THIS PAPER 9rer7 evening. Sunday eepted by. JOSH T. JAMES. sUnn sir month, t V 'Tv.. ti.0O;! oneBun c win be delivered by earner xreo rse vr- t or tne ci.y. a ATI V 1 " ta oer wee- -t. or lv . 1 eive their paper regularly, r PAID: t2.0G. Threa 1 ri H JL1 DAILY 1WS J- - . ... . rate low aiia mwnu. - nrrfT VTTT will report any ana an iu t vsjlj. T 111. WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, 1884 NO. Si 9 ntn hrut thp. laraest rm 1MT.LV , ,.. rirMlcUion, of any newspaper s s i0 Dc a COUsia of Joel pti- iATIC TICKET. juia tiurst, me Georgia wonaer, The recent heavy rains hero appear to Chandler have extended all along theWil mington Harris, the humorist. & Wcldon R. R. and as far North as Aurania Jarrett's on tbe Petersburg & Weldon U. K. Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. t ok president: GBOVEB CLEVELAND, of New York. fUB VICE PRESIDENT : T0MAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOK GOVERNOR t ALFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford. FOK LIEUT. GOVERNOR': CHARLES M. STEDMAN, of New Hanover. F01i SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. FOK STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. FOK ATTORNEY-GENERAL: TIIFaDORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. The Cunard steamship arrived in New York on Sunday, hav ing made the run from Queenstown in seven days, two hours and seventeen m-inu'c3. The Oregon still retains her title of "Queen of the Ocean." as her run in April last wa3 made in six days, ten hours and nine minutes. Rev. A. M Conway, -ef the First Baptist Church, coloredt will fill his pulpit to-morrow night at 8:30 o'clock. Subject: The Corruption of Human Nature. Postponed. On account of the tempestuous! weather, the meeting of the Young aien a liemocratic vJIub. wnicn was announced to be held last night, was postponed until 8 30 o'clock to-night, at which time it will be held at the City Court Room. i Rev. Colin Shaw will conduct services Carter Harrison is the most popular to morrow morning and evening at - Democrat in Illinois. He is specially usual hours at Second Presbyterian strong with the Irish, German and Polish voters, whose political strength at the ballot boxes in. Chicago alone is respectively 20.000, 40,000 and 4,000. The combined foreign vote of Chicago is more than 70,000, against 25.000 na tives. Carter Harrison expects to be elected Governor in Logan's State, and if any man can perform that prodigy he is that man. church. There will be a congregational meeting at'close of evening service. As will be seen elsewhere, there will be a meeting of the third Ward Demo cratic Club at the City Court Room on the night of Tuesday, the 16th inst. It will be for the purpose ol reorganiza tion and we hope there may be a full attendance. For As will be seen in anotheru column the Passport will take passengers to Sniithville to witness the match game of base ball, between the Mechanics and Electrics, of this city, which will be played on the 18th inst. game there will be a supper Brunswick, the whole to conclude with a ball at the Pavilion. Columbus Court. Col. Wm. A. Guthrie, of Fayette- ville, is in the city on this return from Columbus Court. He will leave to night on -the boat for Fajetteviile. From him welearn th3t the Court ha3 adjourned, alter a rather uneventful session. Tnere were no capital cases and the civil docket has occupied all of the time and attention of the Couti. In Jail. 4 Mayor Hall is in receipt ol a telegram from Goldsboro stating that Torapey Sneed has been captured and is now in Alter the jail there. The dispatch give? no! iur at Hotel 1 ther particulars and it is not known here whether the report yesterday of his being shot, is corrector not. i Since the above was written we learn that the outlaw will be sent here from Goldsboro as soon as possible. " tie is Sudden Oeatli. Mr. James Guthrie, a ship caulker, while on bis way home a little before wounded severely, having been struck noon to-day, fell on the sidewalk on by a number of buckshot, but he is net . . . pt,easx t ones. TretrlilUgUd to receive comraua!ctkB j Zraa cur friends on ny tad all ;aubjc:;! . sea-rtitatcmt trtit - , The name of the writer rrtut arfriyi'l : tlshed to fee Edltcr CoraTBTratesttoss mntt b wrlttta c en om side of the paper. . Perscn&lltUiS tanst be arolded.; . Asd Itu eapecUlIy and parttasluy tle tocnl tht the Editor dees fioUirfrays eadm the news of cozTeepoadeBts ca1ck U! fci tae edltorUl coraiais. 1NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, SBTHW. I AVIS. Auctioneer: BY S. II TRIMBLE. V ON MONDAY. THE 15IH INST., COM rocnelQ at 10 o'clock, corner From ami Market etreeU. I willsei; at aucltou, without rcfcerTe. to the highest bidder. Four No. 1 juu:cs, 1 9 o gooa norecs ana one Top Ba&ffy. Parties wlshlofr to see this stock before sale will please call on me st my office, corner Princess and Water street. ; sept 13 Base Ball, Supper & Dance. rplIE PASSPORT WILI4 LEAVE k WJL L micron on THURSDAY, the ISth last-, at :.IQ p. m.. anlvlr.R in Smlihvlllo In eeason for the mi ten game of. Base Ball, lcartnp MnUhvillc atter ihe frupjer and'Ball at Hotel Brunswick and arriving here at 12. o'clock. Fare fosj-ound trip 50 cents. Tickets for Sup- per and Ball 50c. sept 13 it s w J. W. HABPElt. Star copy sun th Third Ward. rpUE J. WA NewOrleans has now six trunk rail- The pilots at Smithville report that there was a three-masted schooner an wavs' The freieht handled both ways ,-.feirio T-oatorrlav with thfi by rail in New Orleans the last com- Chafrres fever oa board. The name of b? m the vicinity, had the body convey- Queen street between Front and Sec ond, and almost instantly expired. Health Officer Hays, who happened to . -a ..IMS. a mercial year reached a total or aoout tha schooner or her captain was not 1,400,000 tons, which would fill 140.000 iearned; neither was it known whence cars and make up 5,000 trains, or over ghe came or whither she was bound. 15 trains per day throughout the year. f Dnrin that neriod 826.072 bales of cot- The last regatta of the season of , . i ,i Carolina Yanht Club was sailed over the ed to his late re3i lence, on Sixth street. between Queen and Castle. The de ceased was about 56 years of age, was a. widower, but leaves four children, two sons and two daughters. Ho had been comDlaining for several days o considered as dangerously wounded. He will be iailed here and held fortrial Speaking: To-Night, j Col. John N. Staples arrived in the city last night and was met at the depot by several members of the Yjoung Men's Democratic Club, by whohi ho was escorted to the Purcell House He leit for Smithville this morning, where Ley DEMOCRATS OF T1IK -THIRD ABD arj requested to meet la the City CouriKootn on TUESDAY, the 16th Inst , at S p. m , for the purpose of organizing for the campaign. A full attendance Is urgently re quested. J SO. D. TAYL.OB, ; Tres. Third Ward Dem. Club, sept 13 It Star copy False Pretence. W E ARE INFORMED THAT THERE In the name of the First (coloied) Baptist area number of persona soliciting aid Church 8. . School. It la false pretence, and the parties ought to 1e indicted and made to 6uflfer according to law. Toe said EChool has not authorized any one to beg money. A. M. COM WAY, Pastor. sept li lt fctar copy. l. n ... , 1 1 rnnnl- fri thn inmnrfl('V n t .. l.i ttt. u.:i 1 d1ott nnf. .. . ... , ...... o4.c y y - 802,655 bales by rail. The tendency of " lulsuw distress in ms stomacn, out, 11 was not, B rnD8wick ne will return to I IkM. fhnf hia rtnnrtitinn tvno or. a 1 1 I the modern railway, even by the Fa ther of Waters, is to displace river ; transportation. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF rUBIJC IN STRUCTION : S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JVTSTICE SUPREME COURT! A. S. MERRIMON, of Wake. Kn TXECTOUS-AT-T.ARGE : W. H KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. OL CONGRESS : R. T. BENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT , . ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. Mrs. Belva Lockwood was asked re cently whether. her nomination for the Presidency would receive the support of the Woman Suffragists. She replied : 'Certainly not. You must remember that women are divided up into as many factions and parties as the men. There is the Women's Christian Temperance Union, under the leadership of Miss Frances Willard; there are the Suffrag ists, headed by Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony ; and there is the American narfv. controlled bv Mrs. Livermore and Mrs Blackwell. N , situation is just this : i united the temperance w withstandincr the inclemency ol weather. We have as yet been unable to obtain a record of the sailing, which we will publish as soon as it comes to hand. We understand that Mr. Thos, W. Strange, of this city, has accepted an invitation extended to him and will precarious, ins aeatn is supposed 10 have been caused by apoplexy. dispense with stoves for heating pur- nncoa of tViof i not i tn tinn in tlm fnt.nrfi. speak at Point Caswell on Wednesday and heat lhe buildinK by means of a next, 17th inst.. together with Major They have determined upon,. vv.ivai. wu. cban2G as a matter of convenience, friends in that section are preparing for comfort and econoniy, and ask a big time on that day. for contriDUflon3 for the purpose from The Charlotte Observer says : Judge the charitably disposed in different A. A. McKoy left yesterday for his sections of the State, so that the object ill romain until Sun-1 mav be effected without usiu2 any of Lmj in j . awav j mington this evening in season to be present and address the Yung Men's Democratic Club at the jCity Be Generous. Court Room to-night. Col. btapies is The Board of Directors of the Oxford an eloquent speaker, and we hope that have concluded to a large assemblage- to-night will jwei- come his presenco and be pleased witn his speech. Orphan Asylum From Ueskto Footlights Many of our readers will remember the appearance here some years ago of a charming young woman, Miss Eva Britton, who appeared as the canvasser tor the Hurricane, a paper published by her at Charleston. Her pleasant manners and still more pleasant appear anco secured for her a shower of shekels Young Mr.1 Cornelius Vanderbilt pooh-poohs the story hat he recently lost S3.000.000 in stock speculation. - i The artists and picture (dealers at Pa ris agree that this is a bad year. No one, not even Americans, is buying pic-lares. . 1 1 I.. 1 f - 1 1 - A 1 II I tho nolitical dav. On Monday morning ne win open the regular mnus 01 me Asy mm . x l is I . - j II. - . a ttr I . T 83 Willard the fall term of the Superior uoun 01 de3ired to raise iu m w nmiugiou, anu during her stay here, but, if we remem pn w;h the Cabarrus countv, in Concord. J udge those benevolently disposed to aid in Der COrrectly, the papers were not de- Prohibition party at Pittsburg and had McKoy's bearing on the bench makes this laudable . work may hand their con- livered as promptly as promised, s&me - i0v,-0rtl trtoatoh the Suffragists: him a great lavorue every wuwe. iriDuuons tu xui. . or tnem not naviog as yet iiivsu. C fiuua auaw. i-w w- - i . ... . . r T-i T " m 1 Fullest assonmeni; oinsaing xaca.- , . , , - . at , . f A f t AiTa who will see they are properly expend- desk to the slagQf a3 W1tness the follow Ieu ana appueu. o wu i.uu,y u. ing ironi me jieveiauu xjwcj .- will be a generous response to this call, jot a'fevv of the vistors at the White The Western Union Telegraph office and that Wilmington will do her full Elephant this week have had theij at- the comfort of the wntion irresisuuiy uiawu lace andv iorm 01 ouo ui lug nfia Robert Bonner paid $227,060 for eight trotters: Joe Elliott, Edwin For rest, Edward Everett, Startle, Poca hontas, Dexter, Rarus and Maud S. ! M. DeLesseps declares that the leal reason for excluding George Sand rom the Academy was that if a woman once got in, m ten years there would be believe in the tree but the latter, finding that they were going to play second fiddle to the tem perance people, came out for Blaine and Logan. The American party nave n1ar pnrlnrKP d the ReDublican candi dates. Now, I thought that women in this city has taken a "new depar- share towards who believed in women's rights and lure wnicu wm auu muuu w u- uuo. temoerance ought not to on to the skirts of the Republican nn,f xr ow lrmo-or mid T oxurpssed these city, carrying U,1VJ uj wwfe, -r . I ,. , .l T .,U lnnc nnh. wnere n is ueairuu. u ouu tii& i For Sale. FINE CARRIAGE HOUSES, CAttUIAOE, PHAETON. . S&T DOUBLE HARNESS, . ' SETS EINGLE HARNESS, SADDLE AND BRIDLE. B0ptl3 tf A. D. BROWN. Real Estate. JJOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS ior sale In all parta of the city. : Cash or on the Instalment p'au. Apply to aug 30 'law 3m eat m D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent -eAniprtpft of tha business men here. It UtVllg J ww - consists in making a circuit ol me the wire to all places sentiments in a letter which was lished recently in several of the papers for women, rne nommauou is tuo in sult of the expression of those senti ments." A m m . I'atti, it is said, guards herself care fniiv aem.inst cold. She evidently does nnt hlifVP. in free coucerts. but does "call boxes," are fixed free of cost, where the person who wants to do business with the office, by simply pressing a lever, notifies headquarters and a mes senger is at oace sent in response to the call. These "call boxes" are register. nnnn th staee. Something in tier ap pearance seems familiar, but as yet, it is belieyed, nono have recognized the rather pretty y oung girl who handles her part so well that she generally secures a recall. It will unquestion ably bo something of a surprise to some ol me young miju uuuuu iuwu Scliool at Willard. J WILL OPEN A SCHOOL AT THIS place T2-1 of September, IRJi. Batca of tuition, $L5D, : i- ..... .. $2.50 and tf.CO, payable at the end of each month. Board $3.00 month. No student will be admitted for a shorter time than ono month. For particulars address me at Willard. eept 8 3w m s A. R. BLACK. ISY A. G. McGIItT, Auct'r. none but women in the Academy. The audience at McKee Rankin's Theatre is now seated by lady ushers. Mrs. Rankin herself trained these gentle creatures, and the New York papers siy she has made an success of it. Cough Syrup, several times. as use oi it has LOCAL NEWS. I Eoglish papers are sending out their best correspondents on the Gordon R6- liet EiDedition. anion? them being Messrs Cameron, of the- Telegraph, 0'Kelly, of ihe News, and Melton Prior, of the Illustrated London News. IFJDEX TO HEW A0VERriSEEIITS. Hop Bitters Hkinsbekgek Schcol Books a;d Brown For Sale II H Foster Vocal Cla-s John 1) Taylor Third Ward C W Yates School Requisites A M Conway False Pretense DkRosset A Co Stores for Rent Wanted A Situation as Engineer J W Conolev-Conoley's Drug Store Gen. Bob Kansom Married. Gen Robert Ransom, a gallant tar heei left over lroni the late "onpleasant ness," Who was formerly a resident of this city and who is well known all over the States of North Carolina and to know tha? she is none other than Virginia, was married recently to his Eva Britton, the young eaureM woo viitoim, tu,3a j vears and a half ago buttonholed second wife, a widow lady ot Colum a Sedhemo subscribe fori her bus, Ga. He passed through Charlotte prfpcrt the Charleston, S. C, Hurri- on Tbursdaylwith his bride, as we learn cane, at fifty cents a year, but she it from the following in yesterday's Ob- is. Her visit to the ;cuy hav beenac- uom b complishcd very quietly, and it is doubt- server: ful if a dozen persons are aware of her Capt. J. J. Ransom, au Air Line con- prcsence here. Her firt advent into ductor, brought in a bridal train yes- Cleveland will be recalled by hundreds. for.Uv morninff. there being comforta- if waa in .Tnnuarv. 1B82 She register- chants, as well as for the expedition of bly quartered aboard three couples ed her:naiue on the Ktnnard Hbuse K0;r,ca f th offiop. lIiat "t-M w,, Diouer anu luiuaiueu w 1 LXJ 1 wvy nvv. . " v 1 ahont whom he had his doubts. Among the three mentioned couples, was Gen B House and Lot For Sale. Y VIRTUE QF THE POWERS CONFER- Dr. Bull's ed at the omce so mai wneu iu aiuim cured her is riven the manager knows exactly where to send the messenger. It is a neat, useful and cunning arrangement frr Hi afipommodation ot our mer- cd on roe by adecdol trust executed by the latft Asa A. Hartsflcld, beating date 3d day of June, 1881, and recorded In Book U, V, U, pajce 3:S of the Hccortis of New ' Hanover County, I will, on Thursday, the 11th day of September, lst;4, at the hour of 11 o'clock, a. m., at the Court Uoubo door in Wilminjrtoo, sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, the hoaee and lot on the West side of Seventh, between Market and Princess streets, the late residence of the said A. A. llartsticld lze of lot Wx55. v WM. A. FRENCH, sept 11 nactths Atsifcnce. &e- Alcove sale Is postponed until TUES DAY NEX 1 ,10th lnat. otice. Personal Rev. Dr. Carmichael is expected to Robt. Ransom, of Newton, brother to Senator xviaii. . uauaum. ucu. "u som was accompanied by his bride, who was Mrs. Wildox. to whom he was married in Columbus, Ga and wn on h:a wav North. Mrs. Ransom ;a n nioasant. charming and attractive return to the city to night and will con c'uet thservices at St. John's to-mor row. Mr I. Sbrier will leave here on s W CONOLEV-Conoley's urug aiore. . . , xrrtrthorn markpts fnr ' piuasaui, vua.iuiub ... ... ,lr r- w.ii ni,.-ft Monaay for the rvorthern markeis, ior . assure her that she H Trimble Mules and Horses at Auction the purchase of Fall and Winter goods. nag capUired a tar heel of whom She Munkaczy, one of the greatest living artists, who painted "Christ before Pi hte," has just been put in a private toadhouse near Paris. He thought a Posing Gle of soldiers about to assas sinate him, shrieked wildly for aid, and . F C Miller Friends und Fellow Citizens MundsBros. & DeRosset Drug3 and Pat ent Medicines Day's length 12 hours and 26 minutes. There was no City Court this mom mas found to be hopelessly mad. i The Huntington Railway system, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific, -as C0D1Plete(1 a aav or two a wnen UlBe last spike was driven on the Missis sippi Valley Road linking Memphis a&d New Orleans. This system aore than 4.000 mile3 in length. He will be absent about two weeks. Rev. Colin Shaw arrived in the city last night and is the guest of Mr. J. W. Monroe. He will preach in the Second Presbyterian Church to-morrow morn ing and night, at the usual hours. Mr. Harry Walters, of Baltimore, may well be proud. A Word of Warniog. Some of the young white boys in the Eastern section oL the city have pro vided themselves with Chinese lanterns and during the pleasant nights of the ing. Mr. uarry w autre,, ui mv, . f . t week paraded The receipts of cotton at this port to- one of the Directors ot the Wilmington aroun(j two or thre3 squares in pro- four or fivo weeks - In the meantime she made her face a familiar one. Of slight, delicate form, a cheerful coun fonanrifi an d beautiful black eyes, sho had little difficulty in securing an audi- ence wim wuoever sne jp-.i;ucm. She carried with her a bundle ot liur- ncanes. a nine paper puonsuw i. Charleston, S. C, and ol wincn &ue said she was the editress. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at, the Wilmington Shirt Factory. ; tf. day foot up 107 bales. Sunset to-morrow aftesnoon at minutes past 6 o'clock. 8! There was ono interment in i9 Cemetery this week, a child. Wo are having pleasant and monu sm rpiniwd thereat The Democratic nominee for Govern-1 s o;: weioon tv. xv., uu j p I cession, occasionally baiting to give Superintendent of the Richmond & for their 3, which Petersburg u. K.. were m ine city tu-j, nflnioen.,. of course. These Uay . naradfts wore conducted in the early It gave us great pleasure w meei. xu , always .W4www v - C3 oar oflice HHy wun our. goou uwuu, , . . . o'clock. On two or wither Mr. Jesse Wilder, formerly of this city, L. f lhelast ni2hts in which they but now ol Brunswick, (.a., uas , n . . tQmDeretj colored hoon hp.rn fnr some davs Dast on a visit w . mf m Oakdalc r of Massachusetts is Judge Wm There was one interment that ot a to hig father. He leaves to-night on dh Qdicott, a lineal descendant of that! child, in Bellevue Cemetery this week. retnrn to Brunswick. OIEO. pURSUANT TO THE POWERS OF SALE contained in a lloTtgvgc Deed made by John Colvlllc and wife, and W. E. Hill and wife, to K. E. Burruss.f cpt. 10th. 1S7S. and a Morrajre Deed made b 7 John ClviUeAs surTivlnjr part ner of W. K -Hill & Co., to E. E. Burruas, January 2, the undersigned will sell for cash, by public auction to the highest bidder, at Abbottsburr, N. C.xm the 7th day of Octo ber, A. D. 1SS1. the following real estate in Abbottsburg snd Blden county, viz: 18$ acres ot land on the North side ot the ' llha Central Rllroad and West tide of Bladen mrwi. .ind a.ll michincrr beloneinr to the ! prrmlses, the property of Wm.E. U1U or John Col vine. 1 3 10 acres of land in Abbottsburg and known as the Osborne Jots. 18 acres of land adioining the lands first dc scribe! One lot known as the B. O. Thctnpecn lot. One lot known as the W. T. Baldwin Jot. Five acres of land known as the Servos lota lvioc East of Bladen st Sept. 4tb( 1.834. E. E. BURRUS3, aiorizagce. C. C. Ltos, Atty. tept 6 law 4w fiUTIIRIE At 11.30 oVlock. Sept. J3th 1S-4, of heart disease. Idr. JAMES GUTHRIE aged 06 years , Funeral at 4 o'clock, p. m , to morrow (sun day) at his late residence on fcixth street, be tween c as ue ana yueen. j v NEW AJJVEKISEMENTS boys attempted to spoil their fun by throwing rocks and breaking their lanterns, and on the last night of their hold and enenretic old Puritan, Endi- WOPO t n interments in Pine Mr. W. P. Canaday, Sergeant-at- aDDearance gacCeeded in dispersing tt, the first Rnvp.rnor of Massachusetts I Arms of the United States benate, is m lhpm hv lho destruction of two lights. (1644.1645). and inherits the strongU . , ... the ciiy. having recently returned irom striking ono of the boys in lh3 -iitj 01 nis coiomai ancesiAii ont his riinrfiiTv Ha ia a graduate of Vocal Class. fllHE SUBSCRIBER WILL COMMENCE A X clisa for lostructlon in the mdimenta of Vocal Music, at Brooklyn llall on or about the 30th lost. Term for 12 lessons $2 Thoee wishing to join the class will inform roe at the Betiew oflice or at my reiaccce,No.7l3 Mul berry street. It. H. t'OSTEK. septli -Star cpy 2t ; J Rev. J. W. Craig, of this city, will the funeral obsequies Of the late Sena- breasfc with a roctt hurting him severe- tor Anthony, of Rhode Island, the con- ly . Now, this will not do ! Colored boys mL L AU.Ua w n 1 - a 1 tl . ot iii a . t " m nrrfi iv 111111 ri 1 . the Boston Latin School, of Harvard.- ,1 of which was under Mr. - arenoUnUTfercd with in their pleasures o j-ij iinn In hi official canacux USJ UllbWtlW"! . - and served nine years on the bench of Uie Massachusetts Supreme Court re igning in i860. ing and evening service. asnred that the white boys Yesterdav Mr. Canaday received a 'leU ... . nrr,M0A in their amoseraent, The Register, of Deeds 'issued five ler from the members of the family oi . farlDer interference will cause marriage licences this week, three or distinguished deceased manpoE trouble. kt.T, werft for - white and two lor My father, aavs Mr."W. M.Harrison UrOnripfrr rr Vfo-r1nr Tnwa. Dva JYorks, tried a great many remedies colored conples. -rneumatism, wilnout euecr. ana -T fr?w,Rrnith,s Worm finally tried St. Jacobs Oil, thg great Now is the time to give Smith s worn paia cure, tsd was cured. ( Od.' . J . . .ma rnr ni . ser- nim in Ter? warui wcalu " . - 1 : . . -.- - , . . oa thkf ad occasion and the effl- v We we ! mi.TAf. nrcmonies eiesam pair ousiwuwi. w . . . , - , bought frora Djcr & Soa for ioc. T xrrrt irt.nrorn. 1 WT w . i - Conoley's Drug Store. 310 MAUKET STKEET?. milE NEATEST LIITLIS UBUU WU1U5 L In the city ana just uio Diace v gc yonr rod Watnr and Cigars! I'rescrlpuons put up at reasonable prices ana a any nour or me uay or oignw . - vwnuuu . Stores for Bent. I ; above now occuplod by Messrs, U. JoLnson A Co. r . Stare and offices above now occu tatAt bT A- Dnmslandt. -Both on North Taterat.; bttwcea xtim. aal Ctestout. Appir to nnr.J' a. MundsBros. & DeEosset, IItUGGSTS, WILMINGTOK, N. C. JEEP A COMPLETE 1INE OF Drugs & Patent medtcines. The best Imported and American Toilet & Fancy Articles, Always on band, to be Mid as low as any houe in the ciiy can sell RELIABLE and PURE goods. Orders attended to with dispatch ami satis faction, the same as If parties were present . ang 21 Why DRXXK INSIPID. TASTELESS" BEER when yon can get it fresh and Icceok at McGOWAKis? Why drink common, beadache whUley when yoo can get pare old Clcmmer at Mcliowan? Why smote common cigars, the smell of which distai b every one arouad you when J on can get a better one at as low a price at icGOWASTS? Echo answers, waj? ggg . v - - :" - "YyASTEC A PRACTICAL GIX Wkight snd Eslneer watU work. Address C. C. V7, 54 Eoath Eixta tucz, Wi'nlttca, K. C.