rum PATfiB verv evening, septed by JOSH T. JAMES, Sundays ex- gpITOK jjf D rKOPXIETOK. rElPTlOSS rOSTAGH PAID: 14 '00. Six months, $2.09. Three ,ii F i oo; One month, 35 cents. 'tW' will be delivered by carriers tree t P&p' part of the city, at the above foeenu per week. --n rates low land liberal. JUrs will report any and all fall. t' ,hir naoer regularly. f'tt'"V" r . - -7 . DMMMX Tin m the Infnrf TL. I If! 1 III -V UW tirctdatiort, of any newspaper r'Zt intke cUyW Wilmington. Frank Hard's district one ic" - i . .. . ooo!vote5 wouia raake oratic in! November. rat Bancroft the historianwil 'ShfiohU Wa4ngton home. ru A special to tfe Chattanooga Times Ohio 3 ,i3ie Irish-Americans stand solid for the Democratic fJ- . SaaatorBeck is confident of Clevc Ud's election. He predicts a Demo nic gain of tv4 Congressmen in Of the domes to large buildings in the v orSd, the dome of the United States Cipitol ranks fifth in height and fourth in diameter. . . - . . Got. Cleveland j was addressed in Celtic at the Brooklyn barbecue. The mwn Dublish the address in the original tongue, j Frank Hatton. now Postmaster. General, admits that in 1881, he wrote tn editorial excoriating Blaine as unfit for the Presidential ior any other nomi nation. A Yankee inventor has invented a solid salt cylinder, luns; on a bracket and protected by a tin hood, which is said to give the average cow unlimited CBjoyment at a 9mll price. . Minister Janiesj liussell Joweil is cormnz home in .time to deliver the oration at . the celebra'ion of the quarter millennial settlement of his r VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C , TUESDAY- OCTOBER 21, 1884. NO. 251 LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO MEW ADVEBTISEKIEITS. m Lost Gold Ring C W Yatbs New Goods Davis Sox Good Bating I Heixsbzkqsb Latest Norela H McL Geeex, Chm'n Attention Wm B Hocut Sale of Valuable Lnnd Joun C West Co Health Is Wealth V v The Tnanjural Kedtalst fct. Thomas' Church W H Stjrmcss, Prea't Attentloa Demosrats John J Taylob, FrentThlrd Ward Clufc N F PABKEk, Bcct'y Attention Democrats T C Milleb Friends 1 and Fellow Citizens Register' Register!! Register!!! Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. f The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1.051 bales. There were no tramps applied for lodging at the guard house last night. The most fashionable hats are shown by John Dyer & Son, who always keep first elais goods., f Go ai once and register! Do not de lay, but get the job off your mind and hands at once, so as to givo others a chance. s In just two weeks from to-day Grover Cleveland will be declared the Presi dent of these United States, by au im mense majority. Hon. D. K. McKae, of this city, will speak in Newbern on next Saturday night in connection with Gov. Jarvis and Gen. Scales. natWe town, New bury port Mass. m 9 One of the ashionable schools in Nev York ias introduced a new thing oiled sumbrousj comeliness, which ;eacbes the young ladies to assume jriceful poses in bed, to keep the month shut, how not to snore, etc .. Lower California claims to have three mocmtai us of alum and one of ilamaDd sulphur mixed. The alum and sulphur are almost chemically pare. The amount of alum is estima ted at 100,000,000 tons and of sulphur, 1,000,000. i Kuichi Kuki, the newly appointed minister from JaRanr accompanied by bis wife and K. Misaki, Secretary of Lsgation, has arrived in Washington Heis the youngest man ol his rank &re, beingoply 33 years old. He was usiitant minister; of education prior to 'Ms preseot appointment and is regarded "the author of the present school sys tem oi Japan, j .49 B i. Mtrtin Foran, fthe Democrat, who pipped through a small hole into a seat in Congress Irom Republican Cuya- acoaqty.Ohid, will be a curiosity. Re wins while all else is lost to the Democracy by over a thousand votes. It U said the workingmen helped him ough. He has: taken an active part their behalf onlthe local labor trou bles, i r9 hnt ?erry hear5 8eS a11 the daV :" "Qtwhocau merry be, when racked tormented with a hateful cough. Be f!rnrh Svrnn. it! i at once and curea promptly- agists have it. Ahe Alurm Last Nig lit. Tlie alarm ot jfire last night, about i :3 o'clock, was caused by tbi igni- w the rafters, near the roof, of residence or Mrs. D. S. Bunting, Third street near Mulberry, A bckets of water extinguished the and the damage sustained ia but :i!ht. Toft nricrin rf Ua PUry Organ JLtecital. - itvers oi good music in the city thero arej many-will have an PPprtunity on (Thursday niirht next. -ea the first nublie rfl.itfl nn th now ?la at St. Thomas' Church will be S Some ot the best musical'talent TO city has volunteered for the ocs SlOn .j i . . . Bf v 6 musical selecuons are t ue njguest order of merit, mainly the old masters. The organ is -manias well as excellent instru aua is the only one in tho vState 13 larmshed with a full and conr tJ of trumpeU and oboes. - The ; t in m uviiU vwai auu mental. The. organ recitals will . ui.. , l'. l av nr , Ann ki tas tjjder while the regular, organist of Hat L Uteenewald, wil Jt Ja accompanist forthe voca To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at Factory prices at Jacobi'S Hardware Depot. t There was no Cit y Court tbi3 morn ing. Verily, the people, are behaving themselves with remarkable decorum.' and if this state of things continues there will be but little u3 for the police fon o. Rey. A. M. Conway and others or ganized last night a Missionary Bap tist, Church on the corner of Ninth and Marketstreets, to be known as the Third Missionary Baptist Church of Wil mington. The speaking to-night will be from the stand recently erected on the cor ner Qf Third and Dock streets, and pre parations have been made to assure a rousing and cordial welcome to the dis tinguished speaker. Wo publish on the third page, of this issue the first part of a very interesting paper on the defenses ot Wilmington contributed to the Philadelphia Times by Mr. Thos. H. Suttoo, of Fayette. ville. In will be concluded in to-mor row's issue. V Our Strategists. The Haverly Comedy Company, who play "Our Strategists" at the Opera House to-night, arrived here about 11 o'clock this torenoon on the freight train from Goldsboro, where they play ed last night. The political speaking will probably keep some from going to witness the presentation of this intense ly funny play, but there will undoubt edly be a good house to welcome the performance. ' A Slight Mistake. A theatrical agent was reported to be in the city this morning arid a young gentlemen was in quest of him for busi ness purposes,. The agent was des crlbed to our friend as being rather above the medium heaight.and the lat ter. seeing a gentleman who answered the description, went up and asked if he was the agent, when - he replied. my names is Staples and I am the agent of Grover Cleveland." The last we saw f our jroung lnend lie was seated upon a box waiting for the agent to come along, saying that he was not going toask any more questions. Democratic Bally. There will be a grand demonstra tion to-night to do honor to CoK John N. Staples, Democratic candidate for Elector-at-iarge, who will speak at the stand recenly erected on the corner of Third and Dock streets. The folldw ing Democratic organizations will meet in front of tha City Hall prompt ly at7 o'clock p m:- Yoang Men's Democratic Club. Young Men's Progressive Democratic J Club. : w r Central Democratic Club. First AVard Club. . ' : Second Ward Club. . . Third Ward Club. , Fourth Ward Club. - Fifth Ward Club. . TheCornct Ccrcsrt Club will' reper New Riyeri Oysters, Mr. S. G. Worth, State Fish Com missioner." and Lieut. Winslow, of the U. S., Navy, are in the city to-day on a return from a visit to the oyster country at New River. Lieut. Winslow went there with Mn Worth, and at his invi tation, for the express purpose of ex amining into- the capabilities of the country and we are glad to hear that ha BaVexpresiecI himself as being Vwell pleased with what he' saw tliere. ' He thinks that the' oyster industry of New River only needs cultivation and de velopment and an outlet. Good Speakers. Our people had the pleasure of listen ing to Senator Vance for about 25 minutes last nif?ht; thoy, will hayeCol. John N. Staples to-night and Gen. A. M. Scales to-morrow night. This makes a tolerably good list for one week. Led off by our distinguished Senator, fol lowed by one of the electors-atlarge and closing with our candidate for Gov ernor, the people of Wilmington have no reasou to find, fault,, but, on the contrary, have every reason to con gratulate themselves on the grand political feasts which have been pre pared for them. Cliaoge the Hours, The hours ' tor registration, as they are now regulated, make it really in convenient for many of our citizens to perform the necessary duty which will entitle them to vote. . The books are not opened until nearly every man has gone to his daily work ; they "are closed during the usual dinner hour and they are closed .again at night before the la bors of the day. are done, so that, in order to register, it becomes necessary to lose a portion of a diy'swork. This is a great inconvenience, aside from the loss of time, nnd might keep many rom taking the trouble to register. Wo would suggest that the books - be kept open from noon until 2 o'clock p. m. from now until the day ot election, and by this means nearly all of our voting population could be accommo dated. .... Personal. Capt- J. M. McGowau has gone to the State Exposition. Mr.' Leopold Brunhild left here last night on a visit to Raleigh and theState Exposition. - We regret to learn that Prof. E. Van Lear is confined to his house with an attack of fever. We are glad to learn that Mr. John A. Corbctt, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks frjwith a - malarial attack, is convalescent and hopes to be abroad" in a lew days, f eV 5 i T Col John N.- Staples arrived in the city last night and registered at the Pnrcell House, where he has been called upon during the day by quite a number of our prominent citizens. i u i m ' ' Senator Vance. This distinguished son of North Car olina arrived in the city last night on the 8:35 train trom Magnolia, where he spoke ior about three hours yesterday. He was met at the depot, upon his - ar rival, by a large throng of our citizens with torches, who, preceded by the Cornet Concert Club, did escort duty to the portico in front of the Hall house where he was to speak. There was but little time for speech making as the Senator was obliged to leave for White ville, where he speaks to-day, on the 10 o'clock train. Added to this he was hunsrvl and alter eating his supper there was hut about 25 minutes left for speaking. This time, however, was wellJlnprovedandSwthout going into any special line of . argument, he entertained his bearers in f the fine style in which he is inimitable. While his speech was short it was com prehensive; and was entirely charac teristic of Senator .Vance. Theresi dences ol Mrs. Quince, Messrs. Lums- den and Collier and the office of Dr. Pigford were brilliantly illuminated for the Occasion, and a little daughter o Mr. S. P Collier presented the-Senator with a beautiful bouquet of flower?, which was irratefully appreciated. We hopa that during the campaign th Senator may be induced to come and make a regulaFspeeclberS for there arq some who have never heard him, while those who haye heard. -him would be glad to heat him again.. I ' J -- Smokers Articles. Messrs. Nathan Newman & Co., the extensive cigar manufactures, 6D Alder- gate St , London, ;n.,statetnat severa nf their emnloves and personal friend3 who have been great sufTcrera from neuralgic affections, haye been cured t?7 Et."Jr?cl"J OIL tho rcr-tp:iin-rc:"2T- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Good Eating, Kf GALLONS OF F1KK OYSTERS RIGHT UJ from cw BWer. ill olj in the orig inal package. Vo Waiercd Stoclu Will be for solo on Wcdscsdsy Sffna and ret a bucket at our flih market. octSl ; DAVIS & BOX ' IF softs ;W6pSlhi EimowDin) ' " " " -O j - The following is from the New York CioUiicr & FurnisJicr: 1 j! , A PERNICIOUS METHOD. Every Intelligent pers.ii knows, or ought td kno ir, that the dealer 3vho offers as -a special inducement au elegant present; with every jale to a certain amount, compels him" to pay for bis present in the; value of the goods purchased. wNo mnnu!acturer or dealer can afford to sell hia goods or products fur actual-market value and at the fame time present his pai rons with either a brow.n s!one house, s' earn yacht, gold watch, or other costly article, and those who do so must naturally get return indirectly rr soontyf or later close up snop. xsusinfeFS men who do business with a view to making a itjgiuiKbo yiuub. vui luiruuuce such gpous as wm commanu- aitenuon ior gcn4 uiue merit. When other inducements are neeessarv. somelhina must lit: wrohM This pernicious method of doing business has. of late been rather too freely in- ,1.1 1 .i S a : : :.l .l . . j.. i. .t m. j uuigeu iu, ami i iciuaius v im iuts peopic io ueieruiine wueiner it is more prc-f htable to purchase presents aqu mteripr goodi", or obtain honest goods at hon4 riiiE undkrsignkb Uave OPENED A Faxll? Grocerlf, c, la the rotnmo est market price." PlJEASJt frOTICX W wm t gljwi to nccrrs ccsiacaicaBoa trom car irtenUs on aay aad all fcc: ; csneral Intsrest but Tba same of the writer xatut ariraTs'bs elaJied to the E&tcr. , : ' t -CffrnTTiiaTcatlonj emit oa wrlttca o ca, onealdeof the paper I ; ' '.': Fersonaritlea raust be aTOldod4 . , . And it is especially aaS partlenlarly tale tood that the Ectltnr ioca cot alwayi eaflcjs tbo views of corrcspoztdeats ujr1m so U:t in the editorial cohuona. . I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, S. H. Trimble, STOCK AND REAL, p&TATB BROKER and AueUoceer or Gciicral Merchanciiso of Prety dcecrloUou. Ollic!conjer I'rincess and Water streets. Crcnly & Wo.rlss old stamd. rersonal atlcntloxi plven to sale of hones and vehicles at private -sale or at auction. Con. a'gDincBta solicited. 8ETII W. DjtVfS, ;. " ; I Auciloccer. New Store I F selected stock of Fresh esh Gopds I Wines. Iuuors. Tobacco. dloua store No. 113, lu tUe Weascll bulMInff, uu ure ram tiue w coum F rons BUfcCl. Iiraar WhlakleaBmns-sclAlr Ptlr-itA Endorses every word of the above, and will call the attention of his natrons to fCV.A' LIJX.!"? the fact that for $1 75 they can bay a nickel plated watch, and that by buying1 UoUalad gi.. win7&c. a buit trom him they will save from $5 to 10, which will more than cow;terf re3U t-oantry Froduce always on hand, balance the useless gilt. Don't be fooled by concerns that try , to pull the wool atoS5i over your eyesiby such trashy gifts and ihen make you pay double the price for Lot and buii aoodattou ?e SSr nicji gwuus. fju(j tuai guuu iuw piiwa require no scnemes or gius. wumrjr uieuud. visous ueiiveieu Tree i -f You will admits after seeing SHRIER'S immense stock of Fall and Winter -.. . cicaig & THOMAa. Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children. The remarkable low prices r I ' ' - at which we obtained from the late Rmdskopf Bros. & Ccn's million dollars faiU Tlocc T?in Tl - ' - ure (all bright, new goods and of this season's make) navimr for some less than v, .-5, half actual cost, for spot casli,' enable us to give our joatrons such bargains 01 1 , m that competition is out of the question. Do not take our word for it, but caU .ihllOVeiS IHU TOflgS. and be convinced that such is the case. We do not nractice ffamblincr. nor tol- i i erate schemes, lotteries or eift hum hues for the mirnorfl nf pnahlinor n tn spII QOMETHING VKRY NICE wnnHait. irinlp. flip. loffif-jmniA valnA nf tlipir nnf. vwliinh is nnar lnnn K rHat-1 city dealers. tffl:Cfe'D:IS':IS 9 OC t 20 ANU VERY CHEAP. GI1E3 4 MURCHISON, SS and 40 Hurchlson Block oct 13 THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 HIARtCET ST., j Stores for Rent. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES above now occ.uDied bv ilrsrft U. jnUQ50nLO. ill Store and dnlccs above now ocr.n. pled by A. Duraelandt. . VJCmWI Jiota on Tortn water sL : between iTinroM andCbc8tnat. Apply to . aug 13 tT copy 3t DeROSSET A CO. ft List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday, October 22, 1884 : ' A W Alderman, Mrs Heiter Al derman; . ' . B W H Brown, Mrs Matilda Brown, ,ucy Bland, Caroline Brown, Clay Bradley,. Chatmann . Burnett, Mary Brooks, Alex Bowden. - C W II Cox. U ;-. Carroll. Harvey W Cox. Holda Charles, (3), James Chimmons, John Conaor, Lizzie Clark. D J R Davis, Jesse Dudley, gapi- tola Dudley.; EJ J Everett. F Miss Batie Fisher, Harry G rady. H Geo Harrison. Eliza Harrison, care Miss Anderson, Mrs. Julia Hayes, Mr. Jo Hart. I Henry lvery. J Bryant Jones.. (2) . K Jos King. L J S Lamier. M -Hiram Moore. P Sallie F Potter, John D Pember- ton. - QEddo Quince. . 1 Ida Roton Martha Richardson, WmH Robinson. . m 8 n a Scott. Davis Snicer. Essie T Smith. Jake Scott, Miss J Smith, J E Berans, Mrs Maggie Smith, Jes A Simmons. T Chas Tate, C H Thomas, w Mr .T W Williams. Jack Walton, John Walker, John Williams, Mari G Walker, Billic Walker, coi;, James Yarrell. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C I Ed. R. Brink P. M. Lost. Warning ! T' Warning ! II AT COLD WAVE THE OTHER DAY THIS MORNING, ON MARKET STREET, , , , between Ihlrteentii and Fomteenth sts., w8.a "?rnlnf to prepare for the Winter's atjuainuu u uiHU. Wltn. lulliais E. W. 1 vtrl ,m "u i-nfc sumo oi H. to r. V p., engraved en the mslde. The t2Qr "BauxiruL, jika unu TOVE4. We finder will te liberally rewarded leaving It I ".t?0 Come and suit yourselves. 'Thst at tbia office. PCt 21 St Third Ward Club. jy-EMBERS WILL MEET AT CITX II ALL THIS EVENING, at 7 3) o'clock, to take part m ine uemonstraiion in nonor or coi. Jonn w. Staples. Elector at Large, i JOHN D. TAYLOR. oct 21 It Pres't Thiri Ward Dem. Club k TTENT ON DEMOCRATS: MEMBERS Cook Stove you sold me my wife Is pleased to with." tvo eaJt.t mu ilwi.. qia stove in tne yara ana buy a good one from fAUHBU & TAXLU1C PURE WHITE OIL. , oct 30 C a ! I and See rjlH03E ELEGANT FRUIT PRESERVES. We guarantee Ihem to be pare, and tho flavor as If put up at home. A trial Is sll we ask. canned uoods of sll kinds, Pruncs.Currants, Into line by H. McL. Green, i Esq , assisted by Committee on Procession. Every member la earnestly requested to join In t he procession. jm. r. i-AKJtJSK, secretary. W. C. JONES. Chief Marshal. , U oct il J. of the Youne Men's Democratic Club who tl.16' "rieii XF urane Lemons. have Torches, wlU deUver them at City Hall, nrwf fumeroua w npnpn. for repairs and filling for use to-night. The fte iltJ xoung men's democratic ciuo wiu be formed Zt. .i wuvt wv y steamer to-morrow Mocha Coffee. , , We do net brae on all Floor, hnt v nnt tho SUPERLATIVE agalnt any in tho market. I Parties wlshlnir Picafrvea at retail , will please send dishes. i . eept 30 F. G, & N. ROBIKSON. - New Goodsi J New Goods. I HAVE MADE LARGE ADDITIONS TO , I v. : : , , : - . ed that the Club should turn out la pjocebi my Bt?ck this Fall, and bow Invite your In. dvvmvu vra vuo V UO lllVn lAJUipJVtO BMVli u. For .durable coloring th walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost. nothing equals the Mableine sold at Jacobin Depot. t THE MAILS. ' . " ' The malls close and arrive at the City Post as follows : l - - CLU3K. a. Northern through malls, fast 7.30.P M. Northern through and wsyinails. ...3.00 A, M. Kaleign. .0.4 tr. ju. anu o.w jm. MaUS. ior we u. itauroau anu routes supplied therefrom lndud-, f in A. AN.C. Baioad at . 7.30 P. M. and 8.00 lAufhtni TWfti la trvr T1 TiAtnta South. wvu.... 1 ' n -r .r dalrv...... o-w a. Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally, (except Sunday)... ....i.... . o-15 M A ft nnlnta hfltVARII H.mUt and Ral- dgh...... ...... .....6.45 P. M. MsSf or Cheraw and Darllnaton Ball- road.. 8.00 P.M. Malls for potato between Florence and Charleston... 8.00 P. M. m'MjivIIIa md nfflro nn Cne Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1-00 P. M. FayettevlUe,vlaC C BJalttoad, dally, ftTAfflt SundAVB...... ........ .......6.45 P. M. OnaiAW r! it and intermediate ofil- m. Tnesdava and Fridays... 6.00 A. M, Smithvllle malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays). ....i.... .-.8JJ0 A. H Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, ihtuitt iuf l.ittta RIvm. Tnea- and FVldava..... ...... ...... "..00 P. M. Wrights ville, dally........... -8.30. A. M nKN FOR DELIVERY. WrtTtb-n throtwh and war malls. .. -7.50 A. M snnthmi afalla 7iOA. M. narliaa (Vntral Railroad... 8.45 A. M. Malta MiwtMt from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M-, 11.30 A.M. and 5.S0 p. M. and. fronx other points of the city at 5 P ML. ' I '' 1 i ' .i ' mW1. m 3 ' Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6r. tl. Money uraer ana iegisiw jemxun;u. wu MM a a m ha Jkii matlnnonalv. General delivery open from 7 A.M. W)6 P.M a. &mwava f mm R jtrt t-920 A. HL. CariHrs' delivery open xi Sunday front cJO to 9.20 A. Ai. Good materials properly rorportioned which are ths essential requisites in Rcndy mixed Paints cenb 3 bed 5.U-:n Attention ! i'i' ItrOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC CLUB OF New Hanover County. It Is especially dcslr- slon to-night. Let every member and all good Democrats be present-and join In thief Proces- slon. DO NOT WALK ON THS SIDE WALK BUT FALL INI O LINE with or without Torches. I U. McL. GREEN, Chm'n. tjommlttee on Procession E .1 Mllv. n W Worth. J D SmlOl. J W-Will-on. R II J no W Bolles, W C Jones, W L DeRos set, Jr. r ix H.0D01HB, ,t b, eprunt. wuam uoadick. a omiff , a n acivp7,-jonn eiaoury, 0 as. xxtca. , j oct 'Z& ments of Blank Books, Stationery, Fancy uooub, i-ictures, frames, siusicat instru ments, &c.t ever brought to this city, and at prices that will compare wlih any similar es tablishment in the State. 1,000 Standard Books handsomely bound, at the very low nrlcoof 50 cents per volume; former price ti.C0and upwarvu x uis is a Bargain. . To mase room we offer 10 rianos and 10 Or gans at asacrlfice These Instruments are itnctiy nr6tcUs8, new and perfect In every respect. j c. W.YATES, oct'.u JI3 Jlarketsk, WUmlngtoo N O Sale of Valuable Land in Pender) County. Sale of Land I- ' ! WA. superior Court, made In the ease of Ths J. duly appointed by the for Partition. N PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE tVUK UNDERSIGNEO, A COMMISSIONER Surcrlor Court of New Armstrong and wife vs. Marv A. liordasnx. I Haoovc r County to sell the land and premises et al , of Pender county, at June Term, 168!, I hereinafter described, will," n Monday, the I will, on Monday, the 3rd November. 1884, at 1 27th day of October, 1854. sell at public suo the Court House, in Burgaw. at 12 o'clock. Mi I ttoe, at ths Court House door, in the city rf sen 10, tne nignest oiaoer at public auction. I iioiBgwn, at is ja., on uaiu uay, tnat cer ior one iHiru rasn, ana tne balance on a credit I u " iuui ui iuu biu cny 01 naungiou of ur iBd twfttM minrh, lh, ..ln.kl. t... I Uttil bntieiift'l ami lPuHhpl n a fnilnara llo . of land, near Marlboro, in said county, xn gulngatthein ersecttonof the K-8tern Une - both sides of tne W. & W. Kail RoadJ contain- of fifth etieet with the Southern line oi Tsy. ing about 700 acres, and being the share which ior street and runs thence nVmg said line was allotted to the late Rlchrd M. Bordeaux, of Taylor s-reet ISO feet to fin alley, 80 feet m uivuuon ot tne lanns or nis father, the 1 enco -k uui aivng me esiern nne 01 1 & IV ST v 1 . m a laalil i'4 - a.a. ,atk M . av a late R. M. Bordeaux, of said count oct 21 2t 21,28 itv. WM. B HOCUT. Commissioner The Inaugural Eecital O F THE NEW MAGNIflCENT ORGAN of will take place at I Sr. THOMAS' CHURCH. the Church on THURSDAY NIGHT, 23d Inst, at s o'clock. The best Musical Talent of the V- .1 Hi- . city hava volunteered for the occasion, and an unsurpassed prtgrsmme of - Musical Gems, said alley 03 feet, thence West li.0 feet to tba Kagtern line of fifth atreet, and tfcencj along the line of Fifth street to tte beelnnlnr: the same belrg the Western half of lot 1 in Block 337, according to the crticlal pian of the said city 01 nuraiatton. 1 This the 2Cth dav of September, 181- - -MAR3DEN BELLAMY, oct 20 lw - Commissioner, Latest novels. YOUNG GIRLS WOOING, by E. P. Roe In Cloth only. J Price tUX DR. SEVIER, by George W. Cable. In Cloth both Instrumental and Vocal, front Uie b6t only. Price 1.50. For sale at Masters, will be given, comprising Solos, uueits, quartettes ani choruses, f rogramms I win ne puonsnea xnursony. . j Seats can be engaged at Uelnsbergir's Book Store. Price of tickets 75 ! cents and 50 cents, i oct 21 at . l h Attention ! HEXNSBERGER'S. J3LANK BOOKS, PAPER AND ESVEL- opes In Boxes, Velvet Franiis all sizes, beauU fal Steel Engravings, and many new Norel- yOUNO MEN'S PROGRESSIVE DEMO- J teSt jna reeeired, which are sold very chap CuATIC CLUB. You are hereby earnestly tt - ; , ! ; requested to assemble yourselves together . rr n rrnt kvirk n nn J c:t 2) Live Book and Musle Stores. TO-NIGHT, at V o'clock; at tbe City Hall, for the purpose of frmlng escort and procea alonforCoLtteplea. Members having Torch- Jh 6 Old NOTth State SalOOn e will bring them to the : place of mcetlcg. All Democrats are cordially InTlted to attend and Join with cs la the Grand Rally. ' V7. II. STRAUSS, Pres't i". r. joHKsoy, tccry. - ft si it JTJAS THIS , DA V RECEIVED rr m 191 o tase ccjcraicu CAUDIIX OYTS. TUy are kept 00 Ice as I ar; vrarrsrti 1 tbe f.s-r-t crstsr trcr-tt v

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