-ry Bandaya ex- . 4 ' " . - - : " -'V-l . ' ' ..... eepted by JOSH T. JAMES ttpTIONS FOSTAGB, PAID-. . 8tjBSloo Six month. $2.00. Three 0 ti 00; One month. 35 cents. Bt1' will be delirered by carriers free 1 n any p" J T.r week. ' "Znz rates low and liberal. Xera will report any and all fait al?tL their ipaper regularly. , Vaily Review has the largest ffe circulation, of any newspaper Ajnthcof Wilmington. ggJ TICKET. rf. flection Tuesday, Nov. 4. yOK PRESIDENT :J GBOVER CLEVELAND, or New York. l0U vice president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOK GOVERNOR : " ALFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford. FOU LIEUT, governor: CHARLES M. STEDM AN, of New Hanover. KOR SECRETARY OF STATE : WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates. - FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL: THEODORE F.DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. for superintendent of public in- struction : S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. AHOCIaTE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT A. S. MERRIMON, of Wake. f OU EI.ECTORS-AT-LARGE : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. - FOL COXGRESS : s i?. BENNETT, of An son. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED ROWLAND. of Robeson. Albert Edward, of Wales, the "most popular prince of Europe, is making i round of visits through the interior of England, j . - ' Marion Crawford's forthcoming book entitled "A Heartless Politician." is believed to be a campaign biography of B. F. Butler. - . Miss Lula Hurst, as candidate for Vice President on the Lock wood ticket, awggested. She might impart more 'magnetism" to the canvass. , J. W. A. Shaw, the colored orator qf Flashing, L. I., who is a staunch sap porter of Cleveland and Hendricks, has iwed a challenge to John F. Quarles. tie well-known colored lawyer, who is pronounced Blaine and Logan man, tomeet him on the. stamp. , - , . Wayne McVeagh, Senator and Mrs. wneron and Mrs. Garfield have re ntljbeenin consultation. The pur pose was to get the Senator to support B'me, and it wretchedly failed. Cam ton declines to give a dollar to the Blaine cause, and "declines with more 'eheoienco than politeness." Thomas B. Reed, who has just been elected to Congress from Maine after j 10 exciting contest, waa leadiDgoars- at Bowdoin College.- He was aatedfrom that coftee in 1860. "tile a student he was a participant in a close race, and was a winner. 11 to was- this year. G. G. Symes, the Republican nominee fof Confess from Colorado, is credited property to the amount of $500. JW. largely made, his enemies say, by gating Leadville miners and ousting from their elaima. but his friends gj that he is good for $100,000 worth " p io secure his election. Few young women begin married binder such iprrihlv disheartening instances as Miss Louisa Alexans S1 Williams Wynn. daughter of Sir jkio Williams Wynn, whose- wed i J? was publicly celebrated in "Welsh QHea named Wangadfan, Wanuw Jtot Llanrhaiadr, Llangedyn, fWjcroessan, Pontfadog, Uansaintl Sf a,'ya Cer2. Trawsfyoidd, Llany 'dwel, Llangyniew, Llanbrynniair Mschynlleth. . I wJr of ammonia, noor' fellow." Wr- unowned Mrs. Partington, on 22K 9i friend's death from pneu- tto r t I should have died, It US? -for Dr. BoiPs Cough Stirrup. irnekup Jy cold and drove it tK Jr- BuU,s Coosa Syrup ehs COUT53 ilE : DMLY; ME Wfftt " VOL. VIII. TI.. TT7" y .7 xt ? 1 . 1 . --r --- - . m.uk rwunu tuiQKS inai jnsw xorK is sure for Cleveland We have never doubted it.' Ex-Senator Hendricks is sixty-five years old. His parents went from Pennsylvania to Muskingum county. Ohio, near Zanesville, early in this cen tury. The elder Hendricks built a tan nery. The late Senator Anthony is said neverto have used tobacco until he was fifty years old. Then he was advised by his physician to try smoking for bronchitis ; but it did no good and he soon gave it up. . . Ben. Perley Poore, as the life long friend of Henry B. Anthony, received by will from the late Senator the Charles Sumner silver pitcher and cup and $2,500 in money, making Poore less poor than he was. One of the first couples in France to take advantage of the new divorce law were named Granville. They were married fifty years ago. The lady's age was then sixteen, and fifteen days af ter the wedding she obtained a separa tion from her husband. Mr. Jame3 Gordon Bennett is said to have a greater number of houses await ing his occupancy than any other Amer ican. He has one in Fifth Avenue and another in Fort Washington, and rooms at the Herald office. His New port villa ;s always in readiness, and he ha3 also a fine establishment in Paris. Mrs. Charles J. Folger, who died eight years ago, like her husband, was born at Nantucket, and her maiden name was. Susan Worth. She was married to Judge Folser when she wa3 fresh from school and quite young, wa? thoroughly dome3ti never in unison with her husband's political ambitions was endeared to host3 of friends, and though changing her name to Folger, always retained her worth. Christopher '. Matthews, a Lynchburg lad, is a rival of the numerous magnetic girls, his specialty being the moving of heavy tables, with men opposing him A heavy oak table, which his father owns, has been badly used up by him, and is now under repairs. A few nights ago, it is alleged, he kept a table susv pended in the air at a neighbor's house, with four or five men attempting with all their strength to get it to the floor. Here is something more about the proposed fusion of the Democrats and Butlcrites in Pennsylvania. It is in the shape of a special from Pittsburg to the World: The sentiment in favor of a fusion between the Democrats and Bullerites in this State has been gaining strength very rapidly during the past few 'days, and now bids fair to become an assured fact. The labor party, especially in Alleghany County, look with favor upon the movement, and leading- labor representatives, like Thos. A. Arm strong, are its warm supporters. On Saturday W. U. Hensel, Chairman of the Democratic State Commiitee, visited this city and held a conference with the county chairmen of all the Western counties of the State. This conference lasted several hours and the subject of fusion was carefully considered. It is now known that the prevailing senti ment at the conference was strongly in favor of the proposed movement. It is stated that a conference of the lead ers of both parties will soon be held, at which the details of the fusion will be agreed upon as follows: "The Demo crats will withdraw eight names from their electoral ticket, seven electors and one elector at large, and Butler men will be substituted. This fusion when effected will receive a hearty support and place Pennsylvania m tne list oi doubtful States. 4 The Grave and Victory. The Ashmore, Illinois. Citizen, pub lishes the certificate of Mr. Abram Beaver, an inmate of Coles county poor house, which sets forth that he suffered years with acute rheumatism, and was given up to die by his physicians, but as a last chance they tried St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-reliever, and by a few applications he was cured. To this is added the certificate of the Superin tendent to the truth of the statement and the paper adds, 'any one desiring further information can correspond with this office." . - By the will of nature honey is the universal bee quest. Pure Cod-Liver Oil made from selected livers, on the seashore, by Cas weul. Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all othess? Physicians have decided it su perior to any of the other oils in market. Chapped Hands, Face, Pimples, and rough Skin, cured by using Juni per Tab Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co . New . York, th 3 w Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy Clipper Plow, greatest j invention "of tfcs sro." Jaco i3 tia lnt. - t W ELMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY- SEPTEMBER 25, 1884 LOC AX NEWS. IK DEI TO MEW AnVEgTlSEHEBTS. OKixsBKaoER School Books Davis Sox-55 Bbls Apples Mcnds Bros. & DkRossbt By Steamer C W Yates Briag Down the Little Qnes F C Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens Boys, Robinson's Circus is coming. and don't you forget it! The receipts of cottoD at this port to-day foot up 615 bales. The Kazoo band was out last night and serenaded several of our citizens. . - t Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c, should go to Jacobi's The weather is oppressively hot, not withstanding the tact that October is near at hand. Police officer D. Orrell is quite sick at his house on the corner of Mulberry and McRae streets. Rev. E. S. Alderman will preach at Brooklyn Hall to-monow night, the services to commence at 8 o'clock. ft?- There is a scarcity ot good beef in the market and a few well selected droves of cattle would find a ready market. Railroad traffic, both freight and pas senger, is very large now This will probably continue until next Summer. The Tony Denier Humpty Dumpty troupe, consisting of 20 persons, arriv ed here this morning and registered at the Purcell House. , . . There were frequent and quite heavy showers yesterday alternoon a few miles North of the city. They were much needed and were very refreshing. - We invite the attention of eur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. There was no City Court this morn" ing and the only matter claiming the Mayor's consideration was the surren der of the escaped convict from Char lotte, Isham Brown, to Chief of Police F. A. McNincb, of that city. If there is a young white boy in this city who is not afraid of work and wants to learn a good business, com mencing from sweeping the floor and bringing water, he cau get employ ment by addressing through the P. O. to T. & II. t We understand that the railroad au thorities have placed the rate for round trip tickets to Burgaw and re- turn, on Monday next, at SI- This is reasonable enough it being less than two cents per mile. There will proba bly be a large number from this city at the speaking at Burgaw on that day. Theytell a good joke that Major Stedinan thrust at Judge Faircloth the other day. Faircloth twitted Major Stedman with reading nothing but the Bible and the Democratic Campaign Book. "In each of them." replied Stedman, I find nothing but eternal perdition for Republicans and Phari- sees. Journalistic. We have neglected to notice the Ral eigh Chronicle since it come out as a daily afternoon paper for the reason that the earlier members failed to reach us. It is ably edited, neatly gotten up and we trust that it may receive the patronage its merits richly deserve. Something Straoffe. It seems curious to note that while there was but a mere sprinkling of rain on the river front yesterday forenoon there was a heavy shower within a short distance, only as far East as Eighth and Ninth streets. The cloud was from the East and broke when it reached the outskirts of the city. Personal. Our genial friend W. T. Bannerman, Esq., clerk of the Superior Court of Pender county, was in the city to-day. Dr. E. Porter wss iu the city to-day, and he reports that the crop3 in the vi cinity of Rocky Point arc turning out quite well. The farmers are busy in harvesting their cotton and other crops, which will be considerably larger than was at one time expected. Rev. W. M. Kennedy, of Warsaw, gave us-the pleasure of a call this after noon . He states that a revival meet ing is now in progress ; at Riley's Creek Church in Pender county, of which Mr. Kennedyis the pastor. He is assisted in the meeting by Rev. R. T. Bryan, who is a young clergyman of great promise for future nsefnlness. 'Another larga consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobs ; nardTrira Drpctf Fine Work. Through the courtesy of President Charles Piatt, of the Insurance Co., of North America, Philadelphia, we have received a colored lithoirraDh of th . ' - v New .York Cotton Exchange,' which is the finest cotton exchange building in the world. Tne lithograph is in the highest degree; artistic and is published by George W. More & Co., 115 Nassau Street, New York. Tbe Cornet Concert Club. . The Wilmington Light4 Infantry are very anxious for the Cornet Concert Club to accompany them to Raleigh and it is now thought that they will be suc cessful as nearly all the members of the club have signified their willingness to attend. We hope that the .business of the members of the club may be so arranged that they may turn out with a full complement of instruments, as their music would excite much attention and would prove an attractive feature of the opening exercises. A Phenomenon. Last night, at 11 o'clock, there was a smart sprinkling of rain from a clear sky. It was one of the strangest things we ever witnessed. Overhead there was not a cloud and the stars were shining as bright and clear a3 we have ever seen them. To the North and to the West there were a few light clouds but they were well removed from the zenith. There was no wind, the at mosphere having been calm and still. And yet, without clouds overhead and without wind, there was a shower of rain. Chicken Thieves. One of these midnight marauders vis. ited the premises of Mr. John Dyer last night and found the key to the hen coop and coolly unlocked the door and took from the roost five nice hens, leav ing nothing but a rooster. The thief must have been well acquainted with the premises and knew just where the key was kept. If this sort of work is continued much longer we shall insist that there ought to be a reduction in the price of poultry. As chickens cost nothing but the slight trouble of catch ing them the present prices are alto gether exhorbitant. Fine Fruits. In the room over Briggs' Pharmacy Capt. S. W. Noble3 and his assistants were busily employed this morning in packing for shipment to the State Ex position, jars of fruit of various des criptions among which, we noticed, were plums, apples, pears, peaches and grapes. These had been preserved in alcohol several days ago, the action cf which had turned the fruits of an uni form almost black color, which made them look anything but pretty. Sul phuric acid had been substituted within the last few days, which bad restored them to nearly their original freshness and beauty and they presented a fine appearance. They will be shipped to day. . . Attempted Burglary. At about half past 3 o'clock this morning, Mr. J. G. Voss, who lives in Blount's alley, between Market and Princess-street9, was aroused by the screams of his daughter from an ad joining room, who said that there was a man trying to get into the house Mr. Yoss ran hastily out, but the burglar had fled. The daughter caid that she was awoke by some noise and the first that her -sight rested upon was the figure of a man in the window, when she immediately gave tbe alarm. She had retired, leaving the window up, but with tbe blinds closed and fastened. These latter the scamp had forced open To facilitate his entrance, the 'burglir had found a tub from which he bad emptied tbe water and placed it bottom up to stand on while forcing the blinds. On the same night, either before or after the raid upon Mr, Voss house, the same or some other burglar at tempted to enter the house of Mrs. George, in the same alley, where he succeeded also in forcing the blinds, but failed to gain an entrance, although he broke a pane of glass iu making the attempt. And the burglar also made an at tempt to enter the house of Captain LemmeroiaD, in tbe same alley, and so far succeeded as to raise a window and take a small satchel which bung con eniently near. It is supposed that tbe thief was sure that he had captured a prize, as many ladies carry money and valuables in satchels of the description he had gotten, and went off to be dis appointed, as there was nothing of value in U, and the thief threw it in disgust into the grass, where it was found this Lcrninj. , - I.. - , . ni.,1 . II I NO. 229 The Younjr Democracy. The Yonng Men's Progressive Dem ocratic Club ; met at , the City. Court Room last night, pursuant ib previous announcement. The President, Mr. W. H. Strauss, was in the chair and called the meeting to order,; and the Secretary. Mr. E. F. Johnson, ma.de a record of the proceedings. The meet ing was of an entirely business charac ter, and from tbcenthnsism ii an i Tested it was apparent that the Club,, which has already carolled 125 jbembcrs, will do good and faithful service in the campaign. The committee appoint ed for the purpose reported ftbat they had secured sufficient funds with which to supply the Club with helmets and torches and that the same bad bcty ordered and would be here ih season for the parade next Mondjiy night. The Committee on Invitations was in structed to co-operate with the County Executive Committee 'in making ar rangements for the Monday night's pa rade. : ! I , The Cluh will hold their nxt meet ing some time next week, and probably in the Fifth Ward. Several speakers of note have been invited to j address the Club, among whom is Gen. Moisc, of South Carolina. ; ? " - Try Peppermint. The cultivation of peppermint in the United States is not carried on to any great extent except in Western New York and in Michigan. It is an enter prise in. which there is more money than many imagine. When dried ready for' market it is worth $3 a pound. An acre will yield from eight to filteen pounds, according to the fertility of the soil. It thrives best on low,; swampy soils, and requires very little' cultiva tion. Almost any of the low, swamp lands of the Ea3torn portion ' of this State would produce it in abundance. We hope some of our farmers will give the enterprise a trial next.year. ' : : H-: Ger. barque Michael, from; this port for Vlaardinger, passed Dungencrs on the 23rd inst. i t! Ger. barque Carl Max, for port, sailed from Hamburg on this the 23rd inst. i A beautiful set of fancy cards sent free to persons who have takert Brown's Iron Bitters. Address Browh Chemi cal Co,, Baltimore, Md. . i th s 6fc " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 JgRLS. OF FINE APPLES AT NEW YOBK prices. MUST BE EOLD. j - ECpt 25 DAVIS; & SON. The Old North State Saloon TT AS BEEN THOROUGHLY overhauled, refitted snd tc- Tleni8hefL The services of Dick Hopkins nave been secured and a uret -ciass res taurant Is now in full operation. Oytetera serv ed la all styles. Fried Oysters sent out In boxes made for that express purpose. Cool Beer and the best of Liquors and cigars. ; i Free lunch from 11 to 1 i 1 ccpt24 J. M. McClWAN. Announcement; k i ;i I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN I H dldate for the "fficc of Sheriff of Pender coun ty. If elccte-1 1 wiU pledge myself torUlscharge the duties of the office faithfully, without re gard to party or party organization. ; sept 19 d&w lm E. M. JOHNSTON Stores for Rent; WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES 3. above now occupied by Messrs. rxxlc H. Johnson A Co. Store and offices above now occu pied by A. DumelandL m Both on North Water sU ; between f rincess and Chestnut. Apply to i aug 13 Stu copy 3t DeROSSET & CO. A Bargain I o N HAND AND FOR SALE, FIVE BBIJS SCUPPERNONG WINE ONLY $1 PFK GALLON. A pore wine, a pleasant wine wine. Must be sold at once atdja cheap s ; L.U. Ctl&'IRT. any 9 tf N, W. cor. Marfcet and feft6ndgU Bed Room Sets. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK. DINNER AND TEA SETS i VERY LOW. GILES A MCUCKlhON'S. 38 and 40 UarcJaW Sloe. aept S3 - Conoley's Drug Store. SIO EIABKCT STHEET. TiRUaS, CIGARS AND CIG A EETTiS, XJ - TRY THE TRIXY. An A T7alCT sept 22 No. 1. 5e Cl&ar. Soda and Mineral J.W.CONOLEY. ' FLEAS OiTCIL Wf win tgl4 ta receive ccztscxdcxSsa from ovj Meads ca any iad an tcstjaca The name of tia wrtternut ahrirs "U r ifca to ts Rater. r. t Coxaiwmlcatloaa must wrttua " ca ca oneeldept the ptpcx. , i : PcxaoaaUtlii mtint ntt : ) ; Ant It Is especially and partletilarrv ii? Wood that the Editor does net always ca-Ioj a tha Tlewa cf corroepondenta nkh4 c stata to the editorial coluiiaa. -V. ' NEW ;AJDVEIJTISEaiEJTS, SETUW. JDAVIS, Auctioneer Bra. n;TraMBi:j:tef ON WEnNESDAT.OcT. lst. at 10 . m.. I , llseU at residence. 21S Nun si. corner of Third, rccnpled byJUcut. KoTVuroUc SteSSSi: etcf CroCicr7 Sl0TW. . Kitchen r,,1!8 ?lsilaSf 10 samloo can do so pxcrl aS bjrapplJto on prcxulaca'or at Anctloacer's effice. .. ?. . , acptU PuWic Speaking. JJON. DANIEL G, FOWLE WILL AD dress the citizens of Wilmington Xroxa the etcpa of tho City Hall, on MONDAY NIGHT NEXT, the Sth lost., under the auspices cf lbs two Young Meaa Democratic Cluba of this city", sept U JAS. W. KING, Chm'n Co. Ex. Committco The Cem. JESTAURA.NT AND SAMPLE ROOM, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. No. 26 North Front bt. Two doors North of Purcell Hoiiac. sept 21 Oysters AT NO. 112 SOUTH FRONT BTREET. TTUMPiiREY & Jenkins kesep; jul iresn isew Kirer ana Myrtlo Grove tTRtrs f tnt O. II n Al. eo, Apples, rears. Peaches, Northern Cab bagc, Ouions. Sweet and Irish Pottccs? which we will sell low for ca?h. sept 23 Important Change. JN ORDER TO GIVE THE CITIZENS OF Pender county, and especially those- who will attend the County Convention, an opportunity ohearMaJ. Stedman speak at Burcaw, oa Mondiy, Sept. 20th, I have changoi tho da for holdlDp the County Convention from Wed nesday, Oct. lt, to Mobday, Sept. 29th. The Convention will be called to order promptly at 11 o'clock, a. in. The speaking will take place after tbe business of tbe Convention U over. jno. R. PAl Dli-ON. sept 13 Chairman Dc in. Ex. 4 ommlttco SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at IIEINSBERGER'S. Pianos and Organs, gOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY IN- stalmcnt plan, at HEINSBERGEBS, sept 24 Live Book and Music 8torv. Rev. Daniel Morrelle's. English and Classical School, No. 420 Orange Street, Corner of Fifth. mHE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL 8FJ JL sionwill begin (D. V.) Wednesday, tbe first of October. Information with regard to terms. &c mav ha had At anv iimn k, .iHn. as above. pnti7- Cape Fear Academy WIi'L,EPpM0YDAYSKpr-2Tir. ji -i... iiuuuiuuu avuuiruti Fully eoulnned with nrhnni annu corps teachers. ricaso enter sons at beginning of session. See catalogue in Bo kstorcs. naoiiinuiVfl UATtETT, sept 15 2w rrindpaL. Female School. St. James' Seminary, MISSES BURR A JAMES, Principals, MRS. M. S. CUSHING, Musical iBstructreas. THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence oa Monday. 6th of Oc tober, if si, and close about tbe third Special opportunities for learnlnar the art of Painting in water colors, oil pastel, Ac , will be afforded those who desire their children to learn this beautiful and fashionable aceom Dliehment. I'unlU nutil nr ka r..i -I commodated with tultable hours for leaning wi iiuiuog. ior lurincr parucuiara enquire of the Principals. . . sept 18? nationaiTmills. All Wool Cassimeres, Direct from the Factory. DESIRABLE GOODS FOR MEN & BO IS. A FULL LINE JUST OPENED. JNO. J. HEDRICK. sept 11 ; , . By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAP. v- ' - ' f 12 CAKES FOXS 25 CTS. QOODWTVS COMP. SYEUP, T - H jpophopMtea, with Lactate and Pepain, whldt U already being prescribed by oor Physicians, and for which we ara amenta. ; Munds Bros. & DeRossot. 4 ' Market Street, tert 13