,r- ma i r Tin- in inrri i i m ) , , , , yw-- .- ' . . T f . I - ' . - 5 - -- " THI3 PAPFK flVCry evening. Sundays ex- every cepteu wjr jOSH T. JAMES, AHD PEOPBlBTOa. gprroB iPTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: sCBSCS oO Six months, $2.09. Three m 00- One month. 35 cents, joonths. fj- delivered by carriers free fW Py part of the city, at the above Vi cecta per week. ritor U rates low and HberaL will report any and all fall- liSve thelr pa, er regularly. n.nh, Review has the largest - nr is1-' -3 v., IrUion, of any newspaper r - Eeciion Tuesday, Not. 4 tou fkesidext: OllOVEK CLEVELAND, of New York. ,-oi: vick l'KESIOCNT: ' THOMAS A. HENDltlCKS. oflntliana. , ion ;ove!LSok : . ALFllLD U SCALES. -of GuilforJ. n m j.iki r. ;ovk!:xor:. CIIAULKS ar. STEDMAN. of Xcv Ifanovc-r. f0K XKETAI'.V X)V STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Vrako. FOi: STATE TUEASUREU: DON'ALD W. BAIN, of Wake. von auditor: W. 1. ROBERTS, of Gates. YQl ATTOKXEY-GENEIIAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. FOtt SL PEIIIXTENDEXT OF PUBLIC iK" STIIUCTION: S. M-FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE .Jl'STICE 'SUPREME COURT: A. S. ERRBION, of AVakc. toll EEECTOnS-AT-LARGE : w. n. KITCHEN, .JOHN N. STAPLES, FOL COXGKESS: R.T. UEXXETT, of Atson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT , ALFRED ROWLAND, x of Robeson. The Tammany Committee will meet next Friday evening when, it is confi dently asserted, "the Democratic nomi nee will be unanmously endorsed and arrangements-set on foot for one of the grandest ratification-meetiDgs ever held in New York. I Here is settle straw, one of the many, bat not the last, destined to break " the back of the poor Republican mule. It is from the Xewlon Enterprise: There were 80Q excursionists on the ram run from Salisbury to Asheville last week, and on the return trip a vote was taken for President, which showed almost unanimous preference tor Cleye and. There were 275 cast for Cleve land and 17 for Blaine. Only men over 21 years old were allowed to vote. , Nothing has been heard, of any at tempt, thus far, to bring the bloody shirt into the present campaign, in.any of the Northern States, except, perhaps, an occasional reference to the Danville r Copiah troubles. It has been re- an-ed for Col. Wm. Johnston, of Charlotte, to propose a plan by which "may be brought to the front. There J3 to be a joint discussion at Ruther fordton on Wednesday, and in refer f2ce to this Johnston has been heard to SJJ: "I will be kdamned to hell-fire 5 it wo send to the North dispatches J Proper shape of the disturbance at Eatherfordton wo will carry Ohio and "ery doubtful State ut theNorth." This "iterance is significant, it having been fcade a week before the time named w the meeting If Johnston wants a to, it is a pity that he cannot be ac comodated, but there is too much at rke just at this time. To bo fore tjmed 43 to bo forearmed, and we aaot afford to play into the hands of ur enemies at this .time. But as J?1- Johnston, he may rest assured bis wish, in one respect, will be fraUfied. He wm be danlned to hell re anyhow, whether these is or is Lot & row at Rutherfordton. Eeast Datler engages a great deal, of Retime and ftttPinrnn nFthn, Mew Ynrt essjast now and he is being' shown 0 lhc world as he is. The World pub- ucesihi3: . oiJs"lngton. Aug. 29 The secret VMn l?ves of Ir- ana and the the TtW Qtler 100 lonS hidden from ha ot au msympathizing public, ioth 001116 t0 liKht. Stowed away Partmi1517 archivea of the War De oneartk V1 Lcorre8Pondence has been hffck by. merest accident, comrahiSht alleged dealer in 4 and Jin B00ds Tha Papers, stain- desirous of inauirine into the I .4 - - . - , - . ' i 1 ....... s. I -". j - ---,--feV.,-,fcs.i-1i.,,,L ': , .- . . ft . -" ' ' .j - j - . - , !'-''' VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER matter, or part of the correspondence may be found in den. RsWs woli known "Historv of the Secret Service." One of the crfficial letters is dated at Washington Jan. 2 1865. and is ad dressed to 4C. A. Dana, Assistant Sec retary of War." The writer is L. C. trie National Police. He- has been .or-. aerea to inquire into certain lUegal aad ireasonaoie .transactions done under recommendation ot Major-Geperai Butler, ''resardless of every motive but tne soroia one ot amassing wealth at the expense of the verv lifeblood of this country:" In reply Gen. Baker says : Dunn2 the latter Dart of last one G. M. Iane. upon the recommenda tion of Major Gen. Bntler, procured permission to carry to North Carolina articjes not of a contraband -rmture consist in? of boopskirls, ladies' wearing apparel, &c. and receive in return cot ton. Lane loaded hi3 vessel, the Phil adelphia, not with the article s specified, but with salt,--coffee, pork, molasses, army shoes, hats. &c. and delivered thfcsevto Major J R. While, agent for Confederate supplies: "Gen. Uutlers brother-m-law. Mr. Hildretb. is Dartnor of this Ian. anil has received, in one case alone, a fee of $7,000, besides other fees." he letter goes on to, give a list of firms "uckini? the lifeblood of the nntion" throuah oeculiar nrivilfio'es conferred! by Lane and Hildreth, all done under Drotection of Butler's order, "George A. Johnson, late Adiutant Gendfal n radar Maior fiAn- eral B. F. Butler, and others." tha tetter states, have several stores near uorndacic, uurntucK bounty, N, K., and are repoted to have sold in two months $200,000 worth of contraband goods." Alter reciting instances where descriptions of detectives were furnish ed the Confederates, the letter con cludes: "And it can also bes. clearly shown that a large portion or these goods have gone directly to the rebel Gen. Lee's army." J here is no record that Mr. Dana took any measure against Gen. Butler looking to the revoking of Lane & Hildrejth's strange permit. Fire in Texas. Chief Fire Department, Houston, Texas, Mr. Wm. II. Coyle, writes, that he was severely injured by a fall ing wall. He jould scarcely move about when berwas mdnced to try fet. Jacobs Oil, the magical pain-reliever. and to his surprise be was cured ot his lameness. LOCAL NEWS, INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D A Smith Furniture C W Yates School Books $11,950 in Cash Given Awav John Dyeb & Son Local ad Dr Bull Cough Syrup 3d page Change of Sailing Days N Y Steamers Heinsberqkk Great Musical Wonder Giles & Murchison Liibrary Lamps W E Springer & Co House Builders P L Bridgers & Co Koyster's Caady Knights of Honor Regular Meeting J W Harper Begular Family Excursion Geo R French & Sons The Advantages Parker & Taylor This Week, Next, &c FC Miller Friends and Fellow-Citizens Mcnds Bros: & DeKosset Drugs and Pat ent Medicines There was no City Court this morn ing. We lose. this month 64 minutes 6f daylight.. Thi3 month has five Mondays and five Tuesdays. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. t That was a splendid shower of rain which fell hero yesterday. Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c, should go to Jacobi's There was. very appropriately, a de cidedly "fallish" feeling in the atmos phere this morning. There were heavy showers, accom panied with thunder and lightning, at Smithvilie last Saturday night. There is quite a run on fancy panta loons atJXyersV They are selling them at greatly reduced rates. t Another large consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depotf This is the first day of the week (business day), the first day of the month and the first day of the season. Two colored tramps applied for lodg ings at the Guard House on Saturday night, and were discharged yesterday morning. ' The Passport took down the river this morning an excursion party of colored people. Guy Wright's band furnished the music. ' There were splendid showers yester day alternoon and last night, which were much- needed. This morning there was a coal and pleasant breeze from the Northeast, Rev. G. S. Best, ol Warsaw, preach ed at Brooklyn Hall yesterday forenoon and RevrMfT Cash well preached in the same place at night. , 3here were large congregations bu both occasions. V. . . . ? Now 13 the timato give Siaith'a Worn More very nrettv solntion nf thn labyrinth puzzle, which few days ajo, have been received, but they are not correct. ; The series of religious meetings which were held at Brooklyn Hall last week were well attended and marked with SUCCeSS. Thev Will be continued rlnrinir the present week, with preaching every lght. - ---. - The proceedings at the colored '.con-. vention on Saturday afternoon were so disorderly and disgraceful that Col. Wm. Tecum seh Cutlaf became com pletely disgusted and left the meeting, which is- sod evidence that it was a rough affair. The rains with which we were visited yesterday were quite, general in the country North of us. There were showers on the line of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad as far North as Faison, in Duplin county, which is 65 miles from here. Knights ol Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance desired. It Flotsam. The yawl belonging to the Passport was taken by some one on Saturday night from the shipyard without leave. Whoever took it turned it loose after he was done using it. and it was picked up floating in the river by a colored man, who returned it to Capt. Harper. From Cypress Creek. From a correspondent and subscriber at Cypress Creek, in Bladen county, we learn that Capt. Rod McRae's sur veying party were at that place on the 28th nit. Cypress Creek is 50 miles from Wilmington. The crops in thit section are reported as fine and the peo ple are enthusiastic for Cleveland. Hendricks, Scales and Stedman. Moving Time. nouse nuntiug nas Degun to be a popular occupation. It is rather early in the season, but those who from any cause intend to change their dwelling place seem inclined to take "time by the forelock." Thereappears to be a scarcity of desirable tenements in sections of the city most; convenient for those who do busiuess along the wharves and Front and Market streets. Onslow County. , Mr. H. . King, the Onslow county Democratic nominee for the lower hQuse in the Legislature, will open his campaign at the school house in the back and secluded part of the county known as the 'Edens1 and Sanders' settlements on Saturday, the 6ih inst. He expects to make- a thorough can vass and hopes to have a good turn out of the people. - Personal. Mrs. John Taylor has gone North to make a personal selection of goods lor the Fail and Winter trade at the Ba zaar. Rev. Dr. Pritchard is expected to return to the city on Ihursday next and to occuppy the pulpit of the First Baptist Church next Sunday. Rev. James- Carmichael, D. D. Rec tor ot St John's Church, left here this morniug for the Warm Springs, in Virginia. He goes there for the benefit of his health and under the advice of his physician. He will be absent only one Sunday, expecting to return by the middle of next week. -, : ... A Faithful Iogr. One evening' last weuk' Mr. R. S. Murray, who- is : superintendent of Messrs. Bowden & Larkins' farm on Wrightsviilc Sound, was driving away some cattle that had gotten into one of the fields, when a cow" of the' drove started in a direction he did not want her to go. He shouted for some one at the house to stop her, and his little girl ran out for that purpose, when the cow, which bad become quite furious, started in pursuit of her. The girl screamed and ran for the fence, bat the animal was so near that she conld not gam a place of safety, and she would undoubtedly have been gored and tram pled to death had not the dog, who had heard the screams, ran np and caught the coW by the nose just when the latter was not more than three feet from the girl, and held on with such tenacity as to throw the animaU thus giving the young miss time to escape.; It is needless to say that that dog is an espe cial pet and favorite with Mr. Murray and his. family, and that they, resent an injury to him as quickly as they would to. one of themselves.- We invito the attention bFoxxr citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are beinxaade to order at one dollar at the WUainstcn Shirt Factory. V- tL The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 10 bales. The regular family excursion on the Passport will take place on Friday next. : " ' - - -- - The Board of County Commissioners met this afternoon in regular monthly session and the Board of Aldermen this evening. , Proceedings to morrow. Mr. Geo. S. LeGrand left here last night for Richmond county, whither he has been called by the extreme illness of his brother, Mr. Eugene LeG rand, of Little's Mills. Johii-.-ttobinscm8 fcircus is on the war path in Virginia. They are book- cd for an appearance here on the 19th inst and the advancing agent will be along in a few days. Nor barque Fry, Halversen, cleared to-day for London with 1,700 casks spirits turpentine and 25 barrels rosin, valued at $25,030. shipped by Messrs Alex Sprunt & Son. The latest soundings at the mouth of the river show the depth ofvater at low tide to be as follows : Bald Head Bar - 13 feet Western Bar. ...... . . .11 . . , . . There were 15 interments in Oak Grove Cemetery during the month end ed August 31st, 1884. Of this number 4 were adults and 11 were children. Of the entire number 3 were whites and 12 were colored. The event of the week is the excursion to bo given on the Passport on Wednes day by Germania Lodge No. 4, K. of P. It promises to be a most delightful affair. There will be music for dancing and refreshments on board. Tickets may be had of any one of the com" mittce, or at the boat. Exports Foreign The following comprise the ex ports foreign from this port for the month ending August 30th, 1884:- Spirits turpentine 323,493 gallons, val ued at $96 ,474 ; rosin 10,742 barrels, $12,896; tar, 10 barrels, $16; lumber, 1,717.000 feet. $31,469; shingles, 219, 000; $1,331; making a total of $142, 186 as against $1 10.334 for the corres ponding month last year. Cotton Statement. - There were received at this port during the year ending to-day 91.701 bales ot 'cotton, against 127.500 bales for the year ending September lst,'1883. a decrease this year of 35.799 bales. The receipts were as follows formontbs : For the year ending Sept, 1. 1884: September, 7,696 balc3; October, 33, 320; November, 21.013; , December 14,923; January, 6,577; February, 4,666; March, 2,089; April, 1.003; May, 170; June, 56; July, 71; August 117. For year ending Sept. 1st. 1883 ; Sep tember, 9.419 bales; October, 26.693; November, 29,328; December, 25.149, January, 13.921; Febuary, 12.031; March, 6.255 ;pril, 1.366"; May, 2.033; June, 1.079; July 143; August 83. An Irishman was asked for his mar riage certificate He slowly lifted his bat, revealing a large scar on the head, evidently done by a flat iron. This evidence was to the point. Our certi ficates are the praises of those who have experienced wonderful cures by the use of Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Uhrhailahle. The following is a list ot unmailable letters remaining in the Postofficc, in this city: Mary A. Bryant, care David Bryantf Robeson Co.; Ed. Taylor, Linchburr, N. C.; John Mortens,- Granger. .Nash Co., N. C; Louisa Green; care Eliza Calley.; white envelope, no address. Vessels Arrived. The following is the number of ves sels which arrived at this port during the month' ending August 31st. 1834: American 4 steamers, 3,380 tons; 1 brig, 367 tons, and 16 schooners, 4. 583 toes, making a total of American of 8.330 tons. ' Foreign 7 barques, 2,618 tonS;imak ing a grand total, Americcn and for eign, of 28 vessels, aggregating 10,948 tons. - - --.- The Boss Mullet. Mr. L. R. Parsons, of Jugneck, Pen der County, caught a mullet last week which was a trifle more than two feet long, was! 151 inches in circumference and 4 inches between the eyes. Mr. Parsons is a model fisherman, a mod el farmer and a true-blue Demo crat, who is in favor of free tobacco, free, whiskey and a judicious tariff which shall bear Lhe heaviest on luxuries and lightest on necessaries. He does not care anything about the " tar ja a pair of trace chains, which will last ten years with decent usage, bat on ' salt and that wool bat and Jblaskct he wasts Use tax red3ccd.W: 1 x 5 ' ''I;t::--.K 1, 1884 NO. 208 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Steamer Passport, JJEGULAR FAMILY FX CURSION, WITH M DgIC, FRIDAY.Sept. 5. sept 1 J. W. HARPKff. THIS WEKV .EXT, ASD 50 ON. IKDKKD EVER ? WEEK WK j RECEIVE NEW GOllDS. Lot of nlna Kahthor Una. tera iuat in. EJrtl tlmrr PaiSt r'h'mepv Klue3, Pumps. AU kinds of tinaiitg done by PARKKR TAYLOR . ruua wimjvi uil. "1 kept j Library Lamps. WE HANDSOMEST AND LARGEST AS sortioent ever teen In this city. - Jmps and muip Uool4 a epjeclalty. fcill.E A MUKtJlliSUV'ii. sept 1 . 33 aud 40 Murchlaon Cioct. House Builders, HABDWAREOFEVKKY DESCBIPTION, Locks, Uinges, Butts." Nails, Window Fastenings; &c. Contractors can save money by consulting us. Large ttock, good assoit ment and good cjoods. 5 , W. K. SrRlNGER A CO.. Succeseora to John Dawson & Co., sept 1 Wilmington, N. C Grand Family Excursion TTNDER THE AUSPICES OF GERMANIA LODGE K. of P., WEDNESDAY! Sept. 3d, 1S84. Music by the Harpers and refreshmenvs on board. Tickets ran ia hri nf ni Pnm. mittee and at the Boat. f or Eosenthal. Wm Mertcns, Jobn llaar, Jr., B. Bellols, Wm. Kcch, H. C. jPrempert, f verjs.en, vommii(ee. aug 25 dt 25, S 1, 2 The Advantages YOU , HAVE IN PURCHASING BOOTS AND SHOES of us arc a large stock to select from, goods of reliable make, ."durable to wear, neat to fit, and we guarantee prices as low, If not lower, than elsewhere. 'Try it for yourself. Geo. R. French & Sons, v 103 NORTH FRONT STREET, sept 1 I . New York & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 34. EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. . i Jt BENEFACTOR. .-. SaturdayL Sept. 0 REGULATOR Saturday, Sept. 13 BENEFACTOR..... Saturday Sept. CO REGULATOR Saturday! Sept. 27 FROM WILMINGTON : : REGULATOR...... Saturday! Sept. 6 BENEFACTOR..... Saturday, Sept. 13 REGULATOR. .Saturday Sept. 2) BENEFACTOR. Saturday Sept. 27 Through Bills L&dbaz and Loweai Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points in North ana south Carolina, For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALL BONES. Superintendent. Wilmington, . C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. ftenorsl Assentr, 35 Broadway, New Yora. sep l-'r-. del 3 IW CASH To the S1VTOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. ' For particulars see our announcement. next sept 1 arm Board. II','' FEW GENTLEMEN . COULD BE AC commodated with Table Board on p plication &t 221 North Third Strcci-- Zip mT : , j plsass onn WtwtatesUc! to rsoelro conuaaaiiaiuca frosa ear fHeaOs'oa any aad an ;itjtc'.: CToeraltatemtbut - , ?, TUnaascf tae wnicjr tau3t tlmjn b CommiTTilcaaoBa must t wtsttca ca ca J onsl(aot Ui paper. - rcxscmalltSe-i mus t be avoldodi -. - i AjidltUearocUlly and partlcu!rtr Ce tood Inat tha Editor doea" not shriys er.dcj s the rtesof correspoEdctita nnicms to tU?s In the editorial coluiana. - '0 - - . NEW AJ3VE11ISEENTS trMaty'MuBical; Wonder! PLAYS ANY TUNK, IMITATES ANY bird or animal, ba- ipe, Punch and Judy. f i!j-,d 9H J"o3nlckly learn Its ao with-. out Ins.ruct!on AVhenttgod br mtnstrcl and specialty artUts. quartettes or chornsru. it in. vtriiij receives repeated encoppa. Furnish, cs gocd dancing music for excursions. i.lcnlc5. etc fcnperlorto anythin-r eHe for catnrol2nl clubs m street p.rattcs, etc Vsed as woutD piece on brass pr Un hom., a 'good, band csn be formed with IH1I3 pr:cUce. as t he ioya rc 'f?5 fln?ci;trg. Price 10 cents. Kaaoo wunwhlp, c inc. tan or trumpet attachment; 15 cents; by mall. 20 cents. - For ea!c at 1 septl lltlNSliKKGEU'. " - - - . --'- Furniture. ? J-EW STOCK FoTi; FALL TRADE, .ARUIVINCJ EVERY DAY ! Manufacture! exprcsjy for tl.lj market.; New Styles anl Lew Prices. Call and exam Ine our extensive variety of Nc?r and Fash. ionable Good j, all made this scftwxu D. A. SMITH. Furntturo Dealer, N. rront Street sept 1 . , " We Are Still Receiving LARGE SUPPLIES OF ' .... , Royster'is Candy I IN VARIOUS STYLES. ONE PIUCF. 3 Pounds for One Dollar, . - .......... ,. A few 5 pound boxes (cicely packed) . received with last order. The Scuppernong ' Wiiio about which we have been bringing has -not deteriorated In quality. Tf lTH CRUSHED ICE THESE HOT -DAYS IT IS ELEGANT. P. L, BRIDGEES & CO, HO North Front Bt. sept I Excursion to Shelby, IT. 0. 5 Via Carolina Central it. JUoad September Jd, 1884. Q.RAND DEMOCRATIC RALLY AND Flag Raiting, with speeches by Hon. Z. B. Vance snd Hon. Wade Hampton and other distinguished statesmen. - - -BAttBKCUK rOR 5.CO0 PEOPLE, WnJy fr for the Round? rip from Wilmiog- ton, and tickets good for six days., - aug 30 2t . F. W. CLuVRK, G. P, A. James A. Lovrev, "riiEELWKIGIIT, BLACKSMITH ' AND General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles. Work of all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for lavors extended to m3 In the past, I solicit their kind fayorsand their patronage In future. After an eiperf- ence of forty-four years as a Mechanic under Cant. W. 11. Bobbltt, of Warrenton, and in Wilmington, I am now prepared to conduct the work In all Its branches In. agoodacd workmanlike manner. " ami 4th utreeU- cov30 oiw.tr ' J1 MAUKKT.STitKBT. (Forifterly known Citjr Drag Store.!) A FULL LINE OF D8UG3, FANCY AND Toller, Articles. Cigars and Cigarettes, t onoley's Cokae in any quantity desired. t cl Water wltn pure Syrnpaani Orcam. aug2y J.- Y. CO SOU& Y. DRINK INSIPID, TASTELESS J5EER when von can get It fresh and Ice-cold at McGOWANt? " , k " Wny drink coom&n,bea,lacbc whiskey when You can pure old Clemmer at UcGowacs? Why traote common cigars, tha emcll of widen tiUtuib every -one around yen, when you can ret a better one at as Iowa pilceat McGOVanS? Eceo answers, why? - aog25. - MundsBroSs&DsRosset, : XJKVCfGISTS, WIL3ITNGT0X, N. C. JEEP A COMPLETE 1INE OF Drugs & Patent Medicines. The beat Imported and American ToUetFanc Always on band,' to be sold as h ea aey house la tWO-j.OLU tell RELIABLE and PURE goods. : Orders attended to with dispatch and satis faction, tie eame aa it p&rttcs wc.ro present. Ir-lT1

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