THIS PAFJTK every mm. " eepted by jOSH T. JAMES, TTOS ASD PEOPKEETOIt.. , pTIOKS POSTAGE PAID: SC5SCFJ six months, $2.09. Three I !; One month, 35 cents. ersrr . " ,rt of the city, at the above keWf ,n cents per week. u ... . rtea low and uoerai. Stb will report any and all fall- ru" .' their paper regularly. "L 7A'ii7v Review has the largest I & Speculation, of-any newspaper , :.. thf rilll III LbllLbllViASJ. fr UUCitATIC TICKET. j.:lcc;iun Tuesday, Nov. 4. r,,K PRESIDENT: ,,UOVKIi CLEVELAND, (,J New York. VICE PRESIDENT : THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. yon governor : .4.F11ED M. SCALES, of Guilford. ,u lieut. governor: CIIAHLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. ynll SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wako. lOU STATE TREASURER: DOXALD W. BAIN, of Wako. n: auditor: W. 1 ROBERTS, of Gates. loi: ATTORNEY-GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. Yon SI 1'KKISTEXDENT OF PUBLIC IN' STRUCTION : S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. iSM'I.vrF. .H'STH'K SUPREME COURT: A. S. MERRIMON, ot Wake. 1 1 ilt KI-FJ ' T KS-AT-LARGE : W. 11. KITCHEN, .101 IN N. STAPLES. FOL CONOHESS : It. T. BENNETT, of Anson. EJECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT , ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. ' - The &ve rage depth of the Pacific and Ai.'anac Oceans is 2,500 fathoms. Bot. torn has been obtained at 4.580 fathoms jhort distance South of the Banks of Newfoundland. Mrs. Skidinore. of New York, is one hundred and twenty yeurs old, has had 5re husbands, has smoked tiie same Pipe for fifty-five, years, and was once iissed by (Icorgo Washington. Solutions of chloral should be kept a dark glass bottles. Sunlight decom poses it into chloroform . The change not easily, perceived, and has caused i number of accidents ia the past five Hars. : ; fbirty New England farmers who i"t abundantly supplied with grasshop- Jrsh;ivo discovered that a bushel of tie insects boiled in salted water will ike Mup enough to last about a dozen arsons a week This dish is esteemed "Teat delicacy by the Piute Indians. In the City of Mexico street cars are ;5JJfor conveying the dead to the imeteries. It does away entirely :'dfthe necessity for hearses and their. ttmpanying hacks. The funeral car and the mourners follow in : Lt Main, the paper started with a ' Uadon News, has been seized for tQ- Apparently its backer tired of '-'S ia it any of the millions which to him through marrying the "u5terof Jayne, the patent medicine "aul Bert, in the recent discus- in the French Chamber on . the Hilary condition o the country, said Rext to Spain and Turkey, France - c Most backward in sanitary eis. Making allowance for the IH nriin 1 o i rn I horn wora more deaths per annum in Paris iv-Va Ix)uJon. though the number of . unaer nve years of age in J-on- uls aiore than double that in Paris, blowing is the comiiaratiro show of the heights of the great statues of r rU: Statue of Liberty (Bar- -n:ci-, ijQuon Atonameoi, ! ank 4eT itciaiu lower, xuv; Arc ; -iriomphe. Pans. 160- Cnlnm'A Wn. Paris, Hi ; Trajan's PiKar, Rome aompoy's Pillar, Alexandria, 114; om Laiue, i to ; unarles l5or eo, 10G; Colossus ot Rhodes. 105: L ina1' statue 90: Statue of Mcm- bit. v 1 A VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. "WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1884. NO 210 It is not necessary for the force of an epigram that it ibonld bo. strictly true. Iiord Randolph Churchill, being asked what he thought of Irving, said: "I don't know that I should call him. a great actor, but he is certainly a curious on-. He is always Iruing cn the stage, and always Hamlet in private life." The increased severity of the admin istration in Spain ia collecting taxes is producting marked results. Much tax. able wealth which hitherto evaded the tax gatherers is continually coming to light. The cases of defalcations in Ma drid alone now exceed 2,000, and the evasions of direct taxation all over the peninsula reach a large amount. This is the stanza ot a song which threatens to rival the popularity 67 the "imgon ballard ot Disraeli's timo in England, and John Bright joined with the twenty thousand in singing it at Manchester: The haughty Peers must pass the bill And stand not m the way; Peers over people must not rule In this enlightened day. It is an insult to the intelligence and decency of workiugnien to call Butler their candidate. Ho has not a princi" pie or an impulse in sympathy with labor. An insincere ofiice-hunter and shameless demagogue he will get the vote of no working mau who is not wholly misled, nor the vote of any in telligent person who does not look upon the Presidential canvass .as a farce or a game. When Hartmann, the Nihilist, vras with Sophia Provskaja (hanged in 1881) working at the mine, beneath a line of railroad, with the view of killing the Czar while passing, he became in need of funds to finish the work, and Sophia suggested that he pawn his watch, which be did for eight roubles. This absence of the watch caused him subsequently to make an error in . the time of firing the match, and to this the Czar owed his life. Soothing: Influence. Iains and inflammtions resulting from severe injuries are greatly relihved and cured, at once, by the outward applica tion of St Jacobs Oil, the great pain banisher. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Attention Democrats C W Yates School Books Joe II Habt Sea Side Park llotel II kins bekoer Great Musical Wonder Taylor's Bazaar Closing Out Sale IIoracb M Emebson Straytfd or Stolen FC Miller Friends and Fellow-Citizens Munds Bros. & DeKosset Drugs and Pat cut Medicines Ricebirds are high in price, but poor in quality. It is said to be very delightful on the Sounds now. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. f Kev. Dr. Patterson is expected to preach at St. John's Church next Sun day morning. Scuppernong grapes are in good sujfc ply but thoy are too dear. They sell for 10 cents a peck. A dude collar for 10c, all linen, four ply, is the latest thing advertised by John Dyer & Son. t These cool nights will waft lots of .Summer absentees hoineyard3. r -.I. ... - - ' " There were feur cases of disorderly conduct brought before the Mayor this morning, all of whicji were discharged. The steam yacht Passport made the trip from Sraithville to Wilmington yesterday afternoon in two hoars, in cluding two stoppings. The distance is 28 miles. The match gameot base ball between the Seaside Park and Electric Nines, played at the Athletic Grounds yester day afternoon, resulted in a yictory for the former in a score of 20 to 8 for the latter. The oyster dealers are looking for ward to a good season for the bi vales. The reports are that they will be plen tiful and fat, the frequent rains and the cool Summer ; having been good for them. First arrivals are looked for about the 20th inst. With pain we feel called upon to re cord the death of little Henry Walker Leonard, infant son of II. L. and A. J. Leonard, of Beatty'd Bridge, piadea coanty, who died pa the night of Au gust 3 lsf.,after a long and severe illness, of cholera infantum, aged about 113 months. ' - - " Now is the time to give Smith's Worm The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 9 bales. Don't forget the meeting of the Young Democrats at the City Court Room to night. Remember the grand masquerade ball which f3 to be given at Seaside Park Hotel on Friday night, the 5th inst. It will be an elegant affair. See advertisement elsewhere. Wo invite the attention of eur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the. Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. The steam yacht Dudine. which has f suffered some delay on account of a missing piece of machinery, has had it supplied and she will be ready to convey passengers to the beach by to-morrow. Mr. Wm. McEvans fs registrar in the first division of the First Ward and not T. C. McEvens, as it appeared yesterday in our report of the proceed ings of the County Commissioners. "Chas. Hines," poll-holder in the same division of the First Ward, should be Charles Hay no. The exenrsion on the Passport to-day under the auspices of Germania Lodge K. of P. was well attended, and the company was an agreeable one. As the weather has been pleasant we have no doubt that the excursionists have had a day ot pleasure and that all have enjoyed the occasion. The Wounded i'oliceman. Policeman Latham was suffering considerable pain this morning, al though his condition was no worse than might reasonably have been expected. The ball has yet been extracted, andJ that, lodged among the muscles of the shoulder, aside from the rugged track it made across the breast, tearing flesh and muscle in its course, would neces sarily cause considerable pain and un easiness. In our roport in yesterday's issue, we made it appear that Officer Latham was at his own house, off duty, when be heard the shooting and rushed to the scene, when, in fact, be was on duty and was in another street at the time on his way to meet his sergeant, but hearing the shots and screams repaired to the place where the tumult was in progress. Success of a Pender Boy- A competitive examination was held last Saturday in this city for a clerkship in the Auditor's department of the Wilmington & Weldon R&ilroad Com pany. A number of candidates pre sented themselves in accordance with an advertisement calling tor a young man for a clerkship in said department. The examination, fair and impartial, was rigid and protracted. The choice fell upon S. S. Satchwell, Jr., as haying passed the' best examination. He is a lad of only sixteen years of age, and is the son of Dr. S. S. Satchwell, of Pen der. The creditable success of this lad, over so many older applicants for the desirable position thus won, is complimentary to Pender and to the Warsaw High School, ot "which he has been a pupil for the last twelve months. Porapey Sneed. This notable individual is wanted. -He is lost to sight,' although 'to memory dear,' and there seems to be a determination to hunt him up. to as certain his whereabouts and bring him, will-nilly, within the hands and power of the law. Officer Strode this morn, ing was busy in serving summons upon 50 good and true white men as a posse comitatus to go and assist in searching for the aforesaid Pompcy and each person was warned to appear with 'sword and pistol by his" side' or ia other warlike ai ray. None wanted to go; they had no relish for the job I and they had so mdeh business to attend to that to leave would send everything' to . the "demnition bowwow." The officer was in nearly every instance inexorable and they were compelled to put themselves in 'martial array" and "root hog or die," which means that they had to go or run the risk of being defendants in contempt at the next term of court They went and whether they "saw and conquered" remains to be ascertained. Among those summoned was a well known gentleman who is in such feeble health that be has made all his arrange ments to leave for New York on Sat urday next, where he wjll be treated by an eminent physician. His excuse of li'-hcalth didn't count worth a cent, and he was obliged to obtain a medical ceitificate ot disability before he could be excused.. Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead, Glass &c, should go to JaoobTs The Exposition. Mr. S. G. Worth. Fish Commission er of North Carolina, whose arrival in the city is announced iu our persona column, gave us the pleasure of a call this afternoon. He informs us that he has seen many of the exhibits prepar ed by our citizens for the State Expo sition and is highly gratified at the dis play which will be presented by this city and county, as they will be highly creditable and important in aiding to advance the best interests of the section and State. The Kazoo. The small boy is now in his glory. Heljas' got a "kazoo." We should imagine that all the boys .in the city had been supplied and the way they kazoo" the city throws Guy Wright's band entirely in eclipse. We heard a band of about 6.000 ot them-judging from the noise last night and they furnished mu3ic for the eastern section of the city whichjwas a foe to all ideas of sleep. The small boy of Wilmington is a lively creature and the kazoo is his latest inspiration. Wilmingtonians Abroad. In the New York Naval Stores and Tobacco Reporter we find a list of the officers of the Naval Stores and To bacco Exchange among whom are the names of Messrs. G. W. Baily and Harry P. Russell, both well known, names in this city. Both occupy im portant and trust-worthy positions on the different committees of the Ex change, places for which they are emi nently well qualified. Mr. Baily ap pears as a member of , the Arbitration Committee and of the Trade Commits tee on Naval Stores and Mr. Russell is Chairman of the Committee on Fi nance, a member of the Committee on Naval Stores Quotations and one of that Board of Trustees of the Exchange. Registration of Druggists. It is a fact not generally known that at the last session of the legislature thephar macy act was amended so as to apply generally throughout the State. Here tofore there was a clause exempting towns of less than five hundred inhabi tants from the operation of the law. It is now necessary under this law for all druggists to be registered. All having three yesrs experience and those now in business on their own account are entitled to such registration. Applica tions can be made to the secretary of the board of pharmacy, Mr. Simpson, of Raleigh, who will furnish the necessary blanksfor registration. Such registration can oe made within ninety days by simply applying and remitting the fee, which is nominal. After the ninety days have expired registration can only be effected by applying for examination as to qualifications. Personal. Dr. S. S. Satchwell, of Rocky Point, was in the city to-day. Mr. George Harriss,' Jr., has been appointed a Notary Public. He re ceived his appointment to-day and will qualify at once. Mr. S. G. Worth, Fish Commissioner of North Carolina, was in the, city to day and registered at the Purcell House. Mr. W. E. King, ofthelato firm of F. M. King & Co., with his family leave to-night for Anniston, Ala., where be will make his home for the future. Mr. B. F. Penny, of the firm of W. J. & B. F. Penny, left here yesterday morning for the Northern markets for the purchase of Fall and Winter goods. Mr. J. Elsbach has returned to the city .alter an absence of several months looking, we are pleased to say, much improved bv his sojourn in the moun tains. Our musical friend, Prof, J. D. Smitbdeal, arrived in the city this morning and registered at the Com mercial Hotel, ne will leave again to night for the North. Mr. (J. Prigge, Jr., formerly of this city, but now the Manager ot the Bortsmoutb, Va., Telephone Exchange, has' been elected a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engin eers, and is now in attendance at the Electoral Convention of Electricians, which is in progress at Philadelphia, having obtained a leave of absence for that purpose. Congress has made a liberal appropriation for the convention and good results are expected from the deliberations of the body. Mr. Prigge has prepared a pamphlet, upon the sub ject of the use and nature of telephones. He has had considerable practical ex perience in the management and work ins lot telephonea.and we have no doubt that his pamphlet will be an interesting and instructive work. This is just the best sort of weather for harvesting. fodder, and it is eqiially as good for spinning cotton. t Some one has declared conceit wiorsc than consumption, and the comparison is a true one. Manv are iho Vntirpit- ed" who cry down legitimate remedies anu wno ueiuae suiienng Lumanity, Whose onlv salvation is the immrktintn use of Dr. Bull's Cough Sjrup. f Tho September Moon.; The September moon lulls ou tlm 5th at 50 minutes after 5 o'clock in the morning standard. time. On the j 10th tho moon .is in conjunction jjwith Neptune: on the 12th with Saturn1)- on tho 15th with Venus; on the 16th With Jupiter; on the 10th with Mercury and Uranus, and on the 22nd with Mars. No planet is occulted by the moon in Septembci iu any part of the globe, but some favored mortals may see her pass over Aldcbaran ou the 10th, and;lobser vers here will see her in this vicinity. One of the most charming ot lunar phemomcna will occur during the first autumnal mouth, wheinj after the full, the moon will ribo for four consecutive cvenihg3 withaji avei age internal of only thirty-five! min utes between the rising?. Wc. may not think with the agriculturalists Hof old that by a merciful interposition of prov idence the day is thus prolonged jto help the husbandman in his labor. But we may be equally erateful for the beau ty of the scene, when floods otA silvery moonlight quickly succeed the snort September twilight, and show the ar tistic skill of our satellite in producing effects of light and shade that iio hu man pencil can reproduce in its perfec tion of restfulness, softness, and se renity, so deliciously harmonizing with nature's great harvest festival. Itoujrli on Pain" Plaster; Porous and strengthening, improved, the best for backachesaiijs inJchest or side, rheumatism. Neuralgia. 25c. .Druggists or mail. Another large consignment -of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory priqes. just received at JacObi's Hardware-Depot.t NEW A DVEUTIS EMBNTS New Jewelry Store. JHE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public that he has refitted the store No. 103 Market st,, (Brown & Anderson's old stand) ;whcrc he will display a large, handsome and -carefully salected stock of JEWELRY GOOpS of all kinds. All new and all warranted exactly as represented. Watches, Clocks and j jewelry repaired. Good work and prompt delivery; A share of the public patronage 14 respect fully solicited GEO. W. HUGGIN'S. sept 2 lwd 2tw f ' Sea-Side Park Hotel. Grand Masquerade Ball, Priday Evening, Sept. 5. fecpt 3 2t JOE II. :IIART. Attention Democrats. 11IIERE WILL BE A MEETING IbF THE . YOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC! CLUB, TO-NIGHT, September 3d, at 8.30 o'clock, at the City Court Room. Let every Democrat In the city be present, as business of importance will come before the meeting. Byn order of President. E. Y. JOHNSON, sept 3 it ijSeci'y. Closing Out Sale. -o- WHILE MRS. TAYLOR IS IN THE! NORTH SELECTING THE FALL STOCK, and before wc receive our new stock! we wll give decided II is HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS. SILKS, SATINS, LACES, GLOVES. FAN?, HOSIERY, f 1 l ORSET VUNDfcRWJSARi JEWELRY, SATCHELS &C.1C 1 " - . ''! "'- ; call will convince you of the same t Taylor's Bazaar, 118 Market St.! ":- .: . : - i i-: .: CPt3 ! ; -i (."'. : rLSA3soncl. .. - -"ITi will t glxn to recelv coamialcatlta froxa cvx friend ea a&y-aad an -at;;cJ- cener&Ilnteresttmt . . ..- ! Tb n&aae of the writer cut always t ufched to the Editor. ' ; r: 'r: V Coamrfflleatlona must , b writua 4a one aide of tho paper. 1 FereonaTttlea must be avoided,; And It Is especially and parti enLirlT stood that the Editor doe not always cnd s the views of correspondent ostas so state m me euitorul colasms. NEW AI VEIUSEMENTS Strayed or Stolen; j ; WHITE SETTER MALE PUP, (about lour months old) liver coloml ears and strat nCOii,60;3 ,ta?k- A soluble rcwrt SSi .P k for hu "wtnw-or. lafcriaaUon lca-ilnjf tu his recovery. . ; ; sop; ait HORACE M, EM tlitSON. Base Bali. JmH9l-AICS I :in'i "K"-"'CTKlC5 on VHv V.V hctt- lB.t"30 p. ra.. at Pino Grove, rlhtsvil2e trouml. Wasocettes will leave r ulhcr land's Stable aad corner of Market and Fourth sta. at 2 p.m. Fare for rouml trip f.0 cents; children 25 et. Ample, accommodations for all. Good Piff Fish Supper. ED. WILVON MANNING M F. MANNING. sept 2 2t T. J. Sut THERLAND,. - Library Lamps. rjlIIE HANDSOMEST AND LARGEST AS- eortment ever f cen in Uiis.citv-. -J Lamps an l Limp Gorxls H epccUUy. Ulhti A MUUClUbON'o. sci't 1 and 40 Murchlson Block. Great Musical Wonder ! PLATS' ANY TUNF, IMITATES ANY bird, or animal, bagpipe. Punch and Judy. KAZQO. All, old or 3'ounir. quickly learn Its use with out Ins'.ructlon When usod by minstrel and BiHJClalty artists, iiuartettes or choruses. It in variably receives repeated encores. Furnish, ca good dancln mutic forxrurtlons, picnic etc Superior to anything cIfc for campalcn clubs in stieet piradcs. etc -.Used as mouth piece on brass or tin horns, a Rood band can be lormcd with little practice, as t he sevfe rc qu rc no finscrlr- Price 10 cents. kTzoo with whip, erne, tan or trumpet attachment, la. cents; by mail. -2U cents. For sac at -.Jl'J. HBINSBKRGKR'S. Furniture. JEW STOCK FOR FALL TRADF, ARRIVING EVERYDAY! Manufactured expressly for this market.. New Styles and L-jw-Prices. Call and exam ine our extensive variety of Nqw and Fash ionablc Goods, all made this sv t,on. , 1). A. SMITH.'" Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street gept 1 We Are Still Receiving LARGE feUPPLll-3 OF Royster's Candy I IN VARIOUS STYLES. ONE PRICE." O Tl,. J f o x uuuus lur uneuoiiar. A few 5 pound boxes (nleely packeJ) received with last order. The Scuppernong Wine about which we have been brayglng has not deteriorated In quality. WITH CRUSHED ICE THESE HOT DA Yd $ IT IS ELEGANT. P. L. BRIDGERS & GO. HO Nortb Front 8t, septl Why DRINK ! INSIPID, TASTELESS BEER when you can get It fresh and Ice-cold at McGOWANi? Why drink common, bealacbc whiskey when you can get pure old elemmer at McGowane? Why smoVe common cigars, the emell of which distuibs every one around yon. when yon can get a belter one at as Iowa p:iceat McGOWAN'S? Echo answers, why? &as25 ! MundsBros. &.D.eRosset, j WUUGG1STS, WILMINGTON N. C. JEEP A COMPLETE LINE OF Drugs & Patent Medicines. This best IoiKrtcd and Aceilcan ' Toilet & Fancy Articles, Alivaya on band, to be sold as lowr a &Dy house in the cliy can ecII liSAA ABLE and PURE goods. Orders af ended to with dhpaJch and eatbi faction. tbc game as if parties were present. any 2l . , . - ' . . , The Advantages Yu ""AVE IN PURCHASING B0O1S AND SHOES of us arc a Urge stock to idee from, goda of reliable make, durable to wear, neat lo fii, and wc guarantee prices S3 low. If nit lower, ihan-ikcwhcrc. Try It fcr yourself. . t : Geo. K. Frcncli & Sons, KSiHORTH FRONT STREET tept 1