-- ' , - - - . . -. ... . , . . . - ' ; - ",r-'5,, - - - r . - . k , . A JOSH T, JAMSf EDITOB. AKI rRO?SITOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS rOSTAQBPAID: year M-00 81x months, f2.C0. Threa Months, $1.00; On4 month, 35 pcnt r&e paPer wiu be deUveTed by cArrters free f cjjarge, In any part of the Ctty, at the sboTO !.ta-or 10 cent per week. ' ' : U-Subscrlbera will report any and all fall- w receive their paper regularly. ires 0- The Daily Review has the largest fide circulation, of any newspaper .ubiished, intnecuyoj Wilmington. "Tien. Grant is ill in bed at his home i0 N'e' York. , - - i jufi" ( H-tsflin began f he exercise ol j,j4 new d itic3 in Cdicago last week, -, ... Tr.e IVinort of W ales will in future -;vcio'.T -.iH'A facilities n his Devon ,,,1 Corn v:t!l estates for the purchav ot irp h U r.uilding sitfs. V . . : . " . Mr Iir:n as eigntean relatives from son-in-law to second cousin, in federal effiees, and the phalanx of fhteen is said to fear lest it bo ousted gJa3 ceremony. f' ' John Bright is in favor of delivery of the mails by carriers on Sundays as on Cher days of the week, whereat the Sabbatarians and very, many of his fellow Quakers are much offended. ; -- . The amount ot poverty in Paris is appalling Tne authorities say they will be compelled to give assistance to over 400,000 people the coming year, nd the sum needed will be $3,000,000 , . . Cmlinal Livigerie is seriously ill. He is not expected to live. His death wiil ieave France almost unrepresented in ths college, a situation which will continue until the republic yields to the tcrnisoftha Vatican None of the shipyards in Philadelphia bare any contracts for new work, and unless new contracts come in before the close of the year there will be an en tire cessation o shipbuilding, and only repairing done as the.yard3. The Pope has issued a decree creat ia2 the American College in Romp, until recently a part of the Progaganda property, a Clerical College, with an orginiz ition of its own, and to be ruled like the college of the -Progaganda. J-jo Bsrstow, of Lancaster County, Ta., who made a vow twenty fur cars ago that he would not shave until s Democratic President was elected, ks taken for granted that the question wes settled, and a barber removed the beard, which was nearly as long as himself. The Western Union Telegraph Com paay is utilizing bicyc!es in Washington ia the delivery of messages, and find Bod them a great advantage. They lave boys , time and money, and tour of ttam are kept in the office. A messen ger on a bicycle can get around much more rapidly than a boy on foot, and g along distance with greatease. ti ... . The famous Paris hostler in the butory of French literature is to be torn down to make room for the en largement ot the. Sorbonne. It was named the hotel Jean-Jacques-Rous-K-tu because Rousseau made it his toiuein 1741.. GaorgeSahd wrote her first novd there, and in it Plauche role his first critical essay.' - laoiel Alaqning, the man who pilot fJ iha swift Presidential- cutter '"umbia, Clev jand captain, down the 'tuflson and so around into the Potomac a to receive his reward at the hands of :ss Mary Livingston Fryer, of A;bany. Miss Fryer and Mr. Manning be married on the I9th inst. and Jacrtly thereafter will sail for Europe. The Are Iossc3 in October were tho wgest ever known in that month, l th ae exception of Octobar. 1S71. in hicb Chicago was burnt. The losses wo hrst ten months of the current tor foot up $03,200,000, against $80,. 000 in the corresponding period ot Last year made a lage avrago jf '5Jear improves upon it smartly in e wrong direction, and whether .1935 Jl a further gain will depend upon Aether business will improve or de-lfr-oratc. - Tte wheat trade ot the Pacific Coast nt:tutes the most marked feature of commerce of that section of the Untry. The business with Europe ;ne gives employment to a fleet of ;'lu 400 vessels which pursue the te around Cape Horn. The distanco aiSan Francises to Liverpool Jbj 1 route is about 16,000 in iles, and ; the TerSe time of passage of sailing vei about foar month. During the closing Jane 30, 1884, there were tered from th Prifift rv'cf f- Pn. J56353 vessels ol which 95 sailed ud- lorei American nzz ana 2i)3 under W flags. Ro prettT llfctle Wne-eyed baby! erhl?ons! Wy don't h moth sJrQpW? lm a dose of Dr- Bull's Cough M w itirne to give Smith's Worm -ids I S 1A,TT V : WWW-f" VOL. VIII. EdWflrri S Stntroa t -.!Ju. . . .wn., (9 10 dq en gaged to marry a millionaire' widow ' 1 . ' . Mr. Chizzola and others are trying to raise a Brignoli monument lund in New York. Our roosters have crowed therasefves hoarse and will not appear again until I. Ooupil. whose reason is dethroo- ed. recentiy tried to whitewash all the oil paintings in his rlnahio .n A magnificent gem, a diamond worth $50:000, the larg-st and most valuable gem irl the United States, has just been cut by a New York jeweler and .has been named the Cleveland Gem, I1 wieghj nearly 30 carats.' 5 " Beast Butler received but 3.499 votes in New York city. We had credited him with 5,000. His entire vote in the State was 16 918, against 25.115 for St. John. Belva Lock wood received about 50 votes in the entire State. - . - mwm i . t THe Washington Slar find.) savs: ' Give us shorter Presidential cam paigns and longer Presidential term. These are the sentiments of the country just now. Don't let evervthinff hft rnn in the interest of the nnlitinc o.h iu , lUQ oummers. LOCAL NEWS. lUdil tti HEW AOVEBTISEMEMTS. A W Watson Notice Shriek The Success Third Ward Democrats Craig A Tuomas New Store Sscond Ward Democratic Club B L Dixox Oysters Oranges Ottekbouhq Oar Specialties Watsok & Eckel Dlasolatlon C W ?atcs The Grand Jubilee Attention Democrats First Ward W E SpaiXGEE A Co Hardware P It BarDGERs & Co Fireworks' PABKEK& Tatlor Home Comforta Attention Fl f i h Ward Democratic Club Knights of. Honor Regular Meeting Miss B Karber mother Large Invoice HRTN8BERGBR Bookseller and Stationer. F C Miller Frlendi bd Fellow Citlran Geo R French & Soxs If lour Feet Hurt J as W Kixg, Chm'n Attention Jubilee Committees WH Strius, Pres't-Yonog Men's Pro- grcselTe Club For other locals see fourth page. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1.009 bales. The city was filled with smoke last night and to-day. Was it from the big Goldsboro fire? We observe . quite a fine display f now Revolvers rfor very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot., f There will be a special meeting of the Cornet Concert Club to-night for Tpfac' tico for the approaching celebration A' lull attendance is expected Nor barque oatZent.yoW,Abraham. sen, cleared today for Bremen with 1,026 bales of cotton, valued at $48,000, shipped by Messrs Alex Sprunt & Son. Kuiffhts of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. 'Regular meetingthis evening at 7i o'clock. Fnll attendance desired . f - . It . As the Cornet Coucert Club are to furnish music for the parade, and as the celebration is to be a sort of State affair, we hope that some of theother ban(S3 of North Carolina may conclude to attend and give us some ot their good Ex-Congressman- Georee W. Jones, of Tennessee, whose death was anV nounccd in the New York Herald of the 15th inst.! was "quite well known to many of our cUizens. " He was a 'pbr sonai friend of Hon. B. R, Bridgers. whom he has yisited .several times within the past ten or twelve years. Persoual. Mr. William A French and wife re turned to the city on Saturday nigHt, after an absence of about , four weeks on a visit to the North ' Mr. George R. French, Sr.,. who has been absent from the city since last May, returned here last Tuesday night During his absence he has spent a large portion of his time in the West and Northwest. He is, in gocd beallbV ; ' Col. Jno. J. I led rick has 'returned to the city from a vis ft to the- Northern markets. He was in Philadelphia on Saturday night and aawthe big demon, stratum which took place there on that occasion. He stood in one placa ,Ior four hours and saw the procession pass all that time. It moved at the rate ?ot two and a half miles an hour and there lore Col. Hedrick saw ten milesf it. - To every , Housekeeper gpoqi substantial cooj: atQve is-au irponaujt necessity and oiir readers will find the best at Factory - prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. - f f A I ,.- , . , . . ' ' " Goldsboro in Flamcs-A. I.ar-e or.Mon of the Business, Part of the City Iatrojl-25 .5lne8 Houses Consumed Tim Meisefijror Ufllce inkkli. oxImmense destruction of Properly. f Abut2:30yA;lock yesterday 'after noon atXlqldsbbrn, a fire nrokolDUon" the cotton yard ? of Messrs. Bordeir& Rro Wilaui stj-eut, nearihe machlfne works of Messrs. W. J. Komegay &Co., and in n few moments had gotten un der such headway that it ws'able to defy the best efforts of mau to subdue it.t v It soon enveloped the hardware store on Centre street, recently occupied by Burch Bros ."(name of present oc cupant not learped) thenceto the drug store of Robinsoi& Spicer, and the ma chine works of .W. F;,Kprnegay& Co.; the hstrtl ware store' 'of 'Jones' '& Yel yertson; drug store of Miller & Shan non; E. Einstein & Co., dry goods; J. D. V inslow, general merchandise; M. E. Castex & Son, dry goods and inillin. ery; Singer Sewing Machine OflSce, and Messenger Ofllce.-on Centre street, Oa Walnut street it too the stores of W. S. Farmer, groceries; Fonville & Sauls, grcesies; R: M. Privet: & Co., wholesale grocers and cotton factors ; Portner's Beer, Bottliog establishment and Denmark's Flouring . Mill These are the principal estab lishments burned, although there were also many smaller places of business destroyed whoso owners names we were unable to learn1. - The fire is supposed to have originated by the liffhting of a cigarette by a boy and throwing the still lighted match where it ignited the cotton. The loss is esti mated to be about $250,000, the princi pal portion of which was covered by in surance. We are glad to say that all the type and material of the Messenger office were sayed; except the press. which -could not bo removed. This, however, will not prevent the paper from coding out as usual with the loss perhaps, of one issue. On accountof the scarcity of water the fire department and citizens were powerless to stay the progress of the flames, but were com pelled to stand and see their property and their beautiful city destroyed by the devouring element. The loss will be deeply deplored by all good citizens and the more so as it will necessarily seriously impair the success of . the Wayne County Fair which will be held this week. . Fearful Accident. Yesterday afternoon a lot of colored boys were riding on the cow-catcher of an engine in . the yard at the Front Street depot, when one of the number; named Jackson Laue, fell off and one of the 'wheels of the engine pae?c4. over his legs," crushing them In such a man ner that amputation of both les be came necessary. -Dr. W:J. rtiBella my performed 4 the .operation. The boy was conveyed to his home on Red Cross street, between Sixth and Sev enth, when at lait accounts he was do ing as well as could be expected. Tho boys have been warned many times about the danger of riding on the cow catcher but the warning has been an heeded, and this is the result. . The Fi ro To -d ay . " A few momenta alter one o'clock this afternoon a spark from the chimney ignited the roof of the one story, frame dwelling on the corner oi Wright and' Eighth streets, . in the extreme Southeastern section, of, tho' city1 Owned and occupied- by "Mr Solomon Reeycs: The alarm was given at once and every effort was made to save the building, but the xoof was so dry and the distance from engine houses so great that belo're thedepart ment could reach the scene the building was so far goao as to make any effort impoFslble to save1 it, and it was des troyed. -Air. Reeve? sueceeded la sav-! ing a large portion of his" household j goods- The building was insured in the Wilmington Mutual to the amount of $350. and there was insurance in the same com pany .on, yje , hooAebold . Mr. W. WShaw.'on the corner of Mulberry i and (Sixth streets, had his premises raided on Saturday night and. 16 chickens stolen: -It is no csa tolry t are"feoityJa ftal?nT!?- Take off the tint two letters of spoil; the first letter of toil, then add St. Jacobs and you have the greatest rem edy ofthsnse.- ; NlC4IONDAY; NOVEMBER 1 i NEW ADVEKTISESIENT8. 3 - Heaped upon os has bo parallel io the Ufa l in v nnn Jrtur nrin&a kA ... a il?.'.n.,n tIad thls FaHf pu. i. " , 1 i . L V,, t ; tins sasoa snail THE SAME EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES I -iJtlncreasiog; Vre- proves the tVuth of all we State it U pUiiy iblc . k,. Ji $cier. lWTMe&iwn as the general public that " s is 1 IT ISS?t AE?P ou 'I hoar it' everywhere": '.'.It is gratifying to us, and the public may rest assured that in the future as Tn the pa" their. confidence shall never be taken advantage of. . 5 '.. ; . . J tii ...J. ' , J 1 f j , ..... Our aim shall ever be to offer our Clothing of the best quality at the. lowest possible prices ! We will cheerfully send goods for approval to your home where vou can com- ?taihihrS fr-m lHer hnsejr- ' Yon wi astTnfshed at the great saviog we will make for you. . ; THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST., nov 17 TT- Third Ward Democrats. rpfJE DEMOCRATS OF THE THIRD Ward ! jl ro requesva io meet in the City Court Boom, to night (Monday) at 7 30 o'clock, to prepare for the Grand Demonstration of the uwir. a inn atienaance is urgently quested JKO. D. TaYLOK rc nov 17-.ll -- - President 3rd Ward Club Aitentwa Fifto Ward Dcmacratic dab. VOU ABE BGttEBY BEQUKSTJLD to met x your Wigwam, this (Monday) evening, 17th nOVemner..n HI nilAnlr nniniMt,,.. .1. - - w w niwart(jF ij (uri uran i ieraonstration. et ua have a full MUUUUX. - - A. M. LKSLIR. nov 17 tt President 3th Ward Dexn. Clnb. Attention Demwrats ef First Ward. jIX DKUOCBA.TS OKTHE FIBST Ward Hub are requested to meet at Brooklyn Fall, Monday night, promptly at 7.80 o'clock, as buaioe.s of importance is to bs attended to W. H. 8TKAIIHS nor 17 It PrcBident. Second Ward Democratic Club. TjlMEBGENT MEETING to be heldja the court - iious. at 70" o'clock, p. m. to night, at request of bounty Democratic Krer. utire Committee, to make arrangements for participation in the rand Celebration on mursaay next, a lull attendance of mem- era u eamcBur soucitea. JNO. Wi DUNHAM, Pre''t E. R. Hicxs, Seot'y .. - aov 17 It A TTENTION YOUNG MEV3 PROcTiRH H. fel VE UfiUOCK& l(! CLnB-Th 1U be an Important meeting of this club to-night, (Mondaj) at 8 o'clo k, t the Major's Court Boom, to perfect arrangements for the Grand Bally .Thursday night All Democrat are In vited to be present. Parties having helmets and torches belonging to this Club willuldase turn them in at this meetlnir. -- . W-H bTBAUSS, rres't E F Jonxsos, Sect'y. ., , ; . hot 17 ATTENTION, JUBILEE C0MSIITIES. TTOU ABB EXPECTED TO MEET WITH the Democratic ExecuUre Committee, Tuc 4ay afternoon. 18th lnat.. at Dtmocntte uA quarters, at 4 o'clock, to report as to waat has ueenaoira.' .-.---. J .ME3 W. KIXG, Chairman. Dem. Kr. Com New Hanover County, nor 17 It ' 8 tar copy t . . rf Oysters; Oysters, IT NO; m M ABKET ST., between Front and Second. Ton . can got New Hirer Ovstars fresh every rtny, auu, uc uwi Mi. m iunua ranges. . sr Oysters shipped to any part ot the State. aov 17 1 wk - &. I DIXSON. Dioppluti on . JIHE F1BM OP WATjON A 1LCKEI HAS this day" been dissolved by mutual consents natner party oi tne nnn is authorized to sign .fiH v&AAlnt kill. l a - m . - ku n.i uiuB in u(jiuuuou ox oeoia. " ' " , A. W. WATSON. yu t u . i WM A.ECKEL. Wilmington, N. C. Nov. lath, 1854. fJotice. rjTlE UNDEBSIQSfED BErNG;THANXrUL ?;pt arors, will continue the Paper Stock, Cotton, Beeswsx. Uidea. Braaa, Copper, ZLnc c., baaineea opposite the ohl stand, and so lldu a coBUanance of the patronage- bestowed upoa the late firm. a. wTwATJiON. nov 17 It : If Your Feet Hurt Yc OB YOU HAVE PET" COBN3, go to FRENCH A SONS and boy a pair of their ' Easy Fitting Shoes, and yon wMbe hsppy. They fit so easUvaad neatly, wear s well, ami are so reasonable In price. Coe try apilr. S - Geo, -B French & Sons; : - ----- -r - T , a 1 NOBTH FBOJSX STREET 1 aOV 17 ..it. i t w ..-'4 ,:- - -1 i 7f HnVdra Pa OF ALL XI5D3 AND IN ANT QUANTI ty. Wholesale and detail at BOCK BOTTOM prleea. V. E. 8PEINGEB A CO W, a 3 Market 8tre-t, " . irl4 WUalngtoa, UC. 171884 NO. : 274 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Clothing business. Good ' rood, sanar r . . . iUl ,U3 luu "rgese scare ui the and tor the balance of continue to offer Our Specialties ! 'yyiTH US READY-MADE CLOTHING and Men's Furnishing Good3 are specialties. We make no garment to ordor, but DEVOTE OUR WHOLE TIME to tho two lines, hecce the plain unvarnished reason why WE SELL MORE CLOTHING AND FUBNI8BTNO GOODS and do a moro thorough stirring busl ness THAN ANY OTHER noUSE IN THE TWO CAROLINAB. We carry.witUout doubt, the LARGEST, the MOST STYLISH, the FINEST, and by far the CHEaFEST, acd most taBtefully.selccted stock of Ready-Made Clothing than any other similar cstabl'ehment in the State, and invite all buyers to call and be convinced of the truthf alness of these broad aseert iocs'. Gentlemen, our advertisement means JUST WHAT IT SAYS. OttcrWourg Intends that his Clothing shall be known as the CHEAPEST In the whole country, as it ts already known aa the BEST. OITERBOURG, KING clothieb; hot 17 Wilmington, N C Fireworks ! Fireworks OF ALL KINDS Prepare for the Grand Jclli fication by Jaying in a . Supply ! COME AS EARLY . AS TOU CAN TO .AVOID THE CROWD. ROMAN CANDLES SKY ROCKE'TS, dc. CANNON CRACKERS. Large and Small. STUART'S RYE, THOMPSON'S PURE RYE and CAPE FEAR in any quaniPy and of fine quality. P. L. BRID0EBS & 00. HO North Front 8t. BOT 16 The Grand Jubilee ! THOSE OX USE OF MARCH SHOULD Uy in a supply of Chinese Lantern. Flsg, cL Yoa can get Ihera at YATES BOOK STORE. - -,; !' Ylsltors to the city ae rtrpectfony fjrvlted w w e.LQino MiT.svoci or tsoou. ata- on3TArcr Goods, jnctnres. Frames, Al hums, bakf Pm. llndnl iMiHim..(. ..j tea ihonsxnd other arUcle that i cannot ciu merate- - ---. .-,.- .. , PIANOS AND ORGANS bv Irft la the country at special low rases. Don't tall to eaU at YATES' BOOH STORE, : nov 1 , 119 Uarict cL, WUr.lrgtoa N C ff-iJia oa 1j jfa J 9$ let K . r .. . ; . j . . i i . - . iLl m.1 if 4 I v.-ia u. ; , n icac "TEA EaM fg -n Favor xlitlsa mast b avoTdcd.; . And it U especially and partfcuii r!y t!e stood thai the EdJtordoea pty eadcia views of eorrapo&dc&fe ivit Ito the editorial oohzaas. 1 " i J k , . " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 9 SSSaiAfD 'STti BT.OKKR and Atoetioneer ot Gcserl ? crchsudise of ?XCrGA -oldMsnd. Ifinff1?,1110 aiictton- Con. a P' ; AucUoner. Another Large Invoice QF -ZEPUrRS AND ALL THE VARIOUS Woola in use-ALL COLORS. ChUilren's, Misses and La-'ie Jerse?. v. Cloves and ' Wafltwhiefr3 Fancylrplas. UatVxaamex (a Jtcl . ; J1?"""11 8to S Ednncts. Vel vets, Fcathersv Birds, . t 't - Sun: ping done ia litest des'grs.- V-Felt-All coloraXMer DoV, Plufth.:Ac. . Bsspectfully , MISS E. KARRElt nov 17 Exchange Corner. Home Comforts. A 2RW??Wk kat Davencds as. If to say th.ifs8o, and add a vivo VI u.: A" nov 17 Oome,to the ITew Store, No!ll3 South Front St., XTHKaE TUERE HAS JU8T BEEN KE- ccl cd a Choice Flour, rrcsh Virginia lfcal, New Pearl Hominy, FrhBuckwteat,togtth. er with Teas, Coffees. Sugars, &c. X" Our brag Whi&kles are as good as ever. Brunswick Private Stock can't be beat Tne Old Jxg Cabin Is a very pleasant Rye Whls i7' WaUokeep com. Whiskies, Wines. Gins and BranjUes. Omslgnmjts of Produce solicited. 'Lot and Stall accommodations free for country friends, pi -: -t& t ' - c craig'& thomab.: noduce Commission Merchants and itealers in Groceries, c liquors, Ac; No.uis ttouth Front st i almost opposite tho Market P. HEINSBERGER, Book-Seller and Stationer, DEALER IN PIANOS AND ORGANS, FANCY" GOODS, A WEDDING PRESENTS GUITARS, VIOLINS, ApCOEpEONS, BAN- ff JOS, STRUGS J Norfoir Oysters ! G AN NOW BE FOUND At tbeJGEM RESTAURANT. No. SO North Front Stppt. nov 15 WILL WfchT. The Election is Over I ' t t tmm H,t IiUK COUNTRY IS SAVEO. .OUR PUR- chafes are Urge. Ou- cxp- nsce small and we are determined to seU Groceries chesp t? stilt these hard tloies, , gave money by. baying nor, 15 y ? I yp. 19. North Second it; To-nIorrow HLJUl-IIKfeY JKNkjS wld:Cx receive Forty Gallons line -"V Hirer Oysters. Also.&alt Moils s. oyetertuaent C.O.D. Also, Apples,. Pears. Pcches Northern Cabbage, OnionsV Sweet and Irish Potaues. which we Wlfl seU low tor WUI nov IS Carolina Yacht Club Cjgars, BEST 6 CENTS CIGAR OH THE MARKET. Wood w hUkey, Eeer, Oysters, Ac,- cv... OLD NORTH STATE 6ALCO V , ' ' aov 13 j j j :j 6 South Front Street. Winter Opening OF MILLINERY, - - t.!: 14l"'-'-'-f-All tboTESTl WILMINGTON A WELDON TL B.CO..' f, i SrCBETARyg office 1. IJ1HJS FORTY-NINTH" ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the WUmlnirton A WeK tloa tallread Company wlB btU at the Office of the Company, la jf Ilmlagton, on Tuesday, the ltth of Nomber; Uui " ! nov 3 tdm .J. W. THOMPSOK Ferty WILMINGTOX.COL. A AUG. R, jl CO . . . , s SECBEYARI'd trFICE,U i j v Wmi4rpToii.K. 'Oi kon 1st. iW . F ' ? SMBl rpHE ANN UAL MEETING 6f THE Stock Ulc,Icr 03f tke WUmlnton, Columbia 2t An .-r - - . , HV w-r a: tl "Toilet eet, a Coffee Hire in. .ronii tr.V fc... t JTrW gnsta BaHroad Company, will l hcW at the 0ee otthe Coispaay, Jn Vrilmlagtoa, on Ttaaiay, thcI5a?Bt. nov 3 1 V, TIIO rOX, Sfy

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