MISCELLANEOUS. iifffili iU III I -Isl Th e?D a i 1 y Review. JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor, & Prop. W IUVUNGTON. N. C- -THE BEST TQM1C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 28. 1884.: Blaine? This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely C'nres Dyapepsia Indigestion, YVeaknesM Impure Blood 2I aJ aria, Chills and Fevers, and Neuralgia. - ' It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the KMtieys and 'rt:T' It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Tr.., arA all Ai'Vin 1rnl Ef-dentorv Hvps' It does not injure the teeth, cause headache.or 4 Kansas produce COnsiipaiJ'Jii ouir.r jrvm mtuiLnic tut It enriches and jmrifies the blood, stimulates, the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re vives Heartburn ar.d IJtlcting, cud ttrength jjs the muscles and nerves. ; For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of .Energy, &c., it has no equal. The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no ether. I Bd. olykj BROWN UlEIICAL 10., BALTIMORE, entered at te Poetofflee at Wilmington. N. C, as second-class matter. The Ne w York Herald publishes, as comiDg .from Democratic sources, the following estimate of the division of the 401 electeral votes between Cleveiana and Blaine in November: States. Cleveland. Alabama 1 Arkansas 7 ! California Colorado Connecticut 6 Delaware 3 Florida 4 Georgia. 12 Illinois - -s Indiana I5 Iowa. uly lljl&wly tc2dpnrm WEAK, UNDEVELOPED 1 PARTS OK '1HK HUMAN V.OMY IvNURGKI), DKVKL- OPKI. sntKXiTI-JKXKl. lonf run niour pwp?r. onirics 8 tilt B.iy iJmt tiicrn is noeti F... is an intPrHn? 1 11 rriv l in- 22 13 9 llU! husf about t h is. ' v rv tuviiiv in'iorH"!. On the contrary, tlioaftvertisfrH aro Inf-rHt't Ttoti tnav tret tirvolar giving nil iarl u-nl.-iri bv andrpmif apllG lyd&w Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass? GKSCY FOR N. Y. ENAMELPAINT CO'3 READY PREPARED PAINT. jALL AND' EXAMINE OURGOOD3 AND get our prices before purchasing The fact Eros that our Pxts are Irom tha celebrated torles of Wethcrlll &.Co., and Harrison A Co., 13 sufficient uarantoe forj.thclrqualliy and purity j A fine line or Gooilns htove at Facto y - j Priceo, in addition to our largo and full HARDWARE STOCK, to which your attention Is respectfully Invited I NATITL JACOBI, apt 1 10 South Front St Quarantine Notice. QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil mington will be enforced from May 1st to Novomber 1st, aa follows Pilots will bring all vessels from Ports eouth of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchornpe; also, all vetsels which h ire had any kind or sickness o a board during the iatsze. or on arrival, and will cause a signal to be set In the main rigging on the port side, as soon as pos sible atir crossingthe liar ao vehsel roust leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tug boat, lighter, or boat of any kind t- go along si-e, unless by wrlttcn-authority from the Quaran tine Physician; and every vessel mast be an chored as iar to the eastward of tne channel as is consistent with safety. Regulations governing vessels while in Quar antine may be had on application at the oilice of the Quarantine Physician at Smlthvllle Applications for permits to visit vessels In Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thomas F. Wood or Dr. leo. G. Thomas, and permits so obtained will be end red by the Quarantine Physician, if. in his opinion, it is proper ami safe to allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of "i 0 for each and every offence, will be enforced against any person violating any of ths Quarantine Regulations of the Port. 1 W. G. CURTIS, M. P., Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington. Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. . . . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina. - Ohio Oregon I'ennsyluania. Ithode Island South Carolina-. Tennessee Texas Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin 13 8 13 9 16 9 36 11 23 9 12 13 6 11 8 14 7 3 30 4 124 Total 277 Necessary to a choice 201 The Herald cerrespondent says: By this estimate it will be seen that Governor Cleveland -would have 76 electoral votes more than are necessary to elect. Supposing through the treach ery of Tammany and a deflection to Butler he should lose the 36 votes ot Xevv York, he would still be elected. Under thi3 estimate he could further afford to lose the 23 vbte3 ot Ohio and nleo the 6 West Virginia, should "Steve" Elkins' 'bar'!' and colonizatidn scheme succeed in that locality. The estimate of the Democratic vote, adds the News and Courier, is not un reasonable. It is doubtful that C.'eye land will get the whole of the 13 electoral votes of Michigan as there is a fusion ticket in that Stale, but on the other hand the Democrats and their allies have a fair prospect of carrying Illinois Iowa, Colorado and Oregon which, in the foregoing estimate, arc given to Blaine. As the canvass stands to-day Blaine can depend on receiving the vote of only six States, namely: Kansas. Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, Rhode Island and Vermont. Even Pennsyl vania. Massachusetts and New Hamp shire need looking after. In evtry State but five or six, the Blaine party rumt conduct an active campaign. They are not free this year to concen trate upon the usually doubtful States. Blaine and Logan are losing ground daily. It will not be much of a surprise to those familiar with the political situation if Blaine should be as badly beaten by Cleveland as Scott was by Pierce in 1852. Scott carried four .States and Pierce twenty-seven. TUOS. F. WOOD, M. D. GEO. O. THOMAS, M. D. may 1 2am Cm 1&15 ! Consultants. First National Bank of Wil . mington., CAPITAL STOCK.. SURPLUS FUND. $25O,OC0 ... I-66.0C0 Deposits received sad oollecUona. nu.de on cett)l0 points In the United SUte. iUaKCTORS E. E. 3URRUSS, D..O. WORTH A. MARTIN. JAS. 8PRUNT, GEORGE CHAD BOURN. OFFICERS. K. . BURRUSS..... A. K. WALKER..... W.'LARKXNS. President. C&shlox Ast Casblar j. l; winner, f yATCUilAKKR'A JEWELLER, . Chronometers, Fine Watches anlJerelry repaired and warranted Opposite New Market. Front bt. PffRGELI. HOUSE. -JJHDEB NSW; MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. G B. L. FERRY, Proprietor Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. Urst-Clais la all its appointment. Terms $3 50 tof 3.00 pe day . : j Here is some good reading for those who want to know justhow the old thing looks in New York. It is from the Herald, of Tuesday's date: "How is the movement progress ing?" a Herald reporter yesterday ask ed Horace E. Deming at the bead quaarters ol the Independent Republi cans Committee at No. 35 Nassau street. "It is spreading so rapidly that we find ourselves? constantly compelled to enlarge our clerical force to take care ol it," responded Mr. Deming. "With in the past three days we have bad sent in to us the names of more than 2,000 Republicans who are pretty well un derstood to be opposed to Blaine. We had 300 such names fiom Iowa this morning; from New York State we received about 800 names this morniDg. On last Thursday we had upward of 2,000 names sent in from different points in this State." "Are these names sent to you from all over the country r" "No, our principal ad y ices outside of New York State come from New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa arid Wis consin." ' Don't you hear from the New land States at all?" " "Ob, you don't understand. The movement, of course, extends all over the country, but it would be impossi tor us to take care ot such a wide area. There are other committees besides our own to whom reports are made. For instance, the New England States, con cernmg which you ask, are mainly loosed after by the Massachusetts In dependent Republican Committee or they have been untij recently, when committee was formed m Rhode Is land, which will lighten" the work of the Massachusetts committee. We were receiving on an average thirty names a day from Rhode Island our selves, until the Newport meeting, but now as they come in we send them to the committee of that State, and gradu ally the arrangement is becoming un derstood. It was the same in Indiana We used to receive great lists of names from there, bat now a committee has been formed in Indiana, and we turn every thing from that section over toil. TOE SILENT VOTE THAT COUNTS. "But, speaking of New England, mism say mat mree-iourtns ot oar strength there and, for that matter, a goodly proportion of it throughout the country lies in the silent Tote. In Eng- 1 T 1 I aina ami LxevT Jiamcsnire pwuuuai- ly they donJt wish to make roocu noise nhnnt what the v are doing, but there is a very lively 'still hunt, in progress thr and it will become very much warmer as the camnaizn advances. When we receive letters from that sec tion of the country-rand the experience of the Massachusetts committee is the same as our, o wn the ; writers, say, These men have expressed themselves as against Blaine, bat they don't want to advertise the fact.' Last week, for instance, we got one list of over a hun dred names from Blaine's own county, In Maine, with the assurance that they were anti-Biaine, but preferred to be Quiet about it "' . "Then the movements 13 actually making great headway, even in Repub lican strongholds?" . "It is increasing every day, and its progress is not among any one parti cular class either. Our lists oftentimes comprise the names of laboring men. bankers, lawyers and ministers. I recall a letter that we got the other day from a Western university. It was from one of the professors. He said, as I re member it, that there were twelve or thirteen professors in the university, of wnom be sent us the names of seven who bad openly announced that they would vote for Cleveland. The others, he said, had not fully made up their minds, but they were determined on one point they would not vot for Blaine." FOUR STATES HE OUGHT TO HAVE. "From the peculiarly good opportun ity that you have, Mr. Deming, for a suryey of the field, what is youropinion as to Governor Cleveland's chances of success?" All I cai say is that if the Demo craic party can poll sny thing like its regular party vote in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Ohio, Grover Cleveland will get the electoral votes of those four States. It he is Dot elected President of the United States it will be from Democratic treachery. He has got enough independent vpte3 now in the States mentioned fo carry them with his own party vote, and he has a mighty fine chance to get New Hamp shire and Massachusetts." In conversation other members o( the committee freely expressed the opinion that the active disaffection in Republi can ranks would not be less than ten percent. By this was meant that that percentage of Republicans would em phasize their dissatisfaction with the nominee ot their party by voting for either oneof the other three candidates, while it was very generally agreed that there wonld be another large percent age that wouid simply stay at home and nob vote at all. Great stacks of documents Cal Schurz's speech, Chas. R. Codman's address betore the Con vention of Independents in this city, the Brooklyn Young Republican Club's inquiry into Blaine's record md other matters are being continually sent out by tbe committee.- A mass of corres pondence Js received and maded every day. Where, local Independent Repub lican committees exist, and their num ber is very large, tbe correspondence is conducted through them, and thus the labor of the committee here is very greatly simplified and lessened. These local committees are . constantly, in course of formation, and it is expected that in short while they will be estab lished in every town and city. Waste No Time in vain attempts to eradicate blemishes ot the teeth but buy SOZODONT at once and apply it vigorously. NeverH fear that it will hurt the enamel of your teeth like dentifrices you may have used. Oa the contrary it will keep the teeth intact, render them bright, and perpetuate or restore the health of . the mouth's interior. Retard decay and stay time s defacing finger with re juvenating, pleasant and wholesome SOZODONT. AUGUST ANTICS. Boggs sent his son to Sanderson, who advertised for a clerk, with a note say ing: ' You will had my son very trusty." Sanderson sent him back with a note that he would not suit, as he sold for cash. Brooklyn Times. Science tells us that after a bee has stung once it takes two minutes to re cover the power to sting a'gain. It doesn't take the stung person two seconds to get out oi the way ot a second sting. Lowell Courier. Big gilt daring needles and big gilt pins are the latest fancies tor bonnet and hat decorations. After this a man won't throw himself down so promiscu ously on the bed where bis wife's hat is sweetly reposing. Lowell Citizen. A correspondent writes: "Will you please inform me when straw hats can be worn without comment?" Certain ly. Straw hats can be worn withoutH exciting comment on the head: but 1 . wnen tney are worn cavorting along the street in a gale of wind, you must expect a remark or two. Philad'a Call. v A tramD Stonnod At. a. VinnQA nn Atom street tbe other day and asked for some thing to eat. "Which do you like best." asked the hired crirl strafe- nr chop?" The tramp meditated a minute, and then replied, "Chop." "Step right this way." said the hired girl. "Here's me axe, ana tnere'g -tne wood-pile. Jtsuriinglon Free. Ft ess. My son, when you are fearlessly parading with vonr irirl t hoao rnrl evenings, and see a man in a linen ouster and assidaously working a palm leat fan. look Otit for An im.nroa m eiirn just back of him, and at once cross to me omer siue ot tne street you will find the walkinc mnoh nWsantaF .nd - - f ..fcUb . devoid of immediate daneer. Jewell Citizen. ' Of tbe.many remedies before the pub lic for Nervous Debility and weakness of Nerve Generative System, there is none equal . to Allen's Brain Food, which promptly and permanently re stores all lost vigor; it never fails. $1 pkg., 6 for $5 At druzgists, or by mail from H. Allen, 315 First Ave., New Yerk City. eod Omnibuses were first Introduced in New York in 1830. Do you wish a beautiful complexion? Then use Ayer's Sarsaparilla.. It cleanses and purifies the blood, and thereby removes blotches and pimples from the skin, making it 'smooth and clear, and giving It a bright and healthy appearance. "Horisrli oh Toothache. Instan txelief for Neuralgia: Tooth ache, " Facea che. Ask lor "Rough on Tootnacne." 15 & 25c. - The fir3t use of a locomotive in this country was in 1829. f- f i -A Druggist's Story. T Mr. Isaac fC. Chapman, druggist. Newbnrg. N. Y., writes us. ! have for the past ten years sold several gross of DR. WM. HALL'S BaLSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I can say of it what I cannot say of any other medicine. I haye never heard a customer speak of it but to praise its virtues in the highest manner. I have. recommended it in a great many casc3 of Whooping Cough witn tne nappiest effects. I have used it in my own family for many years; in fact, always have a bottle in the medicine closet. Percussion arms were used in the United States army in 1830. The most delfcate persons enjoy tak irrg Emokt's Little Cathartic Pills give a wholesome appetite, put new lite in a broken-down body. 15 cents The first newspaper appeared in 1652. advertisement A Fair Offer The Voltaip Belt Co.,of Marshall. Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. See advertisement in this paper. t th s eow&w . Notice. rJirTE FIRM. OF HOLUNGSWORTH & CO. has been changed this day by the retlremen of S H. TRIMBLE and the admission of T. P. SYKES. The business will be conducte as heretofore tinder the name and style of july 9 tf HO LLISG3 WORTH & CO. The Excursion and Pic Nic SEASON IS SOW OPEN AND PERSONS visiting th city, the Sounds or Smlthvllle. and In need ofFirst-Class work will do weli to call on JOKClSr WERN EIR the w.ell known Barber and Perfumer at his Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. NO. 29 MARKET STKEET, where he will spare no pains- In glvingsatis f action to all. Come aod see. m at t.4 RELIABLE SELF-CORE fcaost not& and oucccesuil sjHeciallstJi in the TJ. Si Inowretired) for tneure of A'aPvatis DebttUv Mjost minhoa, IVcahnasa and Reel n pLaln sealed enveioperce. Druggists can fill U Addre DR. WARD & CO.. LouitianJU Mo, Weakl lerius len Whose debility, exhamted powen, preiuaturo decny nd failure to perform lire's duties properly aro caused by excysi.es, errors of youth. et., will iind a porfect ar.d lasting restoration to robust Itenlih and vlsrorcns utanhosd in THE MARSTON BOLUS, either stomirh dragging nor iTisirumunii. x ills treatment oi rron .Debility and l)iTlcnIIccn.vi8nniformlT snocessfal becanae based on .perfett diagnosis, new nnd direct methods and absolute thor. onrhncM. Fnll information and Treatise free. Address Consulting Physician of MARSTON REMEDY CO., 46 W.14thSt, New York. iw t7 IttI th w" FREE! Thousand of esses of Rerrsos Debility, men. uu ana pnysicai wetacit, lost mauaoui,B:r tobs prostration, tbs results ofiniUseretiens, xcessesor any csass.enred brNFRVITA. Btroag fita that It will cars CTery esse prompts iu to sent to say sufferer trial package oa receipt of IS cents for postee, etc. Dr. A. Q. Out, nov 27 veod&w t th FORTEUAL EAIXKOAJOO. WUiiilngton, Colnmbia 4 Angus to Bs Co. WHOLESAlS" OfflOB OT QXXSAI, SUTSaiMNiX2IZ. WTtelnjrtan, N. CJuly 11.1S84, - -, i .. f DR. f . BEFDREVr and -MTEK) BEFORE V-AND -YAFTER Electric Appliances aro sent' on 30 Days' Trial. CO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, J HO are tufferin from Kekvocs Dkbiijtt, V Lost Vitalitt. Lack or Nehtb Fobcs axd Viaoit. Wastino Wkaknsssks. and all those diseases f a Pkrsoxai. Natxr resulting from Abuses and irruBR Causks. Speedy relief and complete resto Htion of UsALTB.V iaoK and Manhood QuaRavteto. Ihe grandest discorery of the Nineteenth Century. JtJid at ooce for Illustrated Pamphlet f re. Address , VOLTAIC BEIT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. no 27 lyeod 4w 8 iHAvilrrflTatf 4 A relief, and la an infnlstJ cure for Piles Price tl, a pkuruggisis, or Eeni pre U n iPd by malt Sample free. J I ., JAd. 'AKAK8is' MakerB, :Box 2,416 New York. onurj IMORPHiriE HABIT D3. H. H. KAKE. of ths IMtaUteer i.U.ad oewaMaUfru,f. STT ? " 1....... M.itw I era Uty. rJIonday ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL Had large consignments of Apples. Peaches, Pears Chicken. Egfrs and another country produce Toeae goods must be sold at once Call on T, A. W. IHVESBARK. The Live. Grocer and Commission Merchant 114 North Water y 5 wlimington k. C OFFICE OF . . Dr. S. C. Ellis, jotctunMofoiae houra. which are a follows 7 to 10a.m., S to 9p.m. augn : , . - Change of Schedule. . . ON AND AFTER "JULY4 13th, 1SS4, ; at 9. CO A. M., the fellowlng Pasaenyer Sched ujo will be run on this road ; e j ? " NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAXLY "Noa. 4S West and 47 EstJ Leave Wilmington. 9.C5 P. M Leave Florence. 2.40 A. 1L Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction..... 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.. ...........I... ft.40 A. M. Leave Columbia, 9.55 P. 1L lave C, C & A. Junction.. ...... .10.20 P. M. Leave Florence.... .............I... 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Wilmhagton... ...... ....... &35 A. M. Night Mail and Passekgsb Tsain, Dahvt :r NO. 40 W5T. Leave Wilmington....... ..10,20 P. M Arrive at Florence...'............... 1.25 A. II MAIL AN! PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT ' No. 43 East. Leave Florence at i....4.05 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.. ,...8.05 P. 11 Train 43 stops at all Stations, t No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton, and Marion. Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. A C. B. R., C, A A.R.R.Statlons, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take the 40 Night Express. j t Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Train40 j ! , All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. f Local freight leaves Wilmington daily ex cept Sunday at 7.00 A. M. i i JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON. General Passensrer AtrenL a - - 1 - jury io . . I 1 1 Wilmington & - Weldon Railroad Company. Office of Gene&ax. sdfesinteitoent, Wilmington, N. C, May;9,lS84 aj Change of Schectuie. rN AND AFTER JULY! 13th, 1884, AT 9.00 UA. M Passensrer Trains on! the Wilming ton A Weidon Railroad will run as -follows : DAY MAIL ANDEXPRESSTLAINSDA2Xi Nos. 47 North and 48 South. Leave Wilmington, Front StlDepdt, 9.00 A. M Arrive at Weldon.... 2.35 P. M Leave Weldon. 2.55 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St. l)rpt, a35 P. M Fast Through Mail a Passkngeb Tulrxt Daily No. 46 south. Leave Weldon. L . . . . L . 6.33 P. M. Arrive at Wllm'gton.FrontSf. D'p' 10.00P. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY No. 43 North. I- Taj.v WllmlnirtrvTi L fi t M p - ....... . ...... A . iU 1 Arrive at Weldon. 2.35 A. M. Train No. 40 South will atvn nnW at wiiasvi. - w 2 . it aiouU Goldslioro and Magnolia. j Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P. M: and 4.30 P. M. Daiiv. tSundvap.xcp.TitH TTtniTTiTir leave Tarboro at 8 P. M. and 10.00 A.M Daily. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Xp.r.lr at a M T M turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 A. M dally except Sunday: - j ; Train No. 47 make close connection at Wel don for all mnlntn Knrfh FVnllT. All ..tl Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Train No. 43 mnn ditlir and KitVuxU.. .vn "J IUHKVOV1VW Wll nOT. LlOn for all Vnlntu Nnrth -wla Washington. j crams run soua betvreen Wilmington and Washlncrton. and havn Pnllmnn t.Tq air.n ers attached. j For accommodation of localtravel a passen ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at .6.55 ; A. M. Daily except Sunday. ' 30IIN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, Genera Passenger Agent, july 15 r Carolina Central R. R. i ? - Company i i '! .(" - - .. OlKCH Of OSSTEBAIi 8uPERnrrKNDrr, Wilmington. N. C. May 10. 1884. I 1 fiifimrf 1 1 tutsairMmni awenewnri 41 L. 3 r Change of Schedule. O N AND AFTER MAY will be 12$h 1 operated 1884, THfc on this M M M M M M following beneatue Railroad : PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Daily except Sumjays. l Leave Wilmington at. i 7.S0P. No. L Leave Raleigh at....... 7.35 P. ) Arrive at Charlotte at;.....i7.00 A. ) Leave Charlotte at... i..... .8.45 p. No. 2. i Arrive Raleigh at...... 8.30 A. ) Arrive at Wilmington fat....8.C0 A. Passenger Trains stop at regtlar station only, and points designated inrthe Company Time Table. ) SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER; MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. .Dally. except Sundays. Leave Charlotte......;..... 5.15 P. M. I Arrive at Shelby.....'. 9.00 P. M. I Leave Shelby 7.00 A. M. S Arrive at Charlotte.. J. 10.45 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make i close connection at Hamlet with R. A. Trains to and from Ral eigh, i i ! Through 81eeplng Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte." Take Train No. 1 for States vllle. Buttons Western N C R R, Ashevllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, I Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. JL.-C. JONES, Superintendent. Passenger Agent mav au . No. 3. No. 4 X For Sale PRINTING sale a PRESS WE second-hand ADAMS' HAVE FOB PRINTING PRESS in good condition. We offer a rare . - B : f " uargam . Write to ua for terms and tiparrir.. s r Uon. Address THE IIOMi. I . 5 Jalr 21 PiitaWn V r w - w f AV ' At ! - ": 25c and qp wards. Seaside Shirt at all mlcea S&l?1 lB grctt varU t y. Ghent's Dra w ers 2.V and upwards W amaviUJeaiis Draw. S. "tZSZZ?' to .iomelSngw kMrtlVc0 ?rr WamsulSa ioW2i00 ane? b080m hmde to order at i. Ortlers from th i i . . . ' w saa. w fu a 1 lsi s n m 1 re us a rail. J. ELSBACn, was au ptwuipuy attenoed to. G BAGGLNO ClTU H ID................ BACON-North CaroliiiV' xiauis, y B).. Shoulders, "- WESTERN &X.6iiET'" ' fly '-- Shon Idem- -1 OKI AL.'XKIL mes - Shon Tf a ni?VT i ........ 1 ew.xew lork. each : ' New City .each...T?" ? 9 11 0 IS 10 u SALTED " - Vit t' it 01; 1 BEESWAX. v BRICKS. V M BUTTER, tf-Jb KntSf0111111"- Mortnern.. ...... candles, fiir: i- eperm.. ....... ........ Tadow Adamanttae.. ...... CHEESE r th Northern Factory..... .Dairy, Cream. .."' " State.. COFFEE, f lb """ Java....U.:.U.. Lagnyra " Ffty . ' CORN MEAL, V bus., in Cl S COTTON TIES, ? bundSf 1 H domestics "-1 1 Bneeung, 4-4, V yd. ....... Yarns. V bunch........ EGGS. V dozen........?. FISH ' R jrei, a, DDI...... is m Mackerel, No, 1 half hbi J J? Mackerel, No. 2. V bbl. I iiiatiCiOi, U. 9. V OOl..... ' 1 n If 11. A- aA. a a a - I ia axuiieus, out....... i a v Mullets, Porkbbls 5 S5 VC. Boe Herring. V keg..": j 2 ui v v m. ........... . FERTILISERS, V 2,000 8 .v1juGb??0 o. 1 .57 fiO - ,. 2 S6 00 Baugh's Ph08phate.........oo 00 Carolina FeruJuer.......... JS ; . Ground Bone. ..""."''SS Navassa Guauo I!"n )S S3 0 18 lli 9 Q 17 85 0 16 o 10 0 15 ft. o on 00. Ta 60 5Ca Complete Manure...!""! oo oo Whiinn'n PhoV.;" 5 . 61l " uuBpnaie ...on oa Berger & BuU's Phosvhate..00 00 "Cotton Ferullzer.55 00 French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 oo FLOUR? PES?11 LUne 8 60 Fine ,. o 00 Northern Super a i " Extra ..;.!! ! 8 75 Family... ,650 City Mills-Extra e 60 ' . Family.... 5 75 He J' - ExtntFamily.... 6 60 GLUE tf fi.i.. u GRAIN, V bushel . Corn, from store, bags.whlte. 8 ) Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. 14 Com, cargo, in bags, white.. 72 - Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. Oats, from store 63 Cow Peas...........; 1 HIDES, Via Green s HA?,"ifiooo!l""" 11 uastern. ......... ...... ....... 1 90 15 75 070 1 C70I O60K 0 7 k au 0 4S OSS Ot!i act at o u O I! a a 0 0 0 Ola St O o 1 01 0 c AA A ' 00 40 0 0 00 28 40 SC 0 31 0 2 a Si a' a 11 1 10 90 90 00 00 Western................. 1 North River..... HOOP IRON. VIK.... LARD, V ib Northern North Carolina. LTMR. W harrftl . 1 LUMBER. City Sawed. V M fL snip scan, rcsawea. oo 6X tt Rough Edge Plank. ..15 00 file , West India Cargoes, according te quality... ..... ........13 00 Ols Dressed Flooring, seasoned. .18 00 03 01 Scautlinc and RoA.rd. (wm'n .H AA MOLASSES. eallon ' Mew urop Cuba, in hnds .. .. .. . hhla Porto Rico, In b ads.......... - xa DDlS..i...i... Sugar House, In hhds...i..... 17 " innbla. .... Sxrrn-n. In hhla NAILS, ? Keg,Cut,10d basU.. 0 00 UIX10, v gaiioii Kerosene................ Lard............... Linseed.......... n Rosin..... Tar............ Deck and 8nu POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring....... Tnra-evs PEANUT'S V bushel POTATOES, V bnshel- sweei - Irish 'V hhl- 9 00 nMTr s x-uiui., Darrei mty Mess 23 cc ex Prime 16 00 017 Rtittiti- . : 17 111 li EICE Carolina. V lb ' IW Rough. ? bushel...;......... 85 Ol BAGS, V Sb Country 1141 Cltv......i lVk0 rope, a......;..... i4v0 salt, W sack, Alum... ... Aaverpoo ..................... Lisbon........ ................ American .... SUGAR, V lbCuba........... Porto Rico A Coffee 15 " o " ta Ex c 60 Cnifihnd. 1CU0 8OAP. V K Vnrthfrn S 0 SHINGLES, 7 in. M ....10 50 iommon,... 2 w Cypress 'Saps. 4 50 Ctdtam Hftarta- .- 0 00 STAVES, V M W, O. Barrel..l2 00 14. u. iogsneaa w w 'ALLOW.V ft..... to te 8t) 2 10 75 10 CO a i K o a i is a l oo a loo a a & a a 01 a x 0 3 0.2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 71 75 it s ft u 7 u en 0I 0O 012 010 9 I i TIMBER, V M.f eethipping.12 0l -leMlu. ...:.....ll 25 fill Mill Prime....... 7tw a M1U Fair CcaJ Common Mill.. 5 00 0i U Inferior to OrdJnarr 0 00 0 ? whisejcy, if gal Northern..! w North. Carolina., 1 00 WOOL, y ft Washed 1 unwasnea.... a Burrv 10 in I ; : 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY.' t SUITED TO BOW A2tD OISL8 OT TV TO 8IXTKXS TEAKS OT AG. Vol V. commences November H arpeb's Youico People is the herf? ly for children in America South3 Christian Advocate. h All that the artists skill can aecomp -the war of illustration has been cows, best talent of the country has eoDtrftow" its text New England Joornal of JMBf1 Boston. v ,a.tsa In its special field there Is nothtar tM' be compared with it Hartford Erentt TERMS: .;" r . HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, 4 fj7 Per Year, Postage Prepaid, I Srxous NUJCBESS, Four CenU "-.ca, Specimen copy sent on receipt of Vz3i Tne Volumei of Harper's TounTeop 81 82 and 1883, handsomely bound la 1"; ted doth, will be sent by mall, fji paid, oil receipt of t3 each. Ctotft lor each volume, suitable for binding, sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of each.. . . o.to Remittances should be made by r'ct v Money Order or Draft, to avoid chaaww Newspapers are not to copy this ,aT" ment without the express order of Brothxss. , Address - nTn t . "- HARPER BBOTflfSfc W. & E. S. LATBIEB. : Attoraevs-at-Law. 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