THI3 PAPWS . .renin. Sundays ex- espted by JOSH T. JAMES. -prroB AinFEOFKin:o. nsTAR PAID: sCBSC?i 00 Six months, $2.C. Three 0 11 00; One month, S5 cents. aoatlH' j.wTd hr carriers free 1T Wlil 0 ft P . .rt of the city, at the abore - -f. IB cjr tiio cent per week.: rU'ra nd UberaL ..... bribers will report any ana au zau their pspef regularly. -r n-.-j.. Pfivipin has the laraest TnC . .infirm, of anv newspaper hit d' JcB?.'Tz ctfy o Wilmington. - . " . m . w r- ..r. . Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. " FOK PRESIDENT :5 GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VICE president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOR GOVERNOR : . ALFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford. KOK LIEUT. GOVERNOR: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. tOK SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. for attornet-genekal: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. F0K SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREMB COURT: A. S. MERRIMON, of Wake. fOR electoks-at-large : W. Ht KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. FOL CONGRESS : JK. T. BENNETT, X ,'. of Anson. ' ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED ROWLAND, of Robeson. Joaquin Miller has temporarily left his log cabin in Washington and is. casting bis lines ia pleasant places in Boston. . . The Springfield Republican nominates President Arthur as successor "to Mr. Blaino in case the latter withdraws from the canyass. Dr. Samuel H. Moore, a popular pkjsiciau of Buffalo, N. Y.. who died a few days ago, left directions in his will that his body should be cremated. . . Ihe high license law of Illinois has reduced the number ot saloons from 13,000 to t.OOO, while the revenue, from licenses has increased from $700,000 to $4,500,000. "I have placed yon in positions where by jbu have received very largo sums .of money without one dollar of expense to you, and you ought not to forget the C3 on my part." Fisher to Blaine; Mgr. Capel attributes the serenity which sweetens his life to the tact that he his not been inside of a theatro for j 24 years and never has been compelled 10 see a single one of the modern sensa tional plays. Sinee the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher Pronounced against Blaine the Tribune Ua him "Mr. Beecher," and says that "a reopening of the scandal" concern j io8 him "appears inevitable in case he ! ?Pks for Governor Cleveland." : Tte international baby show to be ; held shortly in Paris has alread r npon I books the names ot 1,800 infants of nationalities. An immense outpur lDof ladies is extracted to eazo at this V; Section of nearly 2,000 babies. ! 11 Iooks as if the Blaino libel suit was helping Blaine in Indiana, when dcdQ Scott, of Indianapolis, brother J "Haw of Senator Harrison, Blaine's attorney, bolts the Republican candi date for the first time and declares for j Cleveland. j A. J. Blethen, & briefless young bar tlster in Maine, went West about fiyo Jears ago and by hard work got an in krest in the Kansas City Journal. The herday he sold his interest for $75, 00. and now, in partnership with William E. Haskell, has bought the Minneapolis Tribune. 'Young Haskell J a son oi E. B HaYkell, editor of the ston UeraW. ' . The medical miracle is what the pec Pie noir cail St. Jacobs Oil, the great Paw-conqueror. - - s I 1 VOL. VIIL WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1884. NO 228 If Ohio goes Democratic next week Blamo will retire from the contest. Mark the prediction. Ayer's Newspaper Annual for J&84. just issued, classes our, neighbor, the Star, as an Independent Democrat. isn't that a mistake? Mai.Stedman, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, wf.l speak in Uiraberton next Saturday. Gen. Matt. Ransom will Speak at Shoe Heel on Monday, and Col. Rowland. Presiden tial Elector, will speak at Sterling's Mill on the Tuesday following. A Western newsDaoer sava that th latest sensation is a horse that chews tobacco ; but the Greatest sensation is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, now used by every sensible person. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. II M Mclx tire Arriving The Gem Restaurant The Old North State Saloon Heinsbekqeh School Books S II Trimble Auction Notice J W Kixg. Chm'n Public Speaking W E Davis A Sox Apples, Apples Munds Bros. A DeRosset By Steamer C W Yates Bring Down the Little One3 W n STaA.uss, Pres't Democratic Meeting FC Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 741 bales. ' Fullest assortment ot Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. f Rev. Dr. Pritchard will preach at Point Caswell next Friday -and at Moore's Creek on the Sunday follow ing. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 84 de grees with the wind from the South east. VVe have been blessed with a few light showers during the day!" which had the effect of laying the dust in the streets for a very short time only. We are are glad to hear that the two gentlemen who were injured so pain fully at Burgaw on Monday last , by the falling of a scaffold, were improving at the last accounts Capt. J. M. McGowan has recently made some notable alterations and im provements to his place of business. The Old North State Saloon. A first-clas3 restaurant will be conducted there and oysters will be served in every style desired. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. It is easier to fit a man's form than to fit his mind ; but Dyer & Son have gained the confidence of men's minds and their ability shows on the backs of their customers. t We . learn that a party of musically inclined young men of this city have organized a ministrel club to giye en tertainments in the surrounding coun try during tbelprescnt season Mr. L. P. Thomas, while out hunt ing yesterday, on the Col. Roger Moore place, about three miles from the city, had the good fortune to kill a fine buck besides wounding another deer. He also caught a fox. A party of excursionists from Greens boro and other points along the line of C. F. &. Y. V. R. R-, arrived in the city last night on the Carolina Central train. They were in the city during he day and will leave on their return on to-night's train over the same road. An Ola Acquaintance. The steamship Gulf Stream, Captain Kimball, after a long absence, appear ed in the waters of the Cape Fear to day. Capt. Kimball has never been here before, having taken charge of the steamer since she was here last. The Gulf Stream takes the place of the Ben efactor, which has been hauled off the line for a short time while undergoing some necessary repairs. Judge Fowlo to Speak Here. We understand that Hon. D. G Fowle, of Raleigh, the "silver-tongued orator" as he has been so often and so fitly described, has accepted an invita tion tendered him to speak in Wilming ton and has signified this acceptance to Mr. Thosj W. Strange, Eresident of the Young Men's Democratic Club of New Havover county. Hs will speak under the auspices of two Young Men's Demo cratic Club?, at the City Hall, on next Monday night in accordance with the notice published in this issue by Mr. James W. King, Chirm an of ib6 County Executive Committee, r Daily The disgusting spectacle of three de baaed and degraded white women rid inar up Mulberry street iast'evening in a maudlin state of intoxication, trying to sing 4iPeek-a-Boo," was not pleasant to the refined ladies and gentlemen who dwell there or whose business or pleas ure called them to that thoroughfare. An Old Citizen Deaa. We are sorry to learn ot the death of Mr. John Costin, a venerable and es teemed citizen of Columbia township, Pender county. Ho died at his re sidence on Moore's Creek, last Sunday. He was 75 years of ago and leaves a widow and ten children. Quick Work. The Superior Court of Brunswick county, Judge Shepherd presiding convened at Smithville on Monday the 22nd inst. On Monday night the jury were discharged, and last night the Court, having transacted all the busi ness which came before it. adjourned sine die. This is a good showing for Brunswick. City Court. The only business for the Mayor's consideration this morning was the in vestigation of the case of Dock Leake, colored, who was arrested yesterday afternoon charged with chicken steal ing. He was required to give a bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was committed. For the Exposition. Captain T. J. Southerland started six coaches and sixteen horses, with their drivers, this morning, for Raleigh, where they will remain during the continuance of the Exposition for the purpose of accommo dating the. travelling public which wilj congregate there. The teams will trav el the distance; which is 115 miles, in about four days. This will not In the lease interfere with the business here, as Capt. Southerland has enough teams remaining in the city to accommodate all the ordinary demands of trade. The Pantomime. Humpty Dumpty will always be popular with our fun-loving people It will never grow old, and under the skilful management of Tony Denier will have constantly added charms. It will be presented at the Opera House to-morrow night by a fine troupe of artists under his direction, and many new and attractive features will be added to increase the interest of the en tertainment. Of this troupe the New York Herald says : Tony Denier still holds th palm as the representative manager of Ameri can pantomime. He is at the Windsor next week, and is giving a fine enter tainment to unusually crowded audi ence.s The L.ato Capt.'W. H. James. The remains and 'effects of the late Capt. W. H. James were taken in charge yesterday by Mr. DuBrutz Cut lar, whobad for many years been the intimate friend of the deceased. Mr. Cutlar immediately telegraph to Mr. W. Alden James, at Fayetteville, the sad news of his father's lamentable death and also gave the necessary in" structions for ha ring the remains pro perly encoffined, which being done, they were conveyed to his residence on Second street, between Walnut and Red Cross. The son reached here last night and, accompanied by Mr. Loui3 J. Poisson, will leave on to-night's train with the remains for Wadesboro, where they will be interred in the family burying loll by the side ot his wife. A Fine Display. There was on exhibition at the Pro dace' Exchange this noon a case of rosins, embracing all ithe grades frm "A" to ' W." The different grades were elegantly and tastefully arranged in such a manner as to represent a fine piece of mosaic. The case was pre pared under the the direction ol Messrs. Worth & Worth and will bo forwarded by that Louse for oxbibition at the Slate Exposition at Raleigh, where it will form an at tractive feature. .Last year the same house had prepared and forwarded to the Boston Exposition a similar exhibit, but that we saw to-day, while contain ing no Wetter specimens, was far supe rior in the beauty of the arrangement of the several samples From nearly every section the com plaint is that. the 'crops are fsuGeriDg tr-m the long continued dry weather ; but from a gentleman who arrived in the city to-day from Holly township, Pender county, wo learn that there has been rain in abundance ia that section. NEW APVEBTI8EMEVT8. EVERY DAY WE And our Motto is In a few days we will have a COMPLETE STOCK in every department. Don't forget we carry the best stock of CURTAINS and CURTAIN! GOODS south of New York. sept 24 On Strike. The longshoremen and working stevedores of this city have been on a strike since Monday last. The former havfi hnen receiving tl 2n npr Anv onrl ! now demand 2.25,while the stevedores have been receiving $2 per day and now demand $3 and $4 per day. These de mands the employees do not feel able to pay, hence the strike. Work such as ha3 been heretofore done by these men has been performed during the week by such help as could be obtained. No dis turb tnce has arisen and those now em ployed have been unmolested. Club Meeting-. The Third Ward Democratic Club held a meeting at the City Court Room last night. Col. John D. Taylor, Pres ident of the Club, called the meeting to order and Mr. E. G. Parmelee was the Secretary. Adresses were made by Messrs. H. A. Bagg, J. W. King and W. J. Yopp on matters pertaining to the organization. Tuesday eyeniiio of each week was adopted a3 the regu lar night upon which to hold meetings. Messrs. Isaac Bear, W. H. Montgom ery and W. N. Jacobs, were appoint ed a committee of finance, after which the club adjourned until next Tuesday night. An Insane Act. At about 3 o'clock this afrernoon George L. Mabson, one of the most well-known and influential colored men of this city, in a moment of great mental excitement, under which he had been laboring lor the past 24 hours, made a desperate attack upon himself. The instrument used was an ordinary case knife which was very dull, but with which ho inflicted a deep wound upon the right side of his neck, two wounds in the back ot the head and one on the fore head. Neither of tho wounds are con sidered dangerous. The deed was done at his house on Harnett street, between Seventh and Love. His wife and daughter took the knife from him af ter a severe struggle. A beautiful set of fancv cards sen1 free to persons who have taken Brown's Iron Bitters. Address Brown Chemi cal Co., Baltimore, Md. t th s fit Personal. . Mr. Sol. Haas, Trafiic .Manager of the Associated Railways, with his son, arrived in the city last night and regis tered at the Purcell House. We regret to hear that Capt. J. C, Borden, conduct on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, is quite sick at his house in this city. Col. R- W. Best, of the Department of Agriculture, at Washington, is in the city and paid us a pleasant visit this forenoon. Col. Best come3 to North Carolina for the purpose of getting up articles made from native woods tor exhibition at the New Orleans Exposi tion, and bears a commission from the Department for this pupose. This will be a big thing for our State, a North Carolina is the only State which Col. Best will visit for this purpose, and the ojnly State from which it is proposed to make such an exhibition. He should be given every assistance and facility in the undertaking. -! Capt. F. A.McNinch, Chief of Police of tho city ot Charlotte, arrived in the city this morning clothed with the nec essary authority to take Isham Brown back to that city, ironi which the latter is an escaped convict. Brown was ar rested here last Monday afternoon urr on a request made by Capt. McNincb to Capt. Brock, and has been held since awaiting the arrival of the proper officer to whom he could bo surrender ed. Capt. McNinch informs us that he has never before been in Wilmington, and that be proposes, now that ho is here, to remain a few days. We hope that "his Thit may be , made agreeable and that when he returns to Charlotte he may. carry with him pleasant mem ories of our city and people. Ml 1 : ! 1 N EW ADVERISEMlijN TS ARE GETTING IN the Lowest Prices ! I ! R.'Mm MclRJTiRE. MAJRKIEl). ! GREENLEE CONEY At tlbc residence of the bride's parents, Marion, N. C, bn the 3rd day ot fceptember, by tho lievl C.l T. BUnd, Mr. H. T. GREENLkE. of Marion! N. C. to Miss MINMK CONEY", formerly of Wilming ton, N. C t ' 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 55 Bills. Apples . : I I jyUST SOLD. COME AND; SEE them at cur Fish House. it sept 24 DA VI is SON. The Gem,; JJESTAURANT AND SAMPLE koOM, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. I f No. 26 North Front st. Two doojs North of Purcell House. j sept 24 The Old North State Saloon XT AS BEEN THOROUGHLY JLX orerhauled, refitted and ;rc- si Hopkins have been secured and a first-lass Rca- u4.iirH.nt u now in run operation. uyBters serv ed in all styles. Fried Oysters sent oiitin boxes made for that express purpose. Cool Beer and the best of Liquors and Cigais. , Free lunch from 11 to 1 I I eeptt J. M. Mc(fOWAN. Public Speaking, JJON. DANIEL G. FOWLE WILL AD. dress the citizens of Wilmington t from the steps of the City Hall, on MONDAY NIGHT ! 1 NEXT, the 29th Inst.,- under the auspices Of the two Young Men's Democratic; Clubs of this city. , sept 21 JAS. W. KING, Chm'n Co. Ex. Committee Democratic Meetin fTIUERE WILL BE A MEETING ) OF THE JL YOUNG MEN'S PROGRESSIVE! DEMO CRATIC CLUB, THIS (WEDNESDAY)oight, September 21, at 8 o'clock, at the Cty Court I 4 ! Room. As Marching Outfits for on hundred I ! men have been ordered, all memberp wbo dc i ' r eirc to obtain an outfit should attendtho meet- i ing to night. Let every voung man who de tires the success of the Democratic I party at tend thi3 meeting. j X W. II. STRAUSS, President. E. F. Johnsox, Secretary, j eejpt24 it SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DECllPTION, can be found very cheap at j heinsberJger's. j Pianos and Organs, SOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY IS i 3 stalment plan, at j i HEINSBERGER'S, i i sept 24 Live Book Mid Mnfc Store p. Oysters AT NO. 112 SOUTH FRONT STREET. HUMPHREY JENKINS keep tihz f' frpfih Nfiwivr and Mvrtta ?il5l Grove Oysters. Sent C. O. D.' Al- to. Apples, Pears. Peaches, Northern Cab bage, Oulons. Swce. and Irish Potatoes, which we will sell low for ca-h- ;cpt 23 A Bargain ! if f N II AND AND FOR SALK.I FIVK "RVA SCUPPERNONG WINE ONLY $1 PFU GALLON. A pure wine, a pleasant wine ai d -a cheap ... i wine- Must be sold at once I .j l. G. cHttiur. If ang9 tf N. W. cor. Market and PecondBts. Bed Room Sets. A LARGE AND WEIXfcELECTlEIi STOCK. 1IN'NKR ASDTKA9KT3 VERY LOW. GII.W A MDRCHISOK'S. eept 22 3S and 19 Ifarcblr c Block. Cotton Presses! : : - ?: - I 1 BEOWK8 COTTON GIN, RUBBER BELT ING. GIN BUI5TLI25. Send in your or oers at once for GINS and PKESSE. Don't delay. You will be disappointed In settlsg W. K. SPRINGER & CO.. 13, a ft SJ Market Street, . eept 23 i WUsilsstoa, K, C. . f.ASi Oii;:A ' STTinugUd ta reccrro coarssrlciiloa troia our fricaaa on ay it all :n!?35u; - ssserai latereat bal TS taao of tho wrtter meat tftrs n b GcauaimJcaQoxaimttl bs nr.tWu ; -oaaaidaQf tha paper. - f ju" rsrsonaStlea must Wavoldedj i r Afld It la eapecJtjVaaa partlccbriy ttcTe tood that the Editor doe set alwtra ealo! thTlew8oleorrespoaaeB& nnfej - c ute tn the editorial cctanjav Z' - NEW A P VEJBTIS CMENTS . S ETII W. o AVIS, Auctioneer BY S. n. TRIMBLE. ' T rjO-MORBOW, SEPT. Sah. at StoroOccn- P'.cHyJ. II EFF, I wl.l elcae out balance of ?t' i e 10 coniincnco at 10 o'clock. OPERA HOUSE. Read ! Itcafl ! Read! '. . One Night Only ! Sept. 25th ' ,,, , . Tony Denier's Popular Pantomime Co.. And Lustrously Luminous Star Specialty Group of Incandescent Light3 In a New and BriUUnt Arrangement of HTJMPTY DUMPTY ! .'. . . TUE GEEAT HAVEL, WITHOUT A PEES. New comical last act, II. D. In tho Wild Weat. among Indians and Cowboys. Seo It. Popular prices prevail. Ref erred Seats at Heiufcberser's, WcdneodaT, 2Uh sept 21 3t Gregory Institute. IIE A. M. A. NORMAL SCHOOL WILL be known hereafter as GREGORY .1N&TI TUTE. Fall term bcglrs Monday,' Sept. 20th. Applications for admission and examinations of newpufils on Thursday, 25th, and Satur day, 27th. at school house corner Nun and Seventh streets, between t:c hours of 10 and 12 a. in. and 2 and 4 p. ro. ' Principal, GEO. A. WOODWARD, of Weymouth, Mats, financial Agent, D. D. DODGE, scp 23 2t Wilmington, N. C. Rev. Daniel Morrelle's - Enrlisli and Classical School, No. 420 Crarge Street, Corner of Fifth. riHIE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SKS X'Sionwill bjjgin (D. V.) Wednesday, the first of October. Information with regard to terms, &c, may be had at any tlmo by calling as above. sept 17 Cape Fear Academy WILL KEOP.EN MONDAY. SEPT. 20TH. English or Classical education acquired Fully equipped with school appliances. Foil corps teachers. fleaee enter sons at beginning of session. Sec catalogue in Bo kRtorcs. WASHINGTON CATLETT, sept 15 2w Principal. Female School. St. James' Seminary, ' MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. MRS. M. S. CUSHIXG, Musical Instructress. rilHE TWENTY-FIUST ANNUAL SESSION X of this School will commence on Monday, Cth of October, l'Si, and close about tho third week in June, 1SS5. Special opportunities for Icarnlnar tho art of Painting In water colors, oil, pastel, Ac , will be afforded thoso who desiro tbclr children to Jearn this -beautiful and fashionable accom plishment." Pupils outside of tho School ac commodated with Eultable hoars for learning Music or Painting. For furiher particular enquire of the Principals. sept IS - New Grocery Store. rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD .EES PECT fully announce to the citizens of WUmlngtcn and the adjacent country that he has opened a New Grocery Store at the corner of Princess and North Water Streets (Mr. H.Ixcb'aoll stindj which will be kept constantly supplied with the NICEST AND FKESUEST GOOD3. At the same time I continue to offer Choice Family Groceries to my friends and the rubllc at the old stand. N W Corner Market and Second Streets. ; L. G. CIIKRRY. y Consignments of country produce solic ited and prompt returns guaranteed, sept 8 ly Announcement. J HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN aidate f or the office of SherifTof Pender coun ty. If elcctel I will pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office faithfully, without re gard to party or party organization, sept 19 d&w 1m E. M. JOHNSTON Stores for Kent. If ttovc now occupied by Mmrs.rxHr Stre and offices above now occa-fff;' 7j nlel A. IiiTnrlanft Vi'Vl Both on North Water et. ; between l-nnce and Chestnut. Apply to aag 13 fitw ccpy 3t DeROSSET A CO. By Steamer, SPLENDID 1XT OFTOILET SOAP. 12 C AKE3 FOU 25 CTS. g.OODWTN'S COMP. SYHU P. Hypophosphlusj. with Lactates and Terela, which la already bclcg prescribed by oor Physldana, and for which we are agents. M u n ds B ros. i & D eRdsset, Harket Street, WUsilrstos, 2f. C. iept 18

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