XHI3 PAPER . .'r every evening; Sunday v flx eptedby mi josh t. james, COITOK AND PBOPKIKTOB. ,.CRIPTIKS POSTAGE PAID: S" , f4 00. Six months, C2.0G. Three c' 55 jjoo; One month, 55 cents. . 'r will be delivered by carriers free ri m any V of the city, at the above .or.i1 , In? rates low and liberal. H 1 r-c their paper regularly. 'r "lc D ttv Review as Mm largest t,:.e circulation, of any newspaper '':.' a vilke city -of Wilmington. v that Victoria Mcrosini i i v -m;-.'?irir'e ana -uiinuppy. ifrhincfc Capol ha just pased . t a At ' . I :iUi roue-stone on too patn- C ilhf ''in. American actress., in - w j;1' J J " - i l rr i " r i Hov::j.nrKCi j ueatrc. la ijouuon: . .'I',' Paul iM-a, flio son of Editor Dana married shortly to Miss Dun- ''- i (ianki'ier of William Butler Genera: Jacob D. Coxvthan whom f,w suldii-rs are belter thought o! in the UVs: wh3 once was Governor of iltciJoiJ nottoyote for Mr. IMaine: - !- - ; 1 1 The peo'ie of tho Territory o jlonUna vpte.l yesterday upon the question !: adopting a Constitution cadet' which to ask admission as a i'-itf inh the Union. ' . Juan (.iallegos i3 building a huge xire ce!hr near San Jose Mission, in Anmia ccunty, tJal. Nearly 100 bricklayers are at work upon it, and thee si will be at least; $50,000. in men', Jav a the Blaine so-called business parade in New York Wednes iiernoon there were not less than .1,000 rail r .,:td employees, compelled to urn out by the railroad .jobbers and cnwjKuisis who pay their wages. Mrs. Ilerukofridt, the wife of Alexan der lierckel'eldt, recently found in des iitutecir u rn stances in Chicago, proves !i tut a tiis c e of Richard Wagner, the .it fanpoT ( .1" fame. Her maiden , name wis ! rothea Braekliaus. . ,. , Mr. (ii'vka W. Childs. publisher and l-roprieiur of the Philadelphia Lcdqtr, a ail well known for his benevolence ami philanthropy, promises xto collect enough money in this country for the restoration of the church at Stratford- on-Xvon, England, the' birthplace, of Sbake.vvarc. Gen. Grant, who is writing an ac count of his ' battles, sai4 recently that he enjoyed writing more than he ever enjoyed anything else in his life More than fighting?" he. was asked, and he laughed and answered heartily: "I never liked that." It is reported in New York that the enjazement of Lord Vernon to Miss Fanny I awreoce may fall through on account of the , dot being insufficient. Mr3. Lawrence thinks that half a riiil liou is ample to pay for a title for her daughter, while Lord Vornon holds the money is insufficient to support the title, as he has hardly a sou of bis own. 'IVc need the means for organizing our pirty in this State,'1 wrote a lead ing politician. An answer came promptly by telegraph: "Will ship to day one barrel whiskey, one gross St Jacob j Oil, sure cure for bruises, sprain.-!, etc., and one orator; invoice by mail."' LOCAL NEWS. TO NSW ADVERTISE tfEMTS. I'R C 5 MXis Card oi l North State Forever W Yates Xcw Good J E tiUAxt Skating lihik f 'iF.:xsBfc.R(iER Bookseller and Stationer. F C MiLLEa Friends and Fellow Citizens H Then; was no City Court this morn- orth Carolina covered hejseif with ' ry yesterday! Br. steamship Elstow, Robertson, Rbieh arrived here to day registers 1 tons. ! Wilmington a3 overflowing with Soo-J catured white mfenthis morning. The Republicans were sombre, sour Jnd silent, Tfcere-wa received at Dyer's this oming the finest line of neckwear we nve ever seen and aro being marked 10 retain at very reasonable prices f 'Jplin county glorious old Duplin. s'od nobly by her colors yesterday and elected her eDtire county ticket, besides foiling up her usual majority for the Stat2 and National tickets. Yesterday wa3 the most quiet ee'.ion day we have ever "seen, and list nijibt, outside of a short epaco on front street in tho vicinity of Kas- prowiez1 store, the streets'were almost Verted. , or durable coloring the walls of roois iQ beautiful tints, at little cost, othing equals the Mableine sold at JAco?rs Depot. ' t Fin A .--."., " 1 . 1 ! 1 . 1 VOL. Till. WILMINGTON. N. C.. "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1884 ND 264 The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot op 850 bales. Old 'Sampson God bless her conie3 right square td the front whh 1,100 majority lor the ticket. This is a gain of considerably over 100 per cent. British steamship Cam Brcat Jen kin, cieafed to-day for Liverpool, with 4,632 bales of cottoa, valued at $219, 062 shipped by Messrs.. D. R. Murcbi- Ison & Co. Tho sal of valuab'e real estate on Market street, between Second and Third, appointed for to-dy, was post poned until Tuesday next, the Uth inst.. at the Court House door, at 12 o'clock. . The young folks will have an oppor tunity now lor some healthy recreation. Messrs. Grant and Ruark will open a skating rink in the Giblem Lodge build. ing. corner of Eighth and Princess streets, to-morrow evening. IVIetroroIojrical . Dr. F. W. Potter, city physician makes the following meteorological report for the month ended October 3 1st. 1584: Total rainfall, 63 ; highest tempera ture 92.5; lowest'temperature 40 7; men temperature G8 5; prevailing winds N. E,; greatest velocity of wind 19 miles per hour. The Opera House. On Friday night night next Lillian Olcott will appear in the Opera House in the Shakesperean love tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Miss Olcott i3 a young actress cJt much promise of dis tinction and she will be supported by an excellent company, some of whom are familiar to Wilmington theatre goers. The play is one of the most interesting of the creations of the "im mortal bard," and will be presented in an excellent manner. We observe quite a fine display of new Revolvers for very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Personal! We regret to leain that Col. D. K. MeRao is quite sick and confined to his house. He i3'suffering from a severe cold. Capt. F. G. Robinson is quit, sick and is confined to his house. We hope that be may soon recover. Capt. J. J. Biwden, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks, has so far recovered as to be able to be out. Mr. W. T. Bray U seriously sick at his residence on the corner of Red Cro3s and Sixth streets. His disease, with which he ha3 been suffering tor some time, is of an aggravated nature. North Carolina. The glorious Old North State, which two years ago so nearly fell into the hands of the Republicans, ha3 been gallantly redeemed in this election. Returns received from all directions indicate heavy Democratic gains every where. We estimate the majority at not less thn 15,000, and it will probably exceed these figures. Scales and Stedman and the entire State ticket are as surely elected as that tho sun rose on election day and wo have eight of the nine Con gressmen. Some of the gains are very handsome. Sampson, for instance, gives 1,100 majority, against le3S than 500 fur Jarvjs in 1830; Duplin will go nearly as much, say l.OOOagainst about 750 for Jarvis; Columbus 700, against 650; and Richmond 150, a gain of nearly 800. More distant-counties have also made remarkable gains. Halifax gains 1. 200, Pende? probably 200, Cumberland probably 150, Wilson 300, Wayne 150, and Buncombe 300. Whatever disaster may befall the National ticket should there be any- North Carolina is surely ail right. Good materials properly porportioned which are the essential requisites . in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. f A ,Step From Starvation to Kiclies. In St. Louis. Mo , a Canadian, Louis P. Alhman, reading in a room No. 325 Spruce st , was tho happiest man last night. To a reporter he said, "I was out of work and mouey. I borrowed 81. 00 from the bar-keeper at DeVota's saloon, on 4th st and bought a fifth of ticket No. 70,403. in the Sept 9th draw ing of Tho Louisan a State Lottery. My family ran out of food, and I offered the ticket for fifteen cents no one would buy when I received the draw ing list, and found I bad drawn 15.000. my wife and brothers who had scolded ni immediate!? recognized my ability. I and congratulated me heartily. I once SOlu a liCKet ire iuia euuiu wn.jt onci raying $1.00 for it, six years ago, for $3.00. and U drew $5,000 the next day .V St, Louis (Mo.) "Republican Sept. 18. The Result. At this writing, 4 p m.,"the cuUook on the Presidential ticket is oot very encou raging. It i3 more than probable that the solid South, with Connecticut, New Jersey anrf Indiana, have gone Democratic, giving 193 votes, and lack ing 13 to a majority New York "and Michigan are both in doubt. The for mer ha3 been counted upon confidently as oing Democratic, and was con ceded 2l" such during the . forenoon, by Republicans here, but this afternoon as the returns became more fuliy de veloped it seemed greatly ' in doubt. The latest dispatches relative to the State are that the Democrats claim it by from 3.0OQ to 5,000 and the, Repub licans by 10,000. LATEST. A private dispatch received here at 1:30 p m from Secretary Gorman says that New York has gouo Democratic by 10,000 majority and New Jersey by 2,600, with good majorities in Connect icut and Indiana. Cleveland is elected. The City and County. The election in this city, and in fact throughout the entire county.passed off with remarkab'e quietude. In the city the voting was done principally in the early hours of the day and there was not the slightest disturbance at any of the polling places. The follow ing is the result: FIRST WARD. Frst Division Cleveland, 105; Blaine, 515; Scales, 100; York, 512; Bennett, 106; Dockery, 513; Merrimon. 108; Russell 513; Robinson, 105; Man ning 506. Second Diyision Cleveland, 00; Blaine, 450; Scales, 84; York, 461, Bennett, 85; Dockery, 459; Merrimon. 86; Russell 464; Robinson, 87; Man ning 41?. Tnird Division Cleveland, 41; Blaiue 2Qd ; Scales 42 ; York, 284 ; Ben nett, 41 ; Dockery, 281 ; Manning, 42; Russell, 280; Robinson, 44-, Manning, 270. SECOND WARD. Cleveland, 306; Blaine, 106; Scales, 370; York, 103; Bennett, 362; Dockery, 99: Merrimon, 362; Russell, 110; Rob inson, 332; Manning, 108. THIRD "WARD. Cleyelaodv540; Blaine,. 150; Scales, 340; York, 148; Bennett, 335; Dockery, 144; Merrimon. 337; Russell, 145; Robinson, 347; Manning, 143. FOURTH "WARD. Cleveland, 281; Blaine, 128; Scales, 284; York, 124; Bennett, 277; Dockery 121; Merrimon, 275; Russell. 130; Robinson. 275; Manning, 119. . FIFTH WARD. First Division Cleveland, 206; Blaine, 317; Scales, 205. York, 350; Bennett, 201; Dockery, 316; Merrimon, 205; Russell, 315; Robinson, 189; Man- niDg, 332. Second Division Cleveland, 79; Blaiue, 309; Scale?, 79; York, 309; Bennett, 79; Dockery, 305: Merrimon, 77; Russell, 307; Robinson, : 79; Manning, 298. Masonboro Cleveland, 61; Blaine, 53;Scale3, 62; York, 56; Bennett, 62; Dockery, 56, Merrimon, 61; Russell, 58; Robinson, 65; Manuing, 53. Federal Point Cleveland, 23; Blaine 105; Scales, 23; York, 104; Bennett, 23: Dockery 101; Merrimon, 23; Busseil, 103; Robinson, 23; Manning, 100. Harnett Cleveland, 118; Blaine. 192; Scales, 120; York, 190; Bennett, 119; Dockery, 188; Merrimon, 119; Russell, 192; Robinson, 123; Manning-, 184. Capo FearCleveland, 34; Blaine, 241; Scales, 34; York, 241 ; Bennett, 33; Dockery, 239; Merrimon, 33: Rus sell. 243; Robinson, 44; Manning, 228. RECAPITULATION. Cleveland, 1.634; Blaine, 2 699; Scales. 1,749; York. 2.882; Bennett, 1.726; Dockery, 2 852; Merrimon, 1 728; Russell, 2.890 ; Robinson, 1.713; Manning, 2.734- A remarkably handsome woman is anthrophical movement in Russia to supply the poor of that country with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the great rem edy for cough and colds. , Mortuary Keport. ' From the regular monthly report of Dr. F. W. Potter, city physician 1 we gather the following vital statistics: During the month ended October 3Ui, 1884. the aggregate number of deaths iu the city amounted to 70. dis. trtbuted as follows : Number of white males 14, females 12, making a total of 26 whites. Of this number 11 were adults ad 15 were children. Namber of colored males 19, females 25, making a total of 44 colored. Of thli number number 25 7 were adults and 19 were children. Crushed to Death. A note from a friend and subscriber at Moss Neck says that on Monday, while the material train was passing into the turnout at that place, a colored boy. about 17 yars offsge, by the name of Grant Drake, attempted to jump on the cnr3 while in motion. He fell between two of them and was instant ly killed, before the eyes of a number of witnesses who were unablo to help him. He was dreadfully mangled. U. 8. District Court. , The United States District Court, Judge Seymour presiding, convened in this city at 10 o'clock this morning. 4 The following grand jurors were drawn to servo for the term: O. G. Hayes, foreman; R. L. Hutching, David Jones. F. W. Ortman, C. S. Love, John A. Everett, L. W. Stanly, T. M. Williams, John G. 'Wagner, Geo. W. Flynn. G. W. Grissett, Wilson Bowden, W. H. Cregg, Henry Green, John D. Woody, J A. Oales. J. J Gay, and Geo. W. Carroll. Supreme Court. In this court, on Monday, thejustices delivered opinions, in causes heretofore argued, as follows: E.G. McDaniel, administrator, vs. W. J. H. Bellamy ft als., fiom New Hanoer; error; judment modified and cause remanded to probate court. Wm. Strickland vs. H. II. Draug- han. from Sampson; petition to rehear dismissed. State vs. Hugh A. Russell, from Sampson; no error. State vs, Duplin Canal Company, from Pender; no error. To every Housekeeper a j good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f NEW ADVJERTISEMKNTS. Skating Kick. GIBLEM LODGE, Corner of Eighth and Princess streets, will be open as a Eoller Skating BInk to morrow (Thursday) evening, and will continue open till further notice. Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., for Ladles; 3 to 5 p. m. for Children and 8 to 10 p. in. lor Ladies and Gentlemen J. E. GRANT, Proprietor. David Suark, Manager. nov 5 2t . OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, NO. 323 SOUTH FOURTH STBEET, op posite Miller's Drug Store. Jtsh Soto change of office hours, which ar as follows 7 to a a m., 12 to 2 p. m 6 to 9 p.m. nov 5 - "FRIENDS AM) FELLOW-CITIZENS : JJAB MB FOR MY CAUSE AN BE SI lent, that ye may hear." Colognes, Extracts. Toilet and Sachet Pow ders, tioap, Tarkish Towels, Toilet Cases. Full llhe of Drugs Ac. Prescriptions a spec ialty. At . F. C MILLER'S, aug 11 Correr Fourth and Nun sts " 1 1 r 1 New Goods, New Goods. J HAVE MADE LARGE ADDITIONS TO my stock this Fall, and row intito yotr in spection of one. of the mobt complete assort ments of Blank Books, Stationery. Fancy Goods, Pictures. Frames, Musical Instru ments, Ac, ever brought to this city, and at prices that will compare with any similar es tablishment in the Stale. 1,000 Standard Books handsomely bound, at the very low price oi 59 cents per volume; foimer price $1-50 and upward. This is a bargain. To make room we offer 10 Pianos and 10 Or gans at a sacrifice These instruments arc ktrlctly first class, new and perfect in every respect. C- W. YATES, nov 3 119 Market at, Wilmington N C Conoley's Drug Store, 216 MARKET STREET. JOOK OUT, FOB COUQHS, COLDS, Sore Throat and Croup. Conolov's Cough Syrup will cure them; Conoley's Cologne always on hand, also J. W. CON OLE Y. P. 5. None but the bet Drafts used by octSI CON OLE Y". FKESH GOODS BY STEAMERS AND A. C. Line, now arriving : 5C0 bushels Va. Meal, 100 ubls Fancy Apples. 10 boxes assort ed takfs, 50 bbls N. Y. Cabbage, 50 boxes t anned Goods, 500 lbs Creamery Butter, l.uto lbs. c. c Meats, lruo Potatoes. Turnips. rlour, Mill Feed, Lard, Bacon, and Northern rausage, at bottom prices. E. G. BLAIR, oct 27 No. 19 North Seccnd St. Female School. St.. James Seminary. MISSES BURR & JAMES. Prtnc'pals. MRS. M. S. CU3HING, Ma&lcal Instructress. rilHE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL SESSION 1. of this School will commence oa Monday, 6ta of October, 14, and close about the third week in June, 18S5- Speclal opportunities for learnln the an of Painting la water colors, oil. pastel, Ac , wl d be afforded those who desire their children to learn this beautiful and faehloaaate accom plishment. Poplla outside of the School ac commodated with suitable hoars for leaning Music or Pain ting. For farther paitlculirs nanire at the Principal. v sept li J. L. WINNER, WATOJMAEER JEWELLER. i . 5J V.i -'-4 ili- - chrono meters,, rioo watcoea and Jewelry repaired and warranted. uppo&uertew aiarxet, xrontot. new ADT3irrisjE:RNrs. . Old North State Forever. gtECTION I-OVA.U INDtciTS point correctly so drink Cletomer, ginioke Can! IL Cigira avd be happy. OLD, OE"IHSTATE ALtO!7, nov5 li South Front Sueet. Hardware QF ALL KINDS AND IN AST OUASli ty. Whole--al3 anl Eetall t ROjpK BOTTOM prices. W. Ei SPRINGEeI CO.. 10. 21 Jt Market Street, Wllmlqxfoa, N. C. nov 1 1- Headquarters ! 5 Creamery Butterecj Flour I Fresh and of most excellent qusilty. Every good housekeeper will give thisprepar ation a trl 1. 35c. per paokajre. CAPE COD CRANBERRIES, NEW BUCKWHEAT. I ELEfi A NT SUG AR-CUttEl ME ATS i Hams, Strips and Shoujjders. Fulton Market Corned Beefj Large Fat Mackerel, andiCodfish. Orders from the country Hilel promptly and I - with satisfaction. Wc propose tdj suit you. P. L. BRIDGERsj& 00. 1 lO North Front! St. nov 3 WILMINGTON & WELDON It. R. CO., SKCBETARY'8 4FtflCEt r Vir.MixoTON, N, C, No?. 1st, lSiL rjpHK FORTY NINTH ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Wol don Eailroad Company will belhcl l at the Oftice of the Company in WUnhlngton, on Tuesday, the lestb of November, li$i. , ' l nov 3 tdm .). W. THOMPSON, fect'y WILMINGTON, COL. & AUG. RjE. CO,, SECRETARY'S OFfIcE, f WiLMlSGTOK, N. C, Nof. let, 11 .rHn: rilHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock JL holders of the Wilmington, Collin bli A Av. hc'id at the gusta Railrovi Company, will be 1 Offie of the Company, Jn Wilajnston, on Tuesiav, the ISth !ot. nov 3 tdm J. W. THOMPSON, Serf Our Dave i pRE3H, YET WEARY, BY COjNTINUAL handling of those heavy COOK STAVES, and the way he has been snatching out Hbatkus is ast .n'shlng, even to ,fnon-porus" mer. More left and more comine. ' PARKER & TAYLOR- PURE WHITE OIL. nov 3 UNDERWRITER'S SALE. 244 Bales Cotton at Auction i i M. CRONLY, Auqtiojieer. i BY CRO LY & MORR1 under the Inspection cf the pgen ,of ihe Ur. dewriter'sforandon sccouatoi alllconceriied, 241 BALES STRICT MIDDLlNGjjCOTTON, but very slightly damaged by ire ind water Ex Br. t. ship, CARS BBEAL VAlU be sold m iota to sui purchasers. ; i oct29 4t 29,31, Nov 3, 5 j New Coodir ! TCST RECEIVED, HANDKERCHIEFS, Linen and 611 1, all prices, stanj 1 free of i. Jf charge Applique Designs, TasecU, Pohfroocs and Cords. j i Felt, Flush and Satla, all coTorl 1 Work. Notions. tc for Fancy I MILLINERY Hats and Bonnet. Sfjaw, j M Felt and Velvet and Framia for ui iihig. Wings, Blrij, TIpr, Ac , RespectfnrJy ! MISS E. XARIStER. nor S ETchoft Corner. i QN THURSDAY, NOV. 0th) 4, at 11 o'clock, a. m., we t III sll ujon kdler ley's wharves. (Wt tide of therivftr) Ut order and iron csx frlendi ca asy a&d ail 'sstjKl; msra! Interest bat . w Th uss of tte writer must alwar bt . tlsbc4 to Um KdCtox. , '-V: - - CofBiagnTcaCcra x&ut t mne c ca 6a j of the pspcr. v : Fersoc&nue avjtt be toi!lJ.: ' Aiul HU car-etil3y iirt!cnliJy tree tood tt At tos JtiStcr Zoe not rwr rsdcj a tis Titers cf conxiinilcnt tr)- r fi t ta the e4if orlil c-oluc.v" ' ' NEW ADVlIItTISiCairNTS. S H. Trimble, STOrK AN D REAL, ESTATE BEOKER pc2 A v tic-Beer of cccral &lrrchaoi:5 ct . Try Ue-srrlntion- OCic cottier frit y ami Water ttrcris.l Crcnty .t M rfsV cM tjn J. FerKuial a'.tetjtt?n given to ak of banes and vehi lea ei prrvais sa'o or at ncei!o. Con. . ssmncT.t3 soi:)cIte.i. fcETIJ Vr.-WAVfS. t :pt iJ Auctioneer. OPERA HOUSE. Two Nights and a Matinee. Friday & Saturclaj-, Nov. 7 8. Snj-tjuiicet exiroiNllnary rt tha ibaxrctpjr Vourg a inerlcu Tragedienne, LILIAN OLCOTT, ua icr Urn mara&emcnt f'f liOLANI I, TAY-Ll-.UKE, supprttd by a .crcat tomtuny FRIDAY. EVENING, Miaicspcare's iraracrta! . ! loa tratnly , . ROMEO & JULIET, J Li.i h r. . . . 'J M 13 Lllinn Olcott Bo m u. . . . J Mr. H . F. Bairoughs tfTL'UD'AY LVKNING : I'ysruiiilfon ancl Galatea. GALATK l. LllUt Olcrtt PYGMALION. ...Mr. W. r. Lu.rrJt ght SATURDAY MATINEE. IJtilUer's LADY OV .LYONS. PAUI.i N F.i . . ...... .. .MIsb 1 Ahxn Olcutt Cl.AUDL MKLNOTIK. .Mr. W. F rnrroUAla Popular prices. Jjc.it s en ml at Helm-bei.. Ker' cn Thursday. Matinee prlcesSiand CV, and doors fr cn ai I.3J. hot 4 St For Sale. 1000 CAnrju;fcs. IQQ BBLS. API'LFS, 11 a LS. POTATO J!d. MUST BE SOLD. W. E. IJAVIS & SOS' nov 4 New Goods i j AND A. -, i !- ! New Milliner ! 1 HAVE RECEIVED AN. INVOICE OF, NW MILLINERY, consiitirg of Felt, Velvet aud Straw Hats at.d Bjiinets In tho latest fctyles. Also, Fancy Feathers, Ostrich Tip and Plumes, Pompous, &c MIS PUITCIIKIT, a II rat cUes Milliner, from one orTJX Unrest Millinery Establish mems-lnthft country, has charge cf roy work room tiujX cincs highly -recommended as a lady c.f 1.1 te and t-tyJe. i MUS. KATE C. WINE&, No ill North Second Street, . rov 3 tt Let. Cheetnut and PrtncCKS sts M.CKONLY, Auctioneer, j . - ' BY CRONLY MORBIS. Partition Sale. . JgY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A aecrce of the Suncrior Court of Niw Ifr.nrK county, in a certain ex parte special t rocced ing there; pending, wherein Frederick J. Ixrd, ArmandiJ. L'cacssct, William L l etioseet, and others are the petltlaners, X. as Cointntg sioncr uqder said decree, wlii o'fler for ealo to the highest bidder, at the Court House door. in the city of Wilmljijrton, at 12 o'clock, on Wednesday, thcathdayot November, 18S4, a lot of land situate in said city, beginning In the WeM line oia private alley, which opens into South 6ide of Market street between roc- . oad a-r.u Third streets, at apoint 19 feet South lroia Intersection of said line of bald alley with Market street, and runts log thence South with eai t! line of said alley If feet, thence West parallel with Market streets feet, 7 Inches, the nco North "parallel with, fee snd street 17 icet, thence Eaet parallel with AJarket street ts. feet, 7 Inches m lcglnnlng, being a part of ;Lotio. 4in Block 153. Tcrm3 pf SaleOne fourth of tho purchate niOECv to be raid in. cesh, balance in thrco equal Iribtahnenls, in 4,8 and lii month, rc fpeclivcly, from day. of sale, purchasers to j'ivc t.cl.- for deferred payment drawing In tercet from d.iy ol ealo st rate erf tight per ecu'. A. J. DfcUOSser, Consmta-lcucr. cct 3 tjt. oct 1, 1.V 17, 21, nor 3,4 Above ea'o la poetpoted until Tue6dy text, Vcvenrber )lin, at ihe Court House Xoor. & t 12 o'clock. nov?, 3t, wtn raon M. CUONLY, Auctioneer. BTC CRONLY & MORRIS. - o - ' . Partition Sale. B Y VIRTUE OF A DSCKES OF THE rt' j;erior v-uui v tv iinr nau TCr COUCiy, In ft -auc there leading t efbre the Cterk between r - . . - . . v-. i t . cr.?. diifefcdsnta, I a? Commissioner nndcr said uecrec, win ur r icr saio to the LJghcn bid dcr. at Hit; Court IIoue door in tno rli nf Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, on Wed cedar, f inu ui) ui ,uiaucr, BJt lliai 10VOT 1 tltcate --hj siii city, tglnnlDg in t.'tf - ' line of Marke street, 'i icet ASt froyf tersection with Eastern Hoe of frecoau tw... aud runhlng ttcr.ee Eaet wUh Market street K lef t. th(n h.r.r. th tiArallot wllh ka 30 feet to u brick wail, tUtuco Wc&t wl;h ssld wall: -2 ftet, tbence Sowh with aill wail s7 feet and incbet tt & bri-k bu ld'cg, thence -with the line of tail bulldlrir Eat 4 a ad 7 laches to a Will, thence South Hltb s;ill wll atd the West line of another brick built lrg 16 fee and 9 lechea to a stone wall, ihexu-e Weft with paid etoae wall 45 xctt. a no the .co Noith parallel wish fcccord sirect JtK fett beginning, tieisg part vt Lou Jios- 1, 2 anu 3. la iiiocs iM. ewd lot will be dirldod by a straight line runnlcg from North to Ssuth, aud oll in two eepaikte parcels; the Weti 1 u or paicei baring a front of 23 fet oa Market street and waning bzrX the tima width JSfc and the utt loi .ts&rhvg a fiout cf 5t5 Xcetcn Market and runkia teti, Itlaj 2i feet Plat of a.d lotcan t:c.cedratolHce of Cros'y &. Morris. . -?v-uv., ... .. Terms cf Sals tOceiotuts cf iuchaVe m.ney to bs i-aii la nh,l tfsHnce in three eq oai k.taiii&ct xa e vi--Ll moitas tk pciirciy tromdtv otssf?, rrtf i&tr to gte nolo for deferred payrnesr, dis. r. latcrc&t from day cl site at ra;o oi v. :- . r t. - JL.-J.-Df tCVi. -T OCt 3 It- oct 3, 10, 17, 4 XOT-C, ! V"C Above sale is postponed until Toestlay eqal November 11th, at the Court House Ujor, at 12 o'clock. nor 5, 3t, w tlx moa james u aiuiug atu wne i.nzi u. alundfl Msry C. Lor, Xm. L. Deliosset. Jr., and or hern, vhietSU, and Frederick J. Lord," Ar mand.I. Defloi&tt. John U. London ii.iiaV.ih.- s.id building 23 leet and 7 Inches, thence West with the hotthern Sine of satd biJidini? s nt