every evening, ooaaays ex .; - - v , ..-.a-A.-.--,;- . -::t ..;-..-:''4-v:r -- v;-;, . :-.f- .-.v-.i':; ,..,.. IT" "" ,rin- nmi'im- t ; I v ft V . . n "v , I . i-.. , r ii - - .... ii . - - - - . - - I . 1 . ft 1 .-J II . V U J 1 A r U' ii "nTry IT" n uu r- . J - 1 U H .. J r . ' H A u, iu j i yv ' : - ; ; cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, i EDITOR AND PKOPSISTOX. arESCSlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: . cpat J4.00. Six months, $2.09. Three " "Untas.fLOO; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free I f chzrge, in any part of 'h ty t the above j rtei or 10 cents per wee, i.lveetisliig lo" a1 UberaL" tjr Subscribers will report any and all fall arcs'f recede their paper regularly, VOL. Villi CT The Daily Beview has the largest Senar h,J j fidt circulation, of any newspaper talk tn M. n T " U aae a sPlend,d ""Blva L kwnod is in New York PP0 to go to the polls is a thrilling C;tj ensflering the Fall styles before one and cannot but f be prodactive ol relates ihe stump. much good in South Carolina. Indeed, " ppij u iNortn Carolina as well- WILMINGTON. N. C.. IUES DAY OCTOBER 28, 1884 T 1 I A . I pcre;ar rieiiuSuuj6eu siattu lO .a 1 nose Who rnaH ?f . reporter that! the story of the approach, giving to the following noble - u.orrii're of the 1 resident wi!h his o.xtrnrt Tn lZ'A u" i I 'CrtfclUK OI IjOT. I J AVO inrl ' - " " v WIUUU LOCAL NEWS. ! j thbuadicalgame. WwUlwcUd to recelTa oonuntaiicAtioa iroin oar trtends on aay aad t'J frabjocu. 1 82seral Interest to! The axias of the wttlsx must arrays t ' " tkted to th Editor. .OosaanrJcatloas must us wrlrUa ca ea one side of the paper. - IeraoaaHtliM mast bo avoided.; Ad tt: erpecUEy Rnd p-rCcrjlarry tide tcol that the EditnT dr, --"... m NO. 257 fJcormpoBdu rpitif .tu eur. i " tuccmionai coraaaas. dsui'bicr is without any foundation. he says: I T kniTA 1 . 1 1 i 1 ... M.., ..ockjvood announces that when WiiSonX j,etctsin she will ha e just the most every position in which he has been Do iiw iuiiy uulc uciuiucl tor any use, hvw ud iiita come up to tha loll .nd nave it tilled with all sort of bric-a- SaJdeVnaeinit and if he is Bna ! elected President I believe he will de- b'ac- vote himself with all conscientiousness to the great task of hri Sirs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, still our country,, He wilLirv and unify rh sojobrning with her twin boys at her people, and in my judgment the man Sauitner residence in Lynn, -Mass:, has Jn lh. Residential jaair who rtvilt 25 i ,, . uu i 1 1 . succeed in burying the animosities and failj recovered her nealth and will jom sectional hate 6f the past; who wiU go herlbuiband in Washington, Novem- on in the grand work of unification of her 1st. 1 mis people; wno will make U3 of the i ouutu ieei mat mis is our country, and TfceKev Father de Marzo, of San that this is our flag; who will make us KraiciSco, hr.3 invented an altar lamp i.h S which will burn for a long period, man who shall succeed in doing that bristly at night and dimly in the day- wil1 leave that placed when he retires imi The lamp is said to resemble a fljjm to Private liie, ; wiih a place in . . , , the hearts of his countrymen second small ensine; and to measure nearly onlv to that heAA hv Whintrron . i believe he is a true, a brave and an honest reformer who will devote him- The Georgia' p3per3 report that sett to retormmg the government, and I sharpers are going over the track of believe he will be, elected. Great Span's mareh to the sea gu.lios ffemt ffietlSL w fanners into .the belief that the govern- termine to work. I do not believe so merit i3 zoink to pay for the damage much in speaking,' but I believe in 1H DEI TO MW ACVE8TUES3EIT1. ! Davis Js Sox-Mackerel . : C-W Yates New Goods Will WEST-Cooks Wanted ! Craig & Thomas New store ! OPEttA OousE-'-ord's Opera Company 1 HEQfSBKEOER-Bridal Presents f F: C Miller Frlfends and Fellow Citizens ! ' No City Court to-day. s?Porriors of Election for UHs; County Are they to lie FoHowctl by Deputy. Mar alia!? .,-, , , ,' ' !- ' - . It transpired to-tlav that Jnd Seymour.of the U. S. DistnctCourt.has ! on me petition of ten Republicans in Personal. Mr. George W. Williams, with sev eral members of his family and Mr. KEW A 1 VKKTIS KMKXTS. S.H.1 Trimble, I M ' I iuiuuSun, xeu nere last night rr New S1"1; ArD ?iEAL estate .' broker " York but Mr Hiams rettrn SSiSSSSS'Ji ' . in time to cast his j vote next Tuest ay iv,tt3.,Cron.,y MorissoM stand, for Cleveland and Hendricks and SeAd Wa'ftS'S. SS" andStedman rr s'gntaents solicited. four; feet in height. Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's thi city appointed SuDervisor Depot. f Election lor the varinii'i,r;,1fti0 uM j . I I ,,,, , , " r fcw'"- utic. Delays are dangerous ! Go and r- 18 .n 11x0 list one Democrat and ister i "exmoiican lor each voting place, The recelou of ftE',hu t o! havin namj to-dayfoot un I.0I4 b, uoucans without the advice, consen i , ;j - WI owieage or the -Democrats. The &u pcrvisors of Election rcannot bjp Jonowinr compose the list : paid here as the city has not 20,000 in-1 iE3IOCdats. uaritt,,ls. accorumg to the censlis re- rirst ara. isfe UivisionT. D curP3- Murray, 2d Division-J. W. Gerdts Boss. Ik Vn,,nff oi. -. I ivisipni,eo. W. Bornemann colored RenuWr ZX" 2 Second Ward-Sol. Bear. Third Ward stand at the intersection of .i :He7 Haar' Footth Ward-W.A. - - ' M WA a4Ml S WW UUU front streets. I - IT I . 1 a . it i tvivim LUUA. Ii 11 done at tbat time and collecting fees S'" w JL the sneaking at Point n..n " j wrijr tut l i u v r l ii a v-i ira w" ' - m m w caw ww 1.11 a j n. v . t. 4n adrance lor services to be rendered have been all over the SLate and j hay6 crowd of good looking people. Mei. mpuuiiig lurougu ciaiois. i iouna inai me great aanger wnicn oteaman heads the list and Mi widow :of the over-confident. They do not take the couu. Aaroy. second Division-Joseph D. To every HousekeeDer a nnd 5,4111 Pson UUU Cumming. Fifth Ward-lst. Division, o.Kx. iiarrentine. Ser-.onrl njic mi i . . . I - - . ' Ar.ere nave been abundant promises VVm. Blanks. of rain during the pas twenty four Cape Fear Township-Iredell John- uuurs out lue "uit ol the promises has ston. Harnett WV F. AlexinrTpr r i masonooro-iwia Tdd. Federal roint Henry R. Kuhl. . REPUBIJCANS. First Ward. First Division Henry orewmgion. Second Division John H. Brown. Third Division B. B. Hill. Second Ward E. R. Brink. Third Ward N. G. Sampson. Fourth VVard-J. K. Cutlar. Fifth Ward, First Division F. H. been only two very slight showers. Comfortablo underclothing is a pre ventive against colds, and evervbodv l buouia at once go to Dyer and purchase suits of their elegant woolen goods, f The steamer John Dawson took up to Mrs. Ward Burnett, lata Gen. Burnett, owns the gold snuff interest they ought to take m thi3 elecs To every - Housekeeper I I nit I k . . T . I - .- I -i . . . W presented to Gen, Jaekson by the ..SW- lS; substant.al oook stove is an imporUnt ' " L. Freeman. New York corporation, and still con- ought to work. You will have to over- necessityand our readers will find the Manboro .Elijah Hewlett. Harnett tairiiiig some of the snuff and-a vanilla come an immense majority in the lower best at Factory prices at Jacobi's ilnos' Moore. Cape Fear Luke botarlaeedin the box by the General Portion of the State. I And it behooves Hardware Depot. f" Grady. ihe Democrats of this city are per in 1S10. It is historical that Jacksjn was up to snuff. I : f'Vrv mmi nhri rnliu-a I ho nr q rt nl jenerai I nriicnoritn rf thn lortrl In txr 1 -L- nrnrL- T r r ' ( rniott. 4 U Z t . T T . . t v. u ngiaici iuis wees. 'HBiiun 1 fn " c. . ' now, woric early, wort late, work all next Mondav hpn nil r k 1 . ? " av supervisors 01 , . - , . : . .1 , J tuy oiun election at the polls, provided the thin 'ISillJi0 Wfc? J? People will bo on hand. It is Beiuicttat Home. .Judge Bennett spoke in jWaclcsboro to-day and there was a grand U rue the re among the Democrats. A ! pec. a I rt wiveuuere says toat there were 250 men in red shirts i in lhc! procession. The streets were lull of people from the sun-oundmg country. The! music was furnished by the Monroe Silver Cornet nana. Anson wil poll a big Dcmo-i cratic majority next Tuesday. . Auctioneer. anta Glaus V, is OUR HOLIDAY GOODS . . ; it win pay ypu to reraom ber that at thiS SeaSOn When VlSn !)rprhinoinrr undomlnfhin.. r.T.iA are tn ,hc r(? d we Have but '0 yt'iuiunnun; : nUUiUll I shirts thatat Dver Si Son von pt thn 1 e sl,ac epaie, and sre bound to mate m t-- I . best for the least money. f room for them, so as to make tbera move, and Don't Bo Too Sure. We have a word; for the cars of our friends. It we are going tojbed every night this week: conGdent that "every thing is all right anyhow" we will wake up on the morning j after election and offer a big price for somebody to kick us. We say plainly that North Caro lina is not by any means ds sure as some people would have us believe. The Republicans have not yet aban doned the State and they do not intend to. Tbey are about to inaugurate some of their peculiar practices here and it is well to be on the lookout for, them North Carolina is assuredly Democrat ic and it will go Democratic next Tues day but it will require bard, persistent. earnest and unceasing work to assure his result. give the !aHc3 a GOOD, Rt chance to buy CIlKAl TAYLOIP8 IiAZAAK. A FINK JNE of Flannel i for ladles, mlf ecs and children; Kid Gloves, Jersey Gloves, Tel. vets, Velveteens, Plushes, Uks, Satins, Rib- bons, laces, Ctrsc's, Hosiery and Undenvcar at prices to eiilt every one. Call and cce. TAYLOR'S BAZAAIt; oct 118 Marlfct St " WIL111NQTOX, N. C. DIED. r,. L I ic . r,t- ll t... I r uaua;ui w oiutiuy, ut aiug- r 1 nleasanter to waih thn "i s. f. .w Bwp ,ueie DUt " 11 1S lo 'ollcvv m ton, is reviv ng recollections of some of .F Xl uu uu Uieu y wun; ' nnna " " , eu up by the appointment of denutv- M ,Uu;;:u, i... ifevery man who is registered will a1 oncc and then gooff about your busi-L. lu.T- F ueputy- m u' U1U lul " restaur- come out and yote j tcll you the gtate negs - uiiSa.s, uiea we must conless that and , j m v ' v v v ww v 1 1I GLV ULU VbiailWi Mill IV (UbV uuc Democratic Oyster Koast. BORDEAUX 3?ear! Pocky Poini, on th rP"ERK W ILL BK A DEMOCRATIC OYS ornlng of October 28, HSi, of consumntlon A . "iFSSl ?jmdx. wife B,Pela!c lSZ'lPMy) Petal. -ikxv.v, gea o,i years, 4 months rt,v. . fl,WUJ lQO ai lnst. tiool tlaya. , speakeis wRl bej in attendance and a irood We nave SeriOna fPfl m fnr fKo . . c I Thofnnenl ...t..'-m . . tlmn mwV.nvl " . . ... i. . w .vr. ucaut; ui " nimcjwjii la&e mao.A at t)io ' .vuT.t,n,.i, Grey and nineteen moie were entertain- and join the great column marching on , Qve QW JeIt m which to register our people on election day. If tronhlp llm?.cJl hSSrv"; A5e "erring, t n? ilH- airman. at llttlfl vol ft nf vniira nnaconn a.h j 1 1 .7 r i t vuucBaay 1 ..morn- wuiijr mviuuuh . rfv., JUU wdu uyescomorno resnonia hiiifo does come the responsibility will not f2S nSti rISn.ds anl aciaintSccs sic j manage to become of ace on Tnp.aric .u u j . . . ? respectfully invited to attend ol .:.u u. ". . ' v" tuc ucaua 01 tpe wnite citizens ol A . C T t . ft . I ori Vtn : tu. 1 -.. Amn to viciorv. vv nac man in aoutn uaro- tn . , - llina. which of the men who in 1876 Kite, lflaudinc wmflR nnrl CfAO nvfrn I w . k 1 . : followers. bis State, will prove recreant or renc-1 (efe we ish that we could-only LWilmington tor they have done . 1 )m(ih in ill is irn'Hi, 1 1 irf 1 1, r it h rannnr. " wuiu& uiwib.i auu uicu uu nr mminna inHn . il.i . . m ii . - r - - - v.v.. v w 1 -' 1... trmm w. . a .ji nil i r i i w u irvm. AM. . lUurns out that the man lynched by it unless we want to see South Caro- can register on that day. - just and honorable to ensure tTpwi O P ER A H O LI S P una. i rt:ii 1 1 s 1 1 ik.lhii iiHjii ii. anil liir rn m i i . t wt. . - - ' of the robber band established over us Supervisors of election are merelv aE a ir election. But they will not Sale of Valuable and NEW ADVEJKTISEMENT8. Land wrl.000 people supposed to be sane, at t n T. j" . , 01 tue louuer uauu ebiaunsneu over us I oupci yisuia ui eiuunon are merely I .,v,u. luujr will not I m v ii ti i .o , t a Ia Crosse , Wis., the other day, for the once more ; unless we want to leel once witness. ThAv n A uA be crowded and this faot w Qe I WO ftlffhlS, f nda? and Sa lirtfav. Oct if. Xnv i in Pccdcr County. 0 JN PURSUANCfG OF A DECREE OF THE aupcrior Court. mAde in the case of Thos J. ?S V 1116 laiDe SSiiSf 5"?i: ISJ 8taDd y nd see the ballots casf into be into consideration at once. :auuuD wasomya poo 1Una-. - aFthe bhi 3 the boxes and report afterwards any tic, who was not morally or legally -.re- tbe s Etron arra3; of ou meBnl irregularities they may think they de- v-ujiuiB me aci, anu wno leaves a ana tne prayers -ot our devoted tect wile and three little children. women gained lor us in 185. I THE EVENT OF; THE SEASON. They have no authority what- as your s KdTearer in rSeSs 8 fln P P. or Breathes there a man with soul so dead The Ford Opera ComDanv. What is there here to conquer pain?" wini Bayard Taylor once stated to a friend, orable year to appeal to you. again, by ProPerty. according to a biography of the poet rr T Vfk-U1 "" f r n rfu WeDisagree. And thereupon his words recoil And answer, buy St. 'Jacobs Oil. ZELDA (SEGrUIN, Presenting a sncceseifin of the most delightful FRIDAY NIGHT, Oct 31, Diet's beautiful Opera of UOHEMIANGIKL. SATURDAY NIGIITj Nov. 1st. Platmucfs delightful Opera of CHE OkANGE nriir, fVw mrk, f mm. 1 m a a A . "4 I A I mTT - k a "WW- m- . ! hind. Such a thing will never rcome the! registered vote will be nolled. with w. ..Uf?V opeasers will biake the deliciousiy funny to pas5: it cannot be, so long as the wo- Uhp! n,i , d n auenaance to address these meet- nui.Auuif int itiKtt BLACK CLOAKS. The Wigrwam. The wigwam of the Fifth Ward Dem- V . III I .. it i younglman struggling for literary tion and reform, so that you may not the contrary, the harder our people have r? . ?' f Seventh and oi.ion.Ithat he had to hew his Sjl. SVeTaTS Wk o that U,, i. hetLr aU IT! the victory because the South lagged be-r concerned. 1 here is no fear but that , " . come the; registered vote will be polled, with ho ln .7 7 owo- thfll.w.,.1 nri nmnor L I attendance to add ana traveler, just published, that he 0f the future, to stand fast by the right. We do nct agree to the suggestion to umi no Kinuness shown him when he to carry on the great work ol redemp- suspend business on election day. On was a reco-j Own WAV Ihrnnorh nhctnnloa nrifl 1J coarageme,ntb. He began as a dru'dg iaS reporter in New York. men of Carolina remember the davs ol ?7 ' . . . wo.. j Mn A H . .. . I f scshTcices. NewCostnmes. 1876 siues, we nave no Dusmess to spare at Lrt .u i u j . rr"1, scenery, ueauetic Enects.: ihi limn nnrl ehnnlrl. nfii; ll . w u kuc iiuuniug geu- M:: .V ! Auurauav. UCt. we have no business spare at dent;of I think tballihe women of our State lllu" "uu snoum- uunze an wo tlemfin fnmnriafl 11 . . 1 1 r I nnri ivitt I I n f lU.'.l I " WIU wouiu say io me mau woo coum ior- I s- vui iwsuus jw imuMDgi as m;ft. nr t . tt TT . Vnr;! ,t. fM. ' " n.'T. sake his country in this crisis, what the we'do are ovious. " ; 7 , p" xlDyHMaUxatinorl;dat , vv line iteeves. Tony i oct ss 3t f Ute accounts from West Virginia !ioy that in one county along tho t'hesapsake and Ohio railroad the Rc- ImI;iiio ii irt A M rii z . j i i . i i m --au vine was seusioiy incrcascu i neroic moinei oi me Aioorisa ivmg P repeatedly voting carloads of negro sa'l to bun as ho looked back for the w . v II J- A. T . - I . " I 1 . Messrs. Jordan Branch, Willie Reeves. Tony Destafina, Sylvester Burris, Jas. M. oulu, at xiemsuergerrs i lieok Store. A'o orf- i-uncc n prices. Mauncc pi ices 50c and "5c rt .T fl.i e ary A. Bordeaux, r i i 21MBdir co"nty. at Juno Term. 1SS4, 1 Vlll. CD MOBdir. t IA Xn) Kntxtmk.. IOC, - eell to the highest bidder at public auction! S.JW1 CiH8b' "the balance on a credU of six and twelve months, that valuable tract ' Jand, near Marlboro, in said county, , on both sldesof the W. & wriialt Road, oobtsln. lng about 700 acres, snd being tbe snare which inVh?1",0',1 to 'K118 Rch"rd M. Uordeanx. Si Kdir1SR0,I?rtJ?e la?ds oC hla ther, the late It. M. Bordeaux, of said cdunty. ' . Oct 2l to, oS WM. B UOCUT. we -i -i -i, .3 Commissioner Wind and Weather. aorersat the polling places on the st time oyere city ho had lost and At a recent meeting of the Farmer's J McGowan, . J. P. II. Klander, D. Mc. Wanted e:asthe trail passed along. In this hTnd cn Umrt n her voi Wesley Millis, P.T. tteksey. TWO "EST class beshuiU Coot. . i fr w i t- iii ri Mf'KPnwPir ri . i es am i w i m i . ri T A II lil 1 1 I i U7 IT n J TI 111 noenaCfl1 rAforO I V rklt HA mn I r mrkAf-v I i I?-A rt wrr a n for what vou failed to defend like a luo i,wun,nis esu6. auort r01 oy tne committee man." rCheers.l No. let it never be use of which a person can stand be-1 t ara ur 1 1 1 ha nQllo1 rtr t nraan I 4 U L!. : i r . I ucaiu ui uwu vm auu ug tree in anv a3 made to poll 3,800 votes. The Executive Moncbut the beat nJrlLnnW TriRw-nr are earnestly requested to be L. v . - j i j The last report on the foreign com merce of the United State?, issued by 'Treasury: Department, shows that total value of woolen manufactures ported from the country during the cal year ending June 30, 1884, was l,108. This is nearly twice'as great s the value of the exports of manu 'ures of wool during the preceding jear. ' , Icigh Chronicle: Democratio ect Mr. Donnell candidate for Or in thn Rpnnd liistrior aava ie speaks within the mark, when 1,5 8js that Edgecombe and Halifax CCQDies will poll a larger Democratic tote by 1,000 than they did two years n The Independent movement lch then had some vitality there is utterly dead ; and in Halifax there coniy n white men who will vote! ,f r York. Ii, place of Mr. WilJiamsoD, !lbdrawn because he is a postmaster, Gilliam will now meet in his cam pai?Q Mr. Orlando Hubbs, who is not 1 fine f . . . ... . '-"""aster, but who holds a suDoroi- &ite Postition under a negro postmas- So tir- c-. .1 i ; j ii i . - the e stolen tart. Atler reviewing co'rj Qonjan4 and tens of thousands ot topiS l tongh that hare been con ?Jarrby Dr. Buirs Cough Syrup we ay- so iar, so gooa. said tbat we will be called on to i : I i i . i. womeu over wuai w nau not iuc- part of the norlhcrn hemisphere (norrh nnnrn era tr rt atari ti lib-o mon .Ixfiio trr I r u uuiuvi w on and work a3 we Sid in 1876, and we of latitude fifteen) and for hundreds of will be victorious. And wheteer vie- miles around him he can form an ac- tory perches on our banners, or wo are curate opinion how the wind and doomed to sutler defeat, let us be able ..kq : to feel the consciousness that we have . 7. T 5 done our whole duty. Your great oct 23 Art Amateur. The Art Amateur, always practical, is notably so in its November issue. WILL W1CST Mackerel. 2Q URLS. MACKEREL, Fall and Winter. Millinery. T EXPECT A NEW ASD UASD30ME lot of Mlilincry Grods thla cured the ecrvioea of a flrst-cLoas Ml UneV from orc ef, tti.l ,are cllle8- ara Prepared ; put u work in the most ! fafihionhln V .TiS L'l are respectfully invited ro call. 31 lis. KATJS C. WINE Xo. 119 North Second Street. cct i tf J5et..ihetnut and Princess sts Stores for Rent. ANI OFFICES above now dr.f.iHi!oiMiw ...,. . Store and offices! above now occu pled by A. DamelindL cmrcopy 4- 5t deuosset A CO. Iessona in Wcod Rnrairiny " ''TKa Art of Embroidery -How to Paint 25 MAe,KEaBL- U When the temperature falls sud- on China.? "Materials for Oil Paint- 20 DRUMS MACiqERKL. ' statesman, your devoted patriot Mcsden,y lhere is a storm forming south of hDgt "Working Art Clubs " and the f IRLS herring, DufHe once exhorted vou to "do vonriyu - . I . .. .1 O j duty and leave thei consequences to 2- when the. temperature rises snd- v&ao1 An nouss ana Hints," are cr c y2 brls bkbring God." Men of Carolina, do your duty denly there is a storm forming north, of especial value, i The array of designs t2s star copy now and vour State will be safe, hannv. yu s embraces decorations for & ran anrl i L prospcrous and free. Loud and pro-l,3: T.hf winda bIqw from saucer fsnowdronL bntter r,latM (vrt. Hnrrift fn tlio ! TCTattt Qf eiuu ui iuir weatcer lowarus a region I x i w w w w aau i.i u n ftjbuxut ... I . r f , Oil!) flnWArSl m on n framA knnnn. I I 4. Cirrus clouds alwavs move from & suckle), a tea cosy fiasmine'). -an altar tS ont St. , DAVIS & SON longed cheering. Register1 Register!! Register!!! Brass Fir&Dogs, Shovels and Tongs. gOMETHING VERY NICE region where a storm is in progress to- front (sixteenth century Spanish work). TTHRE theue has just bees re ward a region of fair weather. . r i tt j 5. Cumulus clouds always move from E figQre P nel fr Pang. panels of ceiled a Choice Flodr. Fresh Virainia V eal. .togeth- oct 27 a region of fair weather, toward a re- carved wood, a page of butterflies, and Uew reari Hominy, Frvsh Buckwheat. Q.wu ttuviBiiawiui is iuiiuiii. i uwi(,uj iui iuuuriai an work, aiuong i 6. When cirrus clouds am mnvinir tk ;iwM:.. . -er with Teaa, Coffees. Suaars. Ac. raoidlv from the North or WnhT " , BrouPs Of Our brag WlriUe. ue aa good as evei. there will be rain in Iprq than ttvonfo. I nJmPn ' vnwuiii- i m . AND VERY cheap, four hours, no matter how rnhl it rrt oet xree Gil ES & MURclHSON, be!" A TmQ M !t rpoiovint t n:.i,i. Glos i Brandies. OnefgnmenU of Frod ace 38 and 40 Murchlson Block I 117 . : . A 1egr03 bir F derick Leighton," Solicited. Lot and SUll accommodations free si Tir '..." C'4UX wuu are moving aDd "Death and the Woodman"- somp ior country friends. Beni. W. DaviS rapidlyfrom the South or Southwest f,. ?, vooaman f some , ; craig & tuomas. - S Uhoro nill hn onlH rnln o .i I DO Id UZUre Stud lea b V .Tnspnh dft K it tia . I Prodnne C cmml!fin Mtfrchan i a ri.w. lutic "ill . a vum Itiiu ouiiui Kill tUC I . . .w, , -r a a r -v.. iUUUi9 am www gtuups oi our brag Whiskies are a jrool as t vei. isandcupids by Solon. "Love Brunswick Private stock can't be beat Tne ..T r? n 1 W XR Cabin Is a very pleasant Rye Whls ee, and "Love's Mastery"; by key. We also keep Cora Wniskics, wines, (Formerly with W. r. E. Davis & Son. wiimine- morrow, if it be Summer, and if it be and a carved hanging cabinet desizned nf i t1 u HV ton.N.C.) I Wintr. lliprawill h n nnv ctnrm Ik- t: -: .? i nt , i - . , , : . , . I ww xiuuian, Cincinnati. - mei . W BARCLAY ST. NEW YORK, R T'hn winH hTrtnri in flrton .Tvtnn1 I . afArni. nH .hon it fm , Mxlern Home c'CneS , IS Concluded 1 17RESW GOODS BY bTKAMERS ANi A- General Commission Merchant North the heaviest rain is East of yon; Wlth artlcIes on "The Bedroom." by fcaViJKiiSBSt wbieTaUrt TABALERivrnnvTPVPnnnnri.. . from South, the heaviest rain is West; Roger Riordan and Clarence Cook, ff1 t .vJL-J"6ble. M pEALER in country prodcce. Ap from the East. the v lieaviest ; rain is The Art Amateur announces the earlv MSLW : i . .! JTloar. 11111 Feed. Lard. fUmn. nA Oi . u toe time to give Smith's Worm r Dora Wheeler, viz: a decorative figure . ' e, g. blair, ood materials properly porporUooed composition ; a fan with enpids; and a : n ' 19 yorU Secnd kL eh are the essential, renisites ia decoraUTe head oi a qhUd. - Price per Enf5RSSil dy mixed Paintscan be best attain- mnnm. fti- iiniA if L 1 La LalSlZZZZi?? f.AV " 'iffrrJr? pies, ens lustiest market prices, and v: tarns guaranteed. . A trial is all I as RetT permission to E. E Bum dent First National Bank of Wilmlngt Messrrs J. U-vChadbourn . & Co.. St Mills; P. Im Bridgers Ao., Grocers mlng & Co.. Grain and Feed dealers; Son, Ice ana Fish. ; r Southern Produce a Specialty. oct 1 6m' toil bit ttai tt via iMtm4i 1 iL Vf V r n . . " . . .. . .1 w ij wu0 uwu. j., AUAiuci i uu l iUUUUKUD juuu. JTUDlISer. U UlOn I "7aerr itWMckinnA -Si ii a i . ... . Z- .1 mt IScMMtei bfll J u I III I H The Old North State Saloon JJASTniS DAY RECEIVED s a lot of, those celebrated HORNE's'ir GARDEN OYSTRB. They are kentnlce and arc warranted the finest oyster brJurfc? U tlitd Eiarket. Cill and tn 'tmr& I.P"T 1-1-1 h Itl'l .. ' wwi always oa hand, i and Clears McGOWAN. Bridal Presents ! Bridal Presents ! i - i NEW AND BEAUTIFUL . IN LARGE VARIETY ! j m . PLE ASK CALL AT HEINSBERGER'S. oct 27 - Live Book and MusJo Storts. ftldtice. jJY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARE respectfully notified that I haTe sold ant t9 Interest ia the utnr j.t.i-itl?."? oat y C Omit Tn'krrFlhe'mKe liberal patrona they hare accorded Si bespeak the same: .for th. uZrH."0- 1 Sykes orrea BeipectfoJijf " "" Mi. AlOLLIN33TORTlI Sjkes&l)rrell5 PROPRIETORS II VERY. 8 A LB AND EX CHANGE STABLES QENERAL STOCK YARD FOR MILCJI COW4 AVD BaLF CATTLK, Comer Fourth n J 2Iultcrr StL 1JQW I sold at Jacobi's Depot. 4 j Square, New York. box o.cj0a,m. . mTmm m - mm mm k. m . nor?csyt0nal at5liU?n Tea t Boardlr