THIS PAPER every evening. bllahed Sundays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, gUlTOR AlTD rSOrKIKTOB. uBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE' PAID: ear Six months, $2.00. Tank nthflf j 1.00 ; One month. 35 cents. 1)r will be delivered by carriers free v L in any part of the dry, at the above I'oocnu Per week.- .I- - 'idling rates low and UberaL Subscribers will report any and all fall- i,. hitr naner rarubirlr. i to Xv '-'1 ' y " lI! circulation, of any newspaper pushed, in the cUy of Wilmington. tfCope wa3 given a reception in Chicago last week. ; , . Benjamin Fitch, the New York. phiU Uthropist. is thougtu to do oymg. Mme- att was exPeclC to arrive at w York from Europe yesterday. old Tippecanoe" Harrieon'a tomb. ,t Korth Bend, crumbling. Ohio, is unkept and General Butler was reported dead on &st Tuesday night. He was a lively corpse nt day. ' - : The Galveston News says: Just im jfine Butler and Mahone pooling their issues and flirting: with the public rrom ; the aamc balcony. It it were not for the surplus reveni e, ibe Kepublican Cincinnali Gazette scg ffcsl? that a tariff on opera singers, actors and actresses wonld be a good A late letter from Senator Cameron, of Pennsylvania, dated Paris. say3 that he will visit Germany,' Italy and Spain before returning home, and that he will not be back until next Spring. Open confessions are jsaid to be good for the soul. The Chicago -frews, candid Republican, prints ,thi3 : -'October doesn't aDpear to be" our month, and we are afraid November is going the same way. -The country evidently i in need of some sort of a liver regu lator or ton ic.' LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yates New Books W II Orkex Toilet A rtlciea . . Tat tor's Bazaar Notice Hkinsbkroer School Books J C W iute Telephone Notice Henicy F Slateh Dancing School Jso T Schoxwald New Drug Store Jkr.vos Bros. A DeRosset Just Keceivcd statement Thames & Mersey Marine jiiu rance Company J II Boatwrioht Wilmington, Clinton & Point Ca swell R It The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 782 bales. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistolsjwhenshe ran to hi3 assistance, and in at Jacobi's Hardwara Depot. Oysters are not very lat as yet. A good rain would help to make them more palatable. The larlcst telegraphic, election news can be seen at the Reading Room of the Turcell House to-night. Presbyterian Synod will be held in tho First Presbyterian Church in this city, commencing on Wednesday, the Hth inst. There was a slight fall of rain this forenoon but the cloujl.3 passed over and probably visited some other more favored locality. Unmailable matter remains jn tho Postoflicc, in this city, addressed a follows: Miss Chloe Davis, 190 S. Portland a ve; Lizzie M inter, Aligoods, Dr. Walter C. Murphy, of Pender county, passed through the city to-day with a span of beautiful gray horses for the FayettcviHe Fair. Ho left on the steamer at 2 o'clock. On Thursday night Alvin Joslla will appear at the Opear House, after which there will be no performance tfcere un ill the nights of the 15th and 16th inst.. when the World Conffritny will appear. Read the excellent showing made by the Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Company, as comprised in the' state ment published elsewhere inthisl issue. Mr. W. J. Gordon, of this city, Is the general agent ol the company. ' The Firemen Tho Cape Fear Steam Firo Engine Company, (colored) celebrated the 12th anniversary of their organization this alternoon, by a parade and a trial prac tice of their engine from Market Dock. is a fine body of men and they, per form efficient work in. oar fire depart ment whenever called opon. - Lost O verboard. : .. .... . 4 tl m-f ' vapi. xnoore, oi tue tcnooner ' fTatVc, the arrival of which was noticed in our marine news '' column,, sports that when off Hattcras on ihe th of October, Samuel Carr. a colored seaman, . fell overboard from the mkzen topmast while furling the top sail and waa .drowned -A boat was lowered and every effort made" to save him, but he sank before, help could "each, him, Hewas. Ironi Antigua esfIndies. : -1- . - r . ; f HE : .lMtT":IlIIliR ; ' - : -. - . f - - - , - : r - ' ! - - f "7 , . . , - - . VOL. VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C, TUBS 'The city is overran with tram p3 and we warn the people to be on their guard. There were seven ol these worthless loafers accommodated with lodging at the guard house last nighL There was only one triflinx caso be fore the Mayor this morning, which was that of Sam Iafkins. colored, for disorderly conduct at the theatre last night. ;j'he sentence of the Court was 3 days in the citv prison. Mayor Hall has consented t delivel an address belore liannekcr Library Associateon, at their room on Princes, next Thursday night, at 8 o'clock public are invited to attend. A ne I i leleirates to Gou vcnt.inti. At a meeting ol the First Baptist Church held last night, the following were elected delegates to the State Cor. vention which will assemble at Kdeoton on the 14th inst : lltv. l)r. T. II. Pritchard. Messrs. V . I. Oidham, George H. French, James V Collins, J W.Taylor. D. L. (Jorc.-B. I. Gore and n. J. Jvans. j ne ueiegatcs were instructed to use their efforts to have the next . annual Wilmington . Convention held in In a New Hole. We notice in one ot our Augusta, Ga., exchanges that Mr. F. M. Bur beck, formerly of the Madison Square Tbfeatre Co.. and a Ailmington favor ite, essayed with entire success ""the leading part in Harry Lacy 's "Planter's Wife" Co. Mr. Burbeek will be well remembered as having appeared here as Piitacus Green in Hazel Kirke, and as Esterbrook in Esmeralda, in both of which he made a decided hit in this city. Stricken "With Paralysis. Mr. Richard Meadows, the driver for the Hook and Ladder Co. who' -was hurt last week, had been confined to the house since in conseouence untilJ yesterday, when lie returned to his work. He was present at a meeting of the Company last night, and after the business was concluded and tho mem bers dispersed he attempted to rise from his seat, but was unable to do so. He called to- his wife, who was near by, attempting again to rise with her help, he fell, stricken with paralysis. He was conveyed to the house and to bed as quickly as possible aud a physician was sent for, who did all in his power lor the sufferer. At last accounts he was as comfortable as could be expect ed, although considered in an extremely critical condition. Our Strategists. The above-named play was prosented by the Haverly Comedy Co., at the Opera House last night, and itrwas the best performance we have seen this season. It was a farcical comedy in every sense, full of the most unique and ridiculous situations and with a dia loguc iu which there was not a single suggestive inueudo, as is tco frequently the case in the comedies ot modern days. There was cot a poor actor in the entire compauy, but all were first rate in their respective parts. The lead ing character' of Jack liulledgc. the Strategist, by Mr. Henry B Bell, was irresistibly funny and his impersona tions of the two old men were inimita ble, and deceived the audience as to his real identity on several occasions. His was a piece of consummate acting. Messrs, Henry Lindur, as Maj. Abijah Howard, and T. II. McGrath. as ArUiur Rullcdge. were both excellent. Mr. Will II. Bray, as Sergeant Gumble ton was first rate and his imitation cf the colored waiter's song was one of the best we ever heard, and convulsed the house with shouts of uncontrollable laughter. The other males in the cast were good in their respective parts Miss Katie Gilbert, as Nellie Howard. was superb and did some splendid act ing. Miss Marie Bate?, as Mrs. Major Howard, performed her part to perfec tion, as did also Miss Millie Warren, as Araminta, although the latter was suf fering severely from a cold. It is im possible in a short newspaper para graph to do justice to tbe play or the actors, but for any one w ho. desires to enjoy tho best and purest, of fun in large doses, wc prescribe a visit to the -Strategists." The music, by Messrs. Smithdeal and Grtenwald. was very good, the first medley- being csn pecially 15 do. : ' Mr. Henry F. Slater, of Raleigh, a gentleman who comes to our city with excellent recommendations " wU open a dancing school for misses and - masters in Germania Hall, on Thursday after noon. , -, -- T - .Board or Aldermeu. The Board met in regular monthly session yesterday afternoon ; Alderman Chadbourn moved to amend the minutes by striking out the protest ot Alderman Boney, spread up on the minutes nt tbe last - meeting. Motion last. The Committoo'on FiAace askexl l&M further time on the petition of .W. II drcen and others tor the repeal of the tax ou soda and miueral fountains. The Police committee reeom mended the purchase ot the cloth hat (a sample of which was exhibited.) Adopted irfn. ,L,f they had awarded tbe contract for forms to A David. A communication from the City. At torney with reference to the. repairs and replacing of surface of streets so referrod to hiiu wasjfead. . The chairnian of committee ou streets and wharves made a statement as to the bitls, &e., for the paving of Water Alderman Fishblate moved that the Mayor be authorized, to advertise for thirty days for contracts to put down block paving,- &c.,.ou Water street. A communication from R. J. Jones. Chairman Board of Audit and Finance on the subject of the assessment of the property owners along Water street, wa3 reasl and the matter deferred until the next meeting. AldermanBear moved that the matter of the employment of the steamer Xicc at $33 per month be referred tothecom mitteo on Fire Department with power to make the contract, the Board of Au dit and Finance concurring. Adopted. Committee on Lights moved fhat the resolution passed at the meeting of October 1st, placing gas lights at the corners of Sixth and Church and Sixth and Castle streets be repealed. Adopted. The 3ame committee recommended that oil lamps be placed at Ninth and Swann, Gwin and Wood, and Dickson and Gwin streets. Adopted. Alderman Fishblato moved to amend section 57 of the Tax Ordinance by adding in the second line alter "dry goods"" "clothes aud furnishing goods," and striking out "SIS" and inserting "SoO." Motion adopted. .Alderman Chadbourn moved that section 75 of the Tax Ordinance be re ferred to the Finance committea. Alderman Fishblate moved that the City Attorney be authcrized to employ additional legal assistance if he so dc sire, in the matter of removal of ob structions on Front street attached to the building known as the Bank Build ing. Adopted. Alderman Fishblate moved that the Mayor and Chief of Police proceed ac. cording to law to remove the piazza on Front street attached to the building occupied by the First National Bank. It was resolved that the committee on Market and Fees be allowed to lease to Wesley Croton a part of the lot on the corner of Fourth and Campbell streets for a barber shop, the same to cease at the option of the Board of AN dermen after thirty days1 notice. The same committee recommended that section five (in regard to forestall ing) of the Market Ordinances be stricken out. Adopted. The same committee recommended the amendment of section 6 of the Market Ordinance as follows: Strike out all after the word "Market" in the 13th line down to tho word 'any" in the 17th line and insert the following: "Nor shall it be lawful for any huckster to sell or offer for sale any of the above named articles at any place except in the public markets." Adopted. On motion ot Alderman Dudley the ladies of the Dorcas Society were grant ed the use of the City' Elall forNovein ber 14th free of cost, it being wanted for benevolent purposes. On motion of Alderman Bear, It was resolved that the Board ot Audit and Finance be requested to concur in an appropriation ot $18.25 to cover ex penses of Mayor Hall to Charleston in the interest of the city. On motion of Alderman Chadbourn, an appropriation ot $25 was made to purchase the flagstaff from the State Fruit Growers Association. On motion of Alderman Chadbourn, ' cents on the dollar, and on the white it wai ordered lhat the Board of Audit j polls a tax of thirty cetts each ; which and Finance be requeste! to increase said assessment and taxes shall be paid the compensation of the Overseer ofjovtr to the county treasurer for tho the Streets to 50 per month. . Oa motion of Alderman Boney it waa resolved that tne alayor be instruclea j to notify the Wilmington Gaslight and th Clarendon water n orks Com pin ics that all Belgian blocks Ukcn up on Front street, for making and 'laiUigjbrfdgf? near the ojd atr grounds. pipo-bo replaced in as goud a cosWition as before, oU; or befor the 20rfi ofi November. 1S83, or. the City Attorney DAY NOVEMBER will be instructed to. institute suit at the next term ot tho Supertor Court againct said companies for damages for violation of their contracU with the ciiy.i::,-r-;-.';: ;', ;-: . . ... Petition of the Historical and Scien tific Society for use of a hall in the Front Streel Market House; waslreTer- tlhc x on Markets with power to act mie Chief of Police was. directeil to remove all tho old pumps op any of the j om.7vo ui aH4t7wub.: wnicii- aro not .w useranl a!sfti' sawdust Dixon strctt ai soou asHogsible. r Pream rand resolution of Alderman hogs running at large in the streets, was was lost. A communication was read front the Board of Audit and Finanae, concur ring in the appropriation of 11,000 lor tho purpoee of paving. North Water street and relaying the sidewalks with hard brick ; in the amendment to para graph 80, section 12, class, 2. of the Tax Ordinance, not concurring in the placing of .a .hydrant corner of Nutt and Brunswick streets, aud not concur- i nog in me request lor tne men auuttionai for thiee months for the a ic purpose of impounding cattle and hogs. A communication from the Board of Navigation ami .Pilotage, was read giv ing permission to the authorities of ihe th'j Carolina Central Railroad (subject to the concurrence of the Board of Aldermen) to repair and improve their wharf in accordance with the petition of Col. L. C. Jones, Superintendent , which was concurred in. Petition of sundry citizens for a plank road or sone other means of better transportation between Orange und Ann streets and the proposed extension of Water street, was referred to the committee on Streets and Whaayes. County Commissiooers. The Board of Commissioners met in regular monthly session yesterday. The Treasurer submitted his monthly report for October, showing a balance on hand of $12,352 14 of which $6,500 is a certificate of deposit and oxbibited five coupons of $3 each and two of $15 each ; which were burned in the pres ence of the Board. The Educational Fund shows a balance of $ 10,791.39. The Register submitted his monthly report! of fees received for marriage licenses $11.40 and exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for the same. The chairman of the Board reported the sale of au old boiler, $50; a stove, $2.75, and old iron, $1.10; and the re ceipt of $14'jail lees; and for all of which the Treasurer's receipt was ex hibited. . Ordered, that the tax of A.W. Wiggs for money on hand listed at $3,000. be corrected to $2,000. Also, that the tax on $1,000 listed as money on hand by Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, bo remitted. Also, that the tax on $1,200 income against W. B. Phillips, be reduced to tax on $200. N. F. Nixon was granted license to retail spiritous liquors for two months from November 1st. Ordered, that all Arsons who have made themselves liable to the payment of a double tax on account of delin quency in listing property for taxation, be relieved from the payment of a dou ble tax. and that the sheriff be author ized and directed in all cases where a double tax -is charged against a 'delin quent for 1883, to receive and, receipt for a single tax only, upon certificate from the Register of Deeds setting forth that such tax has been charged as a double tax against such delinquent. The Board decided to furnish each county officer sheriff, register of deeds, clerk of the Criminal Coot, clerk of the Supreme Court one ton of coal each, for their winter sapply. The School .committee for School District No. 6 in Cape Fear township reported that at an election held in that district October II. 18S3. under the Local Assessment act, assessment re ceived 1 1 votes ; no assessment none. Ordered, that ihe clerk of the Board make a list of all taxable property and polls of the white tax-payers of Cape Fear township, and command tbe i sheriff to collect an assessment of ten j benefit of the public schols iu township for while child rtn only. said j The supervisor f public rtadj f Cspp Fear township recxaimendetl ii that 2.500 feet of two-inch lumber be provided for the repair f the pubitc-i f Jumrs were drawn for the &ufrriur and Criminal Courts, as fo!hwar Saperior Couit First Week J A 6. 1883. NO. 262 Wilkinson, H II Heide, J M Chasten A W Rivcnbark. J R Fowler. J H Schroeder. C W Slokelj.j W 11. N Koch. James P, Watson, George Grof gen, Daniel Lee, William Monroo. - Second. Week J A Hewlett, Charles T Bonum. S W 'Skinner, C Lietgen. Joseph. Doane. George t W Hughes, hDuncan M Williams. John T Biddlc. B J Jacobs, William Hahn.l John W Gerdts. Charles Robbins. -.Criminal Court E F Cotton, A J Wackcr, William Jaeksdn, Jacob Scott. A A Hartsfield. J T Woolvln. D J George. II E Scolt. II JS Frizzell, Daniel O'Connor. y r .Turlington. James A Tare -Robert Green. C W ( McClam my, Thomas L Williams. John i E W Georgo. Roderick MeRae. Ch: Charles Craig. W H Flinn, William Walters, Henry Redcr, Nicholas Hullen. George Chadbourn.- E J Lilly, Jrjj N Mahr, T P Sykos, I) B Mitchell, John F Garrell, George E Harden. Isham Quick. f NEW ADViSKTISEblENTS TO SUBSCRIBERS WILMINOTOH TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. ! 1 ADD TO YOITK l.TST : No. 75 PARSLEY & WIUfSlNSs, Illiton btcam ttaw and llalalB Mill nuv Hit f. C. WHITK, Manager Mimds Bros. & Dcltossct, -'(. DRUGGISTS. MAKKKT STUhET. TU3T RECEIVED Till? 1AV, A Sl'LKX. J i did perfumed Toilet' Soap, 1 cakes iuabox, 50 cents per box; Finest KngllsUjTooth lirusu es, 25 cents each; hitfre lot Toilet Paper, 15c package, 2 for 25c.- A full line of jl-ruis. Chem icals and Patent Medicines no " 6 a DancingSchoolat Germania . Hall. I' I WILL ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON next, at 4 o'clock, lovra a daw In Danclnc. for Misses and Masters. Persons desiring lo have their children taught all the latc-tt aucca will do well to take advantage tf this oppor tunity. Private le&ons jrivea at any hour. novGU lilCXKY K. SLA I Kit. Clinton, Point Caswell & Wilmington R R. Office Secuetakv & Trkascukb, Wilmington. N. C, Not. 0, S B IDS WILL Bfi'UECJCIVED UNTIL Thurg- i day, 15th Inst , for grading: the fourth Section i of the Wilmington, Clinton & Point Caswell Railroad, beginning; at the Fifths mile post and running to the Tenth. Specifications can be had of the Engineer, Duncan M. O'ilanlan, at roint uasweu. J. II nov G td Star copy BOAT W"B1 Q IIT , fcect'y & Treas. J. T. S050NWALD, J-JI3PENSEU OF SELECT DRUGS, AND PURE CHEMICALS, - I would call the attention of the kmoklng pub- i II j to his best j 5; and 10 cents pigar, which he believes to be superior to any on sale In the city, f JUDGES OF GOOD CIGARS', call. r v JNO. f. SCHONWALD, Pharmaclat. N.- W. Comer Front and Market sts nov 6 A S I AM NOW IN THE NORTHERN cities, the Ladles will And It to their advantage ' - i " to wait and seo the latest style of 0 MILLINERY! r , which I will bring with me, together with a 1 I large and beautlal line of -1 HOLIDAY GOODS I wbif ii will be elegantly displayeit I' ' I . hi oar spacious windows and I r n our counters! i Wf trill give doe notice through the papers when v OUR GRAND OPENING ! will take plac. i . At pr?et there are tarsal a I xr S--partrnt to ntkc too ax tvr oar g.w, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, lliSfatkct.SU nim!ngia: X. C. not ... . . . ' ... . . PLA5 KOTlClc " . 514 to rcccrrj ezizziz:zz' from otar trtesda on airy acl all tit)cl ttniasercai U : -0 ;0 ?i ir " , Tbe came cj tie wrlwmacat ajwaTt U fu 2ad to tbMtatot,'' zfy "ttona'mnst be wrtttea oa oal oseddaot the paper. v1'--;- reraosallta Bast h aVoido!- " - And It la eapaclalry and particularly nnd stood that the Editor doe not always endot the Tlcws of correppondenU aalea so . state ba the editorial eolusina.'" . NEW ' AmTJBTISEMENTS. HOUSE. THUESDAY, NOV. 8, CUA8. 1. OAVIS "ALVIN J0SLIN COMEDY COi 1" FULL ORCHESTRA AlO.OOO Chnllctic JJaiid! - V lsa LAUGHS IN M MINUTES secure re your Feats at Dyers. JU 59,,ts 7 ' o t Statement .SHOWING THE V.O.NPITION OK T1IK Thames & Mersey Marine j-uouiauuo uuiupcbilVt ASS ATS. Deceinbcr 81st, Aocuutit of stocks and bond of '. , the Uiilted btatcs, ai d of thl -'. -'''' -ami other states, also all other tock aud bonds absolutely ' --' owned by tlu? Company .4,447.173 70 42frAl.. 1....!. I ll .l riiiei (txcept mortgage, why- - ' j- r(t! lllU'llIfrl Ilk Ihn ('nntivin, ivii.mcisi cucunij ior cau ac tively loaned by the Company. ' $0,t50 Inter, t due and accrued ou blocks -and other securities ' 73.G07.01 Cash lu LomuanT's nrinrinat nfllM v 1 I. . . imd heloi.'jcluz to tho Uomnunr . - - '"" wepnaueu iu iiaoK... .-I ... ' ' Premiums or asecbcnenta unpaid Preuiium or ae6mciit louns and li,l8S.r-4 49,fcg3,: rotes. All other aBseta detailed ment..... In state- 'fetal Atets..... $5,221 2.9i LIAHIUTIES. Loi&ca unpaid, Including thossre : i3190,00 l4l,G03.CO iseBcrvc, required by Iaw. 1 II ntl.ox . k Total Uabilitics....... Capital block paldnp. .... .$1.?62,52D.C0 $I, 003,000.00 1,0,764.87 Total Income.. Total Exiienditures. J A TOBlN, President. J KIDMAN. Secretary. :", .7 W J GORDON, General Agent, Wilmington, N C STATE Ol? NORTH CAROLINA , WrriCB OF 8ECRETABT OF 8 TATE, - Insornnce Department, -Raleigh, N. C 1st October, 1883 VVIU('IMUU3 T J .u OVM.- a Ul All ACt IV consolidate the Insurance Laws of North Car olina,' I certify that the above U a true ex tract from the sworn statement of the Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Company, on De cember 31et, 1382, now on file In this Depart, ment. W.-t. 8AUNDERS nov 6 Secretary of State Grand Opening of Winter Millinery 1lIIr;RK WILL BE A GRAND OPEHINfJ . ot fine Frenclt Pattern Hats Bonnet Feathers, Ac... at Mrs K. A. Lornsdea's ou Thursday, Friday aad 6anrday. The Ladles arc respectfully Invited to call. - MR K A. LUIISDEN, norlw 119 North Front st School Books ! ; ' School Books I t; - - ; : ': School Books I TjpHAT ARE U3KD IN ALL THE Schools. Parents and Goardians ami Teacher are respectfully requested ta call or send to ma for SCHOOL BOO K3 or SCHOOL ROOM OUTFIT ! J . " Chlllren, large orsmaU.can pttreluvm Books at same r&tc as parents. One prlco to all at HEINSBEItGER'S, nov i Lire Book and MucJe Store Toilet Articles. . N KLKGANT AS'OCTMENT, Ctifcist Ing la rarv cf flair. Toorti and NaU Bnifhes. Combs, Mirrors, r.xtrar.s, .Co'.aw Uiy WtlU, Florida Watr. Jte.. william rr: f;r,fv Old , North State ".'Saloon, . (t South Frmit -Strcot. iTJ'BK?;! ARRIVAL -lar., K.. " .NEW RIVER OTsTE ;!- V on Ice. C A B r iv x with th.uj. CTrara. Gocd Wl ltey. Wiwj. Ac. J Irr'Oem Le" Usr. f-t 13