-wrV SVeUiU. eepted by J0SHT. JAMES. oir2lPTlOSS POSTAGE PAID: js oi; one month, 35 cents. ! cnil be delivered by carriers free Pap iBy part ot the city, at the above rfoceiti per week. ".L'AstM'ow and liberal. Adreew---i ... reDOrt any and all fall I their paper regularly. -.V.flArl Kin w ' r, T?tij hsu the. laraest Tin uwy t n circulation, of any newspaper 1 a-. x that the attractive fea- rihe coacnuian i uis uiwo but jure too- re lady died the other day l! .1 ViO nnnnd.4 . It rPfiriirPil we!SriTu , 1 yDt men tj handle the corpse. tncetheiNcw fork Sun ha3 come : -ff..r Ban Batler its circulation has 'A-i.Xr.-i tpvi'ii to eirht thousand 6'Vnou ww ' A new piWm of steel manufacture W'.erior t()n1 cheaper than Bessemer7 prices i a - African. Prof. Cleveland Abfee. the meteorolo- f, 1 L-a nnnn t Vi o n-Pi 1 1 ofl r?t. says f iwvrw roinoctiaiisiornis us uu wpuucuSu- . ... 1 i per5t;t:on. -- Rch Philjadelphiaos drink Apollinar- j water. 4nCj piuivi vj lfi.vj iuavc.- aic rather than be sickened by their river supply. Samuel Noble, of Anniston, once worked at the forge. H13 mills do not ihut down because he personally at tends to his' contracts and knows how to make them. Some people in England are much disturbed because Lord Petre, a Roman Catholic priest, is about to take bis seat ID the Houe ot Lords. Arnold. Nonstable & Co. must make big profits when a trusted employe could steal $2,000,000 in two years and od! ly be found out by accident. ,Iame3 Wilson Marshall, who claims to ba a discoverer ot tno great gold fields of California, is living in Sacra mento andj is without property. . i . &Tne regions round about Washington City ba re not Aad ram ot any conse quence for two months. Great loss vd damage to tho farmers and truck prdens are reported. Mr. Church Howe, of the Republican National Committee, has gone to Nash ville to open a branch headquarters from which the prty. work in the South is to ibe done. The revised edition of the Old Testa meat will be out next spring, if nothing nafoneen prevents, the actual revision hiving been completed. It, is an DDuocd that but few changes have been made. Mr. Bergh says he has in bis posses sion wills bequeathing half a million dollars to the Society for the Preven tion ol Urueltv to Animals, ana the so ciety is already sell-sustain ins, although its annual expenses amount to $20,000. -i It is not here only that one hears o business depression, but in Europe also The English;railroads are beginning tor suffer badly, and show poor returns rv ! lae Loa'lonjand Northwestern had to reduce its cash dividends for the first pne in maa years. " ! ' tliuck, enterprise and shrewdness iith a saiallisum of money, were the capital with which Catherine Remem er opened a Pia. She aiarket stall in Philadei was then eighteen years !i. To-day she is fifty-eight, and has &0.000 in the bank. - The plan for raising the money for 5ie Bartholdt statue podestai by a pop- pr dollar subscription is making con- Uerabie progress through the efforts the "Sons;of the Revolution" in New prk. President Arthur heads the list lad tho morAVi.t. n.nAmllit Firm a their names. The Juniors and Freshmen of Yale N One Of thUir "rnahp" tha nther dav. - jftej succeed In denuding each other Pl shirts, and in many instances of posers and 'some of the young men pched their rooms in Jinen , dusters f 1 Shoes. I About $3,000 worth of ap frel was destroyed by the gentlemanly fowdies. 1 A new drawing-room car has been ntly madft in Tehlh lw a simnle cice, the heavv chairs are made to J1 t joints the seats sink to the floor. F mirrored panels swing open, reach fR within a foot of the car centre, and presto, the I drawing-room is divided Upto ten sections, each affording a bed Y0001 1 which there are two beds, a I inirrnr m. i t i a . i . aieices. I ' ' L ome fashionahlii ladi with ready-made fans. ; but most wirem made to order; they are. biunea r 1 1 1 1 'ITS. ' - . ' ' -.: ' -i IVm-L --www niui uuua aunaays. x- - : i- ji VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. OCTOBER Mr, Maurice Werthemer, of "New York, has commenced a suit acrainst the Cunard Steamship Company for injurie inflicted by the steamship Ser- via while a passenger on that tppI While suffering from seasickness he was given a dose of chlorate of zinc in stead of mineral water. He was dis abled for life by the poison,, and asks for $100,000 damages. The New York Sun publishes statis tics to show that New York grows healthier;. the mortality for the. first three quarters of the present year has been about that of the same period in 1872, whereas the population has in creased from less than a million to a million and a half. There is certainly every reason why our communities with the discovery and application of most important principles in sanitary science should grow healthier, though they in crease rapidly in population. Far Oft India. The Englishman, a leading iournal of Calcutta. India, savs. editoriailv. with regard to premiums at the Inter national Lxhibition "St. Jacobs Oil. which is known as tho Great German Remedy for pain, after crucial tests has been raised to the degree of gold medal." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W II McBary-For Rent Wanted A Bright Eoy. C W Yates School Books Heinsbesoeb School Books Opika House Frank Majo WE DAVIS & Sox Blue Fish Jno J Hedkick National Mills J W Conolky Conoley's Drug Store Munds Bros. & DeRosset By Steamer F C Milleu Friends and Fellow Citizens Day's length 11 hours and 37 minutes There was no City Court this morn ing; Who didn't see the eclipse this after noon? Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. t Full moon this afternoon at 46 minutes past 4 o'cloak. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 38 minutes, past 5 o'clock. There were two interments in . Oak dale Cemetery this week, one adult and one child. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 86 degrees. There were two interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week, one adult and one child. f : The Register of Deeds issued two marriage licences this week, both for colored couples. There were five interments in Pino Forest Cemetery this week; two adults and three children. There is an unmailable letter in the Postoffice here addressed to Mrs. Jane Hill, 619 Main street. The Criminal Court of New Hanover county will convene at the Court House in this city next Monday. Bishop Watson will preach and ad minister Communion at St. Mark's Episcopal Church tor-morrow, the services to commence at 11 o'clock a m. A beautiful set of fancy cards sent free to persons who have taken Brown's Iron Bitters. Address Brown Chemi cal Co., Baltimore, Md. t th s 6t Ambition thinks no face so beautiful as that wbch looks from under a crown. There are numbers of ambitious necks which are encircled by Dyer "Crown" collars. t Good materials properly porportioned which are the l essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed bv using the . Y. Enamel Paint sold at jACOBi'sTDepot. t Nordeck." The Washington Star says of "Nor deck." which is to be presented here next Wednesday night: "Nordeck,"Mr. Frank Mayo's new romantic play, produced last night . at the National, is tho most powerful and best constructed work that has been seen here tor years. The first act moves quietly, while the second ends with a powerful dramatic climax. 1 he interest ox the audience is sustained throughout, as the drama is replete with striking situations. Mr. Mayo, as Waldemar Nordeck. is very strong and is a reveiation to those who have only seen him as J)avy Crockett. The company is uniformly good, Henrietta Vaders, an old Washington favorite, having an especially fine role. The play s very handsomely mounted. ; For durable . coloring the walls of rooms in, beautiful tints, at little cost, nothing equals the Majjleine sold ' at LJhaofire of Hoar. ivev. ur. i ntcnara, having returned to me city, will occupy the pulpit of the A - . . I t irst Baptist Church to-morrow morn- mg and again at night. The time ! for At " . . .. I iue coruraencement ol tne ni'lit servion has been changed to 7:30 o'c ock. jThe subject of to-morrow night's discourse nrill ka'iTtin nnJA..A 1 ! I "1 " auu uwjciuic jiiuh.vr. Just Ki&rht. J It is very sale to say that tho circula ionoftheNew York Sun has fallen off 50 per cent in this city in conse quence of the stand it has taken in re gard to the political campaign. At one store it has been entirely cut oQ. and at another 15 copies have been taken off. The World and Times have increased in proportion as the Sun has fallen into disrepute. ! Mortuary Report. ! Dr.F. W. Potter, Superintendent of tieaiiD, reports me loiiowing aeatns in thi3 city during the month of Septem- ber: i Whites-3 males, 7 females ;C adults. 4 children. Total 10. I Colorpd in malM ia fnmnial ii adults, 15 children. Total 29. j Grand total, white and colored 39. Nobody Wants It. j The Rockingham Spirit says it has information to the effect that Hon. O II. Dockery will decline the nomination maue at tne recent convention held in Rockingham, in which case Mr. F. H. Darby will be put in his place. Ibis will hardly be as we heard Mr. JJarbVi say ft few days since that he would not ac- cept.in such a contingency. Therefore, if Col. Dockery refuses it the nomina tion will probably go a-begging, i Tho River. The Crdg Fear steamers have bepn unable to put in an appearance here in several days, on account of the extreme ly low stage of the water. It is now almost impossible to pass over the shoals with any load, and until there are heavy rains in the up country to swell the streams, the steamers may not be expected. There are large quan tities of freight awaiting transportation both ways, and especially from up the river, where cotton and naval stores have been collected for shipment. Organization. The Second Ward Democratic Club Was organized last night. The meeting was called to order by Maj. John; W. Dunham, and an election of officers was held with the following result: . President John W. Dunham, j First Vice President B. R. Moore. Second Vice President O. G. Pars. ley. j Secretary E. R. Hicks. Treasurerer -J. C Munds. The President was authorized to ap point two members, acting with! the officers of the Club, to constitute the Executive Committee. A resolution was adopted that tho Chairman ot the County Executive Committee be requested to confer with the Presidents of the several Ward clubs in regard to the conduct of Sthe cimpaigri and for the purpose of adopt" ing some uniform system of raising a fund with which to defray the necessary campaign expenses. The meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman. II o Sleeps. At about 11 o'clock this forenoon Mr. Samuel W. Danbam, of this city, departed this life at his residence j on the corner of Chestnut and Third streets, aged 63 years, 4 months and 5 days. Mr. Dunham was born in Blad en uount v. but has been a resident1 of - mT this city for more than 40 years, having removed here before be bad attained his majority. He married here and has been actively en Graced inC the saw II- " I !..!.. otlumoer neany an tne time since ne came here until 1877, when be retired from active business life. He was cc- traped in the crocerv business for a short time, but his store was burned When he resumed his occupation as an inspector. His wife survives him, and also two children, Maj. John W. Dun ham, and Mrs. H. B. Jewett. The de ceased has been confined to his house for several months and his death was not unexpected He had been a mem - ber of St. James' Church lor many years, and in all the relations of life. whether as hushand, father, neighbor, citizen, friend or man of business, had been worthy of the profound esteem in which he was universally held alij whn knew him. His interment will take place at 4 :30 o'clock p m to-mor row. r ; " " . - . Tho receipts of cotton at this port to mining outness as a general rapHportionofltwIiich mentioned the -. .-.-. r . , ' I - " - ' Magistrate's Court. Ktley Moses, cokred' was brought ' ' " before Justice Hall this morning on a charge of an assault and battery with a deadly weapon upon Mr. E. Scharff- . . ' iho testimony went to show that the latter had been mnch annoved by a pig belonging to the wife of Moses in ... . - . . - . wjBHuutuce oi wdicu a lew raincr an gry words passed between Scharff and the woman. These were heard by r . .. . uioses, whereupon he came out witn a whip with, the butt of whichfht struck Mr. .Schaiff on thi heal j i - . ana Knocrea mm aown, repeating tne blows after the latter had fallen. For this offense Moses was required to give bond in the sum of $50 tor his appear ance at tho next term cf i he Criminal Court. To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f r fersonai. 1 m . mm . a Maj. James i. Hill arrived in the city tlrs morning on a flying trip from Richmond, Va. Miss Amy Bradley returned to the city last night from the North where she has passed her vacation. Mr. E. G. Blair left here last even ing for attendance at the Raleigh Ex position, He will return about the middle ol the week. Maj. J. C. Winder, General Manager of the Carolina Central, was in the city to-day and returns to Raleigh by to night's train. Mr. Sol Haas. Traffic Manager of the Associated Railways, was here yester day on a living visit. He returned to Richmond last night. Mr. G. II. Glass, who been the man- aseroflb? MePhoae change here for several months, leaves to-night for Raleigh to take charge of the Exchange there. .. We were pleased to receive a call this morning from Mr. D. Anderson" of Philadelphia, representative of the large newspaper advertising house o N. W. Ayer & Son, who is traveling South in the interest of his house. Private John Meier, of the Wilming ton Light Infantry, has been promoted to be drum major of the Second Regi ment, in honor of which he was pre sented by a number of his friends with a fine bouquet upon the arrival of the corps last night. Home Again. The Wilmington Light Infantry re turned to the city last night from their trip to Raleigh, where they went to be present at the opening of the State Ex. position and to take part in the compel tittve drill in which the several compa nies of the State Guard that were pres ent took part. The judges of the drill were Capt. E. M. Hayes, of the United States Army, A. C. Davis and Lieu tenant J .B. Bachelor, Jr., who awarded the first prize to the the Pasquotank Rifles, Co. I. Sec- ond Regiment, and the second prize to the Fayettevillc independent Light m- fantry, Co. A, Second Regiment. The judges spoke in the highest terms oi the excellence ot (the drill and sol- j . j . . n aiery aepanmeut ui u me com- panies and said that - any State in the Union might well be proud to count among its Guard such a private as Col. Cantwell, of the Wilmington Light Infantry, a veteran of the Mexican war, beering on his breast the medal of Churubus co." The committee regretted that they were not empowered to award .a prize to each and every company which took part in the drill, as they were all de serving on account of their efficiency and soldierly bearing. The reading ot the judge's report elicited great applause and especially ntmftnir., f;.ntel. The Infantry boys returned in good spirits, regretting only that they bad not been able to bring off one of .the prizes. The Presbyterian Synod conveucd at Winston on Wednesday last. The only delegate from this city is Mr. B. G. Worth. Mr. John McLaurin, ot the N. C. iTesbyierian, is also in attendance 1 in the interest of bis paper. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. U. Housekeepersf Attention ! JUST TST E, G. BLAIR AND SEE HOW much yon can save by baying your Urocenes from hinu A dollar saved la a dollar made. 4, 1884 NO. 237 DIED. KELL&T At Kennel t. Mo., oi ite af?er noon of taturday. the 20thnlL, Mrs. I LTII BALDWIN KKLLm.wife of Dr. Korris F. KeUey, aged 31 years, 9 months Anfti to dys. WAIKER On the 4?h Inat, JOXtS C. WAl.KfcK, BKei42 years. Tte luo-.ral will take place on Souday after noon, at S o'clock, at the reside ccqo I hla moth er, corner Sixth and Market, iheacc to Oak dule Cemetery. i , DUNHAM In 4hls city, on gtur lay, 4th inst., at a. - m ,' SAMUKL DUNHAM, ased CS vears, 4 atonth and 5 day. The friends and acquaintances ot the family are invited to attend the fcneral tomorrow (unday)atternom,at4 3d o'clock, from hla late residence on the corner of Third and Chestnut streets, thence to Oak dale Cemetery; NEW AOVJEUTISEKNTS. . . ( , jj : BRIGHT B'JY WANTED jrO WORK in Wilmington or elsewhere in the? State. Can make from fl to fiO per week. Address i'AYTON. Sl'ENCB A CO., 133 ICSGth St N Y. Oct 4 U For Rent4 . T HAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE on Southwest comer of Fifth wad Tueiii Nun streets. Apply to J fjwfj oct 4 3t W. II. SICRARY. Blue Fish. 2Q PORK BRLS. 200 LBS. EOlI,- F RES n CORNED. Fori sale cheap, oct 4 ' DAVJS & SON Conoley's Drug Store. 52 1G MARKET STREET. G- ALL. AND EXAMINE MY STOCK OF new goods, consisting of Driigs, Patent Medicines and Fancy Toilet Articles. I have a -full line. All pare and fresh.. Prescriptions prepared with accuracy. Oct 4 J. W.CONOLEY. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIfiHT ONLY. Wednesday, Oct. 8,-1884. mt m Mr. Frank Mayo, And first Production here of a romantic play by Messrs. Frank Mayo and John G. Wilson. Founded on Werner's Novel of Vlneta", m tttled j JSTOUDE Of I Special engagement of Mrs Rachel Mc A uley. Reserved Seats as usual. Box; sheet will open at iiemsuergei's on monuay morning, oct 4 4t 1 : : , i NATIONAL MILLS. All Wool Cassimers, ! Direct from the Factory, 1 -A DESIRABLE GOODS FOR MEN & BOYS; A FULL LINE JUST OPENED. i JNO. J. i UEDKICK. oct 4 j j SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, i Miss HART, Principal. Assisted by Miss M. B, BROWN; Lessons In Drawing and Painting by Mrs. E II. PARSLEY r ' I - Vocal and Instrumental Music, taught by Mrs. M. P. TAYLOR. , The next session will bceln WEDNESDAY. the Sth of October. Coarse of :. Instruction thorough. For tcrni3 and particulars apply to the PRINCIPAL. sept 30 3t S30, Opt 4 7 oac m School! at Willard. J WILL OPEN A SCHOOL ATjTHIS place '."id of September, 18SI. Bales of tuition, $1.50, $2.50 and fl, CO, payable at the end of each inonth. Board $3.00 per mouth, j No student will be admitted for a shorter time than one month. For particulars address me at Wlllard. sept8 3wms ! A. K liLALK. Real H OUSES AND BUILDING LOT5 for sale in all parts of the city Cash or on the Instalment p'an. Apply to , aug 30 iaw 3m sat m D. O'dONNOB. Heal Estate Agent Livery and Sale Stables. JJAVING RECENTLY ESLAfcGFD AND Improved our acnommocatlons ;wc are now prepared t& offer Increased facilities for the boardUig of horses and care of vehicles. Low rates and careful attendance guaranteed. Horses for sale and horses and? vehicles for hire on accommodatlnj; terms. ; '' S9 The hanJsomeet hearse In the city. i ) HOIJuINGS WORTH A S1KES, ! Livery and fa'e Stabl6, i ' i- . 8Tt 16 Corner Fourth and Mulberry sts Furniture. N EW STOCK FOB FALL TRADE, ARRIVING! EVERY DAY J Mi j.ufactorel expressly for ' this market. New Styles and Low Prices. Call and exam ine our extensfvoik variety of New and Fash lonable Goods, all made this set son. D.A.silITH. "FcrrUiira Dealer, N. Front Street mm mm Ws wiat!id to rocclTa coxax&uicatioB treat our Mends on any a&4 all bjie&i: ttral interest bet V - -i;.;! i-i -' -" Th atao of the writer xnuit always t nlshM to the Editor. CcaraunlcaUonj mtLai d wznua ca ca one 6ida of the pipe. rersonaQCea must be avoided.! And it u especially and paxUeulaxry u tie tood that the Editor does set always esdoi the views of correspondents ta) ui in the editorial v-n. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S. H. Trimble STOCK AND RE At. ESTATE BROKER and Acetloceer of General Merchandise of every dearrIii;!oa. Onlc corner rrtnecs and Water streets. Crcnlj Jt Morris' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of hor.ca and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con s'gnments solicited. SETIl t. DAVIS, g?pt '.-2 AncUocctr. For Rent . ; VACANT LOT ON THE SOUTHWEST corner of Front and Orange streets. Apply at 20G Front street cctl St Announcement. J II EKE BY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN- uidato for the 'ffieo of Sheriff of Pender coun ty. If elected I will pledge myself to discharge the duties of the ofllce faithfully. wHhont re gard to pariy or party organization. rcptl'Jd&w liu ' K. M. JOHKSTOX Stores for Kent. IirAKEIIOUSK AND OFFICES f T above now oenpiod by Messrs. U. JoLnsou & Co. Store and offices above now occu pied by A.. Dumelandt. Both on North Water st. ; between -VrincuM and Chestnut. Apply to aug li Star copy 3t DeROSSET & CO. When the Fall Wind COMES YOU WILL NEED A FIRE. Look well to tout ra"tc3. We hayo tho Brick, Bisfcets snd Grates In full tet. As for Ueat 1 -g Stoves, wo have them from a "Dov" to a "NaUon." If you woald koep comfortable this winter call at PAKKKR A TAYIOR'S and delect from their EXTENSIVE STOCK. PURE WHITE OIL. - sept 29 - Dress Making. MISS IDA L. BRANTLEY," FASIIIONA B LE D R E33M & K ER, respectfully notifies her friends and the public that she has re turned to tho city and will ba pleased to re ceive orders for work. Careful attention, f pod work and prompt dellvry guaranteed in every instance. Residence : Fast side cf Second street between Ann and Nun, No. SO'J. oct 1 lwk The Old North State Saloon H AS THIS DAY RECEIVED 5t a lot of those celebrated HOUSE'S GARDEN OYSTER. Thcv are kept on Ice and are warranted the finest oyster brought to this market. Call and try, them. Cool Beer an I the best Wines, Liquors' and Cigars always on hand, oct 2 J. M. McGOWAN. SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. TTr-E KEEP A LARGE SUPPLY OF SCHOOL BOOKS used by the PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS of th city and through, out North Carolina, which wo offer to tho pub lic at tho LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. School Supplies of all kinds. C. W. YATES sept 2J 110 Market st.'.Wllmlngtoa, N C Consolidated. rjlWO STORES IN ONE AND GROCERIES and LIfjuor3 as cheap as tho cheapest and cheaper than ever. I have removed my uptown stock to tho store corner of Princess and Water streets. (Mr. H. Iioeb's oi l sttnd) where I will bo pleased to sec and servo my friends. I will keep constantly supplied with the. NICEST AND FRESHEST GOODS. L. G. CHERRY. 5rConsignments of cmntry prod ace sollc ltcd and prompt returns guaranteed ' oct 2 Benj. W. DaviSi (Formerly with W. K. Davis & Son, Wilming ton, N.C.) 214 Washington St. New York, General Commission Merchant JJEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ap- pics, Game. FUh, Terrapins, Eg?s and Chick ens. Ulzbest market prices, and prompt re turns guaranteed. A trial is all I ask. Refer hi iennif slon to E. K. Barruss, Presi dent First National Bank of Wilmington. N.C; Messrrs J. II. Chadbourn A Co., Steam Saw Mills; l. L. Bridgers AJOo., Grocers; P. Cum ming & Co., Grain and Feed dealers; Davis A Son, Ice and Fish. mr fcouthern Produce Specialty. oct 1 Cm SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPHON, can be found very cheap at IIEIN3BEEGEB?. Pianos and Organs, gOLD FOR CASH OR ON TILE EASY 1R. stalment plan, at J . " -: . HEINSBERGER'S, sept 23 Llye Book and llusla Eton s. By Steamer, 'SPLENDID IX)T OF TOILET SOAP- 115 CAKES FOXt 25 CTS. Q.OODWYVS COMP. ST RU t, iifpophosphltcarUh lactates and Pepaln , which Is already belcg prescribed by our Phyklclans, and for which we ara agents. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, HarketEtrcct mi 9 .TJ "... day foot up 1,123 bales. oct 3 So. 13 rorUiE coexist c.