Soadays CX THIS FAPJre .crv' evento. oepted by JOSH T. JAMES, IT0B HO) FBOrMCTOB. OPTIONS FOSTAGB PAID: $ tloo Six month., $2.. Three f. ilOO; One month, S5 cents. . 08. wfll h delivered by carrier free f P1 .y part of the city, at the abore ".ntsperwee. r tv:nz rates 15tr ana uoerai. TTrVT TfTTT Tbers will report any and all fall- Y Uli. V XXX. hAir nancr regularly. WILMINGTON. N. C.. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1884. NO., 243 The Daily Review has the largest er than a close vote. The drift has been V9 n , t o Wilmincton. JS A he were never more confident, and ffoMa.';- - tne liepnblicans are so much alarmed . i u r tm: l i lie waio oiaie journal, tneirnrpnn . irthoraoesa U uui.uu .ui iai. to-dav. in rp.foi-rin'n. t i,fl ' . in Kroa Ir Thfl SIYMl QPT I Jl . . . . w,abeDa uu corruption, says tnat next Tuesday7 ,aa ., eiecuon win oe no proper expression f ra ' ' : - J from tne voters of Ohio, that Blaine is Cent,' Ol mnnh StxonPf than Rnhincnn anA V.o. country in November the horde of election workers who are here now will then be needed at their respective hom pa has left Ottawa With the confidence inspired by recent t : mrnnr-eA thf: h will iT"' -" aiu Claiming lb . . - fourteen oi me twenty-one Congress ieniadtotno peerage It u computed that 90 per . jtKalleJ olive sold in this Register ! Register ! ! Register ! ! ! There was a fine display of fireworks along the route of the torchlight pro cession last night. The New York World and Herald were in meat demand this morning, but, unfortunately, there were but a very few reached here. s;r John McDonald tan The handsome banner which was awarded by the ladies of this city in 1870 to the gallant Democrats of the Fifth before he re- men and the State bv a maioritv Prmni Ward, for the t-omai oi last year, ine excitement &nv waM in thA An ih- ira;mAn on the streets and in public places is Z'Z " ZZW. ' rV'V1 v iiLr. w ii ii i ii f i mi i i w i . it i ij ii i unri tyb a lftrck has received aM the highest very high. -;nn orders but one, and including vote, was unfurled last night and borno in the procession. foreign orders,! has forty-seven of these trinkets. Yesterday's New York Times says rwhincr rMr -rrtmiv ,h,rm; editorially that New York State is as Clarissa Clendenninff. carelessly rt?- and Hendricks as inS cold; creeping chills came: Clara NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Card, T JVILl, BE ABSENT FROM THE CITY a few days and will return on Thursday neorn - Cottonr The receipts of cotton at this port for the 11 days ending with to-day foot up 10.843 bales, as against 13.622 bales for thd first 13 days in October of last year, a decrease of 2.779 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 22 932 13th of last year, an increase this year iVJ W CI g& T & t O P 1.6U bales. ?LSAti OYCA. will be glad to teoelve cots ran nagca rxoa our friends cm any and an 'lubjaou; . Staciallatertatbat . Thenjuaa of the writer qui ahrayi be ' clahed to the Editor, "' Commgnlca t1or mnat be wxtnea ea cm one aide of the pajjeT.""! !- i:: FerrtonantTea nnatbe avoided. ' AndltU eapecUEy and particularly tide stood that the Editor does sot always endoia tie views of correspondent onie o state in the editorial coloBin. ..." : : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ing, the 16th Imt. oet 11 It Jil. DURHAM cnnaior Sharon s him over 200,000. . T- nrint nr lien, liaroes 000 m San Francisco papers. divorce suit has He spent $10,- speech iu surely for Cleveland is Georgia. City Court. Jeseph Williamp, .colored, was before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly condact. He was found guilty and was required to pay a fine "f .$5Jbf the offense. Thomas Bartlett, a white sailor, for disorderly conduct, was also fined $5 Hirschberg's, 5 N. Front4 St. rp HE PUBLIC CAN SEE or manufacture or jny goods. S. H. Trimble, STOCK ASD REAL EST ATE BEOKEK and.Acetioceer of General Merr.handiM nf every deacrlpUon. OAIca corner Prlsce&s and water streets Cxcnly. Motrtes' old stand. Personal attention siren to aale of hnri and vehicles at Private aalebr at anetton. Con slgnments aouclteU. SETH W. 1AVIS. septus Ancuoscer. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. AF EVERY KIND AND DESCKIPTION, There was a magnificent demonstra tion, said to have been the largest ever known in the city, in New York, on Panel said in a lecture in New Thursday night. It was a business 1 . . . ..m. 1 rlnn'o nmnr.-rnf.'nn t ni DA York the other nigot:"ne worsuip 01 wwnawu. . - I Inn1 an1 TT iviaIts ,k, widen calf is as certain a lace in -rrpot. pities as it ever was under JUUl 6'- ! . New Cigar Store. Mr. I. Hirschberg has opened a very attractive cigar store on North Frpnt st , near Market, to which he invites atten tion in an advertisement Dnblishxd in ror me sase 01 snnenng Humanity this issue. Mr. Hirschberg has also a ii cou?nea conunuauy; cruel, croupy cough, that would have taken her off. had she not used Dr. Bali's Cough Syrup. It is bound to cure all the coughing Clara'. vroikmen employed. No tenement houie labor. nor children, noz Chinese. - The tobacco used la the manufacture of Cigars is natural! and properly cared. Allmywoikls done a this city and under my personal eupervlsion. A call at my factory where mv eevcral brands are made will satisfy all that the best goous arc nauaica by . t -.. I. IIIU3CHUSEU. octlltf No. 5 North Frofat St THE PBOCESS l . . On'y the best cau DC ionna Tcry cneap at UEISSBECGEK'S. H Public Speaking.! ON. B. T. BENNtTT, DEMOCRATIC Pianos and Organs, gOLD FOB CASH OR ON THE EASY IN stalnient plan, at HEINSBERGER'S, TJto Eook and Manic Storf f. cct6 Real Estate. we would ask it there is no method in Ma ;t. canaiaate for tongrcts in this District, win TTOUSES and nniLnrvn lots rru by which the barkinz of the number- lnrro nnmt.iUo nr.;, nr.A u sock at wiimineton. Fr:dv nisrht. okober hr",-i- n .... 'CctaTt XUCIC WICIO UlltCS . I juumivi vm 'Eckl o, uuu UO IU" . .7 "i. !. " . T' . , mic iu a4i iiaus Ul IU6 CUT. 1. E.8I1 1'J 1 1 1 I . with 20.000 mm . less unlicensed dogs in the city may Vileg particular attention to the fact m.X" 'r1' - , Sinai. land and He jdricks of flaming torches and Union Square, Irving Hall and the Academy of Music were packed to overflowing. Peter Cooper's family have induced ihna Hughes to write a life ot that .m.n nd he will have the benefit There is a land of pure delight UU of an autobiograpny written -Dy Cooper not long before his death. . bo stopped. We have frequent com. thatallofhis stock is pure and made of 'Suit t'" ' " ""'w ..uw U1.WV VbVU kept awake night after night by the in his store Mr. Where saints immortal reign. Fer here on earth, St. Jacobs Oil, Because it conquers pain. Makes mortals live in pure delight, And free from misery's chain. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTtSEMEMTS. J U Durham Card C W TA.TE8 School Books Bkiksbekokr School Books I Hieschbeeg New Cigar Store Jas W Kino, Chm'n Public Speaking Hukds Bros. & DeRosset By Steamer FC Miller Friends and Fellow-Citizens General W. S. Harney ir said to be not only the oldest but the richest offi cer in the army, and hi9 domestic es tablishment at St. Louis is described hv an enthusiastic correspondent as j -princely." j . The Nashville American is apprehen sive that the time has about come when a Newton surmised, although he could give no reason for it, the earth would at one time lose all its water, and be come perfectly dryj !! Jame9 Gordon Bennett maintains five separate homes, though he can seldom be louna in any ot them, line is in Fifth &renup, New i York, another at Fort irashinirtoTi and one in Paris. london and Newport. Visitors to France who land at Calais or Boulogne will hereafter have the pleasure ot contributing a shilling each wwaru ueirayiujf me expenses mcuiieu he marke was supplied witn some m improving the harbors of these rival excellent meats this morning. j nere was one intermeni in ueuevue Cemetery this week, that of a child. Henry Ward Beecher thinks there are now two weu-estaoasnea conn- Register Register!! Register!!! Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Day's length 11 hours and 23 minutes. Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. f Sunset to-morrdw afternoon at 28 minutes past 5 o'clock. The receipts of cotton , at this por to-day foot up 876 bales. outrageous noise made by these mid night howlers. We never mind the weather because we are constantly prepared to meet any kind. With comfortable clothing, ruDoer coats, umbrellas, ana every garment intended for the comfort of man, and bought from John Dyer & Son, we are safe against all inclemen cies, t Criminal Court. . The following have been the proceed ings before this tribunal since closing our last report: State vs. Frank Mnmford, carrying concealed weapons. Defendant found guilty and judgment .suspended upon payment of costs. the best materials, in thiseitv. and that Tuesday niaht. Oct. 21st iij iciiciucui uuuse ciuis vviii uu iuuuu dldae 1 foi Governor, will speak at Wllniington,.Wed- nesaay nignt, uctober Tsna. lion't torget to register. JAMES W. KING, Chairman Dcm. Ex. Com. New Hanover Co. oc, 11 ? Apply to aug SO ia,vr 3m Eat m D. o'connob; Heal Estate Agent Luscious and Fat I THIS . DAY AS- DECEIVED other large lot of those splendid hkf. The Fire. The alarm of fire this afternoon was caused by flames discovered in the roof of a wooden tenement house on the corner of Surry and Queen streets, for merly the property of Mr. A. H. Van Bokkelen. The house was only partially destroyed, and it is thought that the insurance, $500 in the Georgia Home, represented by Messrs. Northrop & Hodges, will cover the loss. The fire caught near a chimney, from which it U. is thought it was communicated. Sev XL i . . i i i r ! -ji .i j i tent, inai ve raav near erai coioreu laumies uveu mere anu t n riw co-v-. x ia t m . mw m a tney managed to save aoont au oi tneir effects. vmvn WINBEKRY NEW BIVEB OYSTERS, the finest .Garden Oysters that come to the city. served m any style desired. oct 10 lm Star Saloon, 13 Market ft. "PRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITIZENS; V EAR ME FOR MY CAUSE AN EE Sl- Personal. Miss Mary Rivenbark, of ders. Soap, Turkish Towels, Toilet Cases. t uii line of Drugs c. Prescriptions a. Spec ialty. At Jr. C. MILLER'S. aug 11 Corner Fourth and Nun sts Stores for Rent. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICK3 atovo now ocunlod bv Miun II. Johnson & Co. Store and oflicea above now own. pie-i by . Dumelandt. J loth on North Water st. ; between PrioTcsa hdu nesinut. Apply to aug 13 Stu:copy3t DEROSSET & CO. Call and See rpHOiE ELEGA.NT FRUIT PRESERVES. We guirantea lhem to be pare, and the flavor as if put up at home. A tiial is all wo ask. canned Goods of 11 kinds, Prunes.Currahts, ricklcs, Dried Beef, Oranges and Lemons. ItaklBff Powde8 loo numermia lAfntittnn Jellies, Crackers, the best of Cheese, Ham and Sueir Curel Shonldora Cnitnam m.oto.1 I - - I VMWV VMVV. 'and ground. By Steamer to-morrow Mocha t offee. We do not iraeon all Flnnr. hut en nut inn 5UPERLAT1VI!. sgalnst any in tho market. Parties wishing Pesprvp at- mtnii m please send dishes. scptdJ F. G, & N. ROBINSON. Magnolia. in State vs. David Price and Joseph Midgett, affray. .Defendants found is visting friends and acquaintances guilty. this city. In the case of Fred Hall and John I We regret to learn that Mr. T. B Gibson, convicted ot an affray, the for- Henderson is very ill at his residence in mer was sentenced to pay a fine ot $50 1 this city. and be imprisoned in the county jail 20 1 Mrs. H. O. Craig has retured to the i days, and the latter was fined $ I and city from Bridgewater, Rockingham A GRAND DISPLAY ! SUJdUOJjJBOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. rill TlU i WB "KliP A LARGE SUPPLY- OF IN OUR We shall open a few more new cases of It is reported that President Arthur via seek to end his administration in a Naze of social glory, and that W hite- Hoase entertainments are being plan ned for the Winter on. a large and more brilliant scale1 than ever before. costs. State vs. Laura Haggett. highway robbery. Sentence not yet pronounced. Register now! Delays are danger ous. Trimmed Hats and Bonnets! nental liars. While President Arthur has been assiduously courtidg Miss Frelinghuy- sen at her father's house in New Jer- sey, Miss Frelinehuvsen has been for several weeks past visiting friends in Lennox, Mass., is there now, and pro poses to remain there. Uemocratic ICally The gathering of tho Democracy last night was large, enthusiastic and dem There were two interments in Pine onstrative. The procession moved at go to Norfolk to attend the meeting at Forest Cemetery this week; one adult the lime appointed and was conducted that place of the Virginia Dental Asso- and one child. the entire route without accident or ciation, which convenes tnere next " I rl ol o r Tn manv nlooos it. was trrcmtaA I urooV. T-T OTnpnU to rpf.nrn tn tho r!lv lUeiB VYUlU liiict; liibciiuciuis iu vyaiw-i . . . . . i , I ks a rlisnlov nl nronrnrta Arrivincr f rtn Thnrclo v rr i. u: 7, 'r,HluJ ""'"J w. .v.,. wu ..... I iiuo i inaiu. xu.jl . and two children. r .u v Tn nvr-rv Housekeeper w w - a county, Va., where she has passed the heated months of the Summer. Col. Alfred Rowland left here this morniDg on ine.varonna central on nis selected by us personally from the leading return to Lumberton. Ho expects to go ., , ,. w. j Porlcion faolilAna W ViMa vlnh find klnrrdwi f l I .4naa&vAj uti A. wuu -CJ" v 1 he will strikesome very effective blows, r11 -i Dr. J. H. Durham leaves here to- general effect accords more thoroughiy-with night for Raleigh, from whence he will the subdued tastes of American adlcs than is i usually the case, with Parisian designs! seen - : i in this market; hence our reason for selecting good them, with others to follow. In addition to ... .j the above we will show full lines of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED AND UN- TRIMMED HA1S AND BONNETS from rnuvi.,n ;D -imrtcf infioroKio nflmnAM.tin Club, under whose ausniops substantial cook stove is an important J.UO uuau a.w , r - . which wn liro mnflnt nr .tnwts and it has rotten into all the the meeting was gotten up, assumed necessity ana our reauers win unu toe --- A Western contemporary announces, on authority , that the Church Mission rj Society has spent $600,000 since 1851 Qd the London Jews' Society $150,000 noce 1877 in in Missions to the Jews of Palestine, and that neither has a "iogle convert to show for the money spent. j, houses, much to housekeepers. rU fho ohoir Th( first KnPftkPr wrs Mr .1 Dest a I, rautuiv wijucb ai uAuumo C. Davis, of this city, who made an aaraware uepoi. j able, instructive and practical speech of church Services To-Morrow. about an hour and a halt S duration. SL John's Church, corner Third and Red A tUr. v 1 nrinn nf XT flfirn'o' The Register of Deeds issued , four marriage licences this week, two which! were for white and two colored couples. of for Everybody seems to be finding plenty to do in discussing the political situa" Senatnr Mnromn.! nf Alah&niA. is in Hon. and it has been the tbeme in the California working on his big scheme. Unaouth of nearly all our citizens to day. u . . . . is tae originator ot tne iaea ior ea ta T nr.n(r Manacrer for Mr- tabiisbio-the great national factories- j r " s'on in this cityf returned York, weeks Cross streets. Rev. James Carmichacl. D. D Rector. Elzhteenth Sunday after Trinity. anaanV, Hn Rnirpr M nnro. in a fp.Hmtnna October 12.1bSt. Holy Communion at 7.30 a.m speech introduced Col. Alfred Rowland, I at 4.30 o'clock, p. m. Kveninac Prayer at 5.30 Procidoniiftl "Rlppfor for this Cnnw.a O clock. loathe Atlantic, one on the Golf md one on the Pacific for the building f steel and iron .war ships and heavy ordnance. 1 John McCu'lough will get well again treatment at the Hot Springs of Arnsas. His doctor says it was not iqoor. but excessive smoking of cigars laid htm low. His mind was af fected by the fact that pretended friends farrowed a lot of his hard-earned mon e? and then thought and acted, if they not utter: "Baso is the slave who Pajs!" -. -r - yesterday from a yisit to New where be has been for several past purchasing for his house. Good materials properly porportioncd graceful and impressive speaker, has a which are the essential requisites in fine presence, and a pure enunciation of Read v mixed Paints can be best attain- every syllable which he utters-, " . . . 1 . . . . . . .. . . KWa;nfr th N. Y. Enamel Faint so that there is no Uiuicuity in under w a sold at Jacobi's Depot. t Young men, let us advise you to im prove the first spare moment and go and register. This same advice will aDnlv to all others. It is tip-top ad vice .and wo don't ask a cent for it. either. " Ilaverley's Strategists will perform at the Opera House in this city on the 21st inst. They area good-troupe and house, lhey were with us last Winter and gave us a fine SL Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streetsRev. F. w. E. Pe- ehau. Pastor. German Communion Services at 11 o'clock, a. m. Kcglish services at 7.30 o'clock; p. . Sunday School at 3 o'clock, a. m. W. II. Strauss, Superintendent. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Jtev. t. iu I'riicnara. v. v. Dastor. Sunday 8cho.l at 9.S0 a. m. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 SO p. m. Prayer and praise meeting Thiursoay nignt at a o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third aln ranee Btreets. Rev. Jose on R. .Wilson 0. D.. raster, cervices at 11 a. m.anaau w . mm a . a. j-. p. m. iectnre lnursuay at 0.10 p. m Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. W. I. Hull. Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m.: Class meet' ng at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ng at 74 o'ciock. Sianuing nis arguiueui, as is uw oueu Front and Walnut streets, itcv. ur. k. a. Ufl Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. ana IU. CiUIUilUI BUWl at o r. iu., w . m. , sional District, who entertained his hearers wRh an able, forcible and logi. cal survey of the political situation. It wa3 quite late where be began to speak and some of his audience were com pelled to leave before he had conclud ed, but t hose who remained were de- 'ghted and edified by the arguments presented oy uoi. itowianu. ue is a will not only be found equal to the 5th Ave.. N. Y., styles, but considerably lower Jn prices. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. A full line of School Hats, School Stockings, School Bags, School Handkerchief a, Ac,, &c.t V.' 'f' at very low prices. No one urged to boy, but 1- come and see, at ; ; TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, SCHOOL BOOKS used by the PUBLIC AN PRIVATE SCHOOLS of thi city and throu out Norl h Carolina, which we offer to the p lie at the LOWEST POSSIB E PRICES. 3" School Supplies of all kinds. C. W. YATES, sept 20 119 Market st, Wilmington NO 1884 Fall and Winter. 1884. J AM NOW DAILY IN RECEIPT OFjMY NEW FALL AND WINTER MILM VKrtV GOO I S, selected bv me In person in the North ern markets, to which I Invite attention, such as FELTS and STRAWS In all prevailing col ore and grades ; Ostiich Tips, Birds and Yt Ings and all ot the Trimmings worn thia season. 1 nave audeu to mv Fancy Go;ds Depart ment, on the first floor, a linn t.t LINEN. FANCY LINEN and SILK HAND KERCHIKF3, which will be stamped with one letter, free of Charge. FELT, MOMIE, AIDA and all the neces sary material for Art Needlework. ecjiwcar, uiove3, Hosiery and Lldiea, Ua. derwear. Respectfully MISS E. KAltRER. oct 10 Exchanxo Corner. NATIONAL MILLS. oct 10 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N Furniture. c. Who will say that the outlook for tho Uttaocrats in Ohio is not bright and dutiful after reading the following from yesterdav'a Herald It is from the staff rrpmnnr1pnt of that Daper should draw a big in Ohio: I 1 At nnmnu RtaA hofirlnnartera entertainment. lO-nl rrUt U : nisllnra f rn m overthftnonntrv amnnir them be- Rev. Dr. Pntchard is expected toar l?g W. L. HenseL chairman of the rive in the city to night fiomPolloks feonsylvania Democratic State Com-jYille, Jones county, where he has been UltleP - (InvnrnnF Thnmac Wllr. of I . ... . . Ti l. T fvnri-' " .Tt 7 , 1 Q atlenaance upon tne eastern xapnss the case with public speakers. I went into quitJ an elaborate disquisi tionotthe tariu question which was both interesting and instrustive and was listened to with the most profound i attention and satisfaction by those present. He handled every subject upon which be touched with exquisite skill and it is to be deeply regretted U 30 am. that he could not have been spared a much larger share of the time. He may be always sure of a cordial greeting and a warm welcome from the Demo cracy of Wilmiugton. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on Chief Marshal H. McL. Green and his assistants lor the - emcient manner superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday eveninsr at s o ciock. tnnsuan Association Tuesday eveninjr after first and third Sabbaths. at.8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. Religious services in Tiles ton Upper Room every Sunday at a tr at. minus coruiany in. vtted. St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 sl m. second aiaas at iu a. m. esiwns anu Benetliction at 5 o'clock pin. Daily Mass at JTEW STOCK FOR FALL TRADE , ARRIVING EVERY DAY Manufactured expressly for this market. . 4 . r New Styles and Low Prices. Call and exam- Inoour extensive variety of New and Fash ionable Goods, all made this ssson. - t D. A. SMITH Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street oct 6 Christ Church f ConsrreiratIonaust)Nnn street between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 t. m. Prayer and Praise meetin Wednesday. 8 o'clock, p.m. SnndaySchoo, 3 o'clock, p. m., in Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun sts. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. J. P. feing, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. bun Prayer meeting every Oysters All Wool Cassimeres, Direct from the Factory, DESIRABLE GOODS FOR MEN & BOYS; A FULL LINE JUST OPENED. JNO. J. HEDRICK. oct 4 . Bottom. yE GIVE GOOD BOTTOMS ON ALL ! our Boots and Sboe, and put them t? our cus- omersat BOTTOM prices. You will serve your Interest by examining our gooIs and prices before pajlnout your money. Geo. It. French & Sons, ! i AT NO. 112 SOUTH FRONT RTBE&T. HUMPHREY JENKINS keep fresh New Bler and Myrtle Grove Oysters. Sent C. t. Ir. AI- AS so. Apples, Pears. Peaches. Northern; Cab bage, unions, sweet ana Irish Potatoes, which wo will sell low for caih. sept 23 octe 108 NORTH FRONT STREET The Old North State Saloon IH AS THIS DAY RECEIVED day School at 9 a. m. th,N " i A"r.V.: . Asociation. He will probably occupy 10 wnicn me programme, as lar uw BUilUrkU Chun-i.rer sum an4Ual kieh (tl ThtrS, from acinnati the Ddlpit of the First Baptist Church processioa was concerned. .s earned TT ESfe T&lfX$iV. auu nil Ha nil l. . . i r i . . , nnr I fikiMm'. uiim at lEsrnsinmje. mmoi oecretjrxF r o. m. r., ; I vtr- SnoitA tY tMntinn of onrratizens 1 Tnr lnrrila onlnrintr ihs viUS O K1"-. GAEDS5 OISTIf TMT ue tot Ds ico rwii &uc icmuviom , , v . v.v.-w.y mtnliter in enarjee. ceauxrec and are warranted the finest oyster brought thpm 8how.a majority of 7,500 for to the fact tb first quality ahirts are rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost, nrgt Baptist church, (col.) corner of rifth to this xaariat. cu and txjtbaaS Cool em. and, With the Germans k .nfrm,riatnrrie; -t onfi dollar at the nnthmtr unn th Mabtine sold at and CampbeU streets, A. M. Conway . pastor. Bceraai the beat Wines, Liquors and; Cigar. ana th i HnAb nir v i - - : , . . , i Preacninsr as a. m-. a p. uu t u. i ajways on nana. housed. th i f.ati.contr I WilminiTton Shirt Factory. U. Jacobi's Depot. T I n. . s. s. bcaooi at i p. m- 1 oct 2 J. 1L UcGOTTan. T No Old Stock. O -DAY'S iTKAMEK BR1N3 US CO Br Is BALDWIN APPLES and 23 Brls. fine IRISH POTATOES. Would hke to sell, come and see us at our Flih Market. cct7 DAYIS SON Bed Room Cote. LARGE AND vTXLLCELECTZI) STOCK. DINNER AND TEA 8ETS octe VERT LOT7. curs u MURCHxsoN's. P3and U Xlsrclca EiocX.

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