l.Roe, illustrated papers by I George II. m. r" VJ -"icti, v. ik. rarnna nun uiocn lmnnrrinf h:c!nni 1.1 -i- . aiiapcrs; snort 6torlC3 by W l Howcllg. i :mr ia irn.HA r. - v uuiUG) U.Vy. Getting-a Leave of Absence. . IMr. Snmnol V t rnll 1. ri "wyiuua, iulu oi tne Iinitfti Stftfoa noir it ; .t . , . - j ftuta i acj ex ample (in his book of recollections) oi the nronpr wsv tn n-ot o r pflicial dignitary in buttons and epau lettes. Thfl rl?rpnt j uiay a li LJ i y iii mjli . . r r J ut uLaer ceaoquariers taan mili tarv and natrtl At lnc if f .u vao u 4 - a sure rule that nnnrtpcv lfnntollm - . ""Ji uvkauicu IU 1U9IU centy, smoothes one's way. and opens uiuui wuu iLupeneiraoie. " miusnipmaD, just nome from a n upniu iuu ixiLuaiiucr nFthft novcvorrl ln.. i . visit his friends who resided in Charles- lull rvf 1 1 1 1 n t ;qmnnn r 'hn 1.1 i mnn irrninv nnanranui j -- ii w, tv, on . y uu r SPrVlPOQ Viro ronnirnil ir lk ..! 1) ,.v uv iuubu tu iuc J41U. ln. .u iuiusunimau was phasing UOWa I trv to his ship; Tenting his disappointment I the age. , . -j , ium ui uiau- nOOCl. IVO. I will con.l :11 ' kn.nu a icviuc Lllab Will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This reat remedy was discovered by a mis sionary mSouthAmerica. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph . ' dj, isew lorc Cut. ItcliinsPiies-symptouianf Care. " wir 1 fas j V" - am sciH wri J 1 1 ii. TO MEN ONLY. YOUfiQ OR OLD. ly HO are ruffrin. from JTsavocs Okbiutt, f T Lost V itality, Lacx of Nerve Fokce xso t KiOR..wTU(e H EKjfKSi.KS. exttl all tho-oe dieaea f Peksoxal NaTVKK rcsuitiugr fM Aecsks and Tiijca Ccsra. Spowty rviitf and complete rcsto- bUOIl OI HAXTH, ioca ani lIAKilOiD OCAR AKTKEO. flie gTaiideet discovery of Ihe Nineteenth Centnry. nd at ooee for Ii!atrtd I'-mphlct free. AtlUreaa nov271yeodiw , t th s North Carolina Resources "One of the most useful ecriea of ilo'storr wbE&: Cleveland & Hendricks ! RTaino &. T,noan f f i w u .vguuia . 'I'hA mrmnfAma a vhc. ... .' . . r 1 , . f . uiuisfcure, ie persplra "on. ntlnse Itching, increased by scrVtehlng; ""o. iiaxncuiariy at night; secm Th . were crawling in and about iitoiES it in P"7?"1 P"to sometimes .. SMpS JACKSON & BELL!!! SSSS THREE TICKET the PEOPLE! &.iY J The first two UcIeTs aro before the mays iyaeodaw fm w people for their suffrages thc last ; ror tne patronage of both parties for Boyg anything and everything they may 1. need in the shape of ' Every Farmer onrht to ert a supper Flow," greatest invention of UACom is the Agent- f Printing, Ruling or Binding. Hale's Industrial Series. 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