. DTK Sunday ttl .. tosTAQB PAID: ..z10 h 2.09. Three 11 ..monU. 35 cents. 1 ' ir .Tart i r 3" -ta report any ana u T WAJ. Mil, paper regularly, m ,; . . ..-ir ' ' . -t-v ; -'-r't-- ' v Til . Dmm Ietiew; i . - ( :-"-;:;-.:.::.::-:"vv..:..::. , : a - ;f W ILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22; 1884. NO. 226 "Sevieto has the largest r Nation, of any newspaper for. Blaine. Of course be. V ,i, alv of Wilmington. .. Uitflf-r- - Lord Garnioyle having I Ution Tuesday, f0B PRESIDENT TOVER CLEVELAND, of 2yew York. Not. 4. Jay tould, the great monopolist, is Saturday Night's Fire. is A ferw minntes after 9 nVJnnlc last. R. ftiirl a tr r?irVif a ftt-A mta ilienAnnmil pretiy actress Miss FortesqoV by the colored OQ McRae gtreet M payment of 10.000, it is said that , his pkd! or xu,a i father, Lord Cairns, is most anxiou5 . . . " nrttfl at. nnoo crivon Ik maa an hnnr that he should marry one ot the Mar- whcn handrecls of our citizens were on quis of Salisbury's daughters. tha c.. nnA . atm , 5rt;M. NEW ADVEBTI8EMEVTS. NEW ADVERISEBIENTS of Indiana i resident:-HENDRICKS. 10P. ('.OVEUKOR : HJREl) M. SCALES, -of r.uilford. ran LIEUT. r.OYERNOR: uiuri.es M. STEDMAN. ofXew Hanover. , SECRETARY OF STATE : ot wase. yOB tte treasurer: DOXALD W. BAIN, of Wake. fou AUDITOR: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. WE ATTORNEY GENERAI: BEDDORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. ITPERIXTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION : S. xM. FINGER, of Catawba. The French Canadians ot the State of b,v short time the vicinity of the burn Nevv York have earnest! vsooused the in oiciiar was mrongeu wim peop.e . . . ' . . . ! urliiln nil nfKn nmilil urrkvlr nroro ilrkincr I . causei uieveiana ana ouicial account- " "-.w. & inuucemenis ahilit.v Ti,pnrahnnt. fin ooo of i Kom their utmost to save-what- was possible in th StatA ' n.nd nlrpadv f hpv haru formed twenty-two Cleveland and 8uch headwftV before il w?s d'8COVererf purchases H endticks clob- - IT IS THE SCHOOL BELL SOUNDING AND TO 5,000 HOMESilT means'the buying cf Suits for boys. To all Ihe fathers and mothers oi Wil mington S:IKII:K, THE OLD RELIABLE, offers the greatest possible No matter what style you want or what you wish to pay,we .. ,i. t a u . v a? r ' r fnmi Ihe flqmes Tho fire had eotlen r cenaio 1,0 nave someining mat win meet your uoiwu iromimou.mir uic Feggokilt," on the Island of Mois, quickly in attendance but not until the Denmark, is for sale. The owner flames had completely enveloped the guarantees that it was the birthplace of kitchen and had gained headway in the "that remarkable man Hamlet. ' and rear rooms 01 the mam building. In a that on it is "a hill with the grave ot short time the house was flooded with King Fegge, who was the identical in- water and the flames extinguished, but dividual slain by the young prince to noi until the kitchen had been consum- avenge the 'murder most foul1 of his ed and the rear rooms on the first and f ither." second floors of the main building had een completely gutted by the flames, Neuralgia is curad in a single night by . ... t.a ' AaQfrnvllul i1(r St. Jacobs Oil, the greatest mecicine of " . T 1, " theao-e. was msuiance amounuDgjto $i,oauun the house and furniture in the Virginia Home, represented by Messrs Atkinson & Manning. On account of the confusion of Satur day night it was impossible to obtain any succinct account ot the origin of the fire, but since then we have seen Jones, who is a hard-working, reliable color ed drayman, and he states that there had been no fire in the house for four weeks. His family was .absent from the city' and he took his meals at seemed inevitable. The firemen were YY e are Seillllff XSOVS OCflOOl raulS at VOC, OOCj ip and upwards. School Suits at $2.75, $3j t $3.50 and upwards. I , Boys' Suits, ages 12 to 17, at $3.50, $4, $4;50j. and upwards. It will pay the readers of the Review to visit us if in want of school, clcjth- f FLKASS rOTICE. W win be glad to receive eoosmaicata froaoorfricaa oa any and an ;caoctg Kderallntoeattml . t The name of the writer mutt arwaya te --" alaaed to U Editor, , Communications miut be wrlttaa ca oa one aide of the paper. . " .i PeraonaTRlea meat be avoided . '' Jlnd It la especially and particularly txtfe tood that the Editor doea not always eadoi a the views of correapondeata nalatw atata la the editorial oolcataa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SETIiW DAVIS, Auctioneer BY S. H. TRIMBLE. JEGULAK SALES DAT. COMMENCING at 10 o'clock, to morrow, Sept. 23d last . I will s;ll at my Sales Rooms a general assortment of merchandise. tejt 22 NATIONAL MILLS. ing for their boys. To see them will convince the most skeptical that good goods and low prices are the considerations that make patrons stick to I THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. sept 22 MOITE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT: A. S. MERK1MUN, of Wake. AiR ELECTORS AT LARG E : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. 0L CONGRESS : R T. BENNETT, of Anson. UECT0R, SIXTH DISTRICT t ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW AOVERTIS EM EMT8. K cGowak Oysters E VxnLaer A Card D A Smitu Furniture S H Trimble Auctioneer J W CoNOLKY-Conoley's r rug Shbiek Ping Dong. Ding Dong F G & N Robinson Groceries Jno J Hedkick National Mills Opera. House HumptyDumpty P L Bbidgers Hams, Dried Beef I H GreenewaLd Music Liessons Heinsbekgeb FIske'a Short Method Giles & Murchison Bed Room Sets W E Springer & Co Cotton Presses Munds Bros. & DeRosset By Steamer C W Yates Bring Down the Little Ones F C Milxer Friends and Fellow Citizens TiDiri?o TiTmi! Wlipn thft Kail Wind t austtcy & wiqgins sash. Blinds. Doors front window some time. About 9 est. These facts are of interest and im Geo r French a 'sons Any Kuid Tou Unlock he retired and had hardly lain Lortance to the mercantile commun- Wi8h Llrtnrn hffrrA Via OTfiS nailed bv his next L - ....... . " " ity and should oe iorougniy uuua: For other locals see fourth page. neighbor stating that the house was on . r . . . firp He immediately ran down stairs stood and appreciated by them. We There are many earnest wisnes lor L . . tU uu An f h0 ;wHo ia mnin? hnsiness to call at aUU WUUU UO UJJBUOU IUC ua-sn. uwwi. iuw mn v o flames were bursting through the win- f tnis office and substantiate bur asscr- To Advertisers. i The fact that the Daily Review has the larcest circulation in this city and Dan Howard1. He was at his home the surrounding country of any paper early on Saturday evening and left to published here does not seem to be go down town, leaving a small lighted properly understood and appreciated lamp in the passage way. He returned . th(j advertising public. And not about 8 o'clock and went into the rear s ,. f tUa wct room ofthe house and took a bath after 1S ""' "B" fcUW- 4"v" which he went up stairs and sat by the but its prices on contracts are the low- Bed Room Sets. i i A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK. DINNER AND TEA SETS , r sept 22 VERY LOW. GILES & MURCIIISON'S. 38 and 10 Murchlrop Block Cotton Presses, Oiernconfidence will not beat Blaine. llid of confidence may. . 'The iron heel of monopoly is on the m of labor," remarked Ben, as be &ied the conductor his pa3s. r silence of Republican journals in tpoDM to Blaine's request to publish Si Mulligan letters is significant sough. til estimated by London bankers ithc cholera has prevented travelers spending $20,000,000 in Conti 1 Europe thi3 season. atheOhio Valley of West" Virginia alirmers are feeding wheat to hogs aase they have no old corn to spare, u abundance of new wheat. Another politician has emulated the p!eotthe widow who cast her W into the treasury. Senator Sher r actually contributed ft 100 to 4. f. " aepublicau campaign. j Tie Greek Church, in Sitka. Alaska, M to be the finest religious edifice America. The interior is a mass of Pldand silver, and tho walls are I !'sn claima to hav discovered a 'electrical phenomenon in making T6 fiih iff & tub of water wallow as t & little incandescent laniD. so that J the current is turned on the """UD fiok KonAmaa txononarnnt r r 1 " . S. Hancock's wife has coni- ram now. The receipts of cotton at this port Mows of the kitchen with the interior L. to-day foot up 1,094 bales. one sheet of flame. It had also worked A few stunted watermelons arrive in into the rear room of the main build- Another large consignment of basn, A few stunted watermelons arrive m ;TVac?hio tn mtr ii. Xr w;n,ia v..nrv trices, iust market no, as relicts of; a past and "!::-"r 0UUIUil .... I I. BROWN'S COTTON GIN, RUBBER BELT ING. GIN BBISTLES. Send In vourfnr ders at once for GINS and PRESSES.! Don't delay. You will be disappointed in ! getting W, E. SPRINGER & CO.. sept 22 t 19, 21 & 23 Market Street,! Wilmington, N. G. When the Fall Wind C DIED. in eternal bliss. B. We invite the attention ot our citizens - , fc . IIe thinks that m i m f a. 1 hL 2 ain a ma 1 - to tnO lact inac nrst quality iurus ftnA AtP.rfrI the house to rob It. TTr.TrirTTnartftd.tMs life on Suniav. K0;n,moH to order at one dollar at the I ,.. , H ent Srot 21st.Mrs. MARY P. PICKETT, relict 7 wnue ue was su-uug up of the lat9 Thomas S. Pickett. Wilmington Shirt Factory. tl. fi . premises the better to con- Thus passed from earth a, Christian i lady, . . generous, affectionate ana ainu mj suwim Socrates, beiDg asked the way to ceal the robbery. - whom she came In contact; and with her in- ' fe . . . : dnri has nassed over the river of peace to Its honest fame, said, "Study to be what it was preuy caim at iu time, g--d one 0- the noblest and. purest of chriat you wish to seem," and buy your that, with the fact that the house was janSainte. jSSJfSSSaSf SS furnisliin'iroods from Dver & Son. t coyered with a tin roof, kept the Amies d disappointments. Yet ail of her many IT"'' ,Jnt from spreadxclthou for some time ffiKrM j.ucio ouuuio kw. c w-wj , destruction of the two nearest God and saying, "ue Kuoweiu wuu feeling generally among our merchants houseg wag immBeQt. 0ne of lhese. J;. hoonls.l occupied by Kesiah Hood, a colored pressed that trade this Fall will be good. was 5adly SCOrched: There ffisnow reigning with Christ and His angels There will be a match game of base was insurance on this building amount ball at the Athletic Grounds to-morrow ing to $150 in the North Carolina afternoon at 3 o'clock between the clubs Home, also represented by Messrs. At conimanded respectively by Capt. T. kinson & Manning. Erapie and Capt. W. P. Oldham. Unexpected Death. ZT. ..o, Mrs, Mary P. Pickett died at about Every Farmer ought to get a Boy yesterday afternoon aged 63 Clipper Plow," ntl00 year ! She ha'd been unwell for three the age. Jacori is tba Agent. t fo'ur.daySf but her condition was not A Nuisance. considered at ail serious until yester- We bear frequent and loud com- day morning when her disease assum- Dliants about the use of sling shots, ed an alarming form, from which, she which seems to be a popular amuse- never rallied but passed quietly away as ment with the youngsters. They are the sun was declining towards the 1 . A. t t ITT dangerous and, like the toy pisioi, western mils. &ne was me wm. ought to bo suppressed. Besides this the late Thomas S. Pickett, wno was so their use is a violation of one of the city brutally murdered early in January, ordinances, but it seems that they will 1866, and the only sister of Lr. J . . be used until some one gets seriously Freeman, of this city. I no oeceasea injured by them. was bom in Orange county, was raised in Hertford and had resioeu in .injs NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I Second Instalment to-day AT JIM McGO WAN'S OLD NORTH. SXAI& oauuu. They are fat and well-flavored. sept 21 J1' t0 he dedicated Ho" Sir Moses birthday, Oct. 26, when also the asonic fraternity, of which Sir W IU hnnnro mAmKoT will f .Va "fopnatu : r Y . - JHaie Qshpra b i-n t nam wrinlrlo. !n J York theatre. . The idea is faor- lJ ,rotn Europe: The JParis and i . QQ lheatre all emnlov. 4m. In ' v oi a seat a spectator gets h. lthe ,ldJ usher. The seat checks nambered, but direct the pur jfn'10 certain section of chairs. usher is satisfactorilly tipped, ,. fins out the beat seat in the sec- eoa;tr.e ?ere all the evidences oi iih tvL irm ; the very air vibrated tad S danger I but when the k of l.roia fli3 pocket a bot- Nik. U tSalift rViiiffK Qrmn tVion Ulusic Lessons. PHE UNDERSIGNED WILL GVE LES sons on the Piano and Organ to a limited mm ber of pupils, commencing Oct. 6th, 18S4. For terms. Ac . apply at Heinsberger's Bookstore, or at residence. No. 215 ao. irront street. 1. il. UtUSU!ii!A.LiU. A Card. Hiimntv Dampty. rnrnn;tannm. ifu. J. h. greenewald has been a The theatrical season in tnis city win . hj j-eDt a well-known pupil of mine for se eral years past, and has ... I fjit- open at the Opera House on mursaay i nd lar boarding house on Market a oroh knowledge of the branches of I at vac nl Tonv Demer'S lamous rxuiuyiy ;kf n 0;rVi inat. hv the aDDearance . . . . u .i:nioVi I rnnsift which he nroDO&ea to teach. I there uisuw. " . s 7 t, , street, a Dusmess wuiuu sue i- fo commend htm to the. public as a faithful, CU UUlj t ion "J " She had been I Mnahle and conscientious teacher. Dampty troupe, which is one of the aconsistent mcmber of the Baptist .js. best now travelliDiT. They will present charch for 35 ye OPERA HOUSE. 1 . ,J nt)dn va (onliirHH t I several new auu amavn - this year, such as will give additional .r"- n . , Rfiali t T?fia(l t Read ! inUrost and amusement to theatre, iue.ua F rr, Vu-J 7.7 4utciva 1 r ,, ottontinn lor awhilfi this I ' " : goers. The sale of reserved seats wm One Night Only! Sept. 25th. beein at Heinsberger7s on wednesuay ,ula- , . OMES YOU WILL NEED A FIRE. Look well to vourjrratcs. - Wo have tho Brick. liisseis ana urates in run set as tor neat l-g stoves, we have them from a "Do." to a "Nation." If you would keep comfortable mis winter can at pakkkk & tayiob's and select from their EXTENSIVE STOCK! PURE WHITE OIL. sept 33 All Wool Cassimeres, Direct from the Factory. DESIRABLE GOODS FOR MEN Jk BOYS. A FULL LINE JUST OPENED. JNO. J. HEDRICK. sept 22 . F. G. & N. Robinson, KEEP THE Choicest Family Groceries CHICKENS, EGGS, Ac. Fruit Preserves to Arrive sept ' SOUTH FRONT STREET. - TELEPHONE NO. 55 White Cypress or Yellow Pine. SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS GUARAN TEED AS GOOD AS TH E B EST. Moulding, Brackets. Balusters ani Orna mental Wood Work. Eept22 PARSLEY & WIGGINS. PARSLEY & WIGGINS, MANUFACTURERS OF - SASH, BLINDS, BOORS, and OllN AMENTAL. WOOD WORK. eep 22 - - Furniture. Fiske's t. ! - ' 4 i QUOET METHOD OF KEEPING A LAW YER'S ACCOUNTS, containing Collection Docket, Court Record, Ledger and Cash Book, with Index combined in one. 4 t - This system of a' counts, with its COLLEC- TION DOCEET, is a work no lawyer can af- i ford to be without, is designed for tho sole use of Attorneys, and icmbracesj every feature consistent witn an attorney's oflice record, taking the place of four separate books ! Trice, with Blotter between each leaf (Interleaved) $5.5 J. For sale only at i 1 N EW STOCK FOR FALL TRADE, ARRIVING EVERY DAY HEINSBEKGEK'S, 55 Manufactured expressly for this market. New Styles and Low Prices. Call and exam ine our extensive variety of New and Fash, ionable Goods, all made this see son. . D A. SMITH. - Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street sept 22 . . Apples. Apples. Apples. BBLS TO ARRIVE ON TUESDAY'S sept 22 Live Book and Music Stores. Any Kind You Wish. T 1 : MHOSE WAUKENPHAUST SHOES ARE L !- i niae, but we can show you a great variety of BOOTS AND SHOES, of every palter and make . Low prices and good fit at Geo. K. French & Sons, Steamer; sent on consignment, and must be r sold. Come and ecc us. CHEAP sept 20 CHEAP ! CHEAP 1 DAVIS & 8ON 108 NORTH FRONT STREET sept 22 HAMS, DRIED BEEF. FINE QUALITY OF DRIED BEEFj FOR CHIPPING JUST RECEIVED. Conoley's Drug Store. !31G MARKET STREET. JJRUGS, CIGARS AND CIGACEITES, TRY THE TBIXY. ,r An A NO. 1, 5c Cigar. Soda and Mineral Waters J. W. CONOLEY. sept 22 . 4 Stores for Rent. A REHOUSE AND OFFICES above now occupied by Messrs. U. Johnson & Co. Store and offices above now occu pied by A. Dumelandt. Both on North Water st. ; between rmtess and Chestnut. Apply to aug is Btr copy n jjeuosset & co. For Rent A TWO-STORY DWELLING iff mm , 1.. r- liMiJ Magnolia Hams I - ' ! i STILL ATTRACT THE EYE AND SAT disorderly conduct, was fined $5. Tony Denier's music wessons. Robert Lee tor ui,ordrly popuiar pant0mime Co., And Lustrously Limloous 8 tar Specialty Group of Incandescent Eights In a New and Brilliant Arrangement of Greenewald. will commence giving les Robert Fullingeviger, a white sailor. sons on the piano and organ to a 00 charged witn disorderly condact, was the 6lh of Octo- :t,, bor next. Mr. Greenewald is a worthy phUip yright, colored, chafged with HUMFTT DTJMPTT ! young gentleman, a thorough musician, jigofderly conduct, was arraigned but an accomplished pianist and in every in absence cf the main witness , the way qual ified as a teacher. We com- case waa contiQaed.lind the witness, a mendhim to the public and are glad that pqlieemao, notified to show cause why he Has conciuucu TW nesnouid not do onea a. . New comical last act. H- D. In the Wild West, and besDoak for him tho liberal patron- n f disorderly conduct, l among Indiana and Cowboys- See It. - age hU merits deserve. h See his adver- whose name wesuppress, tras discharg- jiSTf it anl Second streets, from the first of October, for a year. Apply to j AS. H. CHAD BOURN & CO. sept 17 3t w sm I3FY THE APPETITE. Nice New Mackerel ! i j i . . i - o- I. No fiih that can equUt for a break fait ditt. We have then singly or in kit j. H Real Estate. OUSES AND BUILDING LOTS for sale in all parts of the city. Cash or on the Instalment p!an. i? F I Apply to aug 3d 2aw 3m aat m D. O'CONNOR. Real Estate Agent CLOWN", THE GREAT RAVEL, WITHOUT A, PEES. P. L. BBIDGEBS & CO. HO irorth Front St, aeptli By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAP. 12 CAKESFO.B25 CTS. QOODWTX'S CXJMP. SYRUr,- ilrpopboephites, with L&ctaie ana x-eram which la already betas yreacr&ed by our PhYilclanfl, and for rthlch we ara agents. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Market Street, tept 18 J ' -, Wllahsgton, K, C, :..m.nt in Knottier column aw

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