. , ... w. - Snndavs ex- ..hud evw CYCM.i'Ot eptea 07 T. JAMBS. JOSH ' vvnPKIETOX I x - . Ath 35 cents. ,v7. tl.oo; ob"- n w deUvereu oy f F? !; part of the city, at the above Vocenf per week. PTaJng rats 10 w .. .11 f .11. ,vr8 win report Z7nnilv ieww has tte largest Emulation, of any newspaper fhedtyf Wilmington. 7T7ATrc TICKET ,..,:..n Tnosday, Nov. 4. if toK president: -GROVKR CLEVELAND, 0f 'New York. ron vice president: TH0MAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. roi:: r-OVEKXOB : ALFKED M. SCALES, of Guilford. FOK UEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAJS, of New Hanover. FOK SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM. L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. VOK STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, : of Wake. for auditor: W. V ROBERTS, of Gates. koii attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. FOK SIFEKIXTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION : S. M. FINUER, of Catawba. ASSOfUTE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT! A. S. ME11RIMON, ot Wake. I-OK EI.ECronS-AT-LAKGE: Y. 11. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. VOL CONGRESS : II. T. UENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. Bismarck appears to still nave spies busy making maps of the fortifications ot the various European powers. Minnie Maddern, the actress, got on oT a disagreeable contract in New York oq the ground that she was not of age She is only nineteen years old. The wealthiest man in the world i the Chinese banker, Han-Qua ot Unton. He pays taxes on an estate of 450,000,000. and is estimated to be worth a billion taels. which' in our money, would be about fourteen hundred million dollars. j Dr. Hext M. Perry, of Philadelphia, is compiling a genealogy of families of the name. He is a son ot Governor Perry, of South Carolina, who came from England with Elliott, the Indian apostle. Bishop Perry, ot Iowa, and lion. Amos Perry, of Rhode Island, re descendants ot the same line. The very spot on which the late Czar ot Russia was assasinated is being marked by the erection of a great cath edral for which the Russian Govern" ment will purchase from the English Proprietors, tor 12,000, the Well-known Picture by Paul Veronese, "The Ado" Wionofthe Magi." I A Philadelphia clothier has inauga fated a new branch of business tba. f tarnishing mourning outfits on hire He had for years been hiring out swal iowtail coats and white dresses for beddings and he saw no reason he should not extend the same en uprise to black goods and occasions 0 bereavement. ; Tbe Prince ot Wales was present on a i-em occasion at an audience given by xaeen Victoria to some of the minis-tr- "I believe," says Labouchere in lae London Truth, "it is the first time lbat H. R. H. has been in attendance on such an occasion; and the incident may, I'ernaps, be taken as a sizn that in in lare he will devote a closer attention to mQ affairs." Miss Hooper, daughter of the United States Vice Consul fJAnerftl at Paris. tas determined to enter the theatrical Profession and has accepted an engage a?Qt with Augdstia Daly. -She will au next week to enter upon ber new career. For three years past she has oeea under the noted Parisian profes or, M. Tallieu, the teacher of Damalo other celebrities , . Now is the time to give Smith's Worm r 1 E VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Miss Mary Custis Lee, the famous Virginian's daughter, ventures on the Yankee coast, a warmly welcomed trnnat- of Rav T-TVw.. - I t"-" " -" w-- Mrs. Frank Leslie says she does not mean to buy the Continent, so the pros pect is that somebody will have to pur sue the fool's errand ot makins bricks without straw. Mr. Joseph Patterson, the Philadel phia banker, who is a prince ot enter tainers, has arranged to give a dinner in honor of the distinguished scientist. Sir William Thompson, his guest. Rev. John Maro, an oiu colored preacher and author of ihe familiar hymn, "We're Traveling Home to Heaven Above," is very ill at his home in Athol, Mass. He is the only colored resident in the place. "Moncure D. Conway," says the Richmond, Va., Slate, "a native of Virginia, who will shortly return to this State, complains that the London Unitarian?, to whom he has been lec turing for half a century, have not treated him cordially. They, on the other hand, say that Mr. Conway's ministrations are too irreligious for any use. The compensation of American post masters runs irom ijw.uuu per annum down to almost uouuus. me post- l 1. : tii 11 master of New York receives 8.000 per annum. 1 wo thousand postmasters leceive less man ten aonars eacn-1 spoclally for the benefit of colored peo-Thrrty-four were paid less than one pl but the arraDgement has now dollar each last year, and a dozen of these live in North Carolina, iThe worst paid man last year was the post master at Redalia, Pitt county, N. C. His compensation for the year's work was only nine cents. The New York Herald says that Cleveland s election is as sure as any thing earthly can be sure of accomplish ment him in the future. It is, in fact, so confident in its belief that it is already looking forward to tbe organization of the new President's cabinet. It suggests that grand old gentleman, Thos. F, Bayard, of Delaware, for the first place, that of Secretary of State, Samuel J Randall for tbe Treasury portfolio and Allen G. Thurman, the grand, the great and the good, for the Secretary ship of the Interior. Jay Gould's only brother Abram, who has been for eight years past the Colorado agent at Salt Lake City of the Union Pacific Railway, while on his tative of the Kansas City Star: ..jay has been in many tight places since he began life, and he generally pulls out all right. 1 think you will find that he is not, and will not, be cornered. He has always held his own, and every time he clinches that Wall street gang they get the; worst of it." It conveys an idea of the iucrativeness of high places in England in "the good rir loco" hot 1 n 1 ji rno r non a 1 rnr- 1 ney-General stated in the House of Commons that the late Lord Ellenbor. ou-h had refused 400.000 for the office in his gift ol Chief Clerk of the Court of King's Bench. When Lord Ellenbor- OUgn neara mat it was vacant u was uu 1 t 1.1 A. . . I horseback, and, and alighting, he wrote in pencil on his saddle his son's appoint ment, the groom being witness. The place a complete sinecure was worth $35,000 a year. . Mr. John Gehrhard, Waterloo, Iowa suffered a long time with rheumatism, without relief from his physician, but a few applications of St. Jacobs Oil, the wonderful conqueror of pain, cured him. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W A Fkencu Sale Postponed C W Yates School Requisites Pine Grove Myrtle Grove Oysters Heinsbeboer Great Musical Wonder FC Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens Munds Bros. & DeRosset Drugs and Pat ent Medicines The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 193 bales. Fullest assortment ol Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. There is not a schooner in port nor an American vessel of any description The straw hats at Dyer's are stylish and cheao. We are surprised at the low price. t The storm flag is still flying and the weather has been threatening all day with frequent showers. We invite the attention of urcitizens to the fact that first - quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, ! tf . A Mr. R. Meadows, whose resignation of the charge of the horses of Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1. on account ot con- .? 1111 . . . uuueu lii-neaun. we annnnnmi in nnr issue of the 9th inst., requests us to state he did not resign, but was dis charged. Our thanks are due Mr. A. W. Riven- bark, ot the Live Grocery and Com mission House on North Water street, for a nice bunch (ten in a bunch) of cigars. 1 no present is uuly appreciated a . a -a... ana it is our nope that tne generous donor may "live long and prosper." Messrs E. W and M. F. Manning have on hand now, at Pine Grove, at WxinhtsvilleJ the first lot of the season ot Myrtle Grove oysters.- with which they are prepared to regale their guests Daily, of the Brunawick Circuit. Rev! Capt. Manning tells us that thev are Mr. Fentral and Rev. A. L. Mendcn unusually fat and well-flavored for hall, the latter of the Society of Friends, September oysters. The Young Men's Democratic Club of New Hanoyer county will bold an important meeting at the City Court Room to-morrow night at 8:30 o'clock, bpeabing may be expected and business transacted such a3 will advance the best interests of the party. Old as well as young Democrats are invited to at tend. The Last. excursion on the Passport, on The Mond av last . was the last colored ex- 1 1 , L; aaaann rnrn ih cureion of the season. During: the Summer Mondays have been set apart for thu vpar r- The Mechanics and the Electrics, two base ball clubs of this city, will play a match game at Smithville on Thursday the 18th inst.. which will be the last of the season. After the game there will be a supper at the Hotel Brunswick. The festivities ot the day will conclude with a grand ball in the Pavilion at night, which will be also the last of the season. 11 business win permit we shall be there providing we can get a Passvort from Cant Harper, who, we understand, will take a party to Smith- ville on that occasion. The Bobbins Case. The case of Sol. Robbins, charged with an assault and battery with in tent to kill, which was brought betore the Mayor yesterday for investigation, when the defendant, through his coun sel. Mr. Marsden Bellamy, waived an examination, and was remanded until the opinion of Dr. F W. Potter, city physician, could be ascertained a3 to the nrobable result to the wounded Doliceman. was again brought up this morning. At a late hour last night. Dr. Potter gave it as his opinion that officer Latham wa3 not in a dangerous condition, upon which the Mayor said that he would fix the amount of bail this morning, which he did by requir- iog the detenaant to give a jusunea uuuu a la uw wiaua v m. anco at tne next term 01 ine rimman Court. Robbins failed to give the re- quired bond, in consequence of which ue was committea tojau. The liast Keeratta. VOAn . f anneAn TOin ho , nxrnv A WrihUvilla Course to- morrow under the auspices of the Car olina Yacht Club, providing the weath er should be favorable. It will be an exciting race and will undoubtedly draw a large concourse of people to the Sound to witness the contest. The hoata will be called at 12 m. and the race will begin promptly at 12:30 p. m. A gold medal will be awarded to the winning boat, and the following yachts will compete for tbe prize: Bubble, Commander Richard Cam eron. Mabel. Commander G. H. Smith. Madfje. Commander J. McRee Cow- an. Glide, Commander Pembroke Jones. Itosa. Commauder Win. L. Smith, Jr. Hard-Times, Commander. J. H' Daniel. Phantom, Commander J. K. Wil liams. Retta, Commander F. H. Lord. Mascotte, Commander W. L. Pars ley. Look at Your Tickets. The followinz tickets drew the prin cipal prizes at the monthly drawing o the Louisiana State Lottery, at New Orleans, on the 9th inst: No. 70.468 -,t.t nrimAf ff5.oO0i Nn. 15.612 drew $55,000; No. 55.712 drew $10,000 ; Nos. 21,451, and 46,901 drew 1 6,000 each, and "Nos. 18.290, 33.515. 1 59.419. 62.483 and 84.620 drew $2,000 each, " - - in Prnm nn n.ioon, learn that there is a deep and pervad- mg ieeung or religious interest now agitating me hearts and possessing the souls or lender county. In nearly every lownsnip there is a great religious rnwaKening, such as has seldom it ever been known before. Our correspond- ent says; . A proiracten meelinir was bcMrun at the Rocky Point Methodist church on banday last, under the direction of the preacher--in-charge, Rev. J. C. Crisn. and the interest manifested is strong aud is spreading. Services are held twice a day and the meetings arc at- tended by crowded conirreffations- and many are seeking the way to salvation. a noted revivalist and a preacher of power. Professing christians are aroused and unite in the good work go ing on, while the unconverted aredeeD- iy stirred. An interesting meeting is also in progress at Bunraw. con- ducted by Rev Mr. Phillips, a talented Presbyterian clergyman. JnG hlp.ssfid revival nnw in progress at the?e two places has been at work in nearly every church in Pender coun ty for the last two or three months. The ministers seem to have their hearts anointed with unction from on hiirh. while laymen are stirred as never be fore in lending their aid to bring sin ners to the cross of Christ. The needed ana n0Die worK Kes oraveiy on in Pender. Under these glorious yisita- tions of the spirit of the Lord, the fol lowing accessions ot members have been recently made: Pike Creek church, 25 members'; Hopewell, 13; Topsail. 27; Point Caswell, 21. These are Presbyterian churches. Of the Missionary Baptist churches. Mount Holly shows an increase of 27, and Shiloh, 25. The statistics of increase in the several Methodist churches are not at hand. Thus have efforts been "made, and still continue,'to rout old Satan from his accustomed haunts and former do minions, and to bring all conditions and classes in Pender under the Divine young and old alike are flocking by hundreds to the glorious banner of vuiwti. uarujuu aio icucwcu 1U IUC vnristian graces and are co-operating 0 uatr.a w;fK f-a ,- holy efforts to induce the conviction anu conversion 01 sinners, renaer is tast oecoming one ot the banner coun ties of the State in effectual religious service and church membership. New churches are being built and old ones repaired, while '.he ministry receives a better support, and Christian organiza tion and discipline are better than ever m VI am . before. So may it continue! S. Sept. 10. 1884. The freight rates ot our great trunk lines have been advanced, but this will have no effect on the price of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which is sold at the old price of 25 cents a bottie. Convicted Himself. It appears now that the colored man, John Henry Williams, alias Irving Davis, alias Irving Lang, is a murder er and that there is more than an even rvr-a-rst f (1 f Kfa fi I ri rQ i ion nnAii t r answer at the bar of Pitt county bupenor purt to tnat leanui cnarge. 1 w w wwMwwwwM v - occasions ana 10 amerent maiviauais, that he killed Moses Berry, in that county, by knocking him in the head with an axe, out wnn some tnis wastnougnc to be the foolish talk of a half -drunken man who was given to boasting, He now states that he was accused of kill ing Berry, and that in consequence Of these accusations he cleared out to avoid being arrested and tried lor tbe crime. Mayor Hall, however, received a letter this morning from Mr. Parrott, one of the Justices of tbe Peace of Pitt county,' in which the facti of the murder were set forth and a description given of the murderer, and especially describing a scar on each cheek. The age. size, build, color and general appearance fitted the pris oner to a nicety, but to make assurance doubly sure, Chief of Police II. C, Brock went tnis morning to see if he bore tbe scars described, and he found them, sure enough. The authorities of Pitt have been notified by deputy sheriff W. H. Shaw, and ah officer is expected from that county clothed with the proper aathorty to take the prisoner to that county for trial, providing be should be the right man, of which there seems to be but little doubt, LowWater. Steam boatmen report that there m ' -. e m seems 10 do a aisposiuou manuest m 1 1 m rf". W rf" . A. 1 somepiacesin me ape if ear lor tne water lo tarn back and 1X1X1 lhe other waJi wmca means inai lDe WBMJir nnplcasantly low. making navigaUon BiOW anu leaious. xnej xvpurk slow and tedious. They also that there Was very little rain fall along the course of the river yesterday. Another large consignment of Sash. 1 Doors & Blinds at Factory prices; just -rw. -ml -rt-.M. receivca ai j acoei 3 rutrair&zs xjsgj Religious Awakening Pender. 11, 1884. NO 1 217 Last night was one of the darkest we have noticed in a long time. The uursness was so micnse mat it almost j 1 - . . . . j 5eemea 10 Dave rn apa stance. Brig, Carrie E. Pickerituj. Marshall, cleared to-day for Demerara with 230.- 000 feet lumber, valued at &3.220, shipped bv Messrs. E. Kidder fi Son. Such is iho aspect of the weather that we fear many will bo deterred from at tending the grand ball at Stokloy Bros' Pavillion, on the Sound, which! is an nounced to take place to-night. , Schooner Paul P. Keller, j Foster from Jacksonville, Fla., for Iiilade! phia, put into Smithville yesterday for a harbor, the wind E. Ni E., and weather stormy. - I : Scbr. 8, G, Ilart, Smith, cleared for Paysander. S. A., with 393.632 feet lumber and 10.108 feet paling, t valued at &(J.055.9j, shipped by Mr.f A R. Campbell. I I i We thank Mr. L. G. Cherry for demijohn of that delicious scupicrnong wine sold by him at his store km the corner of Market and Second fstreets. 1 It is certainly a nice wine and a cheap wine. ! r We have been requested to call the attention of the authorities to the dan gerous condition of the shed roof which projects across the -sidewalk fpn the Northwest corner of Chestnut add Sixth streets. It is liable to fall at. any time. The sale of real estate in this city, under the direction of Mr. iW. A, French, Assignee, which was advertised to take place to-day at the Court House has been postponed until Tuesday next, the 10th inst., at tho samo place and hour. I 'i Col. Staples. Mr. Thos. W. Strange, President of the Young Men's Democratic Club of this nitv. is in ropint tn-rlaV nf n. I urreeusuoro, aiming mat ne is oeiuineu in Greensboro on a verv important I ro cq onrf oonnf thorDtnra fill Ina or- r Dir,. . M.fliIt ). . gagement to speak at Smithvjlle to- morrow. He will arrive here omor row nnrht. however, and DroDOses to speak to the Young Men's Clubbn that occasion, directlyaf ter his arrival, and will go down to Smithville Saturday and speak to the people of that town on' that day. ! The Young Men's Club are tp meet in the uity uourt Koom to-morrow evening for reorganization for the cam paign, and it is on this occasion that Col. Staples will address them, the speaking to commence probably about 9 o'clock. The Cornet Concert Club are expected to be in attendance and furnish some ot their delightful music, and the gentlemen of the Club have reason to hope that there wli be a large turnout on that occasion. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. irvr-le Grove OVSterS. yE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A J5FLEN- dld lot of 01 STEliS, ani are prepared to iur- nish ROASTS during the season in gciod style at PINE GROVE. S ED. WILSON MANNING, M. FLETCHER MANNING, sept 11 21 thmon rac -' liY A. O. McGIUT, Auct'r. . J ' ! House and liot For Sale. B Y VIRTUE OF THE POWERS CONFER ed on me by a deed oi trust executed by the late Asa A. Hartsfield, bearing date 3d day of June. il. ana recordea in book u, u. u. naze 338 of the Records of New Hanover County, I will, on Thursday, the llt& day of September. 1884. at the hoar of 11 o'clock, a m.. at the Court House door in Wilmington, sell to the highest bidder, at public f auction . for cash, the nonse and lot on the West side of Seventh, between Market and Princefs streets, the late residence of this said A. A. Ilartalield ize 01 lot mjxm. t WM. A. FRENCH, sept H nactths Assignee. MS- Above sale Is postponed until TUES DAY NKX I, 16th Last.! T H E No. 2G N. C E M, Front St j S TO BE OPENED THIS EVENING, AND . i ! ' J the nablte will be corditllr welcomed! bv the Proprietor. Mr. WILL WEST, who will exert himself to give his friends and those who call 1 on him a good time. i 1 scpitny Bed Room Sets. "A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED $TOCK. DINNER AND TEA SETS . - VERY W. GILK? A MimCHISON'S. sept s 3S and 40 M urchlcn Block. Conoley's Drug Store. 316 MABKET STREET. A ULL LINE jSl Prescrlpttona. OF .MEDICINES FOB Soda Water and Cigars. Conoley's Cologne still ahead. Come and irr It. jfresenpuoM prepaxea wiin c&rv at ay l"uuio sept s ' J. WY COKOIXY. - FLCA2 I OTICX. Wi wm t glvi to Ttoclf eomaualcatlCB, team our frfend oa aay all ;ablcta; gezaeral interest but The nxiat of tht writer taut aftnyi ba tlAhM to tlia Editor. - Comaimilcaaona nmit M - wrlttoa oa oa om We of the paper. ' PeraoaalUleaianat be avoided.: ' Aad It la espedalJy aad rartlcalariy xjbie lood that the EHtordoca not ahraya e&dua the TlewB of ccrrcipoadenU cjUmv c tuta In tbe editorial cohxxins. . v NEW ADVEKISEMENTS S. H. Trimble; STOCK ASDT REAL ESTATE BDOKKIl and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description.. Offic corner rrinccaa and Water Et recta. Cronly & Morrl&a oki stand. Personal attention given to sale of notices and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con Blgntnents solicited. SETU W. DA VIP. s-I10 " Anctloncr. Board AEW TAliLK BOARDKUS CAN BS accommodated during the Summer months at reonable mtcs. Iltaut location, ood attendance and the best tho market affords. Transient boarders accommodated by tho day or week. MUS. KUUKUT LEK, . , ll35 Market Street, july U lydaw Wilmington, N. C. Certainly You Can. Why we have had that kind or GOODS from TUR FIRST. such aa COOK STUVKSof great merit. Sheet Leul. Guns. Gun Wads, Lamps and Hxtnrea, Toilet Seta, Slop llucketc, Ironln? Boards, Lad Boards, Cheese lioxca. Brooms. All these and more you can buy cheap of 1'Alili.Kll cfc TAYLOIi PURE WHITE OIL. sept 8 For Rent. jjousK coRXEie r i mi and DUCK streets. The house will bo put In thorough repair before the 1st of October. Apply to sept 10 St EDUARD PESCIIAU. For -Rent.' XWELLIKG WITH 10 ROOMS and all neeeseary out bulldiDgs, ia a do sirablo location, Owne family re quires 0 room?, win board with party rent tag. Address P. O. BOX 473, pti3t City. New mullets. 0 FEW BBLS. OF FRESH CORNED MULLEIS FOR SALE. aug 23 DAVIS & BON. E. C. Blair, JgROKEB & COMMISSION MERCHANT for the sale of Flour, Meal, Grain. Cotton and Foreign Fruits. Merchandise and all kinds of Country Produce sold and prompt returns guaranteed. Consignments solicited. E. O. BLAIR, aug 28 No. 19 N, Second Street. Great Musical Wonder I PLAYS ANY TUNA", IMITATES ANY bird or animal, bagpipe, Punch and Judy. KAZOO. All, old r youne, quickly learn its uso with out instruction When used bv minstrel and specialty artists, quartettes or choruses. It in variably receives repeated encores. Furnish es good dancing music for excursions, picnics. etc scper.or 10 any tiling ciec lor campaign clubs in e treat parades, etc. Used as mouth piece on brass or tin horns, a good band can ue lormeu witu mim practice, as toe scys re quire no lingerlrg. Price 10 cents. Kazoo with whip, cme, ran or trumpet attachment. 15 cents; by mail. 20 cents, tor sale at sept 3 llKlNSliKUUKil'. To tic Members cf tie l'onng HeiV Democrat ic Club of New IlanoTcr Conniy, rjlAKE NOTICE THAT THERE WILL BE meeting of tbe Club on FRIDAY EVENING, Sspl. 12th, at 8 30 o'clock, at lh3 City Court Room, and you arc earnestly requested to be present. Ami you are further urged to invito all good Democrats, both old and young, to attend yie meeting with you. There wlllba speaking and business of Importance will be considered. THOS. W. STRANGE, Prcst. sept 10 N. F. PARKER, Sect'y. White Cypress or Yellow Pine. SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS GUARAN TEED A3 GOOD AS THE BEST. . Moulding. Brackets. Balusters and Orna mental Wood Work. - aug 25 PARUEY A WIGGINS. PARSLEY & WIGGINS, M A N UFACTURERSJO F SASH, BLINDS, V00RS, ANJ9 OBNA3IENTAL WOOD WORK, aug 25 Munds Bros. & DeRosset, UKUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, N. TTKEP A COMPLETE LINE OF XX Drugs & Patent Medicines. The beat Imported and American . Toilet & Fancy Articles, Alfraya on hand, to be sold as low as any house In the cily can sell RELIABLE and PURE good. Orders attended to with dUpatch and satis faction, the same as It parties were present. aug 21 DRINK INSIPID, TASTELESS BEER when you can get it fresh and ice-cold at AlCSOWAi.' Why drink common, headache whiskey when yon can get pure old Clcmmer at UcGow&rs? Why smoke common cigars, the smell of which dlstmbs every one around you. when Jon can get a better one at as low price at cGOWAN'S? Echo answers, why? . .. acsSi..: ill

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