THIS PAPER avP.rv ! evenly. eepted by JOSH THAMES, .oitob xsd pbopkietob. , tpTI05B POSTAGE PAID: SWT. months. $2.00.1 Three -oar . 100; unemoflw,w .1 Lin be delivered by careers free ie pap .-i 0f the city, at the above rfu per week. IB O-J r r in Ztidug rates low and liberal. au . . .k.i ninp.r recularlY. n -YU m" " - . rwv Review has the largest &de circulation, of any newspaper !:'' Ajy Qr WilminQUm' "Cnins' pow novel is called ,KlJa! Ive-."- J n"i Moody is going to Virginia to ,' ;rnJ meetings throughout the jesseps is going to If u I i i.:. ii -- ornn a rn re tr ffrftnr bn with tins country, out ne h of them to send one to near- ; every nation onj eai th. Tbe largest photographs inUie world .-.I hp on exhibition at the New Or- . 'emotion. They are views of ab!:c buildings, in Washington taken L order of the :Government. They .itive leet wide by seven feet long and beea iramea in uneiy nnisaeu asn (ruses with a gold lining. Thtre are five foreign-born Senators -one Eogli3hiuaD one bcotcuuian and three Irishmen while in the House there are twenty foreigners; three ,ng liihmen, three Scotchmen, six Irish men, five Germans, one Norwegian, one Brazilian and .one Canadian. Senator Morrill, of Vermont, nrrw takes precedence of all his colleagues! in iba National Legislature in the matter ot years. He is not only the oldest Sen ator io age, but also in term of office, and he has, besides, the satisfaction ot knowing that the Green ' Mountain State is the only j one that holds its united representation in the Senate ot 'eighteen years ago. . The New York Herald correspon dents are the bo3t;and most reliab.le in "the country. This is a fact well estab lished and generally admitted. They are a paid staff and their reports arc made up impartially from facts and figures and not from feelings and fan cies. Hence their great reliability. Viewed in this light the following from the Herald correspondent at Columbus. Ohio, will bo found to throw some, positive indications on the aspect oj aftairs in that State. The outlook, sketched by this (correspondent, is de- cidetllv encouraging to. Democratic hopes. The letter is too long in its en tirety for our columns ana nence we confine ourselves to themost important parts of it: Columdus. Oct. 5, 1884. To-day politics have been at white,heat Meir bcrs of local organizations and candi dates crowded both the State head quarters and gave very different reports regarding the outlook. All agree-that the feeling is so intense as to render the prevention of collisions difficult. The workers ot both sides are already or jaaiziDg for the final struggle. The last calls are being made on the State committees, and the contest now re mains with the local committees. For some weeks the indications painted to hard tight, but a decided Democratic majority. Were the election to be held to-day the result would be very close, with perhaps no adds either way. It is difficult to predict what changes may take place in another week with the agencies at work that are now re sorted to on both (sides. . There seems to be nothing left undone and nothing two toul to be taken advantage of by both parties. The Democrats have the bestoreanizationi and may have the best wind on the homestretch. The Republicans have acknowledged fheir alarm by drawing Blaine back into the State from West Virginia. To-night another programme is an nounced that will keep him on the rpad in this State! till the day before the election. This return of the chief k looked on as a confession o.a the part JjJ the Republicans of a desperate case. They feared reaction from the demon 'rations of last week and now must feep np the State campaign, when all 13 either lost or more to "be gained by ntinuing the fight: Meantime the Democrats follow bis orse, sowing pamphlet copies of the Malligan letters and other documents broadcast among the crowds that gath er witness the demonstrations. This travelling of candidates has fcued thinns in the State more than Ter. but the indications at this late date re that the old party lines will be ob- fTedwhh all BTMnt nn WaI State issues, in which the Democrats get all wueuis. jasi year me uernocrais Samed among wool growers. As this 'a" is now dissatisfied with both Parties these sheep men will vote their W party tickets.' The tariff agitation Qd the appeals to the business men ve complexly Tailed on the part of Publicans, while business is depress p and thousands of men are out of employment. The liquor question is jjw thing that, as the final day" draws Jwt is stirring rip the " natives; The gge having beeu made that General gwnson, candidate for Secretary of ate, a crusader and Know Noth j8 and that he voted tor the prohibi JJJJ amendment, the Germans and th rs are alm3t as much aroused as !y,wre ia 1882, and on this score the C Uie republican, ticket will sustain; --.j .usses m tne cities. Tnis niore- manages i itself. At the same Ui ne extraordinary organization of S12et?ocraU is -watching ,the Soi r?me' th9 riTe? towns and - all vwer points where repeaters j imported Sundays ex . ' . - . - ' . I h : 0 1, A ; Y ' . hv M L W A I J :. VOL. VIII. voters and others engaged in the fraud nlent vote business are likely to work. There seems to be very little indication that allegal voting ' and almo3t every thing else will be attempted. The canva'ss is being closely conduct ed on both side3 from the national Head quarters in New York. Blaine's second route is so arranged as to take in the close. Congressional districts, in which the hottest of the fight is raging and in which trades may be made to such an extent as to change the result on the State tickeX. The result in the districts cf Page and McKinley, Foran and Barnett. Follett and Butterworth will be very close,- white in others the fiht is bitter. The Democrats feel confident ot a majority oftho Congressmen, and they certainly have an even fight on the State. A preacher out west cave out that there should be none who used tobaccp orany beverage but water, and his only congregation wai an old .woman who chewed slippery elm and used St. Jacobs Oil for the rheumatism. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO KSW ADVERTISERS EnTS. Alex Jonxsox Lost Fourth-Ward Democrats R M McIntike Arriving C W Yates Fchoot Books Davis if on No OM Stock tlKISSBEROER SchOOl Books iftiss Hart School for Young Ladles Munds Brjs. & UeRosset By fcteamtr F C Miller Friend? nd Fellow Citizens Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacop.i's Depot. t The receipts of cotton at this port to. day foot up 1.081 bales. A J)eauliful set of fancv cards sent freeo persons who have taken Brown's Iron Bitters. Address Brown Chemi- ,cal Co., Baltimore, Md. t th s 6t It was considerably cooler this morn ing. although we have seen nothing of lhat Jersey frost, predicted by DeVce, which we mentioned in yesterday's issue. Mr. II. II. Munson has resigned his position as one of the directors of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Hi3 successor has not yet been appoiuted, nor is ityej known who will be given the position We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. Rubies are nothing but crystalized alumina, with a little coloring matter, but a suit of clothes msde by John Dyer & SonJi3 an honest gem. f Our theatre going readers have it as our candid opinion from all lhat we can learn from our exchanges that the play "Nordeck." to be presented to-morrow night at the Opera House, will be a very fine thing. In f peaking yesterday of the inter view with Mr. Fishblate we said that he thought Ohio would go Republican next month." It should have been next week, as the reference was to the October elections in that State. Some thief attempted to break into the fish house af Messrs W. E. Davis & Son, on South Water street, last night, but either found the job too hard or was frightened off before he had ac complished his purpose. The city is full of thieves and they are plying their vocation every night. Salo of Bank Stock. At a sale of bank stock to-day at Ex change Corner by, Messrs. Cronly & Morri3,auctiqneers,FirstNational Bank of Wilmington sold for $90 per share, per value $100, and Bank of New Han over for $27,50, par value $25. There were very few persons present, the sale not having been advertised ia the Review. City Court. A man charged with disorderly con duct . was brought before the Mayor this mornincr and was fined 5 for the offense. We suppress the name by re quest. Mary Clark, colored.was charged with being drunk and down, but the exami nation of her case was continued until to-morrow morning. . Floatinsr Island. There was beautiful sight in the river this morning in the shape of an island which was floating up with the incoua- tnr ;fA Kivm our ooint of view, it looked to bo about 20 feet long and 10 feet broad. It was covered with verdure and attracted much at font inn nnd was the theme of much -w. speculation as to where it came frdta, thA hnntv of its appearance and the WUW . novelty of the sight. Good materials properly porportioncd wiiith irn t ha essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain A hv nainff the K. -" Y. Eriamei . Paint cold at Jacobi's Depot. ': t WILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY. OCTOBER County Commissioners. The Board met in regular session yesterday . afternoon: oresent. H. A. Bagg. Chairman, and Co mm ia- sior.era Moore. Worth, Montgomery and Pearce. The Treasurer presented his monthly report, as follows: General fund, showing' balance on hand 11,094.02; of which said sum $6,065 is on certifi cate of deposit in the First . National Bank. Fourteen coupons of denomi nation of $3 each, and four coupons of the denominatidn of $15 each, were ordered burned in the presence of the Board. The Educational Fund showed a balance on hand of $14,652.40. The.Register of Deeds submitted his report for the month of September, ex hibiting the Treasurer's receipt for $21,- 85, amount received for maniage li cense. The following changes were made in poll-holders for the ensuing election : First Ward First Division. Elijah Adams in place ot Ben. Shaw. Second Division. C. H. Strode in place of Thomas Brinkley, and Frank Maunder io place of S. H. Morton. Third Di vision.- J. W. Alderman in place of T. C. Lewis. Second Ward. Joseph D. Smith in place of J. E. Crow. Third Ward W. H. Yopp in place of L. W. McLaurin; 'John L. Dudley in place of C. A. Willson, and David J. Neal in place of Alex. Hostler. Fifth Ward First Division A- Howe. Jr. in place of C . H . Ward. . Cape Fear Township John E. St. George and Iredell Johnson in place of W. O. Johnson and A. J. Grady. It was resolved that the matter ot the lease of a portion of the Fair Grounds (about 25 acres) to Mr. E. G.Barnitz, be left to a committee consisting of the Chairman and Commissioner Mont gomery, to arrange terms and conditions and after said lease is completed, to be reported and recorded upon the minutes of the next regular meeting of the Board. The Board then, after disposing of a few tax matters, adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman. BOARD OF ED UO AVION, The Board of Commissioners resolv ed itself into a Board of Education and considered the petitions of sundry citizens living in Harnett Township. praying that School District No. 5 be diyided and a new District created, to be known a3 District No. 7, with the following boundary: Commencing at the southeast corner of the city of Wil mington, ruuning with the line dividing Masonboro and Harnetl Townships in an easterly, direction to a point one hundred feet west of the second toll house, thence northeast to the six mile post on the old plank road, thence northwardly along the Gordon road east of Mr. Jones' bouse to Smith's creek, and thence along Smith's creek to the city limits. The lollowing were appointed a school committee for said new district: John Struthers. T. J. Edens, J. K- Jones. , The Board then adjourned. The Fishermen's Convention. Mr. S. G. Worth, Fish Commission er, is sending out circulars giying in formation in regard to the Fishermen's Convention. The idea of holding this originated at meeting of fishermen and fish Vealers held at Newbern last April. Mr. J. J. Royal was secretary of the meeting. The subjects to be dis cussed at the convention will be the following: "The Present Condition of the Oyster Industry of the State;" "The History and Present Condition of the Great Seine Interest of the Albemarle Sound;" "The History and Present Condition of the Great Seine Interest of the Croatan Sound ; V The Pound or Dutch Net Interest;" "The Fishery Traffic of Morehead and Beaufort :" The Fishery Traffic of Wilmington, Elizabeth City, &c.;" "The Trout Streams of Western Carolina;" "Carp Culture in the State, &c." There will be, as stated, a lecture by Lt. Francis Winslow. U. S. N , oo oy-ter farming. Music in the Air. The Cornet Concert Club met for practice last night, after which they took a SeasidePark wagonette and drove around the city, furnishing some de lightful music. The night was exces sively hot and nearly every body was taking advantage of a seat on piazzas in order to get any chance cooling breath of air that might be circulating, and the sound of r music borne across the stillness of the night saluted the ears With real delight. We bope that it (the music" not the weather) may. bo repeated. , - 7 . " NETV ADVERTISEMENTS. 3E3FB.37"Zl?rCS- Z 2 EVERY DAY WE And our Motto is the Lowest Prices ! ! 1 In a few days we will have a COMPLETE STOCK in every department. Don'Miprget we carry the best stock of CURTAINS and GURTAIN GOODS south of New York. I I oct uoarcl of Aldermen. j The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held last night. ' The Committee on Fire Department re ported a resolution, which was adopted; that the drive&s and horses ot the hose reels belonging to the Little Giant and Cape Fear Companies bo kept at their houses during the day and night, and that they be required to respond with all possible dispatch to any alarm; horses to be exercised in front of the houses, but in no case to go out of sight for more than two hundred feet from the engine house; also, that the Board of Audit and Finance be requested to transfer to the Fire Department the amount necessary to meet the above change from the Street Department. A resolution was also adopted that the telephone alarm be replaced at the Hook and Ladder house. A recommendation of the committee on Fire Department was adopted, that one of the old reels be repaired and hose be purchased to equip the Bana ker Hose Reel Coaipany. Mr. S. L. Yopp was elected clerk of of Fourth street market house, vice John H. Pugh resigned. The committee on Markets reported that no change had been made in the amount of rental on each stall in the market houses, on advice ot the City Attorney. The special committee in the matter of furnishing new scats in . the Opera House reported that the financial con dition of the city did hot warrant the expenditure required. A resolution by Alderman Boney was referred to the committee on Streets' asking for estimates of a macadamized roadway twenty-five feet wide, on Market, between Second and Seven teenth streets. The matter of grading Ann street, be tween Third and Fourth streets, was referred to committee with power to act. Several petitions to erect buildings were granted. The use or the City Hall free of charge was granted to the Good Templars. A. M. Conway and Mount Olive church. A resolution by Alderman Boney re questing the Wilmington Gas Light Company to place a metre in the city Hall was adopted. The Board then adjourned. Attempted Burglary. About 1 o'clock on Monday morning a colored man was discovered by the iSmates trying to effect 'an entrance through one of the windows of a house on North Second street, between Chest nut and Mulberry. When ".the burglar found that the people were awake and had seen him he very deliberately walked out to the sidewalk and went off whistling, as unconcerned as if he was engaged in an entirely legitimate occupation. An examination the next morning showed that he had tried several ot the windows before he had been interrupted. The gentleman of the house was absent at the time, a fact cf which the scamp was un doubtedly well aware. Personal. Mr. P. McEvoy will leave here to-Sa- night to make his future home at vannab, Ga. . Mr. E. G. Blair returned to the city this morning from his visit to the Ex position. Rev. Dr. Pritchard, accompanied by his wife, left yesterday morning tor the Eastern Association at Polloksville. Jones county. He went by the way of Goldsboro and thence by steamer to Polloksville. Mai. C. W. McClammy was in the city this morning and left on the steam er John Dawson for Bladen county which he will canvass for Cleveland and Hendricks. - He has made a thor ough canvass of Pender; ia company with Cok W. 4. Greco. and reports that county ns heirs all riht. 7, 1884. NO. 239 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARE GETTING IN R. M. MclNTIRE. Crimihal Court. The following cases havo been dis posed of since our last report : State vs. Joseph McNeil), forcible trespass. Defendant submitted and judgment was suspended upon! pay ment of costs. State vs. G. W. Penny, assault and battery. Defendant submitted and was required to pay a fine of $10and,cosis. State vs. Riley Moses, assault ard battery. Defendant submitted and was required to pay a fine of $50 and costs'. State vs. Marinda Farrow, nuisance. Defendant submits. Judgment not yet pronounced. I T State vs. Marley Nixon,, false pre tense. Judgment $1 and costs or 30 days in the House of Correction, I State vs. Edward Thomas,' assault and battery. Guilty. Judgment, $1 and costs or 30 days in the County House of Correction. j State vs. Dock Leak, I larceny. Guilty. Given until Saturday to prove character. I t .. I.- I It we would have powerful nlnds, we must think ; if faithful hearts, we must love; if powerful muscles, we must labor; if we would get rid of a bad cough, we must take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. ! 1 ? For durable coloring the . wall3 of rooms in beautiful lints, at little icosr, nothing equals the Mableine sofd at Jacobi's Depot. f Hall's Hair Renewcr turns gray! hair dark, removes dandruff, cures scalp humors; an elegant toilet article. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. lv d w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fourth Ward Democrats RE URGENTLY REQUESTED TQ AT- tend an important mcetiog of the Club at the City Court Room, this (Tucaday) evesing at 8 o'clock, oct 7 lt JNO. J. FOWL13R, Vice President Lost. O N MONDAY, OCTOBER 6T1I, REtElV- ING BOOK A suitable reward will bo paid- on the return of Bamc'lo the undcrs! ignd, eor ner of Sixth and Walnut 6trccls. oct 7 lt ALEX. JOHNSON. No Old Stockt j rpo DAY'S STEAMER BRINOS US 60 Brls BALDWIN APPLES and 25 Brl3. fine-IRISII POTATOES. Would like to sell, i Cdme and ! I see us at oar Fish Mi rket. j cct7 DAVIS;4 SON SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, ? Miss HART, Principal Assisted by Miss M. B, BROWN, f Lessons In Drawing and Painting by Mrs. E H. PARSLEY Vocal and Instrumental Music' taught by Mrs. M. P. TAYLOR. The next session will begin WEDNBSDAY, the 8th of October. Course of j InstrucUon thorough. For terms and particulars apply to the PBIUCIPAL sept 30 3t S30, Oct 4 7 nac j ? For Rent. T HAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE j on Scuthwe&t comer of Jr lltn an: Nun streets. Apply to oct4 3t j W. II. MCBARY. Stores for Bent, i WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES above now occupied by Messrs. U. Johnson A Co. ! Store and offices above now occu led by A. Dumelandt i Roth on North Water St.; between f rin ces and Chestnut. Apply to augll 8trcopy.3t DsROSSET & CO. Furniture. N KW STOCK FOR FALL TRADE; ARRIVINQ EVERY DAY Manufactared expressly for this market. New Styles and Lew Prices. Call and exam lnoour extensive variety of Neir and Fash lonable Goods, all made this son. ; , t . D. A. SMITH. FtLr&Itsrs Dealer, N. Front Street oct.6 mm 1 6 FJJSA55 50ttCX Wwm:ts2a4 to tecerre eozoKiaicaticB from our fxlsnda oa any and all !&jet: ceaerallateresttmt. The name cf the writer mnz always be " '.. uahe4 to the rdttor. -f. t:i : T ConunTuxlcatJoM in tut be wxttua o ca i ore Elde cf the paper. Personalities must be avofciedL! i i t - And it Is especially and particularly cxdc tood that the Editor does not always eadci the views ot correspoadeiiti c&teer k tw e In the editorial colcains. - . " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. o. fa. - I rim Die, STOCK AND REAL. ESTATE EEOKEJi and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of eveiy descrlpUon. Ofiicft corner Prtncc&a and Water streets. Cronly & Morrla' okl utand. Fersonal attention given to sale of and rfhllpa t nrlrtta n. . s'snroents solicited. , SETH W. DAVIS, s?ptS3 , V, ' AncUonecr: OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1884. . Mr. Frank Mayo, And first Production here of a romantic play by Mcfsri. Franlt Mao and John ii. Wilson. Founded on Werner's Novel of "Vlneta", tn- Utled : -. . - nobdecjk:i; Special engage acnt of Mrs Rachel MeAulcy. Reserves scats as usual. Box ehect will open at Ileinsbcrgei'a on Monday morning, oct 4 4t t -o- AT OUR Grand Opening ! TUE8DAV, Oct. 7t!i, WEDNESDAY, Oct. 8tli. THURSDAY, Oct. iHh", we wi'l be pleased to hare one astl all call and Inspect our elegant Well Selected . Stock ! Just received, of Millinery & Fancy Goods. TAYLOR'S BAZAAIl, 118 Market St. oct C WILMINGTON, N. C. SCHOOL BOOKS. ' SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at ' IIEINSBERGER'3. Pianos and Organs, gOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY IN stalmcnt plan, at - HEINSBERGER'S, oct 6 Llvo Book and Music Store r. SCHQOL BOOKS. KCTTOOT.BOOTCS. yyE KEEP A LARGE SUPPLY OX" SCHOOL BOOKS used by the PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS of th city and through, out North Carollca, which we offer to the pub lic attheLOWE3T POSSIBj E PRICES. , ? School Supplies of all kinds. C. W. YATES, sept 29 110 Market st , Wilmington, N C By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OFTOILET SOAP 12 CAKES FOIC 125 CTS. QQODWYN'S COMP. SYRUP, Urpophoephltco, with Lactates and Pepsin H which la already beicg prescribed, by oar Phye ician3, and for which we are agents. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Market Street, WUmlngton,!N. C tept 18 Bottom. "TE GIVE GOOD BOTTOM3 ON ALL enr Boots and Shoes, and put them to oar eus- ..... r 'omcrs at BOTTOM prices. Yoa flrlU scrre yoar Interest by , examining our goods and prices-before paying out your money. Geo. E. Frcnclr & Sons, I 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, The Old North State Saloon TTAS THIS DAY EECEIYED a lot oj; those celebrated HORNE'SJ GARDEN OYSTiR. They are kept on Ice and are warranted the finest oyster brcnght to this market. Call and try then. Cool Rear and the best Wines, Liquors and Clears always ca hand. - . - oct S -. . - i J. U. JXcGOTTAIt. I

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