XHIS PAPER every evening. Sundayi ex eeptcd by ;b6led JOSH T. JAMES, EDrTO AD PBOFBOTOR. -SCRIPTION3TOSTAG3B PAID: ; eaf. i oO: One month, 35 cents. - c oer will be delivered by carriers free la any part of the city, at the above Socents per week. 77 J)aily Review has the largest j k circulation, of any newspaper in the ciiv of Wilmington. JEL The Democratic Column ! TEXAS ! -, .INDIANA ! FLORIDA I GEORGIA ! MISSOURI ! VIRGINIA ! ALAB MA ! ARKANSAS !' . KENTUCKY ! LOUISIANA ! DELAWARE ! MARYLAND ! NEW YORK ! TENNESSEE ! MISSISSIPPI ! NEW JERSEY .! v CONNECTICUT ! WEST VIRGINIA ! SOUTH CAROLINA ! NORTH CAROLINA ! Twenty States, with 219 votes in the Electoral College ; 18 more than neces sary and a majority of 37. Red is unquestionably the color of the present. liutler didn't sell out. himself away. He only gave The Butler side show collapsed rap ijusoorx a9 it was shown up. LUle bare of "soap." little bass of "and," make a this voting land. great commotion m Toe surplus in tne treasury is grow ing at the rate of $300,000 a day all on account of war taxes. There are now at Rugby. Tenn,, 355 Persons, of whom 135 are of American and 120 ot English birth. Five hundred superfluous candidates lor Congress now drop into dark ob parity "with a dull, sickening thud." At lea?t three new and blooming sprigs of European nobility are expect ed to dazzle Washington society this winter. . If you want to sleep well on a rail road train have the berth made with its head toward the engine. It will at least improve your chances. Tha Prince of Wales is one of the finest lawn-tennis players in England He ii also a splendid shot, and killed even stags out of nine a few days ago t Glenderry. la all its relations to the other plan ets of the solar system the world does not appear to have experienced much change from the effects of the recent Political excitement. The New York Mail and Express discovers that a a rule of fashion is the , tyler the girl tha biger the bat., True, and here, is another. The bigger he woman the smaller the bonnet. h was a wise Missouri fdther who dul not pursue his eloping daughter, but sent a clergyman on a horse to overtake the couple, in order that the toarriasje ceremony might be performed properly. An Italian admiral "has invented a Grapnel shell for the 100 ton guns; at Uiirty yards from the cannon's mouth 11 bursts, throwing forw&rd seventy five smaller projectiles, which in turn st, strewing in fen shape a thick shower of bails and fragments with teibly destructive effect. : : An interesting feature of the World's Exposition -t New Orleans will be a United encampment of the veterans of J5 war. embracing.tho soldiers of tho Coion and Confederate armies. The jtoara of managers of the . exposition hve yoted 10,000 for this purpose, 1 000 tents will be constructed for free accommodation of the veterans T(Jfr- Daniel Weidner, New "Olden was cured of sever - Neuralgia J ot, JariVi flit iVa &itH. tfafatferitt! ' VOL. VIIi; WILMINGTON. N. C. SATUR DA Y.NOVEMBER 8,1884, NO 267 , - - ' ' '" ' ' : : I ' THE OF THE PEOPLE IS WATCHING THE ROGUES ! LOCAL NEWS. I HQ EX TO NEW AQVERTISEMEKTS. C W YATK3 New Goods Mrs W E Mayo Boarders Hkutsbbbosb Bookseller and Stationer. F C Mi llbb Friends and Fellow Citizens Day's length 10 hours and 26 minutes? There was no City Court this morn ing. ' The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot np 499 bales. Sunset to-morrow atternoon at 57 minutes past ft o'clock. Our roosters are daisies crow lustily for Democracy. and they There was but one interment in Oak dale Cemetery this week, an adult. Chil-Blainc3 is the lashionable disease aaiojag 'our friends, the enemy' There was but one interment in Belleyue Cemetery this week, an adult There were six interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, fire adults and one child. Mrs. Mayo, on Dock street, between Front and Secoud, advertises in this issue that she can accommodate a few table boarders. Ihe Kegister of Deeds issuea one marriage license this week, which was for a colored couple. We -had occasion to utter a few dulcet notes yesterday atternoon in consequence of which we were a trifle hoaifse this morning, but we are still in good shouting trim. Hurrah! i To 'every HwusekeerJ&r a good substantial cook stove is an, important necessity and our readers will flud the best at Factory pric3 at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t The New York . Herald allows only 9.000 Demociatic majority in North Carolina. This is a dire slander and we will not submit to it. Put the fig ures at S5,000,Mr. Herald man, and you will be nearer the mark. Capt. R. H. Beery has telegraphed to Gov. Cleveland offering the services of the Wilmington Light Infantry to es cort him from Buffalo to New York in March next. The telegram was sent off on Wednesday night, but no re sponse has yet come, although one will suredly be received. Mr. Sol Bear won a barrel of mo lases in the recent election and he says that when we have our grand de monstration he is going to put it on a cart and have it displayed in the pro cession and afterwards will turn it oyer for-distribution among the poor, both white and colored. The ladiesGod bles3 'em the best, the truest, the loveliest, the darlingest, the purest, the most beautiful and the most excellent of all creation rejoice with ioy unspeakable at the success of the Democracy,, and we are proud to know they bestow warm praise upon the eflorts of the Review during the campaign.' 7 Good materials properly porportioned Which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the N Y. x Enamel Painf ALL HIJNKEY! THE OFFICIAL COUNT OF NEW YORK.. . That State Gives Cleveland 17C4: Plurality. All Doubts at Kest Now. This has been a day of wild enthusi asm among the white people ot Wil mington. The clouds of doubt, un certainty, suspense and anxiety which have to a considerable extent prevailed in the minds of men ever sinco the election, were dispelled by the glorious news ot last, night, and out people bore faces wreathed in smile3 this morning. As the day advanced the stores and places ot business began to be covered and fc3tooned with flags in honor of the glorious victory achieved silently at the polls on Tuesday last, and in a short time there was not a flag in tho city to be purchas ed for love or money,- so that many who were anxious to decorate their premises were reluctantly com pelled to leave them unembellishec' Congratulations, hearty, sincere and joyous, wore freely interchanged and gallant soldiers who had done noble duty in tho Gray uet those who had worn the Blue with a cordial frankness which spoke volumes for a once more united, free and happy people. There was pride in the young men who had cast their first vote and there was a gratitude to God amoung those whose last vote for President of the entire country had been cast in 1856 for James Buchanan. Knots of people were gath ered here and there throughout the cily- who discussed the news with a happi, noes and satisfaction they did not at tempt to restrain or conceal. - At about noon the firing of another salute was commenced at the intersec tion of Market and Front streets, and as each report rang cheering out it was answered by shouts from hundreds of joyou3 throats. Son after the firing commenced an Associated Press dis patch was received which made assur ance doubly sure by stating that the official count of New York gave that State to Cieveland by a majority of 1,- 7G1 votes. This gave "the excitment and enthusiasm fresh cause tor a gen eral hurrahdora, and the outbursts of joy were kept up until we were obliged to close our report. " Cottou. The receipts of cotton at this port lor the. week ending with to-day foot up 5.637 bales, as agafest 7.369 bales for corresponding period of last November, a decrease this week of 1.632 bales. The receipts of . the crop year to date foot up 51 290 bales, against 43 3S5 bale3 to November 10th ot last year, an increase this year of 2.905 bales. Our spread eagle-Mas: look at it and be consoled in yesterday 'siissue, bear ing the gallant and glorious names of Scales and Stedman, and Cleveland and Hendricks, attracted much atten tion and elicited warm commendations last night. - , Ti. xeks it Metaodist n arson this time. and an Ohio one at that; he hinted that it would be "nice to go to Europe, as his threat trouble waa getting worse, but the good deacons saw through the whole scheme, sent for a bottle of Dr. Bull's CojghSyrup, and 1 consequently now enjoy a good esrmon, ; delireTcciJia a tfdtfdf clear tons. ; . ' . " "e .x- mr' " A last farewell to poor Jim Blaine, Who's deeply buried down in Maine, He cannot burst death's icy fetters, As fastened by the Mulligan letters. He cannot dodge well-earned perdition, Although he dodgod on prohibition. Take this tribute from a well wisher, With kind regards to Mrs. Fisher. (B)all kight. Mr. S. G. Hall, the best base player in the State, had his garden on the corner of Mulberry and Macllae streets beau tifully illuminated last night in honor of the Democratic triumph and be also had a fine pyrotechtic display. Print er's Hill does not propose to "get left', in either patriotism, enthusiasm or gen. uice, true blue Democratic zeal. Personal. Mr. H. T. Bauman left Wilmington this morning for Chicago, via New York, with the Intention of making the former named city his home. He will remain in New York several days be fore starting for the West. He leaves a host of friends in this city, among whom he will be greatly missed. He is a pleasant gentleman and he has our best wishes for his success, prosperity and health in his new home. Duplin Couaty. Mr. C. F. Carroll, bookkeeper for Mr. J. R. Melton, has kindly furnished us with the official vote of Duplin county. It was furnished him by Mr. H. C. Moore, Register of Deeds of that county, anc. is of course authentic. It is as follows: Cleveland 2,247; Blaine I, 181; Cleveland's majority 1,066. Scales 2,239; York 1.174; Scales' ma iority 1,065. Green (for Congress) 2,214; Brogden 1,143; Green's majority 1,069. Forshoriff. Hurst, Dem., 2,108; Kornegay. Rep., 1,099; Hurst's major ity jl.Oll. Kegi3ter of Deeds, Moore 2.353;. Sprunt 825; Moore's majority 1,529. The Opera House. There was a fair attend nce-and con sidering the wild political enthusiasm which claimed the attention ot almost everyone a large audience at the Op era House Iat night to witness the ren dition of Shakespeare's celebrated play of Romeo and Juliet ', by 'Miss Lilian Olcott and her company. The play was put upon the stage in excellent shape and the acting was in the main very good . AIis3 Olcott, as Juliet, and Mr. Burroughs, as Borneo, had a just conception ot their, respective charac ters and - interpreted their parts with much clearness and force. The sup port was good, and the piece, wLich requires consummate skill in its proper rendition, was acted very satisfactorily. At the matinee this afternoon the com pany appeared in Bulwer's celebrated play, tbo Lady of Lyons, and to-nigbf will present fysmalion and . OalaUa: It it certainly a good company and worthy of a liberal patronage. Those Philadelphia female base ball ists will be here to play a match game with the Seaside Parks, of this city, on Thursday. ihe 13th inst. The game will be played at the Athletic Grounds and will undoubtedly draw a large crowd to witness the novel and exciting sport. . ; -:; -". . ' v, The annual contributions lor the benefit of St. James' Home will be re ceived on Tuesday ot net week (the nth ic-tK - JbQ ladiei of tha Home 'will be pleased to receive both visitors taa ccairicawas at mat time. Mr. James A, Hewlett, at his fiishery on Masonboro Sound, yesterdajy caught 17 000 mullets. This is one of largest hauh of fish we have ever heard of. y There will be services at the; Second Presbyterian Church to morroW at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.. conducted by the llev. J. W. Primrose, of lOxford, N. C. ' " .11- The Presidential election arid losEes outside does not- effect the gelierous amount ot business bestowed upon us, and wo are, very grateful to our friends for this kind patorange and interest in our welfare. John Dj-er & Son. f Church Services To-Mprrow. St. James Church, corner Market bud Third streets. Rev, Dr. Smedes, Paetor.1 Comma nlon Service st 7.S0 o'clock, a. m-t. Moraine service at 11 o'clock. Evening Servioo at 4 80 o'clock. Sunrtay School at a :i) o'clock, p m. St. John's Church, corner Third; and Red Cross streets. Kev. Jamca Carmichael. D. D. Rector. Twenty-Sccond Sunday after Trin'.iy, November 9, Holy Communion at 7.30 a ro,, M or Din pc Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 8 30 o'clock, p. m. Evening Prwyer at 7 3S P.m. - 4 ' Second Presbyterian Church, icorner of Fourth iand Campbell streets. Servires at 11 a. m- and 7.3 p. m., conducted by the Kev. J. W. Primrose. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and uutn streets. Kev. T. ll. lritchard. l. I).. pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and s r. ra . Sunday Scnool at 3 30 p. m. Prayer iind praise meetin Thursday night at 8 o'clock St. Taul's Evan. Lutheran Church! corner o1 Sixth and Market streets, Kev. F. W. K. Pcs- chau, Castor. German services at 1 o'clock, a. m. js-igusn services at .su o-c;oct, P.m. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, v. m. W. II. Strauss, Superintendent. I First Presbyterian Church, corned Third aln Orange streets. Kev. Joseph JR. Wilson . D., Paster. Services at 11 a. xn.and7.3a p. ro. Lecture Thursday at 7.59 p. Im.. Fifth Street M. 13. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Kev. W. I. Hulj, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Class meet ng at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ng at t o ciocK. I Front Street M. E. Church, South, Icorner of Front aud Walnut streets. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 714 p m. Sabbath school at 3 p.m., W. Mi Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting aud lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening 'afterlfirst and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seatsf free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. Religious services in Tileston Upper Room every Sunday at 3 P M. Public cordially in vited., - - St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock pm. Daily Mas3 at 830 am..-; ; Christ Church (CongTegationaligt)N!im street between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. t. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's B&!e Clas3 at 12.15 p. jn, Prayer, and Praise smcetinpr, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p. m. Snndy School, 3 o'clock, p. m., in Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun sta. Second Baptist Church, oh SIxthj between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. J. iP. King, Pastor; Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. Im. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting, every Tuesday night. I St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth laud Mul berry Btrcets. Mornirg Prayer cnli-undiys at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 5 'clock Chldren's service at at. Barnabas School Houee at 3.30 p. m. Services on Saints days at 7 30 a m. and 5 p. m. Rev. C. U. Brady, minister In charsre. Seats free. , First Baptist Church, (col.) corner! of Fifth and Campbell streets, A. M. Con ay. pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m.. 3 p. m., and 7,30 p m. S. S. School at I p. m. " : ; : I Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. J f NEW AIVEJXTI8EIIEiNriS. Boarders. I A FEW TABLSS BOARDERS CAN BE accommodated by me. Table f nrnlahed with the best the market affords and terms very reasonable. MRS. W. E. MAYO, 109 Pock St., between Front and Second, nov S lwk v Seal Estate!. TTOCSZ3 A5D BfJLLDISQ LOTS XL ' - tor sale In all parts ot the city. Cash Mm aag 30 aw 3a sat set Real Estate Agent eonoley's Drag Store. 210 BUBKET STBEET. J OOK OTJ TOB COUOnS, COLD3. Fore Jhroat aod Croup. Conolei'a Cocib. Eyrap will cure ttem; ConoIe7 Colorna alwavs cn hand, also ... . . J. W. COMJLEY. V. b'ese but the best DjursvM 17. w fca glad to reccJvo cocircnxJcatloa frssx crzx frlasda on any azuS all ;rc-l steerallatere-tXrat ' - Xfce came S 3 wrtr ctu: aiw73 fl sliJacd to the Kilter, 1 - , - Ccrnnoairxiiioas wait wrl;tj , ca oa.v iCTscni34ea anat fce arcldci! . ' , An It U esvtclaJlj ani paxKctiir rce t stood that th Editor dooe rot mlwc'ra eadej a irra next oz ccrrccpoEJlcst sjts ,v. t: tafsa editorial -jYstj ' NEW ADVEUTISK3IENTS, s, Trimble, STOCK AM PKAI. F,TTt: ItROKFR fcd At:elor.ccrof fir dci1 ttrrhdntise of vciy fits-riit;on uCr-n c"Hfr t-?lMremt at r streets. Cr lv & Mo t M tsat. ifonal a;teTtln tiven to pale ot h.r c and whl Sea at miT4ta ea'c or nt acciion - tta-' b'fturKBts oLctteL &KTZI IMV " - s-ft' ; Auciloaorr. Pamt tlioWliilo House Red A CUiANO EXCUH3ION TO . - Will bo given cry in tho Xw Year, Uoy not yet detldt'd.upon. Tor tho purpose or ?.lini)i5 IE TOfi'fflapS SSD, Aud :akifi?r other necessary ::cratIons 1 reparatory lo Instullatlon cf CROVER CLEVbLASID, Meanwhile the uiuJorslffiiM ttill continue to lead in the fry. IN WILMINGTON. JACKSON &. BELL, For Sale. 1000 CADnAOE3. I QQ BBLS. APPLES, 25 USLS. POTATOES. MUST TE SOLD. - v pot 4 W. JS. DAVIS A SON New Goods AND A New Milliner ! J HAVE RECEIVED AN INVOICE OP JiCW MIIX1NKKY, consifiUng of Felt, Velvet and Straw Hats and Bonnets in tho latest ''... atylea. Also, Fancy Feathers. Ostrich Tina and PJumca. Pompons, Ac. MISS PJUTCIIWIT, a flrst diss MUllncr, fromone.of tbo Urvest Millinery Fsubllh menis in tha country, has charge cf ray work room and cmes highly rccoiumndeil-as a lady cf laete and etjle. MS. KATE C. WINKS, No. U 0 North Second Street, sov 3 tf net. chestnut and Princess uli A Bargain. J" OFFER FOR SALE ONE Vt years old tnoroughbred Heifer, rst calf from the Tpuro Jersey Cow owned by Capt. A. D. Caziux, of ilmington I am over stocked with Jerseys and will eell her for $60, delivered in W liming, ton , r. p. PADD1SON. EOV 7 3t Old North State Forever. . JgLECTION IS OVER-INDICATIONS point correctly so drink Clemmer, Smoke C. aad II. Cigars ad bo happy. - . - OLI JSOR111 STATE SALOON, nov 5 , 6 South Front Street. WILMINGTON A WfcLDON R. R. CO., SPCSETARY'S OFICE, ' ; -WITOIIKGTOjr, N, C, KOV. lt, 1SF4. rpiIE FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETIXQ of the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Wel don i Rilread Company will Le held at the Office of the Company An Wilmington, cn Taesday, the 18th of Norember, ; nov 3 tOrn ' J. W. THOMPSON, Seit'y WILMINGTON, COL. & AUG.'R C. CO,', . SECRCTARf 3 OFFICE, WlLMIKGTOJf , N. C, NOV. lit, ISSt rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF TnE Stock holders of the Wilmington, Columbl i St An gaftta Railroad Company, will Ikj heid at tho OfBce of tbo Company, in WUaslsgttn, ob Tuealay, the ISthllcat. nov 3 trim J. W, THOMPSON, fecet'y Stores for Kent. ItTAREHOUSE A5D OFFICES T V aove now occupied by Messrs, rr Jxf U. JLuton A Go. v Store and offices above now oxu-5f,,jt;"; V piel t.y K. Dumeiandt. - j Both on .North Water sL; between riuuw and ChesUat. Apply to aag IS fcUr copy Si , D30332T SLCO. Our Dave paXSII, YET WEARY, BY CONTINUAL. handling of those heavy COOK &TOVK3. aud the way he haa been snAtchlsg oat Uextkii U ast 'nishlng, even to noa-poru" rua. More left aad more coailng. PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. nor S P. HELNSBEEGER, BookSeIIer and Stationer, ; v DEALER IX l . . .. , -. . 1 PIAN03 AND ORGANS, FANCY GOOL3, WEDDING PRESENTS. ' GUITABS, VI0LIX3, ACCOlDEOXS, EAK ' STS ' 7 mm. mi bur..' x -..-

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