rUU every evening, Saadays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, sd:to3 ad rROMtnrroa. crRfCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: - 84.00. Six months, 2.CQ. Throe ltihs,V-' One month, 35 cent. Z Pr will be delivered by carrier free L, o any part of the city, at the above afKocu per week. ri". .Utl3ing ratea low and UberaL -Subscribers will report any and all fa!l t9 receive tbelr paper rejrul&rly. f 77tf 2a Beview has the largest circulation, of any newspaper J i shed, m ine vuy vj ft wmiwjwit. H ,1 Review 0 VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1884 NO. ;255 ZV Carlisle, the Speaker ot the V.iiona! II' U-sc, is making speeches in TMiublican Iowa. 1 ; . Isaac Price, the oldest postmas terVn the United Stales, died at bis in Schuskill township, Ches ter county, on Sunday nignt, aged 63. (jovfrnor Cameron, of Virginia, was on the steamer William M. Morrison n the latter part of the fifties, when Mar's Twain was a cub-pilot on the same boat. , Dr. Schliemann's ner work, which j5 so'-'ii t! we issued, will be styled, Th? Prehistoric Palace of the Kings 0l X;ry.i?; Its Primeval Wall Paint ,1 Works of Art." LOCAL NEWS. IHBEI TO HEW ADVJmssa EBTS. C VT Yates New Goods Davis Sc. Sox To Arrive HsmsBKROEa Bridal Presents Attention Second Ward Dem. Club Jxo 8. McEarciiek, Sect'y Not'ce FC Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens Mes Kate C Wises Fall and Winter Mil linery Maesdex Bellamt, Com Sale of Land for Partition Register5 Register!! Register!!! Two months to-day to Christmas. Personal. Hon. Geo. Darts has gone to Raleigh and will visit the Exposition while there. Hons. A. H. Van Bokkelen and O. P. Meares were registered in Raleigh on Thursday. Col. W. L. Saunders, Rev. Mr. Rich and Mr. Henry M. Cowan lelt las: night on the return to Raleigh and Gov. Jarvis and Gen. Roberts leTtahis morning on the W. & W. train." Rev. J. P. Pritchard. of Crockett. Texas, arrived in the city last "night, and will, during the remainder of his Day's length 10 hoars and 52 minutes. 11 make his home with his eon, Rev; Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. f The receipts of cotton at this port to- .day foot op 479 bales. Ju-ic Matthew Hale, one of the j,r.ijii'c an(l popular citizens and R.uoiicans ot Albany, has declared o-ninst Blaine and given Cleveland an Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 10 minutes past 5 o'clock. in Market Dr. T. H. Pritchard, of this city. Tbe venorablo gentleman went to Texas 37 years ago and is now 78 years of age. We trust that hi3 life may yet be spared for many years. Fish Story. We srw this morning, at the store of Capt.Jas. B. Hoggins, a mallet which was raaghi yesterday at the Gshing grounds of Messrs. Simpson & Corbett. on Middle Sound, which weighed seven pound's. It was the f largest we have ever teen. It was a Cleveland mullet. . J" Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the weekending with to-day foot up 4, 880 hales, as against 7,613 bales for tbe corresponding week of last year, a de crease pf 2,733 bales. The receipts of thy crop year to date foot up 37.3G9 bales agaiust 37.537 bales to October 27th of last year, a decrease tbis year of 168 bales. A Political Straw. A gentleman of this city, who was a few days ago in Raleigh and who spent two days in the company of a number ww311g!s to wodve canuanx'-cattan firoa crar rk2.da oa lay tsA an mfcjaett; t- . sacral latere; bat , Tie name of tic writer must always be elided fcfthe Editor. 1 . -.Cr.Tnmnlj&aoaa must bt written ca oa -onesided the paper. ' ' '.v & Pci tonalities most be avoided.; ' I -And n l especially ard particularly x!e Sood that the Editor does tot always erda s toe rietra ol oorrcspondeiti unlet o ntxxt la the editorial coliuwiJB. , Sorrje very fine fishro3 sells for 60 cents per dozen. Death ot air. Georere itobhlna We resjret to learn of the death last f th D fraternity from Massa- night at Summerville, in Brunswick chuseUs. who were taking in the Ex county, of Mr, Geo. L. Bobbins. De- DosUion.iells us that he canvassed free-. We had a heavy frost last nicht. but ceased was brother to Mr. G. M; ho thom anH tht nhh i ... - tlxit- tmiill rta wirr nmnnvl . i,i 1 J " euurMt-niru!, j we nave no appearance oi rain yet. Kobbins. ana was wen Known 10 many f ihom xp Rpnnhlion thnv nnft?r- votts to turn. of the business men of Wilmington who Lri ha hut liifio nt Rhine's l xijcre were luur uuenneuis in uaK- . , . , u tt j ' v w TUpUiirumor iu Enclan .that dale Cemeterv this week: all adults. win ueepiy regr uia uui. uuuw election. This is one of the sure signs when the Princess Imperial of Ger- t he firm name of G. M. Rbbins & Qf the times. From tbe Exposition, Rev. Dr. Pritchard has returned from the Exposition and speaks in eathusias tic terms of the-disp.ay. lie say that there are 57,000artic!es on exhibilion acd thaj tne display is altogether ; superior to that af Louisville, although suvetal States have contributed to make the latter as complete as possible. He sta'es thates that ic a conversation with Senator Vance, the latter said that "no State in the Federal Union could make such an exhibit of natural products as North Carolina." Dr. Pritchard says that in extent and varie ty of articles on exhibition, it would indicate a National instead of a Sia e Exposition, and regards it the duty of all who possibly can to go andsee for themselves. To every Housekeeper, a pood substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers wul tltul the best at Factory prices at Jacoiu's Hardware Depot. I t The semi-annual meeting ; of the stockholders of Bellevue Cemetery Company will be held at the office of John D. Bellamy. Jr., Esq., uext Men day evening. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ThprA thrM intcrmonfo in Pino I t t- nnn1nnrnn nnnrlnMsH t m many was in England I in September Forest Ceffielery this week all adults. mercantile businesses; : one at Easy she paved the way for a visit of I nnce Fine Fibre. BUuiarck to Sandringham, when he nnrt Mr. Gladstone are to have an opportunity of hobnobbing. The Repub icans are desperate. Their slander mills are at work sending infa mous circulars about Gov. Cleveland to S -uthern clergymen. Blaine's man- Every white man should register and and another at -Meares Bluff. Mr. We,have seen a specimen of the fibre he should be sure; to vote on the day of Robbing was a young man, being only manufactured from pine straw at election. 26 years of age at his death, and his Oronly which it is intended to spin and i anurnv nrl intpirritv in hnsinesa must weave into material suitable format- White men voting the Republican . develot)ed a man usefui to and ting. The fibre is fine and strong, and ticket give contenance to the outrage of honored by his fen0w men, but that would we should think answer adrnir- v tuueuuay nigui. ' Uu i:;r,.;hW rr.;h rli'roota oupn iTip hunH jihlv th niirnSft for which it IS in- . , I. T. - ,1 1 There were two interments in of destiny appointed tor him anotLer tenaea. it is prepareu expre6biy ior DIED. S. H. Trimble, STOCK AND REAL. ESTATE BBOKEJt cd Anetloneer.ot (General Merchandise ot evety description. OfQc corner Princess and Water 6trt;ts. Cronly & Mcrlss' old stand. Personal attention given to sale ot hornet and Tehlles at private aa'oor at auction. Con stRnraents solicited. SETH W. IAVIS. s'ptiiJ Auctioneer. Real Estate. TTOUSES AND BCILDINtl LOTS XJ. tor sale In all pari ot the ciiy. or on the Instalment p'Rti. Apply to aug 30 ivr 5m sat m D. O'COSSOlt, Heal KaUto Ajcct GEORGE li. ROBBIN3. at 12 o'clock, M., October i4, 1S4. at Summervilie. Brunswick county, N. C, o typhoid nalarial fever, si ter an illness of thirteen days, aged 2t years. tttar please copy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To Arrive agers do not hesitate to lie about tbe B3llevue Cemetery this week; one reward private life of Gov. Cleveland. Thiir adult and one hlld. inlamuus calumnies will not help their desperale cause. Rev. Dr. Patterson will preach in St. John1 Church to-morrow (Sunday) i .At hia friends and relatives be com fe rent in character from that , which forted and stimulated to look to a better is used for making mattresses. XN TUESDAV3 STEAMER, AS. such purposes, and is altogether dif- Caobages, Potatoes and Onions, at eur H-h A special to the World eunis up the night at 7:30 o'clock. M issonsin situation :as follows : Tbe State will very likely cast its electoral vote fr Cleveland. .The Democratic State ticket will fall behind and the Re publicans will very likely get all the S:a:eu&ces. The Congressional repre scatation will be about equally di Viilcd. lite by the Divine word3, whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth." Market. Come and eee how cheap wo sell cct 25 DAVIS & SON 1884 Fall and Winter. 1884. J AM NOW DAILY IN ItE'JEll'T OF Mt SRYT FALL AND WISTKK ' MILUXRRV GOODS, eelectcd hv me In person In the North rn marktt3, to which-1 Invite attention, such-afiFKLTStDjt-TiAW3in all.prevalllnjf col ors an-1 grailcs ; Osti Ich Tp3. Birds and logs &&d all or th" 1 rimrnlpgs worn thUkeascn. I have added to Fancy Go, da Ucnart mciit, on the lirst floor, a lice or TABLE LINES. FANCY LINEN and MLK HAND KERCUIKKS, which will to Etamped with ono letter, free of charge. FELT, MU511L:, AIOA and all the neces sary material for Art XccdleTort Nbckwe ir, Glov'ej, Hosiery and Ladles Un- derwear. ' ' KcejKsctfull? MISS E. KAIIRER. oct 10 K-TchwOTSiw Cnmerl New Store 1 Fresh Goods rjlIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPENED A Beiejtcd stock of Fresh Familv Groceries, Wines, L'quors, Tobacco, c , la the commo dious etorts No. 113. la tbe Wcascll buiMlng1, on the East tide of Sonth Front strcpt. iP Bra? Whiskies Brunswick Private Stock and old Log Cabin, licet for theraocey in tho market. Also, other Whiskies, Fine Holland Gin, Wines, &c. Fresh Country Produce aUcays on hand. Consignments of country Produc3oll-:it2d; aWoruers for Salt, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ac. Lot and f tall accommodations frto f or cur country 'fi lends. Goods doiivcrd free t ' CUA1U & THOMAS. oct 20 ly Too much caution cannot be exercis ed all times in handling fire and espe ciylly during this dry spell. Chickens is Bishop Watson. The Southern Churchman, published at Richmond, Va., prefaces its an nouncement of Bishop Waston'a Epis- ciiekfn now. Half- grown fowls sold tc-day for 35 cents copal visitations, with the following Conoley. and full-grown for 45 cents each. coumeui. The new and almost missionary dio- A New Club. The Arioso German Club was organ ized a few eights since and tho follow ing officers were elected : Presidenta B. Wright. Vice President L. P. Davis. Secretary and Treasureey A. Governing Committee C. G B. Adjourned Meeting Second Ward Democratic Clubt AN ADJOURNED MEETING Oe' THE Club will Ajo convened this evening, at the Court House, at 7 3 'O'clock. A full attend ance Is most earnestly desired, as business oi great Importance demands attention. E K Hicks, t-ccretary. ;.oct25 Ex-Secretary McDonald is making aa active canvass of Indiana and nos. Saturday night he addressed a large Democratic meeting at Rock Is land, in tha latter State. The tariff question was the main topic cf his ad- iltes?, and he advanced strong argu ments against tho high protective sys tern. IS UGTO AUU BlUIUilll UilOki.vuw. J I ... ... -. -v . rt r-t 1 The Register ot Deeds issued four cese of East Carolina has, been most Y ngnt, u. r. Lavis. a. onoiey, --ir, a arn3 fu;0 rL . f rr I rnnnnAiA in its RAiection or ,a rsianop. i u. i. amiin. jonn v j3oiie, a vim 111 (li k 1 lA 2 tIVCtlV.Va LUIO TTCt;a j U IVl I ivfcvww-v - . " . J white and two for colored couples. 1 six monma wnicn nav B. Hanks, and K. V. Uroniy. I Kirs mnaonrohnri Kifinrirk WsTlKflTl 1 - iuud uio tui's v. auyK T Tho a nh hoa nnv : mpmhprfl Newbern and Raleigh have both had nai .made 0V?Iy S?t' f fhU Fii1 crrf rolncKtifwa li o r n nnli) tiorl nna I . . 4 .. . ftvwy. " ' - feel the mainetism oi nis earnest, con Another Outrage. A day or two since a lady was pass- Some "sanguine1 DeoDle are savinz . awnce w uuub wiw. f 7 - want, every stockholdc oome sanguine peopie are saying tne future of a3t Carolina .will attest is to continue we do not know, 0 importance. .11L01 now that Blame will be defeated as how zealous, according to knowledge, but wc fear it will not stop until some ten. ',su' was The Birmingham Age says: "The suspension of railroad building has perhaps-more to do with our present busiucs3 stagnation than any other one thing and this has been brought about by Wall street gambling iu railway Dr. York is sick and has retired from stocks. Wall street gambling hac done the contest. The atmosphere cf East the country a thousand times more ern North Carolina was not good for hrm thin tho tariff." " hi3 health. light shower here in a month or more. J aervative and evangelical preaching. I 1 : 1 : i I. nT n Intar ohtilinllr wise! selt-denyinif and faithful ' father mg along one 4of our itreets wbeu a report yesterday of the o should havo read Mess paths of humble submission and obe f- j o. iJeiiam dfence to God's will. Depend upon it, Uronnd and spat at her. How long this o'clock p Fall and Winter Millinery. J EXPECT A NEW AND HANDSOME lot of Mlilinorv Gods this week, and bavins: sc cured the services of a first-class Milliner from ono of tha large cities, am prepared to put up work In the most fashionable styles, tactics ar i respectfully Invited to call. MBS. KATE C WINE, No. 119 North Second Street, cct i" It Bet. Chestnut and Trincess sis Brass Fire Dogs, Shovels .-and Tongs. QOilETHING VERY NICE AN I VERY CHEAP. oct 20 GILES MUR1-IIISON, 8d and 40 Miuchiaon Block Reilly. ia Keiuy in our wise; selt-denymif ana laitntui lamer i"s rgan recital, it in God " who would honestly strive to couple of colored boys made offensive HJ srs (irant and guide his people into all truth, which remarks regarding her and one of the 1 tt makes free from sic. and points to the ftnn .mno deiihoratelv turned 3otice. overwhelmingly, as Greeley. Horace and wise, according to prayer and selt-1 consecration, her . new Bishop is E SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING OF 1 HE ockholders of BelJevue Cemetcrv ora- wlllbebeldat the Law outceof Jonn 1. Bellamy, Eei., Monday, iTth Inst . al7.0 m. 'Abe rresiaent ana mre'iors want . every Stockholder present for busiuees liOt owners lnviica to ai- S. MCEACHERN, oct 25 It Secfy and jtreagurrr. Gen. Manulnsr'a Reply. Sheriff Manning has sent the follow ing reply to the communication address ed to him on the 23d inst. by, the com- -r . , - . . i 1 I :k a nnninlnH at lllA ! lomftiriltlO Carl Schurz, in a recent interview at it may De oi interest to Know auu uiuwcy - New York, expressed the following beneiiciai to realize that a pair oi pants uim . . .i . -I. v ; ,.eA Ua Krl I irifr thA niitrafffl nemetrated bv the Ko obiuioa: Itseemstome mat uuv. uwub w m gwu iuiwini vau u u - - . Cleveland is very likely to carry the at Dyers for go.OO. P..T n nZ W' State by a large majority. There aro Tlie now H10on enters on 'its second j0iu j), g. McRac Col. 1 W.' Kerch so many unknown quantities in this qUartcr to tmrrow night at 40 minutes ne'r and Col John L. CantwdU Com cauiDaiizu that nobody can prccuow any- 11 rvioot nnd if. mav ha that wo mtuee: one gets hurt. It is probably owing to conversation among tHeir elders that Bridal Presents I these youngsters become emboldened to act in such an outrageous manner. and all concerned will some day, when it is too late, find out that forbearance has ceased to bo a virtue. " Bridal Presents NEW AND BEAUTIFUL thing with certainty, but the current of political sentiment in this State seems to me to bo very much in favor of the election of Cleveland and Hendricks." will have rain then. ?5Sfirf h7SrSJ Thfore mediate vicinity of the flames for about its receipt the Republican . Committee an hour and until the forehold was Another Fire. At about 11 o'clock this forenoon tire was discovered in the forehold of the Ger. brig Express. Capt. Toss, lying at the wharf at tho upper compress. Water was pumped into the vessel in tbe im IN LARGE VARIETY ! PLEASE CALL AT : . HEINSBERGER'S, oct 25 Lire Book and Music 8 teres. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The tin dcrslgaed havlnjr qualllied as Admlnlstra tor of the estate of the late Roberts. Kadcilfl'e. -of New Hanover County, hereby notifies all persons haviD& claims apalnst the Bame to present them oa 'r bcrore the 10th day of c tol)cr. or this notice will be pleaded In bar or them. Those who are indebted to tre same will please make Immediate payment. WM. LABKINS, oct 10 law Cw fri ; Administrator - ADMINISTRATOR; NOTICE. Having qualiflad as Administratrix upon the cs of the lata Mary P. Pickett, notice li here by given to aU persons having claims against the Kmo to present thena o me on or before the 17th October. ISS5, or this notice will be pleaded lu bar of a recovery. Those indebted to the eamc wlil please make Immediate pav ment. MES. S. J. BARER, Adinx. October IT, 18i4 ; , . - 6t Notice- : HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTBA tor of the cttate of Ann Gleason, deceas ed, notlco is hereby given to all perona In debted tr the eald estate to make payment at ouf c, and ail jer8ina having claims against slid estate win proeent them for payment to the undersigned, on or before tho 27th day of gepu-mber, a.-D. 1W3, or this notice will be ploade i ia bir of ttiejr recovery. - sept .iff Cw frl P. II. DABBY, Adax'r Gov. Jarvi3 ba3 half-way promi to come I w - Z li advised the people of this city of the compIetely deluged a.d no indications A back to W,.mington soon and position of tbe party in regard the wre manIle8t. A board of forewarned not Notice. A LL PERSONS AIIJL HEUftUl to truster haruor --ass The St. Louis Globe-Democrat (Rep ) Publishes an interesting array of fig ure contrasting Democratic govern ment in 1850 61 with Republican ad ministration in 1882-83. From it is gathered the fact that the taxes levied under a Democratic regime amounted $41,476,300, or $1.32 per head of population, while under a Republican regime they amount to $403,525,250. or $S05 per head of population. It is rather a funny idea to parade aslbe chief virtue of a political party the fsct tbat it, has increased the nationat bur uena sixfold. The theory that the red sunsets aro caused by vplcanic dust thrown into the upper atmosphere by -the volcanic di sturbances in Java, in view of the continuing rosiness of the sunsets must be deemed ii n ten able. The St. Louis litpablican says: Possibly tha pheuo hienon is ot electrical origin, the result of agencies we know little or nothing about; or. may it not be that our solar system, in its mighty movement through space in the direction of the constellation Hercules.-has entered re?in where conditions exist that make the Droloneed and luminous twilight a perpetual phenomenon?" - On miniature baskets of champagne. we read: Real champagne ?3 a dozen. " Why shoulfl one pay so much for sham pain, when St. Jacobs , Oil will cure real pain? - help us celebrate the big Democra ic matter diecussed by you, in a circular. any of the trew of the Br. BaiqneS victory next month. There were two cases of disorderly tributed over the entire ci.y: S"r,Vrfn who have de was carried by the committee and dis- cided that that portion of the cargo bris row, as neither Master or CdnsJgnee conduct before the Mayor this morning in which a light sentence was imposed. We suppress the names by request. German brig Hermann Friedrich, Reiiahr, cleared 'to-day lor Bremen, with 1.044 bales cotton, valued at $47.- 000, shipped by Messrs. Alex Sprunt & Son. Thanks to Col. C. R- Jones, the Sec retary, for an invitation to attend the "TO TnE TEOPLE OF WILMINGTON. xr h rp.annnslhle. . . . w T CO If. . . . HK1DE A CO., Consignees . oct 23 3t ; i Stores for Kent. AND OiriCEH f - TrAREH0U5E V above now occupied by Messrs. U. Johnson Co. i!444i Store and offices above now occu- which has been affected either by - - HnA mif ...ul r,i fion Soolo.' OI water uxxxz u vu r i tUa. :nU nf an t when the damage may be niPPf 1 M LT IH.MI. I1IVML WW tJfcWW. WM.-w error as to the course ot the Republican! rcv ascertained. It will hardly be procession a thoughtless blunder, necceSgary to take out the entire cargo conncmneaanu regreuieu uy uu nnIPRfl thp fire rearbed further than is publicans. The orders were expressly unless the hre reacceuiurtner man is !, uQ PrnPAiQinn should not now apparent. The brig was nearlj . . tAA nlM by A. DnmeUnac rrt-, pass near rne uy nao- r uoaueu, rcquirmx uuij uwui w i p th- Korth Water sL.bctweea iTtnctta Kov who threw the Stone. WO Will DC iA .i. l.. n..,,n n).an itiA fim v. init ('hKtsnL Arin'vto ' ; firf t nnniih if we can find him. . F. . . . . , , atur li 8ur ccpt St DeBOSSET & CO. l"w - r - - ----p.a.,M.n curred. The cotton beiongea to Messrs. Republican Executive Commute." D. R. Murchisoa & Co., and was in- fhe Old North State SalOOfl In addition to the above, unaer me sured. The Express was loaaing ior Carolina Fair Association, to be held instructions of the Rpublwan Execu- L,verpool and woaid havc cleared ear- TX as this dai itton.itu at Charlotte on the 28th. 29th, 30th and l,j?.fiuw' hth nSrs ib ly next week had not this accident a lot ot. these celebraHr HOBS E3 SUtinst. I : Z M.rd fH GARDEN OTSTaB. Ther are kept oa ice - i n!ir 114 t i v iiniiif i n. uici cuicui ; : . . . . . i UOOl Sale of Land for Partition. rjWE UNDERSIGNED, A COMMISSlONEK dnl7 arnoinfced bv the Superior Court of New llatovtr Couuty to sell tha land and prcmisr hcrelnaftcr deecrlbed. will, rn Monday, the 7th day of October, ISii, tell at pnbllc uc Uoe, at tho Court iloute door. In the city -t ' Wilmington, at 12 M.. on said day. that cer tain lot situated In the said city of Wllmlagta and Louudc i nd described as follows: gjnr lnc at the in erzectloa of tfce E utern lice of Fifth street with the fcouthern line ol Tay lor street scd rnn thence Kst along said lice of Taylor a et U0 feet to an alley, SO lect , vri'Je, thence cuth alon-tha Western lino of said alJo? ca feet, thecca West i:o feet to the Eastern line of ifth etrect. and thenca along ttie line of Fifth ttreet to Ue beginning: the same beli g the Western half of kit 1 In block accenting to the cfaslal pian cf the said city of W ilmington, t This ihe 2Cth day of September, MAUSD&.N 15 5 LL Ail I. oct 20 lw CommiMloiier. our . ' . . . . , U.,n4ro1 anrl fiftv drkllftra for the Attention is invited to tne saie oi ""."- - - f th ? i i ,u- wr r,ori apprehension and conviction of the valuable land, in this city, for parti- 0gnder ana no efforts will be spared tion, at the Court' House door, on to gearch him out. We very much re Monday next. Particulars in advertise- gret the occurrence pnd we have no Wo invi!e auention to the adrUso- 3S&? "falnl ment of Mrs. Kate C. Wines, in this citizens. , ve will gladly accept your issue of the Review. She will be in re- 0ffer to act jointly to this end. Permit ccirt next week of anew and attractive me to say further, that we do not , , ... , . .Q eo lieve that any similar xxnrrence will stock of millinery goods and has se- 5ctf pSoe cured the services of a first class milli WJ nout admiting all of the allega- ner from a large house in New York. tjons contained in your letter, and without desiring, however, to enter Good m ite rials properly porportioned ioto a djSCasbion which can do no ,xr,;b am tha essential reanisites in trnmf. T m ' Yr ttrs respectfully. i?odv mixed Paintscan be best attain- Sr. H-Manning. Chairman A-a--r -d Tirnsinsr'theTN.- T. Enamel Paint gold at Jacqbi'8 Depot. t Register! Register! I Register!!! Rep. Co. Ex. Committee. Register now! Delays are danger- bus- ... - . tr. thU murk t. C til and try them. 4Take the boll bv the hoon" 13 an Beer aal the best Wines, liquor and. Cigars adage, but you take Dr. Hull's Cough w" Svrun bv the teas roonful. . A few drops w ... ni. ii .1 lor a cniuu une doiuc win save ma Hve3 family. For cough, cold. bronchitis, etc., jt is excellent ana sare. 4. M. McGOWAN. Call and See TUOiE ELEGANT FKUIT P2ESEBVE3 we guiraaxc ibem to ue pare, aau me uayox as If put up at home. A tilil U all we ask.' Caiiiied tiootls of tllklnits. Prunes .Currant , Pick lei, Dried Beef, Oranges ana xemons Ktktstr Fowdcs too r-nmerous to mention. Jeihes. Crackew, the bt of Cheese, Ilanu and 8uar CurVi Wjoaldr, Coffee roastcl and ground. isy stexaaer ivsrorrow siocna v.oui. We do not raz on all Flour, bat we put the SUPEBLaTIVtu agatau aoy to the market. Parties wishbJg Peserre at ,reuil wUI please end dUfce. 2 Major McClarumy'8 Appointments. Tha following are the appointments i of Major C. W. McClammy. President 4 "1T7I XTfTID wanted for The Llres of all A IT VI W I t President of tne U. S. XlviJJii -Tne largest, handsomest, best book eyer sold for less than twice our nrue. ire iasieei bci.uiz cots in Aiaeriuu immense profit to agenu. AU Intelligent people want it. Any one can become a sce ccsafnl axent. Terms tree. IIajuleit Boos Co.. Portland. Maine. nor jitna-lyw a week at home. S&0Q ontfit rw tial Elector, Third district, for tbe last I capital not Required. Beader, if yoa want week of the campaign : .--Council'! Station, Bladen. Wedne3 rlav. Oct. 29th. t Seven Springs. Wayne. Thurtday, Oct. 30th. .. . RaynorV Mills. Wayne, rnday. Oct. Fremont. Saturday, Not. 1st. Harrison's Creek, Pander, Monday Not 3rd. business at which persona of either ex,yousg or old. can make great par all the tixne they work, with abeolate ccrtitnty, write for pr- oeaiars to u. jullbtt Xjo.. t'oriitia.iic nor 23-aal lr l- if t I kai 4 pfcyafcaq ihn, to v,T.XnA,nc- 8 BlCalbUsiMMWHyaMM.cwbyNERVITA. l(mibiutkaiiuiiinwrMyrKruiMtoMft4i New Buckwheat. New Buckwheat, fJlIB SEASON HAS 'OW OMC WHEN liackwheat cakes are la ratr. i nave wzay tex:vi-l a Bapply o New Baekwhs, the first ol th tw:i. , Alo, Petsi Osiont , Arplet Cabbasef, Ac, A?, -'A fall Hoc choice and.aclected Groceries alirays on ha.-d. Stock rrneii-ed erery week. AJlood can be ieKc4on as lresh and new at . " GEO. M. CUAPOVd.ArC f cpt 13 -; " H ou'h Tront Street. 1 1

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