rfllSPAPIB opted by . JOSHT. JAMES. .pitob av rKOiraroB. crRlPTlO'S POSTAGE PAID: SCBSCK11 months. 2-09. Three Ojee' ji ; One month, 35 cents. ; Vlll be delivered toy camera pree m BSP1, ..fthA Mtr. at the above ocenu per week. : ilia rate, low and liberal. . I .ribers will report any ana au iau their paper regularly, e ' ''"Daxlv Beview has the largest & L circulation, of any newspaper '!pr, . iP citv of Wilmington. r .Election Tuesday, Nov, FOIt PRESIDENT :J GBOYER CLEVELAND, of 2few York. j-or' vice president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOK GOVERNOR : .-ALFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford. FOK LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. K0R SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS. '". of Wake. FOR STATE TREASURER: - DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for auditor : W. r. ROBERTS, of Gates. . for attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. A5S0CIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT: A. S. MERRIMON, ot Wake. FOR EEECTORS-AT-LARGE : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. 1 . VOL CONGRESS I R.T. BENNETT, ot Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED- ROWLAND, ' of Robeson. Henry Villard will not return to his 'faderlaQd" a pauper. He is still irorth over halt a million, and is only ftjears old. 1 . Potatoes are a drug in the New York aarket, and are rottlne there by the kindreds of barrels. Ireland, it is said, is overflowing with tourists, and it is reported to be next to impossible to procure a bed at a decent hostelry in Scotland . Prohibition St. John now feels how sbirper than a thankless tooth it is Co kTeaserpeot child. His boy in tho knd office swears he will vote for Blaine. ' . The cabalistic symbols ' 19 D. H. the -bottom of Blaine's telegram of ml 16, 1872. to Warren Fisher prove laatiQ at least one enterprise he was deadhead! Justice Bradley, ot the United States Supreme Court, says of the newspaper k'patcQ announcing his intention of fining: "It is interesting news and t!firstIheardofit." "Attorney General Brewster, I am writes the gossip of the Washs JT-on Capital, "wants the place on the .mted States Supreme Bench Mr, Jus Bradley la expected to vacate this Winter." The latest in dress ior gentlemen is father Hubbard." Simply drop spenders and wear the shirt loose ff the top ot your pants, instead stocking it in, and you have the "Fa Habbard." ed6 Clntdian Voyageurs who "enlist- o dp the Nile with Wolseley are fm 1Dfrifihtened at the climatic dan hich threaten the expedition, and herof them have fled to tho States in ord-r to escape. - SecrttaTy Fish highly compli- j .uur vyievciana, anu uu fcr V votei orBlaine. He was quoted Uevelaod and against Blaine just 8 eaoagh for the Blaine organs to JJJJJer what a political dude anddof Wmi!t0n FUh bad become; but My will take it all back and rank a 'talesman and patriot: " J . Til " H . ; ' teth!Ss-7:Thero are three c's " that lldren and carry them off. tear, iJ1 ing. molher. wiping seas tu JL;i5 ner I16 ones, borne away spwPcS!?-, to are &p; SS croup. Mothers! Dr. h QSa Sjrnp saves theUttle one's i " 1 ' ' . . w r- nrn 4. ; b; "'" '' ;" 1 .IoLIpj VOL. YIII. WILMINGTON. N. C.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER Years ago. in New York. Powers' nobe statoe. the Greek Slave, was not considered what poor Artemns Ward called "a moral show," and was ex hibited to ladies and gentlemen od al ternate' days, bat never at the same time. A relic ot the olden time has just died Paris, in the person of a wonderfully attractive old lady, the actress Araalia Hainzmger. . She was eighty-seven years old, and had acted in the presence of Naooleon I and of Grwthf. who mentions her in his writings. Charles H. Emerson, of Yonkers, has raised a pole seventy feet high jfrom a ledge of rocks in front ot bis residence at - Hawthorne avenue and Hudson street, suspended from which is an American flag bearing the names of Cleveland and Hendricks, 1 he flag can be seen from all parts of the city. It is said that James Gordon Bennett has entered into a bond with a heavy penalty attached not to drink any more liquor. The betting men of New York have made big wagers on the result and the Buffalo Courier asserts that they would give $50,000 to the man who succeeds in tempting Bennett to drink a glass of whiskey. According to the St. louis Republic can a patent has be in secured for a chemical process for cleaning the lint from cotton seed, and a syndicate rep resenting a workmg capital of $6,000.- 000 has been formed to apply it in the mills of crushers in Arkansas, Texas, Ixmisiana, Tennessee and other States. Already cottonseed oil vies wi:h olivef oil for many purposes, but the oil made ot seed cleaned by the process here mentioned will, it is thought, compete successfully with the best refined olive oil in the market. Straightened Up. After suffering with a lame back for a long time, Mr! G. N. Boyer, Carillon, Quebec, Canada, say he was complete ly cured by St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-reliever. LOCAL NEWS; lUDtX TO MEW ADVEBTISEMEMTS. Gregory Institute S H Trimble Furniture at Auction Humphrey & Jenkins Oysters, &c Hbtnsberqeb Flske'a Short Method Munds Bros, a DkKosset By Steamer C W Yates Bring Down tne Little unes TC Miller Friends and Fellow-Citizens Beautiful autumnal weather, but rain is badly needed. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 630 bales. Fullest assortment. of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's, t TheHumpty Dumpty performance at the Opera House on Thursday night will be "Toney!" : f Hereafter the mails via the Carolina Central R. R. will close at 6:15 p. m., instead of 6:45 p. m as heretofore! Bishop Watson will administer the rite of confirmation at St. John's Church at 4:30 o'clock next Sunday af ternoon. George Dyer and his Pa can always be found at "34 Front street, where they are constantly at work building up the forms of men and their business, t German barque Lucy & Paul, Andries, pleared to-day for Liverpool with 2,159 casks spirits turpentine, valvcd at$31, 067.50, shipped by Messrs Chess Carley Co. i All good Democrats of the Third Ward ought to attend the meeting of the Third Ward Democratic Club, which will be held in the City Court Room to-night. Our thanks are due the management for an inyitation to attend the Virginia State Fair, which will be held at Rich mond, Va., on the 22nd. 23rd and 24th of October next. Several of the members .of tho Wil mington Light Infantry went across the river this afternoon to indulge in target practice, but with what result we did not learn. The A. M. A. Normal School is hereafter to be kno wn as the Gregory Institute and the Fall term will begin on Monday next but applications for admission and examination must be made on Thursday and Saturday of this week. ' . ! . We understand that the elegant or gan ordered for St. Thomas' Church is not expected now until the 15th. of Oc tober. ; It was promised for the; 20th hnf ? nnnid not be completed at that time'owing to sooieaccXnttoUie -' Personal. Dr. W. T. Ennett, of Burgaw, was in th city yesterday, for the 6rst lime in months. He has been quite sick re cently ,and we are glad to see that he has recovered. False, Alarm. , There was an alarm of fire at about 2 o'clock this morning, which was, re ported to be on the corner ot Market and Seventh streets. The firemen turned out in quick time, but xlhere wa no fire to be found. It was ft4klse alarm. ' "l- ' H City Court. PhilipWright,colored,whose case was continued in the City Court yesterday, was brought before the Mayor this morning and fined $5 for his offense, which was disorderly conduct. In the same cafe the witness who was requir ed.to show cause why he should not be fined $3 for absence from the Court, appeared and explained the cause of his absence and the fine in his case was re mttted ,. The Health of Burgaw. We are glad to learn , as we do from Dr. W. T. Ennett, that the 'health of the thriving little town of Burgaw was not as bad as reported to us a few days ago. Dr. Ennett says that it is really good for this season of the year, better, in fact, in proportion to population, than it was a year ago. The town seems to be on a boom, there having been an increase of about 25 per cent, in the population during the past twelve months. They should build that taik-ed-of railroad to Jacksonville and-then see how last the place will grow. At Annistan. The Wilmingtonians who recently removed from this city to Anniston. Ala., Messrs. J. A. Springer, F. M. King and W. E. King, seem already to haj e established themselves comforta bly in their new home. We have re ceived from that town a programme tor the reception which was tender ed the citizens of the surrounding country by the merchants of Anni3tonr on the 17th inst., and we find the namea of Messrs. F. M. King and J. A. Springer on two of the most important committees. Ou the reverse of the pro gramme is printed the business directo ry of Anniston, and in it appears the names of J. A. Springer, grain and feed, wholesale and retail, and King Bros., hardware, stoves, &c. Registration of Voters. Editok Daily Review: In your issue of 20th you say that voters will do well to remember that there will be an entirely new registration this year." By the law (the Code, sec. 2,675) a new registration is not required, unless the County Commissioners so order. Probably the Commissioners ot New Hanover county have orderd a new registration, and your article applies to that; if not, it may cause some confu sion in other counties where the Re view circulates, and where no such registration has been ordeted. Sept. 22, 1884. Long Creek. Oar remarks were intended to apply to New Hanover only. A cew registra tion has been ordered here but we do not know of any other county in thi8 section where it has been ordered by the Commissioners. Another large consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Dead Men Don't Advertise. It can safely be laid down as a rule in these days ofuniversal advertising that the man who don't advertise either has uothing for sale which will bear talk ing about or be is so old and fogyish in his methods of business that he has got so far behind the times that he will never catch up. There is no surer evi dence of snap and energy in a business man or firm thau liberal advertis ing. In the stor or warerooms of a large advertiser the purcbas- finds the latest styles,' the best ma terial, the most approved patterns, the most reliable goods and the most ad vanced business methods. Advertising pays, not only in the matter of attract ing customers, which is the legitimate aim of all advertisements, but it enables the reader to see who are the really live and energetic men in any business, and by keeping them constantly in mind the reader of the paper can avoid- the old fogy tradesman whose greatest mis take in life has been in not getting buried twentj-fiye : years ago.5 Dead men don't advertise. We invite the attention of ur citizens to the fact that first quality shim are being mada to order at one dollars! the Wilmington Shirt Factorr. tf. . Every Farmer ought to get "Boy Clipper Pioir,w greatest , invention . oi the age. Jacobi is tho Agent; - t DISTRESSING SUICIDE. Cupt.W. H. James of this CIfy Dies by his Own Hand. At about 9 o'clock this morning the report of a pistol was' heard on the Eecond floor of the brick building on North Second street, between Princes? and Chestnut, occu pied by Capt W. H. Jame3 and hi3 as sistants as an oflic3 ot enquiry, and by himself as a residence, and in a mo ment of time a young man came rushing down the stairs for a physician, stating as he hastened along that Capt, Jame hadshot himself. A crowd wascollecte at the cnterance almost instantly. and few went up stairs to find Capt. James prostrate upon his back, the blood oozing from a fearful woud in the back of his head, about on a line with the bottom of the right ear and half way between that organ and the centre of the skull. The pistol lay upon the floor a few inches from the right band, from which it had evidently fall en immediately upon being discharged. Drs. Love, and Hartsfield were in attendance in a few moments, and were with Capt. Jame3 until he died, which was in about 15 minutes after the wound was inflicted. Officer Allen, of the police force, was also present and took charge until the arrival ot the Coroner, who had been at once notified of the occurrence- Upon the arrival of the latter, which was in a few mo ments, the charge was at once trans ferred to him.- The weapon Was a Smith & Wesson six-barrelled revolver of 32 calibre, and an examination showed that five of the chambers were loaded and that the other was empty. The Coroner immediately summoned and impanelled the following as a jury of inquest: L. J. Otterbourg, foreman; John Nutt, W. H. (lerken. Henry Middleton, E. M- Green and G. W. Sheridan. The jury proceeded at once to take testimony, the first witness being Dr. J. A. Hartsfield, who, being duly sworn, said that he was called upon at a little after 9 o'clock this morning and hastened immediately to the scene. Found the deceased prone up on the floor as already described, breath ing hard. Ceased breathing in about five minutes, although the pulsations continued four minutes longer, when they also ceased and life had become extinct. He thought that the shooting was suicidal. Dr. F. W. Potter, being duly sworn, said that the ball entered the back part of the head and passed clear through the brain, lodging just behind the right eye. The wound was necessarily fatal and in bi3 opinion the shooting was suicidal. Lewis Beldeei, a young lad who took care of the room for Capt. James, be ing duly sworn, said that he entered the room between 7 and 8 o'clock, at which time the deceased was asleep on the bed. That he soon after went for ice, and while he was gone the shooting took place, and when he returned ho found a crowd gathered and the captain dying upon the floor, and was sent im mediately for a physician. Messrs. J. C. Lodor and Mr. J. N. Blauvelt, two assistants in the office, testified that they were at work at their desks in another room when they.heard thejreport of a pistol and the fall of a body, upon which they rushed to Capt. James room and found him as already described. They had heither of them seen aim during the morning until after the shooting. This closed the testimony, and upon this the jury rendered a verdict .as fol lows: "That the deceased came to bis death by a pistol shot wound inflicted in the head by his own band." Capt. James came here in 1863 and entered at once upon duly in the Con federate service as captain of engi neers, in which position he remained until the surrender, his family re Siding at Wadesboro during the time Soon after the surrender he formed a copartnership with Capt. J, . K. Brown, of this city, civil engineering, a and engaged in business which they conducted under the firm name of James & Brown, until about three yrears ago when the partnership was dissolved. Since that time Captain James has been engaged in his profes sion, mainly 10 the employ of the gov ernment on the improvement of the Upper Cape Fear and its tributaries, and was thus engaged at the time of his death.1. About en years ago one of his sons was acccidentallr shot and killed by a companion just as the two Were startine on a huntiost expedition. Since then the deceased has lost by death 'his wife and remaining children, save one, TT ...... 23, 1884! NO. 227 Mr. W. Alden James, Iwho is now at Fayetteville on duty lor the government as aj cfvil en gineer. Capt. James was an' engineer of high attainments; as a citizen was peaceable, quiet and unobtrusive; as a companion, was affable. V genial and whole souled. with a high tsense ot honor, which had never been tarnished He was about 55 year3 of age .and died by his, own hand, wiithoiit an enemy in the world. What prompted the ter rible act will probably always! remain a mystery, and we would not, it we could, penetrate the veil and expose to the public gaze the keen tortures of a generous and noble heart Which could only find rest in the untroubled sleep o aeatn. 4 Painful Accident. Friends at Burgaw have;furBished us with the particulars of a pamul acci dent which happened yesterda to two worthy residents of that town.? Messrs R. W. Moore and J. H. Moorelwere at work during tho day on a scaffold built up against the latter's house, some twelve feet from the-ground, a;nd at 3 o'clock this scaffold gave way, precipi tating them both to the hardgrcur.d below. They fell on their backs among a lot of blocks and plaoks and were both painfully injured. Mr.jR. W. Moore was the most severely injured of the two. He was bruised On the hip and back, in two places, while' Mr. J. II. Moore was injured on the arm wrist and band: ' They were ufiablc to walk without assistance and were care fully conveyed to their homes where necessary attention was rendered. One of our correspondents say that Mr. R. W. Moore, who is an ageu gentle man, is in a critical condition. I ! . - t Everybody in want of Paints, White' Lead; Glass &c, should go to Jacobi's MARRIED j THORBUBK MUSE. At the residence of the bride's father, in this city, on tlie evening of Thursday, the 18th Inst., bt Rev. T. H. Pritcharl. D. D., Mr. J. W.j THORBURNl ana Mies HATTIE E. MUSif. youngest daugh ter of Mr. J. II. MuBe, of the'Siar. f SEW AD VLKRI8E MEN TS Oysters j AT NO. 112 SOUTH FRONT STttEET. i . TTUMPIIREY & JENKINS keep JLJ rresn jncw liiver ana Myrtle Grove Oysters. Sent C. O. D. Al- eo, Apples, Fears, Peaches, Northern Cab bage, Ouion8. Sweet and Irish Potatoes.'wbich t 1 1 II 1 - . r . t . rm wc win bu low iur caiii. isupi Gregory Institute, PHE A. M. A. NORMAL SCHOOL WILL be known hereafter as GREGORY' INST I TUTE. Fall term begins Monday, Sept, 29th Applications for admission and examinations of new pur ila on Thursday, 25th and Satur day, 27th. at school house corner .Nun and ; "f Seventh streets, between tte hours of 10 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4 p. m. 1 Principal, GEO. A. WOUDW4UU, of Wcvmouthi Maes. Financial Agent, D. D. DODGE, h sep 23 2t Wilmington N. C. OPERA HOUSE. 'r- i Read ! Bead ! Head ! One Night Only! Sept. J125th. Tony Denierfs Popular Pantomimes Co,, And Lustrously Luminous Star Specialty Group of Incandescent Lights In aNtw and Brilliant Arrangement of HTJMPTT DUMPTT ! clown, j THE GREAT RAVEL, WITHOUT A PEER. f New comical last act, II D. in thd Wild West, among Indians and Cowboys, sie It. Popular prices prevail. Jtezerved eats at Heln8berirers. Wedaeday. 24th sept 2i 3t - - i ' - Administrator's Notice. ! J- JJAVING QUAL'FIED AS ADMISISTRA tor upon the estate of the 1 ;te Aba a HarU field, notice 1 hereby given to all persona hav ing claims against the same to present mem tome on or before the 27th day of August, lSs3. ar thla notice will be pleaded lnibar of a recovery. Those Indebted to the same will Please mike Immediate payment-l j JOHN C. SPRINGER, acg26 law6w tu AdmlnMirator Second Instalment to-day A T JIU MCGOWAJTS OLD fx AUfiTH STATE SALOON. They are fat and well-flavored. fRlLNDSMDIIILOW-CIIIIESSt TqEAR ME FOB MY CAC3E AN jBE El lent, that ye may bear. - - 1 Colognes, Extracts. Toilet and Sachet Pow ders, fcoap, Turkish- Towels, Toilet Cases. Full Khe of Drugs Ac. Prescriptions a spec laltr. At 1 ' . . F. C MILLEJTS, , anjll Cczser TouxHx 'uutHsaits sept 23 i ' i rcLajsK k orient - " Wtirnibtgijui to .xtxlTa fccrtrr-aatcaCca from oar fxfcadi ca say izltn ttsbjsca: aramtertstbtit "I'.C'' 1 !. olahed to the Editor. " CoamTmlcationa mat,, t wrsnct ca ea . oaealdaot the ppe& V - j Pemraarsiea great bo trotdadu; And tt Is etpecfcOrj Wtcolaxly cae ood tat toe Rjuar does aot atari endoi s the news of correjpondenti stilts tat la the edltortia'ctanis.' f ' - ll- i 1 NJBW -ADVErjTISfHlEHTsl SKTHW. DAVIS, Auctioneer , BY S. n. TRIMBLE. - ON WEDNESDAY, OcT. IU. at 10 a. m.. I 'r,iu,8e11 t residence. 213 Nub t.; corner conslaUng ot flna Bedroom, Dining and Par Utensils Sc?1" ..cckerr 5ovw. Kitchen Parties wishing to examine can dosopTtTl w.V "IS hZ aPP,ytoS on premise, or at Auctioneer's t ffice. sept S3 Rev. Daniel Morrelje's English and Classical School, No. 420 Orarge Street, Corner of rifth. milK TWESTY-FIFTIt ANNUAL SES X sion will begin (D V.) Wednesday, the first of October. Information with regard to terms, &c., may be had at any time by calling as above. snt 17 . - - - Cape Fear Acaflemy WILL REOPEN MONDAY. SKPT. 2DXir. English or Classical education acquired Fully equipped with Bchool appliances. Foil corps teachers. Please enter sons at beginning of session. See catalogue In Bo k stores. WASHINGTON CATLETT, . sept 15 2w . PrlnclpaL; Female School. St. James' Seminary, MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. MRS. M. S. CUSHING, Musical Instructress. TUIE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL SESSION . of this School will commence on Monday. Cth of October, 184, and close about the third week in June, 1SS5. Special opportunities for learnlne the ar: of Pamting in water coiors. oil. pastel, c , will be afforded those who desire tteir children to learn thi3 beautiful and .fashionable accom plishment. Pupils outside of the School ac commodated with suitable hours for learning Music or Palntiug. For further particulars enquire of the Principals. EcptlS New Grocery Store, rjMIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully announce to the citizens of Wllmlngtcn an.d the adjacent country that he has opned a New Grocery Store at the corner of Princess and North Water Streets (Mr. II. Loeb's oil etindj xihlfh will be kept constantly supplied with the NICEST AND FRESHEST GOOD3. At the same time I continue to offer Choice Family Groceries to my friends and the pnbllc at the old stand, N W Corner Market and Second Streets; L G. CHtCRRY. Consignments of country produce solic ited and prompt returns guaranteed, eept 8 ly The First New River Oysters ! QF THE SEASON, AT THE GKM SALOON, No. 20 No. Front street, sept 1C WILL. WEST, Proprietor A ii n mi tip mil out J HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN uidato for Uic office of Sheriff of Fender coun tj. If elcctci I will pledge myself to discharge the duties of tho office faithfully, without re gard to party or party organization. septiua&wim k. m. juunston A Bargain ! HAND AND FOR SALE..F1VK BBI SCUPPERNONG WJNE ONliYl PFK GALLON. A pure wine, a pleasant wlno 'atdj'a cheap wine. Must be sold at once L. Q. CHERRY. aug J tr jx. w. cor. Market and eecond sis. . Fiske's gHORT METHOD OF KEEPING A LAW YER'S ACCOUNTS, containing Collection Docket. Court Record, Ledger and Cash Book, with Index combined In one. . , This system ofrconsts. with Its COLLEC TION DOCKET, la a work no lawyer can af ford to be without. Is designed for the sole use of Attorneys, and "embraces every feature consistent with an attorney's office record, taking the place of four separate books Price, with Blotter between each leaf (lotci leaved) $5.5). For sa le only at HEINSBERGER'S. sept. 22 Live Book and Music Stores. Stores for Rqnt. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES atove now occupied by Messrs. Store and offices above now occu pied by A- JJamelandt. Both on North Water st. ; between Prime and Chestnut. Apply to aug 13 Str copy St DeROSSET A CO, By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF.TOIJLET SOAP. 12 CAKES ifott 2i5 CTS. QOODWYX'S COMP. SY EU e, Hypophosphlteo wltb LacUtes and Pepsin, whicn is aireadj beirg prescrlbeit by our Phytldans, and for which we ara agents Munds Eros. & DeRorset. - 'Market Street, icpt 13 ' TYllailostonN. C. : mm machinery at the manufactory. , ,