THIS PAPER . .hi every evena. suaaayt ex eepted by JOSH T. JAME8, , EDITOB AND FBOFEIBTOB. arTBSCBlFTION3 POSTAGE PAID: rear Six month. $2.08. Three paper will be delivered by carriers tree charge, m any part of the city, at the above rrftstising rates low and liberal. Subscribers wfll report any and all fall- receive their paper reguiarry, , ores 7 Axt'Zy Review has the largest yfae areuumon, or any newspaper ..jtfiskd, in the city of Wilmington.' Republican Rascality Exposed! - Thev Make their Last Expir ing Effort I fievamping Exploded and Played Out Charges V -IllI, HMANUI.UD REBELLION." - Ml: ! ' r' "Tpv' " ' , ; " . .,. i - , i VOL VIIL WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1. vn oi I , . : . ' ' -Ms Mrs. Morrill; the widow of Tt tit Morrill, is suffering because of her act ui zcai m snowing what her husband thought of Mr. Blaine. She daily re ceives annoy mous letters, in coarse lansuase, that contain, sentiments somewhat worse than candidly brutal. INDIGNATION OF HONEST VOTEICS ! ! The following dispatch has been sent out by the National Democratic Com mittee ': Hd'qrs NationalDem.Com., ) No. 11 West 24lh St., N. Y., J Oct. 31st, 1884.3 U. II. Battle, Chairman Democratic Slate Committee, Raleigh, N.C.: I am in receipt of your telegram and of several other communications from your State calling attention to a circu lar issued by J. T. Mott, Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee of North Carolina, which in order to prejudice white voters against the Dem ocratic ticket, charges' that an act of ibcNew York legislature lately approv ed by Governor Cleveland establishes mixed schools, while to the colored voters- the representation is made by North Carolina Republicans that Cleve land's election would mean their rein siavement; these things are wholly lalse They are only species ot the many fabrications issued by the leaders ot the Republican party on the eve of the election in the desperate hope of sustaining their waning cause. Demo crats all over the land should remem ber that Cleveland's public record is so pure that no attack could be made upon it. To direct attention Irom the public record pi their own candidate tbe Re pQ&caa managers have resorted to the most outrageous slanders about Cleve land's private character, the object of which the country Weil understands. They have attempted to excite religious animosities and make different religious beliefs I subservient to their party schemes on pretences entirely false and wholly inconsistent. They have per sistently cnargea uieveiana - with being bitterly anti-Catholie in sentiment and have appealed to priests in a circular which leading Catholics denounce as an outrage against the Catholic Church as well as against Gov. Cleveland. Now they have turned about and in an ad dress to their presidential candidate, and thankfully received bv him. ihev denounce Cleveland as the representa- ; ,The Philadelphia? ;Tim says: wnetner elected or defeated, Mr. Blaine will come eut of the contest with less credit than he entered it. If de feated, the reproach will fall only upon himself If elected, the reproach will oe vme$ tea front the President upon the whole country." ; Wormley, the colored hotelist, re cently deceased5 was traditionally sup posed to be the off-color great-grandson of Lord Cornwallis.. He had been a strong Republican, the friend of Sum ner and a j acquaintance of Blaine ; but. being an honest, high-toned man him self, avowed a preference for Cleveland and desired his success. The chief rabbi at Naples is rebnked by ultra orthodox Jews for j shortening the fast on the recent day of the atone ment as a preventive of cholera. The precaution appears to have been a good one, for not a single Jew has yet died of the disease in all Italy. Nor werQ The city this morning swarmed with beggars. - They were of all kinds and descriptions, males and females, crip- Cotton. ; The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day foot up 33.- "fa I SVY m m. 1 J ' ' - - nr.::":'"r' m. aa ,iort 33.320 w croe sical. They wer ill h U tol?er-1?83- a- increase this month of 191 016 bales to same date last year, an The latest stvles of iohinnKia increase this month of 4.587 hnW dress suits are made of colored cloths. and the old fashionable "swallow-tan" Harbor Master's Report. .l ?l!th.Wl l 60o"b8rfl0S- 3st. l88t, ho number of yessels arriv- A p o wno wails at rour "S at this port is aa; follows. n'f t S0D h"CjuSt rece'Ted Ame.rican-5 steamers. 4.S35 tons ; 2 cv guuus. s T br 3. 666 r ?1 C.K, - . .w.w, aiARRIEO. dence of the brlda'a fath. p.ii f Springer, Mr. JESSE P. RlHf Vx, Tt guanS; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Twlupt Be Sold. PPLBS, CA DBA GILS, POTATOES AND oN IONS, cheap. Come and see theln at oar FUh Market. DAVIS AON Hardware 5,800 0F A1LL KINDS AND IN ANY QTJAST1 Attention is invited to the card of tODS S a total of 28 vessels and ty. wholesale and Eetall at KOCK 'bdttou Messrs. R. H, Grant & Co., as Dnbiish ed in this issue This firm is composed of two very clever gentlemen. Messrs. R. H. Grant and Thos. Radcliflfe. and our readers may rest satisfied that any work intrusted to them will be faith fully attended to and promptly deliver ed i CUango of Hour. The hour for holding i the Sundav School of the First Rantisf nh rf VUUVU) which has heretofore convened at 9 o'clock in the morning, has been chang ed and, commencing withJ to-morrow. wm convene at 3 30 in the afternoon 11.001 tons. Foreign 3 steamers, 3,067 tons; 10 barques, 4,181 tons; 5 brigs, 1,537 tons. making a total foreign of 18 vessels and 8,785 tons and a grand total of 46 ves sels and 19.786 tons. Personal. prices. nov 1 W. K. SPRENGEK & CO., 19. 21 A 23 Market St -eel, Wilmington, N. C. iTo the Public. r. TT 13 REPORTED THAT TICKETS have X been distributed throtijrh the conatv with there any Jewish deaths In Toulon or until further notice ThU nhno r Clty but ?ow ot States ville, has been elsewhereinFrance, save at Marseilles, hours has been madfl ' in n t. n the city for some days. He tells us where seven died; but five of these better accommodate both teachers and seven disregarded the race hygienic pupils. precepts habituaUy, and one of tfee re- DeatU of a Good Man maining two died while doing hospital w duty. We are pained to learn, as we do from a letter received by a young The native born Elephant bids fair to gentleman in this city, that Mr. rival the great imported Jumbo in size William T. Carroll nil nn wnaoo nnn n-Kf Kn 4- 4- Ze HM.-1l I . knoW"nthaV nothing tK . MnSlia' DUpU Mr. R. K. Bryan, of the Hickory. eRa- Press, is in the city to-day and brings ,Xi.7 .' ""I T A t I Catawba county will give the Demo cratic ticket about 1,800 majority, which is a gain of nearly 700 on the Ben nett vote. Mr. R. V. Price, formerly of this ; JAMES W. KING, Chairman, Dcm. Ex. Com New Hanover County, nov 1 It J.. R. II. Grant & Cell ' x PLUMBERS AND GAS FITjfERS, No. 119 North Front St. PUCA25 s-orictt Ws win fc jixa to reoclva conntuajcauoa tram csx frteod oa asy and ail itebjects; ceremiatcreatbnt ' Tko naraa of the writer mxut artrsys U EiaodtotbeEdltcj.. . ' l.Comianxlcatioasrit b wrUUo . ca ca cae side ot the paper. ."-': Pcrscnalltlea must trc avoided: . And It Is CspetdaHy and particularly txtfe jood that the i Editor does rot aJhrays endcia t5e Tiea of correepodpta u?5f utt totheedltorlaJ eolwans. NEW; ADVERTlSEfllENTS. S.H; Trimble, spt' iAvrs. Auctloneer. SantaX31aus -IS- OUR HOLIDAY GOODS that Iredell will give 1 ,000 Democratic majority this time, a gain of nearly 400: VITE keep constan ily on hand Good ! Better ! ! Best ! ! ! Bkth m,,, w r, - J -.uiicrj cuikb, remedy, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. county, I i Mr. Carroll was a exports Foreitru. Br. barque Bristow, Hoodless, clear ed to-day for Glasgow with 2 954 barrels of rosin, valued at $3,069, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing Co. Schr. C. H. Macomber. Rnmill. Ranges, Lead and Iron Pipes, Marb! Slabs, Circulating Boilers, Pumps, Gas Fixtures, Brackets, Globes. Shades, In fact everything connected wlih the business. j LOCAL NEWS. tMDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yates New Goods Davis A Eon Must be Sold t. , W E Spbixger & Co Hardware Jas W King, Chm'n To tho Public Heinsbbbobb Bookseller and Stationer. 'WJ J .. ... worthy, conscientious and uprighUnap, c,eureu Ior ves, iiayti, witb 103 -His intezritv was as nnrAand 500 feet oflumber and 57.150 shingles, ostentation as his nitv w rnfnnfi valued at $1,721.47, shipped by Messrs. Hehad been a consistent member of the Northrop & Cumminff,' making a total R. H. GBANT nov 1 it ;THOS. RADCLIFFE. Conoleys Drug Store. 216 I MARKET STREET. I T nOTT riTTTi 7"vt nTTnTTo --iL - Baptist church in that town for manv OI exporis ore,ga amounting to $4.- j - Luf, t0re roars onrl Sr nil f U . nl-: . 1 -r i i I proven that his profession was sincere and earnest. The deceased was about Fowler's Point. There was a large Democratic gath- FC Milleb Friends andi Fellow Citizens 55 years of age and leaves a wife and ering at Fowler's Point. Masonhnrn R H Grant A Co-Plumbers andGasFitters one child; besides a large circle of rela- Sound, yesterday to listen to the speech- uvea ana triends, to mourn loss. es that were made and to eniov tho rhroat and Croun. Connln' rirtnotit iaTTn Will cure them; Conoley's Cologne alwavs on hand, also ; j. w. COJSOLEY. p. . None but the beat Drugs used by oct 31 I COSOjLEY. P. JIEINSBERGER, Day's length 10 hours and 39 minutes. This month has five Saturdays nd five Sundays. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 826 bales. Pender County Taxables. oyster roast that was prepared for the Book-Seller and StatiOner, ufbukk) iicicuiauc UJf VyUlB. The total amount of taxable property K D. Hall and Roger Moore; Capt. O. are cn I he road coding lrr. andc haTO but "Uje space. t j spare, and are bound to make- room for them, so as to make then: move, and give the ladies a chanco to w ruvix. GOOD3, at TAT LOU'S 15AZAAR. A FINB Mne of Flannel, for ladles, mlfsca and chUdren; Kid Gloves. Jersey G loves, VeL vets, Velveteens, Plushes, . Silks, Satins, Klb bons, Laces, Ccrseriloslcry and Underwear at prices to suit every one. Call and see. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, oct X4 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C. in Pender county, for the year 1884 as DEALER IN A. Wiggins and Messrs. W- S. Hew- taken i from the tax list in the office of lett and j. c. DaviSf all of wfaich Great Prej udice to Onions rqr A3 EXISTED AMONG AMERICANS sLcce the remarkable courtahlp cf Miles Stand lah.. Since tbat time men haTe been doln their own courting, and have been debarred the privilege of partaking of this fragrant veg etable We have tolved the problem by selling the VALENCIA ONION, which leaves neither smell nor tiste, and can be relished by all. They are worth 5 cents perjpeund, and weigh - PfAVna ivn npn vc di nUnnn I the Eesister of Deeds, amounts fr, "iJ I . nom one to three pcuuH. Sunset to-morrpw altercoon at $1,26515, dlnded as follows: r.B'- " wEDiirP minutes past 6 o'clock. Land'361,420 acres, valued at $901,830 Town lots, 154 There was one interment in Oakdale Horses. 665 Cemetery this week, that of an adult. Mules, 401 : Jack. 1 There were four interments ia Pine Jennet. 1 tive ot the 'party of Rum, Romanism Forest Cemetery thjs wesk, all of whom Coats, 429 and Rebellion." As a culmination of a were adults. ' Cattle, 6,596 campaign of unscrupulous indecentfv 16,465 they have republished a revolting scan- November steps in on the boards to- oheep, 5,369 " n?iarreayJ'ute wit.a Pretence of day. and ' beautiful day the first of the X'1" 8PinS proof, which itmade earlier inthecam- monrh htt Sl?ney oa n?.d ( ' S k t ; was a rousing meeting, and all -who were present . express themselves i oct 31 JOS, STRINGS, Ac. O.rfOl ... ,. . m. GTJITATW " VtflT TWO nno nfn va ! n . 42 327 flavu, oejen aengnieu. xnc oyster I . w Wuujiyo,- 31,165 roast was j gotten up in fine style, and 100 the oysters selected were some of the best that could be procured. The best f a t . ST of feeling prevailed throuirhout the en- Attention Democrats ! The Unexpected Bush for the Creamery Buttered Flour! ran cur supply short last week, but' wo 'will have It by Wednesday's steamer. It is a mar- paiQ would have subjected to prose ivuon wr suDornation ot perjury the The weather this morning was de- UQscrunulous men concerned in4 pro- ,. , A , , . coring it. No man who is in favor of hPtful aa just such as renders peo- noaest government will pay the slight-1 V liable to catch colds. rat attention to these slanderous false-1 nrj at a. . . . I m i i . . "uvts. ior can inev attapx inn iom 1. 1 mere wnre inren lntprmont-.a in SLr,wisthan .by roiiDgfeindiR- Bellevue Cemetery this week all of yi uuiicst vomra auu increasing j majorities ot Cleveland and Hen- ncKs electors on next Tuesday, signed A. P. Gorman, j- Chairman Ex. Committee. whom were children. Solvent credits Shares of stock (value) All other personal property Total Number of white polls ' "colored ' Total number of polls Total county taxes 40 407 OI leeuS prevaiiea tnrougnout tne en 1.812 tire day, and there is not a doubt that 5 1filL.j ! i:-u.j.. t IHTAJ. C.!M. STEDMAN. mir fMlnw fnnrr. I I 61 720 1 fi auuyuipiwueu ivi tue iemo-MXL f; veunusway. Every one should try it. Re 11 207 53.065 0 - f""v .va uv jL'wutvr- jf l . ; . v. u o naj. jnyvry OUO SUOUld tTy it. Re cratic cause by the meeting. The good man.&nd DcmocraUc candidate for Lteuten- member it is prepared by Mr Joe stran e people of Masonboro will be sure to ant Governor, will address the people oi Wil- who Jfnrn wt. . ' give a fine account of themselves at : P ' Wh W" a!form Wllmlngtonianand we $1,265,215 978 913 The Nihilists have widely circulated notice authorizing the adoption of ens ergetic measures against the Russian Government, . ... reliabilities of Freeman & Co., the broken Boston' cotton brokers, are oont $173,000. of whicli $26,000 is se cared by merchandise, bank stock, &c. There were two cases of disorderly conduct before the Mayor this mornipg, bukt they were continued. Register! Register!! Register!!! Xeft the Gang. 490 1 give a fine account of themselves at 62.191 baliot box on Tuesday next. DuocauK. McBae. Col. McRae will address the citizens of Wilmington to-night, at 8i o'clock, 1.891 in Front of the City Hall. We cliD $12,103,70 from the Fayetteville Observer the following notice of the speech of Col. McRae, deliveredjthi3 week, in Fayette ! mlngton MONDAY NIGHT, at 7.30 o'clock, in know it is the New Market House. Allot the Democrat- 5 J Ic Clubs and the citizens generally are cordial- ly Invited to hear Mm. 'j J. W. KING, Chairman, oct 31 Dcm. County Ex. Committee pure. P. L. BRIDGEES & 00. HO North Front 8t. octi7 ville: Foreclosure Sale. -gT VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A UNDERWRITER'S SALE. 244 Bales Cotton at Auction. Prof. Lewis R. Packard, of Yale Col tee. fliofl nf vrL- TT L !.. , hcw xiaven, vuuu. last Mr. -Tohn fi Woonor or.fhoSrmon I Wo nftpmnfpr! fironnrr r( C1 T IT -M ' .! T. . . - . v jb m . ki w m r u u n jl jlju 1 h I w w v w . m j w fcxjr m r l r. r . w & . A m . m n b - We observe ouite a fine d anlav nf I . - , . liT tuD.i , M'i. p.:j. ""Wwuriot cir uuover 1 - o ma uoarn n i immieainnpri Af na i-uw o owwu h..c iuu t uuay uiku b. uo .maae in a cng thm nenrt n. hstin 4 1. new Revolver for verv reasonable I tt. : - - But. alas, who can reDort that nperlpss I rich Adrian and Hank e Vo'ip.. Tns r. t u- tt j t j. "auu1 wuuij, auu uereiuiore au ear orator? Who imitate on rianpr hi trading as Adrian & Vollers, plalnUflsl and pr.ce, at Jacob.'a Depot, t nest and faitb.ul worker for the success a'toTSnSkfSlSSliS l iAfiiB xyuiiu iuo Luuiiiu eiiueu . vitouer u nuo paitj, auu uuu oil" u" huu'"u uuw ucuuum vuiuc, 1 uju, uu uwen, ucicnuanis, j as comm's 31st, 1884, Mr. James A. Hewlett , at the best adi his fishing . grounds on Masonboro had his eyes Sound, caugHt 51,100 fish. and shameless dishonestv with which matchless eloauence r oi hta wordS It tKTSSV1S T?? uiof ill concerned. i . . w hnnpnmh ,1nfn k Ko can't be done, dear readers of the 2! .t Spvprnl p-vtra nnlippmon wora onrnrn I J " w I . . I uiocs M. CRONLV, Auctioneer. BY CROvj.y& MORRIS. ON THUR5DAT, NOr. 6tb, 1814, at It . . -- , i i in MT C. I ! . a. k 1. - . . , . I linf VAW oil 1 t 1 a . ! ' I yrv, i r . .. I xw urisuiwDK afc ine rtoriBeafli lnLcrsr i ,w f uamasrea dy ere mrf wt -w k,aw v w j. wjm vM wwwvvraajii . . MiMwrrwirr r n mi l orn nan n - mw waii i ai tm -.--. i i ! i - - : - m.x .,; - i., ' ...:, . r.... oeoome entirely disgusted and will cast ZJC:'l : " .wl,ir" ? t0" Win be .oM WM WUtUlUg W W UUtj UUbli tlCl I i . , p.- . anaay, aged 48. Tn lRSfi i luradnai' .from Yale and has been Connected ytoits faculty since 1883. h - I - w. ... .iuvi j DUCCU(j 1 UeUlOE I , " -"' ".. n h fl VP nr. nOrl him ia - tn ar.ric. I trun KiTth wl V. Vxt- W . . I In lOLJI I A anil nn.liiii.u 1 . .J ..AW fi U . . - K -. . ... . W W . . . A . . i !. I V ... wu ,- u. . . mm . . - 1 - . - n I r " 1 I W' 1. 1 1 Tl r ' w MM.. WV.l-.l - fc the election. No tronhlft U atipintpri hl3 vole on Tuesday next for Cleve- you to leave everything undone rather IJP"L ."T.? tfeet; -25 3.5, " hnt th nrPP.nrTnn 7. TJ " TThT " land Hendricks, and Scales and than .miss the opportunity of hearing Huin nr,r,a u;u a oieeman. sucn nominations as James o w-o wmu juur icacu. -uuioeny sireet u Desnnnmr. i It is a mm nnnnrtnnifv rflrprl I I ho n?L"j JK e West hK of .Lot N A dispatch has been received here to- Stores for Bent.. t -W . m ' 1 l- A I- ft Ln VL 1 t .'.' ! l I - G. Blaine, fcr the Presidency, and Tyre ' " raro opportunity offered to the gSffifiSa thetrn frrARElioiSE and1 offiAeIs York, for Governor of North Carolina, Public to-night and every citizen is JV tove now occupied by MeiSi . . nrimritnh.nP,on;n 1 . l15.ifeeJ ' J? e?J.l ?t H. JLnson Co. r wrimn Halctno rats f Un. . j . T... .. . .. . .-i k .- i- . . ."""" " muioerry su , ---"v.. "ajr. -iauuS iuau iwv. ir. rnituaru were more man ne COUld endure. -& " r"5wu. n wuipuiucuk lu "ec aonn witn i ourth street C6 feet,hen I Store and offices i,vW . ad. whUr. r-r.;n f !. , ; 1 :n . . , I - I !,:..:.: . I East nrllpl with Unihorr. .t-.H I r,.. i. r;Jrrr? Bvr ye ow occu- D. i . l vi Bv,U6 w up uuuiu wm uut mxuuy me puiduo me r irst aaaea in wn co. inn flisrpnntah mPAns " uwhuxuisuw uiauji. !.,.... n"i i r.' - -: rii--f i -r . . uuretB'. r;aaj Ran." Clermont Cotintv. Ohio. Ri lfltnwT . ,,.!:.... ... - i ti . v li i Lrn r ra tta n r vi rivs . i i . i r - i.iti. . ni j i i . -m . i - - -A.-J , vc fu u.Uau. uenivius. oi naieigu, wm conauci me m ineir eilorts to secure success, was attractiua to her hthnd? Tn snmA CIIL STIfl KL. 1 t I - I, ! " . . ' i - T ujtumj nis necK. - serv ces for Dr. Pritchard u tben South parallel with Fourth street 63 feet m men r ei ids to beginning. JUNIUS UAVI9, oct 2 5t oct 2. 9, 16, 23, Nor 1 I Com'r Hi'i Botk on Korth W... . . t.. j ' tl and Chestnut.! Apply to ' ftU" etir copy st . PEROSSET A CO. A man named Whallevi .who T a member of the Brit ?!nt- sentenced in ponce jhard labor for robbing lod gng. was J A match game of baseball was played sh Parlia j this morning between tho Hard work- w I a i-onaon ers, Capt. J. Bowden, and tho King of court to nin monthi in prison the Diamond, Capt. A. Myers, which a furnished resulted in a victory for the former by to-morrow, more than Mr. Wagner could bear, and cases the thing can be done by inviting I . I.I - I 1 a ."- we think that we could name a number iaB TIUOW ?min arouna to spenu ine ofothers who would do just as he has I .V. jfr "'f ' done and come out from the corrupt Foreclosure Sale. JgY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A . .'.. '.Ulflinf MAPIammr'a A nnnlr... I T "ifcuc"rlur '-our. OI iew Uanovcr i gang were mey possesseu oi nis moral I wmu, maae in a cause mere pending be courage or were not made callous to ; ments. ; i Tlum.r IdminV" ' - m wail" Brass Fire Bogs, Shovels and Tongs. gOUETHINO VERY NICE a score ot 30 to a score of 12 by the lat- oct 27 ANIj TERY CHEAP. filLES A MURtlHSXV, 3 aod.iO Murchlaon Block :..! The .nllnwinirara iha onrv.;nfm.rf. I mn. Henry T. JBAnmah. John C -.Ann? tntiul VUW W-B Wl BI&UW MUV. J -it U U" . w .. U.W MW U TW . K U r ft . ...-f-.. - . w-. ordinate greed for the spoilt I of office. ?.f ?W0C.C- .mmy. President ! sW decree, will offer lor sale to the hUhest Mr. Wagner i, an indastrion. and S1."6'' for ,he EJ&?ffiSJ!l!-. 2. . 1 I w i i dr m mm W - - - viat&u 1 . v v r bau . . S-J-L-l rPVi-i Paolctaw rT - TIArli con n enAvMafnl frnvmn tr. If AliMkAA !?.- 1 XT I MOBdAT. AOVCmber Sd. lffii .fell th tufa ik i a .3 ft i mi Jl. .cvi . aa i m. aiu lm. . i ?.& v a at www a uuvi uud i ouiwifa ut - at - - t wa , ia uljiljii tkj a u jr- a uiiji i &. l1liii i iihy niiv ikt i . . 1 - f.P-.i SorsAP!.!. . . . . J7" . . .. ... . ... n .-. -. ... .. -1 t t.: . 7i "TT V w; . i i n(1 esuie ot the late John G. Eiuman. bcln? I XT . ! - "iaiae. just as the late Mr. ste- marriage license mis wees, wnicn was 2ouna, is a wonnv xeiiow citizen and Aasou wee&, i-enaer, oionuay. one nnamoed half, in and m thisf.inwtn5 inVu i. . . .. ..' . ro: U9i Q the fnodnpss nf h.a ItAart. to. fnr a vhits mnnm. lie issnd airtppn l we .nnrrilfti riim nnnn hla pt.r I x,u . mended every patent medicine ex- marriage licences during the month ment from a partj which has proved. Register now! Delays are danger Pfc fAnti-Fat." ended October 31st, eight ot ' which itself in no wise worthy of his count en- on- : : " i : uAagasta Chrolcle: We dare say tliat ter Davir. r--:. . . ij.j .-, I'aus was iuuuwu w su- 5 then ?eal Estate. lotaonandrttuateta -eliy, tofc &e -ox iciry. y r rcuaral. aors of all ti, o.... .-a m couples. were for white and eight for colored ance and support. 6C feet North from 1U lateraeeUoa hp Ufa Ilano- ;w ,"!, ruuBUJg thence North with I East Hst of Front street nr. ft thnv v-.. 0 the TJnion reanestini? pahh to ao-l For durable' coloring the walls ;of whicli-are the essential requisites in a : ints,. at little cost, lieaay.piixea -famlscanbe best attain-1 Cattlemen's Convention to be nothing, equals the, Mabledje sold at ed by asms the N Y. Enamel Faint tTT.!! GL V.""?"? JSy.V?01 .point r 1 one delegate at large to the Na- rooms in beautiful tints, "Qal f! tMak. , r .. - i annaio Iria Kf II m. . , -.v. a wvuicuviuu tu iyo I - . w ? S v fiouis on November 17. I J acoei's Depot. Good materials properly porportloncd Begister ! Begister ! ND VOTE IDR CLEVELAND & HEN- UKICK3 and eat HORSE'S OYSTERS, just t. urn ronTOV.rai.4i itt st.i thca weatwardlr 233 feet ca' i of Lot No 4 in BkM-k KTAfn .. apart full Lot being Cot No. 5 In Elor t sL rri. ing to the plan of the eald city of Wtlmic-ton. . r JUNIUS DAVla, oct S U oct ?. ? XS, S3, Not 1 ? Com'r t I sold at Jacobx's Depot. en,&c old nortu state haloon, j . 1,613 J are dangerous t Go and res 6 o.Trc-:t trcst J ier. Apnlytd any so tfaw 3m s&t n D. O'CONNOR; Real JKstnto Asnt FRESH GOODS BY feTE AM ERS AND A. HmfriSflfV' ?"K0 bushel Va. Meal, 1U) bbls iancy Apple. CO boxe nort aVJ SAtfr. I.S5 - J X 1.11 T (H!l Tn-....- . '. llt.IVofl.. 'r--.t r.. --,., . uvua. sau Northtrn JTlcr, eatii-age, at bottom prtcca. . I-O. BLAIR,

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