ISIS PAPER '; eTery create. ''' Saaday - ex cepted by Mi jOSHT. JAMES. . 4, OITOB AKD FKOrMKTOa. j . crRlPTl02J3 POSTAGE PAID: ioo six montha, 2.09. Three ti 00 One month, 55 cents. Jter will be delivered by carriers free JfChsjy to per week. , , - . ' Ing ratea low and UbcraL ! , . ribers will report any and all fan- p relTe r-t 'tTm Daily Review hasihe largest fU circulation, of any newspaper gtfud. inthe ctiy of Wilmington. -TjcBismarck, Wednesday, in pri conversation, denied absolutely t Vt.vl any desJgns against the in-, 'oinceof the free cities of Ger- icsay- .. - : ;! N.:: George I Seney was not so ytterly ;Ded by the failure or the Metropolitan Vatioaal Hank after all. He is to retain ..lc3;;cctioo of pictures, for which he Captain Andrews, the 93 year-Old pe trian, who tramped from .South ftiina to lieston. mis oumnicr; is fnbi-" way back. He says he met some jirls on the way "whom he wants to It i said that Mr. Chaffee is running the Republican campaign in Virginia Chaffee i3 one of the corruption ists who have been publicly charged with . nego tiiticg the purchase oi colored delegate3 (or Blaine at Chicago. I Colonel Edward Richardson, the president ol the-New Orleans Exposi tion. b33 three cotton plantations under successful operation in Washington and Issaquena counties Each place has fram one thousand to two thousand acres, and there is a laborer to every ten acres. ' ' Wcsaid in our local notice on'Satur dsytbat "Rev. T. E. Jenkins, of Ral- ei;h" would preach at the First Baptist Church yesterday. We shouldl have said, and intended to say, 'Rev. T. E. Skinner, of Raleign." - It was a slip of oars, but it was all right in the regular church notice. ; - i ne iNoruiern papers are nicu in their commendation of Mr. Hugh Mc Cullocb a3 Secretary ot the Treasury The Uerald says : "For the first! time . . r . ...... . i imceMr. Lincoln's administration a man is placed at the head of the Treas ury Department who is in every way fitted for the position. In Mr. McCuU loch we have an economist and finan cier unmixed with the'polltician. , - i ; ' Ibc studema of Harvard have ad dressed a communication to Governor Ue?elnd in which they say: We. the nndersigned students ot Harvard Uni verity, would hereby testify our devo tion to the cause j which you represea and our belief in its speedy and ejffectu ii triumph. We would, express our high appreciation of the courage and ability shown by you-in carrying ou the important reforms and the mighty trust already imposed upon you. : . Jean Paul Richter's daughter died lately, aged 82, at Munich. German journals recall the circumstance that Richter selected as godmother of his daughter the Duchess Amelie'of jSaxc Weimar, aad for godfathers the philos opher Herder, and a Jew fcroker,1 Who always supplied him on credit with any thin? he needed. iRichter's regard for this most accommodating Hebrew was so great that he wished bis child to be named Eomianuela. Neither the royal Duchess nor the officiating clergyman offered any objection to the Jew's hold ing the infant at the baptismal font. 7 A letter purporting to give a descrip tion by an eye witrQs of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, will be pub lished at the end of the present year. It tas been found in a manuscript book ong the paDers of Lord Ellockj the hi ie. who died in 1793. The book is written in one hand.apparently in the fothalf of the eighteenth century, an4 account of the executfon is a copy J letter sent by special desire. - Lord J'Wck'a father managed the aBairs: of Duke ot Perth and of other families J?oted to the Stuart cause, and 4t is njectured that the document is a copy. & letter written by a member of one ihese families. . Supreme Court. i The following appeals, from thisldis Jfct, were called in the above court on Friday and Saturday: . i . Bank of New Hanover vs. ji R. "lossom et als., from New Hanover; continued i : f . - .. jJoan E. Gadsby et als., vs. John "Jer and wife, from New Hanover; "wed by McRae & Strange for the Pontiff, and Russell & Ricaudfor the defendants. ; ' : H. Robinson vs. Thomas ; r J- Aaron et als vs. Harper J", from Duplin ; continued m f Proper appeaLbonaV T ... Wil- for iU HI I QFnn ! ! M n r Ml bSng an Creased interest in property Jfaracce, and perhaps for that very nrn are 'nsurine their lives by using r BQU's Cough Syrup. j e observe quite a fine display of jje Revolvers for very reasonable frices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f VOL. VIII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX. TO SEW 40Y(ST1SIU CITS. " The Science of Life! ' MItch-lrg Kye-8aive Jko n PcroH For Sale O W Yates Sew Goods Shriek v Fair fcuggeetlon -S H Tkimblk Auction Notice Miss E Kjlrkek New Goods ' Burn ham's Improved Turbine Pahkek & Tatlou Our Dave Mrs Kate c Wom-New Goods P I tiSf&GBJis & ,Cb?xtract3 Geo R Frekcti 4 So?fs 3 0-) J M McGowan e ok Bead This K D Hall, Mayor Proclamation XT & W & f Stockholders' Meeting- . W, C & A a B Stockholders' meeting Knights qf IJo'xoh Eesular Meeting .:, HKQf3BaB&Effi-Boolc8elleT td BtatlonerU JQL Giesciien Howard R FE Co No 1 Kerchx ek & Saxder Bros Groceries FC Miller Friends snd Fellow Citizens Jas W Kino, Chm'n Special to Democrats W H Stbaxtss, Pres't-Atuntioa Demoirats For other locals see fourth page. Register to-day ! Ho not delay ! Do not hesitate, or you'll be too late! Chief of Police Brock distributed badges to the newly appointed special policemen this morning. We understand that every white voter in the Second Ward has register ed. Good! Knlgflits of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 7 o'clock. Full attendance desired. It There were 24 interments in Oak Grove Cemetery during the month end ed Oct. 31st. 1884. Of this number 6 were adults and 18 were children, and 3 were whites and 21 were colored. When a man can have a suit of clothes made to measure for twenty five dollars, just as good as a ready made suit, he unhesitatingly orders it, there fore Dyer & Son are busy making to order numbers of those popular goods at moderate prices. f John Robinson's circus train was the railroad yard nearly all day yes terday and as a matter of course had a good maiy vistors. especially in the afternoon. The train left here at about 6 o'clock last night for Magnolia, where the company is advertised to show to day. We hear of a prominent German merchant of this city who this morning received package containing six bal lots for Hon. D. L. Russell, for Asso cipte Justice of the Supreme Court. These ballots, it is hardly necessary to state, were counted out without the help of a returning board." -Tlio .Last Chance. A'tend to the grand Democratic rally at the New Market House to-night, and hear the able exposition of genuine Dem ocratic principles by Maj. C. M.Stcd- man, who when to-morrow's sun shall have set wf II be the duly elected Lieut. Governor of North Carolina! It will be positively the 'Mast of the season" and to be sure of a good seat you should go early. Robbery. We learn that the railroad and ex, press offices "of the Wflmington, Co in mhia & An nsta Railroad, at VVhite- viile, dolum bus county, were robbed a few nights since and a considerable sum of money stolen. Mr. Bruce Wil Hams, one of the attorneys for the road, has been dispatched for at Whiteville. and the matter will be investigated and the guilty parties arrested. Destructive Fire. At about 2.30 o'clock this mornine fire wa9 discovered in the store of Mr. Hermann fctbindorf, on Nixon street. between Ninth and Tenth. The alarm was promptly given, but owing to the lateness of the hour and the remote section of the city in which the fire was located, the flames had made such headway before arrival of the fire de partment that the building with all its contents was destroyed, Mr." Steindorf barely escaping with his life. The flames soon spread to- the residence ol Mr. N. Ilulaf and that fine structure was also destroyed, although nearly all ot its contents were saved. Mr. HutaPs dwelling was insured to the amount of $1,500 in the Wilmington Mutual, and the More building, which also belonged to Mr. Hntaf. was insured tor $100 in the same company. Mr. Steindorf had insurance on his stock to the amount of $900, of which $G00 was in the ViniaH Fire and Marine, represented by Messrs. John W. Gordon & Smith, and $3UO in the Wilmington Mutual, represented by Mr. J. Kent Brown. , For durable coloring the wails of rooms in beautiful lints,- at little cost, nothing equals the Mableixe sold at Jacobi's Depot. . t; Imly WILMINGTON.. N. C. MONDAY. NOVEMBER Vote Early! It is of ranch importance that the Dem ocrats ot the different wards" in the city should vote at as early an hour to-mor row as possible. They should accept no votes but from well-known and reg ularly appointed distributors and then they should scrutinizethc ballots care fully and cast them deliberately so that no mistake may be make. We have known, votes to be thrown away in several instances through haste in de positing the ballot as well as through careles?ness in scrutinizing the names voted for. No vote ought, to be thrown away in this manner. Do not be de ceived in any manner. It would be wise to cut out the list ' of Democratic candidates from some of the newspa pers and have it in your pocket for reference. when you are banded a vote, by which means you may ascertain whether your ticket is correct or not. Look carefutiy at your ballot as soon as it is nanaea you and then look at if again as you deposit it in the box. So far as the Presidential, State and Con gressional elections are concerned, the Republicans are going to be whipped out of their boots and knowing, as they do. that the odds are dead against them, they will resort to all sorts of tricks for a longer lease of political life, and all good Democrats must be on the alert so that every vote "may be sure to tell. Baptist State Convention. This important body will meet at Raleigh on Wednesday, the 12th inst., and its sessions will be held in the First Baptist Church. Mr. J. C. Scarbor" ough, who was president of the last convention, will call this one to order. A large attendance is expected and the people of Raleigh especially the Bap tistsare making jample preparations for the accommodation of their guests. The delegates from this city were to have been selected to-night, but in con sequence of the absence of the Rev. Dr. Pritchard the matter has been post poned until Thursday night. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1. jTTENTION MEMBERS! You are hereby ordered to attends to n'ght's (Monday) meek in 5 at 7.30 promptly, as business of Importance win conn Derore tne meeting. Honorary members are respectfully request ed to attend. By order of the President. nov 3 It Kec. Sect'y. Groceries. Groceries. TJ1L.OUR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, BACON, JL' Sugar, Salt, Corn, Rice, Meal, Lard, Soda, Gl'ie, Lye, i'oap, Potash, Hoop Iron, Oats Hay, Starch, Snuff, Crackcrs.Tobacco, Cigars Candy, Candles, Matches, Powder, Shot, Caps, Paper Bags, pockets, Fuse, Ac. . For salo by nov 3 KERCIINER & CALUER BROS New Goods, New Goods, T HAVE MADE LARGE ADDITIONS TO my stock this Fall, and row Invite yonr in spectlon of one of the most complete assort ments of Blank Books, Stationery. Fancy Goods, Pictures. Frames, Musical Instru ments, Ac, ever brought to this city, and at prices that Win compare with any similar es tablishment rn tne state. 1,000 Standard Books handsomely bound, at the very low price 01 59 cents per .volume; foimer price $1.50 and upward. This is a bargain. To make room we offer 10 Pianos and 10 Or gans at a sacrifice These instruments are trictly first class, new and perfect in every respect. C W. YATES.' nov 3 119 Market at, Wilmington N C Attention Democrats ! jTAJ. C. J. STEDMAN, our fello w. towns man, and Democratic candidate for Lieuten ant Governor, will address the people of Wil mington MONDAY NIGHT, at 7 JO o'clock, In the New Market House- All of the Democrat ic Clubs and the citizens generally are cordial ly invited to hear him." " J. W. KING, Chairman, oct 31 Dem. County Ex. Committee CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, WrtatixoTox, N. C, Nov. 2, 1884. Proclamation. HERE A 8 BY THE LAWS OF NOR1H Carolina j Section 2740, It la made indictable to ell ox ai away any. Intoxlcatinir lquors with in are mxies oi any pguuv piace wiuun iwerro hours next preceding or sueceeaing any elec tion notice ia hereby gives that all places In the City of Wilmington, where intoxicating liquors are sold, shall be closed at 6 o'clock, P. M , on Monday, November Sd, anc remain closed until 6 o'clock, A. M ,'cn Wednesday. Nov. 5th. The foregoing law will be rigidly enforced ..- I call rnall good dt'zena ito assist the au thoriUes in preserving perfect order. 1 hare largely Increased the piice force for the sole purpose of preserving order and protecting every citizen in the exercl&e of bis. just rights. There must be no breach of the peace. . i - , E, IX HALL, nov 3 It - Mayor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. If SLDO8 OUR PATRONS KNOW BY TUIS our advert iements, that when we prepared to back it by Take Goods Home, Examine them Critically Itf all particular points, such as material, all, the price, which tells who sells the every instance where goods from competing houses have been sent home for comparison We do it every day, and yonrselfr.Only last week a prominent to his home from different houses , with one from ua i among them ; he kept!cur4 suit and remarked: "I do not know much about clothim but it did not take me long to decide after I had them together at home, but if I had not had them together I might have paid from $5 to $8 more fcr my suit.1 1 we nanaie an grades ct goods, guaranteeing every article worth what fyou pay for it or money refunded. After said, it pays to trade with THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST., nov 3 New Goods AND A New Milliner ! J UAYE RECEIVED AN INVOICE OF NEW MILLINERY, consisUng of Felt, Velvet and Straw Hats and Bonnets in the latest styles. Also, Fancy Feathers, Ostrich Tips and Plumes, Pompons, Ac. MISS PRITCHKTT, a lirst class Milliner, from one of the largest Millinery Establish ments in the country, has charge of my work room and cmes highly recommended. as a lady of taste and style. MRS. KATE C. WINEb, No: 119 North Second Street, nov 3 tf Bet. Cheetnut and Princess sts WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO., SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Wilmington, N.C., Nov. 1st. 1SS4. fJIHE FORTY NINTH ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Wei don Railroad Company will - be .held at the Office of the Company in Wilmington, on Tuesday, the 18th of November, 1884 . nov 3 tdm. J. W. THOMPSON, Sect'y WILMINGTON, COL. & AUG. R, R. CO,, SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WilmiVgton, N. C, Nov. 1st, 1881 rjlHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holders of the Wilmington, Columbia & Au gnsta Railroad Company, will be held at the Office of the Company, In WUmington, on TueadaV, the 18th Inst, nov 3 tdm J. W, THOMPSON, Sect'y . Special to Democrats ! IJIHERE WILL BE CONVEYANCES TO the different Townships on the day of election as follows: . i HARNETT Under charge of Capt. James I. Metis. Will leave Southerland's tstables at o'clock, A. M CAPE FEAR In charge of Mr. David West. Will leave Democratic neadquarters at o'c'ock, A. M. FEDERAL POINT In charge of Mr. Harry Hill and Mr. Wm. Mint. WU1 leave at 8Vi o'clock, A. M. Any Democrat living outside city limits will confer wth these gentlemen end thev will be carried to their place of voting JAS. W. KING, Chairman Dem. Ex. Com., i New Hanover county nov 3 it Attention I Attention I i yOUNG MEN'S PROGRESSIVE DBMO cratic Club: You are hereby requested to meet at City Ball to-night, (Monday) at Ihi o'clock, to form Torchlight Procession in hon or of our fellow townsman, Maj. Chs M Stedman, ! Democratic candidate for Lieut Governor, who wlil speak at tVe New Market House. Members will bring tMir helmets ami torches. This being the last gcand rally of the campaign a tall turnout Is expected . W. H. STRAUSS, Prea't E. F. Jomvsosr, Sect'y. nov 3 It Read This ! JJAYING TO CLOSE TO-NIO HT- AT o'clock. Oysters wlll be opened next door to oar Saloon, to-night. kto morrow and to mox row night. Raw and 8 tewed. Mv3 If - -? r J. M. MCGOWAN & SON . 3, 1884. NO 262 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . y TIME THAT WE DO NOT COtOR i say a thing in the papers vfe are our legal guaranty. mnk up, style of garment, and above cheapest. We have been vicloriods in advise you to try it once to convince business man'iaTlfiiriBltybad suit enl one trial you will say, as thousacds baye Rlew Good& ! JCST RECEIVED, HANDKERCHIEFS, Linen and Silk, all prices, stamped free of charge Applique Designs, Tasfela, Pompoonat and Cords. it.. Felt, Plush and Satla, all colors, for Fancy Work. Notions, &c. MILLINERY Hats and Bonnets, ; St aw, Felt and Velvet and Frames Iot Aiking. ! Wlngv Birds, Tlpo, Ac , Respectfully MISS E. KARREIt. nov 3 i Exchange Cornfer. P. HEINSBEEGERj Book-Seller! and Station er, DEALER IN PIANOS AND ORGANS, FANCY GOODS, WEDDING PRESENTS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, BAN JOS, STRINGS, &c. n'v 3 $3.00 $3.00. paE BEST t3.C0 GAITER FOR GENTS' wear In the State. ' Good stock, good finish, , r . i good style, good wear, and good value for! the money. Bay a pair from - 5, " Geo. JR. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT J3TREET' r I nov 3 The Truth Will Shine. yy K UTTER NO UNCERTAIN SOU SD when we speak of cur stock of Men's Tine Clothlog as being superior in point of fit md finish to that of any : other house la the city. WE ECHO no false statement when we 'tell the people of Wilmington that our garments are made up with care and taste unequalled by the best Merchant Tailors the South adords. AND OUR WORD is not doubted whenfwe practically illustrate to our many patrons that we save them on every suit tne bur of us FULLY 60 PER CENT., or in plain langujage GIVE TWO SUITS FOR ONE, as compared with the enormous DOUBLE PRICE usually charcred for merchant taUor work. : We solicit an lm partlalexam lnation of our stock. We show you the garments already shaped. We guaraatee to fit you to your own satisfaction and to the satisfaction of your family and iriends. In short, WE BARGAIN to do the rlht under all circumstancss, and shall leive no ston unturned that Is calculated to exem plify our appredaUon oz a general patronage by a generous people. - The liberal support given our COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTMENT has compelled us to enlarge our facilities for pu&hlng forward Hhe work of supplying our OUT OF TOWN CUS TOMERS with increased promptness It Is a rule of onx establishment to supply the best and choicest goods, no natter what grade ia desired, that the market affords, and always at the Lowest Possible Price. Parties order ing Men's, Boys' or Children's clothlog and Gent' Fur&ishlng Goods, have n guarantee from us aa to the inalltyof GOODS SENT THEM, which will be exchanged or money Ire funded in all rases where the purchase proves unsatlstactory. cot this out and address au orders to i- OTTERBOURG, I . KING CLOTHIER, njv3 Wilmington, N C H9rie and Baggy far Sale Cheap. ' . , . .... Vt, - J - ' " I A YOUNG MARE. 6 YEARS OLD LAST spring; gentle and kind; -warranted sound; a iso BUGGY AND HARNESS; will be soli cbeap. Apply en Elghlh, between Market and Dock streets No. ls-o . - nov It v JOHN H. PUGH Sygges'EDOini o '. - TT Kia be glad to receive ccrsaicaUta tnsa cur frianda on a7. aid tH'.il ecacrallatcrcstbit -' The naae cf tte wxitst ruxst always fc 2ate4 toils Eittr.lill lr-: -' I --jV .:f Commcniatlcna tasrl X vfttia ;cs ca " o&saldeof the paper. , f S Personalities cuat be avclloA.: , And K is especially aad particuls.riT tide tood that the Editor does xot always eadci a tbo views tf coTTSspoxKicsU ca!, sr u. t to. the editorial colrtcma. . - NEW AIVEBTISK3IENTS. SKTU W. DAVIS, Auctioneer BYS. U TEIMDLE. A T EXCHANGE CORNER; on Wednesday XIl ov. 5th, at lo o'clock, a.- m , I wUl &cll at puonc auction: ? . ,: . s Ciood, Large Horses, ' - a t lCiood, Small Mule, . 1 Top Lnggy and Harness. -Ana at tav Sales Looms at 11 nvi-rt eral assortment of McrcLasdlic. Clothlnjr- NoUons, Carpets, &c. Also 1 ano Bar rom Glass. EOV 3 2t Our Dave JpUESII. YET WEARY, BY CONTI SUAL bantling of those heavy COOK fcTOVES, -acd tins way ho has been snatching oat Heateks is aEt.mshtng, even to "non-porus milv More left atd moro coclnar. PURE WHI rE OI L. nov 3 - hi eadq uarters ! Creamery Buttered Flour! Fresh and of most excellent quality. Every ' ' -' I. gootl housekeeper will give thlaprepar- . aUonatriil. 35c per package. . CAPE COD CltAKDERRIES NEW BUCKWHEAT. ELEGANT SUGAU CURED MEATS Hams, Strips and Shoulders. Fulton Market Corned Beef, Large Fat Mackerel, and Codfish. Orders from the country filled promptly and with satisfaction. We propose to suit you. P. L. BRIDGEES & 00. - .. j . . HO North Front St, nov 3 -:.-: B u r n li a ra ' s IMPROVED Standard Turbine! Is the best constructed and finished, gives better percent age, more power, and is told for less money, per horsepow er, tnan any other Turbine in the world. X3T New pamphlet BURN HAM BROS, York, ra sent free by nov a 4W The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. ! ' A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. ExhaustedVltality. ! Nerrons and Physical Debility. Premature Decline in Jtfan. Krrora of Youth, and tho fotold miseries reenltlnir from indiscretion or ! excesses. A book for every man. young, mlddlo aged and old. It contains i presenpuons for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of whiffh is lnvaln able. So found by the Author, whose eTncrl, ignore ieu w inc mi oz any pnyslclan. ZOO pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, cm -bossed coders, fuU gilt, guaranteed to boa finer work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for $2.50, or the money will bo refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by maU, post-paid. Illustrative sample C cts. ocuuuuw. uuw idcisi awsraea tne autnor by the National Medical AesoclaUon, to the officers of which he refers. The Science of Life should be read by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It wlU benefit all. London Lancet. There is no member cf society to-whom this book will not be useful, wbetheryouth. parent, . guardian. Instructor or clergyman Argonaut. - Address the Pea body Medical Institute, r Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street. Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on aU llseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases teat have named tho skill of aL j P? A 1 other physicians a specialty. ITl CL 4 Em Bur h treated success! oi-"fi" PJ rr r" W without an In- I fa 1 Y S L2 stance of failure. Mention this paper, nov 3 d&w 4w Stores for Bent. 1)17 A REHOUSE AND OFFICES T f above now ocnoplod by Messrs. H. Johnson A Co. I Store and offices above now occu pied by A. Dumelandt. I Both oa North Water St.; between PrinceU and Chestnut. Apply to aug 13 tin copy 3t DeROSSET & CO. Brass Fire Dogs, ' Shovels and Tongs. SOMETHING VERY NICE ' AS I VERY CI1KAP. GILES MURCHISON, 38 and 40 Murchlscn Block oct 27 eal Estate. -pTOUSE3 AND BUILDING LOTS for sale ia all parts of the city. Cash " i - Vi 7' t oron theicstaixneiitp'x.11. ' ' 1'; --V.1 Apply to. . D. O'CONutt, aug 30 aw Zcx sa:m i Ileal Eswto Agent FRESH GOODS J5Y STEAM EKS ANI . C.TJoe, now arriving': wx bushels Va. MraJ, I'M bbis Farfcy Apipies.' to hor.K3 asort. ed Cakrs, 0 bb!s N. . Cabbage, toxes cavnei Good?, 5 I be Creamery xiuttcr, l,cco lbs, a. C Mestj. Jxlih Potaioca, Turcica, rionr. Mill Feed, Lard, Bacon, and Northern Sausage, at bottom prices. ,T K- G. BLAIR, oct 27 No, 13 North Second fet, TP? r. f