IBIS PAW eepted by jOSHT. JAMES ,prrO XirDFBOPBDETOfc CEIPTIO3 POSTAGE PAID: 8U woo. Six months. $2.09. THre je J" gjo. one month, 35 cento. Bntr will be delivered by carriers free ffe Pap any part of the city, at the abore CebrTio cents per week.' low and nberaL " . - 3 ,hir nner rearularlT. T;Ut Rtytrijwn has the. larcest & iM Aifi circulation, of any newspaper in tkecity o Wilmington. jlOCKATIC TICKET. Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. for president :5 GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. j. OK vice president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. t FOliGOVEKNOR': ALFRED M. SCALES. .. of Guilford. FOi: LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAN, of New Hanover. l-OR SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. fob attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. FOE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION : S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT: A. S. MERRIMON, ot Wake. fOR ELECTORS-AT-I.ARGE : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. FOL CONGRESS: II. T. BENNETT, pf Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. 1 Prof. Tyndall, the scientist, does not how bis own age, no record of his birth bavins been kept. There is a steady increase of intem perance among women in England, as ihown by the police reporU. A Brooklyn dentist at the Electrical Exhibition claims to have extracted seven teeth in five seconds by his elec trical forceps. A citizen of Syracuse offers to pay $1 to every Irish Democrat who will on the day alter election make affidavit tint he voted lor Blaine and Logan. , Mrs . Belva Lock wood founds her fa Wity in rushing for the1 Presidency on &e fact tbat she was the first to intro- iace and use the tricycle in Washing ton. Ella Whee)ec accuses Colonel John ... . - "yce of stealing her poem on "Sol tode" and palming it off on an editor 13 bis own. Ella proves her case and Lionel Joyce is branded. About 600 German newspapers are iwwisfced in the United S'ates, o i "n.cn seven are in the New Kris-land j Stales, 208 in the Middle States, eighty- j BTein the Southern States, and 350 in -c western States. among the babies to be exhibited at coming Paris baby show will be descended from Talma, the trage D. and another descended from Ber- de Saint Pierre, the author of "Wand Virginia." V nrrvo An. r f Via nVtlacf Jston jour&lists, has resigned the wsnip of the Saturday Evening We because ho cannot conscien I , . - -"fviii, .piaioo ia us UU1UUU9 I 13 13 characteristic of the man. . 3 scars aso what is now the onion tract of Chester, m OrangQ . , l' K Y was a worthless piece aJ. To-day it would bring readily UQO an ftprn T oof onmanr rn tVioco : Jio3 120,000 bushels of onions were Q' WQich were sold for more than 1 1 Y Tbia reason's crop will be ! . u larger. There are no other equal arge ooiou tracts in the country. - The Best "OUston Rucker. the well-known V. "Q ?11 merchant. Richmond, tellfi j in a lerrioie case oi ri?u :3,n.d burning rheumatism in his Jba. the-application of. St. mstaMoV! tno great pain-cure, gave cutaneous reUef and cured him. tH TOT 'lEWEWJ - - " . ' " ' .- . i ' - " - . ' I VOL. Till. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER LOCAL NEWS. IIDEI TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Baard Wanted E M Jouxstox Announcement Two J Hedrick National Mills Hetxsbergek Flake's Short Method Geo F Herbert, Prop'r Star Saloon E G Blaib Buy Cheap and Save Money. Mpnds Bros. & DeRosset By Steamer C W Yates Bring Down the Little Ones F C Miller Friends and Fellow-Citizens The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 534 bales. Fullest assortment o! Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. " f Rev. W. T. Jones will preach at Brooklyn Hall to-night at 8 o'clock. German barque Julia, Muller, from this port, arrived at Wulgast on the 17th inst. Three years ago to-day the late Presi dent James A. Garfield died at Long Branch. Economy in itself is a great income ; a collar for 10c at Dyer3 saves you just 15c a piece. f We invite the attention of ur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. . tf. lhe Mite Party of the Second Pres byterian Church will meet this even ing at Magnolia Grove, No. 807 Market street. A full attendance is desired. At Smithville. The match game of -base ball at Smithville yesterday, between the Mechanics and Electrics, of this city, resulted in a victory for tho former iu a r core of 18, to 17 for the latter. The ball at the Pavilion of the Hotel Brunswick, which came off last night, was well attended and the dancing was enjoyed by a large and happy party ol ladies and gentlemen. Keorgfinizatiou. The meeting for the reorganization of the Third Ward Democratic Club was held at the City Court Room on the nirbt of the 16th inst., but we have bsen unable to obtain a report of the proceedings until to-day. They were as follows: The meeting was called to order by Col. John D. Taylor, President of the Club, and in the absence of the Secre tary, Mr.:W. W. Shaw was requested to act as Secretary pro tern. An elec tion of officers to serve for the ensuing year was then held which resulted a3 follows : President Col. John D. Taylor, First Vice President Mr .T. Donian. Second Vice President Mr. S. Bear, Jr. Secretary Mr. E. G. Parmelee. Treasurer Mr. Geo. F. Alderman. This was a reelection of the old board of officers. When the elections had r been concluded several questions of in terest and importance to the Club were discussed, after which the meeting ad journed to meet again at the same place and hour, on luesday, tne yjrc inst., at which time lists of the various commit tees will be prepared and other business- of importance will be transacted. From Col. Brink. Editor Review. Bear Sir: The second article on the Wilmington Postoffice calls for further correction. The following card from the young man who left the office is rather crush ing on "ery good authority." Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 19ib, '84. Editor Review. Sir; I am tho young man alluded to in Your article on Wilmington Post office in Review of last evening. I desire to say that during my term of service in the Wilmington Postoffice I never paid a dollar for political pur poses and that I never wa3 assessed or requested to pay m that interest. Respectfully. &c. John Kennedy. Now. a littlo correct information as to the njimber and class of postoffices in the United States, with the number having allowances for clerical force, Trill show a less number by oyer forty eight thousand than you claim, between which to divide a sufficiency : Postoffices in the U. S . .50.351 Offices'of 1st class 81 Offices of 2nd class 40 1 Offices of 3rd class 1.833 Offices of 4th class 48 .028-50351 Of these fifty thousand three hundred and fifty-one offices forty-eight thousand and twenty-eight have no allowance for clerk hire, and the eighteen hundred and thirty-eisht of the third clss3 have very little. Respectfully, E. R. Brink, P. M. And this is our reply : Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 19, 1884. Wa hereby certify that a few days since we beard Mr. John Kennedy say tbat he bad been assessed for campaign pur poses, and that there was no use in de nying it, adding that be thought it no mora than right that a man who held a good office should be assessed in such cases to help retain it. -E. G. Blaie, D. S. Weeks, E. G. Yofp. Poinpoy Sneed In Court. The first act of the serio-comic drama entitled, "The Stale vs. Pompey Sneed, colored," was rehearsed at the Court House this morning to an audience which crowded the room to its utmost capacity. At about 9 o'clock the throng, principally colored, of both sexes; began to assemble, some to get a sight of Pompey. and others to be in season to secure a good seat (?) when the case should be called. By 10 o'clock, the hour appointed lor the hearing of the case, the sidewalk in front of the Court House was crowded with the anxious ones, who vrere watching for the noted Sneed to appear. The latter wis brought from the jail at a few minutes after 10 o'clock and taken down to the Court House and into the Sheriff's office, where ho was detained for a few min utes. Thence he was taken to the Court room, where the crowd had already assembled. Justice J. C. Hill came in at once and took his seat, and in few moments read the warrant upon which the ac cused was to be tried, which charged Pompey with "highway robbery in breaking into the shop of Dave Hall, colored." and taking therefrom a clock, a watch and some money, and asked the accused if he was ready for the trial, to which the latter replied in the affirm ative. The witnesses for the State were then called and sworn. David Richardson, colored, the first witness, said that he lived in the city. Knew Pompey Sneed and identified the accused as that person. On the night in question was sitting down near Dave Hall's shop. Does'nt know what hour of the night it was, but it was on a Sat urday isight. The prisoner came by where he was sitting with a clock in his hands. Prisoner kept right on at a brisk walk. Tn a few moments heard Dave Hall give the alarm about losing his watch and clock, and shouted for Pompey to bring them back, . but the latter kept on at a brisk run. Witness, in company with Emanuel; Merrick, colored, started at once in pursuit of prisoner, following the street the latter had taken, while some one else went another street to try and head prisoner off. Tho latter eluded them. Dave Hall, colored, said: I ,was working in my shop mending shoes when Pompey and two other colored men came in and, Pompey sat down for awhile ou a bench. Was fixing shoes and in a few minutes the two men be gan to make a noise and the witness looked up and Pompey was gone. Started once lor tie other room and got" there just as Pompey went out of the door with the clock in his hands. Wit ness said that Tom Wagner told him that he bad seen Pompey with the wafch. This witness i3 a one-legged shoe maker and is very deaf and his testi mony was an incoherent mess, which we have tried to give as faithfully and correctly as possible, and know that we have gfven it substantially as he gave it to the Court. Tom Wagner, colored, called, but failed to answer. Laban Smith, colored, said that he knew nothing about the case. ThU closed the case for the State and the defendant had no testimony to offer nor did he interrogate the State's wit nesses when the opportunity was given him. Justice Hill then said that the tesi mony was such as to warrant him in requiring of the defendant a justified bond in the sum of $500 for his appear ance at the next term of the Criminal Court. case no. 2. The same defendant wa3 then ar. raigned on a charge of larceny, but on account of the absence of two important witnesses for the prosecution, the hear ing of the case was postponed until 10 o'clock a m. on Friday, the 26th inst. case no. 3. Although the two foregoing cases re lieved Pompey of further present action so far as Justice Hid wa3 concerned, he was not yet out of the magisterial wil derness for no sooner had these cases been disposed of than Justice J. C. Millis appeared with a warrant charg ing Pompey Sneed with an assault and battery with a deadly weapon. This case, like that immediately preceding it. was postponed until 10 o'clock a. m. on Friday next on account of the ab sence of important witnesses- for the State. This ended the proceedings in his case for the day and Pompey was re manded to jail to await a further hear ing on Fridiy next. We have been repeatedly asked, dur ing the last few weeks, what Pompey Sneed was outlawed for? What has he done?" and many kindred questions, to which we have been compelled in variably to answer that we did not know. Nor are we able to giye a better answer since the proceedings of this morning. It is possible that be com mitted a highway robbery by stealing a watch and clock out of a man's house, but such a sort of hiyhivay robbery would hardly be considered a capital offense; he may have committed the larceny of which ho stands charged, and he may have beat a man severely with a weapon by which death might have been inflicted; but it seems to us that neither of these offenses, nor all of them combinedr- h even provent of such heinous enormity as to justify his being an outlaw and liable to be shot down at any time and by anybody He is without doubt a bad man and we are glad that he has been captured and in a fair way of having his guilt or in nocence established. It is better for him ; it is better for the community and it is much better for the ends ef justice that he should be under the" keys and bolts of the jail, so that when he is wanted he may be forthcoming and brought to trial, instead of being hunt ed and hounded as he has been for the past four or five weeks. Topsail Quarterly Conference. The third Quarterly Conference of the Topsail Circuit of the Methodist E. church convene, according to previous notice, at "Prospect Church, in New Hanover Co., on Wednesday. The Presiding Elder of the Wilmington District.iRev.. W II. Bobbitt, presided, and Dr. S. S. Satchwell was elected Secretary. The usual routine of busi ness was transacted. The reports, com ing in from the stewards, and that also made by the pastor of the various churches in the circuit, Rey. J. C. Crisp, showed a very favorable and encouraging spiritual, as well as finan cial, condition of the churches. Lay men have taken a new departure in Christian duty, and are laying hold of Christian work as never before, and in this way they are sustaining and co! operating with, the pastor in Sabbath Schools, prayer meetings, and other spiritual service - - Education received a new impetus at the hands of this Conference. A writ ten communication was received from the trustees arid owners of Rocky Point Academy, offering the Academy property at Rocky Point to the Confer ence, free of charge, for educational purposes. The offer was accepted, and the Conference resolved to establish a high school in the eligible Academy building at that place. To this end the following gentlemen were appointed to receive the property in trust, and to start and manage, for the circuit, a high school, viz: Messrs. F. II. Bell, John E. Durham, Dr. J. C. Shephard, J. T.B. Averitt and Dr. S. S. Satcb. well. The Board of Managers will en gage tho services of a competent teach er, as principal, and the institution will be in operation at an early day. On the paper question the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That in cordially recom mending to public patronage and sup DOrt the Raleigh Christian Advocate we take occasion to mention, with pleasure, the reduced subscription price of one dollar and fifty cents per anuum, ot that fearless but orthodox Metho dist paper, the Methodist Advance, so ably edited by that eminent writer, Rev. W. M. Robey, D. D., assisted by his efficient corps of editors, viz Rev. F. H. Wiod, aud Rev. M. V. Sherrill. Rocky Point was selected as tho place for holding the Fourth Quarterly Conference for the present year. The entire proceedings were harmo nious and cheering to the cause of Methodism. JLo Not Delay. It is desirable that those wishing to forward articles to the State Exposition should have them at the depot ot the Carolina Central Railroad as early as possible to-morrow, a3 the train will leave promptly at 4 o'clock p. m. Capt. Nobles will be in attendance to mark the packages and seato their shipment. Personal. Rev. Dr. Pritchard went to Burgaw on this morning's train for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church at that place. Wo are sorry to hear that Mr. J- M Henderson is sick at hi3 residence on Fourth street, betwecu Red Cross and Campbell. Miss . Karrer left last night for the Northern 'markets for tho purchase of new goods for the Fall and Winter trade. Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy Clipper Plow," greatest invention ci the age, Jacobi is the Agent.' t 19, 1884. NO j 224 City Court. Miry Bradley, colored and tan old offender, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct. She was ad indeed jruiltv. and a fine of $5 was imposed. j i Walter Williams, a colored boy, ftr throwing rocks in the streerj was sent below for 10 days. ! Another cole red lad, whose name we suppress at the request of his mother, was fined $2 for throwing reek in the street. Kclljrlous Awakeniuit. Our latest advices are thati IheT great religious revival at Rocky Point still increases in interest, under ihe power ful and effective preaching of I?ev. A. L. Mcndenhall. Up to yesterday about fifty bad professed conversion aSd the altar was still crowded withj penitents. S Jch an upheaval of religion! was never before known in that section'. The rarge Rocky Point Methodist Church has been crowded to overflowing, we are informed, twica a dayj aid the congregations are profoundly attentive and serious, but free from excitement. Hardened sinners and old, gray-headed men, whom no preaching could hither to reach, have been deeply stirrjed and brought to penitence and arc now in the church. Mr.MenendhalL is greatly loved by the people ot Rocky Point, it seems, and has done a great and glori ous work there. This able and fearless champion of the church seems: to be very successful wherever hp goes in reviving Christain professions and in inducing sinners to repent, j i We also hear of'extensive revivals in progress at the Bethlehem and Ixjug Creek Baptist Churches, in Pqndbr. During the match game of base ; ball played ai Smithville yesterday Mr. Fred B. Rice.catcher for the Mechanics, received a severe blow Dy being struck in the eye with the ball, but! he had to go one eye ou it he although held hi3 position to the last and finally came out victorious. Keeping a diary -is not What; it is cracked up to be. Thirty days o accu racy is about the limit ot the i endu rance; but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has never yet disappointed any onS who has used it; secure a bottle tor that awful cold. MARRIED. DOSTKR KING In TradesTllie, S. C. on the 12th Inst , by Rev. D. M. Austin, Mr. JOE DOSTER, eon of the late JDr. T. W. DOSTEU and Miss MINNIE KING, daughter of Kev. J. E. King. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Board Wanted. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE DESIRE board In a dcBlxablc location, withlih flvo min- i utea' walk of business centre. Terms no ob ject, other things belng'equal. Address sept 19 "t I, care of Review Office. ' STAR SALOON! j i Geo. F. Herbert, Prop'r, ltf Market Street sept 19 it Buy Cheap & Save Money'. 11 G. BLAIR, NO. 19 N. SECOND fcT., Is offering a beautiful white roller Flour jxt $5 50. A good white Flour at $5.25. A fair II-- Flour at $1. Virginia White Water Ground Meal always on hand. ; sept 1 ) . Announcement. Inn, lit, ii i Aajxuurujtt uxscLr AtA. dldate for the office of Sheriff of Pender coun t . If elcctel I will pledge myself to discharge i f the duties of the offiec faithfully,, without re gard to party or party organization J r septl9U&wlm E. M. JOIISS$ )N NATIONAL MILLS. All Wool Cassimeres, I Direct from the Factory. DESIRABLE G0OD3 FOR MEN & JJOYS A FULL LINE JUST OPENED " . ! JNO. J. HEDRICK. sept 19 , For Rent- STORE ON SOUTU. cIDIS MAR. X . l,xk&rH ket street, ia ietiencouri liow, now t - occupied by A. C. WcaeelL JUNIUS DAVIS, i Trustee. sept IS 3t fyrTASTED A PRACTICAL GIN Tf right1 aa Engineer wanta work. Address d C W. 534 South Sixth S txcet, Wilmington, C. ceptliSw . p JPLJCAS OTICV TTtvSltMgiid to rccerro 03ttaoxlceoa frca our triends oa any tsA an .'K&jtKSi; ffeacra! tetereat bsl Tt txme of taa writer mail ahry ! fcisbed to the Editor. CommmilcatioM must t vtsttea os oa one tde ot the paper. Personalities omit t aTO&e&t . Axfl It U especially and particularly xjsCt tood that the Editor does zut ilway esdoi the tIcwb of correaponaejiu vatoc o rtt tn tho editorial coramna.1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, S H. Trimble, OTOCK AND REAL ESTATE BBOKR k. 1 HTld At!t)nnMF nf f !kam I tf . k. i. . i-ZJlt .. . - worn- w stand. vehlcs at private sate or at auction. Con- 8?P 10 Auctioneer. Cape Pear Academy WPMOWf MONDAY. SEPT. TIT. English or I'Luslcal edncaUon acquired Fully equipped with school appliances. Full corps teachers. kV Mease enter son at beginning of session. See catalogue in Bo kstores. . , WASniNUTON CATLKTT. sept 15 Zvr , PrtnclraL Important Change. JN ORDER TO GIVE THE CI! JZEN3 OF Pender county, and especially those who will attend the County Conven'ion, an opportunity o hear MaJ. btedman speak at Burcaw. on Mond jy, tept. 29tb, I have change 1 the da for hol.ling the County Convention from Wed nesday, Oct. 1st, to Mohday. Cept. 29th. Tho Convention will be called to order promptly at 11 o'clock a. m. The speaking wUl tako place af ler the business of tbe Convention la over. jno. R. PALDISQW Sent IS I h.llrflmn Horn K-r nmmtin " . - - WUtM4VW Female School. St. James' Seminary, ... MISSES BURR & JAMES. Principals. MRS. M. S. CUinrSG. Musical Instructress. TMIE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL, SESSION . of thia School will commence on Monday, 6tu of October, l'8t, and close about the third week In June, 15S5. Special opportunities for learning the art ot Painting In water colors, oil. pastel, Ac , wl'.l be afforded those who desire ttielr children to learn thl3 beautiful and fashionable accom plishment. Pupils outside of tho School ac commodatcd with suitable hours for hearsing Music or Palntlpg. For funhcr particulars enquire of the Principals. tcrt IS Rev. Daniel Morrelle's English aud Classical School, No. 420 Orange Street, Corner of. Fifth. rpiIB TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL, 8E3- slon will begin (U. V.) Wedneday, the iirst of October. Information with regard to terras, Ac, may be had at any time by calling as above. . sept 17 F. G. & N. Robinson, KEEP THE Choicest Family Groceries CHICKENS, EGGS, Ac. Fruit Preserves to Arrive. SOUTH FRONT STREET. sept 18 TELEPHONE NO. 65 I First of the Season To-Day T JIM McGOWAN'S OLD NORTH STATE SALOON. Come and see and taste. . leptlG TJie tfirst iVew lilver Oysters! QF THE SEASON, AT THE GKM SALOON, No. 20 No. Front street. WILL. WEST, ecptlG . Proprietor Fiske's guoUT M&TIIOD OF KEEPING A LAW YER'S ACCOUNTa. containing Collection Docket. Court Record, Ledger and Cash Book, with Index combined in one. This syttcni of at counts, with Us COLLEC TION DOC2Erriaawork no lawyer can af- ford io be without. Is designed for the sole ue of Attorneys, and cmbracees every feature consistent with an attorney's office record, taking the place of otfrseparate books Price, with Blotter between each leaf (interleaved) $5.5J. For sale only at HEINSBERGEK'S, sept 16 Lfro Book and Ho&lc Stores. By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAF. 12 CAKES FOll t!5 CTS. QOODWY.VS COMP. STTEUP, Hypophosphlles with Lactates and Pepsin, which Is already being prescribed by oar Physicians, and for which we are agents. Munds Bros. & DeRosset. Market Street tcpt 13 ' . Wilmington, If. C. ' Stores for Bent. WAREIIO0E-""AND OFFICE3 above now occupied by Messra u. wciiusua a. IO. , u . . . pl3d by A. Dumelandt. - l1; - ! Both on North Water et. ; between Jfnuteaa and Chestnut. Apply to augLj trccpy2t DeSOSSET CO. mm

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