MISCELLANEOUS. ' The most common signs of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, are an oppression at the stomach, nausea, flatulency, water-brash, heart-burn, Tomiting, loss of appetite, and constipation. j Dyspeptic patients suffer un told miseries, bodily and mental. They should stimulate the digestion, and secure regular daily; action of the bowels, by the use of moderate doses of Ayer's Pills. After the bowels are regulated, one of these Pills, taken each day after dinner, is usually all that U required to complete the cure. Aver's Pills arc sugar-coated and purely regetable-r-a pleasant, entirely safe, and re liable medicine for the cure of all disorders of tlie stomach and bowels. .They are the best of all purgatives for family use. i PBXPABEJ) BT , Br.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. j Sold by all Druggists. !aI lytc4p dw A 24 1 ! AYER'S Agjie Cure contains an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far as known, is used in no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what ever, and consequently produces no Injurious effect upon the constitution, but leaves the system as healthy as it was before the attack. WE WAERAHT AYER'S AGUE CURE . to cure every ease of Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July 1st, 1382, to refund the Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. may42Sd Ar nrm J. L. WINNER, yATCHMAKEB 4 JEWELLER, Chronometers, Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Opposite New laritet. srontst. W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attornevs-at-Law. Office S. K. Corl Princess and WaterSts. fan? ! F. G. & N. Robinson; KEEP THE Choicest Family Groceries CHICKENS, F.GGS, Ac Fruit Preserves to Arrive SOUTH FRONT STREET. sept TELEPHONE NO 55 NATIONAL MILLS. AH Wool Cassimeres, Direct from the Factory. DESIRABLE GOODS FOR MEN & BOYS. ! A FULL LINE JUST OPENED. JNO. J. HEDRIGK. sept 22 ! White Cypress or Yellow Pine. SASIT, BLINDS AND DOORS GUARAN TEED A GOOD AS THE BEST. Moulding, Brackets. Balusters anl Orna mental Wood Work, sept 22 PARSLEY A WIGGINS. PARSLEY & WIUGINS, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, BLINDS, BOORS, - ANB ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK. 86 p 23 .ISrOTHCER, LOT -OF- 355,11 i Ti ary "j EXPECTED BY WEDNESDAY MILAN CHIP and all the Rough traws.I.. popular now.! Erery possible shade of Featb rs and other Trimmings. New lot of Para eols, whits and colors, all prices. GloYes, - lisle. Kid and Lace. New Stunning Patterns. ' Respectfully MISS E. KARRER. may as i ExchangaaCorner. - PUEOELL HOUSE. TTHDEB NETY MANAGEMENT. r i " WILMINGTON, H. C tl Ta. PEHRY. Prorrletor. , rT-'A :r c'-tr.czti. Terns CintolCJ.CO The Daily Review. cw The isatty Mevieto has the largest jona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in vie cuy or wurRxnqwn. -a. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, LOCAL NEWS. Oft For Kalelffb. The Wilmington Light Infantry will leave here to-morrow morning lor Raleigtu for attendance on the Exposi tion. It is impossible to say exactly how many muskets they wiUcany but the outlook now is promising for tolera bly full ranks. The following companies will appear in thirparade .October 1 : First-Regiment, Col. J. W. Gotten: Pasquotank Rifles (Elizabeth City); Washington Light Infantry; Edge combe Guards (Tarboro); Greenville Guards; Go!d3boro Rifles. Second Regiment, Col. A. II. Worth: 'Fayetteville Independent Light Infan try, LaFayette Light Infantrj (Fayette ville) ; Shoe Heel Rifles; Wilmington Light Infantry; - Sampson Light Infantry (Clinton) Third Regiment, Col. J. D. Glenn; Darham Light Infantry; Reidsville Light Infantry; Forsyth Rifles (Wins ton) ;AsheviIle Lightlnfanlry ;IIaywood Grays (Waynesville). Fourth Regiment, Col. W. II. Fitz gerald: Monroe Light Infantry (Mon roe); Polk Rifle3 (Pineville); Dallas Light Infantry (Dallas); Hornet's Nest Rifles (Charlotte) ; Southern Stars (Lin- colnton); Iredell Blues (Statesville). Each battalion will be accompanied by a flrst-class uniformed band, of not less than 13 pieces. e Historical. Th October Magazine of American History is a strong and notable number. Its articles are all readable, and of timely and varied interest. An ex quisitely engraved steel portrait of one of its earliest contributors, the late Orsamus II. Marshall,cf Buftalo. forms the frontispiece. The opening article, ' Curiosities of Invention a Chapter of American Industrial History," will be read withjnterest. The second article, "Monroe and the Rhea Letter," and "A Bit ot Secret Service History," are each fresh und brilliant. "The Nation's First Rebellion" (in 1794), throws new light upon a singular episode in our na tional history. A "Tribute to the Late Orsamus H. Marshall," and "Did the Romans Colonize America?" complete the list of the most important contribu tions for the current month. The Orig inal Documents contain an important letter on "Secession," from Gen. Hous" ton while Governor of Texas. Minor Opics eivesius a short and entertaining article on r Mas3asoit." The several departments of Notes, Queries, Replies, Societies ahd Book Notices are ex tremely entertaining and wel. sustained. An article is announced for the Novem ber number of this magazine on the "Unsuccessful Candidates for the Pres idency of the United States." and it will be illustrated. Published at 30 Lafay ette Place, New York City. Military Matters. We learn from the News and Observer the following items of interest relative to the appearance of the State Guard at the Exposition: The soldiers arrive Tuesday. Some may come to-morrow evening. Col. Eugene Morehead, ol Durham, is the new Quartermaster General, North Carolina State Guard. The entire State Guard, with the ex ception of the SmithvUle Guards, will ce in camp here. . it is understood that the Raleigh Luht Infantry will og disbanded, in general orders, next Tuesday. loe arraogeuents lor the troops here are complete. At the request of the Adjutant General, Capt. E. V. Haynes U. S. A., Lt. Jo3eph B. Batchelor, U. S. A., and Capt. A. J. Davis, ol .the Davis school, La . Grange, have con sented to act as jjidges at the grand competitive drill at the . exposition grounds Wednesday. October Ist J lne band ol the Uirst Kegiment will be that ot the Pasquotank Rifles. Eliza beth City; cf the Second Regiment, the Cornet Concert Club, of Wilmington; of the Third the band of the Asbevilie Light Infantry ; of the Fourth, the Char lotte Cornet band. The Salem band will probably be designated as the headquarters band." It is understood that the fine band from Monroe will ao company the troops and be assigned a position.-.The well known Durham band will also be here. Yesterday the Stale Ordnance Officer, who has been in charge ot Camp Rus sell, made an inspection of it. after it3 thorough renovation and preparation fur the troops Everything is as neat as can be; the quarters in good shape, S thXJf?SZ:i VhT5 r" triedandconvictedofmurder.whichwas ed, the lawn trimmed. I he old campLjQCf qq.j0tt , u- V t: npUr rr00nto a .ftis. o,p4ast Saturday night, the verdict being me parade grounds acu avenues clear never presented so attractive an appear ance.not even in the days of its occu pancy by the regular army, i The camp was formally turned oyer to the Adju tant General, who arrived from- Ashe villc yesterday. JLady Glare. The Bertha Welby Troupe, who are to play "Lady Clare" at the Opera House this evening, come to us with the most excellent endorsemeats. They are a good troupe, and they will present an attractive piece to the audience who may be present They; played in Ral eigh on Friday night, and the , Kites arid Observer 'gays oftfccaVt'-V:--: Hall gave a .particularly brilliant pre sentation of the drama, "Lady Clare and the : Ironmaster. The - audience wis small: a tbins to be regretted. since the acting was so good as to merit special commendation. Miss Weioy, who is a genuine artiste,; was hand somely suDDorted by Mr. H. A D'Ar- cy's company, which is one ot the best vet seen here. Mr. Hazlrig was effect ive in the 'Ironmaster. The costumes were handsome and very effectively displayed by the ladies. Such a per formance deserves appreciation. And the Visitor gives them the i fol lowing endorsement: was rendered last night at Tucker Hall, with particularly fine effect, and : the audience wen appreciated me piay. The audience was not as large as it should have been, but -was composed of our best and most intelligent citizens. The play dragged a little in the first act, but in the second and other acts, it was much enlivened, and many of the parts were receiyed with the most rap tuous and deafening applause, and oth er parts, and particularly the duel .part created deep sensation. Miss Bertha Welby presents a most handsome ap pearance on the stage, and . her acting was easy, and at the same time dashing and brilliant. She is decidedly an actress of much power, and of decided talent, and willbe appreciated wher ever she may go. Mr. Hazelrig's act ing was also remarkably well received. He acted his part well more than well and showed hknself a master of his role. The whole actinz was very fine, and we can commend the troupe to the lovers of the dramatic art, and add that their performances are well worthy of large houses. - Personal. Col. John W. Atkinson, of this cry, was in Raleigh on Saturday. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Mur ray Grant is quite sick at his mother'8 residence in this city. V were pleased to receive a call this morning from Mr. H. A. D'Arcy, Manager of the Bertha Welby Troupe. Sheriff Manning returned to the city last night after an extended visit to his old friends in Maine, looking much improved, in health. Mrs. Manning returned with him. Mrl I. Shrier returned to the city on Saturday night from New York. He tells us that he bought largely and at a great advantage, and will give.his cus tomers the benefit of his bargains. See what he says for himself in another colum. - " Maj. Chas. M. Sledman, next Lieutenant-Governor of North Carolina, arrived from the West on Saturday night. He was at his residence on the Sound yesterday and this morning he went to Burgaw, where he spoke to day. 8TATJB KEWh. i -Asheville Advance: Mr. W. B, Moore, of Henderson county, brought twelve of his own children-to the - Fair with him. The others we suppose were left at home to take care of the house. Durham Rt porter: The Radical party in Granville has split worse than it was in 1878. Hargrove and Hester lead one faction, while Cozart, Hughes & Co. are blowing the negro horn. This for shadows a Democratic victory hi No vember. Newton Enterprise: Mr. M. M. Cline showed as two bushels ot corn in the ear that he brought up Monday for the State exposition. If it does not beat anything in tbis line in the State we will be greatly deceived. Some of the ears are 16 inches long. Farmers f rom the eastern part of the county re port that there will not be more than half a crop of cotton in that section ; on account of the drouth of the. latter part of August and September. In the central and Western portions of the county the crop is not as good as it promised to be a month ago, but it will doubtless prove to ba more than a two--thirds crop. Cotton now open, on ! ac count of there not having been any damaging rams, is as fine as was ever seen in the county. Wilson Advance : We said last week that the Graded School opened with 204 scholars. It should have been 245. There are now 295 scholars present and the school is progressing finely. I Mr. ti. 11. Williams, of Nash, whom the Radicals nominated -for the Senate last Friday, has declined to al low the use of his name in that con nection. - Bob Lipscombe, who was sent to the penitentiary for 15 years from WiUon Court, dropped dead in the pen itentiary last week. He bad heart dis ease. . Our Agent, Mr. Hardy, who is at Greenville this week, writes: "I arrived here- Monday morning and found the town in much excitement The particulars are as follows: One day last week a colored man by the name of 1 Lemon Evans was tried and convicted of manslaughter, there not being evi dence sufficient to conyict ot murder. Judge Avery's sentence on Lemon was five years imprisonment in the peni tentiary. The verdict of manslaughter which was brought in by the jury seemed to have incensed some, person or persons very much, who evidently thought according to their opinipn that Evans ought to have been convicted of murder. So when Irvin Lan? was brought by the jury at a little after 12 o'clock, these same individuals posted up notices and placards ot threats at the CourtHouse door and conspicuous place around town, and a note was pushed under Solicitor Galloway's rdbm door threatening to mob him and Judge Avery for cot finding. Evans guilty of murder. The citizens of Greenville and the surrounding country -are very indignant indeed at the '.. way that the -Judge and Solicitor-have been treated. - They , held a , meeting this (Monday) morning in the Court House for the purpose of taking steps for fer reting out, if they can. the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Two com mittees were appointed, one on resolu tions and ona on investigation. ' Every-; thin is bcirdcr 3 thzx, to dr.o to Beaufort Telephone: Capt. Sam How land was badly hurt on Monday last. He was at Capt. Fales : mill at Crab Poiut for lumber and had his foot run over by a loaded lumber car. Two toes of the right foot were crushed so that be will be disabled for some little time if nothing more serious occurs. . Greensboro Workman : Rev. MrJ Baldwin; with his entire family, took bis departure on the train last night fcr Philadelphia, from which place, after a short stay, he will sail for his mission field in Africa, which is at Tangier, about 15 miles south of Gibraltar. , Letters have been received by relatives in Orange county from Miss Annie Cheek within the last day or two, mail- eaatgolumbo, Ceylon. Miss Cheek was very well when she wrote, and neither she nor her younger brother bad been seasick from the time of sail ing from New York. i No wbern Journal: We learn from Mr. G. W. Richardson, of Core Creek. who wai in the city yesterday, that one of the convicts, Sot. Davis, colored, at work on the Core Creek Road, while the squad was being marched out to work on Thursday morning attempted to escape while passing a thicket on the road and was fired upon by the guard and killed, bolomr n had been sen tenced for ten years and bad served out eight r ho escaped once before but was recaptured. He was fired upon by the guard as soon as he jumped the ditch. but failing to stop at the first, a second fire put a ball through his neck and killed him on the spot. News and Ooserver: Some fine to- baccowas Fold yesterday, raised on the penitentiary farm. It was a vera zed $50 a hundred. A Primitive Bap tist association is in session at Sandv urove unurcn, on the Fayetteville road, seventeen miles South of Kaleish Itcloses to day. "Many Raleigh people Will nttonrl orifMIf !a fkniinrht that nrttfw 10,000 persons will be present. The receipts of cot ten here lor the week ending last Thursday were 1,808 bales. against 784 for the corresponding week last year. The total receipts from Sept. 1 to Thursday were 3 006 bales, against 1393 bales to the same date last year. Miss Mary Wcldon IT.11 1 4 .. .. " . . nan. who ior quite a lime resided in Raleigh, was married near Sa.isbury. recently, to. Mr. George B. Webmoro, Jr. At the residence of the bride's father, near Lou is burg. N. C . on the 25th inst., by the Rev. John R. Brooks, Mr. Eugene s. Allen, ox Warrenton, and Miss lorence Meade, eldest daughter of M. S. Davis. Esq.. of Franklin. Appointments of Col. W. J. Green Previously published.are herebychan ed for these counties named : Pender. .Burgaw, Wednesday, October, 1st. : Bannerman's. Thursday, October 2. topsail bound, Jb nday, October 3. Wayne. Fremont's, Tuesday, October 7. Beston. Wednesday. October 8. Seven Springs, Thursday, October 9. ixrantham's store, k riday, Oct. 10. Goldsboro, Saturday, October 11. , : j Onslow. Jacksonville, Monday, October 13 Richland's Tuesday, Oct' ber 14 Silver Dale, Wednesday, October 15. Snead's Ferry, Thursday, Oct. 16. By order ot the District Executive Committee. How it Works in Hong: Ivoug-. Mr. Louis Fon Sing, a representati re business man of China, publishes at Hong Kong numerous testimonials lor the benefit of the Chinese people, to the virtues of St. Jacobs Od and writes that the trade in this great pain reliever is very large. Among those who have been curc-d by the great remedy are Mrs, -Loung On Shee. seventy years of age-, of rheumatism bv. three applications of St. .Jacobs Oil; Yew Quai Fing, Cured of rheumatism after suffering eighteen years ; the wife of Lew Fing Nin, of a nervous and fainting, attack : Chan Sara Nuen, of fearful pains in the back and head. Numerous others add their testimony to the virtues of the sovereign pain cure. ; Fullest assortment of Fishing Tack le can be found at Jacobi's. t WILMINGTON MARKET. September 294 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE -Quoted steady at 27 cents per gallon. Sales o? 100 casks at these figures. ROSIN Quoted quiet at 92 cents for Strained and 97 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.25 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.75 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 for Hard. " COTTON Quoted dull. No sales reported, j The following are the offi cial quotations: Ordinary.. 7 CfcTod Ordinary 8 Low Middling. .'. 9 Middling;......... 9 9-16 cents 11-16 ' 5-16 " 11-16- " Good Middling-..-..- 9J DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton. ............... J348 bales Spirits Turpentine - 138 casks Rosin. . . . . 382 bbls Tar ...... ..... 88 bbls Crude Turpentine 140 bbls MAR EN E NEWS. ARRIVED., ' Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith Title, Master Steamer Bladen, Green, Fayettes ville, C S Love & Co. Steamer John Dawson, Black. Point Caswell U P Paddison. i CLEARED. ;- Steamer Passport, . Harper, SmUh ville. Master. Steamer Bladen.-- Green, " Fayette fille. C S Love & Co. Steamer-D Mundiison, Smith. Fav--etterille, G. W. Williams & Co? Nor barque Marie, Neilsen. London. Eng. Paterson. Downing & Co. -." : : exports. ZHSCELLAHEOUS. EVER Y DA1 WE Ana oun In a few. days we will won't lorget we carry the best stocs: south of New York. sept 24 S En iru ? Our Improved Artfclal Ear Drams Bdenaac men ot Europe and America. Write for illustrated aescriutoebbotirutT Irom doctors, indues, ministers and prominent men and women who Jti&YehfWTVMiir1 take v'asum hi revamrr ending them. Tney are unseen while 1q use. conifnrhi V1 mte a permanent crax iMma, 7. XL Nicholson, V Murray &uTcrer ' June SO ly d t th sat wly eow" W. P. SUa'ER, 1HML linal Bi-uiUms. 6an. rnia.. R.f.. Cruuuntf, iw tySeiid for Otaloeruo ' f , Qmch 13 dw ly Pablic SpeaMng. H ON. danikl G fowls will AD dress the cltlzensof WUmiogton I sfroni the steps of the City Hall, on MOSDAlf MQHT NEXT, the 29th the two Young inst., under Ihe auspices of Men's Democratic Clubs of this city, sept 24 JAS. W. KING, Chm'n Co. KjC. Committee Notice: HAVING QUAtlFIED AS ADMINISTRA tor of the estate of Ann Gleason, deceas ed, notice Is hereby given to All persons in debted to the said estate to make payment at once, and all persons having claims against said estate will Dresent them for payment to the undersigned, on or before the 27th day of September. A. D. 1885. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recevery. " sept ZD OW . -EL. liAniii) auuir Announcement!. -. HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN - . - I - ' dldate tjr the office ofSherlff of Pender coun ty. If elected I will pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office faithfully, without re gird to pany or party organization.? sept 19 u jcw lm i js. ai iuu,oiuiJi MOUNTAIN BEEF ! CAR LOAD OF VERY fine; it is MOUN coned TAIN CATTLE just received ei to be the fin t silo t on this markit in five 5 yeais. Will be found every day daring the next two weeks at my Sta Is. Front Street Market. I Also, FINE WESTERN MUTTON AND VEAL. GEO. F. TILLEY, ; , Stall e, New ilarketJ sept 26 lw Board. A FEW TABLE BOARDERS CAN BE accommodated durlsir the Winter months at rea onable rates. Pleasant location, good attendance and tne uest the market anoros. Transient boarders accommodated by the day or week. MRS. ROBERT LEE, iri'A Market street, sept IS lyd w Wilmington, N. C The Excursion and Pic Nic SEA80N!IS KOW;OPEN AND PERSONS visiting th city, the Sounds or Smitavllle. and in need ofiFlxst-Class work wilt do well to call on - JOHN" ZE2ZR. the well known Barber and Perfumer at his Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. NO. 29 MAItKET 8TICEET. where he will spare no pains irCgivingJaatls factiontoaU Comeadsee. s I Buy Cheap & Save IVdhey, E. G. BLAIRi NO. 19 N. SECOND ST., Is offering a beautiful white roller Flour at $5 50. A good white Flour at $5.2$. a fair Flour at fl. Virginia White Water Ground Meal always on hand. f septl) A Bargain ! AN HAND AND FOR SALE, FJVE BBIJ3 SCUPPERNONG WINE f J ONIiX $1 FEU GALLON. A pure wine, a pleasant wine ard a cheap wine. Must be sold at once - U -s l. g. c ei e i a jr. ' - -I- f .... aug 9 tf N. W. cor. Market and Second eta. New Grocery Store. rjpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully announce to the citizens of Wilmlngtcn and the adjacent country that Jtie has opened a ITew Grocery Store St the corner of Princess andj North Water trceta (Mr. H. Ixebs pld stand wbjch will Do aept constantly supplied with the NICKaT AND FRESHEST GOODS. At the same time I coiitlnue to offer Choice Family Groceries to my friends and the rnbllc at the old stand. n W corner Market and Second Street. - 1 tf. CHERRY. -AConsignmenta of cmntrr nrodnce solic ited and prompt returns guaranteed, sept S ly A'PTJ'TCT? Send six cents tor postac, X XhlfcJAJ and receive free, a costly oox oz ooas w men. wui aeip -you to -more money right away than anything else In this world. aJL of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, abeointelr sure. At once ad dress. Texts & Co., Atyrosta. llalne. .mzzszzair Y - - XTUMPnESY A JKINSkeepif.Jl -.-..ii-.j cu--.u--wi c i -t, GroTe Oysters. L. v. v. i receive 1 jAccn'3 nr.r.:Tr:"ro T : : t . n f p 1 . t ?c - MSCELLAKEOUa. ARE GETTING Df ouubiu i:tuoijuuestrnces i mVe a COMPLETE STOCK in, every dept ol CURTAINS and CUftTATxr W. Tj'cirJTIRE. FOR THE cure Deafness la all statrea. twY.rZ-. r.a.xwacuca,8'V ILorcrAcrcaEM or Wim rtntu tvi r.,.. n.nt. &. Coil Soreens, Weather Vanei UblFixt. . es nun itnoc. iron hlraUcn. Counter 8upporu.&c. 0Ucntioa Ulia Paper. Rev. Daniel Morrelle1 - ; English and Classical Scliool, : No. 410 Orange Street, Corner of Flftk. flUlBS TWlfiNTX-FIFTIl : ANU1L SH. first o.f October Information wuhrewiih! terms; Ac, may be had at any time by S as above. scptii Cape Pear Academy I -tlTIUi' REOPEN MONDAY. 8KPT. -fiTii f-VV English or Classical education SS jruiiy equipped with school appiianoea: i7i corps teachers. . "? flease enter sons at beginnl-je of teuta www wo.wwuw u wp AObUrCS WASHINGTON CaTLKTT sept 15 2w - - Principal Female School. St. James' Seminary, MISSES BURR & JAMES, PrincJpat MRS. M. S. CUniNG. JIaslcal Instrnctm rimE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL SESSIO! A oi inis scnooi win commence ob MoBdir. 6th of October. lSi, and close about tbe Itod week in June. 18S5. - -r ... . , Special opportunities for learnlnr the in if PainOng in water colors, oil pastel, 4 , tU be afforded tbosft who desire tr.eir childres to learn this beautiful and fashionable sreo pl'Bhraent. Pupils outside of the commodtted with inltable houn tor temtot Music or Painting. For farther partlcrito enquire oi ne rnncipas. -tepm James A. Lovrev, TUTHEELWRIGHT. BLACKSMITH AM) General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicle Work of all kinds attended to without delay 4 ma. ' " mm i a . a &i.j.J tJ me in tne past, x soucit tneir tana isYonav.. their Datronasre in future. After an expel I ence of forty-four years as a Mechanic aaac japt w. ix. uoDDitt, ox warrewon. asu Wilmington, I am now prepared to conduct the work in all its branches in agoodaL workmanlike manner. J Place of business, on Princess, betweennw and 4th street. noTg-otw-g Bew'Torlt'ft WUmlngtoi Steamship Co. FROM PIER 3. EAST BIVEB, 5Etf TOlX At 3 O'clock, P. M. GULF, STREAM Saturday, Oct REGULATOR. ...... Saturaay. yn GULP STREAM Saturday, Wj mtflnr-ATnn : Saturuayt i FROM WILMINGTON : REGUI ATOR....... TrlfoJ, GULF STREAM. .......... . .SatardTj REGULATOR ..gaturdtfi 0d J K3- Through Bills A9SZmrk Through Rates guaranteed to and tro fp- Lading sad m norm and soutn utronu I Tor Freight or Passage apply W XL G. SMALLBONES. SaperiB mimlBI teadejV. fton, WM. P. CLYDE CO. S5 Broadway. sep 27-tf. Conoley's Drug Stofe- SIO HABKBT STBEET. .... - D RUGS. CIGARS AND CIGARW TRY THE TBIXY. - J Waters raters , . 4.W.W aeptSJ On Consigniueiit A TPLES. AtlRA(3E3 AND TATOE3 to arrlTe oa xaesj - will be sold cheap Cottntrv cr&B rtsTII A 1 aept 17 . ; ydtoro im i-'r 114 rITTIT TE03nf5lEtfJ' AJL ilVt wire & Iron Co. cz.zh. thi primes. c: : r;.3 1 :r-7Cl l-U rc:;n

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