THIS PAPER -every evening. Saadaya ex cepted by bnshed JOSH T.JAMES, , ,DlTOB AKD I-KOrXTZTO. rrRSCElPTIOSsVoSTAQB PAID: 4.00. Six months, $5.00. Three on v Aollver&d bv carrier! 30 net will be delivered by carrier free hi anr part toe o1' the above rf'nta oer week. n" rates low and liberal. nr iv iJT ""I t ,wrece. The Daily Review has the largest fide eircv in 0 TtZe circtiUUlony vj any nctospaper Ti,e Democratic Column 1 TEXAS ! ! -INDIANA ! ; FLORIDA ! GEORGIA ! MI SOURI ! VIRGINIA ! ALABAMA ! ARKANSAS! KENTUCKY ! . .' LOUISIANA ! DELAWARE ! MARYLAND! NEW YORK ! TENNESSEE ! -MISSISSIPPI ! NEW JERSEY ! CONNECTICUT! WEST VIRGINIA ! SOUTH CAROLINA ! NORTH CAROLINA t Twenty States, with 219 votes in the Electoral College ; 18 more lhan neces sary and a majority of 37. The situation in New York is, to say the best we can of it, a grure one. The people, as a rule, seem to acknowl edge that Cleveland has been elected bat Mr. Blaine and his henchmen still the contrary. It is evident that ifthey can lraudalently claim the bM they will do it. They sent out lite on Saturday night a dispatch toting that they had found 10.000 Totescast for Butler in New York city which had been counted for Cleveland bat the Democrats laugh at such nonsense. The official vote will be canvassed to-morrow, and the result will then be made known. In the meantime there is no doubt in the minds of the Democrats that over ticket been elected' and that it will be so declared to-morrow. Yesterday's Herald this epltonizes the situation : Our returns this morning do not alter the result as heretofore given, drover Cleveland is elected President of the United States by a majority ol liirtj-seven electoral votes, as we an Bounced on the niornio alter election. Nothing can change these figures. His piarality in this State is nearly two thousand. Complete returns are in. The ligures have all been carefully compared, added and readded. The e.ectoral votes of New York will be can for President Cleveland. Pre cautions have been taken at Albany by the Governor's friends to have copies ktea of all the lists received f rom the County Clerks throughout tho Stats, "any returns hereafter sent in by mail should differ from the figures already received a rigorous accounting be" demanded of the person who toay have tempered with them. In spite of these safeguards there is a Jp seated feeling of nnrest abroad. People instinctively feel that the Blaine Onagers cannot bo trusted lo !-bmit to the hon est lesirit by manufacturing a dishon- one they can torce their candidate fctothe White House.. Signs are not Anting that such an attempt may be jfde. Already the chief counsel for 8 Hayes electors before the Electoral nioiission is on his way to this city uthe summons of the National Re publican Committee. His ready IbIo; ?jence may again find similar ein P'iment. and the scenes of 1876 be pDeated if the popular vigilance is re ' xed. From the tone of the despatch- received it would seem that Mr. l's telegram congratulating-the Jsident elect is regarded with'afus to eye. Some consider itA fixere Qe to gain time for the concoctiog of Jark piot to steaj tne presidency, "aile others consider it as a mere ex Passion of physical cowardice. .A ?od sign of the people's deter jmatioD is to be found in the vast meetings ot citizens all over the coun gathered both to honor the success 01 the reform nmrtiriatA nd to crotesl Jiast any attempt to cheat him out of 7 umce to which he is so justly . en juw. We can onlv give . the more jo.minent of these monster assemblies r;ch met in every county in the fill i rhe tenr ot lhc fpeakexs re arts sufficiently shows the determi- k ut me people to see iair piay. Publican journals and honest citizens vni lv m m n miv beeinninz to e their defeat and patriotically in against iraud. It is to be d? before, that lhe unlucky can- ' 1 -' - y ,V'-V- '-Vi' v .r.. v i r.. , .j. J - . ' . . a - . . . . ... - ' " ' . " 1 i : p. - rr - m - 4 - vui.. vni.- WILMINGTON Don't they Die Hard ? Alas ! Poor York, No) One Seems to Know Him Now. PITY THE SORROWS OF THE POOR OLD MAN. O, WILLIE P, O, WILLIE P, YOUR AGONY IS SAD TO SEE., GIVE UP THE GHOST, DIE LIKE MEN, WITH THE FATES DO NOT CONTEND ! FOR IF YOU DO YOU'LL SURELY" FIND, THAT JAS. G BLAINE IS LEFT BEHIND ! HURRAH FOR CLEVELAND LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW aOVIBTISf WENTS. -C IV rATES Something New TV E SratsGEU & Uo Hardvrarc P It Bkiogbcs & Co Flrewor8 Ottbkdodko Politics and Clothing Mrs A. Lums den Winter Opening FasTivAi-Ladles St ThomaV Church Hkihbbkrokh Bookseller and Stationer. Giio It French 4 Sons For a Small Bum TarkebA Taylor Weighed In the Scales F C Milleb Friends and Fellow Citizens The telephone fire alarm has been re placed m Hook and Ladder Hall. The work of decorating our business places still gojts on, and the city has a gala day appearance. The cold wave passed away about as we predicted and we are now having yery pleasant weather Mrs. E. A. Lumsden's Winter open ing of millinery will take place on Fri day next and the ladies are all invited to attend. Capt. R. P. Paddison says he will bring down at least 150 uniformed men on the John Dawson to participate in the celebration. There will be a "Pound party,"at St. James1 Home.corner ot Eigoth and Or ange streets, to-morrow afternoon, f which we trust may be largely attend ed as the proceeds will be for the benefit of tho Home. Our people have gone to work again in good earnest. The result of the election is now very generally ad nut ted, -nd the excitement and uncertain ty of last.week has in a gr jat measure subsided. The ladiesof St. Thomas' church will give a pleasant entertainment at Germaoia Hall to-rrorrow evening. There will be refreshments and the Italian ban will supply music for dancing. We understand that there will be a big celebration at Smithville to-night In honor of the Democratic victory. Snrna gentlemen from that good town were in the city to-day inakio preparations for the happy event. Step Ladders, alUength?, at Jacobi's Depot." M""''jMiitiMMM.MMM,MM, " ... ; - - ----- A Worn of Advice. We regret very much to learn that some of the colored people, with more zeal than discretion, are conducting themselves outrageously since the elec tion. On Saturday night a party of colored men made. an attack upon Henry Mumford. colored, who keeps a stall m the market house, for no other reason than that he voted a Democratic ticket at the recent election. There were twenty-five or more of these col ored Republicans who surrounded bis stall and berated him with all kinds of foul, profane and indecent language, much oi which conveyed threats by im plication ol personal outrage. This was solely and simply because be had exercised at the polls the same right which they had, but with the difference that he voted as he pleased while they voted as they had been directed. We hear also of colored men who have made threats against the whites, but doubt not tbat'these angry feelings will subside in a few days. It would be much better for all concerned, and es pecially lor the colored people, if they should subside at once. We will say and we arc glad of tho opportunity to speak that, so far as we can ascer tain, a mahrity of the colored people and all of the best disposed among them are inclined to submit quietly and with dignty to the manifest will of the people. It 13 among the most ig norant of the race who are so offen sively demonstrative and it is from the colored people that the jiost bitter and insulting language is heard. Some of the latter are rude beyond long forbearance. Miss Lilian Olcott. It was unfortunate that this really accomplished young actress should have made her appearance here at a time when the minds of our people were almost exclusively occupied with the exciting events connected with the election. In all the characters she as sumed while here, whether as Juliet, in the play of Rome and J uliet, as Taulinc in the Lady of Lyons, or as Galatea, in Pygmalion and Galatea, she displayed much ability as an actress. She has been evidently an earnest student and is conscientious and painstaking in the rendition of her lines. The same may be said of her principal support, Mr. W. Burroughs. His Rtmeo was very floe, while bis Claude MelnoUe, in the Lady of Lyons, was superb. The com pany was good, without an exception. and they, were deserving of much better houses than they secured while here. It was not the fault of the actors nor of the theatre going people of our city, who know and appreciate good acting. but was entirely attributable to the election and its subsequent excitement v " , Base Ball. The female baseballists of Philadel phia will play a match game with the Seasida Parks at the Athletic grounds on the afternoon of the 13th inst Tickets of admission will be 25 cents nnri we imasine that there will be a large crowd to witness the game. The females are on their wayto New Or lpan. were thev will play durinc the exposition. There were two cases of disorderly conduct before the Mayor this morning. on one of "which a penalty of 10 or twenty days in the city prison was ini posed, while in the other case a fine ot $25 or thirty days in lhe city prison was the sentence of tho Oaurt. When a man discovers his boy using his razor on a slate pencil his faith in beinz the father of. a future President is overcome, in his anxiety to and bt Jacobs Qil to apply tho cut finger. A sure cure mr u. THE OF THE PEOPLE IS WATCHING THE ROGUES ! Iet them Come. We predict that there will at least 10,000 strangers in the ci:y on the day of the grand celebration in honor of the Democratic victory. Every train and steamboat coming into the city will be caded to its utmost capacity with pas sengers eager to participate in the fes tivities of the occasion. We will have plenty ol water in the Cape Fear by that ime this is authentic so that there shall be no impediment in the way. It will be one of the liveliest days ever geeu in Wilmington, and "don't ycu forget it." A Pine Medal. We saw in the window of Mr. George W. Huggins' iewelry store, this after noon, the gold medal presented to Hon. W. J. Green by the North Carolina Fruit Growers1 Association for his fine display of wines at the last Fruit Fair at Goldsboro. On one side ot the medal is the inscription, "Hon. W. J. Green," underneath which js an eagle surmounting a bunch of grapes and leaf, the latter being surrounded by the legend, 4Tokay Vineyard , N. C." On the opposite side is the inscription "Presented by N. C. F. G. Association, 1881," Good materials properly porportioned which arc the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. t Put yourself in his place" is tho title of a noted novel, and is a motto for tho universe. It you would put yourself in hi3 place who is well dreased,go like wise and purchase a fine fitting suit from Dyer. t The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 930 bales. new advertisements! Weighed by the Scales ! . jHD BY A STE AD( X ) MAN. We are not found wanting when you call for a good COOK STOVE or a HEATER, nor anything else In our lino. PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. , nor 10 t Winter Opening QF MILLINERY, AT MRS. E. A. LUMSDEN'S, V ON FRIDAY, NOV. 14th. All the LATE8T NOVELTIES of the season. nor 10 t - A Festival. -fTTlLL BR HELD ON TUESDAY NIGHT. Not. Hth, at the Germanla Hall, by the La dies of St. Thomas' Congregation. The Italian Band will supply music for d&nclng. Adi&l slon ; Lady and Sbtleman. 30 cents: children cents. nov 10 2 Something New. gEAUTIFCL PASTEL LANDSCAPfS. (Something new In this market). Alto an ele gant line of Gilt, Ebony and Pluah PHOTO ntf A "PIT VP A fTZ lTTfVPrU51 A OTT --.1 ft T? TOG RAP H ALBUMS, In Alligator and Pliua bindings. v Tie largest stock of JUVENILE BOOKS la the State. ' Don't f&ll to examine mr toek ot b0 Cejsi Boovc, Theae books are all 3TA D Aft r. NO UOP WON BOOKS, but all new and beau tifully bound In Cloth ana Gilt, formerly soli fox $ l and upward, C. Vt. TATE3. hot W W Market st, Wuslsgton N C ; NO. 268 NEW ADVERTISEME-NTTS. Politics and Clothing I . n ICTOUY AND A NEW SUIT GO VtLL, togefher. We were Eciline CLEVELAND j SUITS and HENUiClCKS OVERCOATS all : I day Saturday. An atmosphere of prosperity j - has already imbneti the land, and ever man, regardless of his party sniliatlons, is ifaxited to call at our Royal Clothing Depot and ex i amine THE GREATEST AND MOST K0VEL 8TOCK OF MEN'S GARMENTS ever offered for sale In Wilmington. I MEN'd SACK SUITS REDUCED. MEN'S FROCK SUITS REDUCE D. j MEN'S CUTAWAY SUITS REDUCED. BOY'S AND CIIILDBEN'S OVERCOATS ATUOST. BOY'S AVI) CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST. j! REDUCTIONS IN RED AND WHITE r L.ANJMElj UNDERWEAR. !j BARGAINS IN MEDIUM WEIGHT OVER- This Is a GRAND REFORM SALE OF uuxiUMi, ana all are Invited. : n OTTERBOTJRGj KING CLOTHIER, .Wilmington, KC nov 10 Fireworks ! Fireworks ! ROMAN CANDLES, SKY ROCKETS. &v. Royster's Candies FRESH ASSORTMENT, JUST RECEIVED. Oatmeal, Barley, Buckwheat. COME AND SEE US. P. L. BRIDGEKS & 00. HO Nortb Front St. j nov 10 For a Small Sum ! "VOO CAN BUY A FIRST RATE PAIR of X Shoe from FRENCH A 80N3. Come and see our THREE DOLLAR GAITERS for Gentlemen. J UeO. XV. HrenCIl OOnS. 10S NORTH FRONTSTREET nov 10 P. 1IEINSBERGER, Book-Seller and Stationer, DEALEUIN PIANOS AND O ROANS, FAIKCY GOODS, WEDDING PRESENTS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEON3, BAN- J03, 8TEIJJG3, Ac. . 4 nov 10 . YTt vQ ba to receive cxzasaic&ttoa crosaorfrlcsdaoaaay and all !nbjcl; reaeral latere tbst " . Tlia aasie of Cie writer meat arrays U; aiabed to tlie letter. ' CoaaattaScatSoramiui be trrIKcxox c: ' one aids of the paper." . Peracmattnes mnat be avoldacL: - And it la especially and parCctUarry utfe tood Uiat the Editor doea not aftrays endci a the vleTOoi.correapoBdcau t4 c itatt la the editorial eohuasa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S, H. Trimble, STOCK AM) EEAI ESTATE BROKER nt Acertoneer ot ;eteral Mcrrhan.lise of I veiy dcsrriptloa. Offlc corner Prtnca and water streets. Crcnty & Mo x!s old tixu. I crsonal auer.tlon tlvcn to sala tf hr,r,p smi vchl lea at rrirste ealo or at auction, ivn.- 8'gniucnts eollciujrt. SETH 1.VXS. 8 'H AncUoreer. Real Estate. PgOUE3 AXD BCn iING LOTS ?j lor ea!? In ali pari of Jte ity. CashTH . I or on Instalment j an. 1 . vil aa30 irtffSmsM in i:cal Kstato Agest (JUONhY, Aisctiunecr, " Partition Sale B Y VltiTUL AND IN rUKSUANCli OF A ucreeof tho &urerlor CVcrt of Net Hatorer c.ut?, in a erui n parse Pieci 1 t tocccti- 1ng there peiKting, wherein Krxtlcrick J lrd. iin-t others :e Hhj tt: tinners, I. as Coauts rloucr under U decrte, otTer for vale to ' tne Highest binUfr.ftt the court Iloncc -door, in the city of V ilmir -non, at 13, on cures tay, thesihtiayo NoTeciter, I8s4, a lot of laud situate In said tltr. bednnlncr In the West line oi a private alley, wh!tn ofens into South side cf Marko strett between co onU a-'U Thtra etieett, at a point il fee '.South lrom Intersection of biIU line or iaM alhy with Market street, jnd riiiiT-ing thent c South with sai i lino -f said ail?y 1 1 feet, thrnco WeU parallel with Market street i tcct. 7 1cchr. thence Nprih pantliul wiih eo,,nd street 17 feet, and tucuee -Kast parallel with :artet street v 8 feet, 7 inches t beginning, tetntr a part of Lot No. 4 m Block 1W. . rj errcs ot fcaie one-fourth of tho purchaso motor to be paid la cash, baianca in three equal instalments, in 4, 8 and i2 month, re spectively, from day of sUe, purchasers to gtve notes for deferred payments drawing in teret from day of sale at rate ot cteht per cent. A. J. lEKOSSfe.T. Commissioner: Oct 3 6t oct 3, 10, 17, 24, nov 3, 4 November ilth, at the Court House door. at 12 o'clock. v nov 5, 3t, w th mon M. CUONIjY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. o - . Partition Sale. B Y VIRTUE OF A DSCliEE OF THE ooperlor Court of New Han-ver county, In a cause there pending t eforetbe Clerk, between james u. munus ana wire Jsuza n. aiunds. Mary u. JLors wm. u DeKosset, Jr., and others, plaintiffs, and Frederick J. Lord.; Ar raanu tt itiwoetei, uoun i&. ixnaon ant oth era, defendants, 1 as Commlstloner under said decree, win oner ror saio to tho highect bid der, at the Court House door In tne city of Wllmln&ton. at 12 o'clock, on Wedi esdav. tho 5th day of November, 1SS4, aJl that lot of lud situate in saiu city, beginning in the South line of Market street, SO feet East from Its In tersection with Eastern line of Second street and running thence East with Market street is feet, then South parallel with Second street' 30 feet to a brick wall, thence West with said wall 2 feet,, thence Sou'h with said wall 87 feet and 8 Inches to a -brick bulld'nsr. thence with the line of cald buiklltg East 4 feet, thence South with the Eastern line of said building 23 feet and 7 Inches, thence West with the Southern line of said building 3 feet and 7 inches to a wall, thence 8outh with said wait and tne west line oz another brick build Ing to feet and 0 laches to a stono wall, thence weetwnn saiu Bione wau a ieec, ana tbeico North parallel with Second street 198 feet to beginning, being part ot Lots Nos- 1. 2 and 3 in Biock ."3. taid lot will bo divided by a straight line running from North to South, and sold in two separate parcels; the West lot or parcel having a front of 23 feet on Market street and running back the samo width 1SJS, anu me juiei ioi naving a iront ox so leet cn Market and runnlnr l'JS feet, btinz 11 feet wide on Its back line. Plat of sakl Jot can be seen at office of Crnnlv & Morris. Terms f Sale One fourth of nurchaso money to bo paid In cash, balance In three equal Instalments In 4, 8 and12 months re spectlvcly from day of sale, t urchaser to glre note for deferred payments drawing Interest irom uay oi saie at raio oi eignt per cent. a. j . jjEttoaaarr. Commissioner oct 3 6t oct 3, 10, 17, ?4 ror S, 4 Above sale Is postponed until Tuesday neat. November lit h, at tho Court House door, at izo ciock. . nov a. 3t. wtnmon WILMlNGTdN WELDON B. R. CO.. SECRETARY'S OrI(?E, -Y ILMIJi'GTOX, N. C, NOV. 1st, rpaE FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING ot the Stockholders of the Wilmington A Wel- don E ail read Company will be held attto Office of the Company In Wilmtogton, en Tuesday, the 18th of November, 1?81. nov 3 tdm J. W. THOMPSON, Tect'y WILMINGTON, COL. & AUG. E, E. CO,, SECRET ART 'S OJTICE, WlLMDfOTOX, N. CL, NOV. lltlSSt rsiiijs aasuAL ukstinu ur xun biock U. - ' K ' holderaof the Wilmington, Colir' it & An hrosUBallroad Company. wlU :e ' at the Office of the .Company, Ja V, on TaesdAT. IhelStlt;;;-r : nov S tdm . , . W". T7tV)mP6n, Bviff ! -TOU WILL DO WLX. i a calling at No. nafco st-.wnere yon will flod fijio dno U esJ ; . cgg cd New hlver Oysters, open-and ia t c ! shell, rerclrcfl fresh crery day. As l"rr:h Family vroccrlea of au t lull cheap for each. septioy - - - w. x. c:uou. Old; North. State Forever. T7LECTION I OVUE INDICATIONS point Jj J f" correcllTeo drink Ckincacr, Sciole C. xal iU Cigar aad be barry. OLD OUiUSTATE SALOON, 'novS ,. . - 6 South. Trent Street. - ;:v--:5"v;' .'r:;:f --.'