THIS PAPER r 1 Tf will be glad to rcceS70 r?t:iii:iaca eepted by JOSH T. JAME8, ITDrTOB AKDPBOFKirrOB.V .', 4nBSCBirTI0S8 POSTAGE PAH ur M'00 ax-' monthV $2.08. : Three n9 tii One month. 35 cent, ".per will be delivered by carriers tree cent.. per week. r4StlBlngratefllowand liberal, subscribers will report any and aH - taO- geaertl latercst but " TCartaiaa of tie writer ost't aiwys t. nUbed. to tbe Editor. '. Cosmmxlcatloiui xaust be wrtttsa cs, en ' oae aide of the paper. - - v - PeraoEACCea must be avoided.? Asd It la cepedaHy acd partlclarry ri tfe stood ttat the Editor does not trt .ya cntiea a the Tlcw of correcH)dcrts & jfr ?e la tlie editorial colaaena. - ; . .. i VOL. VIII. W LMINGTOK N. C TUESDAY NOYEMBEIl 11, 1884. NO 269 1 EW. 1lc is''1! " , a-m fide circulation, of any newspaper fisted- in the city of Wilmington. JEL The Democratic Column ! TEXAS! INDIANA ! FLORIDA! GEORGIA ! MISSOURI !. VIRGINIA ! ALABAMA ! ARKANSAS ! KEN rUCKY ! LOUISIANA ! DELAWARE ! MARYLAND! NEW YORK ! TENNESSEE ! MISSISSIPPI ! NEW JERSEY ! CONNECTICUT ! . WEST VIRGINIA ! ' SOUTH CAROLINA! , 'wuul Twenty States, with 219 votes in the j Electoral College; 18 more than neces sary sud a majority of 37. - Michela. the Italian inventor, has de vised a niachTne by which, sign's corres ponding to sounds can be telegraphed- which system of telegraphic shorthand is catted stenotelegraphy . Mt. Fred Grant hopes to make a roat living by selling roses this wintor to Ne w York florists from the green houses in Morristown, N. J., which he ercctcd when he thought ho was rich. The battle is fought and the victory 1 1 . L kaira VAfV (TOnAr. I wo ui- , ously tarnished Mr. Blaine anotber ! IL : . ,m m uu.u.up. - ionl are white. And his name is Cleye- laud. - . . .. tt ii I her by Cueen Victoria mr ner io the Zulu war, haye arrived in rhila- debhia to take charge of the training school for nurses at Blockley Alms- bouse Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, president of the Woman's Department ol tne xxew . . . . i Orleans Exposition, invites contribution of valuable articles sncn as anecnanicai indention, works of art, scicnl,nc jpecioions, books of photograpns, iweatmoats. iellies. &c. - . Rear Admiral C. H.Welles, United otatc Navy, is proposing to bring sun gainst tho New York Central Sleeping Ur Companv to compel them to retm- hurie him $69. stolen from him m one of their cars, while passing between Albany and Boston on the 18th of Sep tember. h is stated that the coming semi topical fruit is the Japanese persim mon, known as the Panaraschc. It been recently introduced into Flor ida, where it flourishes finely. It is aht.ut as a Bartlett pear, of golden to'or, sweet, juicy and delicious. It fows transportation well.. A dealer in cod liver oil in Marseilles vertises that his fish are caught in a 'e and quiet harbor, where marine Monsters cannot enter to frighten them ato diseases of the liter. Thej live there,'' he says . "in peace and comfortf er livers are healthy, and this is why J cod liver oil is the best." "For lorms of government": let fools wuujs ' jj ororuinary ine it wuw6" 10 know that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup sares conghs and cold. A large proportion of our busine?s tten with whom we have conversed to- flaJ express themselves as decidedly in &vor of having the coming celebration Bthe day instead of in the night time We hear who decorated 8 place of business on Saturday and fleeted to take in his flags when he sed up at night. The next morning fouji tbat som(j oae had taken them lor lura and ho has not - seen thexa Miss Usher ana miss xiosmer, vuo rowling about the streets and our citi Utter bearing the decoration presented zens caanot 5c too careful io locking LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISE S3 f3. C W Yates Something New oometmng .w Bookseller and Stationer. ek Another Large Invoice J HKIW8BKRGKB Miss E KABREn Another Large F C M.ILLKK Frienda fnd Fellow -Citizens I Job II Hart, Agent Excursion to Mt. Hol ly. X. U. There was no City Court this morn' ing. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1.305 bales. The atmosphere was made hideous iaBt night lor a time by the bowlings of a mob of young colored men. "Any further news?" No! "Expect any.' ' No! "How do you think it will result?" Cleveland is elected! , It has been a balmy pleasant day for November, although the wind has held steady for the Northwest all day long Some of the colored people had a pro cession last night and'paraded through the streets to the inspiring strains of music. We learn that the losers in the elec- tion bets are paying up with the best grace possible. If yon don't bet you mmt lose. -. Q f . d f h Asheyille Citisen ., appreciates some ot our election squibs , h he blighe9 lhem in bis . J . columns as his own matter. Thoro r rrrd .nanv thieves a- anU secUring their premises at night. Business ha3 resumed its norma condition again, although there is some suspense regaraing ew iwn. xuis. however, will be dcunitely Fettled to day. 1 othinir has been heard here, up to thehourot our going to press, of the official count 1U progress in New Y ork to - day. It is uot likely that the result m bQ mado kriowu before night, 1 : : Good materials properly porportioncd which arc the essential requisites in Ready mixed Faints can be best attain ed by usjng the N. Y. Enamel Pain j t jACOBIs Depot. T Wre are glad to learn that Mr. W. T Bray, whose serious sickness we men tioned on the 5th inst., has consideTa bly improved in health and is now in a fair way i speedy recovery. This is glorious weather, but we pre dict rain before many days. The at mosphere is too soft and balmy io re main so for a great while. Rain is sadly needed and we shall have it before he week ends. Miss Ida L. Brantley has sent in to us an eirg laid by a common barn-yard hen belonging to Mr. W. P. Anders, Review subscriber resident at Cronlv. which weighs three ounces, full weieht. It is a regular Cleveland and Hendricks egg. Remember that adversity overtakes everv one during this life of ours upon this world of strife ana also rememoer that by busing a suit of clothes made toorder for twenty-fiTe dollars. You save money and live in comtort you get it trom Dyer. j t Dr F. C- Miller has removed Into bis new and handsome store, corner of A Knn streets . which has hen handsomely fitted up and furnish ed with a new stock of drugs and fancy i,nnd- Dr. Miller is a very clever gen tleman and we are pleased to notice this evidence of material prosperuj Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi s t The Festival. Remember the festival at Germania Hall to-night. It is enough to know that jt jg eottetx up under the auSpices of ,. . , the Ladies of St. Thomas' Congrega- tion to insure a good time Tho Italian Dand will be in attendance so tnattnoso wno may uesire win nave an opportunity Ior dancing and. vre doubt not that there will be many who will indulge in tho exhilerating pleasure. Extra Police. Wo thinlr that, snmp.of the esidenS ol I nave inciueniiai ptmecnon m iub i shape of a few extra policemen. There is a decidedly turbulent and violent spirit manifested in that section by AioTIv htj thn nnlnrp.d women who lot wu...j - j " r nlja t ,cn K ailD residents. It has gotten to be outrage- ons and unbearable. in.notinn We have received from Dr. Thomas F. Wood a small pamphlet entittled. "One aspect of the subject ot Medical Examinations, as set forth in the work of the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners." The work, although comparatively small, contains an Im " c... mense amount oi vaiuaute mwiujttuuu - Ut-qt ..... t Li. : r i : I iiitoiji. rviiiu. nit. uctu, v . to thegeneral as well as to the profes- '"'""r -- . x . . ... "w . . . i rinn Lake. Kinff. 155. Hewett 11 : Rich lllU115' o mni nilh IP II. 171 VPS LIIB i.lW CI cMLlllZ! ' the State JNleaicat society o. me ol... 'J o. r.iim.n nf thp iwenble uner it 0UTDcd 0a hft ipoi L- Tninti rt lh same with forceful and unansi logic and shows in what niauner mignioe very iuaiiaujr tu,pftuvw. D...ui.,r;nn ouumt... Our Democratic tnenus at muuvuie had a rousing jollification last night.and .I.. ii hnmh rone nlivn with buau u.?utfta.r j . w - a . 1 1; ,.r tne beauiy anu raanuiieaa ui gaimub Brunswick. Bonfires illumined the streets and pyrotechnics on a grand scale were displayed. There was a general feeling of satisfaction, joy and pride at the result ot tbe election ana everv one for the time was in thehap- niest frame of mind imaginable. There was no disturbance and the merriment. ... 1- 1 :! v WHICH was conuuueu uuui a iavu Dassed off to the entire satisfaction of nllconcerned. Hurrahforus! : 1 r We observe quite a fine display of , 1-1- now Revolvers lor very reabonauie r ToKiioTinrwnro Tlpnnt, prices, vk v atvui o jiJLtivftw ' - 1 1 Cheers for the Mother btate. The following congratulatory tele ft iir:u;n.)nn:ni1ii gram, iroru iwu nuuugwuiuuc, Messrs. George C Kelley and E. F. Story, now resident in Birmingham, Ala., will be read with much of inter est and pleasure by all whose eje it meets: HmuiNGnAM. Ala., Nov. 11. 1681. To Josh. T. James. Editor Review, Wil mington, N. C' Accent the congratulations ol many North Carolinians, now resi dents ot Alabama, lor tne glorious fhipvpments of our motner kiate ior the State and national iiciteia. iuiw " . r 1 . - 1 ft 'PL lima, thrpft rousiner cheers lor Cleveland and Reform ! GEORGE V. lELIXT. E. F. Story. It is reported by those who are en tirely competent to know, that tne Cape Fear river has not been so low within the memory cf the oldest mbab itant as it is now. In many places it is so low that it can be waded with ease and with but little inconvenience or difficulty. ThP. election beine over, the ap proaching celebration has formed a principal portion of the conversation among our people to-day. This and the county camass of returns . in : New York, "which took place to-day, t has furnished abundant topics upon which to coayerse. V THE QF TJE PEOpflE jS WATCHING THE ROGUES Onslow County. We are indebted to Mr. John- We are indebted to Mr. John A. Afnralinll fnr thf followino- pnnv of the nliwinwrnnntv. The I majorities my u- e tueu, cacu iui the lower House ot the Legislature, in which case the Vote lor each candidate is given by precinct was 739! State ticket 812: Judire of " - " - GnnvoPnnrl-fiQ.W T Croon fnr Congress) 855; State Senate (Thomp son) 779. The following is the vote by precinct for the House of RePre?entf tives : Williams' Store, H. E. King, l)em., Wflwptr." TnrfpnPrMlpnt. 13- , "'V' n " V t ;r ' otore. .vtug. o, n u ('rnss Kn(13. lvillfr. lUi. tiewCIC O iTm l.mria. Kin?. J43. Hewett. 6: Jackson- ville, King, 62, Hewett, 2; Gilman's, King, 62. Hewett, 2; Mortons. King, 86. Hewett, 0; Mill's. Kfng. 26. Hewett. 2.5;Swansboro. King, 43. Hewett, 2; viae, imu, vnh, . ; or. . . , , , V ilkin3. KinCT. 0t. tleWCtt : lOiai, K; i 117 Hewett 180 Kina'd ma' -Tl ft37 J i I MAlanru iti TT r1" mil llrtr. JiMJvo " . . The earth, as she swings her ponder, oaa bulk in her orbit, encounters on the l3th ot November, meteor zone, and plunging headloug through the sparsely scattered cosmical atoms, aud igniting thosa ihat imDiiige upon her atmos- nhorn she causes them to descend as fauiDff siars. This gigantic hoop or i r t meleor zone cousi&w ui a aaim ui Darticies following Tempel's comet, th fortunate visitor from tho star a ftu mmi,,r;no ,10r thft nlnpt depths venturing too near the planet TT rnr.i,-rn t Ui rrlonf urau?, - orbs, forced to become a member of orbs, forced to become a mem crctpm and to travel henceforth j "v .Kin onnrrort n Iho sprr.nd PPntnrv of thpnhri.tin Prn: The nerihelion or www - - f t.hA Nnwmher meteor zone is on earth's t ti, nnint. Khfl n nhout the 13th of November, and the aphei. .nn i hPvond thn orbit ot Uranus. ThP nrtipT of mm, t n.nd the swarm nf,6tM.i,.v.thn fr cpnttprpd w. ' Kf .f,u r.Ko ,no hnt in the course of lime will fill the whole space. As the period of revolution is about 33 years, a grand display of fiery rain occurs only at intervals. The next one may be expected in 1899. Observers, however, who watch pa- tiently on the night of the nth, fJta and 13th will be rewjirded by seeing few njcteors radiating from ihecoostcl lation Lw, which are true Leonides, the name given to the members of this uiCiu J aart from thia constellation. Such the delightful uncertainty of meteoric astronomy, that the earth may capture a larger number of these little bodies than is anticipated. Therefore it well to keep a careful lookout. r T . . T by presenting three paifs rf old kid gloves, a damaged back shell comb and a fractured bustle tb the. poor. A botaeof SL Jacobs. Oil sent would have eaved her reputation. 1 A CSraiid Lcinonstratioii. Tlie CJounty. Exicir.ive Committee met yt slerday afternoon and have do Jermined upon having a grand demons tration in this city on the night ot the 20th inst.,Jn celebration of the great and trlorious victory achieved at the polls by the Democratic paity This is the day which was recommended by the Revilw, which first voiced .the sentiment for a demonstration. Probably these gentlemen hae done wc'l in the matter of! MaKing a rcisivo step in rlnsiMrl Hirrnhnn nni it' n oVii tnro I'll they have acted, purely from a desire to do what is best for tee interests of the community. Still, we cannot approve the suggestion made that this dcmois- " , l . l . 1. luat i uia menus it lilUC aim light procession We think that the day is better suited fur the purpose than the night and the object being to secure a large attendance from the country by means of reduced rates on the railroads there is a much better pro-- pect of obtaining these crowds in the day-time than at night. Beside?, there are many, a great many, or our citizens who will not leave their lami- lies alone to participate in a aenion- ion at niaht. We speak advisedly as we have heard a great many expressions 10-uay ij iu;a tuea. ii I - . V . I I T - 4 .1.. I .-. I might, .perhaps, be better to let the fes- Biigm.w. .uciv tivities take place by day and by night- too. There could be a processus dur- mg the day .say Irom W to 3 p. m I . r. . ., . -,- and fireworks at various points and I onooHmr q. nirlit Witli thp nrnnpr i-i ...B.... r..r J exeruJGS luu iia.wuiu u waur the grandest spectacle ever witnessed ia Wilmintrton or in orth Carolina. i T nl (lura Ko 0 irnnarnl cn a nun otrtn r( . wuio . v.. business so that all may unite in the jollity and happiness of the occasion Let it be in the day so that the ladles God bless every one of them- may wit- ncss me patriotic pageant, iu it jc w the day time so that the children may be inspired with the patriotism of their fathers, and let it be in the day time so I that- it mv lift spnn and known of all I - , .. men. DUiwneiner iisooum db uam- ed to celebrate in the day or night linic',- let U3 make it so general that it will be a bo fonrotten in tho annals I 11016 neVCT IO DO lOIKOtLtll in Hlv. .lljimia f . . st t 01 our cllJ anu We submit these remarks with the 1 ft 1 . : , uaf ;f .1 -. F wVa ruiAnta Wn ft r rrt uu I T csv, v Kv,. throw any obstacle in the way of this i - . 0 r 1 proposed ceieoratton ana yet we ice. that our visws are right and that we have voiced h3 sentiment (i a lire Proportion 01 our people However il may be decided, let it be decided at oncaandletusallgototo work, heart I ... , ... IT . .11 . l . . ana nana, ana mace me auair an mat it should be. At Burlaw. The sterling Democracy of Pender county, in joy of the result ol the recfnt election, will have a grand demontra- tion, jollification, celebration and torch litt procession, at Burgaw to- a morrow night, when they intend to - 1 paint tbe town red and have a high time generally. Everybody is invited and jt js expected that there will be a large 7 concourse 01 people in auenuance. jtot- is ..n.r.innn tf Kr.nnV. Kacttlv mrln will been a grand scale., It will be. a Cleveland and Hendricks,-and Scales an( Stcdman celebration, not forget i& I Hog, however, to do honor to Wharton 1 J. Gireen and to the gallant J. T.Biacd I who made a successful fight for Demo. cratic principles in hts canvass for the lower House ol the State Legislature. ' . . . 7. " - . . . Business was very dull ia the vicmi 1 ty of tho City Hall this mcrsin, - Personal.' f V . "' ; Mr. E. A. Pate, of BJadcnboro, is in -the city to-day. ', y V ; ; ; . " We are sorry to. hear that Mr. J. II. McGarity is. quite sick at bi " in this city tut trust to hear cf his early, improvement, jl- - , ? ; The Mr; Ilolly Iiuprovenient Ceru- ; pipjpwill run an i-xcmsiori Jrain frcm tins , city to' Mt. Holiy next Monday n;j;h reinruing'in ihc city on We-'nea. day inirnm2. Ii'Avill Im unttcr the cfttrge M r Jfw II. IIa, the Cona-X pauy's tvt)t. of who;s all tftfrmati6hflj xkj t Me suiji:ct may hui. at lcKa3-'t" pr - wit zs ciar .-tt.Tf . -;' -; -"w Niaw A 1 V lilt 1 1 H KM 13 N I . Excursion to Mt. Holly,-N.C. . . ... . Or-. - 1 ilS MT. KOLW IMPltOVftMRNT COM- i- - NY'ft EXCURIS win leave WHmlnjc--, tea, Monday, Nov. 17, at 7 1 ., vkvCaroll".' i.a Ce-i!ral c. 'i AW Ui l:teiCBtei and " i'-e'rou of vil.Injf iht nuelvcs of s'u.cxco'Icot "opportunity to u pa jlr.g enterprise win piejte cooler witn Tti ui wt ir t ryf 'ompaay'i Aucnt. 'fia ai Kasju'owlj'tf ol 1 Cirar samt. . nov 11 U Wilru'rgton, K. C." . Another largo Invoice . ZFI1YC3 AND ALL THE VAtlOUS Wools In use ALL' COLOKS. CLlMrtn'a, Misses and Lalea Jeneyj. -Glovei and llaiidkcrchicfs. ' p Fancy llairplns. Hit Oinametts, Ac. MHUnery Full stock, JUats, Eonnets, Vel ata, Foattcra. Clrda, .c. Stair ptBg d6nc in latest dcs'Kca. - . ; Felt All colors. El Icr Doier, Plush, Ac. - Ucspectlully MISS E. KARItER. nov 11 Kxcnane Corner. S H- Trimble, OTOCK ATiD HEAL. JSSsTATJi UUUKClt k3 r.nd Aceiloneer or General Merchandise or eveiv description. Ofllw. corner Frlncesa and Water streets. Crcnly & Mo;ris' .old atand. vehicles at private sale or at aucilon. Con- a. . ii.ii oixfrri tm a trfQ 8 fnte BOUClieu AncUoncir. - A Festival. TT7-ILL UK HELD OS TUESDAY NIGHT, 1 Nov. nth, at the Germania Hall, by the La . . dies of St. Thomas' Congregation, Tiie i tana u ,. t a.,. card wllUnpply music for dancing. Adn.U nvLady and uleman, 50cenW;cbUdre; 3- " PJotlCC "u... ""cf-j ft?. v" rr" . wrrr nn WM, vV? 1 callln at Ko. 10 Sontn Front vj5Tf T .rwtierc ven will find ll no fresh i efrg8, ana ew laver uy.r$, open sua m ire mV Groceries ol u toVcfiwp f w- casb! fccptsofjr w. T. CitOOU. . a UWIIILr VPlilllg . rv aiiLLiNEiir, AT MRS. E. A. LUMSDEN'S, OX 1?IDAY, KOV. Ilia. All the LATEST NOVELTIES of tacEeaaon. COV 10 Ft , . ; - -; .- . . Stores for Kent. iirAUEJIOUSE AND OFFICES j V at.ove now ocmpied by Messrs. piea by a. Dumeiandt. L'oth on North water at; between -,n,l Plhpctr.nt. Annvtn and Cncetcut. Apply to atiK U fcttr copy St . - .I-EwlSSET & CO. Wilmington a wsldon, ' BKCEETABY'S OFICE, W IL31IXGT03", K. C, KOV. 1st, 16f4. I rriHE FORTY MNTII ANNUAL MKETlXa I or tbe Slockholdera of tbe Wllmlonon A wei- don I aUrcad Company wUJ Ixj bl i at tt e Office of the Company. In Wilxalbffton, cn Tuesday, tbe 18tb ot No?embcr, HSi. noy3 tdrn J. W. THOMPSON, Fecfy I Wilmington, col. & AUG. B,li. iJ ECIIKTARXS OFFICE, . .WiLMTJCOTOsr, X. C, Not. lit, ... . 1 wiir yii 3 j rpHE ASUAt. HEETINO'OF.TIIE Stock Id-srs of the Wilmlcjtoa, CalcmMi A Au ! , ; - i ZCom lae ffic of thc Comny. j wiia:icSton, cn - TaeriT, the l isoctott." nov 3 tdra J. W. THOMP.01Fc.t'r ' JId'North State forever. JtLECTIOX I20VEE--INDICATION8 poiat correctly o drink Ctcnuacr, Smole C. aad EL ClTirs ad bo lup)y.:- ! C5Y5 ... . 1 t iii ii Depot.