THIS PAPER ginned erery evening, Sundays ex - i oepted by jOSH T.j JAMES, t, JDITOB AKD J jDlTOB AKP PBOPMBTOB. otttONS rOSTAGB PAID: jubscbiptionsj trtAT f-w i Jo6 y l Co; One month, 35 cents. 0100 ' iu be delivered by carriers free Z1 in anr part of the city, at the above OU per -'Ltising rates low and liberal. trsubacribew will report any and all fall- (0 receive ineir ta c, j , The Daily Review has the largest c(u circulation, of any newspaper -CnvFJssler, of stage renown, is puJ m djini io Vienna. ! . - jtiS salel that Gen. Grant will re ire 450,000 for hU history of the war fl the Century. He prefers a fixed jllu sum Oiling u'- o. ivj""; The West is all right. Now let the st iio her duty anil a 25,000 Demo fatic major.ty willjstand to the credit 0f North Carolina in this campaign. White men of Brunswick, Bladen, Cumberland and other counties of this section, awake to the duty of the hour aaJgive Democracy such ft boost as it has never had before. y - . iti - The circulation pt the Newf York World has reached this week to 115.70 copies. Its usefulness and its influence keep pace with its circulation , and its Democracy i3 unimpeachable. - The Democrats of Eastern North Carolina have some; work to do and thel quicker they get to putting in their big licks the greater will be their success and the more complete will be their satisfaction when the result becomes known. j; Democratic success will be triumph antly assured by a complete and thorough Democratic organization ; so arouse from your lethargy, Democrats of Eastern North Carolina, and organize in every ward, precinct, township and county and give the; Democratic ticket a majority that shall be a daisy ! H i, , , . la his recent tourj in Scotland Glad stone exhibited his visor by walking up Ben Macdhui as easily a3 Cleveland will walk over Ben; Butler. Macdhui islhesecoud highest mountain in Scot land, and the entire' distance looted by the and his daughter Helen watully twenty miles. Toe American. Doliiical alliance has actually opened headquarters at Phila, delpbn and will go on as tarae as life; Ellsworth, the nominee for the Presi dency, declares that the concern has 500,000 voting members, while 1,000, 000 more will come in so as to give him 1,500,000 votes. J" - - Rev. Henry Ward has written a let ter to Gen. Alger, the Republican can diaate for Governor or Michigan, re specting the statement regards Blaine's offer, when Speaker, to J. F Joy, to appoint a committee as he wanted it if he would takeoff his bands, at par, some depreciated stock. We will publish the matter in full to-morrow. I It is a curious rule tn England that i when a bishop retires his pensioa comes out of the income of his successor Sir Charles Dilke has adopted the idea and applied it to the civil service. Two of his private secretaries were recently promoted, and in order' that they might find their promotion pleasant he has taken from the income of their success sora to increase their pay. - ' . Immense shipments of flour are being made from1 San Francisco to China, as well as canned goods, salted meats and othtr provisions. : The ship ments aro mainly to Chinese merchants ia Hong-Kong, which leads to the Opposition that thley are made onTbe jfol the Chinese government, in an licipation of a long war. It is estimat- that no less than 8,000,000 pounds' of flonr were shipped during September.- The death of Field Marshal Von Bet. Afield, at the age of 88, leaves the Emperor William! as the oldest officer f the German army. lie was one of few surviving German veterans who e&rned their first iaurels at Waterloo or kipsic. Ho took a leading part in the three great wars of the present Emper. 0r was present at Alsen, Konig JWi and Sedan, j His age exceeded the Peror's by only one year. -- The news f rofm Ohio, as revealed by correspondents of the New York pa is not by any means disconraging Jp the Democratic hopes. The Repub h'cans, they say, jare spending money ere like water and are resorting to. , j . . . manner ot disreputable practices to "7 the State next week, and yet the "enioeratic managers are neither d is "eanened nor discouraged. They are lowing the enemv close at ever? turn D1 th fight is fierce and bitter, and e resnlt mav haclosa. The rfesnpra- tjQ to which the Republicans are re cced is b est seen in the fact that Mr rae left the State last Saturday for est Virginia, but was' recalled; and to be kept oa the road until the close VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N-.'C. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER Some one who - signs himself 14A Stalwart" has written a communication to the New York World. exposing some of the of the Blaineites. It is interesting enough to republish, and here it Is: To the Editor of TJie World: lntormation of an iniDortant and startling character has just come into my possession, wbicn 1 teel it my duty to give to the public. I have long been a Republican and a Stalwart, but I be lieve th euccess of the Republican party with such an infamons man a Jame3 G. Blaine at the head of it would oe tne grea-est calamitv that could h- fallftand the country. I have, there- lore, resoivea that 1 will do all in mv power as a very humble citizen for the eiecuon oi uov. uieveland as the best means of rebukinff that dejsrraded fol lowing that succeeded in putting James G. Blaine in , nomination at Chicago. The information I have is this : A syndicate made up of ten men has bejen formed to raise &1.000.000 to send to the Ohio Republicans with which to purchase enough voters to carrv the election of the Republican State ticket and thus save Blaine from immediate and final disaster. This syndicate is made up of Jay Gould. W. H. Vander- bilt, C. P. Huntington. Russell Saere. Cyrus W. Field. John Jacob Astor, the Seligmans, John Roach. D. O. Mills and Leyi Morton. The Blaine managers have become greatly alarmed about Ohio during the last few days. This enormous corrup. tion fund has been' secured at the last moment under the greatest pressure. It j3 easy enough to see that these gentle men all have a selfish motive in being so liberal- uould, Sace. Vanderbilt and Huntington have great railroad intere sts that they want protected. The union Pacific, for instance, owes the Government over $50 millions. which it will .never pay unless compelled to. Blaine was their friend in 1878, when Edmunds and Thurman bravely struggled with the Funding bill, and he would be their friend still. Mr. Astor has an ambitious son whom he wants kept in the diplomatic service. Mr. Morton wants to retain his mis sion or have the 1 rcasury porttoho. D. O. Alills is the father-in-law of Whitclaw Reid and is interested on general principles. The election of Blaine would be worth millions to John Roach in the way ol steel-cruiser contracts. Thus every one of these men has a selfish purpose in making up this -stupendous corruption fund. I give this as a warning. Is there hope for the country when States be pur chased to make such a man as Jamf s G. Blaine President? Countrymen, tellow-Repnblican3 of the old line, I ask you to stop and consider what we are coming to. A Stalavart. 'Tis the first spring mosquito Head humming alne, IDs thirsty companions Will be here soon, Try then St. Jacobs Oil You'll find it a boon! LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW AQVEBTISEH1 EHTS. C W Yates School Books II E1K8BKRQEB School Books SrEAKixu CorWaKcr Ii Steele Fob Sale A Job Printing Office &1und3 Bros. & DeKosset By Steamer r C Miller Frlenda and Fellow-Citizens Report of the Con Itionof the First National Bank of Wilmington, N C Register I Register!! Register!!! Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. t The receipts of cotton at thi3 port to. day foot up 1.130 bales. Preoarations are in progress for the new hotel which is lo be erected on the corner ot Third and Dock streets. Our Republican friends bad a politi cal jamboree in the Eastern section of the city last night, and they were shout ing. " Bear in mind that an entire new reg iatration is to be made this vear in this ftountv. The boots are open now. Register to-day. The attendance upon the Graded Schools ot this city is on the increase. There ore now something more tnan 800 pupils enrolled. We are having some of De Voe's Jer sev frosts to-dav. Last nteht was cool enough to bo comfortable. but this morning was a scorcher. American merino sheep are being sent lo Australia, but Dyer & Son have had enough fine merino "shirts manufac; tured to supply our city Jby the sea, f hers of the Cornet Concert ninh will meet at their band room promptly at 7 o'clock to-night to-be in readiness to furnish music for the Dem ocratic procession. , Frank MJayo's Company arrived here at about 5 o'clock this evening. They played at Norfolk last night, in conse quence of which they had to come from Weldon on the through freight, v To every Housekeeper, a good substantial cook stove is an important 1 necessity and our readers will find the hest at Factory ' prices at J acobi s i Hardware Depot.' y " t Register to-day. To procrastinators to morrow is a myth; it never comes. Register to-day! ' - No, my friend, the Goggle Eyes" is not a political organization, nor will any of the members support Ben Bat ler, as might be: inferred by the name which has been given them. To-nlsrht Col. Steele Speaks. Col. W. L.- Steele, ol Roekingham, will address the citizens of New Hanover, upon the issues of the present campaign, to-hight in the Court House at 8 o'clock. Let alt Democrats, be present to hear toe distinguished speaker, - Queer Medicine. We hear of a colored boy who went into a grocery store on the North side of the railroad a( few days since and wanted to gtt a rotten egg. The strange ness of the request caused the merchant to enquire what was wanted of such kind of goods,, when the boy stated that the baby was sick and that be wanted it to giye to the little, one as a . medicine J He did not get the egg, but he did ge some pretty plain talkfrom the mer chant. I Persoual. Mr. E. J. Powers has returned to the city from New York, where he has been during the Summer. His. family are still North and will not return until later in the season. Mr. Harry P.:Russell, of New York, i3 in the city to-clay. He has been on a flying far South as New Orleans on business for his firm and stops oyer, here one day to see his friends. He says that the hot, dry weather we are haying here is general wherever he has been. We were pleased to receivo calls to day from Mr. J. T, Player, of Pender county, and Mr. P. W; Suggs, ot Laur- inburg. Both of those gentlemen re port the political outlook in their re spective localities as being very encour aging. I City Court. . There was a busy lime at ; the City Court Room this morning and the Mayor had his hands tall for a time. The fallowing were the cases-called for investigation : . Ellen McWilliams, colored, charged with disordetly conduct, as required to pay a fine ot $5. ; Thomas McWilliams, also colored, for a like offense, was fined $5. Henry Hall and William Jordan, for disorderly conduct, both colored, were fined S3 each. Luke Sellars j and Sam Foster, two colored boys, for fighting, were sen tenced to be confined in the city prison until sunset. Remedy jfor Poison Ivy. Dr. S. A. Brown, United States Navy, states in the Medical Record that he has found a specific for the trouble some eruption produced by the poison -oak, or poison ivy, so common in our woods and along old fences. This spe cific he finds in bromine, which he has U3ed with unyarying success in at least forty cases. He uses the drug dissolved in olive oil, cosmoline or glycerine, in the strength of trom ten to twenty drops of bromine to the ounce of oil, and rubs the mixture gently on the affected parts three or four times a dayl The bromine is so volatile that the solution should be-Tenewel every twenty-four hours. The eruption never extends af ter the first thorough application, and it promptly disappears in twenty-four aours it the application is persisted in. Orancro Blossoms. The residence, last evening, of Mr. A. G. Hankins was the scene of a most happy event, it being tne occasion 01 the marriage of his amiable and accom plished daugher, Miss Fannie, to Mr. Virginius Hall, of Suffolk, Va. Tho affair was modest, its. appoint ments in rare good taste, and the occa- . .' 1 1 ll!an sion a mosi enioyaoie one. - ius Fannie lood very sweet in her pretty bridal costumerand Mr. Hall look every whitthe handsome groom. The presents were numerous, ranging from trifles to valuables, and some were strikingly handsome j We congratulate Mr. Hall upon the very valuable prize he has drawn in the lottery of marriage, and trust that he may yet find it bis interest to make his home in the good old place that has given him his! best earthly friend. The young couple carry with them to tha Old. Dominion our UII .w sincere wishes for a long life of connu bial blies. j . .... We invite the attention of ur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being mads to order at ban dollar at the Wilsinztca Shirt Factory. - u. ; ft Criminal" Court. .The following cases have been beard since the close of bur report yesterday: otate vs. Candace Dunstan, slander of woiaen." Six months in the Conntv House of Correction. '. State vs. Geo. Craig cl (it, assault and battery. Witnesses calfed and failed. Judgment 'nisi. State .vs. "Eliza Devane, larceny. Found guilty and seutenced to four years in the penitentiary. -. State vs. Eliza Devane. breakins: into a?3Welling." Defendant submitted and jadgment suspended. State Y8. Marley Nixon 4 . false pre tense. Found guilty, with a recommen dation to mercy, i State vs. Solo non Robbins, assault and , battery. Defendant subraitts Judgment 2 yrars in County .House of Correction, $100 fine and payment ot costs. State vs. Solomon Robbins, assault and battery. Defendant submits. Judgment 1 year in Countv House oi Correction, $100 fine and payment of costs. State vs. Solomon Robbins, assault and battery. Defendant submits. Judgment suspended. State vs. Abrani Watson, larceny. Verdict not guilty. State vs. George Craig ct als, assault and battery. Set tor Friday next. For durable goloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost, nothing equals the Mableine sold at Jacobi's Depot. t Register to-devy. Don't put it off un- til to-morrow. A Fine Instrument. new organ for St. Thomas The Catholic Church, recently built by ihe famous organ .builders, Messrs Hook & Hastings, of Boston, Mass., arrived here on Sunday night and is now being put up by Mr. Thomas Cadwallader, the organ tuner for that establishment, who came here expressly for that pur pose. The organ, when in position will be 19 feet high, 12 feet wideband 9 feet deep and will have 25 reg slci s. It is a fine instrument, perfect in all its part?, and was set up and tested before it was shipped ; a3 are all the instru ments manufactured by that house. Work was begun in setting it up on Monday morning and it will take un til Thursday, the 16th inst., before it will be completed and ready for use. This would seem to be a long lime, but when we kuow that there are about 25, 000 pieces to be put together, it would not seem unreasonable. When completed it will be a beautiful instrument in tone and finish as well as an ornament to the church. Thejorgau, as it was strewn about the gallery in parts, look ed like anything but a musical instru ment. It is, however, beginning to as sume shape and form under the skil ful bands of Mr. Cadwallader, who has had many years of experience in the business. Chaucer says; "For gold, in phisike is a cordial." For all that suffer from hoarseness, cold injHie chest, lung trouble, or bronchitisTorrBuirs Cougn Syrup is golden "phisike." Trough worth its weight in gold, a quarter will buy a bottle. - List of JLetters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday. October 8, 1884 : B Louis C Baldwin. A Barthol- emew, same urown. eamuei crown. C-C S Can. E B Cooper, I Camp bell, Maek Crowder, Mariana Cowan, Richard King Clark, r J Maggie Davis. G Amelia Galloway. H Alonzo Hewlett, B F Hopkins, G G Hopkins, Henry Herring, i J Satlie Johnson. B E Jordan. B Johnson, Mfss James. K Julia King. M A Merrick, Absalom Morrow, Carrie Moseley, Elsie Miller, Maria Miller. Oliver Mooro. Sidney McQueen, Wm H H Mayo. W E Miles. P Ferdinand Parker, Lizzie D Par ker, Sal lie Parker. It M H Russell. S Catharine Smith. Rev Prof GF Schaefler, J L Sanders, P L Sellers. T Martha Thomas. W Daniel William. Mr Wrieht. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say '"advertised if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C ' Ed. R. Bbixk P. M. Good materials properly porportioned which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed hjrnsing the N. Y. pnamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. t Study not to beautify the the mind. : fact, bat : Koi7 is tho tine to give Smith's Worm Oil. I7a Y7 8, 1884 NO. f240 MARRIED. HALL HAKKINg on the 7ih lns , at the residence of the bride's fatner, bv the Ctv Dr. It A. Tat-s, MISS FAJiSUS VA:LHCE, danhtrrof JJr A. 6 Hankins, to Mr VIB GINIUS HALL, of j-nffolk, Va. I I vorfolk papers please copy i T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ABEATIITUL SE.T OF FANCY I C ABD3 sent free to persons who 1 have taken Brown's Iron Bitters. Address Biown Chemi cai uo., uaiurcore, Aid, m v f6t Col. Walter L. Steele SPKAKS TO-NIGHT, ! IN THE COURT HOUSE, PhECISILY AT 8 O'CLOCK. "' - ! -; J ' : rjlHE YOUNG MEN'3 DiMOCKAIC Club of New Hanover County extends a cardial in . vitatlon to-tho Tonng Men's PrcgTesive Dem i ' v ' :: I ' ; ocratic Cub, the various Democrall organi zations of the eounly, and t he public gener ally, to hear Col. Steele to night. L' t there be a large audience. ; bet 8 It For Sale. A Job Printing Office, -IN GOOD CONDITION. LIBERTY PRESp. 0ver 100 Fonts Type.-: APPLY TO ; f i JOSH. T. JAIE, Wilmington, N. C. u- A S-ri OCt 8 Report of the Condition QF TirE FIRST NATIONAL bjiNK OF WILMINGTON, at Wilmington, in tlie State of . 4 se of j North Carolina, at the clo business September 30, 1834: " RESOURCES: Loans and,diacounts.i ......$$03,951 ? Overdrafts.... I. f 8,351 5 U. S. Bonds to Becurefclrculation.,.. I 50,000 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 62,486 21 Due from "approved reserve agents. . 1 G.C&l 78 Due from other National Banks . .... 4,770 31 Due from State Banks and bankers. 3,119 83 Real estate, furniture and fixtures. 51,191 1!) Current expenses and taxes paid.... J 2,t79 13 Bills of other Banks,:? . 1 31,990 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, i ana pennies. . : . . . J s. w us Specie v i 1. 31,077 00 Legal tender notes. . . V. ....I 6,047 0 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas-J urer, a ier cent of circulation. . . . f z,iHJ uu Total. ,j. .$4065,557 40 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund .- i. Undivided profits. i National Bank notes outstanding Dividends unnaid. H25Q,-000 00 I 44991 9-2 ) 97,05 91 1 41,990 00 I 1.714 0 Individual deposits subject to check 161,390 16 Demand ccrtillca tea of deposit... .4 aui,jyj .j Due to other National Banks. 32.543 00 Due to State Banks and bankers... i 2,358 9o Notes and bills rc-tiiscountcd. ...... J lee.GGO U Bills payable.... ....J. .f....j '50,00 00 Total. . ,065,557 41 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, j Couxir of New Hasovee, ss. I. A. K. WALKER. Cashier, of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my jknowledge and belief. A.K. WALKER, Cashier. i ! Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Oct. 18SI. A. J. HOWELL, I . Notary Public Correct Attest : f E. E. BURRUSS, jy. a. WORTH. ,1 Directore. ALFRED MARTIN octS No OMStockk rpo DAY'S STEAMER BRINGS US 60 Brls BALDWIN APPLES and 25 Brl. Mn? IRISH POTATOES. Wouli like to cell-J Come and see U3 at our Fish Mrket. :'"'" DAVIS & SON cct 7 For Rent. rpHAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE 1 i on Southwest corner of Fifth arid Nun streeta. "Apply to oct 4 3t W. U. McRARY. Stores for Rent. i- I era REHOUSE AND OKFICE Y f above now occupied by llea&ra. H. JrtLneon & Co. t Store and oCicca above now occu-' pled by A. Dumeiandt. j Both oa North Water at. ; between . and Chestnut. Apply to - ! aug 14 Stv copy St EeEOSSET A CO. Oysters ! AT SO. Ill SOUTH FRONT S1KEET. HUMPHREY JENKINS keep freth New Elver and Mfrtle I Uzotc Oyster. Sent a O. D. AJ- UMPIIRET JENKINS keep to, Applea, Pears. Peachea, Northern Cab- baje, uuiona. sweet asaira A'oiii!c3, wtica we viiU ecU I3TT ler cash. 1M Wintfcad . TTt win bo glad la tece2ve ecarituScxUca troa va trleaaj oa asy sA ill Isuijscu; Tlia namo of Cie witter must alwaya b ; CcmmTmlcattonataust t .wrirtsa 'ca ca one aide of the paper. rersonaStlea oust be avoided ; " - I Axtd It ; la especially and jpaxUc&larly tttfe tood that the Editor doea not always cafici tie tlews of correspondeat tRiw c gta't in the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SB H. Trimble; STOCK AN D REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of general Merchandise of every description. Oilion corner Prlnrcsa and Water street. Crcnly Jb Motrlas' old stand. rer?,nal auentlon given to sale of hones and vehicles at private aaleor at aucUon. Con. slgnmenta Bol'cited. 8ETU W. DAVIS, sept 23 ; Auctioneer. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY Wednesday,- Oct. 8, 1884. Mr. Franfc Mayo, And tint Production here of a romaiitlfl play by M era. Frank Mato ami' John . eilson. 1 ounded on Werner's Novel of Vlneta". n Utled - , . . v 3STOBDEO 33: 1 Special engagement of Mrs Rachel McAuley. Reservei Keats as usual. Box sheet will open at Heinsbcrgei's on Monday morning. OCt 4 4t AT OUR , Grand Op en i n g ! TUESDAY, Oct. 7f.Ii, WEDNESDAY, Oct. 8th. -' THURSDAY, Oct. Otli, we wiil b3 pleased to have one atd all call and " Inspect our elegant - " Well Selected Stock ! Just received, ot Millinery & Fancy Goods. o- TAYLORS BAZAAR, 118 Market St oct 6 WILMINGTON, N. C. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. QF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at HEINSBEBGER'S. Pianos and Organs, gOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY IN- atalmcnt plan, at .- HEINSBEKGEK'S. . cct 6 . Live Book and Hustc 8 tort r. SCHOOLBOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. T)ya KEEP A LARGE SUPPLY OF SCHOOL BOOKS teed by the PUBLIC AN PRIVATE SCHOOLS of the city and throa out North Caroliaa, which we offer to the p lie at tho LOWEST POSSIB E PRICES. UTS" School Supples ot ail kinds. C. W. YATES, sept 20 J13 Market St, i Wilmlngtoo, NC By Steamer, oi xjixj wi yjz yj msLii. ouai f ur rv?rir t yt rr T-v t t "T"t c? a t- . 112 CAKES FOR 35 CTS. Q.OODW YV3 COMP. SY RU P. Hypophospbilcs, with Lactates acd Pep&In , which la already beicg preecribed by oar Physicians, and for which we ara agents. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Market Street, . tcpt 13 Wllinlngton.N. C. Bottom. "YTE GIYE GOOD BOTTOMS OS ALL our Boots and Shoe?, and put them ta our cus tomers at BOTTOM prices, Yoa will serve your Interest by examining our goods and prices before pajljig out your money. Geo. R. French & Sons, 1C8 NORTH FRONT STREET octC The Old North State Saloon jgrAS Tni3 DAT RECEIVED a tot of, those celebrated nORNE'SJ jf i GARDEN OYSTfcU. They are kept oa, ice ana are warrantea me nnet oyster brought to this mrkct. Call and try tttrx. Cool Beer aal the best Wines, LJqscrs Cijars alssraysea tol oct i J. 2T. IIcGOTTA".

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