maed every evening. Sunday. eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, S3ITOB AKD FBOFWBTOB. .r-RSCElPTIONS'POSTAGJS PAID: rear t-00- 81x montb 2-oe Three paper vrill be delivered by carrlera free barge, la y P1 of the clty at the above -Subscribers will report any ana all fall- V Uli. - VIII. Til Bittf : EEtiEmi 11 ?. . rsr Trs, Daily Review has the WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27i, 1884 NO: 256 Ids 'n Mr. McDonald, once the rival of Mr. Democratic. . iinmlrieks of Indiana, has put down prohibition .... ma reLUrn trnrn nki rni. Mon,or any newspaper UOT the princiDal Slatft ftffi" V' oownore Centenary. cuyoy i, forat the recent election. .Z s annonncement that the ; : ...... . r- that thA Kn,..,JiD....u! " . "'es oi mis city would celebrate ... i.......-.' . UckmntMaM: u-.-- J y tbe centennial anniversary of the "old nnccucutiorweveianu. w Ui-lug even a tie : I m k . - ForSnnrrufCf..- H ""M"U:U1' ir juoses atonte- 1 J " uiaiC. I hnra C 1 , . - . . -y?n o-rc " ouuuaJ msi., niied Ibeir . oW beautiful Tcraplo with our best citizens buruiugaand is at work from u ?aci ' : : ' I 3.580.... .. 393.712 u . n sexes anU aI1 creeds, all bent on He is aaiM " " 391,599 uumng in mis nSanilestation of their -- appreciation of the life and labors of the gray-headed Baronet. The services heart oro till after dewy ere to be a popoular and effective cam- naizner. j jtijuot exactly encouraging to the Democratic....". 378,963 B'aine cause iu New Eogland to read Prohibition 9857 tbe standing proclamation kept at the Greenback. .... 3,780. . , . iT i r t . . bead ol us onrau . x u uStun morn- Republican majority . . . ..- t ? i ? . .'. Iess than a majority Republican. ... Wnn,J c"!u tt,Ler Clock, wben the Rev. v. wr a. NEW ADVEBTISEMENT9. NEW ADT3IITISEHENT8. The Talk of the Day ! IS THE IMMENSE CLOTHING TRADE NOW BEING HANDLED AT HRIBR' Dr. Mendelsohn ascended the pulpit 11 is tne subject of constant remark that while a ceneral dullnoss i.5 rmnnUin- ana me cdoir, under the leadership of ed of elseirWo tup. nr.n nurnDTU! . . 292 fiOO Mrs. D. KahnweiW ftml Mr M p " "- 1S uneuio serve tne immense pat I , -" . w . M paper in Boston which i3 supporting the When Edison, genius and inventor nominees oi me iwepuuucan jxationai mai ne is, nad given two weeks of his - Taylor presiding at th nmn hmi. ronage n?w flocking to our establishment to secure bargains imm tim it . - r " , I k: . w i v i I i I I n 1 1 r rantlaMil n ; r. i I D.'n.UU f T- o .... . j .-uv.citu u uymn. j ""asupi rros , cc jo., million doll Mr. J. I. Macks thr.h nnma Our reputation for ars failure which enables our tmtrons to to tue i . i , . . . Platform ai.d tMh .T ? 0ttVlu- U1 at ltrasi 40 cent, on the dollar gratulatory address forwarded td Sir '"S reliable goods at bottom market prices is unquestioned. We candidly Moses by our Jewish fallow-citizens Jadmit--t: : which was followed by the roadine of A , , , . ' - well tnown selections from the Psalms ' uiuiuary circumstances, lor we caiiDot bagm io replace them She rode on the " . tt lc"eut Pryer. manning uod for ai anyining near tne price we are selling them for. cars thrcn dars wn lonjri D "ls great guts oeetowed noon the ven- w!m . . ' he Presbytenan churches ol 8tand on "SC:: Z arable Baronet and implorinHis ccn. ' U W1U benu garmenC-13 our store to our home for comparison with , Scotland and Ireland are or her cur;.,v tinued blessings for the great nhilan. what caused its noise and a cure for it, be gave up the job. Then a Cotffer.tion. - valuable time to going no and down on I. te.'Dr.8to,. of Rochester- Zlr Z'' A. . . . . , t( diicover what caused its no ftp finri X. y.. wno nas just reiurnea irom the n....i.rtorifln r'minnil nf. Holloaf ia ro. rfe!U r.. ..M "- little woman tried it. porteato nave sum a lew uays ago: "i believe the Presbyterian churches . , . . Ior oer curiosity and politely snubbed MdTO to-ard toalum very rsp.dl,. iy condactors and pengers. Bit iwue. , . lue n ,he diaoovered what caused the noise, caurcuc, --J invented a remedy which was patented. There is great deal of twaddle in and ahe was Paid. the sum" of $10,000 Rennblican papers about the protective aDd a royalty foreyer. Her name is tariff in the South, and the breaking up Mrs- Mary Walton, and she lives in of tbe Democratic party on that ac- New J-oik City count. In Louisiana, however, Mr. great philan- S003 from anT hoase in the city, for tbe first instance has to occur where we thropist. After the singing ot another have not been victorious. ujmu i,uu raooi ueuverea an oration on the "Life and Labors of the Modern Moses." Taking the closing verses of the Pentateuch (Dent. 24, 10-13) as his text, Rabbi Mendelsohn earnestly and eloquently compared the lives of the f'. t ha lour inir ennrar nlanfai. ta mn I: iitmi- -. . ' I . T UBJ, ..u 6 0U ru wtl34u .. iiumonai uiaiamsaotn aeciare. nave Egyptian bondage and of the modern cm? lor Congress on the Democratic you a cold or cough, a hoarseness, or anndilanf !ih0Tto ori n.i;n i tariff platform and the chances are he sore chest? Be waFe! Take Dr. Bull's apo3t'eof lJ and equality and de b tr piatiorm. ana tne cnances are he Cough Syrup; don't delay, and all the mc-nst rated, by copious references to the willbetnumphantly elected m a dis- h d 'ea3 J1" virtnea of tha latter, that. hinmtiw trici heretofore overwhelminly Repub- away. Get iuit once! You may be deserves to h nrpnrl in th THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER. 114 MARKET ST., oct 27 DIED. lican worse another day. Senator Bayard declined an invita tion to speak at a Democratic demon stration a Richmond, Va., October 24. Ia doing so, Mr. tayard said that New York is the battleground, and that a demand i3 made for his presence there which he cannot refuse. For a similar! reason Hon. SamuelJ. Randall could not be in Richmond on the day named, though ho hopes to speak there later in the canvass. t LOCAL NEWS. WARD Tn thla p.ltu- at. 11 an aVIab l- o nes of all men and to be transmitted to October 2'th. 1884, of congestive chill, isa- posterity as the brightest in the history apyearTand rnS"8 ' ot our century, embodvinc: as . it dees J.VLnera.1 terjice at st. Luke's cnurch, corner New York World : Belva Ixekwood appears to be quietly skirting aibngthe edp of the political field, making very little bustle in the campaign. Her "can vass evidently has some mysterious INDEX TO NEW AHVf RTISEM EMTS. C W Yates New Gooa E G Blair Fresh Goods SnEiER The Talk of the Day O B HOLLIKGSWORTH Notice Heinsberger Bridal Presents W E Springer A Co Cotton Presses Change of Sailing Days N Y Steamers Parker & Tatlor Not time to write Giles A MuRcnisos Brass Fire Dogs J W King. Chm'n Democratic Ovstp.rRnaat Otterbourg The Same Old clinching Nail I 'hety-seconu year, always in the erKEs a Orrell Livery and Sale Stables interest of his oppressed coreligionists Taylor's Bazaar Santa Clans is Coming and his down trodden fellow-beings of juilwsk unenas ana jb enow cinzens ftrKor rooA Of Chnrctl and SVPnth ttfa Tiioaiiav avmlni. the most heroic deeds of self-abnegation at 2-30 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances orw, i :. . . L are invited to attend, and humanitanism, and a constant starcony. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and insatiable craving to benefit his fellow-man inespective of race or creed. Inglowing terms he described Sir Moses T?REsn goods by steamers and a. .pnPrn nnrnovo trt or.:0 ta, JL C. Line, now arriving: 500 bushels Va. several iourneys to byna, Damascus, Meal, loo bWs Fancy ApnW. 60 boxes assort Russia and Morocco, and the seven d c. w bbta N. Y. cabbage, so boxes Visits he paid to the Holy Land, the lb8 s- c. Meats, - Irish Potatoes, Turnips, last one in 1875. when he was in his SJSftK Smacon- ana womern I ' w -K. . 1JLAIK, oct 27 No. 19 North Second St. Geo k French A Sons They please the Ladles was No time to Write, kNLY TO SAY, ALTHOUGH THE DF- pall-back attachment. From present! Creamery Buttered flour appearances it -will be necessary to! Kcure the talented liars of tl, ARSo- or other locals see fourth page p l bbioqers a Co Valencia onioos address, but became especially so very enthusiastic throughout the whole J man (i is heavy, yet we have more STOVES towards the close, when he exclaimed : Icf Come quick or fall to be supplied. 4.... If. : ; l'I . . . mm - m-. I wur mosea exeuipimes mai tne IMA IN PAEKElt A TAYLOR. istrulvthe noblest r.reahim of nH PUKE WHITE OIL. oct 27 dated Press to pad the figures if she Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's noble than the Jew and the Christian T)AmnprpfJp nTrofo-p Paq f expects to make any showiDg in :he Depot. f who are but creatures of theology." He L'm0uraipC UVSier XlOaSbi returns. But Belva will at least secure Deiays are dangerous! Go and re- exnorted nis attentive hearers to imitale, herb will be a democratic oys bj her candidacy that notoriety for jgter which she pants. as far as possible, the great exemplar ter boast and picnic at Fowler's Point. of evervthin? that is trnW rrnf. onH Masqnboro. on Friday the 3lst lnst. Good " J speakeis will be in attendance and a good in ono wcet irom to-morrow will noble in man's noble nature, and con- time may be expected. ha aUimn .n i?nn;ofi - I i.. . I i . W. KING. Chairman. wv, .wvuu j . Hewitt. I lilUUUU . Ar.tT TVrr. V,- r A,n lictwecu Damascus and Jerusalem is said to be a tribe of about three m. k, u and ork elected go and register! Christian era. They have neither Two colored men were before the Clly nor town, but live in tents, and Mayor ihis morning charged with dis- peak tbo Hebrew language among orderly conduct and both were discharg- iDcruselves, but use the Arabian with ed. Strllscrs. Thev hjrro rpmninnd. liko v c neara it ruuiorea on tne streets If you do not want Blaine, Logan "bat century of life, of faith, of love, away; S. H. Trimble, The Eternal One, the Lord who reigns KTOSi ?D ""i estate bbokek . tl every description. Offlco corner Princess and xu wuum a iBuusaou years are as a water streets, croniy a Morriss' old stand. rereonal attention given to sale of horses and venires at vnvaw Baio or at auction. Con- ignments soucitea. BETH W. DAV'S, sept 23 AucUoneer tae primitive races, exclusively tillers of the soil and warriors. They go arm- Glfrotu head to foot. They earn a meagre subsistence from the soil and content with it. f Qrme Wilson, who is to take" Miss Caroline Astor as his bride, is the son of - T. Wilson, banker. The senior Wilson besan life down in Georgia. iJe lives in superb style in New York w W ' ' V. A MAW mf KMWUV day Will make it His a pure though earth- T, iy gem, I ixcd in the circlet of His diadem." A collection was then taken up, ; the proceeds of which, agreeably to the Cotton Presses, BROWN'S COTTON GIN, RUBBER BELT ING, GIN BRISTLES. Send in your or ders at once for GINS and PRESSES. Don't delay. You will be dlsaiwolnted In retting aionienore aunaav scnool irize nf th. " iimo. - mlmnt, T.' t 14l. I .. - . . 7- . W. E. SPRINGER A CO.. : v 4. auwuiu uongrcgation oi the Temple ot Israel.1 ia. 21 x Market street. I 1 I . J A I 4 r -. . a 1 . I A. V TTI a . a . . " wm auuress ine citizens 01 roint uas" which w 11 nnnnallr bo awrrlAfl tr tu wcl x wumington, u. , I ml wen to-morrow, and wc learn thaf to-day that tbe Cornet Concert Club would ffo to RftlflPh fi.mnrrnw nirhf but the matter is not definitely settled mmendation of Rabbi McDdelsohn, quite a number from this city will be attendance. at most meritorious scholar in tbe religious R,,Qce Pltr,' Tlno-o in scheol attached to the conurbation -"AttSS -""b5 We understand that quite a considera Shovels and Tongs. OOMETHLNQ VERY NICE oct 27 AND VERY CHEAP. n KS Jt HUKCHISON, SS and 40 Murchlson Block Notice. Republican office holders, some of ble amount was realized. any man in the city except Gould whom ba res5ded in Washington, D. After the singing of a third hymn, Q Vanderbilt It ia noiablc that his r- lor several montns, are beginning ulBU,,3acu auo wu.reKayon dl?hter married Mr. Goelct and his 10 arrive here in order to vote for the Wltl1 the benediction. 'ua w to marry Miss Astor. The w- uu MCC"un, uaJ- To every Housekeeper a good 'ets and Astors are the richest real It will pay you to remember that at substantial cook stove is an important enate owners in America. If is the this season when ybu are changing your necessity and our readers will find tbe yY friends AND THE PUBI IC ARE sipoftho papers that young Wilson's underclothing lor comfortable woolen Dest at Factory prices at Jacobi's respectfully notified that I nave old out my Present irom his father will be .him that at Dyer & Son you get the Hardware Depot. t kc8 t&SK "Kkto?bSibi0T?ry income of Q I On Onn vpnr Kocfr Ua laf 4. ... I: uoera pafcronage mey nave accordea me. I .. I 'v muurj.- i i wur views. (bespeak the same for tbe new firm, Messrs. e system of carrier niireona is now I The North Carolina Conferenra of 'temm!..j f..t-. n tti v. jt ! u nr tt ri u o .u :i i I la8t few davs reffardin thn nntrairpniis establishment. The two central in this city on the 26th of November, conduct of some of the colored . people BjKeS & UrreJl, P0tanrA ft prl. and Tanirr. Cnm- Bishon Parker nn of th tOWardSthe Whites, We WOUld not be hPOPRTirTni?a tirrov ...u . - ' ' I I mmt mm, UK S A - A A. 1 1 m V ' I W. . I Jications with Toul, Verdun and elected Bishopa, will preside. wm De raaue irom iar, A white mn mav vf ftfP d , 7 tv ii i a Pieaseain xxortn Carolina, bnt if a col- W u u1, DUOD; '?uT ored man sh0Qld dare to vote any other s wlU connected by .bo aerial than a straghtoat RepUblican tioket tettn Aiaufi,,a' T he would-be mobbed to death by hi fornication will be had between L' , ? . . . " AND EX- own race. That is the sort ol is "free tsunr: Vote and lair eount" the Republican v uclwppti nnu rnrrt n nrPH in iii-i . . j . j , uemanu. 8 lometres or 154 miles, and as There was uot a large number at tbe veraSe swiftness of a carrier pig- organ recital on Saturday afternoon, ia iKnnt . - but those who did ntfpnH venro oi;rrkf- ouu meires. or. nnenau a minute, the iongest of these with lhe music- took place at an communication will not exceed ' is about 800 metres, ori one-halt a '4tart ; . ... honr whpn nMrlirpropvnna ia Kno. -j juurueys can oe accompasnea i - VUJJ , l4bQt five hours. the ladies with their household cares and duties and the gentlemen with tbe r b.Vn8h-Duffin. Centalia. Penna.. dnmands of hnsinps ' op. J acobs Oil, the wonder- fite5&i?reliever " just' the thing for Now is the time to give Smith's Worm CHANGE STABLE-, ENSEAL STOCK YARD FOR MILCH COWS AND BEEF CATTLE, - Corner Fourth and Mulberry Sta. Personal attention given to Boarding Oil Ti understood to convey the idea that we consider all of that race as being guilty or of endorsing such conduct. We are glad to think that it is only from the worst elements of the colored people we may expect such things. There are colored people in the city men and women J Horses. conduct and we know of many of them They Please the Ladies. who bitterly and justly denounce it. Tbey jcondemn it, net only because they 'PHOSE flexible sole boots, fit i i St. . - a ... I Aim snow it to oe vne ana wrong, out nes cause! it brings odium and reproach 1x1061 Jf 80 P"1. "r. upon those who would be respected and respectable. . i . Good materials properly porportioncd I ace how you like them. Son only br- which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be heat attain- CFeO II frencll & SOHS, ea oy using me jn . . Enamel faint j and the price co reasonable. Try on a pair ICS NOETH FRONT BTEXET- Great Prejudice to Onions "P" AS EXISTED AMONG AMERICANS since the remarkable courtshfpcf Miles Stand Idh. Since that time men hac 'been doing their osrn courting, and have been debarred the privilege of paf taking of this fragrant veg etable We have sotted the problem by selling the VALENCIA ONION, which leaves neither smell nor taste, nd can be relished by all. They arc worth 5 cents per pound, and weigh from one to three pounds. 1 The Unexpected Rush for the CreameryJButtered Flour! fan our supply short Jaet week, but we wil1 have It by Wednesday's steamer. It Is a mar- - - . velinltsway. Every one ehould try it. Re member it Is prepared by Mr. Joe Strange, who was a former . WiJmlngtonlan, nd wc know it la pure. ' P..L. BEID&EKS del 00. HO Nortb Front 8t- OCti7 Hew York & Wilmington Steamship Co. FLxUAk 'toxica, WawHTbeghu 10 rccrra eoBuanxicaUoa rrota our friends on any and aU c3jct; SaerlSatereatbnl y - Tha same of the writer must always t ihod to thoEtor. Coraffimlcatlonj mast h nrrlrtca ce oa one svie ot th paper. onaIiUe tatu; be mvoldeo.; And It U especially and partlcnUriy trtfe tood that the EdlvT doen not alwaya eadci tne news of C5orrepondat rAU 4U:e tn the editorial folnin. " NEW ADV13ICTISE3IENTS. The Same old' Olinching Nail ! . TORBURV. ... -mm .... I r ii : H t . ' THIS IS THB BEST MTCH FDr BlCYCL55 THE ISTKLLIGENT, WIDEAWAKE people of Wilmington aDPrecUtcmoTlt and enterprise. Thev are alwavs ready to lend their support and assist It the advancement of all leglilmite enterprises that accrue to the ueneui ana glory cr their native land Thus It is that OTTfcftBOUliG, tha acknowledged Klcir of Clothlrn-. oornr'p t n.1 m xr thn tAnirnn round on th laldcr of popularity. 'I hos It is that his styles, his Drtcea and his souvenirs arc acceptable to the masses or the people. And thus It Is that we hare decided to continue to offer until November 1st, our guaranteed time piece, the "WATERBURY WATCH" with every CASH sale of a i5 Salt. EARNESTLY A O IT T 1 MM - m . ...... PARE WITH ANY 8AM K lllCKn SUITS THAT CAN BE BOUGHT IN THE CITY, MINUS THE GIFT OF THE WATCH. Our gilts are given in the Bame spirit that prompts an appreciative! congregation to present a to ken to a worthy castor. Our natrons arc le- serving of thia consideration cn our part. The SC a L,es have evidently balanced In our fayor. aouwe -nan ioxover, in spue or allopposl non, ji.KVEi to tic LAN D that travo us birth, popularity and succes. OTTERBOURG, ost 27 It . KING CLOTHIEB. Santa Clans is Coming ! OTIR HOLIDAY GOODS aro on lhe road coming in, and we have but j llUle space 1 5 spare, and are bound to make room for them, 60 as to make them move, and give the ladles a chance to buy CHEA1 GOOD?, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. A FINE l iNEj of Flannela for ladles, mlescs and children; Kid Gloves, Jersey Gloves, VeU vets, Velveteens,' riushes. Silks, Satins, Rib bons, Laces, Corsets, Hosiery and Underwear . 1 - - " at prices to suit every one. Call and sco. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON. N. C. FROM PIEBS EAST RIVER, NEW YORK 1 . -' At 3 o'clock, P. M. GULF STREAM. B fNE FACTO B... GULF 8TREAM. To; Arrive 1 t QN TUKSDAT'S 6TEAMER, APPLES, Cabbages, Potatoes and Onions, at ear Fl-h Market. Come and sec bow chean e cct25 DAVIS A SON BENEFACTOR... 4 . 1. I .Saturday. Nov ." j- ..Satorday, oy 15 .Saturday, kov 22 FROM WILMINGTON : - 1 BENEFACTOR...!. .. ....Friday, Nov 'ttULroTKCAM.. ....Satnrdav ' Nnv BENEFACTOR.. GULF STREAM.!. i Saturday, Nov 15 ..Saturday, Nov 23 This steamer has been BDeclallv refitted for xpugn Kates guaranteed to and trom FoloU m North and Soutb Carottna. ror rregnt or Passage apply to tL G. SMALLBONES, buperbatendent, i ' Wilmington. N. C THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent ? WM. P. CLYDE A OO flmrZV' . Brwdway, New Yora- OCt 27 tf : f Bridal Presents!! Bridal Presents ! --'!'-.-' i - f - - - j NEW ASD BKACTI FUL IN LARGE VAEIETT 1 PLEASE CALL AT ? HEINSBERGER'S, ectn Un Eook ul Uialo etorei. Fall and Winter Millinery.' I EXPECT ANEW AND HANDSOME lot of Miillocry G-odalthia week, and having se cured the services 6f a flrst-clisa Milliner from one of th large cities, am prepared to put up work In the most fashionable styles. Ladles arj respectfully Invited to call.' v- t, rt v. MKS- KATE C. WIN Kb, No. 119 North Second Street, cct 25 tf Bet. tbestnut and Princess sts Stores for Kent. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES above now occupied by Messrs Ii. Johnson A Co. j Store and offices above now occu pied by A. Dumeiandt. Both on North Water tL ; between aug is Str ecpy 3t DEROSSET & CO. Prlnc eaa The Old North State Saloon JJAS THIS DAY RECEIVED a lot oC those celebrated HQRNEs i GARDEN OYSTER. Thf tr. wn A. and are warranted the finest oyster brought to this maract. Csll and try them" Cool always on nand. - oci j. u. McGOWAN. Off) notice. "170U WILL Do wrn. X calling at No. HO Sontn Front s;., where yen will find Cn .ih eggs, and New River Oysters, open&ndtatre ImI'iai ' Vl B" aus caP xor cash. JgT SENDING YOUIt LIGHT COLORED fi:,II3fttmlye Works. 1? I???; having thera made darker for or buying a new suit or dress. CaniAeacd sold at Jacobi's Depot. t oct 27