THIS PAP8 ... l ct , ceDted by jOSll T. JAMES. -prroB A5DPEOPBirroB. OPTIONS POSTAGE PAUX 57. sir month, $2.00. Three 4.00 1 One month, 35 cents. oStW' will be delivered by carriers free I f P any part of the city. tne auove or 1" 0611 7,nT, ,x,d HberaL Al, will report any and all Jail- -ZUe their paper regularly. rr - $ 'rJ'. -relation, of any newspaper 3lOCUATIC TICKET. 0. Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. KOK PRESIDENT :J CROVKR CLEVELAND, , . of New York. . Foi: vice president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOR C.OVEUNOR : ALFKKD M. SCALES, of Guilford. FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAN, of New Hanover. FOR SFX'RETAllY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD YY BAIN, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR: V. P. ROBERTS, ofGate3. fou attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. TOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT' A. S. MERRIMON. of Wake. FOR ELECTORS-AT-LARGE : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. FOL CONGRESS : 11 T. BENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTn DISTRICT , ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. The lawyers of Madame Patti and the Marquis de Caux have arranged that the latter shall join with Patti in io application to the divorce tribunal, which, it is now expected, will give its assent to their legal separation. Clark Mills, much talked of as h. sculptor and now dead, left a large es tate, over which bis relatives are at lav. Clark ;Mills, Jr., declares that Mrs. Susan E. Mills, who wants the widow' third, was not legally his fa ir's wife. What Mrs. Charlotte Morrill reallv said was that the Republican party had disgraced itself by nominating "so wicked and corrupt a man for the high' est office within the gift of the Ameri can people as I know, and my husband fcnew, James G, Blaine to be." la many parts of England an unpre cedented drought exists, on account ol toe Ion, dry Summer. In Kent poor People are obliged. to pay six pence a Pail for water, and are forced to save that they use for cooking, in order to fcake it serve on future occasions a "ngolar sort of economy. T A call was made at Chattanooga, the toer night, for a meeting ot the Irish Americans fayorable to the election, of James G. Blaine. The reporter of the fiwe "found about fourteen persons, &7 actual count, not all Irishmen, and u' a lew Democrats. bWdes several "Pectators." j The Rev. Dr. Miner, of Boston, has enjojed the privilege of having seen se?en generations of his family all but ae last, a child six months old-inUhe iSanie l.nn.n tu' i : u:u ux pfLetnpster, N. H., now resides and la which his parents, grandparents and lci-grandpatents aiso resided. Gen. Butler, 4n an interview out "est, frankly said : "I am running to Cleveland." While that is the tnth it is onW a nrt f th truth . The pen. should shave said : 1 am run to beat Cleveland- and to elect jaine, on Jay Gould'r mbney." The jneraTs present campaign will be as jjccessful as his campaign against Fort planer. Tlmf wna V.A nntoaBf tlin orst smelling and the most disastrous failure of the war. r . Woundea Hunters. gjot. Jacobs Oil, the great healer, on hunt ar vr0Qnaea m Sunday, ex-1 , - '' 1HE BMET : llf IEi ! 1 f 4 " 1 - - "' i . I 1 -T- VOL. Till. WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1884. Anniston. Alabama, has 5,000 inhab itants, and will soon boast of a 1io!el that cannot be easily matched any where in the South. It has all the latest modern improvements. In front sixteen acres have been laid oft as a park, and will be planted with trees and ornamental flower beds refreshed by fountains. It overloaks a mountain country of great grandeur and beauty. Our Wilmington folks read this with a sigh. The cordial reception of the Duke of Edinburgh in Ireland gave great satis faction in London. It is worthy of note that during the summer an unprecedent ed number of landlords have taken the trouble to visit their estates in Ireland, and if it should become the fashion to spend part of the Irish rent money in Ireland, half of the land disputes would be settled. Absenteeism is the most vicious ot practices for any country. The census of 1880 gives some inter esting statistics regarding the class manulacture. It says: 4,The capital employed in glass manufacture during the preceding year was about $20,000 , 000; that 24,000 men. girls and boys were employed at wages aggregating 9,000,000, and that the profits of the manufacturers were $4,000,000. Thus the average wages earned by the labor ers were $370 a year, and the profits of their employers were 20 per cent. The Washington Post thinks that the policy of the Democratic party is to hope tor a victory iu Ohio next month as a welcome gratuity, not as a neces sity; to rejoice over it, it it comes, as an unexpected benefaction making the election of Cleveland and Hendricks sure; bet to look upon that State as the natural and indispensable meat of the Republican party, and feel no dis couragement or disappointment if it goes as it has always gone m Presiden tial years. Straw hats and linen dusters will not be so very popular as heretofore. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, however, will be as popular as ever. LOCAI; NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Day's length 12 hours and 11 minutes. Change of Schedule C C R R W E Davis & Sox Apples, Apples Heinsbkkoek Fiske's Short Method Munds Bros. & DeRosset By Steamer C Vf Yates Bring Down the Little Ones F C Milleb Friends snd Fellow Citizens The season for excursions is about over for this year. It is now about time lo look out lor the equinoctial storm. ' Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 58 minutes past 5 o'clock . The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 389 bales. " There were no interments in Oak dale Cemetery this week. There were two interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week, both adults. The staging around the steeple of the First Baptist Church has been all removed. " There were three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, one adult and two children. The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses this week, one of which was for a white and two for col ored couples. Oar Republican citizens are having some kind of a political meeting nearly eyery night in the week, and they keep it going until a late hour. It is a foolish girl who will ask her lover which he likes best, beauty or brains. No matter which way he ans swers she is sure to get mad. Voters will do well to remember that there will be an entirely new registra tion this year. It will begin on the 30th inst., and continue 30 days. We invite the attention of ur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt. Factory. tt. Rev. K. McDonald will conduct services to morrow morning and even ing at usual hours at Second Presby terian church. The first number of the 2ar Hee Magazine, by Geo. I. Nowitzky, is re- pceived. It is certainly a readable mag azine, is well gotten up and presents a Tery neat appearance. It is worth CVery cent charged for it, $1.25 per an num, and we wish it an abundance of good luck. I Several distinguished men of the State will writo articles; for the next issue. It is published at Raleigh "Love with intclWt will --www A miracle," says an exchange. Yes. if such a combination could be made, but love and intellect do not speak as they pass by. The passenger traffic on the different railroads leading into the city has ma terially increased within the last week or two, although the regular Fall travel has not fairly commenced yet When you see a man now, during business hours, standing on a corner and gesticulating and loudly talking about 4the financial, situation of our country." you can bet that if you. got him by the heels and shook him awhile you couldn't shako forty cents out of his pockets. The Scientific American says the best of hickory used in the arts, where toughness is required, is obtained from North Carolina and East Tennessee. Notwithstanding this fact most of the axe helves, buggy spokes and other ma terial for carriages is imported from other States. City CQiirt. Amelia Bradley, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct, and was fined $5 for the offense. Scip Horrell, colored, for disorderly conduct, was also fined $5. A colored boy, whose name we sup press at the request of his mother, was also charged with disorderly conduct and fined $5. Some Taters. Mr. William Otersen, grocer, on the corner oi Market and Fifth streets, sent us this morning a basket of the fin&t and largest sweet potatoes we have seen this year. They were raised by Mr. J. K. Jones, at Gordon's planta tion, on Smith's Creek, about 5 miles from the city, and are of the variety popularly known a the "Norton yams." We weighed 4 of them and they turned the scales at 7 pounds and three quarters. ppincntt' Masrazlne. LippincoWs for October opens with a very pleasant and well-illustrated ar ticle on the "Pictured Rocks of Iake Superior." The "Personal Reminis cences of Charles Reade," which have excited general interest, are brought to a close. Readers interested in the pro gress ot education cannot fail to be struck by the description of "A School Without Text-Books." "In an Orch ard," is a papar redolent of summer. ' Industries of Modern Greece," is not a statistical paper, but an account of a ramble among the shops and bazaars of Athens, where the writer resides, with sketches of the work-people and their pioductions. "Wit and Diplomacy in Dictionaries," notices some of the curi osities in the way of etymologies and definitions that occur in recent as well as early works of this kind. "Aurora' and "A Trip to Killarney" are contin ued, and there are short stories by Elizabeth G. Martin and C R. Corson, poems by Philip Bourke Marston, Julia C. R. Dorr and Charles J.' Hildreth, and the usual complement of good things in the editorial departments. Ember lays. The Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week are known to some of the Christian denominations, particularly to Episcopalians and Catholics, as em ber days or periodical fasts, origi nally Instituted by Pope Calixtus in the third century for the purpose of implor ing the blessings of heaven on the pro duce of the earth, and also preparing the clergy for ordination in accordance with the practice ot the apostles as mentioned in the 13th chapter of tbo Acts. In the year 1095 the council of Placentia made the observanpc of three days regular as regards the seasons by enacting that they should be the first Wednesday, Friday and Saturday fol lowing respectively the first Sunday in Lent, Whitsun Day, Holy rood dy (Sep tember 14) St. Lucy's Day (December 13.) The terme ruber denotes a course or circuit, the days recurring regular ly at slated periods in spring, summer, fall and winter. With others the epithet is derived from the practice of sprinkling dust or embers on the head in token of hnmiliat;on, and also from the circumstance that at such seasons it was only customary to' break the fast by partaking of -cakes baked on embers, or ember bread. One of the canons ot the English church directs that the ordination of clergymen by the bishops should take place oa the res pective Sundays immediately following the ember .'days. Animal food is pro hibibited by the Catholic church on all caber days.. -J SchrJ. P. Wyman. Torrev. cleared to-day for Port au-Prince, Hayli. with 150,205 feet lumber and 18.800 shingles, valued at $2,263.81. shipped by Messrs E. Kidder & Son. Those who could not get the articles intended for the Exposition in readiness for shipment to-day can have an oppor tunity of shipping them during the early days of next week. It has been uncomfortably warm to day, notwithstnnding the fact that the wind was from 1 ho North. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the thermometer in this office registered 84 degrees. Rev. W. II. Bobbitt, D. D.. will fill the pulpt of Fifth Street Methodist Church on to-morrow at the usual hour, it being the fourth quarterly meeting for that charge, for the present conference year. The hour for holding the Sunday School at the Front Street M. E. Church has been changed from 5 p. m to 3 p. m. The night services will be at 7:30 o'clock. Friendship supplies the place of everything to those who know how to make the right use of it; it makes your pr sperity more happy, your adversity more easy; a suit of clothes from Dyer & Son is a guarantee to friendship, f Cotton. The receipts of cotton at thi3 port for the week ending with to-day foot up 2.362 bales, a3 against 1852 bales for the corresponding week of last year, an increase this week of 510 bale3. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 3,497 bales, as against 3.972 bales to same date last year a decrease this. year of 475 bales. Carelessness. j Why will people be so careless as to throw grape hulls upon the sidewalks and thus endanger pedestrians ? With a very little exertion they could be thrown into the gutters, where they could do no possible harm , but as it is, the side walks are strewn with them and there is hardly a day passes but some one is nearly thrown down by stepping on the slippery things. Personal. Prof. M. C. S.Noble, Superintendent of the Public Schools, arrived in the city iast night and registered at the Purceli House. Mr. John M. Chasten returned last night from Boston where he went a short time ago. with his daughter. Miss Cannie Chasten, the latter to enter the Conservatory of Music as a pupil. Mr Chasten speaks in glowing terms of his trip, as well as of what he saw and heard while at the "Hub." A Work of Art. We saw at Brigg3' pharmacy, a day or two since, an elegant and elab orate piece of tapestry work, which hal been forwarded to Raleigh for the State Exposition. It was the handiwork of Mrs. A. W. Rieger, of Brunswick county, and was beautiful in design, and showed to advantage the skill, pa tience and really artistic genius of the fair lady. The coloring and shading were very nice and were ar ranged by a most skilful combination of the different materials out of which the fabric was wrought. A Just Complaint. Guy Wright's band has become an intolerable nuisance, and there is no use in trying to deny it. Wo bear fre quent and loud complaints daily of the disturbance and noise which is made nightly. If the music (?) would begin and leave off at reasonable hours it would not be so bad, although even with that modification it would be mo notonous; but to begin just as many arc getting ready to retire and keep it up until near or quite midnight, is un endurable. Guy is a clever old colored man against whom we have not a word to say, but people do cot like so much of his clarionette with the drum accompaniments. For the Exposition. The packing ot articles for the Ex position was being pushed vigorously to-day, and as fast as they were packed were sent to the Carolina Central depot for shipment. We havo been surprised and rejoiced that so many of our citizens have taken an i uteres: in tho matter and have contributed so freely as to make the New Hanover exhibit both interesting and important. The articles which have come under our bservation have been such as to reflect credit upon the county as well as upon the city of Wilmington, and will make the exhibit from this section one of rare excellence. Fullest assortment of FishisgJTack b can be fbxxnd at Jacosi's, f NO. 225 To Advertisers. ' The fact that the Daily Review has the largest circulation in this' city and the surrounding country of anyfpsper published here dees not sekm to be properly understood and appreciated by the advertising public, j And not only is its subscription list tho largest but its prices on contracts are; the low est. These facts are of interest and im portanca to the -mercantile commnn ity and should . be ; thoroughly junder stoodand appreciated by item. We invite those meaning business to eall at ' . i :l this office and substantiate our lasser- ... iS tions. j NEW ADVEKTISEMEXTS. Apples. Apples. Apples. BDLS TO ARRIVE OM TUESDAY'S Steamer; sent on consignment, and must be sold. Come and tee us. CHEAP ! CltEAP ! CHEAP! DAvk&SON sept 20 l Board Wanted. I j i 1 i GBNTLEMAN AND WIFE DESIEE board In a desirable location, within fltve min- ject, other things being equal. Address. ocpi iv ii , care or KEViErumcc. Buy Cheap & Save Money. Jj G. BLAIR, NO. 19 N. SECOND fT., Is offering a beautiful white roller Flour at $5 50. A good white Flour at $5.25. A fair Flour at $1. Virginia White Water Ground Meal always on hand. sept 1 ) Announcement. 1 J IIEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN dldate for the office of Sheriff of Pender coun t7. If electe l I will pledge myself to discharge the duties of the nm a fnithfniw l-n gard to party or party organization, s NATIONAL MILLS. All Wool Cassimeres, I Direct from the Factory. DESIRABLE GOODS FOR MEN & JJOIS A FULL LINE JUST OPENED f. JNO. J. JIEDRICK. sept 19 Notice. JJURSUANT TO THE POWERS OF-SALE contained In a Mortgage Deed made by John Colvllleand wife, and WE. Ulll and wife, to K. E. Burruss, Sept. 10th. 187:5, and a Mortgage Deed made by John Col ville as surviving part ner of W. E Hill A Co., to K. E. Burruss. January 2, 188 J, the undersigned will sell for cash, by public auction to the highest bidder, at Abbottsbunr, N. C, on the 7th day ot Octo ber, A. D. ISSl, the following real estate in Abbottsburg and Bladen county, viz: 1S acres ot land on the North side of thef Car liha Central Railroad and West elde of Bladen street, and all machinery belonging to the premises, the property of Wm. K. 11111 or John ColvllJe. . f 1 3 10 acres of land In Abbottsburg and known as the Osborna lois. 18 acres of laad adjoining the lands first de scribed, i 1 One lot known, as the B. G. Thompson lot. One lot known as ihe W. T. Baldwin tot Five acres of land known as the Servoss lots lying East of Bladen st Sept. 4th, 18 ?4. E. E. BURRUSS, Mortgagee. C. C. Lyox, Atty. &cpt6law 4ws Carolina Central R.j li i i Company. OTflCS OF tfENEHAL 8UPEKINTEWDEKT, Wilmington. N. C, Sept. 20. ISEit it tmrt: Change of Schedule! O W AND AFTER SEPT. 21st, 1&4; TUB following fccnocrtue will be operated on this Railroad: ; PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS XYCAIN Daily except Sundays, j f 1 Leave Wilmington au -.7.05 P. M Nc. L.J Leave Kalelgnat- 7.C3P. hi ) Arrive at Charlotte at .70 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at .8.15 P. M No. 2. Arrive Raleigh at A . M I Arrive at Wilmington aU. J.8.2S A. M Passenger Trains atop at regular station only, and points-designated la the Company TUce Table. j SHELBY DIVISION, PA&SEN UI3!tIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. . Dally except Sundays. I - N , t Leave Charlotte.. . 8.15 A. M. I Arrive at Shelby .12.15 P. M. Ka . j Leave SheIb7.;.............J i.p.n, t Arrive at Charlotte.........; 5.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 3 make close connection at Hamlet with R.jA A. Trains to and from Ral eigh. ! j; Througn Sleeping Cars between WXlxalngtoa and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte." Take Train No. 1 for StatesvlUe, Statlois Western MCBB, Ashe villa and points Wesf. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, A then, Atlanta and all points Southwest, i 7 : JL. C. JONES. 8uperlntcnaent. T. TT. CLASS, Gaier&l Patscngcr Asznt , v PLEAS Ot:Ct - will bt glad to recdT ecsaanricAUoa froa oct tttend onaxj tad &n aoJtct: pserjl tatorest but Thnjact the writs mart iJwtU Bb&adtothacator. . CommtiiifcatJoM odt t wtftus oa oa onaaldoof taa paper. PcreonaEtie meat ba aroldod.; And it la especUIIy and particular y u.tfe tood that ths Editor dooa not rxya eadoj the Tlcwa of correupondctts utjj eo tut in the editorial coram. AD VEKTiSKMENXS. S- H. Trimble, S2 A?D fc1 ESTATE BROKER .?d12U?,Ilccr of General Merchandiseot Pn,,17 Mofris' Old .land! .mS Oa,uctlo3j Riven to sale of hones and SSJt1 ?,rt,Val. Mlc or acUom Con rfMBenta solicited. - SETU W. DAVIS 8;pt 10 Auctioneer. Stores for Rent. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES above now occupied by Messrs. r-& II. Jhnaon& Co. -"nMTVj ang!3 SUrcopySt DeROSSET & CO. For Rent. gTORE ON SOUTH SIDE MAB kct street, in Bettcncoutt Bow, now occupied by A. C. " WcssclL JUNJU3 DAVIS, Trustee. sept IS 3; t For Rent TWO-STORY DWELLING home on Bed Cross, between Front an I Second streets, from the first of October, for a year. Apply to JAS II CIIADBOURN & CO. sept 17 3t w b m Real Estate. TTOUSES AND BUIl DING LOTS for eale In all parts of "the city. Cash or on the Instalment Apply to D. O'CONNOR. ang SO Jaw 3m sat m Real Estate Agent OYSTERS! First of the Season To-Day T JIM McGO WAN'S OLD NORTH STATE SALOON. Come and sec and taste. sept 10 Rev. Daniel Morrelle's Knjrlisli and Classical School, No. 420 Orarge Street, Corner of Fifth. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL BES - rton-will begin (D. v.) Wednesday, the flrst of October. Information with regard to wawtKi sept 17 . iima nv raiiinir eep Fiske's gHORT METHOD OF KEEPING A LAW YER'S ACCOUNTS, containing Collection Docket, Court Record, Ledger and Cash Book, with Index combined In one. This system of accounts, with Its COLLEC TION DOCBET, Is a work no lawier can af ford to be without, Is designed for the solo use of Attorneys, and cmbracess every feature consistent with an attorney's office record, taking the place of four separate books Price, with Blotter between each leaf (interleaved) $5.5J. For Bale only at HJEINSBERGER'S, sept 1G Llvo Book and Music Stores. By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SO AP. 115 CAKES FOIt 25 CTS. Q.OODWYVS COM P. SYRUP, Jlypophcsphltea with Lactates and Pepsin, which la already being prescribed by oar Phys Iclan3, and for which we are agents. ' Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Market Street, tcpt IS Wilmington. N. C. School at Willard. J WILL OPEN A SCHOOL AT THIS place 2M of September, 14. Rates of tuition, il.U) and $f.C0, payable at the end of each month. Board $i.00jcr month. No student will be admitted for a shorter Umo than one month. For particulars address me at Willard. tcpt 8 3w m s A. R. BLACK. Notice- LL STOKES, STALLS AND SPACES, under the control of the Committee on Mar- kcts acd Fees, wll be RENTED ATPUBLIC AUCTION, at the Front Street Market Houtc, at 10 o'clock, SEPTEMBER, 23d, 1S&1. One month's rent will be required to be paid on the spot. JOHN L. DUDLEY," Chilrman of Committee on oept IS 2t thsat Markets and Fcea TJotice. y LL' BUTCHERS AND DEALERS Occu pying SUlla or Spaces In the Public Market?; uioi which Prtmlcma arc to be pld, are h:rcby notified that said Fremluzcs must be paid on or befcre 10 CCIXJCK, P. M., Bp. TSMBZRSSd, 18S1, to CoL JOHN D TAY- XtOR, City Clerk ami Treasurer. Parties In- te rested will please tale notice. ' JOHJf I. DUDLEY, Chairman of Committee on ccpt 13 2t th sit Uarkeu and Feci EM mm