THIS PAPER n.aed every evening. SaidAy. ex- eopted by J05U T..TAMES, vorroa a pbopkikto3. rRSCElPTl'OSS rOSTAGE PAID: i.O0- Six months, $2,CS. Three ?eiXbs $i.oo One month, 33 cents. r wiu bo delivered by carriers free Tne part of the cltyt st loe tbovQ r ifc'ns rates low and liberal, strribers will report any and all tall. m ricel their paper regnlarly. .- cr W tZy Review has the largest , ti drctilation. of any newspaper TvV'J t' Wilmington. wSS "Tf7, M-.ntefiore. the centena- Sir " i , his 311 grandchildren. Michael Davitt and Henry George ,,firf a new Socialist paper in are tf' ; mloo. - " :: X.Senaior Wallace i credited with ,.csU horship ot the address is3ued last fetk by the National Democratic Com- oiittee. Professor C. A. Young's book on the an beetl translated into French, German, Italian and Russian, and COo co'b to bt'Q &0id in Eoland . i The price ot dynamite in Mexico ljas fallen frm n dollar a pound, which il ccsifo'jr yr ars ago. to twenty-five cents ipgnml, or even less. ,In fact, it is a ittt ia tha market. . . i- M. rtii. the famous mari-miiliner, bfia? itcrmined that his daughter should not marr; b low her station, as the phrase goes, has batrothed her "to thesoa of a millionaire tailor. .. : Tha New York Century Club has td-f.nstei3 for the expulsion of ex- President John C. Eno. The last ex- - w pulsion; was thatot reaericKA. iane, Ihclawerof Fisk and Gould, in 1874. , Sir Moses Montefiore, in hTs rural re sort at Kaiucgale , is now, daily receiv in; and is able to talk with and enter tain the numerous friends and delesrav tioDsthat call to cogratulate him on his centennial. Wheat sold in London on Saturday at a lowr price than at any time in one hundred year?, and in New York at a lower figure than has been Ejiowa since the civil war, with serious questionings whether bed rtck has oven now been : reached. MoitofOsear Wilde's money accu mulated h thisctuntry was made out s&Qbi lecture 1 room. He was- con. stsr?f7 offered large sums by rich men to Wst their houses and uggeat har monious colors and a'rtistic effects in decoration. He freqnently got $500 for i visit of a couple of hours. A newspaper correspondent who re cently visited Ohio says that he saw placards in shops and factories an Bouncing that unless Blaine be elected in November, ''this shop will be closed.' If this sort of thing, says the World, wore practiced upon the poor. Ignorant negroes ot the South it would be called "bulldozing." ' William II. Vanderbailt may haye HU gift of $500,000 to the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New-York was a princely one. It is a gift to the Pr, for the college treats between 30,000 and 140,000 free patients yearly. Mr. Vanderbiit's charities have been mansGcent and vervflikelv will con- . Charles Wyndham. the English cmejian. declines to visit this country again again with -.his ' com -My. The actors became dissatis fied whil on this side of the Atlantic a finding that the salaries they were receiving were not more than one-half Urates current here. They demanded aore salary, and were, therefore, bur ied back, to England before their con" cU expired. ! Col. Ezra Taylorj of Chicago.' G-ener-alSheran'3 chief of artillery, 'aged 64, Jsired to wed a dashing widow. Col. "J'orj.two sons j bulldozed the old er, shot his buggy horse, and tened to confine bira in a lunatic JJJ'Om it he did not abandon the. idea. Hekad gone through the mightiest war t modem time hnf nnlrl nnt. Rlnnd. thi 3 Dafilial assault! The widow is yet arfroni A Maryland clergyman has been ced by hU congregation to resign his istry, because after looking at the Raisin the menagerie he took a acd witnessed the performance in ecircu3riQg. The discipline of the ra allows the clorgy to visit the jaaSf:cj but not the circus. And there are some things in the tne erse m,jcll mord sh03ing than any - c2mtae ciccus. u . Uerocrats of Ohio gained in i-1xq counties on their majorities rUoad!y iast year, but a Republican 'aot5.(KK)iQ Cincinnati, of 2,500 in .land, ot 2.100 in Ijbrain, of 1,600 k - st0 and like gains in the heavy T ot ; Populatinn, -where money . brute force could operate, -controll-156 result. The.Democratic gains TIE pMtliyilW; VOL. VII I.. W ILMINGTON. N. C. Fill are all rural, and they show the com pleteness of the Democratic organiza tion lor polling the honest vote. This Democratic organization is the peril hat confronts Blaine in Ohio, and it is an admonition to the Republican leader hat they must not presume upon their Slender October majority to carry the State for Blaine. Oft in the stilly night, When slumber s chain hath bound me, ITT 1 ' wnen a sudden acno mv slumber breaks. And misery surrounds me, St. Jacobs Oil, the certain foil, - BrlDgs sleep again around me. LOCAL NEWS. ISDEX TO MEW ADVERTISERS EgyS. D J Black Excursion C W Taxes New Goods -American Lesion ot Honor liEiN8BSROEK Latest Novels Attention Second Ward Dem. Club Organ eclfal at tt Thmas' Church FC Millek Friend and Fellow Citizens Register' Register!! Register!!! There was no City Court this morn- 105:. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,354 bales. How many white men in the city are there who have not yefregistered? Clarendon Council, No. 67, A. L. of Honor, will meet to-niht, at 8 o'clock. The Radical party is a party ol blus ter, bravado and brickbats.- Register and defeat them. Suitable Underwear is for sale at Dyer's, at very reduced prices, and are going fast at Dyer's. f The guard hous3 furnished lodgings for seven tramps last nizht, six o! whom were white and one colored. The time between now and election i3 growing rapidly less, and the same may be said of Republican chances of success. It is well to remem4ber that every Democrat who fails to register and vote makes the Republicans a present ot one vote in the contest at the polls next month. We invite the attention of ur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are oeing made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. There are somelhing9, that can be apologized for andnforgiyen but none like that perpetrated by the Republican procession on Wednesday night. The ballot box is the redress. Good materials properly porportioned which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can-be best attain ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. t Asoear as can be ascertained at this writing the alarm of fire this afternoon was a fabe one. The engines and the trucks turned out and then turned back, unable to find any fire to contend with. A good many of our citizens register ed yesterday, feut there aro yet a good many who have not registered. Do not put it off too long. There aro but twelve days between this and election, and delays are dangerous. The outrage offered to the next Gov ernor of North Carolina,, by the Repub lican party, on Wednesday night should never be forgotten or forgiven, and the best way for white men to show their sentiments on the subject is to register and vote. . -- The Republicans are, of course, sorry for the outrage of Wednesday night, for because it was perpetrated but because it was a boomerang and hit back. If it could have made votes for them no body believes they would be sorry worth a cent. The Democrats ot thi city hold the Republicans not as individuals, but as a party, responsible for the outrage on Gen. Scales cn Wednesday night. It is for the Republicans to punish tho in dividual ; that is their affair, not ours, The party, as a party, is responsible to us.- -' - - . " Some of the sidewalks in the city, are In wretched condition. Among them wo may mention the sidewalk on the North side of Chestnut street, between Fourth and Fifth. It is very rough and uneven, and might bo made better by a very little tronble. ; The steamer Jolm Dawson will make the run irons this city to Point Caswell and return, on Tuesday next, to accom modate those of our people who may want to bear the joint discussion, be tween Maj. Stedman and Jodge Fair- cloth, on that day. Courteous but Emphatic. j - The committee appointed at the Dem-i ocraifc meeting at the City Hall on ! Vene3day night to confer with the Re-1 publican leaders regarding the ; outrage ! perpetrated by the Republican proces sion, have performed the doty consign ed to 'them faithfully and manfully, yet calmly and dispassionately, as the fol lowing communication, addressed to Gen. S. H. Manning, Chairman of the County, Republican Executive . Com mittee, will show;- Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 23, 1834. S. H. Manning Eeq:, Chairnian of the uepuuiican Uounty Executive Corn mi tee. v . . i Dear Sir: The undersigned were; appointed last night at a ' large assem bly of the Democratic citizens of Wil mington, a cammittee to confer "with the reputable leaders of the Republican party" here, and to notify them of the! feelings of the white people of this com-; cuunity coucerning the outrage perpe trated on iast night upon a peaceable assembly of citizens by a Republican procession, consisting mainly of blacks, and to notify, these reputable leaders that tho "recurrence of such a proct'eir ing will lad to a difficulty, a ad that they will be held responsible for the consequences." . Tho outrage and the facts attend ing it are these: Both the political parties held meetings last night and marched in procession. The Republi-i cans met at the old market place, on ! Market and Front streets. The Demo crats met in front of the City Hall, on the corner ot Princess andThird streets. The Democrats, with the purpose and intention to avoid possibility of dis turbing or incommoding the Republi can procession or the speakers changed their programme so as that the Demo J cratic procession should take up Gen. Scales at a remote point and march by a direction to the place ot meeting alto-1 getherout of reach of possibility ot an ncouoter. Notwithstanding this man ifestation of a peaceable and orderly disposition, a large procession of Re publicans, mainly of negroes, moved to Princess street, headed by a full band of music, and thence along that street to Third, where the Democratic meet ing was held. When they reached that point the music wa9 played lustily, and the procession yelled, accompanying the noise with jeers and derisive and offensive demonstrations, insomuch hat the Democratic candidate for Governor could not proceed with his address, and was put to silence. In ine same moment two missiles were thrown, one of which struck Col. J. N. staples, a guest of the citizens, and noth of which were sufficiently danger ous to produce serious injury. lhis unprovoked outrage is of a very rava character, being a gross interfer ence with the freedom of the citizens, tnd we invite you to look with thought ful consideration upon the consequences to which its rscurrence will be sure to ead. This is not the only occasion of hese outrages; they have occurred at very politicei campaign, beginning in 18fS Such recurrence will not be permitted to pass with impunity, and this notifica tion isaddressed tojrou in your pjoliti cal character and relation to the Repub lican party, with the request that you will confer with your associate leader about tbii notification, its meaning and significauce. It can readily be seen that it is strict ly dejensive: not being intended either to threaten or intimidate, bnt simply to doclaro a fixed and deliberate purpose. In conclusion, this committee in be half of the Democratic people ot Wil mington assure all concerned that they will concur most cordiilly in all meas ures calculated to keep tne peace, and ensure the free expression ot opinion to all parties, and as they have in the past so will they in the future abstain from all conduct likely to lead to the con trary. They invite a similar line of conduct on the part of the Republicans, for the determination is reached not to hold any portion of their freedom on tolera tion or at peril. We have now done our duVy. and re sponsibility will be incurred or avoided as this notification and invitation shall meet a favorable or an unfavorable re ception. J Yours respectfully. (Signed.) D. K. McRae. F. W. Kerchner, h J. L. Cantwell. i Committee. Distinguished Visitors. His Excellency, Gov. Jarvis, accom panied by Col. W. L. Saunders, Secre tary of Stale, Gen. W. P. Roberts, Auditor. Mr. Henry M. Cowan, Teller of the State Treasury, and Rev. E. R. ich, Rector of the Church of tho Good Shepherd, at Raleigh, arrived in the city this morning and registered at the Pureed House. They accompanied the remains of the late Capt. Guilford L. Dudley, Private Secretary to the Governor, and will attend his obsequies this afternoon. The distinguished party will leave for Raleigh on to night's train. Cool Weather. " A little after noon yesterday the weather began to grow decidedly cool er and at night it was quite cold, mak ing a fire necessary for comfort. It continued to grow colder all night, and this morning it was so. cold that fires and overcoats became' absolutely indispensable. DAY, OCTOBER 24, Slight Fire. The dwelling of police-an S.H. Terry, on Harnett street, between Sixth and Seventh, caught fire on the roof a1 about 9 o'clock this morning, from a spaife trom the chimney. The alarm was at once given, bnt the flames were extinguisbad by the prompt efforts ot the neighbors before t he fire department arrived at the scene.' A smsll hole was butned in the roof, which was the ex tent of the dam age ; ' - A Terrible Outrage v . We are informed of a gross .outrage which was perpetrated yesterday in this city.- A young married lady was passing" along on Nun street, between Second and Third, abont 1 o'clock ' in the day, when in passing two strapping colored boys she heard one of them say : "Ain't she putting on airs?" and before she could realize that the re mark was meant for her the other ap proached and struck her full in the breast with his hand. They then ran off and the lady, terrified almost to death, hurried home. So violent was the blow lhat it made the lady really sick. There is a clue to the miserable scoundrels and if they fall into the hands of the indignant husband and his friends they will meet with a sure and swift reward The latest news from Zululandcomes by cable. The warriors have all mar ried; they desire in the future, peace and happiness and enough Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup for the next season. Personal. Maj. T. H. McKoy, of this city, was in Asheville on Tuesday. Mr. Eh W. Hall, eldest son of Col. E. D. Hall, has returned to the city after an absence of about three yeaYs and a half at Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory, with Mr.John London, who is the post trader there. Mr. A. W. Morris, agent of Ford's Opera Company, was in the city to-day and gave us the pleasure of a call. He is here to make preparations for the appearance of the company, which wil be on tho nights ot the 31st inst. and Nov. 1st., with a matinee on the after noon of the latter date. It will please our theatre goers to know That Mr. Gso. W. Durham, an old favorite in this city, is with the company, and also the charm ine actress, Mrs. Zelda Se guin. Yesterday's Fire. At about 5:30 o'clock yesterday af ternoon the alarm of fire was sounded, caused by the ignition of some cotton on board the British steamer Cam Brea, at the upper Compress. While a bale ol cotton was being lowered into the after compartment of the steamer it wa3 discovered to be on fire, but its descent, was bo rapid that it could not be checked until it reached the hold, when the flatus 3 immediately, ignited the cotton already stowed thcre.amount ins to about 200 balei. The firemen Were soon on hand and streams of wa ter were poured into the compartmant until it was flooded and the fire thus gotten under control in a short time.- There were about 1,500 bales on the steamer, but fortunately, the bold was divided into compartments so that only that which was in the after compart ment was injured, either by fire or wa ter. The cotton belonged to Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co . and was in sured.. The amount. has not yet been ascertained. Organ Recital. The musical entertainment at St. Thomas Catholic Church last night was attended by an appreciative audi ence of ladies and gentlemen who were drawn thither, not only to listen to the new organ, but also to listen to the other excellent vocal and instrumental efforts. The exercises were Opened by Mr. T. Cadwallader, the gentleman who had tne charge ot placing the in strument in position. Mrs. M. P. Tay lor and Mr. I. H. Greene wald also tested the qualities ot the organ, much to the delight of the audience Mr. J h. Wilison played several . solos on the cornet with bis accustomed skill and ta3te. The vocalists were Mrs. Watters. Mrs. Kahnweiler, Mrs. O'Connor, Mrs. Hayden. Miss Reilly and Mis-es Grant and Reilly, and they rendered their respective parts with exquisite style, both in solos and cho- ruaea. , v -: Another entertainment will be giren on Saturday afternoon for the benefit of ladies and children who were unable to attend last night, upon which occosion the price of admission will be reduced to 25 cents, with no extra charge for reserved seat. . Register .now! oas- Delays are danger- 1884. - NO. 254 Exports Foreign. . si . r Spanish steamer Pedro, .V Eihevarria, cleared to-day for Liverpool Wit h 2 9C0' bales of cotton valued at K0 50 1 .50, shipped by? Messrs D. R. Murchisor, & Co. Schr. Post Boy, Gott, e'eared for St. Gcorfeoj Grenada, with 107JC29 leer lumber arid 133,500 shingle?, val ued at $5,335,15; making a total of ex ports foreign amounting to $-132,620.71. Tho Last Sad Kites. The remains 'of the Ja.riented Capt. Guilford L. Dudley, arrived Ibere this mbrnjng on toe Carolina Central train. accompanied by Gov. Jarvis, Colonel Saunders.Gen. Roberts. Rev. E. R. Rich and Mr. II. M. Ctiwan. The! funeral services were held from Stt- James' Church, and tho remains were interred in the peaceful shades of Oakda.e. The pall-bearers were Gov I .Ja'rv is, Gen. Roberts, lion. A. M. Wad dell. Capt.C. D. Myers.Col. F. W. Iverchner. Col. E. D. Hall Capt. R. F. L'ingdon find Mr. J. A. Waiker. A lirkeconr . . . t i coarse ol sorrowmz relatives and iiends accompanied the remains to their last resting place. M; Step Ladders; all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. 1 f Register! Register!! Register?!! DIED. r BACON In thia city. October? 22. 1SS1. GEOHGK ISIIER BA.CON, son ot Henry and Elizabeth K. Bacon, aged 22 years and 2 manias. It Is seldom that we aie called; upos to chronicle so sad a death as that or young George Bacon. Wc sympathize deeply witn tue Dereayea parents ana relatives,; wno-are but sojourners In our midst, far from those nome ties wnicn surrouna us cere and tue life-long f rlendB who would be near to com fort tbcni in their sorrow. i! In hU life with ua he won those ! who met hln by his gentle and kloly qualities, both of neaa ana near t, ana snort as it was. ms truth andstreDffth gnw Into our lives, f We win ever cherish his memory and his grave Ehall not bo forgotten. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Attention Second Ward Democratic CInb. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Club, at the Court House, thia evening, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is most earnestly desired, as business of great importance demands attention. j JOHN W. DUNHAM, President E R Hicks, secretary. ; octi'l Excursion.! opportunity to hear the joint discussion between Maj. Charles AT. Stedman and Judge Faircloth at Point Caswell, next Tuesday. 23i h, theStmr. Jonn Dawson will leave her wnsrr root 01 jrrmcess street, at e a. m., on that day, and return after the peakins. faro for the round trip flfty cents (50c). s oci it u. j. ft, captain Organ Recital TIIE1 R QUEST OF THE LADIES and Children who were unable to attend tho ORGAN EECITAL, at St. Thomas' Church, on Thursday night, there will be a EE PETI TION cf the Entertainment on SATUEDAl AFTERNOON, at 2 33 o'clock. A dmiesion 25 - J : y cents. Ao charge for Eeterved Seats. Tickets for sale at Helnsbcrger's Hook and Music Stores. oct 24 2t Notice. 1 ll persons Are n erect forewarwed not to trust cr harbor any ot the crow of the Br. Barque BRISrOW, as neither Blaster or cbcBigtiee will be responsible. THOS. HOODLES3, Master. IIKIDE & CO., Consignees oct 23 St il Stores for Rent. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE3 afcovo now occupied by Messrs. ll. JLnson Co. , Store and ofilcea. above now occu-pie-1 by A. Dumelandt. Both on Vorth Water st. ; between and Chestnut. Atcolvto rinttss aug li Star copy 3t DaBOSSET & CO. : 1 . Latest TJovels. A TOUNG GIRL'S WOOISG, by E. P. ttne In Cloth only. Price 41.53. DR. 8EVIEK. by George W. Cable. In Cloth only. Prise For sale at IHSINrBERQEE'S. JgLANK BOOKS, PAPER AND ENVEL opes In Boxes, Velvet Frame all sizes beantl f al Steel Engravings, and many new Novel ties, just received, which are sold very chap at - ' - : . I ! HEINSBERGER'S, oct 2J . Ltvo Book and Mnalo -Stona. The Old North State Saloon JJ AS THIS DAY KECEIVD a lot those celebrated UOESirs GARDEN OYSTItR. They are kept on Ic and are waxran ted the floeat oyster brotight to thi market. Call ad try them. Cool tJeer 2d tne best Wine. Liquors ana Cigan always on hand. 1: J. IL MCGOWAK frrr tk Dekatr. cm. II L 1 1 f Qrto, tm r if f IiHmmm. e irons a U i t ia or r y tmm prompts m u aaa m U ncipt r IJ ct far j 1 I it 1 j ' !portf,ecDa.e.Qiar i "i I - ' H ,rt--t Am t?n b9 tltA lo rcccl eo .arititlta trsm cur Crleada on knj a&d ill lcbjectil S3 ral interest bai - Tia rae cf tie writer tntt arwaya be cifced to tie K xl -..- , .Co .anlcatlons T3 uat fc writes oi on oacs'dect tho pspir - . . l-cxaoJiUeaXitbe avel ieJ.; ' Asdltu efpettQy aad ilartlcaltrry tsCe UOd that the Editor ttoea iot always cndoi a t icwa of CGTTeepoadesta ta"tt t ? a't la th edltortal rittnmg; ' T N EW. A D VEltTIS E3IEN TS . Trimble, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of Occeral Merchandise of .veiy description. U13c comer Prioress and Water streets. Crtnly & Moriss old stand. Fersonal aitecltcm given to tale of hones and vehi ies at private ea'c or at auction. Con- s'getnenu sollcltedJ SETIl W. IAVf?. sept -M . Auctloretr. Good Eating; fi G ALLOXS OF FINE OYSTERS RIGHT OkJ from Kcw River. ill li eold la the orig inal psckare. Xa Watered Sieci: Will be for asle 0:1 Wednesday Send and get a buoket at our tUU maiktLi r octSI, j ' DAVIS & SON x New Store I Fresh Goods ! rj-aa undersign have opened a htiected stock of Fresh Famllf Grocerio. Wines, L'qnors, Tobacco, Jcc, la tho comrao dtom store No. 113. In the W'ejsell building, on tho Kast side of South Front street. V Era? Whiskies BruDswick Piivate Stock and old Log Catlo. Best for the mouey in the aarkct. AI30, other WhUkies, Fino Uo'land Gio, Wines, &c. Fieeh Country Proince alwajs on hand. : Crnstgnments of Country Produce poltilted also oxoeri forfait, Fresh Fl-h, Oysters, 4o. Lot and Malt ocen-mottatlons lwo for our country liiends. Good3 delivered free I " , URA1G & THOMAS- octSO iy . Brass Fire Dogs, : Shovels and Tongs, OOMETHIXG VERY NICE AND VERY CHEAP. HUES MURCHISON, SS and 40 Murchison Block oct 20 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, The un dersigned having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of tho late Roberts. RadcllG'e. of New Hanover County, hereby notifies all persons havirg claims against tho same to present them on r beroro the 10th day of Oc tober. JSS5. or this notice will bo pleaded iu baroftliem. Tiioso who aro 1-dcbied to trc eamc will please mako immediate payment WM. IEKLNS, oct 10 law Gw frl Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S , NOTICE Having " qualified as Administratrix upon the cs ' t&.e of tbe late Mary p. Pickett, sotifeishero by given to aU persons having claims against the same to present them to mo on or boforc the 17th October. US5, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of a recovory. TUo6e Indebted to the same' will plcatc make immediate pav mcnt. MRS. S. J. BAKER, Adroit. October 17, lSt N (St y'V-Wotice':r HAVING QUAIIFIED AS ADMINISTRA tor of thectateof AnntSleason. deceas ed, notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to the said estato to mako payment at onco, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them for payment to tho undersigned, on or before the i7ili day of September, . D. 1685, or this notice will be pieaaea xa uar or tueir recevery. - sept 3W m ,F. JI. DAE 15 1 , A dm T M. CItONIuY, Auctioneer, BY CRONLT & M02BIS, Partition Sale. B Y V1UTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree ot the Superior Court o New Hanover couiitv, la a certain ex parte speci'l proceed ing there pending, wherein IVcdcrJck J. Lord, Armatid J. Leosset, WlliUm L. A ettourtt, aad others aro tho ictitloners, I, as Coaituis noner uoaer saia aecrte, wi'i otrer for sale to the hunest bidder, at the court iiouso door. in tho city of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock cn Wedr:e3ir, the 5th day o: NDiember, 1S?4, a lot f Una situate in said city, bezinnicg in 1U0 Wcit line or a private alley, which opens into South side of Mirko. street between ec in-t a't Third streets, at aoiot feet South iroa intcrsccuoa cr sua line of bud alley with Market street, atd runnlcg tlCicc South with Rait lice ctfaid alh-y 1 fcct.lhcncc West parallel with. Mar'stt fctreetts tcct, 7 laches, thenctj North parallel with .scc.rM Etrcet 17 iret, and thence Jtiaat parallel with ll&rbet strtct 18 feet, 7 incUs m beginning, being a part of Loto. I in Block 153. 1 cra of Sale one-fourth of the purchaco mo- ey to bo paid la cash, fcalanc-' in three equal l&stalmenM, in 4,H anti 12 ro6r,tb, re spectively, from day or bJC, purchasers to give notes for deferred payments drawing in terent rrcra uay cr sai tit rate or eight per cent. ATJ. DEllO"h.T. 4:ommiiicner. oct 3 Ct oct 3, 15, 17, 24, noT 3,4 - 31. CUQNIiY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. Partition Sale. B Y VIRTUE OP A! DICE EE OF THE 3'Inoricuxiei atw s an "cr county, in a cause there pending leforethe Clerk, between James C. IttunJs atd.wifo Fllza H. liunds. Mary C. lor. Yua. L. DeEosaet. Jr., and others, xliittlirj, and Frederick. Lord,; Ar mand J. DcEoeeet, John L London ana oth ers. deiendsU, 1 as Commlwioner under said decree, will f fferforsalo to tho Lighctbld der, at tte Court Houee door lo the city of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, on Wedi eeday, th 5th day of November 1&4, all that lot of lind situate in said city beginning in ths South line of Market street, 0 tcct sst from iu 1p tersection with Eastern Hue of Second strrct and running trc fee ast w'ta Market street S fee, then South parallel with Second street 30 feet to a brick wall, thence West wiih said wall - feet, thence Souh with said wall 87 feet and- Inchests a- brick Ltuld'ng, thence with the line of. f aid bullULg Eait4 Sett, thence tf oath with tho atern ltnof said buildirg 23 f cct and f laches, thence West with the southern line of said bUIdicg 3 feet " and 7 lnchea to a wfcli, thenco South with aahl wall acd the West line of another brick bull i irg :6 feet and 9 itches to a etc do wall, ihenfe Wet with said stone wall 45 feet, ana tucu-o North parallel with Second etrtct Vj$ feet to beginning, btlog part ot Lota Nos. 1, ana a In H;oc iSi. eaid Jot will be rtirfiod tvy a straight ltiie ruasicg from North to Hsuih, and bok in two separate parcels; the West Kit or parcel nanug a front of S3 feet on Market street acd rfonmg back iks game width" Jin', and the JUut lot iiavicg a-fiont of :i5Ieet c n Market and running VM feet, 21 feet wide on Its tack lu.e. - Plat of 12.11 latcatt Lo ttcuattLirc cf Crculy A Horria. r --v Tenna t Sale 'Jee iouit ct purchase m-jncy to ba paid la ash, baUnccia three ejuai LbUf.intwis iu 4, d li month re apectlvely liom di otaV, t virchter ti give notes for dclerrt a j-nj tsvt t j denwieg Iniarcat fxosa day of aatc at rate ol cth; .r ctst., r OCt Set OCt IV 1". f I0T3,1 0