r tWf7 Suadaya s0 T.JAMES. nKS POSTAGE PAID: stt months. $2.00. Three One month, 35 cents. the above .,nfl: ' - . m d:. :.. silvered by caxnci. !r" n ...-t fhj IjtTflfJtt r -laWtow. ' any newsPaPer & T , . Ju, nf Wilmington. S55?ric TICKET. f t.o.1.iv. Nov. 4. for pbesidest:. f POVEB CLEVELAND, f vKESIDENT: t0'AS A. HENDRICKS. 1 of Indiana. r0K ooveknor : '.tfREDH- SCALES, of Guilford. rOU LltLi. w . OUllIXS M. STEDMAN. -.rTii;Y OF STATE: SUM I- SAUNDERS, ot V use. FOB STATE TREASURER: DONALD Vv. BAIN, of Wake. Fon auditor: W. P- ROBERTS, of Gates. ar attounet-genekal: I THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. l SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC LN STRUCTION: S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. Lociate justice supreme couet: A. S. MERRIMON, -ot Wake. fOK ELECTORS AT LARGE : W. II. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. FOL CONGRESS : . R.T.BENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, . ALFRED ROWLAND. of Robeson. HjLuIa Harst, of magnetic mem- 7,1 pocketing gold dust in San Fran Kb Clara Morris, of tame as a star. hi bought the Cornell mansion, which Jijoiu that of Mr. Morosini, at Youk hfer $40,000. A well-known Wall street broker bet 11,000 to 800 recently at the Hoffman fm that Cleveland would carry the ite of New York. Commissioner of parities Jacob Hes3 took the odds. l -w . m mm firs. Mura Roth well will open a poi lor boys at her residence on ted street, opposite the City Hall, on Wednesday next. October 1st., and Vl-:r f . T" l 1 II :,1 1 i-uiaij nuiuweii win open u suuuui fjrls at the same time and place. JoeEmmett, who is said to have al post entirely lost his singing voice, and bribed as beginning to look dolefully -"superfluous lags the veteran on po stage," is to try again this season abas sworn off from the use of PJitaous liquids. Some Republican postmasters in In are quietly suppressing Denicw newsDaDers. instead of delivering The Indianapolis Telegraph, a man paper, got tired of it. and sent ad a detective who bought some papers with th , rr w me Tostmaster at OarrP.tfc. Tnd 8rPperrags. A United States mar gone to Garrett to arrest the toaster. Il ex-aDDOintment nWV rvf tho . m uw nao tawcu "iger, and who resigned a short a come out for ClAVPland: lift 8 Stalwart of thn Npw Vnrt- Rhal- He attended Secretary Folger's V5ra, nd on his return to WashFng -coaple of days ago he said to his U3: I have always been a Stal- Republican, but I shall suppor Stalwarts in New York feel as I "wnt thftm.lt " I Am . ft C rr1011 Llve Stock. "Why. . " uuiaireu you oavo m itl ' "Yes. I raised it from Jtiiffiy head Tve too much Dr RnTn eutaKo cures lite 3; jv-QlU Cough Syrup will cure you. ioMr?'1 quickly scare the .A beai III : Biiiif ;li?iEirj;' VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATUR DAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1884. Mr. John W. Garrett, President ot the Baltimore & Ohio R. R., is dead. Ex-Gov. Hubbard's daughter Nellie, who some years ago married her fa- her's coachman and who, after having been disowned and disinherited by him. was divorced from her busbandi has again married, this lime to Clara SmeJley, a New Ilayan expressman. There was a monstrous Cleveland demonstration at Columbus, O., on Thursday. There were 35,000 stran gers present at night and it is thought there were as many more from the city present at tho speaking. Govs. Hend ricks and McLane, Greo. II. Pendleton, Senator Bayard, Speaker Calisle. Gov. Hoadly and others were the speakers. It was a tremendous outpouring of the people. At the meeting of the executive com" mittee of the German Cleveland and Hendricks Central Campaign organi zation in New York, on Tuesday, Mr Oswald Ottendorfer submitted an ad dress to the German-American citizens of the United, States setting forth the reasons wh,o they should cast their votes for Cleveland and Hendricks. The ad dress was Adopted, and will bo printed and distributed among the Germans throughout the country. It was de termined to have a grand Cleveland and Hendricks mass meeting A of Ger mans at the Cooper Institute on the 29th or 30th inst. It is said in Berlin that when, at their last meeting, the Czar, Kaiser and Em peror stood together the Czarina said to Prince Bismarck: 'Could not we Always be so? Would it not bring hap piness to the world?" Prince Bismarck replied : "as long as I am Chancellor it will remain so, and when it cannot be so it will be my time for civing in.1; The Chancellor will leave on Monday for Friedrichruhe, and will stay there probably until Christmas, but will re turn once or twice for a few days. The Emperor Alexander presented him witn a life-size oil painting, the Chancellor already possessing all the Russian de corations. . LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D O'COKNOK For Bent Or ee A House Blind Tom W E Mato To the Public Heinsbssoer School Books Opera House Bertha Welby J E Sampson New Registration Mrs Laura Bothwell School W E Davis A Son Apples, Cabbage, &c Munds Bros. & DeRosset By Steamer C W Yates Bring Down the Little Ones F C Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens Change ot schedule New York Steamships Day's length 11 hours and 55 minute?. The receipts of cotton, at this port to-day foot up 1,112 bales. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 48 minutes past 5 o'clock. There was one interment in Bellevue Cemetery this week, that of a child. There was one interment in Oakdale Cemetery this week, that of an adult. Everybody in want of Paints, White w tm w Lead. Glass &c, should go to Jacobi'S There were five interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week ; one adult and four children. Bishop Watson will administer con firmation in St. John's Church to morrow afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock. The Register of Deeds issued lour marriage licenses this week, three of which were for whites and one for a colored couple. NO. 231 t oeauuful set of fancy cards,sent ton Krsons whohve taken Brown's tCn Address Brown Cnemi- Baltimore, Md. t th s 6t Try to see yourself through the eyes of those around you; and always wear on of Dyer & Son's genteel suits, made to measure. t We invite the attention of ur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tL : Mr. Frank H. Darby, of this city, was in Rockingham on Thursday and he and Col. Dockery spoke in the Court House at that place on Thursday night. It was cool enough lor fires early this morning, and there were some indica tions ot rain, but in a short time the clouds were disperted and the sun came out hot and snltry.. The sale of reserved seats for Ber tha Welby 's Tuesday night perform ance, which will be the presentation of "A Terrible Temptation," will com" mence at Heinsberger's on Monday morning. - "Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy Clipper Plow," greatest 'invention ol the &se. Jacobx is tta Agent. . t Public Schools. Instruction will commence" in the public .schools of the 1st and 2nd di's. tricts, Wilmington (city) Township, on Wednesday next, the 1st day of Octo. ber. Parents are earnestly requested to enter their children on the first day of the opening. Oracled Schools. The graded schools of tho city will open on Wednesday October 15th. The entrance examination ot new nuoils will be a3 follows: Hemmenway (white) 9 a. m Union " 4 Williston (colored) 4 p. m. Peabody " Sept. 29. 30. 29. 30. Sudden Death. Mrs. M. M. Johnson, living oCEighth street, between Church and Castle, was stricken with paralysis on Thursday evening last and died yesterday morn ing at about 9 o'clock. The deceased was about G5 years ot age, and had been in good health for one of herfadvanced years up to the hour of her attack. She had been a consistent member of the Methodist Church for nearly or quite a quarter of a century. City Court. Quite a number of colored draymen, who were charged "ith non-payment of the required license, were brought before the Mayor this morning. An investigation showed that one ot them ha I not paid the license for more than a year, while some of them were only a few months in arrears. They all had excuses to otter ana some ot mem waxed eloquent in apology for their negligence, but without avail They were discharged upon the payment of arrearages and the costs. For a Prize. There .was on exhibition to-day in the window of Mr. George Honnet's jew elry store a gold-lined silver goldet which will be competed for in a bicycle race at 4 :30 o'clock on Monday after noon. Tho distance to be run will be two miles one mile and return. The goblet is very pretty in shape and de sign and will stimulate the exertions of the wheelmen, as it is a prize well worth winning. The race will be run al the Sound and will no doubt draw a large number of spectators to witness the excitement of the contest. Blind Tom. This wonderful being will give a piano entertainment at the Opera House on Thursday night, October 2nd, and ot course everybody will want to see.and hear him.. He is a prodigy such as has never been known before and is one of the most remarkable pianists of the age. Deprived from birth of those faculties which go to make an intelligent human being, en tirely incapable ot being taught, yet his abnormal memory of musical sounds and oowers of imitation have made him the marvel of the nineteenth cen tury. His entertainments have been attended by delighted and wondering thousands who with one voice agree that he is the greatest musical prodigy of the age. Bertha Welby. This cifted emotional actress, sup- Dorted by a first-class troupe, will ap near at the Opera House on Monday niVht next in the romantic comedy- drama of "Lady Clare", with Miss Welbv in the title role. The story of tho iftv is of a woman who loves one man. but in a moment of pique marries nnfttkni vfinm ahc. does not love. The auuiui " former is a noble viliin, while the lat ter is a gentleman, although moving m the humbler walks of life, who wins her affections slowly by his character. Thpri is a duel in which the wife, to save her husband, rushes between the antagonists and receives her lover's bullet. The husband does not know that it is to save him that she came up on the ground, and the lover believes that it was love for him that caused her nresencc. While she is convalescen the lover visits her and breathes again his love, when she, in an outburst of wounded honor, fidelity and wifely de yotion. tells him how she has grown to love, above all else, the husband who was dearer to her than all elf e on earth The husband overhears the words and of course there is a happy finale. We are requested to eive notice that there will be a meeting of the Young Men'a Democratic Club of New Han over in the City Court Room, on next Monday evening, previoui to the speech hv Jndore Fowle. for the transaction of some very important business,- and full attendance on that occasion is earn' estly requested. For Raleigh. The Wilmington Light Infantry will leave here on Tuesday for Raleigh to be present at the State Exposition and we hope and trust the employees of the young men wilt so tar enter in'o the spirit of the thing as. to make some unusual eflom to spare them tor the few days required. It is not known as yet how many muskets there will be but we hope that the turnout will be a good one. If it is the company will contest for the $300 prize, which is to be otlered to the beat drilled company, and in that eient we are sure they will win it. At all -eventstbej wjU enter into the contest for the Drize of $100, oflered'to the company which furnishes the best team ot marksmen for the occasion. Each company is a'lowed five men and five shots to each mau, making twenty five shots in all. The team from the Light Infantry is composed of Capt. R. H. Beery, Lieut. W- C. Jones, and Privates W. A. Willson, Jr., N. H. Quince and W. E. Perdew. MARRIED. MUSE CHAD WICK t Beaufort N. a, on Wednesday, Uth InsL, by Rev. N. M. -Inr-ney, Mr. W. H. MUsk, of Durham. N. C, and Miss L1ZZIB U. CH ADWJCKlUlaachter of the late K, W. Chadwick. i ?! DIED. JOHNSON A.t her residence on Eighth St., betwcn'Cliurch and Castle, on Friday morn insr, theSCth Inst, of paralysis, Mrs, M. M. JOHNSON, aged CVyears. I 5 Blessed are the dead vrbo die in the Lord." The funeral will be held at Fifth! jSjeet mA Si Uairs. Laura Rotlnvcll w Personal. Mr. Spencer LeGrand, of Charles ton, is here on a brief visit. Mrs. J. C- Stevenson, who with her children,' has been spending the Sum mer at Lincolnton, has returned to the city. Capt. R..E. Lloyd left here last night for Florida, but only on a temporary visit to arrange some business matters, as he expects to return here soon. He will go to Florida again later n the season and for the Winter. Mr. M. M. Katz and Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor returned last night from the North, having completed their pur chases for the Fall and Winter trade They tell us that goods are plentiful and cheap and that there will be few rea sonable grounds tor Complaint as re gards prices. Prof. H. Gilbert, of Gettysburg, Pa., andVoue of the former Greek and Latin Professors of Rey. F. W. E. Pcschau of our city, is here on a visit to Mr. Pes- chau. Prof. Gilbert is on his way to Newberry, S. C, where he has accepts ed a position in Newberry College, under the auspices of the Lutheran Sy nod of S..- C, Mr. R.J. Jones, after an absence of three weeks, returned to the city last night. Ddring his absence he has vis ited the great Northwest having trav elled as far as Wisconsin and Minneso ta. He made the trip 'for health and recreation and returned strong in the idea that this is a great country. He enjoyed his journey heartily and we were glad to sec that he has returned in excellent health. ILL OPEN A SCHOOL FORjlB YS AT . Ilr rRl.'lpnr nnnnallA CAtrr ffnll Vvrfli Tnlrd, on WEDNESDAY, 1st Octolfcr. ansa uau x i.vs i u ii fi Liij win open a scnooi for girls at the same time and place : ' 1 : -; OPERA HOUSE. Monday, Sept. 29." Tues51j7t. 30. DIKECT FROM WALLAClt'S TJIEATRE. A FASHIONABLE FJjjsTljVAL ! The Day of Atonenent. The greatest and most solemn day known to the Jewish poople, Yom Kip- mir. or lorn imppurim, me aa oi atonement,.begins at sunset to-morrow evening and ends at the same hour on Mondav. On that day Israel bows down before the Lord and with con trite heart does penance for the sin3 i, has committed against Him. In sackcloth and ashes it humbles itselt before the Almighty, and by praying and fasting seeks to atone for the past shortcomings of its people and to obtain forgiveness at the foot of the throne of grace. During the twenty-four hours not even a drop of water passes the lips ot the pious Hebrew. In the olden days the faithful remained in the synagogue all day and alt night and were for the most part arrayed " in white, shroud like garments which symbolized the spiritual death from which, moved by their prayers and ' acts of repentance. Jehovah was to rescue them. -One of the most touching parts ot the solemn services is tho recital of the prayers for the dead, and the sliofar is sounded to call back as it were; the erring child red of Israel, from the ways of unrighteous ness to their allegiance to God. The services at the Temple here will be unusually interesting this year. The singing by the choir will be quite elaborate and Rey. Dr. Mendelsohn will preach to-morrow evening and on Monday; The services will begin at 6 o'clock to-morrow evening and at 10 o'clock on Monday morning and will then continue throughout the day, un til 6 o'clock. nurcn, on aunaay, ac o cioci. a. m thence to BeJlerue CemeteryL Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to at una is NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A boy stood on the burning deck. Whence ail save him haafled, And there he stood, in the smoking wreck, With a badly scalded head ; In it hadn't been for tit, Jacobs Oil, That sell-same boy would be dead. . Fullest assortment, of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi'S, t NowbtbUmetogiveSmithWorm Oils lJdir THE METROPOLITAN FAVOERITJS, BERTHA WELBY Supported byj jf H. A. D'ARCY'3 Superior Comnanv in th jreat New York success, as product at Wal ackV Theatre, with magnificent Parisian cos tumes, and perfect ensemble entitled, i a LADY CLARE ANK THE IRON ! MASTER. - I l A Superb Play ! A Celebrated Star. TUESDAY NIGHT, A Terrible Temptation ! The Supporting: Company merits the dis tinction of the Star. ? I if Reserved Seats on sale at Heinsberger's Bookstore. Carriages may ibe ordeieu at 10 45 P.M. sept 27 3t OPERA HOUSE. BILiaSTID TOM I -TUB- MUSICAL PHENOMENON ! WILL GIVE ONE CONCERT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2. Admission 58 and 5 cents. RftRfirpftd RftAt.r ' nw nn nnln at TTMnnliPTfroVa Bookstore wlthr '.extra charge. Doors open nil f o ojuck. . u jncen at a o ciock. j . sept 27 ' j ! To the Public. rjlHANKFUL FOB YOUE KIND I AT BON- age for the past season, we must now an nounce the house closed at Federal Point un til the 10th of May, 1S5, and hope then to re ceive the patronage of all old frienda and many new ones, to all of whom we promise to use ever? exertion to make them happy, and will have Improved facilities for their accom modatlon. i; Mr. Mayo has taken the J. H. Ncff house on Dock street, between Front and Second, where she will be glad to take a limited num ber of permanent boarders and as many table boarders as she can accommodate and will try to please all The house will bo open about October 6th. Kespectf ully, i sept 547 It VV. E.'MAYO, New Registration. T A MEETING OF THE BdABD OF Commissioners of New llano v or County, held August 4tb, A. D., 1SS4, it was ordered that there be an ENTIRE NEW REGISTRATION of all voters in the County. I 1 hereby give notice in accordance with Section 2,675 of the Election Law of North Carolina, that the Reg istratlon Books will be opened on TUESDAY , the 30th day of September, 1884, and for thirtv days thereafter, (Sundays excepted) at tec following places: First Ward, First Division, at Wl'McEm,' store, on Nixon, between Sixth and Seventh streets. W McEvana, Registrar.; Polling place, Bates btore, (Strauss' office) on Fourth, be itween Bladen and Harnett streets,. First Ward. Second Division, at Israel Tent Lodge, on Campbell, between Fifth anVSlxth same. Polllns place. FLSASS OTICJT. 1 Wi wm bdglad to noc!r coaomraicaUon fxoa otsi JWeada on any aad tH fcahjftctx: feaexallatcrestbl . Tke name of the writer curt always U ttlhedtotheElitOT. . CowBmtmTttonfl must f vrtttsa : oa eT ona aide of tha paper. " , t PcrsoaaEtleamcjtba avoided Ab! is especially and tjarticTiiaW rjM tood that the Eator does not jWy adois tho -news of correspondents . ts3a m autt - In the editorial coluxana. - : - , r ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, SETUW. DAVIS, Auctioneer BY S. n. TEIMBLE. 5 1 ON WEDNESDAT, Oct. 1st. at 10 a, ta4 I . . ."l8011 at residence, 213 Nun St.. corner ZllltllS p!eUjr, Lfeut- Bo8 runHtHre, conaisung pf fine Bedroom. Dining and Par- UteSSffc e Crocker' 5t0T. Kitchen Parties wishing to examine can do so prevl - VIs !S!S hl app,rInS h premises or at Auctioneer's cmce. sept 23 Ou Consigument jPPLES. CABBAGES AND IRISII PO TATOES to arrive on Tuesday's Steamer; will be sold cheap; Country orders solicited. septa? V.. DAVI3 tSOS. For Rent. yjr ABEIIOCSS, FOOT OF CASTLE ST., Good wharf and deep water; storage capacity for live hundred tonB of coal. ecp 27 2t Apply to D. O'COVNOU, Real EmteAg't Hotel Brunswick, SMITIIVILLE, N. C. pENDIXG ARRANGEMENTS WHICH are contemplated for opening this Hotel as a Win tcr reaort, it will be closed from and after this date, with the -exception of the Pavllllon, which will be open at all times, as usual, for amusement punoscs. Due notice will be tiven of the reoienIng. sept :G 2t W. G. CURTIS, Prop'r. Stores for Kent. AREliOU3E AND OFFICES T T above now occupied by Messrs II. Johnson & Co. Store and offices above now occu pied by A. Dumelandt. Both on North Water st.; between ana cnestnut. Apply to aug 13 Stnr ccpy 'it DeROSSET A CO. wot I H nncesa Real Estate, TTOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS lor sale In all parts of the city. Cash or on the Instalment p'an. Apply to aug 30 -!aw 3m sat m TTfT t m D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent For Rent gTORE' NO. 8.. SOUTH FRONT Street, now occupied by N. Greene wTald, Esq. Apply to sept 2G 3t GEO. HARBISS CO Hi First Ward. Third Division.! at J J Mohrs store, corner Anderson and Mulberry streets J ames Jones, Registrar. Polling place. South west corner Dickinson and Gwvna streets. I I? Second Ward, at J C Lumsclen's 'residence, on Front, between Princess! and' Chestnut streets. J C Lumsden, Registrar. Polling place, Court House. j Third Ward, atGiblem Lodge, corner Prln ces8 and Eighth streets. W L Jacobs, Regis trar. Polling place, same. i . - - - i'S - Fourth Ward. at'W P Oldham's Mill, on Dock, between Fiont and Water streets. W E heek. Registrar. Polling place, Ann Street Knginc House. Filth Ward, First Dlvinon. lat New Market House, corner Fifth and Castle streets. John A Farrow, Registrar. Poilir g plaxje, same. fifth Ward, Second Division, at J II Han- by's store, corner Eighth and Dock; s'ref ts. J II Hanby, Registrar. Polling! place. Bucket Co's House, Ninth between Cattle and Queen streets. Cape Fear Township, at Csile Uaync. John S. Bordeaux, Ucg6trar. Polling place, same. i j! , Harnett Towsehip, at Maeombers store. J N Macomber, Registrar. Polling p'&ce, same. Masonborn Township, st B F Farrow's resi dence, II r Farrow, KcgUtrar.i Polliog place, Joe Smith's near the head of Whisker Creek. Federal Pciot Township, at J dence. J II Home, Registrar.! ? J E. SAMPSON, Clerk Board Commissioners sept 27 It ftar copy 2jtn Hforne'srcsl Polling place, Announcement. HEBE BY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AC AN- date f Jr the office of SherLff of Pthder toar.- t. If elected I will pkd re myself to dlschsrge me duties of the office XaithiaUy, without re gard to party or party oranizxuonJ I eeptrfdJtw m E, M. o For Sale or Kent, NE TURPENTINE STILL IN GOOD order, with everything complete for running. Conveniently located to the Wilmington mar tet. Plenty of Turpentine can be bought to operate with. Terms etsy. JNO. R. PADDISON, sept 2G 2t Pomt CaswcU, N. C. School at Willard. J WILL OPEN A SCHOOL AT THIS place 22d of September, 16S4. Rates of tuition, fl-M, -$2.50 and ti.GO, payable at the cod of each month. Board fd. 00 per month. No student will be admitted for a shorter timo than ono month. For particulars address me at Willard. Ecpt8 3wms A. K. BLACK. MOUNTAIN BEEF 1 CAR LOAD OF VERY FINE MOUN TAIN CATTLE just received. It is conced ed to be the lint st lot on this market In five yeais". Will be found every day during the next two weeks at my Stalls, Front Street Market. Also, FINE WESTERN MUTTON AND VEAL. sept 20 lw GEO. F. TILLEY, Stall tt New Market. Notice. rjlO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF THE WIL- mlngton, Clinton St Point Caswell R. Rand Steamboat Co : Having closed a contract with the above Company, and given bond to the President and Directors of said Company to construct and equip 15 nlles ot this road from "Point Caswell to J. D. Kerr's store", and the subscription list having been placed -In my hands for collection, I old - on the first day of August notify each and every subscri ber bv "Postal that an assessment of 5 per cent was due and would be called for at once, which was done and In a few Instances paid, but my agent was In a great many casts put off from time to tlocc. tid forbearance has ceased to be a virtue. The Company will ex pect me to do my work according to contract and It trill be done, and In return 1 must have wr pay Now, therefore, this Is to give notice that unices each and every subVcrlber pays or causes t be paid to me the amount of their as ses&ment on or before the l'jth day of October, 1 st all proceed without farther notice, to col lect t.y law, this course will be fully ss im pleasant to me as to them, bat my time Is too closely occupied with my work to make far ther effort to collect otherwise. B P. PADDISON, Contractor, sept2S2tdltw Caucasian copy 2t By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAP. 115 CAKES FOtt 25 CTS. QOODWYX'3 COMP. SYRUP;' Urpopbofiphltec, with Lactates axd Persia , wllch Is already bclcg prescribed by cur Physicians, and tor which we are agents. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, ' Xarkcl Street, teptlS . miaiotfoa, a

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