ex! r 1 TrtwCltwsl&d to receTre ooruatuilcauoa . from mr fxleads oa any aafl all ?sstjcu! . general Interest but ; J Tia bum ol ita writer most Jwy b nisned to tha Editor.4 : : - CoffitaCTkattom mutt tm wxlttfta ca oa one side of the paper. ' PGraonalltlea maat be aToi! And It Is especially and paracuUrly tide stood tnat tae Kdltox does not always eadci a te views of coTTcapondeBts nnle: ft state in the editorial colmana. '. . : i - rwrt T. JAMES H isD rBwr- TOKSrOSTAGB PAID: . monthflf t2.09. Thre a H-- 35 cent. J ' fl-w a .w Murlerm free OS" . v rlUVOrcva "J I fTvpartof the city. at theabOTO .tf le and liberal. VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1884. NO. 242 ers Hill report, juij : circulation, of any newspaper LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO IEW ADVCRTISCUEMTS. FltOM KALEIGII. Xbe rnent of lighting coal mines eIf;3nn trial at Connells- Pa . x:ni T of Siam. who is unct ; caul to have two -.eear3 01 ago, 'andsixtyreechiWren. so extensive anu Attention Democrats C W YA.TES Scboo1. Books American Lestfon of Honor Hkinsbkrqes School Books MISS E Karrek Fall and Winter Geo F Herbert Luscious and Fat Taylor's Bazaar A Grand Display Wm Larkiss Administrator's Notice Cooler Weather and Crowds 1 Flocking to the Exposition Grounds. (Special to Daily Review.) Exposition Grounds. Raleigh, N.C. Oct. 10th. It is more than gratifiying to note the Muhds Bros. A DeRosskt Bt Steamer F C Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens increasing interest taken in the exposi tion by the people from every section of the State. New exhibits are coming in -..-.tb becoming 8 i'v . .i.t, nnnntv that a conserva itlia Npw York vaih ffePP . , n,. 77.;,, ;s tempted, to ad- Step ladders, allleDgthS, at jACOBl'S uv train and th rrnwd in ftlten mat f""'" i 7 1 v -. - - 1 .v. 5 Register5 Register!! Register!!! topuni titution'of vigilance commit- Depot. 3h incendiarism. t The receipts of cotton at tlii3 port to- . . v..; Kn?lt for Kmneror aay woi P Daies- dance swells in numbers each day. Old men who h ive come down to us from a former generation give vent to' exs A carriage J" . , - - . T J clamations that should fill the' ate ffilliam, the whole upper poruuu ui -uiarenaoxi uouncu, o. 0 a i,. 01 1 th fnug.0 from Qne cndtQ tho .othePfc ,hich is to be construe teu ui x03. uuw n0noif wmm u-nurm,t at o u ciuc. Tfae weather beUlg considerably cooler filfh U to enable pe monarcu l" Col Joha N staples will address the this morning the people are crowding manoeuvres, parades an o er Democracy of New Hanover county in to the grounds in large numbers and 111 uiaiwww public 0CCs' f5iQer this city on the 21st inst. Rev. William II. Lewis, a prominent :.-, o.mo nonnle t,o learn Itmaysu''-r -5 ' . cWvman of the diocese ot Pittsbure 1 . in a rnnnrr. ill u lu liic i ----rf - ,accorumf - r p ni offlciate at st jaies' Church of Lords, ten year .1 o. 1 r hint seven aodahalf million acres ounuay iuurumK humuwu a00 . . a a;k the usual hours. ipieu, auu uvci citu 1 t. hundreds are reported on their way hither. This is indeed a glorious day for the Old North State. Takes the Stump. Col. E. ID. Hall will speak on the political' issues cf the day at Jackson ville. Onslow county, on Monday, the 13th inst. He will also ppeak at Chin quepin, Duplin county, on Friday, the 17th inst., and at Branch's Store, in the same couaty, on Saturday, the 18th inst. He5 goes into the canvass mean ing business and will devote his best energies towards arousing, organizing and bringing out the entire Democratic vote of the! counties in which he will speak. Political Speeches. There is promise of some fine speak, ing to-night at the Wigwam" on Seventh street, recently erected by the Democrats oi the Fifth Ward. Col. A. Rowland, of Lumberton, Presidential elector of this Congressional District, NETV ADVERTISEMENTS . NEW ADYERTISKMENTS. APsI5ISTUATUtf's ftuntii., jec un dersigned having qualified as Administra tor of tbe esUte of the late Robert 8. Kai.Icliffe. of "ew Hanover County, hereby I noiifica all perions baring claims apainst tho same to present tnem on r ocrore ine win uay oi "c tober. 1SS5, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of them. Those who. are 1 debtd to tte same will please make Immediate pavnient. WM. IAUKIJsJF. oct 10 law 6w fri Admlniatrator Luscious and Fat t JECEIVED THIS DAY AS other large lot of those splendid WINBEUBY KEW BIVER OYSTERS, Ifce finest Garden Oysters that come to the city. Served in any style aesirea. i i 1 GKO. F. HERBERT, oct 10 1m Star Saloon, 13 Market ft. i ; Attention Democrats ! S H. Trimble, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and AueUonocr ot General Merchandise of ; every description. OCIca corner Princess and Water etreets. Crcnly & Morrlss old stand. Personal attention given to sale of horica and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con arguments soltcited. SETX1 W. DAVIS, srpj w 1 Auctioneer. For Sale. A Job Printing Office, - IK ' GOOD CONDITION. M EMBEHS OF THE YOUNG MEJTS PRO- GKESSIVE DEMOCRATIC CLUB of Wll ralnzion are requested to meet In f roht of the r.itv H all to night. Octn tr 10. with helmets and our talented and promising yOUUDg ard torches, to participate In ihe Grand Ball? anu our taiuutcu . j in the Urth Wnrd. ParUes havmg helmets townsman, Mr. J. L. Davis, Will D and torches in their pof session, who do rot i.i i ni firo hnt ;hnt into belong to the Club, will please turn oyer the the speakers and will Ure hoc snoi into the Marshal or secretary. ! U Ihe Republican camp. There will De a , w n strau. e. t LIBERTY PRESS. 0ver 100 Fonts Type. oet S APPLY TO JOSH. T. JAME Wilmington, N C. parade and ! torchlight procession, as Later 3:25 p m. The Exposition we announced yesterday, and 'as all i3 a pronounced success. All are sur- eo0(j Democrats are invited to parties prised at tbe number of county dis- pate t is expected that there will be a Mi. Stedman and Jud-e Faircloth plays, the variety ot the exhibits, ana roUsing rally lor leveianu. iu, tplv unoccu r.f r t ifi most paiia ,.u" c-snwiom still uncultivated. . anonlr nt PniH8unrn Fri.iv the the artistic manner in which they have and a return to good government, uoi ihp l7thinst., at Kenansville the 18th, at peen arrangea. oiiecrora uav Kowlana is an accoiupnsueU 1884 Fall and Winter! 1884. I AM NOW DAILY IN RECEIPT OF MY NEW FALL AND WINTER M1L.LUNEK1 GOO . 3, selected by me in person in the North- 1 6UCh SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. yp EVEBY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, can be found very cheap at IIEISSBEKGEB'S. Pianos and Organs, OLD FOR CASH OR OS THE EASY IN- Live Book anl Jlnnle 8UTer. . . . e The Aaiors paid their taxes ior .-.,... f h w51d an;maia fishes LnH rrpnts his argument in a clear, ntvear in New Yqrfcon Wed- ,B'm' and fowls. I Raleigh is ablaze "Tse and convincing manner. He U ern markets, to which I invite attention such Ec;day. their contribution to the mu- : wild acciamati0ns of praise. Her doing excellent service in the cause, as as FELTS and bTRAWS in all prcyaJllng col Etaijucnt plan, at , Uninn f00. The I nnnd ma.tprial nronp.rl v nomortloncd ... . -.l u 1 . , wKinsa 1 I : LL. ncipai revenue v -------- . citizens are Vieing witu ucu wuici migtit ue expecieu nuui 0rs and grades; OsUIch Tlpa, Birds and Wings trrTTVTO TTT T?T'C? stQfAnaid.i n part, sidu.uw; wmcn are uie essential requisites in . c:aitnra nnrf the U. fi i oni r fnllv awoke ! n rll OXJ2iXVV'XiXV OJ w, Gordon Bennett, $29,500, and Ready mixed Paintscanbe best attain- 1" .t.T sach that none need ."1 roulatehis efforts. rln . , " I t m.w York Central and Hudson J ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint . ftfra;d ofnoor fare. The city author- L The procession will be preceded by owii.iiroad Company 8440,000. sold at Jacobi's Depot. t uOQ hrrnrA(! to see that all find th Hornet Concert Club, who will ment, 0n the first floor, a lice of TABLE m, . i u..na:AAnf llQrrrtt. hv his 1 TVTf flcu V Horhorf rf th fifor hOUSeS. , .1 uava inrfKo j: u: u dollar Der day ana upwaru. iuc m- occasion, me route win wo ir pit i kits, which win be stamped with moria rprv ucuucatii v na ihiu. uuvcil aca iu luis laiuc me o- i - - . . i ... i , - ui)luau .v.j ... . . - . . . ... nnmnonv furnishes ice water h;h we described vesieraay. Baltimore, a ceiDt to-day ol a lare lot ot spieniia v wur. . , : :. "L - T p Viim?n one letter, free of char&e miML LUilL LUC o I 'a. :ii m f maeco tn hps' t ho FELT. MOMIE, AIDA and all lUhed solely tor chanty, ana in auouiou be in constant receipt O! tnem mroasu- Lufti-m. nnliMl traths which will tn thi, annual srift of $50,003 irom out the season. Register now! Delays are danger- wuwirr r.- u ...i T?io bv o - - - i the income of the estate, to be applied nnn(..n K: MeRae will deliver ons lo such benevolent; work in Baltimore ftddress UDOn ,h3 political issues of be told them to night by Col. Rowland and Mr. Davis. To every one who is ririminnl Court. : eax,nr rF rnntr the administration or Maryland as 4ho trustees of the es- camrjaim at tne newlV erected stand The folio wine have been the proceed- ni thft ftfTaira of tho eovernment in the tote my elect. i Thirrl Ktrppt-np.Tt Wednesday even- hArnr thia tribunal since closiDgl unnAa f who have never been ing, the 15ih inst. ; our last report:, even accused of bribery, corruption State vs. rompey ouetu, i and iraua mere is cufmai "'"" ..fn i.F nnctffO tchiph HfiSimaSter- 1 . i T7" TM Talinnlra mmawui FwvSv, i wermaa uarciuu i , , ;if I . ... , 1 . General Howo estimated might cause a for Cork. for orders .The aeienaanwa uuu uUb to be present, wiiuout regwuiu. deficiency of $7,000,000, and which i h j k 3 8pirit3 turpentine and State vs. John Uibwn. urea nan. oug politlca aflihationa. lurn our, Th rrt Postmaster-lienerai nazen ug . q.c lu 0;n uoinprit 2S ns . sary materlsl for Art Needlework Neck wear, Gloves, Ilcslcry pnd Ladies Cn derwear. Reapcctftilly MISS E. KARREK. oct 10 Exchange Corner. V T above now occupied by Messrs . II. Johnson A Co. Store and offices above now occu pied by A. Dumelandt. Both on North Water st. ; between the ncces- and Chestnut. Apply to aug U Stir copy it I A GRAND DISPIiA Smith, G. r IN OUR Y ! ill Sheridan, .Fred nemocrats .young and old, and make nred at $2,000,000, shows an actual de- . b Messr8 'Alex gprunt & Son, Hawes, Wesley Foley and Joe Hawes, tho display ight a rousing demon- ' ' V . .. . snippeu oj iicaoio. T Hall nnrl Cxlb30n .l: s k.V,lf f o tnnA nr.rp Rnd erpasa of 26 000 in tne Stamp at- : ptui.ij. ' " i Biratiuu iu utuau wA n , . I . ! rannfaliineoff inthe total rev- The courts haye decided that any one submitted ; the others were discharged. cconomically administered government. Millinery T llepartnient I eaue of the post-office department of caught wearing one ot tne sniouaoi, Judgment a3 t0 Hai and cibson. painfuUoTe disturbed in public $2,242 000.. S suits made to order by Dye,r & S State vs. Sarah Williams, larceny. Mig. Some one coughing or 'rlncJB9 DEROS3ET A CO. Call and See TII03E ELEGANT FRUIT PaESERYES. NVe guarantee lhem to be pure, anu mo navor as if put up at home. A tiial is all wo aifc. Canned Goods of 11 kinds, Prunes.Currants. Pickles, Dried Beef, Oranges and Lemons. Biting Powdcs too numerous to mention. Jellies, Crackers, the best of Cheese, Hams and Suirar Cure i Shouldera, Coffees roasted , and ground. - By Steamer to-morrow Mocha toffee. Wd do not r-rag on all Flour, but we put the SUPERLATIVE against any in the market. Parties wishing Pieaerves at retail . will please Eend dlsfiea. . o .r ecpt 3i F. G, & N. ROBINSON. We ehall open a few more new cases Trimmed Hats and Bonn which there is a balance due, sbaU be N t ilt Unepzinfr. especially when you know The German Tostmaster General has .nn,;(ered a rare specimen of human- state vs. William Usher, larceny. that there is a remedy like Dr. 13ull s introduced another practical innovation ifcy . t GuiUy. siv months in County House Cough Syrup easily to De ootaineu. in the seryice, namely, that ot allowing . 4. orner Qf Correction. .! Some liemintsceiiccs. telegrams to be thrown into the letter There wu ia ishght fire state vs. I.loyd Sneed, larceny.- old Johd Robinson, the veteran boxes, more especially into those ai- - ZZZa V hpP pxtin- Judgment nisi. showman, and his son, Mr. John b tched to the mail cars on railway . Moses Brown. DeIenUant Robiuson. .ar0 trains. All that jis needed is to write . ; " i. in submitted and was discharged. are rc2i3tered themessageon paper, mark it 'tele- as occ j pr nartic- State vs. Lloyd Sneed, larceny. Ver- mercjai Hotel and the latter at the Pur- tnc subiued tastes of American ladies th gam," and attach the tanB rate in dict not vet rendered. , ceU House. ts! selected by us personally from the leading Parisian fashions. Whue rich ana eiegani u . . : :. ) the Hvlth d bis son, Mr. jodu r . oin tho city to-day and the extreme, inspection will prove thai I, the former at the Com- general effect accords mere thoroughly postage stamps. ulars. State vs. B. F. Simmons and J. A. an 13 ecen We met Mr. Robinson this morning There were five draymen before the Simmons, assault and battery. Ver- and were pleased to renew ouracquain- usually the case with Parisian designs: in this market; hence our reason for seleeUng n to . r nf i i hpre were uvu ui uv ulicu wium ki"' aimffloas, as3ui j - i ana weicui5o,iu,v'"'" i . ur.i ayes tnej prea. - . delin- dict ot luiltj and deleodanU dischare- tanco with btni. -He has long pasttbe tu,m.wi(i1 other, to follow, m im "I'rZli their Hcence ta.es. L. I allotted tbreC-ficore years and teD but is qqvc we will show full Hues of Limits lUi.BWXOrK. XUCIO 1 " ' " . m: 1 Vrr till UotlPP.L i-, I nirnnc lift noaSP.SSeS ...J, nn,..,.ffn .vrr.' , i. '1 u; n,.ira tm nnw some for a greater ana some ior a state vs. , sua aam . . asu i;niL.LttB.r a iiuaiuci' ticalarly bucolic m his make-up now. some ior agjeer L,in fnr the defendant who was . rnA rich conversation and it is wsemilerical coat of amount. They were discharged upon Continued for the defendant who was a fand of ricli wnversalibn. TRIMMED HATS AND BOKSET3 in six different wavs. ana ne carries wo eu coaio. same calico valise that accompanied MT,mich fr-v the stirring M O XVJl J UN from tie still wears the semi-ciencat coat uMaiuu. j- 7; 1 A , : a enm for har .r him t.allrr Ha has brooth m."6-' 01 toe f ame wiia mv z;; ot court. i.. t --- hi .;tM:hiA first visit here. At will not only be found equal to the ?th Ave.. kl'l'l IIIU v - - I I.I NW HaHOVer. I....- . Wara waa no railroad COm-1 .n.ct,takWlnnrfr In rtrllra. .i- i! . n I " y wr" " - ii.. rAiin;nw mh.oh l tuau ""' r i "'j , -i a on Di3 lour across me wun.u. t:u0A fnr- vpstprriav's issue jQasmg itum tUO . . PUnrioctrn ami imv- . ... thoenn, rifiRn FUC'" w,t. . : J: " .;.oi .i5 fmm the Raleieh Chronicle, municauou TAYLOLC'S l5AZ,AAit. .-..HU.Uv& v. .ww... by Mr. .fc. U. Miair, Decausu wC w.h pliers coins to througtt points oouiu 1 Jl .t , 7-77 rrrZTZTc, w L;mr.il,in. made bv the composi- New Hanover does not make a very euersg .ieamer at A tull line of School Hats, School stoci me oarK juonroyia saueu 1....-. , - l,, k Tvnnsition' 1 were uumww- - - York Wednesday tor Monrovia, tor, which were not complimentary to flattering show at ,Ae tsl" to . Wilmlnglon for Charleston, whib all Schooi Bags, school Handkerchief 8&c Lih.ru At Wofl Amiirrants on Mr. Blair's intelligence, xue J - -,7,7 at the other corner intermediate points were accessible oniy ye loW pricC8. No cnc urged to buy vt ia n 11.11 tiutui - - . uiHii 1 ri uaiui u. bcrri m ortt nnt hv the Ameri- have been corrected. lf the gpace ailotted to New HanoTer by stage. can Colonir.fitinn Snnietv. There were Wb firrPnuested to state that Hon. county, stretches aj " railing prewiiy Wcwell remember one of Mr. Rob ."rrr.r " ...adorned: and behind tne raiting ; ? . . ,vv isi ts to this city. It was, m .'...i.t v iArtnn innn i'hi hi umu i n a nnrrraiiM liiauii u w pleasing . pwu"".i A""?r: iL i "u ' o iRr j come and see, at the wvt4w .w r yy . A. rauuwtu, i.vpuMv 1 mail Y Ker. William Fair and wife, (wnuo.; f Lieutenant-Governor, will speak: pieces of band-painted cnina, nower we Mia., hog0 to Monrovia on missionary ' allofM9; C M. Stedman's ap- and other evidences ot good taste and t was then pitched back of what work;theRev D Weir, a colored Ja3 there is a perfect un- Jn: was then the : old Academy building iniinn,,- nri t w Wil.on .Alonzo WDmf:; ,i..-nhaithM S9a,andMJrm.aniS,L rhv and on the sround now known as the ngs but Miller and Robert D. Kin?, tnree colored students, who intend to devote toe remainder of their lives to the edu-1 ye invite attention to the advertise aersianuiug uci. ecu iDOmasj, auu w - , r,;, tTii Timmv shall be a ioint discussion at each place. Miss Bessie Willard) attract general yard in rear of the City Hall. Jimmy sbaI1 aj01 1 f fontion : and. besides these, there are Robinson was at lhat time a mere lad , . . l Kir- I - c I monv nihpr nieces 01 an-wui. j ihon known as one 01 '"""J . . . , r -r- I utv wv.u .w . ic? in phflTfTP fli Lllli ISA. I . i r 11 cation ,i; trBmPn in Liberia. 0f ti. FT Ttaxrer. as it appears LVt"' ""Jwo ot attractive the most fearless barebacK nuers m " vy . Liiii wuuu v. j - i uiu m w. ... .w lniDlt. lliw uaj w ... . TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Sty t wt in WILMINGTON. Nj C, . . . r i x r . . . tt 1 i i -. - n tms issae. She has aauea a iiuu ui art display tnat occupies me space wonu "is claimed tnat iuuiau I ,r .i iu ctnob- in the tancv t'l advantages lor sheep and cattle , on tho first floor, 3... more particularly - mp on. utwr free of cbge, b7.be nl. Fifth .treets. on the .pj now ac wjuuniry cmoraciu ncc So Old Stock. Afterwards, and for some n to anv county . ... vears. the circus tents were piicueu uu . " wr -. I 11 t. eq ' m r I floor, But.New iianover wuu u u a vacant lot on tbe corner oi warm rpo-DAY'S steamer brings us uj Brls SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. trE KEEl A LiAKUC Buririi v SCHOOL BOOKS used by the PUBLIC AN PRIVATE SCHOOLS of th city and throa out North Carolina, which wo offer to the p ic at the LOWEST P03SIB E PBICES. School Supplies of all kinds. C. W. YATES, sept 29 119 Market at, Wilmington, N C By Steamer, SPLENDID LOT OF TOILET SOAP 12 CAKES FOB 25 CTS. plOODWYVS COMP. 8TBUP, HypophoEphltccvrlth Lactates and Pepsin , which la already belrg prescribed by our Phyf Iclans, and for which we are agents. - Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Market Street, teptlS Wilmington, N. C. NATIONAL MILLS. All Wool Cassimeres, Direct from the Factory. DESIRABLE GOOD3 FOR MEN & BOISr A FCLL LIRE JUST OPENED. JNO. J. HEDRICK. oct 4 ' ' - p . . o. tti on an arutica uo va,, 1 uviuuu T; - .iw-K - , . 1 : .. L!. uge, tnc two teucianas, ou iiciu, vears old. cans oi tar, preuy npeciui Church. This was tne cnoseu biuuuu potatoes, wouia utc w kii. .ypw WO utw.. I " !. lascri Wnr h AZ 1Y OnU.i . OI rubin vuuiuw"- ..:i nntil the and Washington, Livingston, St. ;Tamma nY and Tangipahoa. It is said that the mutton raised in this section is Personal. ' m m r thA Uroducts of the Acme Manulaciurins Kev. nr. v. a. uauey. u fv,nin.m of the war. After r nrnniv- nine-hair. pine- Mt n,,t exhibited in Wilmington and - . ----- . ...l " . . . . i lf pUJy"J-J. i- , " I . . ciaaiied in flavor only ;oy ugiisu biblical llecoraer. nas uteu. ctu fibre and the tmarea prouucis. the cround was on rnnces3 sireci, or Southdown. The sheep do not need director of the Oxford Orphan Asjiuw, rne only lesson, tbereiore, ma , Front and Second, on tbe Walk- noasine in Winter or Summer. They of Mr. H. H. Munson. re- Hanover nas w .-r - w Thfl - ne wa8 tben changed to - i r i rr i r n w nn pirK ieub nui & wa icl vv. - seep fat all the year round feeding on gr2ned. the natural herbage. Disease tas cJl a. Rowland and Mai . A. Mc ne?er attacked the flocks. The climate j ... ' . h f t umberton. are in the k good and the soil fertile Vnri roistered at the Purcell " - . ., -- ! J I C I WW . r I . i .. . II inis x aii see us at onr Fish Market, oct" DAVIS Bottom. - - a v V yE GIVE GOOD JJViAVJ vy u sffs onr Boots and Shoe? , and pat them io ourcua- iianover na - i u iha oval1ont work or three of her artists) is to remind us lfae acmnt Walker iot, running through ihi ttoTOnnraemreVrplnhalr and trom Fifth to sixth L streets between Oysters AT NO. 112 SOUTH FRONT TRELT. TTUlIPnRXY JENKINS keep JLL freth Kew Rier ana uyrus oxer 4 BOTTOM prices Toa wm aenre your intfireat try examining our rood and j prices before pajing out your money. . ' jjiu- that tne roauuiaubutc . irutu cihu w . . . (;rnTii ()ritn est C u. U. Al- kr -.- - . the the like is an entirely new industry, and Cheslnut and Mulberry, and later to gIpp Feara, Peaches. Northern Cab ri0ft R FrPTlftll & SOIlS In industr? hat utilizes what has biih- cJmp Imb, and still later to Dwkin- iV.PSS sWSt and irisa Poutoea.wbiteii C0. Ii. U TtflLU OUll irceil J.-V'to - prodnct-piM SrX Hill, where Robinson's Circus wTwtn seu tow for caUu seP The Old North State Saloon ICS NORTH FRONT STREET oct 6 Housekeeper a -. r 1 !..- . I -mm- a a TTTTa T - THrfTKI w KIJ rTv j uNV"rM Co .rWii L,13inCT nou 1 , 7 J Mannlacturinz Company U a poaiu subsUntial cook stove is an R'glit, my dear child." aid the jpU- n-mocract of this cit, and county at Manulactur p A its ernpie BUr!: , r n, win flDd the ffitflr tbe celebrated horke-s spriest: "and wnvf" "because you -t. lu. uu hnr nn dbccj , m ijunrt on fieYenia wrulfcu mijht ba wuoweu m ""J w. T - i . . vv rrini9 ai jacoeis nmnits nTSTin. Titer u keot obi ue . , nvr" vww r , rW, th. itbniifM fitWn A?inn5A8BrS i v,a miTtit t:n una trr inenL. uuui Beer aad the best wines, uqaors ana. ui&r priest: "andwhv? B ed R o o m S ets . L r7xrBmlLxhxhtTJXCrZD STOCK. W. iuvitetheatt;nUoaofeurciUzcn3 For durable polorln? ''e spiens .r4,Wi to the fact that first nriality shirts being made to order it one dollar ct are rooms in Deauu uiM, ir?": Z7 at it lhe Bpthing equals ma - TO T ifiiIalBcd to yea- Hovr b the time to give Smith's V onn nys on hand. on.- iyuw 1 octx J. 2L KcGOTTAN. .oct TERY LOTT. tf. jacobi's Jjepoc. . ' 17 - :

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