MISCELLANEOUS. fliii IP THE BEST TQfilC. rhig medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyftpepslo Indigestion, Weakness, Impure Blood, MaJaria,C'hflls and Fevers, and NeuraIIa. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases oi the Kidneys and Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary. live.-. Itdoes not injure the teeth, cause headaches produce constipation othn- Ironmedieir.f lo It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the siaiilati6n of food, r-v Vivcu Heartburn and Belc hing, and ttienth-f-, the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. LasMtr.de, Lack of Energy, tc, it has no equal. Sir The genuine has above trde mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. MUomI;7 fcROWS CHKHICIL 0 B.lLTIliO, uly ll.dAwly tc2dpnrm Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. GEMOT TOP. N. Y. KS AMELIA INT CO.? I'.EADY P HEP A RED PAINT. CI ALL AND EXAMlNti OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact that our Paints are tram the celebrated Fac torles of Wctherlll & Co., and Harrison Bros & Co., is surasteat 'uarantoe foOhelrquallty and purity. A Una llneoot Cooking stoves at Facto y Pricfli, la addition to oar large and full HARDWARE STOCK, to which roar attention la-respectfully Invited. NATIPL JACOBI, Apt 2 10 5outh Front St Quarantine Notice. QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil mington will be enforced from May 1st to No vomber 1st, a follows : Pilots will bring all ve selsfrt m Ports south of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchorage; also, all vessels which have had any kind ot sickness on board during the passage or on arrival, and will cause a signal to be set in the main rigging on the port side, as soon sls pos sible alter crossing the liar No vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or auow any person, swaruer or tug l uni, lighter, or boat of any kind to go along si e, unless by written authority from the Quaran tine Physician ; and every vessel must be an chored as var to the eastward of the channel as is consistent with safety. Regulations governing vessels while in Quar antlne may be had on application at the oilice of the Quarantine Phys'cian at Smith ville Applications for permits to vleit vessels in Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thomas V. Wood or Or. Geo Ai. Thomafe, ana perm t eo obtained will boend r.ed by the Quarantine Physician, if. In his opinion, it Is proper and ssfo to allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of t'i 0 for each and every'offence, will be enforced ag.dnst any person violating any of the Quarantine Regulations ot the Port. W. G. CURTI. W., Quarantine Physician, Port of Wiimlngton. THOS. F. WOOD, M. D. ) Consaltants. GEO. G. THOMAS, M. D. consultants, mav 1 2am Cm 1&15 First National Bank of Wil mington., CAPITAL 8TOC&. BUR PLUS FUND.. . 250.010 ... lr66,(K0 -pulu received aaU coilclona, made oeMlDle points in the United States. 'DIRECTORS K. A.3URUU33. D. G- WORTH A MARTIN. JA. SpRUNT, GKORGB CHADBOUSN. orncttEP'. K. . BURRUS9...... ........ President. A. K. WALKKR..-. Cashier W. LAEKTN8 A9ct Cashier atl Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days'' TriaL TO MEN OHLY, YOUNQ OR OLD, WJ HO are suff r!nz from Nsrtous Dkbilitt. VV Lost Vitautt. Lack ow Nsrvr Forcb ah ,'wos. Wastiso Wracitxsses. and alt those diseases f a Personal Katcrr resulting from- Acixs and frTHMt Causm. Speetly rpltef and coraplrt rmto tatioaof Health. V KXMtarul Mahiiood odarantkkb. Se inad.t discovery ot the Nineteenth Century. nd at oace for IU usCratod f amulet free. Address V0LTA1S BEIT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. m m a - - m ibSdrand -after) Xjbot S71exxL&rt The Daily Review TOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. X. C. WEDNESD A. Y.SEPTEMBER 3, 1884 inter t-ti at the PostofSce at Wilmington, N. C, as feecond-clas matter. News and Observer. SCALES AND YORK AT SALISBURY. (CONCLUDED.) As Dr. York finished some one called for Scale?, and there was a creat arid long demonstration for Gen. Scales As this somewhat subsided a young gentleman stepped up, and in the name of the ladies presented Gen. Sciles with a bouquet. The General began his reply with the air of one who wa-i deeply moved. Ho referred in strong language to the mis iepresentations of the position of the Democratic party which Dr York had made arid left u the people to say whciher it wa ignorance or a disposi tion to misinterpret. Dr. York had said that Blaine was not a prohibition ist. Every Senator, ever member ot Congress, every &tate officer in Maine was a prohibitionist. No man could rise there or hold office there who was not in favor of prohibition. Mr. Blaine was ike the rest; and he read to the people d letter from Neal Dow, the great apostle of prohibition, in which he asserted that Mr. Blaine was "a supporter of the Maine law, and had rendered that law great service." "Now." said he. addressing Dr. York, 'how do you stand?" If that be true wiil you, who disserted the Deriiocra s, as yon sa", because ot prohibition break with Biaine. or will you continue to" support him?" The" crowd cheered wildly, but Dr York made no answer, '"Dr. York says that the Democratic party is all split arid divided and has no strength. To-day it has twenty-six governors in twenty-six different States; it has seventy-five majority in the House of Representative.', at the last election it had half a million majority of the popular votes, and it is standing together and tni3 fall will poll more votes than eve? before. In my judgment in November it will elect Grover Cleve land President by an overwhelming majority, Great and prolonged cheer- mgj and Cleveland will reform the government and clean out ih-s. Augean stable of Republican corruption. Great applause ."Dr. York is greatly troubled about the youug men who came out to meet me. He goe9 miles ont of the way to avoid meeting them. For myself I re joice to see it. It was bat an evidence ot their spirit and also of the spirit of the old men who were determined to reform the government. It was thw spirit of reform which was pervading this whole land a spirit to redeem and teform the government of their country Applause, Every w here there went up tne demand f?r reform, and the Demo CJatic party was the instrument chosen by the people to accomplish this great work. Applause. "Dr. York speaks of me as if I had been an original secessionist.- I was not an original secessionist. But wheu Lincoln issued his proclammation call ing ou North Carolina to send her sons to help the North fight the South, and sides had to be taken I was lor the Sout. Applause. If I had to shed my blood fighting, 1 would shed it for the South and lor mv -people and not against them." Tremendous ap plause, At 'this , time the whole- audience seemed to be in sympathy with Gen. Scales, who turning to Dr. York, with a kindling eye, asked with great earn estness: "Would you have deserted your people in the hour of their need and turced your back upon them? would ou have gone to Lincoln at his call and fought against the people of the South? would you havaallied yourself wiih the people ot Maine against your own kith and kin and friends and neigh bors and countrymen ?" I ever had we witnessed a popular assemblage more deeply more than when Gen. Scales uttered these words. All the feeling ran against York, who sat qQiet and to the casual observer ap parently unaffected by the evident drift against him. . "Where was he then?" continued Gen. Scules. "I will tell you. I have a letter in my pocket from Dr. " R. F. Hacke: t. oi Wilkes, who says he offered himself to be a litsutenant ot a company, and the people in Wilkes didn't have confidence enough in him to elect him; and Dr. York told them that if he had a drop of Union blood in his views, be would take his lancet and himself open his veins and let it out! "And yet when he went to Congress he wrote his biography and put himself down "a Union man, but towards the close of the war a surgeon of Home Guards." He advised and urged young nun 'o go to the army; to go to the front whfie the fight was and then he turned his back upon them. Great cheers. 1 went with thera. 1 took up a musket aud entered the ranks as a private and stood by them and suffered wounds with ihem wounds that wilt make niehalt until I rest in my grave. Applause5: I have no patience" with anv man wno will attempt" to belittle those who took up arms at the call oi their State. He deserted you then in a time when you needed his services. Applause And now he has deserted ihe Deoucratic party what far what lor? I wiil tell you what for for that 5', 000 ?a:ary of a Congressman! Great cheering. "He misrcDrefents all our actions in Congress. We ent a bill to the Senate that practically abolished all the abus es of the revenue system, and the Sen ate rejected, it; and Dr. York says that the Senate recjected it because the cus tom house districts were consolidated and reduced. Why, the Senate had no objection to .that. The Republican President had recommended that; the secretary ol the treasury had recom mended that; the Republicans favored that. It was merely to close up some offices that cost thousands ol dollars and took in no ' money, that ? id not pay expenses. That was not the rea son. The Republicans rejected the in ternal revenue amendment because they were opposed to it. Applause. ' The General referred again to th Blair bill and bis coarse in regard to it and quotine a remark of; Dr. York's that iho Democrats proposed to make the Door whites of this State drawers of wnipr anti newers oi wooa." ne saia was an to'tilt of ;the people. Why should Dr. York assume that there was anything in a man's be:rg poor to let him submit to" such an insult? In earn est language he condemned the man who would seek to array one class against another., AH were free Amer icans! all equals! all with the 'same rights! , The crowd followed the General well and gave him rounds of applause. Bat Dr. York says Hendricks voted to put an educational or property quali fication for the voters of Notth Caro lina. ; : Here the General became very earn est in his language, lie did net believe Dr. York intended to speak anything that wa3 falFe; he acquitted bitu of that. And yet Dr. York must know that that was a misrepresentation, 'i he proposition was to admit negroes to suffrage at the South and Hendricks had voted to limit their right to rote t such as couid read or had $350 worth ot property, lhat wa3 the qualifica tion in Republican Massachusetts, in Republican Rhode Island and in Re publican Pennsylvania. Many Repub licans thought it was hazardous to give tree suffrage to the negroes all at ouce in 1868, and so did Mr. Hendricks; It had nothing- to do with the white voter: and yet Dr. York stated it as if Mr. Hendricks meant it to apply to white voters. The people applauded. Dr. York talked much about his de votion to the farmer, and yet he voted against the only bill ever -introduced for the benefit , of the farmers as a class; the State agricultural bureau. lie voted aqauist Unit. Dr. York says he went to my ap pointments unattended why he always had from one to sixteen revenue officers with him! Perhaps they are Liberai Democrataat S100 a month. If it had not been for the revenue officers Dr. York woulU never have been heard of in North Carolina. He says lie is go ing to have a hallelujah time at Ral eigh. I don't know why. He has been against everything down there. He has been against the asylum; has been against the railroads; has been against the department of agriculture. lie might go there a3 a commissioner of the penitentiary. The General told an anecdote which he thought appropriate and at which the crowd cheered treatly. :.' The General then made his acknowU edgements to the ladies lor. tbeir flow ers.and bowing.staried to take his seat. but some one shook his hand and then the crowd pressed up to him and shook his hands with much excitement The General sought to disengage himself and was stepping back to the stage when they detained him and before he knew it they began to raise him 'on their shoulders and carried him on their shoulders amid a perfect storm of enthusiasm and applanse, and they had a large flag which they kept wavme over him as they moved, along with the. General on th ir shoulders. !. - After a while order -was restored, and the General got back and the speak ing was resumed, Dr. York having the closing thirty minutes. ! Tbe Doctor had been a quiet specta tor of what had taken place. We sat within two feet of him on the stage, and when Scales was making bis closing speech, which was one of the roost effective we ever heard in its effect on the crowd and in carrying the crowd for the speaker, Dr. York was getting himself worked up. He had the ap pearance of a man determined to do something unusual. His face was per ceptibly flushed ; his features enlarged ; but yet he seemed very self-possessed. Beginning quietly, he said we have all seen such things before; I have seen it before on this canvass. I saw it be fore with Maj. Robbin, and yet I beat Maj. Robbins. - What has been this speech? what does it amouDt to? Noth ing. Blaine is no prohibitionist. I support hm, he being an anti-prohibitionist and in favor of the laboring men. He says that York i3 a man without political principles ; and the Doctor told an anecdote to illustrate that the Democratic principles were hard to find out, which received cheers and laughter. He referred to Pool as having stolen tbe Peabody fund and would have . stolen the capitol if he could. He referred to the drop ot Union blood," and said that J)r. Hack ett may' have given some such certifi cate, but who was Dr. Haekett? He was one of the fifty-two Scales seces sionists in Vilkes, a man who was in bad repute and who would give any certificate that would be of advantage to the Democratic party. Dr Haekett i3 a good, true and hon orabueman; no one deserves to stand higher than he does.Ed. N. & O. Gen. Scales had said he was wound ed. Oh yes, he understood he was wounded in the back of his leg! Thh caused some laughter; but on the part of others much indignation. At jonce a thrill seemed to pass through the people. General Scales sat immediately be hind Dr. York and speaking to him not very-loudly said: "You understood that, you miserable liar?" Dr. York turned to General Scales and making a gesture said. "Sit down. General Scales ; keep your seat"- (or words of that import.) Generai Scales, however, arose and standing by the side of Dr. York the crowd now greatly excited said, after a gesture to the crowd to be quiet. "Dr. Yort lied in his throat when he said I had a wound behind me." The excitement increased at thi, there being great shouts of "Hurrah for Scales." Dr. York said he had heard it. General Scales, still standing by Dr. York, said: "Dr. York has said that he heard a nun say it. Now.if Dr. York is not a coward, a liar and a scoundrel, he will tell who that man is." The op roar greatly increased. Dr. York said: "You can't bully me " There was then some minutes of tre mendous excitement. A man - stood before the stand with his band on bis pistol half drawn, showing the butt, and attention was directed to him, which increased the furor in the neigh borhood of tbe stand. . This man was the Republican nominated . for - the senate by the Republicans of Rowan a few days ago Jones by name, perhaps ; a man who frequently gets into fights but who once found himself in a ridi colons situation, It was in the court j house at ' Salisbury, v Robbies wa3 speaking and Jcnes getting niad drew his pistol and leveled lie; &t t Robbing The crowd was about to jump him when Bobbins told them to stop. VLet him alone, "shoot," said Robbins; here shoot;" and Jones found himself, with his pistol in hand pointing at Robbins. and-nobody to hold fiimt . After a moment or two he put his pistol up, a qurcter and very foolish man. p But'to return: it was some time be fore order.was restored ; and even then when some one interjected a remark. Dr. York would bandy words with the audience and call them a mob, and said that he knew tbe mob proposed to take him oil tbe stump; tbac they couid not take him off the stump; and otherwise appeared to seek to influence the people and put them in the mood to do what he seemed to wish them tq fry. He said it was the policy of the1 democrats to carry the State by storm, by violence a3 at Danville where they shot down innocent men, and at Co piah, in Mississippi. That Blaine would be elected and he would right matters. "Don't undertake to shoot me off this stump!" "I will say this; this very crowd would if they dared do it;. would shoot York right off the stump." Such things as this he repeat ed, with some intermissions. He how ever said "Gen. Scales warns me tp sa who told me. he was shot in tbe back of the leg. I don't know. I beard some other boys talking about it. I don't re member. That what Dr. Haekett bad written about him was as false as hell. And then he said to Gen. Scales that the General had mentioned him in con nection whh the penitentiary and that was the occasion of his personality. (Gen. Scales' remark is above stated. Ed. N. & G.) Thai if Gen. Scales would treat him gentlemanly he would treat Gen. Scales gentlemanly. He continued however jeering the crowd until his time being up, he begged them to vole for whoever they thought was the best man and the scene closed. Up to ihe time whip Dr. York made his' imputation of cowardice in battle on Geo. Scales, it was a very quiet meet, ing. That stirred Scales' old soldiers greatly and although Dr. York could so easily have said that it was not his purpose to make that charge, he rather stuck to it by saying that others had told him. " .. . Subsequenntly he apparently sought to provoke the friends of Gen. Scales to do some violence. There was only one pistol spoken of on the ground, and that was in the possesion of Dr. York's friend. There was nothing said about shooting, and yet Dr. York charged the audience, whom he called a mob, with 'wishing to shoot him off the stand; said they would, if they dared, which was in itself a dare and a challenge. His purpose seemed to us to be to create violence ; to occasion violence. Why? Of that we shall say something hereafter in this connection and in connection with Col. Wm. Johnston's remark, "I will be damned to hell tire that if we send to the North !tspatches in proper shape of the disturbance at Ruinerfordton, we, will carry Ohio, and every doubtful State at the North' The speaking at Rutherfordton is to come off September 3d. S EPTJEMBEJU SQUIBS. The firt vehicle ever made The whirligig of time. There is nearly always a bustle in dfy-gocjds-storeSirj I ; , . A trotting match should always be I described in a racy manner; A revenue officer entered the store of a merchant Who "never advertised and arrested him because he kept a Btill house. ' ! A health journal says you ought to take three quarters of an hour for your i dinner. It would be advisable to add some meat and vegetables. A receipt is going the rounds of the press for tannirg hides with salt and alum ; but our friend John says his schoolmaster taught him years ago that oil of birch was better. A new article of feminine headgear is calied the "frog bonnet." The husband is supposed to jump when he learns the size of the greenback it takes to pur chase one. A lecturer is travelling through the West enlightening the people on the subject of "Powder." Some one should suggest to him that powder is a dan gerous subject te throw light on. The Hope of the Nation Children, slow in development, puny, scrawny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer." : In order to get rid of the smell of fresh paint in a room, place a few slices of onion in the middle of the room. Then von will want tn pp.t rid nt r.hn smell of the onions; tbi3can be done by putting on another coat ot paint. The gloomy fears, the desponding views me weariness oi soul mat many complain ot, would often disappear Wfirft t h O hin rA rr o 1 a nil -r nnrl nnllkrr before reaching the delicate vessels of me wain. Ayer s aarsapauua purines and vitalizes the blood ; and .thus . con duces to health of body and sanity dt mind. . , J. L. WINNER, yATCHJIAKEB & JEW LLER, sT- Chronometers, Floo Watches tndJewelrj repaired and warranted. Opposite New Market. Front 8t. PTTfiQELL HOUSE. 0NDEB NJEW MANAtiifiMEOT, - WILMINGTON, N. O , . ., lb. PRY. Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. nrst-Olaw In n it TOOolntflMat. VTisvm 2 SO to $3.00 p day. . ' I I" T'ASlKFJRIil" crivoa i- I (e&fY and U f 1 vVTf Sot Plm- Price $1, r" rIiKl3lMi OT nt pre i P lJdr 8ptere. Box 2.416 New York. .IF RE EI. mm 9 taoct Botea aoa vusceiisfni fwi.iitt, i- tt a ? Clirtx DX IVAHD 6 CO.. Lctftfr I Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company. OVFIUK OF GXHXsQ StirUEtl HTjaTDSTT. J 1; 5 WUmlnton. NL. May 3,18S4.V ) Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTKR JULY lSth, 1884, AT 9. ton A Weldon Railroad wlU run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAJX.T NOS. 47 NOSTH AND 43 SOUTH. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Deptl 9.00 A. M ArrlTe at Weldon. .4. 25 P. M Leave Weldon. 1. 2.55 P. M Arrive at Wlhn'jton.rront St. Dpt, 8,35 P. II TAMT THEOUOH MAn, A PASSEHOSS TSAJ2If Leave WeWm..1..' - 1!-kat u Arrive at Wllm'ston .Front St. Dpti lacop m! MALL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAH.T No. 43 North. j Leave Wllmlneton. .....! Arrive at Weldon 8.S5 P. M. 2.85 A. M. Train No. 40 South will tnn AnW . tni... Trains in Tarboro Branch Eoad Leave Rockv Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P. M. And 4.80 P. M: Dally, (.Sundays excepted). 5 Returning leave Tarboro at 3 P. M. and 10.00 A. M Dally. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Koad leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.253 P. M. Re turning leave Scotland Neck at?8.30 A-. M. daUy except Sunday; - Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wel don forall points North DaUy. All rail via Llnef1011 except Sunday via Bay Train No. 43 runs dally and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. v -All trains run solid between Wllnrton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. For accommodation of local travel a paiaen ger coach will be attached to local freleht leav ing Wilmington at 6.55 ;a. M. D&ily except Sunday. . . r , JOHN F. DVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, Genera'. ?assenjcer Aent. july 15 i , Wilmington, Columbia . - 1 & Augusta R. R.iCo. .... ; -I OvnCB OF GmrKBAL 8rrpKRmTmTXKirT. " l ; --- ! - J ' Wilmington. N. C. July 111884. J Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, 1884,' at 9.C0 A. M., the following Passenger Sched u e will be run on this road : ? NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, D AJliY Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Ieave Wilmington j 9.05 P. M Leave Florence ' 2.40 A. M, Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction 1 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia I fi.40 A. M. Leave Columbia. .S 9. 55 P. M. Ieave C, C. A A. Junction .10.20 P. M. Leave Florence 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 8.S5 A. M. NionT Mjltl akd Passengek TbaIk, Daily : no. 40 wjest. n . Leave Wilmington........ 10.20 P. M Arrive at Florence. 1.25 A. M MAIL AND BASSENGER TRAIN . DATLT No. '43 East. - Leave Florence at ..4.05 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8 05 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. 1 1 No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton, and Marlon. Psengers for Columbia and all points on G. A Cr 11. R.. C, A A.R.R.Statlons, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take the 40 Night Express. i Separate Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on Traln40. , . !i All trains run solid hetweon Charleston and Wilmington. . . s . I f Local freight leaves Wilmington 1 dally ex cept Sunday at 700 A. M. 5 f JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supcrlitcndent T. M. KM KRSON. General Passenger Agent. july 15 ( ; Carolina Central R. B Company. j - OVFIOB OF tiKNKBAX. SUFSBIKTKNPEH7, . . r j WUmlnflcton. N. C, May 10. 184. Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER MAY 12th. 84, THH following ucneatue will be operated on this RallroaT: PASSENGER MALL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dairy except Sundays. Leave Wilmington at .I7.S0P. M Leave Ratelarhat. 7.35 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at 17.00 A. M 1 Leave Charlotte at ' Jaisi M No. 2. Arrive Raleigh at 8.30 A ; M ) Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8X0 A. M Passenger Trains stop at regular station! only, and points designated in the Company! SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays, f v o 3 (Leave Charlotte 5.15 P.M. f I Arrive at Shelby 9 00 P. M. Vn 4 j Leave Shelby... V f.00 A. M. sw- S Arrive at Charlotte 10.45 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Ral elgh.. . . -. ll Through Sleeping Cars between Wumlngtoa and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for StatesvlUeL Stations Western N C R R, Asheville and points West. ' Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville; Athens, Atlanta and ail points Southwest, v Lw C. JONES. . Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Arent mav 10 t Just the Ticket. AFTEJBREAKFA3T, 1 AFTKR DINNER. jj AFTER SUPPER, ' AND ALW Ay3. " I SMOKER3 WILL FIND AT CRAPON'S 22 South Front street, the best Fire Cents Cigar In the city. i ,. Long Filler Havana Cigar. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Also a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh Goods every Steamer. Do not forget the place, Nv 22 South Front 8t, Jaly 17 j GEO. M. CRAPON. Azt Ul mu4 phjrricml wtini, lost mnhood,mtf taai na Ua - - -' - ' - - It wfll mrj tam prompt bm t aa4 1 rAp, T It mtm tor 1a . nil it. MISCELLAKTrnrr -'vut Everywhere Called tThT7r Infinitely better than llnlnscnu 1 any other plasters-Bemon's iW-i'S tj Plasters. 25a. - "wu vapchie f0 B rnhaln I f ROVED 8 Standard Turbine! flnUhcd, gives better Sl!? ge.more ttower inn 'V1 foriess moBerp!oiiS!! It sent free by aug xi 4W 7000! I Arents Wanted f Hv Fx-Gov Dorsteitner. of A y D V JJ I If. S. Congre,,. and H0n. W p f" Chairman of Dtm Stoit rv. ?lfL frinds of C. and B: It I themost Interesting and Kichly JU JSSRl IMMEJfSH DEMAND. Aecnts iri A. MosEr. It has fin Steel Portraits t?"u y est and vavs best Hcnr iTl;?-.Jft- ptnny boobs, write to Hcbbabk tSS?" t-uos., ynnaoeipma. Fa. 1011114? PAY'S CELEBRATED :t Wall, anil Tnsf.lix in nfm TT?,. "? niaia ana samples . W. II. FAY fc 'aug 11 4w 11.000 milOA nf trlrA nnnr UliffiiTifLi..j t J. IS. A TelesrrsTih f ' Thn Kitim.i m.i . Orsranlzed. -Tbf Rjinkont . u.i,..t.i .. . The Postal Tel. Cos. ara both paehlng ahead with new llriM' ThA Ktiit,ni r,ii..iA lo.recenlv Incorr orated, extendi Ka t. " i.u auu wmn. tooa positions now readv. For-- fnrthoi. Iufnrmi.u. . .1 .1 with stamp. The Penn. A New Jeney Tel? graph. Shorthand A Type Writing lestructloa . . . . r .vw, IU Ul DIICVL w 1 mifiMtAn rui ... . $3 to $U .fnf AGENTS WASTED CLEVELAND ftKDAiS lustrated IJfe. hv CnL-lrniKv tii p assisted by the Families and Friends cfiht Can uiaaies. cpeciai terms inose oraerlnjr from uistaiice. xnoDooKyou warn. Wilte for circulars, or send 50c for prospectus. ii Buvine A Logan book trie ihe lead, and thosi Marvelous Pocket M annals always sell. -W; . x uuaiirouw, i uu.,4 Arcn ut,, rbllaita Pa. au?ll4ard. ' U J ll I peailne Hllle for 15. a tn Breech Loading Shot Gun lor 16. a il rn cert Orgsnettt for $7, a $25 Magic Laniern for $12, a fcolld Gold $25i f I I Watch for $1 a $15 Silver! WU Watch for $8. you can get any of these articles Fkeb if tou wuiuevoiea iew nours ot your Jeuure time evenings to introducing! At J r"f our new goods. One lady ee VV A I J I cured a Gold Watch free, In a single alter noon. . A gentleman got a silver vatch lor fifteen minafs' work. A boy 11 jesrs oil secured a watch in one day: hundreds of oth. 6ts have done nearly as well. If you bate a Magla Lantern vou can start a LudnetB that will pay vou frr-m $:0 to $50 every nlcht. Ecnd at once for our Illustrated ( atalogue of GoM an Silver Watches, Self-Cocking Bull Dog Kevoivers, epy uiasscs, irasan scout ana At tronomlcal Telescopes. Tlegrarh Iistm t ents. Type Wilters. Organs. Aeccrdloh. road to wealth. - WORLD MANUFAt TTJRIKO CO.. aug 11 4w . Iz2 Nassau street, KewYork. The Science of li fe. Only $) KNOW THYSELF. A CPEAT MEDICAL WORK ON MA1HO0O. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and PhTalcal Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Krron of Youth, and the untold miseries reetilUBf from Indiscretion or cxccbscs. A book for every man. young,r middle aged and old H contains 125 prescriptions for at! acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is Urnta able. So found by tbe Author, whose experi ence for 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any pbyelclan. 100 Eagcs, bound In beautiful French muslin, cm ossed coders, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work In every sense mechanical, literary and prof esslonal than -any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will l refunded In every Instance. Price only 1-W by mall, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 cu.. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to IM officers of which he refers. . Tbe Science of Life should be read by v young for instruction, and by tbe afflicted far relief. It will benefit all London Lancet. There Is no member r-f society to whom tw book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman Ar-jonrJ. Address the Peabody Medical Institute,' Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bullflnch 8txtA Boston, Mass., who may be consulted o liseasea requiring skill and experience Chronic and obstinate dteepes that naw aaffied the skill of all U A I TC" physicians a specialty. 1 C MU Sort treated successf ul-TP LI f O CT I m ly without an In- I. rl OC"' stance of failure. Mention this paper. . , aug il dAw 4w WEAK, UHDEVELOPED: PARR OF THE HUMAN BODV KNLAK " lKVL?f: OPED, RTRKNOTHEXED." Kt- "t OPED, STRKyOTHEXEU." W.. advertiwinent long ran tnouri'pT "r"T1" ouin we will say tuao taer ' fn'i ul ii ' tmthn .,..yrn,-rZ i i i i n ,7 . i .-.I rr Tn L maUd clrAnlai. riT.ng.lt t '" 'lr" EaiK MeuicaIjCo.. ButfiiK' ' apl 13 lydaw Groceries, &c. HIIDS. PRIME CUBAMOLASS18' Hhdi. Prime Porto Rico MOLASSU. 150 100 Half Rolls Standard BAGG15G. finn 1 000Bdla"Ne,rArrowTIK8' J gQQ Bdbi Pieced TIES, QQQ Bbla. FLOUE. 100 Bbls" fcC AB" i OA A Bags COFFEE. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTEB, Aft All at lowest prices. WORTH & WOKTH- augtS Notice. , IJTIJJ5 FIR It OF nOLLlNGSWUiii" - -has been changed this day by the reiki of S. .1L TRIMBLE and tbe admlto P.SYKK3Tae boalasia will be co as heretofore under the name and style ot COh CnrndeiBrN1 5"!'?v'".",.'" ' 1 1 .'ft V BY MAIL POST-PAID. jurj 9 tf nOLLISGSWOBTII A CO- ' BOT37 reod&w th ''