!) - . - ' . . - - -: . - . . - . . . n,. - ' . . . I - - . . . . : f , . !. - J : w . ,: .-,..,: c . - -; . . , . - . . ....... . ........ ,. .;.... .. , . .,, . . . .... ' - ' ., . . - - - - - v T ' - i ... ' . ...-.'... i i . , i ... . r- " I ;v-jiriiiisa3 ' 5 rhe Daily Review MISCELIJVNEOr -it , - i i M i i . .1. if; - : i V ;;; -11- "i! - HEADACHES An generally Induced 4 by Indigestion Fool Stomach, Costirenei g 2efident Circulation, or soma Derangement of the Urer and Digestive System Safferers will find relleX by the use of Ayer's Pills to stimulate the stomach and produce a regu lar daily morsment of the bowels. By their etkm on these organs, Ayxb's Pills divert the blood from the brain, and relieve and core all forms of -Congestive and Nervous Headache Bilious Headache, and Sick Headache ; and by keeping the bowels free, and preserving the system in a healthful condition, they Insure immunity from future attacks. Try Ayer's Pills, FKEPAEED BY Dr.J.C.AyerdCo., Lowell, Mass soid by aii Druggists. Tkt ufitu ieview htiS the largest rona fide circidalion, of any neicsiaper ntJuhuL live etly of Wximttujton. i SATURDAY. AUGUST . tan 1 .lytcip ddw A ;27 3 AYER'S iigne Cure suiiMim an Himuoie ioraii malarial ills- orders which, so far as known, is used in 110 other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what erer, and consequently produces noiniurioira effect upon the constitution, but leaves the system as healthy as it was before the attack WE WAEKAHT AYES'S AGUE dJEE to cure every case of rerer and -Ague, Inter mittent or Chill TeTer, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, BilionSi Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, ftr due trial, dealers are authorized, by our cinMilar dated July 1st, 1882, to refund the 'money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. may 28dw rrm Furniture. NEW AKHIVALS OF Goods for Fall Season ! Low Prices and new Styles Call and examine before buylDgc'sewheie; aug t5 D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street, At Cost! QVKU 503 BOXES XOB VCCO AT COST to cloe"rt'ut. Also, HTgc stock of Plug and SmoLijg Tobacco at very low(priccs, from the Best Faftoriea In Virgin!. Cigars and Cigarettes By the mlWlion, atjthe Office of CAPE FEAR TOBACC;;WORKS, jy JUf No. 132 Sorth Mrke'J-t. CflAUITV Iii;(;iHSAT HoaiK No. 15,3155. New Orleans Men Win Parts of the Capital Price ot $75,000 Easene Gaudins. w.-irehousemati for Messis. H. Onorato & CJ.. f r so:u tiine, is a d ana 1 1 us yJva Ler. He was coin u natively haipy at uia Louie No. 31 8t, IVter at net j and in hi.i walks bo passeil a place in wnicb thtj rticktr-ts or 1'he JvuciatiH fc a-- lsmcy Company are dispiaii d. lie had pur nhased tickets in i-ai tncs'np wi'h ru iellow-worktrr. During August, lie saw displayed one which i pnicuiuriy struck bis fancy N. 15,305 fc hetber it was tho Dtrculiar ananueiuent or lhc 5-, or the magical plating of the 3 even (jaudiris is at a loss m explain. But ihat particuiiar ticket hsiimied iiim : peeped out em Jeuiiil v irom ilie window. begitii: plaiuJy to be bought. The day was ciosr at hand, aud still it iuin in the window. 1:3 comrades were dropping off, and when tho Iat day. the 12th, arrived, it was almost to be pitied for its fonelipe s. Gnudins each day glaoced hastily t see if his little friend was still in place, staited several time3 to walk boldly in aud buy on his sole account; but the old tranini Is of the partnership airangement held hiui. until ihe last moment, leu o'clock on the morning ol the 12th he held safrly in bis sole possession one-filth ol the coveted ticket. The revolutions of the wheel at the Academy of Music brought out No. 15,305 as drawing the Capital prize. The fact was published and came soon to the ears of Gaudins, who yesterday was poor, but to-day. by the investment ot a doJiar, rar.Ks among bondholders.'" Jle called a th'eofnceol The Louisana State Lottery with Mr. ii. Oaorato, and was promptly paid in m l. A re .orter wanted to know what, he pro posed to do. and ho auswtred that he would buy a nice home for his family. and that seeing them placed beyond the reach ot want and iu cuintort would be as piuch happiness as hn desind. The balance of his nionev lie would .try to invest. profitably, and would himself continue to play his modest part un spoiled by prosperity. He signed his name neatly to the receipt for the money and went out of the Hhe .of the Lottery as happy and contented a man as toe Crescent Citv now contains. -New Orleans Picayune, August 15ih. gxci " " r fevci m I ( m w Mr. J. S. Carr, Pres. Dear Sir: I have used your smoking tobacco. However, the very little use that I make of the article in this shape may not en title me to be a good judge, but I must pro nounce it of excellent quality and flavor. " K.cspcctiuily,, 7. X yf Sf Senator from Illinois, Mi& S5 Thackeray's gifted daughter, Anne, in her sketch of Alfred Tennyson, in -farmer's Monthly, tells of her visit to the great poet. e found him smoking Llackwell's Bull Dur ,hamTobacco,senthim by Hon. Jamos Russell Ixiwell, Amcricanftlinister to the Court pf St. James. ) MM mmm l3 mm. WASBTHOtnif. fT lSth 1SJU. Mr. J. S. Carr, Prest. .- Dear Sir : I take great pleasure in recom mending your celebrated Smokfng Tobacco , as free from impurities, of excellent flavor, and should be a favorite with all tobacco smokers. Very respectfully, Senator from South Carolina. Horner School, Oxford, N. C. JEr7 CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED. Terms as heretofore Students charged only from time ot admission. Koom now for eight Dew boys. J. H. & J. C. HORNER, AUff 28 2w Principals White Cypress or Yellow Pine. SA8IT, BLINDS AND DOORS GUARAN TEED A GOOD AS THE BEST. MouldiBg, Brackets. Ualuaiers and drna menul WocA Work. aug2S PARSLEY & WIGGINS. PARSLEY & WIGGINS, '. .MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, ANB ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK, aug 25 ' A Bargain I JN HAND AND FOR SALE, FIVE BBLS SCUPPERNONG WINE ONIiY $1 PFIt GALLON. , A pure wine, a pleasant wlno arda cheap wine. Host be sold at once . L.6.CUSSRr. wag 9 tf N..W. cor. Market -and Second sts. Another 3l.oo? l:- - OF - EXPECTED BY WEDNESDAY UlULK CHIP and all the Rough f traws, popular mow. Erery possible shade ofFcath ers and other Trimmings. New lot of Para soU white and colors, all prices. Glorea, .lisle, Eli and Lace. New St imping Patterns. Respectfully - - Hearing that another fortunate 10'der of a part of the lucky number 15.305. drawirlir $75,000 in the August scheme of Tbe Louisiana-State Lottery, wa?on hand lo collect h:s money, a reporter interviewed him. Mr.- Louis S ymour, the fortunate gentleman, was und in the ollice ot the Lottery with wo friends, lit had presen'e'l his cne- fiith ticket, and was awai-.ing the mak ou of the check for the amount it ctHd for. While appreciating fully his f rtune, he was perfectly cool and plcaBant He told the reporter that be was a na tive ot jUemphis, lenn., an;l served in the Confederate army in the battle of ohiloh under Gen's. Albert Sidney Johnson and Beauregard. His health, impaired by army service, had grown mush worse of late years, and he came hero t benefit himself. As his means -ere limited, he went to work on the buiMings ol the great World's Fair to be held iu New Orleana next winter. He stuck to it steadily for nearly five month, although it almost ; couterbal anced the good done him by the genial climate. He was a firm believer in luck, and never failed to purchase a ticket in the Louisiana State LotteTy. His experi tnen in purchasing No. 15,365 baa con firmed him in his beliel. He was pleased with the country and the peo ple; was delighted with everything, and hoped to enjoy hi3 good fortune. He had not formed any distinc plans for the future, but would remain at ease for some time recuperating, not forgetting always to try his luck in the lottery that had proved such a bonanza to him New Orleans Picayune, Au gust 16. 8TATE NEWS, News and Observer: President Kemp P. Battle, who has been; spending pai of his vacation on Staten Islard, New York, the guest of Mr. Kemp P. Batth?, second assistant surgeon in the Marine hospital fervico, returned to Chapel Hill Tuesday so as to meet the incom ing freshmen yesterday, the beginning of the session of the Univer3itv. The Democrats of Chatham have nom inated for the Senate, T. B". Womack ; for the House. J. A. Alston; for Reg ister of Deed?, Capt. L. R. Exiioe; tor Sheriff, S. T. Brewer; for Coronor, Dr. J. B. Burns. At the Republican First Coogessional Convention John B. Respass, of Beaufort county, was nominated for Coagress and J. W. Al bertson; of Pasquotank, for elector. Tbe Democrats are p eased with the nomination. Yesterday tho Republican and Liberal State Executive Committees placed the names of the following upon the ticket. mus masinz it complete, ueorge w. Stanton, for Treasurer; W. G. Chand ler, for Secretary of State. Stanton was by the convention of the parties nomi nated for Secretary of State, and Wash ington Duke for Treasurer. The latter declined the nomination. A gentleman who traveled last week from Raleigh to the Hamlet line and thence through that county, says he never saw such upland corn in his life He saya Harnett is a regular "Egypt." The cotton, however, is suffering in all this section from tho drought The weather of tbe past week has been par ticularly hurtful. The cotton forms arc drying go and falling off. There is. he says, less 'fruit" on thtf cotton stalks than since the now famous dry summer of 1SS0. . ' : "Tho nopoof tho Nation." Children, slow indavclopincnt, ' Vtiny, WW llXVTOl.-S mm. mm 1 a WW m i 1 . r. S.tSAT, Washmgtoh, D. April 8, 1S84. Dear Sir For five years past I have used constandy the Blackwell Durham Smoking Tobacco. I regard it as the best and most satisfactory smoking tobacco I haveever used, " and take great pleasure in recommending it to all who, like myself, are fond of the pipe; " Senator) 1W3 1 mgr. Fszmm I have been for over twenty years a con stant smoker. I find in Blackwell's Durham 'that true excellence found in no other brand uniformity; every package being the same. I pan smoke it at all times, day.and night, with , impunity; it acts as a mild and pleasant stimu ant, always quiets my nerves, and in no way disagrees with me. It is a great comforter, a pure, sweet and mild smoke. . WASHWOTOif, D. C, Asril 8th, 188. Mr. J. S. Carr, Pres. Sir: l am now smoking your most excel lent Durham Tobacco, and can most heartily recDmmend.it to all smokers of the weed. Ir is free from all impurities, imparts a pleasant aroma, and is preferable, to all other brands oi lODacco mat i nave sroojtea, f - 1 Senator from Kentucky. tQcjttcfevtfl " Senator from IVrvXkr- . i ii hi , ... in liyre si T. S. SiATt, WASHiirtfTOV, D. 0., April 9, 1884. Dear Sir : In reply to your favor. It gives me pleasure to say that I have used the Black- , well Durham Smoking Tobacco, manufactured, by your company, and have found l A No. , in quality and flavor. Yours truly. mm m HP till' TPV Prom EKV.r.n.MiLBi;s. tfte famovi Blind Preacher . ' r'KW Tobk, April 3d. 1884. For ten or twelve years I have used Black weli's Durham Smoking Tobacco, and find it the most satisfactory of all I have fried. I gave Thomas Carlyle a pound of it, as we often smoked together, and he warmly praised it. I have founcTno tobacco on either conti nent that compares with ii ISI 2. .... - - - - ? 8 :7r m m i 2 si T-GiSyJ 1 &U. S. Skuatk, hikotok, D. C., April 10, 1884.. . S. Carr, Esq., Pres. Dear Sir t -in answer to yours of yesterday I have to say that I have for many-years used the Blackwcli's Durham Smoking Tobac Co and prefer it to any other that I have tried. Respectfully,. , ;f. . Senator from Tenneitee. m COMJrlJSKCIAi. JS jfiAV S. WILMINGTON MARKET. Ausust 30 4 P; M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 28 cents per gallon. Sales of 50 casks at these figures. ROSIN Quoted firm at 95 cents for Strained and $1.00 for Good Strained, bid. . . TAR Quoted quiet at $1.50 per bbl of 280 lbs. . CRUDE TURPENTINEQuoted steady at $1.85 for. Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 for Hard. COTTON Quoted firm. The follow ing are the official quotations tor old crop : . . Urdmary.... ........... 8 (xod Ordinary m uow iuiaoiing io cents aiiadimg. .............. jnj Good Middling . , - - - - ' S it ' UAILT RECEIPTS. Cotton SpiritOTurpentine t&osin Tar. ......... Crude Turpentine. . : 7 bales 326 casks 649- bbls 147 bbls 172 bbls MARINE NUWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D urchison, Smith, Fay ettevUle, G: W. Williams Tco. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith Yille, Master. . , CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Tribon. New York, II G Smallbones Steamer D. Mnrchison, Smith. Fay etteville, G W Williams & CoT Steamer Passport, -Harper, Smith vilie. Master Ger barque August, . Graebe. Wol gast, Ger, W Walter. - - Exports. . T . - ' FOREIGN. uWolsast, Ger Ger "barque August 235,410 ft lumber. . - Every Farmer et'iht to t' c:ir::r rio-," - "Coy cf VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTON, N. C AUGUST 29, 18S4. No Tewel uniler 60 tons reported In this list. BARQUES. Nor Insula Capri, 395 tons, Danlelsen. C 1 Mebine Uer August, 317 tons, Groabe, . . 15 Peschau A Wcstermann Nor Frey, 28X tons, Halvorsen. JHeide & Co SCHOONEKS. Thomas SInnlckson, 230 tons, Heme. Geo Harrlss & Co SchrWJlllam H Keeny, 293 tons Llpplncott. , " Geo Harrlss & Co Schr UzzlQ Lane, 220 tons, Herrlck, . . EG Barker Co Timothy Fields, 176 tons, Adams, -EG Barker & Co S G Hart, 505 tons. Fountain. ' Master R S Graham, 341 tons. Avis, TT - . . Geo narrlss & Co Horace;s. Lanfalr, 293 tons, Woodland, Geo Harrlss & Co L, C Hickman, 231 tons, Joseph. - ' Jr Geo Harries & Co Sarah S Harding, 385 tons, Melvln, Geo Harrlss & Co ' G V4 o LIST OF VESSELS CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Ger Diana, 3U fns. Fchroder, sailed from Liverpool, Aug. 17 - Ger Express, 276 tons, Fretwurst, sld from Liverpool Aug 10. : Fama, W tons," Taraldeen, at Para, July 7.) , ; StetttnFAugi7378 t0nS MByer' -s-i om Ger kermann Filedrlch, 588 tons, Vlcjahr, sailed from Liverpool, Aug 1. rlo, Juio810 484 t0n8, L'Kiand at B1? Jane: Flume July?13 533 t0n3 Eosher called from HbSJnli0118- Jahnckc. sailed from WEEKLY STATEMENT: STOCKS ON HAND XCGUST 23, 1884 Cottonashore, 703; afloat 45; total, Spjnts ashore. 3,983 ; .afloat. . 2,613 ; total, 6.601. ' Erore. :81,1C3; afloat,-S.047; total, 83,210. : . ' . ' Tar-ashore,' 433; afloat, .247; total, Crae ashore;. 2,204.,-;;; 'if- RECEIPTS FROM AUG. 16 TO AUG I 23 CtoUon; 48; spirits; 2,120; rosin8,315 ' tar, 815; crude, 1,056.- .Z' :'. m EXPOETS FEOil AUG. 16 Q AUG. 23.' Sprits, 1C3 ; rcsln. 153 ; tixv I.C3I ; cruder Hotel Brunswick, SMITH VILLE,! 1- WILL BE KEPT OPEN ALL THE Win ter. .j . TRANSIENT RATES From September 1st to October, $2 per day. . t! . WEEKLr RATES $10 per week. v . - MONTH OF SEPTEMBER $35. , J. D. SUBLETT. aug25 lwk I Maniger Ball Room rented to Dancing Parties during the Winter at reasonable rates, t Board. A IEW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BE accommodated during the'Summer months at reasonable rates. Pleasant location, good attendance and the best the market affords. Transient boarders accommodated by the day or week., MRS. ROBERT LEE. , , , ' 113 Market Street, julylllydAw Wilmington, N. C. Groceries. rjlHERE NEVER WAS A TIME WHIN Housekeepers could buy so many things eo cheap. Some of ihe subslantlala are np 'tis true, bui ihe average Is low. life are daCy receiving NEW AND FRESH OODS. All orders sent by servant will be promptly at. tended to, and any error vill be corrected at once. All are Invited to call. InaDect' and price goods. No trouble to show tbeSfcS "s O, . EOBISSOS. School Books ! - - School Books! 1 . School -Books I S EO1, DISCOUKT TO SlERCHANTS and Teactert. We make a eculty TJEXT BOOKS Adopted by the State Board "ot Eda cation :Prfcca;urixIhed:on appicatloni' " ' trr1!? cr2:r3 7 Kill trtfl Tzzzlti rrca rt c Wew nJullets. FEW BBLS. OF FEES II ' - CORNED MULLE 13 FOB 811 aug.23 DAVIS 4 Wl "iDIS WEEK, 'KEXT, AP SM?" INDEED EVER ST WEEK WK ECCJJ NEW GOODS. Lot ot nice Featwr ters iust In. Bird Cages. Patent CWr Flues, Pumps.. All kinds of Uoah) w " ine best workmen, oia swna. PARKER 4 TATWB r PURE WHITS OIL E. C. Blair, "DROKEB & COMMISSION HIBCHlST for the tale of Flour, Meal. Grain. Cbjwjg Foreign Fruits. MercbandUe od of Conntrv Prod are iwld and prOBJP guaranteed. Conslgnmentsohcl .1 aug 28 -f. ' No. iaN. 8eajg!!L Monday too wrui . These goods miVBAEK The livetfrocer and i gJK ' y 5" wtimiagtgfr1: "IBIEOS ASB FELLOW CITI2E55: EAB ME FOB MY CAU3E AS J TT lent, that ye may hear." . r.cbei T Colognes. Ki tracts. To.vS A S.-. rrnk-!ah Towels. FuUHSeofDrngsac. 'pxescrfpUoB - tt v nrnior roortk safl : , OFFICE OF f a.m.,3 toSp.0, NOl 83-SOUTH FOURTa posite Miller's Drug Store Mir Not cnange of ace iwu.-t - as follows 7 to 10 1 aug 21 gigagonetto;; 00a wiiGnxsviLLn 'tazfp hzttxlzzV tables DAILTst 6?- mm 3& 23 iti is 1 10 B0ti thei to the has

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