THI3 PAPER 6d every evenU 8unlUy" ceptcd by JOSH Options postage paid: ;CrJ six mouths, $2.09. Three " ,th. 35 cents. r H ten ii.oo; .pap1 delivered by carriers free at the above KW-. "..rtofthecity, i an v a per we. fcr;r7-. h vol. viii. ao6 . ,.or rftffTilarlv. - - - ' ' " . - " . ' ' i? WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1884. . - -PJMUSS JO TIC. , , , , , . ... Wt wiHbegia to reeeivo coosstic2ciUca from cur frScn&a on any and- all Hc!: ceaexaliaterat but .; " J : U I THe&aaecf the writer mast ahraysbe Jahed to the Editor. , ? '.- , Coaiiaimikaikmamxwt be wtUUa cm ta i ore aide ol the paper.- . I . ' . v - . Personaliaea mast be aTolde?4 . AEd It la eepcc!all7 axiTpartlcxr larlj tn e v atOOd that hr !Ttf -vL -kt T j IN VJ thvteof correspondeat3 wi)t cute 2)t7y JBvtcw Aw the largest bruta! and bloody work, revamping all nidation, of any newspaper the miserable falsifications that "j. tn ike cttyof Wilmington TICKET. ...;nn Tuesday, Nov. 4. f,;n: puksident: i;R()VER CLEVELAND,. In the odltorUl cohaazift. -': P7PT" I il r wereinvrntAd hv mn!ianf me JMecnanics and - , j auu U1CU. VICK l'KESIDENT: of Indiana. The match game of base ball between Ren0rts rWivi r o",uparni;no the Electrics, at ototo that thoro is irroot n nr ; dacious slanderres of theSouth. It is a Grove this afternoon was doubt-1 the Pee Dee section, and that the crop, read the 'tal S ontonU wiJSnS?' P t 7u ' JadRmg the "e actually sufferine from the Ions LT moved I witTeat mgLtio; L"6 mb? f thSe Wh Went down continued spell of dry weather. Unlesl that at this late day any one should m me Clty . rains should fall there within a few days naye collected these stale slanders to dis- City Court. ' the crops will be seriously diminished tribute at the Norlh for political effect. wn tt l i . ; nntiiv Not a word of testimony contraveniDg William Usher, colored, was brought Q quantity. the statements 13 printed, but the worst before the Mayor this morning charged The condition of Policeman Latham stories that ever were invented to de- with the larcenv Of a lot of baes. He a L tame the Southern ceoDle are here col- lected and presented as gospel facts, as t, if they were admittdd or proved. This jOK GOVE1SKOK : ALFRED M. SCALES, of (iuilford. il I-IKLT. (iOVEKNOK: CHARLES M. STEDMAN, of' New Hanover. - KOU SWKETAliY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wako. - FOU STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. 101: auditor: W. 1. HUBERTS, of Gates. FOi: attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. Titr(.ri"Ti T.i lTT7TTn TV. struction: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. lASS'XTATK JUSTICE SLl'Jit.MK UUUKI- A. S. lERRIMON, ot Wake. a uuuu iu i.u &uui oi lor doing remarkably well considering nrnvnd. T its "4 FKtuuu tuo neii wsrui ui me rihe nature ot his wnnnd ITa i frP book is endorsed by the Republican Criminal Court, in default of which he trom fever, the swelling has perceptibly vuuuviaus. J.1.U.UA. Aiauuu& VVllltSS LJ I VLa LAJlIJIIlILLcU. (jen. Kaum : "A careful coniDiliation of the brutal and bloody means as re-sorted to to deprive the SouthernRepub- iicans ot a tree ballot has long been needed, and I take great pleasure in encouraging you in your work." Such Sudden Deatu At about 8 o'clock last night, while on her way home, Sally Barber, a colored woman aged 59 years, was is the tone of letters frem many leadinz taken suddenh sick on the sidewalk. Ropublicans. v'e publish in full the between Dawson and "Wooster streets ltuerirom jren. j. tt. nawley: cun,tu 'u: c Of"P. A Tin its f. NPwi.m!T R T "",kOU 1UIU tue UUU3tJ UL a August 26 1884 uu;u tauiujr, uear wuica sne was an me Dear Sir: Be sure and let me know time, where she died almost immediate- wnopUDiisnes your dook concerning ly. The cause of death was heart me manner in wmcn ine treeamen s decreased aad his considered merely time. recovery may as a question bo of From Sampson. A note from an esteemed friend a1 Clinton tells us that everything is serene in Sampson this Fall There are no independents there now and the De mocracy of the gallant old county are getting into shape for a big majority for the ticket in November. The Coun. J" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- NEW ADVEKISEMENTS It is with pleasure that we call special attention to: a variety of Black Goods, hought this season we claim that they are very cheap. BLACK JERSEYS, We have been getting these goods every week for the past three months and yet the demand is for more. Sizes 32 te 42 just received; both plain and fan skirts. M. RflclRlTIRE. sept 4 Library Lamps.- yo'e3 have been treated in the South. . . , "l""" v-uwumu t Convention was to have met to-dav T'HE handsomest and laiige3T as- tne tact mat i f . . - ! Sea-Side Patk HoteL I have no doubt it will be a very val- nected with her death was K Hi ELECTORS A T-LARGE : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. VOL CONGRESS: It. T. BENNETT, of Ad. son. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT , ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. uable publication. Somebody should have done this work before. Yours truly, Jos. R. IIawley. Hon. Green B. Raum, Washington, D And so Gen. Hawley .thinks that sombody ought to have collected all the mendacious statements which villains have concocted to defame the Southern people before and that this brutal work will be a very valuable publica tion. - benator fiumb writes; ' JNo one could be better qualified than you for this great work, and there never was a time when the country needed it more." Senator Plumb means that there never was a time when the stress of the Republican party was so great as now. and when Che publication of such vil lainous falsehoods would be so valua ble to the Republican party. And this is the sort of campaign that Senator Plumb proposes! We now have the key to the remark made bv Col. William Johnston "I will be damned to bell fire that if about a year ago her husband fell and j expired suddenly of the same disease in the saw mill yard of Messrs. Northrop &Cumming. For the Yachtsmen. We saw this morning in the window i ot the jewelry store ot Mr. George W. Haggms, a beautiful gold medal which will be competed for by the Carolina Yacht Club in their regatta, which is to be sailed on the 12th inst.. over the Wrightsville course. It is of solid gold and upon one side is the name of the donor, Mr. W. A. Truslow, of Char lotte, N. C, on the margin, while in the centre is the engraving of a yacht in the foreground with a Iignthouse in the distance. On the other side is a space left for engraving the name of the winning yacht in the race. Thede A Straw. Mr. Horace M Emerson thinks that the Review is an excellent advertising medium. He advertised yesterday afternoon for the return ot a and early this forenoon the animal was restored to him by a party who saw the advertisement in the Revdzw. This is a straw tor tne consideration of the advertising public. That Wonderful River. The story of the wonderful under ground river at Birmingham, Ala, as published by us yesterday is of course a canard. It is a cleverly told tale, though. A gentleman in this city says that he knows the "Prof. Mulhattan" alluded to. Bortment ever ecen In this cltv. 3 Lamps and Lamp Gocxl3 a specialty. GILES A MDRUUISON'S. Eept 1 33 and 40 Murchlson Block. House and Lot For jSale. lost do JY VIRTCE OF THE POWEUsjcONFEII- ed on me by a deed oi trust executed by the 5 late Aaa A. Hartslield. bearing dat 3d day of i June, 1S81, ana recorded in Boolf: U, U, U, page ass oi me liecoras oi xsew uanovcr County, I will, on Thursday, the Hth day of September, 1884, at the hour of 11 -o'clock, a. m., at the Court House door in Wilmington, sell to ihe highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, the house and Jot on the jWest side of Seventh, between Market an Princeea streets," the late residence of the iaid A. A. Grand Masquerade Ball, Friday ISvcniOfir, Sept." I. !pt3 2t- jok II. IIAIiT Hartsfleld . Size of lot G6x55. WM. A. FEENCW. aug 21 3w nac t th s Assist e 3. New Jewelry Store. T HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY. IVe had almost forgotten to say that Arkansas went Democratic in Tues days elections by way of variety, of course. . . the send to the North dispatches in proper shape of the disturbance at Rutherford ton, we will carry Ohio and every doubtful State at the North." The purpose is to fire the Northern heart. This is what our cotemporary ha to say about it. Gen. Hawley, we are sorry to say, has been invited to deliver the address at the opening of the Ex position in Raleigh next month. Perhaps he overlooked this fact when he volun tarily agreed to loan bis name and his influence to the rascally scheme out lined above, and set on foot by the that he is a St. Louis sign is exquisite and it we were a young drummer and a wonderfully clever liar we yachtsman we should strive earnestly and that he makes a specialty of hoax- to bear off such an elegant prize. To make children healthy use plen ty of air. plenty of milk, plenty of sleep, and always have a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in case of croup. ing people with tales of the marvelous in art and nature. Hewlett's Backdown. It has transpired to-day that Mr. Elijah Hewlett, who has been in the race for the shrievalty of this county, and who two years ago ran as an inde pendent and came within 300 votes of announces to his friends and the .public that he has refitted the store No. 103 Jdarkdt st,, (Brown & Anderson's old stand) where he will display a large, handsonce anil carefully selected stock of JEWELRY GQODS of all kinds. All new and all warranted; exactly as represented. Watches', Clocks and jewelry repaired. Good work and prompt, dentery. A share ot tne patuio patronage is respect fully solicited GEO. W. IIUGGINS. sept 2 ivra ztw The venerable Bishop Pierce, Senior Bishop, of the M. E. Church, Honorable Green Bay Rum. If he did South, died at Augusta yesterday, morn- t ig for thJ le of North Caroli'na t0 '"ft- I ron.nmKsr 5f Tho loaf t h n t : fVlf Got. Waller, of Connecticut, has ac- managers of the Exposition can do now cepted a nomination for reelection, is to recall the invitation extended Each against his wishes, as he did not to Gen. Hawley to deliver the address. desire to serve again. He will surely and thev need not stand upon the order fce reelected. of this recall, either. Scant courtesy is due to the man who would stab you in the -back or filch from you your good name. Personal. Rev. Dr. Pritchard and family arnv- Mr. Elly A. Gasque. of the Pee Dee beating the gentleman from Maine, haswIOSIngwUl walCi Index, published at Marion, b. t., is in withdrawn from the race, instigated the city and registered at the Purcell thereto, it is rumored, by some consid House. erationa not vet made rjnblic. It is Rev. Dr. Carmichael did not go to said that Mr. Hewlett has alleged his the Warm Springs, but is no w in Fred- inability to pay the expenses of the cam encksburg, .where he was suddenly paign an(j a3 an offset to this it is alleg- called by some important business e(j that a certain Republican here ofler matters, and where he will remain until ea to put up the money for him . - t WHILE MRS. TAYLOR IS IN THE NOHTH SELECTING THE FALL STOCK, U. S. Senator Henry B. Anthony, of Ehodfl Tclanrl a A an A Hn f(( fit rnmaenee. on Tuesday afternoon, in tie 70th year of his aire. He had long the 13th inst. Miss Cannie -Chasten, daughter of Mr. John M. Chasten, left on this morning's train for Boston, Mass., where she will enter the New England Conservatory of Music as a pupil. Miss Chasten is already an accomplishs ed musician and has met with deserved success as a pains-tak- and thorough teacher; but St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-destroyer. she ha3 a iaudable ambition to stand at the head of the profession, and will de- LOCAL NEWS. Manv fine horses, seemingly-used up. been a sufferer from a chronic disease have been saved by the tirnelv use of iDg tot his deah was sudden, ho baying been on the streets on Mondav. Mr. Anthony bad been Governor of I Stale Island for two terms and in 1859 ke entered the United States Senate as Laion IiBpublican, succeeding Phillip Aien, a Democrat, who. like himself. w been Governor. Mr. Anthony was "sleeted in 18G4, 1870. 1876 and 1882. ue was the oldest member of the Sen- c m consecutive service, and was etosen its President pro tern, on March S31669, and March 10, 1873. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yates School Books R M Mclu tike Black Goods Hkinsbekqek Great Musical Wonder Knights and Ladies of Honor Local ad F C Miller Friends and Fellow-CItizen3 Munds Bkos. & DeRosset Drugs and Pat ent Medicines There are also reports to the effect that Mr. Hewlett did not find out how poor I he was until altera visit which it is said was paid to him at his residence on the Sound by two of General Man' ning's personal and party ; friends. It is uncertain as yet whether Mr. Hewlett will accept a position in the Post Office or the Custom House, but one thing else is certain, ana mat is that the faction of his party , whom he deserted, are hot on the subiect and are not sparing in their denunciations Another large consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just and before we receive our new stock we wll give decided vote a year or two to the study of the science under ihe tuition of the great teachers of that institution. She has pnprtrv. nat.ience and unflaffsinir indus c j . " -' I i . -r . tt 1 T- . try. together with a reverential love for 'eceivea at jacobi a xiaruware uepoi-T music. While at the Conservatory she xiie Soldier's Return. wmuuwu u v,uu..u - The campaign yesterday in quest of Pompey Sneed, although conducted IN HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS. SILKS, SATINS, LACES, GLOVES. FANS, HOSIERY, New Hiullets. FEW BliLS. OF FEES 1 1 CORNED MULLEIS FOR SALE. . Jg2i DAVIS A SON. Wagonette JpjR WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, will leave Soatherland's Stables DAILY at C P. M. sharp. Returning, will leave Sound at 7 A.M. shai p june25lf T. J. SOUTHERLAND. . Conoley's Drug Store. 210 MAIWiET STREET, j (Formerly known as "City Drugstore.") A KULL LINE OF DRUGS. FANCY AND Toilet Articles. Cigars and Cigarettes. Conoley's Cologne In any quantity desired. oda Water with pure Svrups an Cream. aug 29 J. W. CONOLEY. THIS WEEK, KEXT, MD S(L 0L. IKDEKD BVEUf WEEK WE RECEIVE NEW GOODS. Lot ot nice Feather Dus ters iuat In. Bird Cages. Patent Chiraoev Flue3, Pumps. All kinds of tinning done by the best workmen. Old stand, PARKKR & TAYLOR PURE WHITE OIL. ecpt "FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITFZENS : JTJEAR ME FOR MY CAUSE AN BE SI . lent, that ye may hear." Colognes, Ex traots. Toilet and Sachet Pow ders. Soap, Turkish Towels, Toilet Cases. Full line ot Drugs Ac. Prescriptions a spec ialty. , At F. C. MILLER'S, aug H Corner Fourth gnd Ncn sU OFFICE OF ' Dr. S. C. Ellis, TU'O. 323 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, op jl posne aiiiicrs urug biore. y Note change of cilice hours, which are as follows 7 to 10 a, m. , 3 to 0 p. m . aug 21 ; " - .- Groceries; WAS A TlirE WHEN buy so many things 0 rilHEBE NEVER llousekeepcra could science and harmony, a branch of the in whifih she has already made consid- I . i i i The receipts of cotton at this port to- ",.'mnrnaa. , vigorous luut" wu'u i r i iii t-i in &.tr a. k j - a m & day foot up 26 bales. '"Pi . iae Democrats have cause for self fulation over the result ot Tues WJ s elections in Vermont. The State 1113 gODe Republican, it is true, mat was a forerono conclusion. The latest reports from Pompey Sneed were that he was alive and well- Fullest assortment of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. t era Die progress. t irminate as successfnllv as was Everybody in want of Paints, White hoped. The posse returned safely last Lead. Glass &c, should go to Jacobi's night and Pompey is supposed to be still in the woods. Much anxiety was Dos Tongue; telt here dnrins the day for the safetv of CORSET?, UNDERWEAR, i '.! JEWELRY, SATCHELS, &cc. call will convince you of the same at Taylors Bazaar, 118 Market St. eent3 ' fl Wo Viovrn ViH nccRfiinn f rftntlP.ntl V. I ii . I.. J 11,1 within the last few weeks, to speak of eonnter theDeriisofthe forest in search MlltlnS BPflS. & DsROSSSt- . . a. t ; 4.. UAtm I.. ... j a. . I, H - I . . ... I wmm t IS finv nDOUL LIUIU UCKiU IU1UU&- Iha nrirn nnftmines OI OO LUUSUO lUai I -F Via ilroarlnri Ant anr nhh nr. a ra. Tile Democrats did not fight to carry put for the storms and high winds pf hs being gathered and shipped to the I Heved only when they had all arrived Mate hilt tn TA(!nfA thP fftnalirnl I Cont arnUar- , . " unukM . mji5luUH .jonty ot their ODDonents and in this t l. " i w rv i -ra mil i ' j 11 j a. i i - n - - . i - . . . - fined exclusively to a few localities m reported that he, regardless of his im' DrUgS fit Patent lYI 0CI !CI fieS. I ' . 1 a vl k 'Port AhATf'a I . -1 . r- " i country, uiaiiuiiji n iwv,u6JI i mi nent pern, ran against a iormiaaDie in Duplin county, and Point Caswell, ODStacle with such force that he was in Pender county, have heretofore had pr0strated upon the ground, and it is the credit of being the principal points aiso reported that he got seriously shot of shipment for dog tongue and this m tne neck: but as these are possibly : Uin (tsAn an(!rolv 5 itnnrMl ea va aal ' r t i e I PORE IFOOdS. ! uiij "-""iV"J '6UU,l'u mere campaign rumors, wdico are ire - orders attended to with dispatch and wills eJ have been successful. In 1880. the wPowican vote in Vermont for Gov- !"r was 47,848 for Mr. Farnham. The democrats cast 21,245, and there was a eoobact vote of 1.578. Farnham' asfey over his Democratic cfompeti rwC6, COS : over all, 25,025. The eiurn3 are not jet all in but the Dem- kic estimate is that the Republican Knisrlits and Ladies of Honor Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve r... i ?; i li ning, t an attenaance uesireu. When joa can get a stylish pair of pants made to order for bo, we can it rhPftP. Yon can do it at John Dyer & Son-s. t cheap. Some of the substantial are np 'lis true, but the average y low. We aro dally receiving NEW AND FRESH GOODS. All orders sent by servants will be promptly at tended to. and any error will be corrected at once. All are invited to call, inspect! and price goods. No trouble to show them. Eggs are up, and we wish we could say as much for the quality, but wo always try and Imitate one celebrated In history, who did it with his Hatch-et." o pun intended, augsa F. a. & N. ROBINSON. - School Books I School Books! -School Books ! QPECIAL and Teachers. The efforts made by some of our citi- the port from which the principal por- qUently more or less exaggerated, wo faction, the same as if parties wfrc present l -m a I VABfami to iivn d ii summons lion 19 unauy saipueu auer uaviug uccu do not tretend to ronch tor their trulh- fn. ... . . i-ciu i ... .. .. . i a juriiy Wll nnt croncH "fl (MHl Ann ill. r. 1 l,1mrMic hrnilffht hPTB from the DIOTS nameO. I Mnnoj Tkn wea .nnrlnf.J r f I . - . w irnmninraTniruuenLiciiui iuuivi uusi w 0 - - . imuw wuujtoiiAi i IQlS VlPW icj , . ? J .knur m I . . i I TTr amams that 1 a rcrQ nli.ntlt ioa et I t a. ' - i . l 1 1 1 - - l.? sujuiueu it win aun j W e heard an instance oi one woo- i m"-"-"-" u aoouisuuzeo men wane buu uiack- n ,wno defection on the part ol the Wp11. wr. will sav nothing further about dog tongue are gatnereu in tbis im- and 50 was originally intended. Some- Pflblicnn vntora TKa irs I .. I moliitn vif.initv and that loads of it are 1 u n ..t,...-: r-., !i . - I I . . ... .... . r " "ult 11 13 trup vnt it ws ihn roan it oil l hronht here uaiiv ana Daieu reauv lor u.. PDet nnh iha rh;0r-qnri nhan ; ra 41 t - 0 - I vw w vuaa u wv m t r-j ictk m mat otata wmcu ia 1 - . . snipmenu io wcwawuuua iu kumwus i iouuq mat me principal musician nau TerJ Hsnificant indict 5 f iHa vnta the Passport to morrow, apt. w ;thin ft m lies of the citv. and: as LKf.inMi misMi f d,c- Aotember. There was no active P SOCiCt S IZiZ iU importance as an aHicle ol com- Dmty, the. number dwindled down "cmfymtu -.t . iL!. 1 it it pniten uu. iiuu iuat ia a duuiuiuuh 1 . . . . t 1 . ..... .. ..iv. cuuvas in v ermoci lor p ' - ... . . . An merce nas rxen aemoasirateu, git amazingly, in ine meantime, rompey Jetton. cuarantee that it will be ail that is dc- rtcaT.uiiw jUrpn- s. SifCU. . : - lKiira mtKaro it and hmori tfht. 1 1 hrB for 1 tda T?annk1in'n rmn-rmtrm aug 21 The Advantages DISCOUNT TO MERCHANTS We make a specialty of TEXT BOOKS adopted by the State Board of Edu cation. Priced furni:bcii on application; Email orders by mill will receive pronrpt at tcntlon. C. W. YATES, aug II 113 Market Street. Great Musical Wonder ! P KAZOO. LAYS ANY TUN 4 IMITATES ANY bird or animal, bagpli, lunch and Judy. HAVE IN PURCIIAStNO BOOTS ' r AND SHOES of ns are a" large tiock to selcc ''!- ' i ' S -'-.' i from, goods of reliable make durable to i : -' :.-.".. '....'; I.I ' - . ! ' . 1 - wear, neat to fit, and we guarantee prices aa . -1 1 I . . . . I . . . . , i. 1 . wr t . manv oersons especially cnuaren- i nreoannsr to Lake an active Dart in ow, m www,. wu -swurs. j HuQU in tha Vun. !,rlM4 . louowing expose of one of thegrand l villainies which has yet bee j at- ptea during the campaign: -a a. uaum nas wnttcn a Wb invito the attention of ur citizens a market, and there is hardly a day bat .u r- kof firf nnlitv shirts are I we see several carts loaded with the Every Farmer ongbt to get a yourself. ? Boy Geo. IL French &Sons, bein made to order at one dollar at the fragrant leaves passing 'along our CUpper Plow," greatest invention of Wllminston Shirt Factory. tf. I streets. , '- tbro.' JACOEiistha sent. f 1C3 NORTH TRONT STREET All, old bt younr.qnlckly learn 1 Li jac with out instruction When u.-H5tl bv minstrel and specialty artists, .quirtettes or choruses, it ln: warlably receives repeated encores. Jf trrnUh es goo I danclcg matic for excursions, picnic, etc Superior to anythiaz cl- for campaign clubs in street rnrades, etc. Used as mourn piece on bra&s or tin horns, a goori baud can be lorracd with lltthj practice, as t he keys re quire no fiagcrirg. Price, lo ccnts Kazoo with whip, cine, tan or trumpet attachment, 15 cents ; by mall, 30 cents, rorsalcat sept 1 r . IIEiNiil!fe.UtEi:. BEER iiea. toti can tret it fresh and kx-cokl at aicGOWANi? TUI?K IN3IPID, TAhTELE.55 JLJ wl Why drink-common, bc42chc whiskey when yoa can get pure eld Clemmer at JJcCjowac? Why atsoVe common cigars, the smell ot which tilstuibs every one around yoa. wbea Ioa can get a better one at as low a price at IcGOWAN'S? Echo answers, why?

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