THI3 PAPER ctot11 erery eveatag,' iSoadaya ex-1 JOSH T. JTAMES ! ' Six months, $2.09; .Tlrre year One month, 33 cento.. ' aper will be delivered by canton 'iree Le, la any part of the city." at the above TrrrlO at8 per week. -. v. f ftestia!ng rates low, ad liberal ... a-snb3crlber will report any ana all fall- y receive lUCx pajioA smgjijr. , 77. Ai?y Review has Vie largest (it cn'cuuiburn,, vf any newspaper - , P - vtski. in the city of Wilmington. b',u' the only place a Brazilian doss , s.m is in his coffin. . ,: ;-" . j j !!rl )u hns adopted the Constitutional jaien.lent empowering the Governor wvciy separate. items in approprialion b Us. -; ." - "V-":-:- Ial de Cassagnfic, tbo'ootori c3s bul i i'aris, has alien heir", to a fortune of $000,000 he has foresworn . ' v Sicct the development of tre culture ' the forests of Europe have increased iro:n pr.t-sixtn to one-fifth of the"entire territcry- - : " - (j;ie h -nrJred and fifty pounds of pare p!J .ami :i basketful of rubies were jiii'i k' the valuables of the DowRger (tjctM of Hannah before she was re- r.v-.l i! P'Wer. - . t e v dar ce, adopted by the Ameri in Suc t ty of Professors in Dancingr, ,;th' ir meeting in New York, is called the Octagonal. It is dancers, danced by ieisht couples, double sides and Ismail, the ex Khedive, is hot a pau yj. Between 1S74 and 1879. when he ib Heated, more than $100,000,000 was paid in to his account at various Euro pean banks, principally in Holland and elginoi. Alter Vienna girls leave school tbey p through one or two years1 teaching in the kitchen, in order to render them icdepen tent of cooks and housekeepers when they begin housekeeping on their own account, ; ' Uaniei Maston, school teacher, died it Saltiin, Mas?., last week, at the age of eighty-four years. The worst of the thousand of bad boys whowent to schoi ltn him was none other than Ren- jimin F. Butler. C uut (Jieichenfs ofilce of Constable of Windsor Castle is a sinecure paying ufre than $5,500 a year. He was ap- poJated to it as theuccessor of Prince Albert, who held it and drew the' salary k many years. Mbs M. E. Braddon, the most pro !i8c ol English story-writers, in private life is Mrs. Maxwell and owns up to bye reached tbe maturo age of tifty She has just finished a new noyel, entitled 'Wyllird's Weird.'7 ' The seven gas companies of Kew York city, which recently consolidated have Gxed the price of gas. at $1.75 the 1,000 feet (instead of $2.25) to consum er ol less than 100,000 feet per month, Md $l 50 to larger consumers. A new perfume, called "A Lily's 5'gh," is now m use among women whoe curses ore long, the price being Ipertiny phial." It produces an ex quisite odor, very mucbTike the helio tropo, and is said to have been origin introduced in this country by f. What will be done with all the idle nenpy? The New York banks hold ntriy thirty-five millions- more than , !p?al reserve, four millions of cold come week from England, and twenty ions additional are expected during "le next ten weeks. Hou. David B. Hill is the Lieutenant-Governor of New York State, and ' succeed Governor Cleveland for 'unexpired term, which is one year. Ir-Hill belongs in Elmira, but was pra n Havana. Vt., August 29, 1814. l a mayor of Elmira. The Springfield Republican says that "toe 111,000 Federal Officials, only 15, come under the civil service roles, i3(i ol the whole list over 50,000 are Rasters. Governor Cleveland will 7aTe 9 000 offices to fiTl without iuter ring with or infringing upon the civil ice rules at all. pernor Tuttle, ot Arizona, in his aaal report, says that unless the ex 9cJed im migration of Mormons into the territory is restrained by law be fears O.etce. Hr nro-f lVi flnvprnmp.nt tn nesian wells in the higher val- ot Arizona, which will fertilize nareds ot thousar.da of acres of land The Prince ot Wales is the greatest onel, according to the Tendon World, a numerical sense, the world has ever To S5.y nothing of his honor V colonelcies in foreign armies, be 'ae the headship of the Blucher Hus rs. he is in the colonel of no fewer sixteen regiments in his royal to armies. VOL; VIII. The New York World, discussi theSenatorship of the Empire State asss:, "Would it not be to the honor of the State and to the credit of the people if party considerations could be laid aside and the Icislature be in duced to tender the United States Sen ato.'ghip unanimon3ly to Roscoe Con klinx?" A -.curious'-fact in relation to the Greely artic expedition U not gener ally known According to Lieutenant - me jiiueieen men i wno perished all but one were sraok and the one was the last to die. era, i no ecveu survivors were non-smoking men. This is an important argument for the anti tobacconists. iV J?' l Mardnn, of Mardon, Son 2 .".bthographers and printers, Knstol, England, writes: While suf fered from neuralgia I tried St. Jacob' UW, and found wounderful relief I bought a casR fr use amorg our work people and ft has proved iuvaluablc. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO AnVERriSEflE TF. Mrs Robebt Lee-Board S II Thimble Fruit t Auction C W Yates The Grand Jubilee B M McIktiee ChUlrens Cloaks Ueinsbekqee Bookseller and StaUoner. F C Miller Friends and Fellow-Citizens . The latest Noyember stiles can be had at Dyer's: New goodi and low prices. f Tbe Kittie Rhoades combination will play in this city on next Friday and Saturday evenings. Mr. M. A. Mose ley, the agent of the troupe, is expected here to-niuht. We beg to suggest :o the people livinz on the lino of march which tbe Demo cratic procession will take to water well tbe streets on Thursday evening where it is practicable. It will add graetly to the pleasure of hose who participate as well as to the lookers on. We understand that the display of fireworks in this city on Thursday night will be the grandest ever known in ihi State. Col. Kerchner has been to Baltimore to order them especially for the occasion and for one night only." Notice to Marshals aud Assis tant Marshals. It is expected that all the Marshals and Assistant Marshals, taking part in the procession Thursday niaht, will be mounted and have white sashes trim med with red and blue. II. McL. Green, Chief Marshal. First of the Season. The first fruit cargoes of the season arrived here to-day on the schooners Pioneer and Ualtie Darling,con3lgne6 to Alessrs. Cronly & Morri3. The sale will commence to-morrow, by Mr. S H.Trimble, Mr. S. W. Davis. Auc tioneer, at 10 o'clock, and will be con tinued from day to-day until the fruit is all disposed of. Illumination. Let every. Democrat in the city turn out and carry a torch xn Thursday nleht, and let every house in the city be illuminated. If candles and lanterns are not available for the latter purpose, throw open the doors and the windows and draw np the blinds, and place all of the lamps you can muster near tbe openings. The ladies all know how to place their home plants near the lights so as to add to tbe charming effect. To a Loving Mother. If you want to afflict your little gir with an ugly catarrh that may last her a lifetime, muffle her head up in a woolen hood every Sunday morning duiing the Winter aud send her to church to remain in an overhea'ed at mosphere for an hour or two, and then let her play out of doors all the after noon bareheaded. If this should kill the child outright don't think tbe dis pensations cf Providence altogether in explicable. Getting Heady. If thero is not a grand, glorious turn out of the sterlingDeniocracy of the Cape Fear on Thursday night it will not be through lack of interest on the part of our people. The First Ward has promised to have two hundred men in line with torches, transparen cies &c., and the Fifth, in addition to other features. ' will .have a band of savages, with war paint, costume, tomahawks &c some fifty strong, in the procession. . j Step Ladders, all lengths, tit Jacobi's Depot. . J WILMINGTON. N. C.. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Second Ward Democrats: At the meeting of tbe Democratic Club of the SecoDd Ward, la&t night, a resolution was adopted that tbe chair man appoint a committee to notify members of the second Ward Demo, cratic Clnb to meet in front of Court House at 7 o'clock on Thursday even- ingto participate in the grand parade and that said committee be authorized to make all arrangements that may be necessary. -The following gentlemen comprise the committee: G. J. Bone v. W. L. Smith. J. C. Munds, E. J. Lilly ana w. U.Jones State Guard News. General Irder3 No. 12, Adjutant Cert Inie. orders the biennial elections of field officers to be held on the fourth day of December next The field officers are cho?en by tbe line officers of the various regiments. Each of ih'i four regiments chooses a coiowd. lieurcnait-colonel and major. The officers of the Fim regiment meet at Tarboro; of the Second at Wilmington of tbe Third at Winston ; of the Fourth at Charlotte. The field officers of the First battalion. colored, meet at Raleigh December 4th to elect a major, to command the batta lion. The "Iredell Blues." late Co. C. rounu regiment, will hereafter be known and designated as Co. K, Ulird regiment. Aid for the. Orphans. We cheerfully cqmply with the re quest made ol tho Press throughout the State to extend the notice of the propo sition to take up a collection for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum wherever religious services are held oa Thanksgiving Day, and will also .sug- gesc to inoso wno wish to manifest their appreciation of the blessings and mercies of the past year, that in case no services are hel J on that - day in their immediate neighborhoods, that voluntary contributions in the shape ot drafts, checks, money orders, postal note3 or by registered letter, be sent to the Superintendent of the Asylum. Dr. B. J?. Dixon, Oxford, N. C, who will see them properly applied. Third Ward Democrats. The Third Ward Democratic Club met in the Mayor's office last niaht for the purpose of making arrangements for the club to participate in tho cele oration next Thursday. Col. John D. Taylor, the President, called the meet ing to order, and Mr. W. W. Shaw was requested to act as Secretary. A committee consisting of Col. J. L, Cantwell, T. Donlan and B, F. White was appointed on transparencies and to collect funds. Capt. C. D. Myers was appointed a committee on music. The President requests all members of the club" and all Democrats of tbe Third Ward to meet promptly at "o'clock, Thursday evening, at the gate of the City Hall yard, on Third street, and join the procession as a club The November Star Sprlukle. Tho display of the meteors radiating from the constellation Leo, due about this lime, should not be allowed to escape the observation ot amateur star gazers. As the meteor stream to which they belong is a permanent member of the solar system moving in a closed orbit, diligent observers can hardly .fail to be well rewarded for their pains. The date3 of the Novemberdisplay re corded from A. D. 902 to 1833 have been found to advance on the calendar at an average rate ot almost exactly three days in a century. On the strength of the observed interval between the great shower ot 1791 and that of 1832, a great meteoric exhibitiou was predicted for the nights of November 13 and 14, 1370. which came to pass. Since the grand show ers of the Leonids occur only in peri"! ods of about thirty-three and one third years (the earth then passing through the densest part of the meteor ring, the thickness of which is less than the ten thousandeth part of its length), wo can only expect now a star sprinkle. But the sight will probably well repay the trouble 6T those who can watch for It. The best time for seeing meteors, gen erally, is after midnight or in the early mornjeg, when twice as many are usu ally observable as in the evening, but tbey re visible at all hours ot the night. Tho point of the heavens from which they may be seen to diverge is near the centre of the sickla m Leo. Tbe weather on the Eastern side ot the country now promises to. be favorable for observing' them. . - Wo observe quite a flne display of new Revolvers ; f or xTcry reasonable pricat JacobiV Hardware Depot. ? t I 5' . - i . x - - ' . -v j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALL AGES. 0 TO 14 -YEARS. Ladies' Wraps in Wool, Silk and Plush. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear. HOSIERY OP ALL GRADES. FINE ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS, s me very choice things! -CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. CORNICE, CORNICE POLES. LACE CURTAINS We" are closing out some splendid bargains. BLACK SILKS -Don't buy until you see what we have show you. noy IS The Goldsboro Fire. We have some few more particulars relative to the big fire in Goldsboro on Sunday. " There seems to be no doubt that the disaster originated as stated, from a match thrown carelessly on - some cotton by a lad who had just lighted a cigarette. The loss is not far from $250 000 and with insurance for "not more than two-thirds of this amount. The following shows the principal sufferers, with the insurance they carried : Jones & Yelverton, loss $25, 000; insurance $15,000. J. F. Miller, loss $5,000; insurance $3,500. Miller & Shannon, loss $4,500; insurance $3, 00. W. F. Kornegay, I033 $6,000; insurance $3,500. W." F. Kornegay & Co., loss $25,000; insurance $15,000. Fonviile & Sauls, loss $14,000; insur ance $9,000. W. S. Farmer. l-ss 8.000; insurance $4,000. L. Einstein & Co.. loss $14,000; insurance $14,000. J. D. Winslow. loss $6,000; insurance $3 GOO. BEdmondson, loss $4,000; insurance $3,000. E. B. Borden, loss 18,000; insurance $10,000. W. W. Crawford, loss $12,000; insurance $8,000, J. A. Bonitz. lo3S $15,000; insurance $7,000. M. E. Castex &Cj., loss $0,000; in surance $6,000. Methodist Advance, loss $3,000; insurance $1,500. Borden Bros, loss $5,000; insurance $5,000. Capt. Jorden, a conductor on the North Carolina R. R., than the report er of the Raleigh Chronicle that the loss sustained, by Mr: J. A. Bonitz. of tbe Messenger, is $18,009, a small part oi which was insured, and that a large part of bis insurance expired on Satur day. Captain Jordan added that the blaze was so great that it wonld have stopped a train . The sceno is one of desolation. It i the most conspicuous portion ot the town that was burned the very ceu- tre of its business street and the portion of it of which it was prondest. An other spot (except the Opera ILust block across the street) could been de troyed with less loss of property or le destruction from the appearance of the town. It i3 a calamity thai GolJ- boro will recover from, but the recov ery will require a great effort and much money. The buildings burnt were not such as can be replaced with easy advantage. It was not a benefi cial fire, but a destruction of much of the most value property in tho town. Slisrbt Fire. There was a sliaht fire this morning at the residence of Mr. Thomas H. Howey, on Fourth street, near Ann. It caught on the roof, probably from a detect in the chimney. It was discov ered in time and by the assistance of the neighbors and passers-by it wa3 soon suppressed, after having burned a small hole in the roof. The alarm was not given until after the fire had been put out and there was of couse hen no need for tha services of the de partment. First Ward Democrats. At a meeting of the First Ward Dem ocratic Club, held last evening, the fol- owiog resolution was unanimously adopted and copies of it were sent to cvory other ward clubs in tbe city: Sesolved. That all tbe ward club and Democratic organizations request tbe Committee ot Arrangements to change the boor for starling the procession from 7 p. m. to 3 o'clock p. m., and that tbe line of march be extended up Fourth to Nixoo, out Nixon to Sixth, down Sixth to Red Cross, out Red Cross to McRae, down McRae to Princes?, &c And that tbe line rf march be continued until 12 o'clock, midnight. A Chicago lover bet his girl that he could tell what she was thinking of. He thought she was thinking of him, but she wasn't: it was about iVr: Hnir Cough Syrup, which had jast cured uer vi a urcaaiui couga. To every. Housekeeper a gool substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best , at Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f - ...... . '.- . ' . "-. m. 1884. NO. 275 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS., R. M. MclNTIRE. Burglary. This ir.oruing about 3 ocir-ck Col. W. L. Smith, who boards at tbe house of Mrs. Dickson, on Chestnut stnn t, wa? aroused by the sound ot breaking glass in a window opening on the brick piazza. Springing from bed to the window he discovered a pnno. of glass broken and the shutter open. As ho open the room door to rush out he heard a cry ot "A robber i3 in my room,-' from a room on. tho second tioor, to which ho hastcne'd and found the lady occupant in fearful anxiety, stating that a black man had been in her room, having gained access by a window opening on the upper piazza For perhaps a half hour he had been ransacking her trunks and bureau drawers and she was iu such terror that she feared to give an alarm until she heard tbe opening of a door down stairs.iTho object was money as noth ing but a puise with a few dollars in it was missing. The rascal escaped be fore Col. Smith reached the room: Stockholders1 Meeting:. The stockholders' of the Wilmington or Weldonaud the Wilmington, Colum bia & Augusta Rail Roads met in this city, this morninir, in annual session and elected tbe following for the ensu ing year : WILMINGTON AND WELDON K. K. Messrs W. T. Walters, B. F. New comer, h. o. Plant. H. Walters, A. J. DeRosset, Donald MacRae, E. B. Bor den, J. P. McKay, George Howard and W II Willard, Directors. Hon. R. R. Brid?ers wis elected President, Mr. B. F. Newcomer Vice President. Mr. John Wr Thompson Secretary and Treasurer and Mr. II. Walters General Manager. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA Jl. li. Mtssw. W. T. Walters, J. T. B-vron. B. F. Newcomer, George C Jenkins,' Enech Pr.-tt, II. Wal ere, George S. Brown, H. B. Plant, R II Bridgers.fand II; B. Short, Directors. Hn, R. R. Bridgers was elcrt;d President, Mr. W. T. Walters VW" President, Mr. Johu W. Ihumpsnu Secretary and Treasurer and Mr. 11 Walters General Manager. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Board. FEW MOBS BOARDERS, EITIIER table, regular or tran'ent, can be accommo dated with comfortab'e rooms and the beet tbe market affords, at AlltS. liOliERT LKE, J, 113i. Market at., bet. Front and fecund, nov 18 if SKTH AV. DAVIS, Auctioneer. BY S. n. TEiaiBLC. Fruit at Auction, r0 MORROW,ICOMMENCI5U at ID o'clock, a. m. and 3 p. ni , I will eelt on hoard British ocnoonerg nuwKKK and HATT1IS 1JA R Ll. from the Bahamas, West Indies, at Dock Front of Custom House : Bananas, Oranges, Pocoannts Floe Apples, Grape Fralt, tn;ar Cane. Skella, 4c. Sale will be continued from menc'iigat ihehoura peclned. until csrroca re disuoted of. nov IS tf New Goods AND A New Milliner ! J HAVE RECEIVED AN INVOICE OF h EW MILLINERY , ConsisUng ot Felt, Veltet aad Straw Hats and Bonnets in the 'latest ty'?, A1' r"T Feathers. Ostrich Tipa and Plants, Pompoj 9. e. sitM rmiuiKTT, first cl MUHner. tneniam the country, tau.elutfgsif my work room and eiue hlbl iecoinincndoi as v. , ?" C TFIKK EOV 3 lf Hardware QF ALL KINDS AND IS ANY QUANT1 ty. Wboleaalo and Eetall at BOCK BJTTOlt prices. ' - W. E. SPRINGER CO . , - 13, a o Uxrket 8treet, . . TTBaSBjtoo, N.C. . re aiiaJ l&icstja; bat l. ' -l-2il to th-i di;cr,f . ' 1 ' i oa ufuUeoI ia paper. . FtrsonaUtles must be avoWeil ; ; Aud tt la eapeclauy ana particularly ttf e tood that the EcJ doe. -not lwrei!dci ta view of eorrcepoxoeau wt c SU; tn the editorial calnama. ' - 1 NEW ADVI3RTIi:3lENTS, Stores lor Rent. UTAREROUSE AND 'OFFICES - Both fin X'nr-TW Ufa. J " 4- and Chestnut. Apflf to - ag 13 gMr copy 3t rKEOSSITI &. CO. Another Large Invoice QF Z&Min;S AND ALL THK VARIOUS Wools In U40 ALL. CO!Xl. ' ttlllrcn. Mioses ancj JLa-fca Jerseys. GtoTCjand Hanakrrcliief. I , A; Fancy Ilalrplos, Hit Omimerts", Ac- illlHnery-FnU stock, JUatt, Eonaet. Vl. eta. Feathers, 1 iid., J5o, c 9 m Stairjlng done In ltct des'Bgi Felt-All colors, KMcr Do arr, Pijh&c , MISS iKARRER. - '" : -.- novl, Excnacjw Corner. Home Comforts. A GOOD COOK STOVE. A OOOD 17 EAT ids etovc, a evert Lamp, a pood Kcroseni Prns to fay tiiafs eo, and add a PARK Kit & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL Come to the New Store; No. 113 South Front St., yilERr: THERE HAs'jDST BEEN RE- cci cdaCliotoo Flour, Fresh Virginia Meat, Xew Tcarl Ilcmlny, FrceliEackwkeat, togtth- er with Teas, Coflfeos. Fiigars, &c. 3- our brag Whlsklea aro as good as erei. Brunswick Private fetock can't bo beat Tnc Old Lgr Cabin la a very pleaeant Rye Whla key. We also keep Corn Whiskies, Wines, GiuBand Brandies. Ontlgnmenu of Produce solicited. Lot and Stall accommodaUons free for country frienda. . . CRAIG & THOMAS. rrodncororatnicsion Merchants nd Dealer in Groceries, J iquors, Ac., No. 113 fceuth Front St , almoBt cppoBito the Market. no - - , P. I1EINSBERQER, . Book-Seller arid Stationer, ' DEALEBIN PIANOS AND , ORGANS, FANCY. GOODS, WEDDING FBESKNT3. . ' : GUITARS, VIOLINS. ACCORD EONS, BAN JOS, STRING 3. 4cl Norfolk Oysters ! HAN !?OJ7 BEFOl .VD At the GLI BE No. 20 Forth r.tit St,et, " . vvlL WihT. noy 15 The Election is Over I pHE COUNTRY IS 8AVFD. OUR UE- ciHce aro Urjre. Ourrxp.nies small and we : ru Oct rmoivd to scJl Gt ocorie ciiep to suit -httc hard : times, t-ave money by bttTlue from , . K.i.nii' 2fo. 19 Nortbecond tot. To-Rrld r row HDMPIIRKV A JENKlXb will , reccire Forty Gallons fine Sew Uiierystera. Also, Salt 31u U . uytters Bent C . u. ai a..,.i. Pt ?c!'uNonnera" Cabbag. Onion;. SwVit and lrieh Pouues. wMca we wlU sell low lor ca?h - ! - f jov 15 Carolina Yacht ClubJgars, JJEST 5 CKNltJ CIGAR ON TH r MARKET, wood V bSskey. Eetr, Oysters, is,"1 ' " . ' ; OLD OHXn STATE AT)OV' ? 1:1 .6 South 1-rant Htn.t Oysters. Oys ters - A T NO. 1M MARKET ftf..,-Vi uciween rront and Secoa.L You CA ,scte,T Hircr Fter fresh cveiv rCr AUo. the best of lorM ir, ' -. ' T ?J ahlpped to any pari o t the Sut'e. novl.iwk . it. 1 JilXSON. If Your Feet Hurt ;77, R TOU HAVE PET- COBJiS, so to FREXCII A SONS andboy apalr of ihclr Easy Fitting Shoes, v an-i you wiu be happy. Tfcey fit re caatlraad neatly, wear well, and are so reasonable in price. Cow e try a pair. . - 71 Geo. JR. French & Sons, 103 NORTH FRONT STREET nor 17 . - , . The Grand Jirtlleo I rjUIOSE ON LIKE OF MAKOU . SHOULD V'. "V.1 "oor M&1 il fooa Toilet tfet. a g:oo4 Lay Uoanl, a prHl Cake Box. agocd SI) wyina supply of Chtnoe Lanterns, risgst Ac Voa ran ztt thfrn at r ATE6 HOOK STORK. 1 ' - n . ' ViJt9rs totie cliy ae reapcctfulfy n'u tor&jlaodKamiooxnrtask of ltoatt. Jsta-lioQc-xy.raDcr Goods, Pirtares, Frr.u-a aj. bums.lild Petrf, 3iurl.4l lcttumntff.'a3'l' icuibcujiad other artlsues that I car Dot cm merat. , .-- PIANOS AND ORGANS by bes rrakrB fiutoclll1!T rate Don't " :i- 'JAIB' BOOS STORI", , norl4 li? iiaxktt tt., wurrjtca s(q

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