- 1 MISCELLANEOUS. lifffilli THE BEST TONIC. rhis medicine combining Iron with yure Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely ( nres Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Wrnknes., impure Blood, Malaria., Chill and Ferrr, and Neuralgia. It is an uniailirTs; remedy fur Diseases of l Kidney nd Uver. It is invaluable for I'loCacs rojiif r I; (Toinen, and all who lead sedentary IL.vs. It does not injure the teeth, cause Leailnchc -r.r produce constipation olhT Jrr-n m1icii-r !. It enriches anl purifies thcblfodtf-::mi;":i! the appetite, aids the Assimilation of i o!. r. vves Heartburn and Ya hhiig, ai:..i t.ixv..'.' is the muscles and licrvcs. For Intermittent Feve rs. I.as'itvdo, Lac";; energy, ic, It lias no equal . The genuine has .'drove trade rvurk crossed red lines on wrapper. lithe i .... iuleiljb7 EK0WM'1IE3M-AI. I'XWIH'iV.i . uly;ll d&wly tc2dpnrm Sash, Doors, Blinds, White! Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. QKSC7 FOIJ N. r.ENAMEL PAINT ; CO'S READY PIIEPARKD PAINT QALL. AND EXAMINE OUxi GOODS AND get our prices before purcaaoing The fact that our Paints are irom the celebrated Fac torle3 of Wcthctill & Co.. and Harrison Bros j & Co , la suTioleat guarantee for their quality and purity. A fine line of Cooking stoves at Facte y Prices, In addliloa to oar larrc ant! full i HARDWARE STOCK, to which your ftttenUonts'respeetf ally Invited. NATtPL JACOCJ, 8.2pt 2 18 .South Fror.t Si Quarantine Notice. QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF Wil .mluglon will be cuforcad from May 1st to Novomber 'at, aa follows : Pilots will bring all ve solsfrf ra Ports south of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchors'. p-e; also, all vessels which have had any kind of sickness oa board during the passive or un arrival, and will cause a signal to be Fet iu D-.3 main rigglnpc on the port side, as -toon as pos sible after croaalng th Bar 'o vef-ecl must leave thetiuarantinc anchor age, or allow any person, eteamer.or tug t oat, ! lighter, or boat ot any Kind t- go along si e, unlcps by written authority from the Quaran tine Physician; and every vessel must be an chored as i"ar to the eastward of the channel as Is consistent wlthsafety. Regulations governing vessels while iu Quar antine may be had on application at the oCi- c of the Quarantine Phys'ciau at Smlthville Applications for permits to visit vessels in Quarantine mast be made to Dr. .Thomas F. Wood or Dr. Geo. G. Thomas, and nerm t- to obtained will be end Teed by the Quarantine Physician, if, in his oulnion, it is proper and ar.fe t allow communication with such vessels A penalty of "2 0 for each and eprery oflVfncc, will be enforced agtlnst any. pei son violating any of the Quarantine Regulations of the Port W. G. CURTIS W. I, Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington. THOS. F. WOOD, M. I). ) Consultant8. GEO. Q. THOMAS, 41. D. WMttlttB,B' may 1 2am 6m 1&15 First National Bank of Wil mington, CAPITAL. 8TtCi.. $irH),'t 0 SURPLUS FUND.. D3ioslt3 reoolvod tad eoUectlona rsdo o. acwSblo point i la.the Unit! Stxtivs, i OIKKCTOIti ; i K. K. 3URRU39 D G. WORTH A.. UARTIN. j ' JAH. SPRUNT. USOSGE CHAD BOURN. - j orncttRs E. E. BURRU3S Frfe-jldeE A. K. WALKER . - Cfcsfclfi- nl'SS AND ) Electric Appliance are sent on 30 Days' Trial. ro mn gklt, ygunq-gr old, X"iTlJ faftVrhyr fr&ai Kotn Dkeiutt, V Lost Vitalitt. Lack of Ngrsrs Fence ajd I'l'A'R, Wisuxo V.EltMi-iC--i. sad all Uioae dise&sps f ltRSOXA!, XiTtaK resultiu? frjm Abcies dTUxa. Soeel7 Uief ani couipk-te rcst- .tiou of Ukalth.". iook an MAXHooDOUAR.vxrt:EX. Jiit trranticdl ncory &( the Nineteenth C-Btrr. ir.d at once for Illustrated ltuui&let free. Address VOLTAIS BUT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. (beforeV I The Daily Review. OSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. W ILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1884. Kntered at tbe PostcfSce at Wilmington. N. C, a Becond-clasa matter. ' DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Election Tuesday, Nov. 4. FOIi pkesident: (J ROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. YOU VICE PIZESIDENT: THOMAS A. HENDRICKS. .of Indiana. foi: (iovEKNoi: : ALFRED M, SCALES, of Guilford. I OU LIEUT. (iOVEKNOK: CHARLES M. STEDMAN. of New Hanover. FOK SECKETAKY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake. FOTl STATE TREASUKEK: DONALD Y RAIN, of Wake. FOR auditor: W. P. ROBERTS, of Gates.3 forattorney-generae: THEODORE F., DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. for superintendent of public -instruction : S. M. FINGER, of Catawba. associate justice j supreme court: A. S. MERRIMON, ot Wake. for electors-at-large : W. H. KITCHEN, JOHN N. STAPLES. i FOE CONGRESS: R. T. BENNETT, of Anson. ELECTOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, ALFRED ROWLAND, fRcbeson. A FA I It PRO TECT I V K TARIFF. The. National Democratic Flat form Indorsed by Clrover Cleveland. "We believe that la tor is best re warded where it is freest and most en lightened. It should therefore he fos tered and cherished.;" The DeDic.crn.tic tfarty insists ibat it is tht duty ot l his Govern. usnt to PI JOT EOT with equal fidelity and vigilance the rights of its citizens, na tive and naturalized, at home and abroad." 4 We demand in behalf of the Democ racy freedom loc j AM1SIUCAN LiA.no K by reducing taxes to the end th'at these United States may compete with unhindered powers for the pri macy amous nations in all tbe arls of peace and fruits of liberty." -"The great issue j of reform and change in administration is submitted to the people in calrd confidence that the popular voice w ill pronounce in favor of new men ami new and more favorable eoudiuons for the growth of industry, the extension of trade, the employment and due reward of Labor and ot capital and :he general welfare of the whole country." "in making reduction iu taxes it. is not proposed to injure any domestic industries, but rather to promote their healthy growth. From the inundation of this Government taxes collected at tho Custom House have been the chief source of Federal reve nue. Such they mnst continue to be. Moreover, many industries have come to rely ujton leyislature for successful continuance so iltat any chanqe of law must be at every step rcaardful of the tabor and capital thus involved; the process of reform must be subject in the execution to this plain dictate of justice. All taxation shall be limited to the requirements of econom ical government. The necessary reduction ia taxation can and must be effected WITHOUT DEPRIVING AMERICAN LABOR OF THE ABILITY TO COMPETE SUCCESS FULLY WITH FOREIGN LABOR, AND WITHOUT ' IMPOSING LOWER RATES OF DUTY THAN WILL BE AMPLETTO COVER ANY INCREASED COST OF PRODUC TION WHICH MAY EXIST IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE HIGHER RATE OF WAGES PREVAILING IN THIS COUNTRY." Platform Unanimously Adopted by the National Convention of the Democracy at Chicago. . . Taking the cue from Mr. Blaine's blocdy shirt speeches in Inaiana, Mr. Mears, a Republican member of the Vermont Legislature, on Thursday in troduced a j resolution declining to make an appropriatibp for the proper representation of that State at the New Orleans Exposition, on the ground that the States of the South, by ''unjust ballot-law?, massacres,-Tiots, murder and violence have succeeded in depriving jarge numbers ofcitizens, white and colored, of the free, unobstructed exer cise of the right of suffrage.' The mover of the resolution supported it in a violent speech, bui after debate it was dismissed, Mr. Mears only voting for it, and the Green Mountain boys will be represented at New Orleans despite Mr. Blaine's single convert. ; .. " ' , , r ' ' 1 " ......... John T. Raymond never ale a vegeta ble; in hi3 life. He ba3 ar invincible repugnance to that kind' of food. He recently told an , interviewer that; the mass of English people know 'nothing of America. Tt is," he said, "a blank wall to them. They know there ia j a New York and a Philadelphia, but whether New York is in Philadelphia or Philadelphia in New York, or both some othr place, they don't know.'1 j - Recently, off Cape Horn, the fastest sailing vessel in the world was I$st. She was called the Oracle. She once made the passage from Liverpool to Cape Hcnlopen in twelve days, the quickest passage ever made by any sailing vessel. The latter part of the Oracle passage was remarkable, she having overtaken and distanced the famous Guion line steamship Alaska, and the Inman steamship City of Berlin, and was reported at the Dela ware Capes, when the English steamers were seen off Fire Island, Ixng Island, oa their way to New York. t , The Independent Republicans ot Utica, N. Y., in a manifesto signed by 140 well known citizens, including lawyers, doctors, business men and capitalists, give seyen reasons why Blaine should not be elected. Among the reasons given are "prostitution; his official position as Speaker of the House of Representatives to private gain and emoluments," 'falsehood and evasion." "lack of statesmanship,1 ' ismorance in diplomacy,"1" &c. In con clusion they say : "We reluctantiy se parate on this issue in grief, not in an gr, and, like old retormers. we say, 'Here we stand; we cannot do other wise.' God help and save the Repub lic." Most ot the signers are Stalwart Republicans and intimate personal friehds ot Hon. Roscoe Conkling. The executive committee of the Jinti Blaine Club of New York City have issued in circular form an address sett ling forth the principles of the orgaqi. zation, and appealing to all printers of the Uuited- Slates to boycott IVlr. Blame. "The Republican party." lit asserts, '"is the enemy of trades' un ions," and the assertion is sustained by reference to the action of Whitelaiw Reid, of the New York Tribune, and also to other Blaine organs, who have "driven union printers from theircases and substituted the cheapest non-uuiOn workers that can be obtained." In conclusion, after reproducing the plat form of principles adopted by the Printers' Union, the address says: "To insure success we must unite upon some oue candidate whose pcsibility of election insures the defeat of James G. Blaine, and-that, with due respect and consideration for ihe opinions ot those who may favor other candidates, it is a self-evident fact that their efforts will be futile, and that the exigency of the occasion demands that ail who seek the defeat ot James G. Blaine, as champion ot the 'rat' Re publican newspapers ot New York must concentrate their efforts to insure the election of Grover Cleveland." New York World: There is com paratively little change in a the finan cial; situation, operations generally jbc ing held in abeyance by the approach ing election, iu which business nien are taking unusual interest. Outside of purely speculative matters, the only feature of special significance is the drift of specie from ' Europe to this country. Last week about $2,000,000 gold was shipped from London to New York and unless the Bank of England rate ot discount is advanced additional amounts will be forwarded in tho early future. The foreign exchanges are low; and show conclusively that the present movement of specie is not. forced but is the natural result of the more favorable condition of tbe foreign trade of the United States. Our exports may not be quite as large in money vaiue as in former years, but on the other hand the consumption ot for eign goods is smaller in proportion hence our position as a creditor nation is being strengthened. i This country at the moment is really in no need ot having its stock of the precious metals replenished, and the real importance of the influx lies in the fact that it is a reflection ot the im provement ot our trade with the outer world. The city banks now have $25, 940,000 more specie than in 1883, and in other respects are iu a much stronger position than then It is not surpris ing therefore that money goes begging at merely nominal rates of interest, and that all apprehensions of stringency for some time to come are rapidly passing away. DRUNKENNESS, OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, CAN BE CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or vea wnnoui me Knowledge ot tne person takmer it. effectinr a sneedv and ner- manent cure, whether the patient is a moaeraiearinKcr or an alcocolic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temnerate men who havo ink-pn lhe;Golden Specific in their coffee with- out meir Knowledge, ana to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, (). d eod & w6m OCTOBEU ODDS Mr. Isaac Came, a rich shoemaker of Liverpool, who left bis property to public charities, opened his first shop opposite tho building where he had been a servant, and put up a sign which read! "I, Came from over the way.? A wealthy back officer being applied to for aid by a needy Irishman, an swered petulantly, "No, no; I can't help yon 1 I have fifty such applicants as yon every day.' "Sure and ye might have a hundred without costing you much," was the. response "Ever had a cyclone here?" asked a Kansas man who was yi3iting . a countryman in the east. "A cyclone? O, yes," said his aunt; "Deacon Brown's son brought one Ironi Boston a spell ago; but, law! he couldn't ride it. Tumbled off every tune he tried it." - A full-bearded grandfather recently had his beard shaved off, showiDc a clean face lor the first lime in a num ber of years. At the dinner-table his three-year-old grand-daughter noticed it, gazed long with wondering eyes, ana nnaiiy sbe ejaculated : "Grand father, whose head you got on?" "Mydear,"' said a wife who had been married three years, as she beam ed across the table upon her, lord and master, "tell me. what was it that hrst attracted you to me? What pleasant characteristic did 1 Dossess which placed me above other women in your sight?' And her lord and master simply said, 'T give it up." "Little boy," said a gentleman, "why do yon carry that umbrella over your head? It's not raining." "Nop." "And the sun is not shining." "Nop " "Then why do you carry it?" Cause when it rains pa wants it, an' when the sun shines ma wants it, an' it's only when it's this kinder wedder that I kin git ter use it at all." Ayer's Hair Vigor cleanses and invi gorates the scalp; cures dandruff and itching; an elegant dressing. A l?air Offer Tile Voltaic Belt Co..of Marshall. Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. See advertisement in this paper. t th s eow&w A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, Twill send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis -sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station Z, New York City. eod.ti&w ly For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful lints, at little cost, nothing equals the Mableine sold at Jacobi's Depot. f M1SCELLAN EO US. NewTor&:& Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIEB;34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. GULF STREAM Saturday, Nov 1 B a NE FACTOR .Saturday. Nov 8 GULF STREAM .Saturday, Nov 15 BENEFACTOR......... Saturday, Nov 22 FROM WILMINGTON : BENEFACTOR.. .....Friday, Nov 1 GULF STREAM ..Saturday, Nov S BENEFACTOR .........Saturday, Nov 15 GULF STREAM.. ....... ...Saturday, Nov 22 Xhi3 steamer baa been epeclally refitted for passengers. ar Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina, for Frelgnt or Passage apply to H. a. HM ALL BONKS, Superintendent Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGES, Freight Agent New York. WM. P. CLYCE CO.. 0tmtJ Atnnu, 35 Broadway, New York. oct 27-tf . Great 'Prejudice to Onions JJAS EXISTED AMONG AMERICANS since the remarkable courtship cf Miles Stand lah. Since that time men ha"e been doing their own courting, and have been debarred the privilege of partaking of this fragrant veg etable We Jiave solved the problem by selling the VALENCIA ONION, which leaves neither 8mellnor taste, and can be relished by all. They are worth 5 cents per pound, and weigh from one to three pounds. The Unexpected Ru3h for the Creamery Buttered Flour! ran cur supply short last week, but we will have It by Wednesday's steamer. It la a mar vel In Its way. Everyone eh ujd try It- Re member It is prepared by Mr. Joe Strange, who was a former Wl'mlngtonlan,anl. we know it Is pure. .j P. L. BBIDGEES & 00. HO North Front 8t. oct 17 : I MISCELLANEOUS . CURES Rheumatism, NeuraIgia,Sciatiea, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Gore Throat, Swelling. Kpralaa. Brntar Barnm Scald. Frri Kit, ; 1KD ALL OTHER BODILY Fi!8 1X Ifh. SoH by Drngglxts an Dealer cvcrrwhcre. KtJTjr CeuU t bottle. Direction ia H liSDotrn. i THE CHARLES A. VOIiELER CO. tSaoaMon to A. VUiKLfcft a CO.) Udltsoore. Bt,U.G. ach 20 ly d&w. I ; JUST OPEfdED ! -AT- 116 Market St., An Entire; New Stock -OF- FALL AND WINTER GOODS. BLACK AND COLORED SILBP, RHADAMES. ARMOURS, BROCADES. SATIN3 AND SILK VELVET3. FRENCH DRESS GOODS OTTOMANS, TRICOTS, SHUDDAS, CASHMERES, i i: FANCY PLAIDS & COMBINATIONS, In all Qualities ami Shades . ' " i 1 ' 1 -o Ladies1 Cloth and Flannel Suitings. A SUPERB S OCK OF 54 INCH GOODS, comprising every Grade and Shade, -o ' . LADIES' DOLMANS, NEW MARKET, T5 CLOTH AND JERSEY WALKING JACKETS. Shawls, Skirts, Corsets. LADIES AND CHLLDRENS UNDERWEAR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR AND FURNISHING GOODS. Table and Piano Covers, Smyrna Rugs, Cretonnes, '" 1 lncn Damasks, Towels, Napkins, White Goods, every variety, EmbioidcrIe3i Ribbons. Laces, Hosiery. Gloves, Staple and Domestic Goods, i Notions, &c &c. : . All of the abox have been bought during the present panic In prices, cheaper than evr before known in the history of Dry GoodF, and if my kind patrons will cal, GOOD MA. TERIALS and LOW PRICES will do the selling. KATZ 116 Market St, oct 6 Baggin g9 TieSvGins, 1 000 K0LLS BAG(iiNQ. 3 00 0 BundlC3 AEIioW TIES, ' ' c Bales Baling Twine, Hall's CottonGlns, Wilson, Child's & Co.'s Wagons. i Jli SUNDRIES Frpsh Candv. FrtUh PrMlrora Fresh Cakes, Fresh Cheese. Coffee, Sugar. x iout, moiaBsea. jueat. Juaru, soap, &oia, ;L.ye, Powder, Shot, Caps, Case and Canned Goods. For sale by oct 6 KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS Furniture. JEW STOCK FOR FALL TRADE, ARRIVING EVERY DAY Manufactured expressly for tnia. market New Styles and Low Prices. Call and exam ine our extensive variety of New and Fasb: ionable Goods, all made this se scm. J D. A. SMITH. j - r. nEsE.-THE GREAT. MB, First of the Season.' AT THE GEM RESTAURANT AND SAMPLE ROOM. N.T. BEEF, K. Y. LAMB. CAULIFLOWER, CELERY, etc The delacacies. of the Eeaon always on hJ-, r WILL WEST. octlS No. 26 N. Front at Carolina CeXatSTlC Company, a. Sept. m. is I Change of Schedule. Q ANI AITSB SEPT-Slst, 1 j. PASSENGER MALL AND EXPttss J Dally excent8mri.. - ja. , ) Leave WUiainjrion at. No. 1. Leave tatrtjKat. ...r."'" p- ) Arrive atChartottc at... V1"' 1 Leave Charlotte at..... '"'Zt No. 2. J Arrive lialelgh at '? ) Arrive at Wllmln-trtB .V A Paeacnircr Trains stop at rcr-'bl, l! only, and tolnta dsslanatol !n Mo; TlacTabia. ! - wskuJ tiJSLlilf Ml VISION, PASSIgkb v,. Dally except , -"-"'J J it , i -QJTtve at unarjotio......... v j Hamlet with IS. & A. Trains to andirS Araina --o. i ana 3 maro Cioso ootkMr" 1 - rius no. i ior 6catevUle Stt . Al3. for Spartanburg, Greenville, A,t!j Atlanta and all points Southwest. 4 r;.Wj. CLARK, Gcner.1 PaskngVf1 sept 20 . SOi Wilmington & 1 Railroad Company, OIP1CB OP GKUEHA1. SOPKRIKTEJIDKHI, WUztlngton, N. C, May 9, 14. Change of Schedule. ANDAFTERJULYlSth,iS34,AU JA. M., Passenger Trains on the -WUcH ton a -veiuon uauroau win run as foilotrs DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRADiSbAai , J N03. 47 NOKTH AXV 48 SOUTH. Lea voWIlralngton, Front St. Dept, fi.MA. A Ainvc ik t eiuuu. ....... ........... 2,35 Leave Weldon. . . I iss p Arrive at w urn-gum, rrontSt.D'pt, 85 p. W VP A nM mTnTtiT 'VST a n n . I DAII.T No. 40 SOUTH. Leavo Weldon..'.;...............;... 55 p Arrive at Wllm'gton.FrcntS D'p't imf'.i MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIX Diar No. 43 North. Leave Wilmington....... 8.S5 P. li Arrive at f eiuon.. 2.S3 A. kl Train No. 40 South will stop only &t WUwJ Trains on Tarbbro Branch Road Leavo EocW Mount tor xarboro at 1.20 P. M. and 4.S0 P, M. Oaliy, vfeuiidays excepted). Cctartbi leavo T&Tttoro at 3 P. M. and 10.00 A.M Iteh. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Eoad kun Halifax for Scotland Neck at S.25 P. M. 1 turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 A. I daily cxcr.pt Sunday. . Train No. 47 makev close ronn'Mffon at Wr, ion for all points North Dally. AM ta.V V. Richmond, and daily except SuniJav E Lice. -' ! Train No. 43 runs dairy and makes c'omcoj necuon ior ail t'oints North via Richmond k Washington. All trains run solid between Wl'mhirtcmu Washlnirton. and have Pullman Palace skd era attached. - I - I For accomraodatloa of local travel a pssid ger coacn win be attached to local freight ter tag Wilmington at 6.61 A. M. Daily cxed oimiiay. JOHN' F. DIVTSI, General SuBermtandei V. ML. EMERSON. Genera' ?asaerjrcr Ajre juiy jo - Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta II. B. Co, OFFioa or Genkkai, SurEitumnrDErr, WUmlngtcii. C. July 11.1&4. Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTER JULY 13th, liel, 9.C0 A. M., tho following Passenger Send ule will be run on this road: r NIGHT EXPRESS TEAINS, DAILY Weet and 47 East. Leave Wilmington 9.M T. Leave Florence... 2-r5" Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction CM f Arrive at Columbia KVl$l Ixave C.,3. & A. Junction 10-S Vx Leave Florence.;.. -52 . t Arrive at Wilmington. Nxoht Maix, awd passbkqeb Tract, vi No. 40 WEST. Arrive at Florence W MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN j no. a Jasu . - w Leave Flrence at V v?p m Arrive at Yiinungton ..o-v- .-- tlon, and aU points beyond, should tM An j-v trm. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Abx Train 40. j . .frt All trains run solid between Chiricste Wilmington. j ' Local freight leaves WRmmgioa oaj" cepi Bunoay at i.w n-vrX. I JOHN F. DlJUf. . : t General gnper-- T. fil. EMERSON, General Fsske6 mm jiuy A3 ' np wo stores! in one ani gbocK T.lmiAn oa Pin Si l cheaper than ever. I have removed my uptown stock to t store corner of Prmcws Ad Water (Mr. H. Ixeb's Oil stwd) where ' l pleased to see and serve my friends. 1 1. tun VICES keep constantly supplied with too ; AND FRESHEST GOODS. . 1 ..n.tn nrodaco Ited and prompt returns gaarantcea nnndav SD ALL THE WEEK YOU lLL The lire Grocer eeptRS '- Wllmicjr.J'u I SundaTa, 1 liasjoaH 1 f rTThTtTTTnH no. ; stops oniy ai lemmgvuu. a - A Passengers for Columbia aad all poin b , v

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