THIS PAP". - JOSH T. JAMES, rro IPTIONS rOSTAGB PAH SCB80 six month.. $2.00. Th m J 4i 00: one niv nt paP r t of the city, at the above nrenu per week. - rnzratelow and lioerai. : libera will report any ana svu nu ob8T. thir caper regularly. ii" " ' ' -, fhjt jsauy - - circulation, of any newspaper V , citv of Wilmington. S -Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. j FOn president ' , G ROVER CLEVELAND. ' ol' New York. ron vice president: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. FOli GOVERNOR : ALFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford. ron lieut. governor: CHARLES M. STEDMAN, of New Hanoyer. fOfl SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS. of Wake. , FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake, . . for auditor: W.P.ROBERTS. . of Gates. for attorney-general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. fok superintendent of public 'in struction: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURTS A. S. MERRIMON, of Wake. kr ki.ectous-at-large: W. II. KITCHEN. JOHN N. STAPLES. i " rOL CONGRESS : R. T. BENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED ROWLAND. of Robeson. Victor Hugo denies a report that he is to yisit America. The Duke ot Argyll says the world is tea million years old. . . The late: Senator Anthony's estate proves to be worth about $600,000. Mr. Bennett, the owner of the New Tork Herald, has gone to San Francis co to confer with' Mr. Mackey. .. . Mrs. Emma Johnson, wife of Presi dent Johnson of Liberia, died at ' Monrovia last month. The just-probated will of the late Baroness Nathan Rothschild leaves 100,000 to charitable objects. -. Roscoe Conkling is reported to have aid that as he is not engaged in crimi nal practice, he cannot take the stump a defense of Mr. Blaine. The University of Heidelberg has re used a gift ol 100,000 marks, because its acceptance was conditioned on wo men being allowed to study there. Miss Florence Field, the pretty daughter of Charles W. Field, of Louis" ;n . .... is tne latest Kentucky candidate fcf a share of the dramatic honors hich have fallen t.n th lot nf Mrv j Anderson and Virginia Dreher. ' Since the Franco-German war the jjomber of Germans settled in Holland ! rgely j increased. The total is es j ateU now to be 60,000. Amsterdam d Rotterdam contain about 10.000 iech. Haarlem and The Hague haye carcelj any Germans. The Hilljer Guards, of Harttord, QQ; have voted to go to Mobile, j A.. next Spring, where a competitive arill between Northern and Southern opanies will tak nlaca. The Hart ford company has a good record, and forking hard to improve it by con nt drill. ; Grant, the retired financier, ied upon Mr. Blaine at the Avenue jjtel and paid his respects. f M r. ot's business partner, Ferdinand &rd, who is a great admirer of. Mr. aine, did not" call, owing to circum nces over which he has no control, is to some extent beyond the reach w magnetlsmatpresenU JJifeta bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough gfap in some bandy placeu you will ick cure for croup, cough and ttUuh yoar childreix re troubled Tlffl .' Tl) A II , V 1R wrem; : : xee : U t l A 1 J 1 W II I - II III III U ' i U V : . '..!. i VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1884 I NO. 230 . ? ' i ' 1 - ' 1 i i i i i i.n-. - ' ' ' Capt. Eadsis trying to secure the Great Eastern, now in British waters. to seed to the New Orleans Exhibition He is interested personally because-he wants to show people that eeii the Great Eastern can pass tnrongh the ictties at the mouth of the Mississippi. An English banker, possessed of pe culiar advantages for forming an opin ion on the subject, estimates that the amount of letters of credit issued this season in England for foreign travelers falls short of the usua sum by about $20,000,000. The cholera is responsible for this falling off. Father Bilimek, confessor to the Em peror Maximilian, died a few days ago at the Miramar Castle, near Trieste, Austria. Bilimek accompanied Maxi milian on his expedition to Mexico. shared his fortunes and has finally died in Maximiilian's castle. He was a dis tinguished naturalist. . An immense dog, a cross between a mastiff and a St. Bernard, savagely at tacked a young man at Edmonton. England, and wonld have killed him had not bis sister come to the rescue. The girl fought the beast courageously and desperately, and was badly bitten' but she conquered him. -. Leopold Buron, the well-known Spanish tragedian, has arrived in New York, on his way to Havana. He will will remain there about three months, and in the Spring will play an an engagement in New York with an American support. As he speaks only Spanish, his par. will be in that tongue. The late Duke of Wellington used to say: "I'm all right. If they abolish the House of Lords. I shall go over to Belgium. I'm Prince of Waterloo there. When the Great Powers swallow up Belgium I can still live in Spain, where I am Duke Ciudad Rodrigo. And if Spain collapses, I shall retire to Portu gal, where I shall end my days as Mar quis oi Torres Vedras and Count of Vimiero." At the bicycle tournament at Spring field, Mass.. last week, ten miles were covered by Howell, an Englishman, in thirty minutes and thirty-niue seconds time which some of our fastest horses could not beat some years ago. It is not unlikely that wheelmen, with the aid of the improvements that inventors are constantly making in their vehicles, will in a few years be able to distance our fastest horses. The ex-minister to Portugal, Mr. Her yey, who was private secretary of Mr. Dayid Davis while the latter was Pres ident of the Senate, thinks that Gover nor Cleveland will be elected by the larg est majority ever given to a President. The States of New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Indian, Wisconsin, Michi gan, Kansas. Colorado and Nevada, he claim, will go Democratic,! and the chances in Ohio and Illinois, he says, are excellent. What's the best soil to the acher? St. Jacobs Oil. Price, 50 cents. LOCAL NEWS. IRDEX TO MSW AnVEfiTlSEMEMTS. The SUr Saloon R P P addison Notice American Legion of Honor P II Darbt, Adm'r rNoUce HEINrffcROKR School Books Geo Habriss & Co For Rent y Q Curtis Uotel Brunswick W E Davis it Sox Mor'e Apples Qko F Tillet Mountain Beef Jno R Paddisox For Sale or Rent Notice Telephone Exchange Subscribers M unds Bros. A DeRosset By Steamer C W Yates Bring Down the Little Ones Jxo R Meltox Ho, from the Mountains F C Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens A few late peaches are to be found in 1 market yet. Hon. George Davis, of this city, was in Raleigh on Monday. We have had a. few fine and refresh ing showers during the day. , The receipts of cotton at this port to" day foot up 684 bales,. Clarendon Council, No. 67, A. L. of Honor, will meet to-night, at 8 o'clock. We have received, thus far, but two nUmbersof the Raleigh Daily Chronicle. Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c., should go to Jacobi's i t I. Rev. E. S. Alderman will preach at Brooklyn Hall to-night, services com mencing at 8 o'clock. There it no steamer here to-day from Fayetteyille. The bottom of the river is probably on toproow. y . . t " Rev. W. SLacy has declined the call extendedhio by the Second Prcs bytcrioa Church of this city. : - " - - .--, 11 VI J U 1 f 1A U -f f f ! II ...: I - : . , , , The steamer D. Murchison. which has been on the railway for repairs, came off to-day. and after being repaint ed will resume her regular trips on the Cape Fear. ' - - - : German brig Alice Starrett, Captain Hasenbuscb, cleared -yesterday after noon tor Antwerp, with 3,138 barrel rosin, valued at $3,254, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, D owning & Co. News and Observer: Capt. Guilford L. Dudley, who has been at Round Knob for a fortnight, is back again. We regret that he is. not specially im proved by his trip and is very weak in deed. Great work3 are performed, not by strength, but perseverance; but Dyer & Son, by taste and science fit the most awkard form with a fashionable suit of clothes. t Mrs. W.F.Williams, who for several years filled the position of organist in the Charlotte Baptist church, has been elected to a like position in the First Baptist church of this city, and entered upon her duties last Sunday. Thanks to Mr. Geo, M. Crapon for a can of 'Boston Brown Bread," from an invoice just received by him and which he offers for sale. It is intended, wo believe, to accompany baked beans although we suppose there would be no objection to taking it straight. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf . City Court. Sylvester Artis and Susan Hill, both colored, were brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly condubt. The former was fined $5 and the latter was fined $5 or 20 days in the city prison. Home Asraln. Messrs. J. W. Gerdts and H. Brun hild and family returned to the city last night, having just arrived from Europe where they had been for two months They came home from their European trip on the North German Lloyd steamship Werra. Hurry Up! The time allowed for the shipment of exhibits to the Raleigh Exposition will expire to-morrow, the 27th inst., so that it would be well, to hurry up and not wait until the very last moment. The Exposition will open October 1st (next Wednesday) and there is no time to spare. Yom Kipur. The holiest day of the year among Israelites is the day of Atonement It will begin next Sunday at sundown and continue' twenty-four hurs. Stores wUl be closed. Monday will be passed by the Israelites in fasting and continu ous prayer. Services will be held all day Monday in the Temple. Personal. Mrs. John F. Tienken,- Mrs. F. C. Miller, Mrs. John Haar, Jr., and Mrs. J. F. Stalter, with their families, who have been passing the hot months of the Summer at Shelby, Cleveland county, have returned to the city. Rev. Dr. Pritchard left this noon on the steamer John Dawson for Pion1 Caswell, where he will preach to-night. For Burgaw. Let it be borne in mind that our dis tinguished fellow citizen and candidate for Lieut. Governor, Major Chas. M Stedman, will speak at Burgaw on Monday, the 29th inst. There will un doubtedly be a large crowd in atten. dance and we are glad to know that the railroad company will sell round trip tickets from this city to those who may dosire to go. We hope there will be a full delegation from here to do honor to our distinguished townsman. lirunswick Items. Sheriff.Taylor. of Brunswick, who has recently travelled through the coun ty, has kindly furnished us with some interesting items. He says that early corn is fair and that late corn is poor. Cotton is very poor and ihe average will not be one-halt of a crop. On the other hand the rice crops are very fine were never better. T -The Superior Court adjourned on Tuesday last at 12 o'clock . The docket was light and this fact speaks well for the county. Judge Shepherd was much admired by the people: - s As for political matters in the county Sheriff Taylor," to use his own langnage, gays : "Politics are below pari Blame and Cleveland could scarcely cct up a The Opera House. The Opera . House presented a very handsome and attractive appearance last evening. Capt. Pennypacker. the lessee. ha3 made some appreciable im provements there during the Summer monlns. We notice that the paint brush has been liberally used, that some of the walls have been papered, that the cornices and gas burners have been renovated and that new mattins has been laid. Humpty-Dumpty. - Our beautiful and co3y little Opera House was opened last night for the first time this season with Tony De- nier's Humpty Dunipty Troupe as the attraction. The house was well filled with an appreciative audience, among whom, it seemed to us, the juvenile element predominated. The performs ance, as a whole was very good, but not quite as good as we expected to find it. Some of the specialties, tbough Were excellent, notably the acrobatic' performances and the exhibition of the trick dogs, these being among the best we have ever seen on our stage. Pompey Sneed Again. This notorious individual bad a dual examination in the Court House this morning before Justices Millis and Hill. The first case was before Justice Milliss for assault and battery with a deadly weapon upon Henry Moore, colored. The testimony went to show thatPompey beat Moore on the head and arm with a pistol, inflicting quite severe wounds. He was required to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. Justice Hill then appeared with a warrant charging Pompey with break ing and entering the store of Stioedolf and stealing a watch and other property. On account of the ab sence of an inportant witness for the State this case was continued to the first Wednesday in October and the prisoner was committed to jail in de fault of $100 bond for his appearance when wanted. A Valuable Publication. Ayer's "American Newspaper An nual'Mor 1884 has been received. It is exceedingly well prepared and of special value. It contains a carefully prepared list of all newspapers and pe- riodicals in the United States and Can ada, arranged by States in geographical sections, a 3d by towns in alphabetical order. Also, complete lists of all the religious or agricultural periodicals, of medical, commercial, scientific, educa tional or any other of the class publica tions. In it is given the population of every State, territory, county and county-seat; of all the large cities and towns, and of almost every place in which a newspaper is published; also the colored population, by counties, in the Southern and South western States, and.the Chinese popula tion on the Pacific slope. It has a list of the cities, towns and villages of the United States having a population of 5,000 and up ward, arranged iu alphabet ical .order. It is unequalled for full ness, correctness, compactness of state ment, of statement, variety and value of contents, and freedom from favor itism or prejudice. The price is $3. carriage paid. It. is published by Messrs. N. W. Ayer & Son. Phhiladel phia, Pa. joint Discussions. The people of Wilmington are liable to be misjudged iu some things which have been published in regard to the effect of a joint discussion between Scales and York here. It may be that the prevailing . opinion is against a joint discussion, but if so it is not based upon any apprehension of a riot or bloodshed, or any disturb ance of the public peace. This is as peaceable and orderly a community as any other in or out of North Carolina, and as there have been no riots conse quent upon the joint discussions of Messrs. Scales and York in other places, so also therewould be none here. The opposition to snch discussion arises from a different source: viz: an indisposition to furnish an audience to Mr. York which he would not other wise get. and a desire to avoid the con sequent danger of a "wider dissemina tion of his demagic appeals. From all accounts Geo. Scales is superior to York on the stump, but that fact alone is not considered by some as a suflicien compensation for the possible loss which might arise from stirring up a more active oppostion than now exists, or is otherwise likely to exist, in this part of the State. The danger of a riot is not apprehended, and it is putting th3 people oi Wilmington in a false po tltlca to zo iitlntc. -; Complaint has been made ;to us that our few remarks yesterday relative to the scarcity of good beef In tfti3 market were somewhat erroneous. This view ot the question - is borne out by the fact that Messrs. J. R. Melton arid Geo: F. Tilley both advertise in this issue tho ar rival here of carloads of suneib 4 ? mountain beef which , will stock .this market for a week to come. . We 'have not seen these cattle but understand from those .who have that it is about the finest brought here in .years. !! Military. ' j The Wilmington Light Infantry had a drill, inspection and dress parade at the City Hall last night, whichwas an excellent display of real soldiery quali ties. There were 40 member in uni form and their evolutions wre pro nounced by entirely competent Judges as excellent. The corps will ijavc for Raleigh on Tuesday niomingijncxt to be present at the opening of the State ExDOsItion. and wo leel assured thnt members will reflect credit upon tttem selves, the corps and the State Guard by their soldiery appearance and conduct. lnere lias been con? luerablo pr of rain to -day, although the; has been confined to a few lisht s ers. !! . Every Farmer ought to get 'a ''Boy Clipper Plow,"; greatest invention of tbease. Jacoci is tha A gent i t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ABEATirULi SET OF FANCY SARDS sent free to persons who have taken Brown's Iron Bitters. Address Biawn Chemi cal Co., Baltimore, Md. ?Lct 1 ; 9&- For Rent)? ; gTORE NO. 8. SOUTH FliOST, Street, now occupied by N.. Greene) 1 1 wald, Esq. Apply to jj sept 26 3t GEO. HARRIS & CO, For Sale or Rent. . o NE TURPENTINE STILL IN GOOD order, with everything complete for. running. Conveniently located, to the Wilmington mar et. Plenty of Turpentine can . be; bought to operate with. Terms esy. f JNO. B. PADDISON, sept 26 2t Point Caswell, N. C. Sobscribers to Wilmington Telephone J Exchange. T)LEASE ADD TO YOUR LIST4 B II. J. AHRENS, Ice House, No 61; antl Grocery Store, corner Seventh and Market, No. 5. sept 26 It GEO. H. GLASS, Mgr. More Apples,!) ERLS. APPLES TO1 ARRIVE ON 100 Tuesday's Steamer, on consignment. Mutt be sold, sept 26 W. E. DAVIS & SON. i i!" Notice. '! - is HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRA tor of the ebtatc of Ann Gleason, deceas ed, notice is hereby given to all pjersona ie debted to the said estate to make payment at once, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them for payment to the undersigned, on or before the 2?th day of September, A. D. 18S5, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recevery. sept 26 6w F. H. DARBY, Adm r The Star Saloon, 13 MARKET ST., jj GEO. F. IIEKIiEItT, Ifrop. T HE FINEST OYSTERS TO BE i had In the city, today. Fresh lot recei ved sept 26 It MOUNTAIN BEEF A CAR LOAD OF VERY FINE MOUN- TAIN CATTLE just received. It is conced ed to be the .finest lot on this market in five 1 s years. Will be found every day during the next two weeks at my SU'ls, Front Street Market. Also. FINE WESTERN MUTTON AND VRlf. 1'Ii'M V TTT t trv - sept 26 lw Stall 6, New Market. Notice. rpOTHE SUBSCBIBEltS OF Titc WIL- rolngton, Clinton & Point Caswell B R. aiHl Steamboat Co : Having closed a i contract with the above Company, and given bond to the President and Directors of uald Com pan r to construct and eqolp 15 jultes of : ltd roal from ,4Polnt Caswell to J. D Ketrtt store", and the subscription list having boed pL&cctl In my hands for collection, 1 aul on the flmt day of August notify each and every subscri ber bv Postal ' that an assessment of 5 per cent was due and would be called for at once, which waa done ana in a few Instances paid, bnt my agent waa In a great many cases put off from time to ticne. till forbearance baa csaaea to be a virtue. The Company trill ex pect me to do my work according to i contract and it iU be done, and in return 1 must here mj paw How, therefore, thia U to give notice that uaicea each and CTery subscriber jiaja or causes t j be paid to me the amount ot their as sessment on or before the loth day of October, l ax all proceed without further notice, to col lect by law i ibis course win be fully aa ca pleasant to me as to them, but my time la tco ctoeely occupied with my work to make fur ther effort to collect otherwise. : ) . u p. PADDUo:r, Ccrfractcr. 4sult now- PISA3& ont; Wa wiHbla4 to reeerra eoaataseaKoa' troa trar fiscadj ca say asi aU zt:ac: : tcserallatsmtbut '. ; 1 ; .' . . :.k ; . . . The name of the writer osst always b4 " aIaM to the Editor. " . - " ;- Ccaanixicatloaa auat b wr!Ka ca "ca one aide of the paper. Personalties mnat be avoided r Aztd it U especially ud partlealarlv cr.iffi tood that the Editor does not alwaVa eadois correspondents cnW araie to the editorial colaajaa. ;v!r- KEW APVEICTIBKMENTS SET1IW. OAYIS, Auctioneer BY S. II. TRIMBLE. O WEDNESDAY. Oct. lt, at 10 a. m.. I . . " ovn;uiuc, iun aw. -corner lor Seta. ChaST Utensils. etc, J - , w uuuao cu uo so prcTl- Hotel Brunovicf;, SMITHVILLE, N. C. p ENDING ARSaNGEMENTS WHICH are contemplated for opening this Hotel aa a Win tcr resort, it will bo cicsed from and after this date, with the cxcepUan of the Pavillloa, which will be open at all times, as usual, for amusement purposes. Due notice will be jiven of the reopening, sept S6 2t .. W. G. CURTIS, Prop'r. Ho! from the Mountains ! FIRST INSTALMENT OF THE SEASON. TWO CAR . LOADS OF EXTRi CATTLE I " In twelve months, which we will furnish our customers and the public generally, and whlc h lou can find the year round, as we have made a contract for a CAR LOAD OF THEM EVERY WEMC. f FISE VEAL, LAB1B and MUTTQN always on hand. . All orders promptly filled - and s delivered free of charge, fccud jour orders for THE BEST. P S. Look cut for tho finest SAUSAGE. PUDDING and all kinds of GERMAN SAUS AGE when co'.d weather commences. We have engaged a man direct from Chicago. who 13 now here fitting up our Sausage Factory, lies pectf ally, JOHN It, MELTON. tept23 1t Now Market, Stalls 1 and 3 The Old North State Saloon HAS BKKN THOROUGHLY f fZ overhauled, refitted and ro- Senishcd. The services of Dick xiii opklns have been secured and a firstclass Res tan rant is now In full operation. Oysters sew ed in all styles. Filed Oysters sent out In boxes m&de fvr that rnw Tn vtu Cnti IIaav and the best ot Liquors and Clgaia. - ree mncn irom iuo i sept 4 J. M. McGOWAN. Annorincenient. J HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN didate for the office of Sherlffof Pender coun- Tf 0lrfAr1 T Will xnAlrt ttimlilf 4 1. ' the duties of the ofllce faithfully, without re-- gard to party or party organization. . septl9d&wlm E. M. JOHNSTON " Stores for Rent. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES 3. ' . .. fboyenow occupied by Messrs. rs3r It. Johnson- Co. . ' tjTtt Store and offices above now occu- Jrfjfh pied by A. Dumelandt. - - 'j'UI'l Both on North W.ntor ct t.f and Chestnut. augjo Diircopyat ; DEROSSET & CO. Bed Room Sets. A LARGE AND WELLSELECTED STOCK. DINNER AND TEA SET3 JL Ml. VERY LOW. GILES A MURCUISON'S. 38 and 40 Uurchlrrn Block. eept 22 Public Speaking, JJON. DANIEL G. FOWLE WILL AD dress the citizens of Wilmington from the steps of the City nail, on MONDAY NIGHT NEXT, the' 2Sth lnat., under the auapiccaef ths two Young Men's Democratic Clubs of this city, sept 24 JAS. W.KING, Chm'n Co. Kx. Committee The Gerxi. JESTAURANT AND SAMPLE ROOM, J MEALS AT ALL HOURS. No. 26 North Front at. Two doors North of Purcell House. sept 24 SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at 4 - HEINSBKEGER'3. Pianos and Organs, gOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY In stalment plan, at , HEINSBEKGER'S, aept 24 LIyo Brtok and Mnaie Blent r. By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAr. 12 CAKES FOR 25 CTS. Q.OODWYN'S COMP. SYEUP . HypophoBphlLes, with Lactates atd Pcjsiii, which jj alrcad d Veisg prescribed by cur Ph jiidaTX5, and for which wc ara agents. Munds IBro3. & DoRossot, t:;:i3

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