THIS PAPER e7ery venlng. Sunday cepted by T.JAMfiS, ex- JOSH LOTIONS POSTAGE PAID: r55 00 Six months, $2.08. Three 3 ' il 00- One month, 35 ceata. Ju delivered by carrier free ?art of the clt7, at th8 above er . tP low and liberal. 1 .filE . . m a-.-!. iCl."-"" elve tneir n;i-er regularly, riily Review has, the l-argest I H Review. - t - : I ! VOI;. VIIL i ; WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1884. NO. 244 high office that he seeks. Nor do I U is our very sincere opinion that! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .r-n'n.iion, of any newspaper think that his qualifications or his an- 8orae of our Republican friends are - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wiil listen 11 tecedents are suth as to entitle him to I going to be somewhat surpri'ed U J .1 ;n I Sflrinfn t mm ni xr inner tamilianto rwifh I . . " ntenuy you win r. , -:- "'lu in frotn t ;n k cr.rf r ii i . . 4w b v w a w w aa wt k aji - a waa . '.,.! hi ni d'rap in vjdio . to nior- charitable nor educational interests of stand-from-uader-or-youll-2et-hit as j ,.- Jthe State would besafe under such a Uoni3hnient. re- I Dolicv as has alwavs characterized his - rthnr was among the first public career. , I speak within bounds, sir," said FfeiI " ... .U ro mW fnYPs Whinh As a North CarolinianT cannot look the prisoner in the dock, when address e('eior , b at the facts before me without perceiv- ing the jury. We speak Knowingly -fl to in? that all the material interests of the when wo declare with enthusiasm the al . . ' . St'itft. her financiftl condition, her char- firreat benefiU of Dr. BuliS famous V aru uuvyo is w 5tahiA ,,nrt Adncn.t!nnal inatilntions. her U JD2U VrUD. V E L V E T I W wis b slftd to recelT comann'cattoa troamxrlandioatay aad U IaS3cti rtterxllricrtst but The same of tie writer in est alwiy t nlshed to the Editor, ConmimlcatloM mast b wxltWai os rs one side of the paper. 2 Persos&Cties mutt be aroldiv.; And It la eepeclxny and paxUcnUrly tide stood that the Editor doe . not always esdoia the views of correspondents CrJe o lU l In the edlrlal eohunn. V . i NEW ADV EI IT IS E3IE NTS. tf. Julia head of the women s department progress at home and reputation in the w Orleans Exhibition. eyes ot the country, wililbe jeopardized jaikee by the election of n man of his antece- JOnin tn-mnfffwo in I dents . . Virginia and Ohio and somebody business Changes. Some imporiant changes have taken place in a prominent commission house . ttt . a . r r a ifainA inTAmBM i inii a.r on jMorin vv aicr street. xvir. jcj i. i loff Tt will not be the I ,... i . 1 1- ? , u n.. . j i. jboJ101'4 1 me laaies in snore sieeves ; turning w oviugiou uas sum me grocery uepau AND OTHER CARPETS JUST IN TODAY ; : ; " X.:- ' -: . ALLrWOOIi PLAIDS and fine'suitings just received. BLACK SILKS are very cheap; don't forget this when you wish to; purchase. BLACK GOODSCashmeres, Surges. Almas.and many other things in black LACE CURTAINS A large assortment by the pair and by tho yard. ' R. PJ3. MclIUTI Pern JC rats. in Professor Max Muller rpd it to be "a . , when boarding schools took to place of day schools.'" . rinrles Francis! Adams the third e,.,reJthc freshman class at Harvard" 1; fill ami vhs immediately seiecteu .a'nrps'picnt of the S class. The honors .i'n.riviril are hereditary to that 01 ii ji j Thp Bliino organs are making a ter- rib'eonsiangui upuu m.i.x. jnroaiiaent New1, York Republican henuse he refuses to support Blaine. fne abase will beol no avail Ojsters wi;lbegood jn November, especially about th j 4th. i Ellen Harris, a! white woman, of Tennessee, suus the Louisville -and his daughter, he said, ' Katie. 1 don't ment of his business to Messrs. C. C. see anv eood muscle in the whole room . wvv I UC 111 USD UU. f I I. I national oct 13 LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D A Smith Furniture B P COVIKGT02T Notice C W Taxes Schoo! Books Shrier Indisputable Fact H.KIN8BERQER School Books OTTERBO0EO The King Clothier Parker & Tatlor Out They Go Miss K Karrer Fall and Winter R M McIntxre Body Brussels, etc Giles & Murchison Bed Room Sets W E Sprixger & Co Cotton Presses Geo R French & Sons Flexible Soles F P Covington Commission Merchant FC Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens C C Covington & Co Wholesale Grocery Covington & Co ,' who will hereafter conduct it and keep constantly on hand a full line of heavy groceries, while Mr. E. P. Covington will continue to conduct the commission business at the old stand. AMONG THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS OBTAINED FROM THE MIL lion dollar failure of Rindskopf Bro. & Cm, were a S. H. Trimble, STOCK ASD REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description. Oflio corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly & Morriss old stand. Personal attention given to sale of horaes and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con' signmen ts solicited. SET II W . DAVIS, sept 23 Auctioneer. Furniture. J-EW STOCK FOR FALL TRADE, ARRIVING EVERY DAY Manufactured expressly for tbli market. New Styles and Lew Trices. Call and exam ine our extensive variety of New and Fash ionable Goods, all made this sar son. -' D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street oct 13 Big Lot of Men's Suits ! SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOLBOOKS. E KEEP A LARGE SUPPLY OF Two Foreiern Steamers. It is seldom that two foreign steam ers, of different nationalities, arrive in our port at the same time. The. ar- which are marked for sale at 66 and $7. You cannot match them for and -yy rivals to-day were tne isr. steamer jisiweit, 1, loo tons, oapt. ivxaia, anu i p'RiVATRPCnooLSof thi cltv and throush fh sn 'atiampr 7K tons H.nt! at S15. S18. $20 and up to 28.50, we have the largest stock in the city and uar- VATE schools of th, city and through Echwarria, The former is a new ves- antee a saving of from $8 to $10; Children's Pants at C5 cents, worth $K25; Children's Suits at $1.75, worth $2.75. We have received a large assortment ol sel and this is her first trip since she was launched. These steamers are both consigned to p L Bridgers & Co Creamery Buttered Mr. C. P. Mebaneand will load foreign with cotton. One is at the Wilmington Compress and the other at the Cham pion. Flour Dime Party Ladles Second Presbyterian Church Register? Register!! Register!!! For other locals see fourth page. Hand Painted China. of i Exposition, particularly interesting to housewives, is the hand-painted china Nashville Railroad tor $10,000 because she was ejected Irom a train run for black excursionists. 'What is sauce forthe Africm ,': thinks the Springfield There was no City Court this morn Bcpubliean, "is sauce for the poor ing, White. i ' Slm Ladders. Allien irthg. at JAOOBl'S I . t it - viv:. " - o -j . j in tne JMew nauuvur uuuutj. eAuiuit. Mr Rptrnln ihe Rnvflmor of Michi- Depot. T The Daintine was done by Mrs. W. A. ean, who is a candidate for re-election vQ rain vet and the streets are mis- Williams, of Wilmington, and is both iisards thQ adiective "Democratic,' Grab!v drv and dustv. tasteful in design and artistically exe- wd sfeaks of his 'tUnlon" campaign,! -7- cuted. the ' Union" speakers and the coming ine receipts 01 cot on tuu po.u Wc haTe heard of this exhibit but Union" victory, j The catch-phrase to-day foot up 1.863 bales. have never seen it. There are 64 pieces sounds better thanlDemocratn to the At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther- in all and our informant, who is a lady, ear ol the woodchoppers. All Wool Scarlet Shirts, Warranted Medicated, 75 cents, worth $1.50. ' J We assure our Datrons that these goods are much cheaper, now than rcgiifar out North Carolloa, which we offer to the put? He at the LOWEST POSSIB E PRICES. . 3" School Supplies of all kinds. ; C. W. YATES, " . oct 13 119 Market sL, Wilmington NC Out They Go ! JEOPLE APPRECIATE A GOOD COOK 8 TOVE 6uch as tho Real Farmer!', "Golden Harvest" and "Barley Sheat". For a cheap The News and Observer says that one poods can be had for a long time, if ever. They are all new ana ol the choicest stove tpat southern Oak" is the leader of tho . ff f- ' ,1:c.T,i,.c, 4 southern Market. Hard-to-Beat I amps, Door the most attractive displays in the mav Mats, lap Boards, Toilet sets. Full stock at MDtlQ-l33;L7Cis THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET SL, PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. oct 33 Real Estate. JJOU8ES AND BUILDING LOTS r sale in all parts of the city. Cash or on the Instalment p'an. oct 13 Apply to aug 30 ixw 3m sat m D. O'CONNOB, Real Estate Agent moni&cr in this office registered 82 says that the designs are all beautifu1 degrees. Lord Northbrook's proposition to abolish the Egyptian army and substi- We are glad to see that Mr. J. Els" tale for it 9,000 policemen will hardly bach, who has been quite s'.ek, is again prove palatable to the Paris press, as it able to be out. would seem to imply tnat tne military Qnly three weeks to election and you force obviously needed in Egypt, or its haTeint registered yet. Why will you tronuers, is for a long time to core e io postpone this thing until the last min- be supplied from Lnglana. utep and that the work is the best she has ever seen. We invite the attention of our citizens Notice. HANING feOLD MY INTEREST IN THE GROCERY BUSINESS to C. C. COVING TON ro., I will hereafter conduct a strict i- finMMTSSiON BUSINESS. With thanks to the fact that first "quality shirts are for past favors, I would respectfully solicit a A special from Rme to the Balti The hours lor registration are incoh- moroSww says: "Cardinal Jacobini, venient for the workingmen. A change oymcoraer oi tne, rope, uu Ior a tew uays tu uieai uuuia uiU C. M. Stedman and Judge W. T. Fair auaday to Archbi3aop uifoons, oi i wise. being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Democracy at WbltevIIle. We have received a communication from Capt. D. P. High, chairman of Columbus County Democratic Execu tive Committee, which states that Maj. Oct 7th, 1881 octl3 1wk E. P. COVINGTON, 210 North Water St 0. 0. Covington & Co , "tirilOLESALE GROCERIES, 210 North Water 6t. , have on band a full line of HEAVY GROCERIES. Orders solicited. Bottom prices to prompt cash paying buyers, oct 13 lwk SCHOOL BOOKS, i SCHOOL BOOKS. Stores for Bent, w AND OFFICES t-rrf'? O I ir A REHOUSE W above now occupied by Messrs. 11. JUnson uo. - 1 i oiore ana oiuces suotc now occu- F EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION, nie;i bv A. Dumelandt. tioin on JNortn water sc.; uetweca rnnccus and Chestnut. Apply to aug 1$ Star copy 3t DkROSSET & CO. . can be found very cheap at : HEINSBERGER'S. Balitiraore, extensive formula for the conduct of the Plenairy Council to be held in Baltimore on November 5, in cluding rules of precedence. There will be no Papal consistory until in Decem ber." . .!..-. cloth will have a ioint discussion on We were shown gentlemen's Half the political issues of the day at White Hose for 25c, that cannot usually be ville. on Monday, the 20th inst., and bought for 50c, at the store of John I that Senator Vance will speak to the poMMisSlON MERCHANT, E. P. Covington, SOLIC1T3 Dyer & Son. t The boys will be careful and save all their pennies with which to buy a Lord Dufferin, formerly Governor- ticket to go to Robinson's Circus,which General of Canada, ) in an interview wm show here on the 18th inst. published in the New York Herald, . ... r , .. ,i . f Br. barque Harriet Campbell, drat- J: -Ptett, nearly.ovet, ton. cleared to-day for Liverpool, with d.p!om.Ue corps Umt .U to Wash- mm tnes u, home an Amer.can Alex. Sprunt &Son. wife. I don't blame; them,, butjancy ou vv the results! The-wives in most case3 We return thanks for a complij become ambassadresses. What is the mnnfinc ticket to the Fair of the result? No diplomatic secrets any Roanofce & Tar River Agricultural More ; war and peacet at the will of the Society, to be held at Weldon November wives, and all the wives American!" 10tn nth, 12tb, 13th and 14th. To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is an important .necessity and out readers will find the best at Factory prices at Jacobis Hardware Depot. " t Democracy there on Tuesday, the 21st consignments of Cotton. Naval Stores and Country Produce. Prompt returns and high est market prices guaranteed. oct 13 Dime Party. inst. There will undoubtedly be a grand rally on both occasions and we can assure the sturdy Democracy of that grand and true old county that kmi mill Via xt a a fwn-rlftvft fon.t nf rarfl ,J. T I A Z ' 7 WHB LADIES' OF THE SECOND PRES Dol tical tood. Columbus is sure for rl-1 her regular old-fashioned Democratic bytebian church win have a dime majority and the speeches ot Monday party at the parsonage, Friday and Tuesday next will do much to- NIGHTt 17th inst. Ice Cream. Cakes and wards making it larger than it has ever other refreshments been betore. !-rr . ir- iiTi TT4-J1 4-V.o criminal Court. xOll JXLlgUl JJ1VC until uid 1 The following have been the proceed- "WpYt Pp.Tlt.fiTITn al . ND NEVER HAVE A BETTER CHANCE Mr. Philip Armour, the 'pork king'' f the Northwest, is reputed to be worth S-5.C00.000. ' Ho has 10,000 men his employ, and lately made $2,000, in one transaction. He rises at 5 o'clock daily, and works harder and onger than any of his clerks. The ladies of the Second Presbyterian Every Church will give a dime party at the Ptat city in the world contains one of Parsonage, on next Friday evening, and his representatives, j He denies that he the young folks are looking forward to k a speculator or a gambler, but tliat i he occasion with much interest. his sole function is that of a distributor . J. r tomorrow will be to the markets of the -world He is Hj clebtlen. so hurry up and "out, below the average height, and . . . .a ... ilntv nfr lir oeardless. i . , V. v. iW ,;Kf I miCU. UU UUb UCiiJ. uuw r i it,"" Mr. Hill, chairman of the Blaine and up to the registrar's office and register. -i - - -"I - - ' ' iogaa Club in Haverhill, Mass., has The 0mcers and visitors of the Ladies' joined the Cleveland Republicans. He T3eneVoient Association are requested 5js: -ihe latest publications nave b Mrg Kenhedy, the President, to wnvincea me mat l pugnt 10 iah.o a meer at Miss Annie Hart's school room. bait, retrace my steps and consider carefully the course to take. The recent utterances of many Republican teaders are startling to me. esneciallv on Third street, at 3 :30 o'clock on Taes- day afternoon . Mr. L. J. Otterbour resumes his hen thev hnmn m1vp or virulent in advertising space with us to-day. We 8Qpport of Mr. Blaine." know from a personal inspection oi nis . : I ctt- fht it ia & larce one. excellent m Dr. Eugene Grissom, of Raleigh, has pr:-iand low in prices. He asks Pudiated the Republican State ticket thoSe iQ wanrof anything in hia line u wm not vote for York. In a card to call ad inspect Ue goods.. :;r ' . 1 do not think Drf York a man fi. f uooa materials properivpuuuu 'or the Governor's HWr. M do not! which are the essential requtsites.m 52V&nvtain2 persortiiy discourto3uspwe3dy mixed Paints can b3 bc:t cttalri- Pianos and Organs, j SOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY 1 N- : ! stalmcnt plan, at I HEINSBERGER'S, oct 13 Live 'Book and Mnsln Stores. Luscious and Pat ! JECEIVED TniS DAY AN other large lot of those splesdld WINBEBRY NEW" RIVER OYSTERS, tho .finest .Garden Oysters that come to tho city. Served in any style desired. UCU. IT. X1K.JIU1TUT. , oct 10 1m Star Saloon, 13 Market at. Flexible Soles. itJew Cigfar Store. UR LADIES' SHOES WlTn FLEXIBLE O i Soles are very comfortable to the wearer, lit Hirschberg's, 5 N. Front St. rpflE PUBLIC CAN 8EE THE PROCESS JL nice and make jour foot look pretty. Ladles.' of manufacture of my goods. Only the best if- workmen employed. No tenement houe labor, try a pair. So'd only by .1 i nor children, nor Chinese. The tobacco used 4 . IU U1V UUUIUiKlUlD Ut VlKIia It UAlUTiUir BIIH pronerl v cured. All mv work Is done in. thii ilckt K Irnnrll Xr. Nnnfl. cuy ana under ray brands are made will satisfy all that the best : i kuuub arc usu.iit:u ur 108 NORTH FRONT STREET H I. H1RSCHBERG. oct 13 oct 11 If No. 5 North Front 8t Creamery Buttered Flqurl ngs before this tribunal since closing our last report: A a Dollar State vs. Solomon Bobbins, assault Uotest the stretching qualities of I s ittiisT a emit minr peot) e think a Dollar means One Hundred Cents. It is a bjgmls- with a deadly weapon. Sentenced to two years in the County House of Cor rection and to pay a fine of $100. State vs. Pompey Sneed, larceny. Sentenced to ten years in the State Penitentiary. Two case3 against a magistrate for false imprisonment and malfeasance in i -vmv .LZT . m. ...... -v- tfiaj r take. It means TWO iX)LiUa.u BOUBG'd tT CLOTHING DEPOT. We have beon handling Clothing steadily tnr tho t twelve vears. but never have we been able to offer to the public a stock com- prisin e so mny jsjcau x x j ,.L ,v TRKMELY LOW PRICES, as wc are now ex hibiting. ensue HOT BISCCITi, BATTER- CAKES, i UUFFINS, and the jgreat padfier of a maa'a rwirtp.i cloths made In office, were continued until the next the latest novelties. We sh w styles that CA.N - 1 nut h uvn t MT'othex hotue In the city. term OI Aoun. la if vn m "fair shape" we'U wager StAte vs. Wm. Rove, carrvinz con -1500 that no Merchant Tailor In town can rue , . . . ...j vouud to better advantage than we ana you ceaied weapons, ueienaani suDmiweu ToTtJ t0 riftT rcx cent. and iudgment suspended qd payment or We want you to our$12 joMen. Suits if breakfast appetite. Wafflfs, j COStS. we had purchased, m otner hoas did. be U w- . . . t. i f Am t via rftniA in toe iiouuiix w t rrruucu wj ma ouw - uv.'""" " i would not have been able vo Mxijnem ur s nri Kifttforv. una vear in conniv jaiiitnan osme wuu AUV. M - w I . nd A100 fine. State y. Ed Brjson, selling liquor on SVrSi. Snndav. uonimuea. Public Speaking. XS A NEW PREPARATION, AND ONJ5 Ol, Xl. . " -w Ae most useful and excellent addlUonato candidate for Congres in thU District, will household comforta and conye.lencies at hasbeenlntroducedlwithlnthepastfcwjefs "TvVsuteaf&tfo candidate for It is simply a line brand of Flour, prepared Jgi,.g with ru TMripr and butter and read v for Gen M. Scales, Democratic ca'didaie with salt, powders ana butter, ana reauy jor fm GovCrBOrt wi1 Bpcak at Wilmington, Wed- cooking excepilng the addition of mllklor nTo&t1' water. Those who have tried it say it ia ex cellent and almost indlspcnsiblc. NO KNE AD ISG NECESSARY. ! A little milk or water, a little slirrtDg with a spon, a Utie tlme.ina hot ovea, and the most satisfactory tcshlts I NEW Strange, of New York, the junior member cf the firm being a foraaer Wllmlngtonian asdl weU known to most of oar cltixena. The mem JAMES W. KING. Chairman Dcm. Ex. Com. New Hanoyer Co. , OCt 21 ' I .. . :" 1884 Fall and Winter. 1884. AM NOW DAILY IN RECEIPT OF J1Y FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GDOLS, selected by mo In person in the North ern markcU, to which I Invite attention, inch as FELTS and STRAWS in all prevailing col ors and grades; Ostiich Tips, Birds and Wing and all of the Trimmings worn Oils seaacn. 1 have added to m Fancy Go,d Depart ment, on the first floor, a liae ot TAB LIS LINEN, FANCY LINEN and JtlUZ JIAND- KEECOlKra, wblcL will be stampea win . . I JIUWB1UU mr 'wv . State vs. . w . uaen, misaemeanor. Prices, quality and PRICES guar- Continued. antked. State Vs. E. B. Dickson, lalse pre- Any goods purchased from na. If not cheap- r, ,;ba er than can be bought at any other house. tense. Continued. monev refunded. Can you aak for ant better ? State vs. Virginia Balden, . assault guarantee? . and battery, Continued . fall OVERCOATS now rcidy. 1N- State vs. Richard Bellamy, larceny, bpsct- . . ; . Continued OTTERBOTTRG, State vs. Jbiiza &mgteion. assault u king CLOTHIER, and hatterr. Continued. ; Added to those there were several J "S" ll O Q G ETI set fas issued. The crand jcry were d;icb-rrc -1 cn tact thla firm bitoj men of WHwUlJ. '"il'SaSlSiL mod .U tteKW die the article and recommend It to our cu tomera. P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. llOWortb Front St I octU Housekeepers, Attention I -rt:TiiTTnivT' AKf SA'TPI HOaf. 1 XCST TRY E. U. Bl-Ali; AJUiLi liuy P f ' i o Z""'1." AT .M.Tj ITCUn?. I 7 r -rr-i c -i t'Ti i 7 t denrcar. Resiicctfully MISS E. KARRER. oct 10 Exchange Corner. The Old North State Saloon XTA3 THI3 DAT mm p, a tot ot th03 celebrated n0HSirs w J GACD:r OYSTKIL TbT are kept ca 1-e aad are Trarrl-tsd -tia tne.; cyt:-r Lrrrrti t" Vr. r-r'-rL C:ll cr 1 try t"'". Cusl I - - - : : " I ' " 3 : : C ri

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