UISCELLANEOaa. - SsJ 3 1 WW iSli! lifWl S THE BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely ('ores Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Veakncs, iiupnre Blood, 2Ialariu.,C'liUls and Fevers, and Nenralglou It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidney nnd Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoes not injure the teeth, cause headacbe.or produce constipation other Iron medicivea do It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re aves Heartburn anJ Ik-lching, and strength en the muscles and nerve. For Intermittent Fevers, Latitude, Lack o Energy, &jc., it has no equal. $3 The Pennine has above trade nark ami crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. ZuItMifbr BC0W5 CHESICAL CO., BALTiaOUK, K ulv llldtwly tc2dpnrm WEAK, UNDEVELOPED -PARTS OK 'l'HKMUMA.N liPOV K.MiAlUiHD, DKVi:f OPKI. S r It I'.VCtTH I'jS K P." Ktc. isnn irttgrowtin Bilv.Tl i-t.'iii-iit. long run in our mT. In reiy to m- bugnixtnttnis. On the conirnry. the advertisers urn v?rv liiifhlv innry'd. lnf-r-stp1 TTona may yet B"?iieil;ir-iita'- riving all particulars v ftrldTfSftin Fh W; Aff:i)lCrjJ.. burtnlo. .V". trntiyij lire. apilC lyd&w Sash, Doors, Blinds, Whit'e Lead, Paints, French Window' Glass, UENCr FOB N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT; GO'S READY PREPARED PAINT. QALL. ANT EXAMINE OUR GOOD3 AND get bur prices before purchasing The fact that our Paints arc from the celebrated Fac toriea of Wetherill & Co., and Harrison Rroa & Co., 13 sufficient guarantee for, their quality and purity A lino line of Cooking Stoves at Facto" y Prices, In addition to our large and full HARDWARE STOOE, to which YOir atUjnilonl respectfully Invited NATH'L JACOBI, nirt ? 1ft South Front ftt Quarantine Notice. Q 1IA.UAXTINU FOU TUB TOUT OF Wil 1 miugton will be enforced from May 1st to Novotnber lot, as follows : Pilots will bring all vessels from Ports south of Cape Fear to the Ouaraotino anchorage; alo, all vessels which hive had any kind ol Bickncss oa board during the passage or cn arrival, and will cause a bignal to be set lu the main rigging on the port side, as soon as pos sible after crossing the liar- o vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any pcraon. steamer or tug boat, lighter, or boat of any kind ti go along si e, unless by written authority froTi the Quaran tine Physician ; and every vessel mast be an chored as lar to the eastward of the channel as is consistent with safety. Regulations governing cssels while In Quar antine may be had on application at the oihce of the Quarantine Phys'cian at SmithviUe Applications for permits to visit vessels in Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thomas F. Wood or Dr. cco. G. Thomas, and perm t so obtained will lc end r?ed by the Quarantine PhT6lcl.in, if. la his opinion, it is proper ard safe to allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of 'i 0 for each and every offence, will be enforced against any person - violating any of the Quarantine Uegulationsof the Port. W. G . CUIiTI-, M. l, Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington, THOS. P. WOOD, M. D. ) Pn0,ta(a GEO. O. THOMAS, M. D. Consultants, mav 1 2am Cm 1A15 First National Bank of Wil mington. .CAPITAL. STOCK...-.: SURPLUS FUND .-..., :vi.o o Dposlt received and collections side t calble polnfs la the UnUod State?. ! 01RKCTOaS E. E. 3URRU3S ' O G- WORTH A. MARTIN, J AS. 8 P RUNT, GEORGE CHAD BOURN. Orri'JKRSt. E. E. BU RRU83 .... .... . President A. R. WALKER.... ... ... .. Cashier W. LARKIXS 4.act CMhtex J. L. WINNER, ATCUMAKEU A JEWELLER, ' Chronometer. Floe Watches in I Jearelrr repaired and warranted. O 3 poilte New Market. Front St. PUROELL HOUSE. "0NDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, . WILMINGTON, N. C C I PERRY, Proprietor. Tate Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. rtrst-Cl&M la u tu anpotntaaaU Tarm 3 50 to t!.G0 per dr wmmmm i wmtmm a iuji m m u SK. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. V 1 LMINttTOS . N. C. Tuesday, august 19. ism. ntend t the Postofiice at Wilmington, N. C as second-claR matter. Workers in ornamental wood esser that yellow pine, bard finished in oil. is the rival of any wood that grows, not excepting the costliest ot the haro spe cies, it being susceptible of receiving and maintaining as high a degree ot polish a any known wood, while, ini preirjated with oil, it is almost inde structible. In sucn a condition it is impervious to even hot grease and other substances that leave an ineffaceable stain upon white pine, maple and vari ous other woods. The Jews rise high in France. It appears from an Anniltiire published by the community in Paris that two JewOitin the Senate, three in the Cham btr, four in the Council of the Staff: and two in the Supreme Council ot Public Education. One Cabice4 minister, M. Dayid Raynal, is a Jew, aud so are no less than ten chiefs of ministerial departments, who are prob ably more powerful than ministers. Three prefects are Jews, seven sub prefects, and four inspectors of educa tion. The same community lurnishes two generais of division, three generals of brigade; four colonels and nine lieu tenant colonels, one judge ol the Court of Cassation fthe president,) and ten provincial judges. -m A car driver in New York being re cently interviewed by a reporter upon the ability of the horses he drove, said they were able to make halt as many trips a day as the driver, and continued in a satirical mood : "The horses have to walk,' you know, but the driver just leans up against the dashboard and ri les. If you're fond of ridin it's a soft job. Fourteen s-hillio' a day is a b:gsum of money to pay out for seven teen hours' work; but the company is rich and can stand it. It cost a driver very little to live, because hd doesn't have time to cat anything. I used to keeo most ol tny money in the bank, but so ninny ol 'em are bustm1 np that I drawed it all out, and now I've got it up to thiouse packed away in bar rel- The Hebrews are often spoken ot as 'a race without paupers." Though not strictly accurate, this statement gains color from the proverbial thrift of the race, and ir. m their excellent system ot charities in the large cities. For the pttst ten years the Hebrew community in New. York has steadily had in opera tion a scheme for relieving the needs of the poor among them that is worthy of attention by all Christian philan thropists. The city is divided into t verity-four districts, and in each district a viMiing committee investigates ail ap plications for relief. Distribution o clothing and money Is. carried out by the executive committee, and there is also a well organized medical corps, with a competent physician in each dis trict. One of the best elements of the uorkisa pension system by'whi'h rent is paid for poor widows and help less families. There are nearly 500 of these pensioned families now in the city, families which, but for this aid, would inevitably be in the pooi houses or other public institutions. The true beneficence xf the whole system of the United Hebrew Charities is shown by the fact that all of the work is done by volunteers. Ail the officers serve with out pay, and the cost of distribution is never more than 10 cents for each dollar cf benefit. In many charitable societies the cost of distribution is nearly half of the amount distributed. The Democrats in New York have been endeavoring to find some of those "disaffected Democrats" of whom so much has beenisaid and written of late With this object in new, on the 4th inst. the Democratic State Com mittee sent a circular to some known person in each election district in the State asking for information as to the disaffection among Democrats. Up to Wednesday night many replies were receiued. Here are some extracts from them, as furnished by Clerk Buud and Col. J. W. Tracy: From a town in Alleghany County: "The Republican vote will be weaken ed by the consistent action of the Pro hibitionists. St. John spoke here yesterday to a large and enthusiastic meeting." From award in Binshamton Rrma County; "I cannot find a Democrat wnn will not Kunnnrt thr rirL-nr T ; close a fist of Republicans who will vote lor Cleveland and Hendricks." Reports from Delaware. Greene, Clinton, Cayuga and Dutchess counties say that everv Democrat will snnnnrt the nominees, and that "nianv" nr "several" Republicans will do the same From a district in Ulster: I never tnew of so little disaffection. The Kepubhcan vote will be short from 50 to. too. uar field carried this district by 60 majority, but I believe wo will have a neat msioritv thia timp " From Alleghany County another re- rvitaajsiusi, wane mere was some objection to Cleveland at first it is now disappearing. A speech by Senator ruzgeraiaai ueiiast on the 5th inst. had much to do with the change. From Cayuga: "I know of nc no Dcin- f -rirt will nnw or nose the election nt nip.vpland and Hendricks. 'I know of a good many Republicans who will vota oar tiCKet. ikmsi oi-xne oiainaiw r5M rtAT-Ar vote for Blaine." From Cattaraugus: 'There are no nmrurnr::hTO who will -vote for niaina nr Jran. Manv Republican will vote for St. John. .who spoke to ; rmn rtAnnla at Macchias vesterdav. I inclose the names of a number of Re publicans who will not vote Tor uiaine A creat effort is being made to dragoor n-nrl xilAnce them." From Chenango county four towns reoort in substance: "JNo sucn men here .Will give Cleveland more than party vote." m mm a tnwn In Oneida Countv: I have lived here thirty years. Of over Ro vntprs in the four districts in this town, I do not know of a single disaf fected Democrat. 1 he disauected Ke nnhMron inr.rp'isfi dailv. Some are for Clevland. some for Butler and some are non-committal. PVnm a town in Schoharie "There i3 one doubtful Democrat here who will vote for Cleveland in the end." Another Schoharie report ssys : "No weak Democrat here." From Suffolk County : I do not find a singlo disaffected Democrat here : we shall gain Republican votes this A list ot RcDublicahs who will vote Cleveland and Hendricks is sent from n. town in Snllivan Countv. All the replies shown are of the same tenor as the above. At the Republican State Committee headquarters it was said that there never was a campaign where the people took the business into their own hands so thoroughly. . . Vfery Well Put. Why do we defer till to-morrow what we should do to-day? Why do we neglect a cough till it throws us into Consumption, and Consumption brings us to the graver" DK. vvai. HALL'S BALSAM is sure to cure it taken in season. It has never been known to fail. Use it thoroughly, ac cording to directions. Perseyere till the disease U conquered, as it is certain to be, even if it sho"uld require a dozen bottles. There is jo better medicine for pulmonary disorders. . AUGUST ANTICS. A horn of plenty a, schooner ot beer. A motintain gorge a picnic in the Catskills. 1 Mutual deception i3 the foundation of financial confidence. "Two of a trade can never aeree." Out in the West the Mother Hubbard is obnoxious to the pelisse. It i3 somewhat anomalousto say of a man who doesn't figure in the "canvas" that he is sulking in his "tent." It may be said without fear of con tradiction that among the favorite Suns of the Democratic party is not the New York Sun. Harvest homes are all the rage in Minnesota. The "first fruits" are borne in triumph, while the band plays, ap propriately, "Hail to the Sheaf." A Bostonian has just been arrested for having eleven wives. He wa3 evi dently doing his little utmost to become the "Hub" of the universe. The man who likes to please every body will probably march boldly up to the polls in November and with a bland smile vote for James Grover St. Rutland. The demoralizing influence of horse flesh npon humanity have often been noted by social philosophers, who as sert that there is no cure for horssifica tion of the heart. Bed.Bugs, Flies. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophe's. chipmunks, cleared out by "Rough on Rats." - A spring house is a house with a spring in ir, and a spring bonnel is usu ally worn above a waterfall. Fnr ifr.Q snnthin tr anrl trrtt.taFn influ ence on the scalp, and the removal and prevention of dandruff, Ayer's Hair Vivtor has no equal. It restores faded or gray nair to its ongiaai iarK coior, stimulates the growth ot the hair, and gives it a beautiful, soft, glossy and silk en appearance. . . FftmilinrJfv flnoa not. olwnva hrrPfl contempt. For instance, there is the Kn anu ice cream. a, Niuon do L'JEdcIos, the celebrated Fronnli honntv nnrhr.L ed hearts at the age of seventy. She A. I rf . M . It loos euro oi oi ner teeth, so ought an uer cnarming sex. And lady whose toilet tfthlfi lanbe . ahnnlrl r.rrunrf SOZODONT and use it regularly. Her mirror win soon renect a row oi teeth shaming , the pearls of the Orient in beauty, making a charming contrast with the Vermillion, lint of tbe'lips. No lootn-wasn equals it. It seems queer, bat it is true, that the stuff that makes a man tight fre quently loosens bis tongue. - i . For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, De pression of Spirits and General Debili ty, in their various forms; also as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other Intermittent Fevers, the "Ferro-Piiosphorated Elixir of Calisata," made by Caswell, Haz ard & Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from Fever or other sickness, it ha3 no. equal. tu 2w If the grratest man on earth com mits an injury a good - man can at once make himselt greater than he by for giving it. Allen's Bilious physic is a purely vegatable liquid remedy for Headaches, Biliousuess and Constipation, Easily taken, ac ing promptly, relieving quickly, 25 eta. At all Druggists. A Fair 91Ter w?Pe XLTA1C Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Volatic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles. See advertisement ia this paper. tthscow&ir , MISCELLANEOUS." ; " A Great Problem. Take all the Kidney and Liver Medicines. ' Take all the Blood purifiers, r Take all the Rheumatic remedies, Take all the Dyspepsia and indiges tion : ; t cures, Take all the Ague, Fever and bil lions specifics, Take all the Brain and Nerve force revivers, Take all the Great health restorers. In short, take all the best qualities of all these, and the best sQalilies of all the best medicines in the world, and you will find that Hop m Bitters have the best curative qual ities of all concentrated In them, and that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or combined Fail. A thorough trial will give, positive proof of this. . , Hardened Liver. Five years ago I broke down with kidney and liver complaint and rheu matism, ' Since then I have been unable to be about at all. My liver became hard like wood; my limbs were puffed up and filled with water. All the best physicians agreed that nothing could cure me. I resolved to try Hop Bitters ; I have used . seven bottles ; the hardness has all gone from my liver, the swelling from my limbs, and it htisworked a miracle in my case ; otherwise I would have been now in my grave. J. W. Mokey, Buffalo, Oct. 1, 1881. Poverty and Suffering-. "I was dragged down with debt, poverty and suffering for years, caus ed by a sick family and large bills fcr doctoring. I was completely discouraged, until one year ago by the advice of my pas tor, I commenced using Hop Bitters, and in one month we were all well, andnneofus have seen a sick day since, and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doctor's visit will cost. I know it." A Workingman. None jrenulne without a hunch of er en Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" oi "Hops' in ineirname. aue la Jm aacw nrm FREE! Tboaeanda of cases of Xerrona Deblltt y, men. tal and physical weakness, lost manhood, uer toos prostration, the result of indiscretions, excesses or any case. cured bvNFRUITA. Strong faith that it will rare cyery case prompts me to sand to any sunerer a trial package on receipt of IS cents for postage, etc. Dr. A. 6. Oux, FOR TRIAL Box 343, uucago, 1U. nov 27 vieod&w t th a "Anakesis" srlves instan relief, and Is an infaZtble cure for Pities PTlce $1. at druggists, or tent pre paid by mail. Sample free. Ad. anakesis" Makers, ;Box 2,416 New York, srzs era war 53 ti &xs RELfiiLS SELF-OUH A favor! ta Tfroscrintlon cf one cf tllw bleat noted and successful epeciallsts In they.a (now rptirecl) for tiiecurft of xervans ItsbiHtVt Kost XZaniiGttg. S3 eaJ.nsss ana Jtieca. Beat la plain scaled eaveiopcyre.-. Drugsisis caa nli:a Address DS. WARD & 0 1EVI0RPHINE HABIT DK. H. H. KANE, of the DeQuincey a i.umc, uuw oners a itemeay whereiiT : t luwrmwn Bb, A0w lork VHj. S3 fls&vsmTzs&zsi -mssss Whose debility, exhausted PWr, preuiaturo decay and failure to perform life's) duttea properly cro caused by excees errors of youth, etc., wiil end a perfect and lasting restoration to robust Itealth end Tigorons manhood in THEMARSTON BOLUS. 4iNei.lier stomnch dmpging nor ir.stmments. This treatment of Aervon. eblUty and Phr.lnnl ll.n:n :r l new and direct methods and absolute thor. onrhncs. Full information and Treatise free Address Consenting Physician of MARSTOM REMEDY CO., 4GW.14thSL, NewYork. NEW YORK HERALD. WEEKLY EDITION. ONE DOLLAR TEAR. Tt P-ATltfl In a A.11 t VlO Wnsml rta-ma kA XI 1 Edition of the Herald, which has the largest circulation In the United Stathes. Independent in Politics, if t It is the most valuable chronicle of political news In the world, Impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, so that all sides may be known. In tile department Foreign News ' the Herald has always been distinguished by the fullness of its cable despatches. The new transatlantic telegraph cables will increase facilities.; The Farm Department of the Weekly Herald Is practical. It goes to the point, and does not give wild theories. The farmer will save many more than j One Dollar a Year from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gardening, poultry and agricultu ral economy. "The Home" Instructs the house-wife and the children In re. gLard- . economIcal and tasteful new dishes, the fashions, and the making of home com Sacie and ' ven ktfest reports of i Produce Markets, the condition of money, columns of Miscella neous heading. Poetry. a Complete fitorr Sews, ' 68 411(1 Aneot, Siting Popular Science, the doings of well-krown Persons of th World, a department deroed to f - Sermons and Beligious Xotv, While the WKKKLY HEkIi T?a latest and best Kewsof thVorti i if It i Journal for the Family. World, lao Subse the on dollar itunwHn. , TUB NKW YORK HERALD t la Weekly Form, rtecl9 Proadway and AMSlet Capital not required. Reader Tf business at which vTvL??n U- UI i ill i is fc ut9 ft Hi rv W BE. Wllmlngtonj Cdluuabis & Augnsta B; li. j Co Omcs or General superintendent. - WllialngtOJU N. C. July 11.1SS4. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, 18S4, at 9.00 A. M., the following Passenger Sched Ui will be run on this road : Ur s - s NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nc. 4S Weet and 47 East. l r Leave Wilmington J. 9.05 P? M Leave Florence.....................'. 2.40 A. M Arrive at C C. A. Junction..... 6.20 A &L Arrive at Columbia.. .....J- fi.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 9.55 P. M. iave C, C. & A. Junction.. .....4.10.20 P. M. Leave Florence i! 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington........ .....,. S.S5 A. M. Night Mail and passenger Train. Dailt No. 40 West. i Leave Wilmington...:.... ......... j.!0.20 P. 11 Arrive at Florence j. 1.25 A. M MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY No. 43 East. I Leave Florence at... .......J..4.05 P. M,. Arrive at Wilmington... ....J.,8.05 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton,and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. 4C.R.R., C, & A.R.R.Siatfoiis, -Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take the 40 Night Express. f Separate Pullman Sleepers tor Augusta on Train 40 f All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. t Local freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sunday at 7.00 A. M. ! ! JOHN F. DIVINB, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. ' I II IV 1-1 i X Wilmington & Weldou Railroad Company. Offtob or General Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C, May 9,!1S4. i f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, ts8, Al 9.00 A. M.. Passenger Trains on the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will run as follows ; DAY MALL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DaILI Nos. 47 North and 48 suth. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depal. 9.00 A. M 2.35 P. Leave Weldon. .............4. 2.55 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St. D'pt, 8.S3 P. M Fast Through Mail & Passenger Trains Daily No. 40 South; a.ou jr. m mm m " . w . . -...................... M. . iU. Arrive at Wilmgton,FrontSt.lVpft 10.C0P. 14. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DALLT No. 43 North, I Leave Wilmington.... Arrive at Weldon ..... ... 8.S5 P. M. 2.35 A. M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 IV M. and 4.30 P. M. Dally, (.Sundays excepted). Returning leave Tarboro at 3 P. M. and 10.00 A.M Daily. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P.M. Be turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 A. M daily except Sunday. Train No. 47 make close connection at Wel don for all points North Daily. All rail vis Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bax Line. . Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond aud Washington. All trains run solid between Wl'mlngton ano nf. HLt A. JS ar-k. . Mixjjigbuu. ana nave uiiman iraiace bleep .A.Vn l.J . r era attached ger coach will be attached to local freight leav Ing Wilmington at 6.55 .A. M. Daily except Sunday. JOHN F. DIVINE, ' . ' General Superintendent, T. M. EMERSON, Genera' ?aasenger Agent, july 15- t Carolina Qentral B. B, Company.! oiiicb of General Superintendent, Wilmington N. C. May 10 1S4. Change of Schedule; QN AND AFTER MAY 12th; 1 18S4, THE foUowlngineaaie will be operated on this wuuvsu ; a PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundajs; " ) DeaveWThnlngtonat....i;..7.S0P. M No. 1. Leave Raleigh at i.7.35 P. -M ) Arrive at Charlotte at...4. .7.00 A. M ) eaye CharlotU at.......L.8.45 P. M No. 2.S Arrive Raleigh at........... .8.80 A M ) Arrive at Wilmington at.;. .8.(0 A. M Passenger Trains stop at regalar stations only, and points designated In the Company' Time Table. ' SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAI I EXPRESS AND FREIGHT, r Dally except Sundays Arrlre at Shelby v 9 00 P. M. No. 4 1JeShS!7"r"- 7- A M. . Arrive at Charlotte ..i.io.m a, m TralnsNp. 1 and 2 make close connection at "r0 wm a rains to and from RaJ- eign. - j Through 81eeplngCars between TWUnilngtoii Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No, 1 for StateavUle, Station Western N n R u ArAviiia r7-r. ARttiJKn Athene. nuMMiuauivuii ooumwesL -v I C. JONES, ' rwrr.ir , Superintendent. FW.CLARK, General Passenger Agent - For Sale.; PRINTING PRESS WE hsLvE TOR sale a second-hand ADAMS'; PRINTING PRESS In good condition.' We offer a rare bargain. Write to ua for terms aid descrip. tion. Address THEJIIOM, -july 21 Pittsbiro K f. A Bargain'! (S HAND AND FOR SALE, FIVE BBL8 SOUP PERNONG WINE . f ONLY $1 PFK GALLON. ' pnre wine, a pleasant lno ark a cheap wine. Must be sold at once 5 v cam; MISCELLANEOUS It is aFactTir Consignments of the kfdcUoDEnjiranteed. Glte m iW ask. NTll2 south Froi tit. sirj inlv 2. "t -.. s- j 8 and . " rounds or Kr-M i In need otFlrst-Cb-s work ifi?15' call en : WUI do to call en the rell known Barber and PerTn. NO?ri'S wfcere he will spare no palna ln M, , " factton tn alL tomcnSt ln. lBK Choice New Crop Molas, ses -SECOND CAKGO NOW LATsniXO AXn tcit t SOLD -1 PROMPTLY FROM WHABy At Low Price, WOBTH & WORTn, Evei'ywIierG Clalioi ti.. . . - IO APJ1 Infinitely better than Unlmentji " any other plaeters-IJenn?!8 or Plasters. 25o. nson Capclne Poroci : - " ' " ' - - 4w Burn ham H iMi'ROVwn Standard Turbine ! nnlBhedVcLed o."- uvwr percent. acre, mora nn,. v . c 111 d 1 vi, anu ia foul for less money, per fcompow Bent free by aug 11 4w PtIDUUlU nn .. . ' 700011 Agents Wanted to sell 4ho only OFFICIAL BiocBiPnt?. CLEVELAND he Nliun By Kx-Gov Dorsfceimer. of N 7. mIM& If. S. Congress, and Hon. W. U. IIcbml Chairman of Dim. ttU Com ef Pn fri nds of C and Jl: 1 1 U 1 he moat Kelublil Inierestina and liichlu lllummt. ,i MtimMENSE DEMAND. A rents 1 " . - 5? Z " - w Viw.1dl mosej, i ( nas one Steel Portrait bpU. 1 . res auu pays oe. jjewarc of unreliable. ca!ch. penny booted Write to Uubbabk Bboi. Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa. aug 11 4w dAt PAY'S CELEBRATEDI) WATER-PROOF J mmum roofing Itesembles nne leather; for Roofs, OuW Walis, and Inaido In place of planter. Very Btrocir and -durable. Catalogue with testim nials and saraplea FR11E. Established lso& W. II. FAY CO., Camden, N.J. aug 11 4w ' WASTED MEDUTEir K 9 w w HV u uvsai) VAWiiuril ' J IUQ R. & O. Telegraph t'o.. The Nations Tel Co. 4 i-rD-.q-nlrpd Th Ttnntvrft Jk MorxSvnr.' aJ 1 The Postal Tel. Cos. are . boi h .'pusalng ahead ? 1 . . I . . , LWest. orth and South. Ciood posldons now yc'j : v a a u v kvt uavi uiii;U a ill 1 cro with stamp, The Penn. & New Jcne? Tele graph, Shorthand & Typo Writing iDBtrucUon Company, Wain flictr, 50G Market street, Wilmington, Del. auglHwdiw t . ; v : 6? i A di S . A D AY made. iCVT8 TVlVTFfl JEST NOW. nuLiiiu iia.ui.ii CLEVELAND Complete, Official, Il lustrated Life, by Col. ITbank Tsiplett assisied by the Families and Friends of tht Can didates. Special terms to those ordering t'om a distance. The book you want. Wiite tot circulars, or send 50c for proBpcctns. My Bliine & Iooak book tvlcesthelead, and those Marvelous Pocket Manuals always sell.- W. H. THOMPSON, Pub., 4:4 Arch ft., PbHtda , Pa. aug 11 4 dw . mm m . . mnf ti CVa 1. Dsril 111 7 Tjou warn. J IU I iteatlng Bille for 13, a tSC Breech Loading Shot Gun tor $1G, a, $12 Co- ftrWMKMM4.aV.. ... AT . aaVOffa sVf A r T AntOTTl TrtT $12, a folid Gold $25 g I I Watch fcr $1 a , $15 Sliver I UU Watch tot S. You can get any of these article Fbmh you will devote a few hours of jour leinj time evenings to Introducing! A f A rlT j uur uewguous. one uwy lc- w a, - ? cured a Gold Watch.free, in a single noon. A gentleman got a fcllver vatcn iw secured a watch in one day; hundreds of fitt ers have done nearly as well. If yon have a Magic Lantern you can start a business taw will pay you from $10 to $50 every night sew at once for our Illustrated Catalogue of Go an Silver Watches, gelf-Cocking Bull m Revolvers. Spy Glasses, Indian Scout spa a tronomlcal Telescopes, Telegraph Iwra o:enis, .type writers, ureaDB, -j" Violins, Ac. Ac. It may sta.t vou on t road to wealth.- t - aug 114w 122 Nassau Btreef, Nctvlort. The Science of Life. OnlySI BY MAIL POSTPAID. KHOV THYSELF. A fiRAT . MEDICAL WORE . M MUHB8 Exhausted Vitality, Nervous nd PJ Debility, Premature Decline In Min, rrOT of Youth, and the untold miseries from Indiscretion i, or exceases. A ooo T. evPTV TTUtTl trnTiTi 'Tnfrlla rpd And -' contains 125 prescriptions for all scuta a chronic diseases, rach one of which 1 . able. So found bv the Author, whose exp ence for 23 years is such as VT0Wjnh before fell to the lot of any phjWV pages, bound la beautiful French mnsHUa bossed covers, full gilt, arnaranteed finer work In everv sense mechanical, aYTJ. and professionalthan any other wort mis countrr for 42.50. or the monej "Tim rp.fiinrlasl In mm. Iti.lanM Pr1ri Ofilj . w . MV. v. .A. , ,A j Ufcs lift flW- by mall, post-paid. Illustrative sampW c': Send now. Gold medal awarded the soie by the National Medical Assoclatto. w ofOcers of which he refers. ..' the TheSdpnmAf TJfA shmrld DC read Vj.tZ young; for Instruction, and by the rrlW It will runt ?! ftmdon Zlc , Address the .Peabody Medical JZa Dr. W. . Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch fejj Boston. Mass., who may be conroltedon. Oaflled the skill of sU IL1 ! A I Vk nhrsirJftns n. morldtr. it A Lmt " pi- STSiftT M Y S E tr IJ ItlMsUUS SUl AAA- BJBJ SJ BJ 8B1 stance ot failure. Mention this paper HUMPHREY. JENKINS & Co i fresh Bupnly every Oav ot JrY .a, Pesrs, Whortleberries, torn. - Watermelons Tind t ant,8- W a acre is no memccr cx sociei "-ir t. book will not beuseftaLwbetheryouth.p2 u u k. w. cor. Market and fiecono;ste.