I ' - - ' - , . , - . j. ... - ... . ,, , . ,. ' ..... ' '''' i -i - - - , '.., . t - ...... , .. . i - j r . . : - . ... . - h ! V - i . ,..-. m . . i - J . yJSMMSSSSSEfcMMfcssssijl0B ... 'r ft ' ' - - - -" . . t v . THIS PAPBB every erenlB. Sunday epted by jOSH T- JAMES, jfD PBOFXTETOB. crRlPTlOSS rOSTAGB PAID: SJ80 Six months, $2.09. Tfa jsi r1 oo-i one month, 35 cents. I oBtW' liubcdeUveredby carrieri frca J IS P1 m par t ol the city, at the above 'cenu per week. LratealowandllberaL fbe-s Will report any and all fait "fa Dnfy Review has the largest & .....;,7lLtion.of any newspaper n ana 11 . i:..;i.iv understood that ho is f.t Greeb's book about the vojage bliabed in London and in I . ff IK r u nil 4" f- - rrrett estate is estimated in the . iinore to be worth between OOOW'OaySSO.OOO.OOO. y-. Mootly, known as "the Evan i... ;a v.racbins to the students of I .'f yririous cuui-j,- ... f . ; Ma Quiricy Adams is a candidate jrtthe Democratic nomination for Con 0i ja the Second Massachusetts dis trict. ! I Tsnnvson'i new alleged dramatic .n js in the hands ot his publishers. scd will sooii be in the hands of hi9 . j la ihe 53 Provinces of European Rus- u there are 19,f74 73 horses, of which jonber nearly 6,000,000 are in the military circle of Kazan. - It novr cobes out that the late A. T. Stewart once offered $2,000,000 ior tbe Broadway street-car franchise that the &w York Alderman recently voted to ' give to acoifipany for nothing. S. S. (jorcoran, of Washington, lag given for pnblic purposes not less than $3 000,feoo, besides $1,000,000 de" voted to charities, and he is the largest real estate orwner in Washington. i : The fear of the spread of cholera to Paris is fasti disappearing, and Ameri. can and EugUsh tourists ' are declared to be flocking: into the city of pleasure once more. The scare has greatly iorrie the Parisiaus .'. Dublin proposes to tight England in a truly Parisian fashion. Not being able to 'drive tbe hated Anglo-Saxon from its borders, it proposes to put itself to a deal of trouble by substituting Irish for Represent English names, the streets bear. Mr. Gladstone's attention beicg called to tbe 'statements published ; in uanojmous pamphlet, which accuse t;m of supporting the Roman Catholic Church, he (pronounces them to be grossly untrue and demands the name of the author. The crematory planned lor Chicago ii to cost about 25.000, and is to have itiree retorts,' one for men, one for .women and one for children. The pro Sectors sav that thev will not allow the emains of any malefactor of pauper or Disreputable person to be incinerated in acta. Three hundred camels have recently pea imported into Australia, and pore are to follow soon. Should they anre, multirilv and Drove useful, it is Predicted by enthusiasts that the time asycorae when they will be iutroduc- H into Southern Europe and even into Nland. - Andrew Carneeie has much amused wi British journals by the certificate of fwacter he gives the Queen in his f Roun(J the World" : "Victoria, prob b!y the molt; respectable woman who occupied a throne, such a charac- one wnnM nnt lipsitat.n to intrn- Jceto'.one's family." . 4 i BirminrfKom Ala 5 rftn-wnrlror JJJbeen awarded the contract for 140, f0 iron chains to be used in tha im veoientof the Mississippi River be Memphis and Vicksburff. There jl Tidders from the principal West- cities, but the Birmingham con 'fetor secured the contract, his bid T the lowest. . . I M. Kummer, the chief of the Swiss reau ot Statistics, has calculated M tbe population ot certain European atries would be in the year 2,000, if je Present rate of increase continued. ?e. Produces! the following figures: &8,142t968; France, 64,189,400; gjland, 129;176.U5; Scotland, 13,59. Ge"nahy, 164,678,076; Austria, 96.16S; Hungary, 15.694.340, il1 baby is sleep" log" at last, yes! fii !r2 wou1(1 not have slept, nor d her mother, had not that fond Coq?h ea inducedto try Dr. Bull's - coaik k yrup Ifc caress the croupy dri?i - &t 80ands so like nails being ' PYea mto the child's coffin. L : ..T i. . . - .. . CTery Housekeeper a good, ?Ual C00 stove is an important er7 . l7lTl " " ' : " Id I ' ' ' . . ' NT - I - . i- - . :- . i-...- i . I ' . . . . : res n J-i II 11 1 1 X II II I II II I I . II i l IT II II I I IV IV ! VIII; LOCAL NEWS. 1MDEX TO HEW ADVERTISE MERTS. , . The Science of Life D A Smith Furniture tW A Month and Board Capcine Poms Plas'er Ehkier To Our PAlrona M M Katz Just Opened Mason tnd Hamlin Organs 'C W TATES-chool BroiB Tailoh'S Dazaab A Card Wm T Comstock Cottagss - liKTKSBKROEB SchOOt Books Sfca Geo R FRtscu & Soxs Bottom Pabkeb & Tatlor Hot, You Say Giles & Murciiisox Bed Room Set WE SPfirsroEB & Co Cotton Presses P L Bkidgers Stnsrt's Rye Whiskey Burham's Standard improved Turbine Kxigiits of Honor Regular Meeting KERcnxER & Calder Bros Groceries University Publishing Company Booki Monds Bros. A DeRosset By Steamer FC Miller Friends snd Fellow Citizens For other locals see fourth page. The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 1,174 bales. - . It looks now as though the Fourth of July will be with us again before Thanksgiving rr Christinas. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 90 de gress, what makes it the hottest day of the new season, thus far. ' We invite the attention of ur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, tt. Notwithstanding the intense heat good congregations were in attendance at.the different houses of worship in the city yesterday, and especially at the services last night. Hon. A. M. Scales, Democratic Can didate for Governor of North Carolina, was to have spoken at Goldsboro to day, but owing to his recent accident, from which he has not fully recovered, wos unable to fill his engagement. We regret learn that Mr. Josiah Evans, publisher of the Fatteville Sun died at his residence in that city, on Friday, the 3rd inst. His disease was typhoid fever, but at thi3 writing no further particulars have come to hand. We hear of quite a number of white men in this city who have heretofore voted the Republican ticket, who have renounced their allegiance to that party and will in the future cast iheir votes for the Democracy. Mr. John Taylor, at the Bazaar, witf have a grand opening ot new styles of millinery and fancy goods to-morrow, Wednesday and Thursday. He has lots ot new and pretty things, tbe re sult of weeks spent in selections by himself and Mrs. Taylor in person. Mri M. M. Katz resumes his adver tising space in the Review tc-day and the ladies will find in his handsome and attractive double-column advertise ment something pleasant and profitable to read. Those who do read it will be sure to call and inspect the goods at tbe first opportunity. Personal. Mr. Geo. N. Harriss, of the Wadesboro Times, was in the city to-day. Hon. R. R. Bridgers' family have re, turned to the city from Daggers' Springs West Va., where they have passed the Summer. City Court. Charles Gregory, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged jsrith disorderly conduct and was required to pay a fine of $10, or go below for SO days. He went below. David Martin, also colored, for the same ofiense, although in a less aggra" vated form, was required to pay a fine of $5 or go below for 20 days. He also languishes in a dungeon cell. Tlie Weatber. It is a hot, dry and dusty subject to talk about, but we would perspiringly say that yesterday, last night and this morning wero as uncomfortably hot as any weather we have bad this season. Nearly every one we have met to-day has pronounced upon the heat with em phatic and varied adjectives, while the weatherwise and otherwise (which is about the same thing) have made wide ly diversified predictions regarding what sort of an atmosphere we shall havowithin the next few days. We notice that the weatber prophet, De Voe, who lives away up in Jersey, pre dicts cloudy and cooler weather lor to day, frost to-morrow and frost also on Wednesday.' Tcey may have such weather in that section, as be predicts, tit it looks tut lilt! 5 11-3 itirrr, nrd if WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY OCTOBER KulShts of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance desired. u He died of rheumatism and she raised a monument for his sake. St. Jacobs Oil would have cured his ache. Ke covered. Geo. L. Mabson, of this city, who recently made an atlempt on his life, whi'e delirious, is out sgain. He says that his-nrsfr-attempt was caused by delirium resulting from a severe attack of bilious fever, with which he had been afflicted on tbe previous Sunday. He has been sick ever since and has just recovered, yesterday having been his first appearnce on the street Iteligious News. -Rev. A. M. Conway, pastor of the colored First Baptist Church in this city, returned last night from Warsaw where he has been in attendance upon the Wilmington Missionary Baptist Association, which convened in that town on Friday last. He reports that the meeting was harmonious through out and that a large amount of work was done to advance the interests of the church and Christ's Kingdom upon earth. There were large gatherings on each day and the session were marked by a deep and prevailing interest. Criminal Court. The Crimnal Court of New Hanover county convened at the Court House in this city this morning. Judge O. P Meares presiding and Solicitor B. R. Mocre appearing to look alter the in terests of the State. The following were drawn as general jurors for the term: Coleman Twining, foreman; ,T. J. Edens, Jr., J. B. F. Fails, W. C. Far row, C. L. Burruss. Elvin Artis, S. A. Swain. J. II. Whiteman, W. 11. Dar den. Samuel Northrop, J. W. Terdew, W. H. Hanby, J. McLaurin, E. Van Laer, S. H. Terry, J.' G. White, A Wilson, J. A. Willson. During the morning hour, alter the empanneling of the jury and delivering of tho charge to the same, there were five "sci fas" called and dismissed. State vs. Emma Haslen, neusance. Defendant waived the reading of the bill of indictment and submitted. Judgment suspended upen the payment tif the costs. , The court then took a recess for one hour and had not reassembled when our report closed . Vice powerless means happy hours, cheerful hearts, and the Monarch shirt, bought from Dyer & Son, means peace of mind and solid comfort. t Now is the time to give Smith's Worm OU; lvdw NEW ADVRISMENT8 Hot, You Say ! WELL, IT 13. BUT THE COOL DAY IS coming, and you had best prepare for it. Wc hare all kinds of HEATERS, and prices to these can't fall to suit. That cook of yours Is cross: cause the old Cook Stove. Come and buy a new one, and then all will be well cheerlul cook, god biscuits, nice cake and little wood consumed. PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. oct 6 Bagging, Ties, Gins, 1 000 EOLLS bagging qqq Bundles ARROW TIES, ' Bales Baling Twine, I Hall's Cotton Gins, Wilson, Child's A Co.'s Wagons. . SUNDRIES Fresh Candy, Fresh Crackers, Fresh Cakes, fresh Cheese. Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Molasses. Meat. Lard, Soap, Soda, lye. Powder, Shot, Caps, Case and Canned Gooda. For sale by j oct 6 KERCHNER A CALDER BROS Bottom. "yyE GIVE GOOD BOTTOMS ON ALL our Boots and Shoe, and put them to our cus tomers at BOTTOM prices You will serve your Interest by examining our gooda and prices before paying out your money. Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 SORTH FRONT STREET oct 6 SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. O F EVERT KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at HEISSBESGER'3. Pianos and Organs, '1 ' S OLD TOR CASH OR ON THE EASY IN- talmert plan, at , NETT AVE1TISE1LENT8. 4 I ! NOWfIS THE TIME TO BUY CLOTHING FOR ivoUUSliLF j BOYS and Cbiidren at remarkably low piices. You can save at least; froir 30 to 50 per cent ott1 every dollar you buy from us. The late bankrupt purchases lrom Rindskopf Bros 4 Go's million fiMhis failure gives us the advantage that our patrons will appreciate. We candidly admit that the bargains we are now giviox-our patrons could not be tfad ur4- der ordinary circumstances, lor we cannot begin. to replace them at anything near the prices we are selling them for. Just think of Children's ifrinjts at i5 cpnts worth $1.25 ; some 75 cents worth $1.50; Children's Suits at 8t.7 worth $2 50; a very nice School Suit at $2 worth $3 50; Men's Suits for $5,5 worth $8.50. In suits at 815, $18, $20 and 22 we have the finest assortment ever brought to this city, and guarantee a saving ot fully from! j $8 070 $10 OUST -A. SXJIT 1 It will cost jou nothing to call and convince yourself of tho fact thaUwe can save you money on each and every article ML7Q THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER: 114 MARKET ST., ' oct 6 ABEATirUL SET OF FANCY CARDS sent free to persons who have taken Brown's Iron Bitters. Address Brown Cheml cal Co., Baltimore, Md. m f 6t AT OUR Grand Opening ! TUESDAY, Oct. 7 tli, ' ; WEDNESDAY, Oct. 8th. THURSDAY, Oct. ftb, we wlU be pleased to have one and all call and Inspect our elegant Well Selected Stock ! Just received, of Millinery & Fancy Goods, TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St oct 6 WILMINGTON, N. C. Stuart's Rye Whiskey. jlHE REPUTATION OF TUIS WU1SKEY ft has steadily increased since we Introduced It into this market, and we know it is the most popular Whiskey Ever Sold in Wilmington. This has led a . few unscrupulous dealers to sell an Inferior Whiskey under tbe brand of 'Stuart's", theieby practicing a fraud on their patr jus and creating dlssatlsfacUon with all who use it. If this misrepresentation of our STUART'S RYE Is not stopped we propose to publish the names of the parties to horn we now refer, and see what effect that course will have. We do not Intend to allow the reputa Uon of the Stuart s to be Impaired, nor wll i we allow reflections t be cast on ns. for xe duclng the standard of the goods. P. BRIDGEBS & GO. HO North Front 8t. OCt 6 Furniture. EW STOCK FOB FALL TRAD 21. ARRIVING SFIBTDAT Manufactured expressly for this market. New Styles and Low Trices, CaU ad exam ine our extensive variety of Kew and Faslt. loratlo Gooda, all made this season. , " 'J -k. Kl , - p. a. s: inn: ; . 5". 6, 1884 NO. 1 238 NEW AOVEUTISEMliNTS. you buy of us. 3 .lQT O D C HI C l f I w W I Vr ClUCilJ I AT I. I 116 nlarket St., An Entire New Stock -OF- FALL AND H 1 WINTER GOODS. BLA.CK AND COLORED SILBS, . RIIADAMES. ARMOURS, BROpADES, SATINS AND SILK VELVETS. V i FRENCH DRESS GOODS OTTOMANS, TRICOTS, i 1 SIIUDDAS, CASHMERES, I FANCY PLAIDS & COMBINATIONS, In all Qualities and Shades. . ' Ladies' Cloth and Flannel Suitings, i f A SUPERB SIOCK OF &4 INCH tiOODS, . comprising ever Grade and Shade. LADIES' DOLMANS, NEW MARKET, f ! CLOTH AND JERSEY j WALKING JACKET8. Shawls, Skirts, Corsets. LADIES' AND CHILDRENS UNDERWEAR -O- MEN'S AND BOYS'; WEAR AND FURNISHING 600 DS. .. 1 Table and Piano Cover, I Smyrna. Bugs, Cretonnes, I Linen Damasks, Towels, Napkins White Goods, every variety, i Embroideries, Ribbons. Lacee Hosiery, Gloves, ! Staple and Domestic1 Goo4 Notions, Ac , Ac. All of the above have been bought during tbe present panic In prices, cheaper than evrr before known in the history of Dry Goods and If my kind patrons will cal, GOOD MA TERIALS and LOW PRICES will do the selling. M. IUI. KATZ, 116 Market St. OCt i - ' i -.. By Steamer, ! lEatrons KATZS. SPLEND ID LOT OFTOJLET; SOAP 12 C AKES FOB 25 CTS. QOODWTVS COUP. STBtTP,:. I Hjpopbosphliea, with Lactates and Pepsin, which la already belflg prescribe by our Phytldana, and for which we are agents. Llunds Bros. & DeRo::ot, : . C , -.- t ' TLSASX JOHCI. Wa rtm la to rocem eonrrnmiwicofc trota tar Mead on any $xs -ail-jrafciast; - general interest but The case of the writer atat always ba ebfced to the Editor. - Communication mail t wrtttaa ost ea - " , oca aided the paper. . . v Pcrsoaaliaca ranat be aToideC - And It la especially and partlenlarry txtf ood that the Editor doca net alwaya cadcia . tio views of correspondents faWc state la the editorial coraiana. - ! i M - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' S. H. Trimble, v CTOCK ASU HEAL ESTATE EBOKEIl LJ and Accilcnorr nf (.Vrrni A every tlcscri ptlon. Oflicn corccr Princess and . ewv-wi. vromy js aiottJHS' ohl stand. 1 crsonal attention slrrn ia u-)a f k-. . , - CI- m w . .wC V .Mil ehl-Jes at private sa'cor at anctlon. Con stgtinjcnU sollcllcd. S12TU W. DAVrs, b?pt2 Auctioneer.., , OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1SS4. Mr. Frank Mayo, And fl rat Production here of a romattla play by Mcsrs. Frank Mavo and John G. Wilson. . r ounded on Werner Novel of Vlneta". en titled . JSrORDECKIl Special enarajrexent of Mrs Rachel UcAuloy. lieservei scats as usnaU Ikx sheet will open at Ilciiubcrgex's on Monday raorning oct 4 4t Bed Room Sets. - LARGE AND WELLSELECTED STOCK. DINNER AND TEA SET3 VERY LOW. UII.ES , MURCHISON'8. oct C- lis and 10 Murchlf cn Block. Cotton Presses, BROWN'S COTTON (JIN, RUBBER BELT-' 1NO, HIS BBIATLISS. Send In your or oers at once for INS and VKKSSES. Don't delay. You will be disappointed in gcttinK them In time. .. W. K. S1'RIN(JER A CO., It). 21 & trJ Market Street, Wilmington, N. O. oct To Make Life I5rfs:htcr. The dyspeptics lot Is not a happy One. Bun ion's Capcine Piasters aro the retnotly. Price 2f cents. - oct 0 , mii SEZ A MONTH AND . BOARD FOR JO three Yonnsr Men or Ladles lii each coun'y. Address 1. W.VZlEGLKii .& CO . lMii'adelphia . crti Hints on Economical f 'Attn 00 G! ur on r-coaonuc;i" ViltilwCoei llmicn UnllrHrty f'nnt,,. Ins: 24 plates of Oottajres costing lrom t50J to $3,000, with descriptive letterpress. 1 8 to. vol., hantlaomeiy bouna In cloth, mailed on of fl. WM. T. COMSTOUIi, Pub , 0 Astor rlacc, . .Y. oct 6 Buruliam ' s IMPROVED Standard Turbine! Is the bejt constructed nnd finished gives better 'percent-' age, more power, and 1$ told . for less money, per horse pow. er, than any other Turbine In the world. W New pamphlet BURN HAM BROS, York, Pa sent free by OCt 6 4W If there is no local dealer supply you with Maury's Geographies (new Two-Book Series). Holmes' Readers, Holmes' History. Gliders lee ve's Latin and other school books of tbe University Feries, we will mall them to you. Send cs the regular price and too uook wm como to you uy return mall. Price lists, circulars acd the Maury Pamphlet sent to all who ask for them. UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING CO.. 10 Murray itreet. New York. oct C ftJason & Hamlin. 103 Organs tZ2 TO $010. STYLES Highest honors at all great World's Exhibi tions for seventeen years..-Only Americin Orxans awarded such at any. :Kor cash, easy payments or rcn tea. UPRIGHT PIANOS presenting very highest kxceli.enxb yet AiTAi.NLi in such lestruments; adding to ail previous improvement one of greater value than any; securing most piire. refined, mu&i cal tones and lncrcibed durability; especially avoiding liability to get out ol tune. lUustra tea catalogue free. Mason k Hamlia Organ a2l Piano Co., Boston, m TremontSt ; N. York, 4;E. It'll St; Chicago, liy Wabash Ave. oct C The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. KNOW THYSELF A 6 BEAT MEDICAL WORK OR MARKCOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Icciino in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man, young, middle aged and old. Jt contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and .chronic diseases, each one of which Is Invaiu able. So foan 1 by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably iever before fell to the lot of any physician. 500 pages, bound In beautiful French mualixi, era , bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work In every sense mec hats lcah literary and professlonaltban any other work soW la this country for 2.20, or the money will be refunded in every instance. , Price' only $1.09 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 els. Send now. Goldcoedai awarded the author, by the National Medical Association, to the oncers of which he refers. - Tbe Science ot Life should be read by the young for Instruction, and by tbe afflicted for relief. It will benefit all. London Lancet, There is no member cf society to whom this book will not be ueful,wbetiier youth. parent, guardian. Instructor or c Le nrrm-m rgona ul. Address the Pea body Medical institute, r Dr. W. IL Parker, No. 4 Bullinch Street. Boston. Mass., who may be consulted on all liseases requiring skill aiwi experience. Chronic and i rutin to .dleea that have bamed the skill of aL'fMf V I othf r physicians c specKUy. Ira Lm -4 bucn tspaied success! ol- fjl f g r? Ifwlthout an In- I Bri ' Y O ISL La IF stance of failure. Mention thU paper. oct dJfcw 1W; .. , The Old North State Saloon H AS tUlS DAY RECEIVED a lot ot tliose celebrated nORNITS GARDEN OTSTFR. Ti ey ar 'kept on Ua a 1 fr? vr?rrzr'.- I tM r-": t cj'er 1 rr''it t t . ; : : t. f .'. : i lr- ' . (. A

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