MISCELLANEOUS. Ul 11 v Loss and Gain. 'I was taken sic a year ago With bilious fever." "My doctor pronounced mo cured, but I got sick again with terrible pains in my btck and sides, and I got so ba I Could not move I I shrunk ! From 228 lb?, to 120 ! I had been doctoring for my liver, but it did me no good.- I did not expect to live more than three months. I began to use Hop Bitters. Directly my appetite re turned, my pains 'left me,. my entire system seemed renewed as it by magic, and after using several bottle?, I am not only as sound as a sovereign, but weigh more than I did before. To Hop Bitters I owe my life." R. Fitzpatrick. Dnblin, JuneG, '81. CHAPTER II. "Maiden, Maes., Feb. 1, liS Gentleman I suffered vita attacks of sick headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating nannner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. "The first bottle Nearly cured me ;M The second made me as well and strong a9 when a child, "Aud I have been ?o to this day." My husbaud was an invalid tor twen ty years "with a serioti3 '"K'.dzoy, liver and urinary com plaint, "Pronounced by Boston's best physi cian "Incurable V7 Seven bottles of your Bitters cured him ar.d I know df the "Lives of eight persons' In my uelghtored that have been savd by your bitters, And many more are usiag them with grca benefit. They almost Da miracles ?" Mrs. E. D. Slack. How to war Sick Expose youibetf dsy and night; eat too niaeh without exercise; voik too Lard without rest; doctor all the time; take all the vile nostrums auvertlse-i, and then you will want to fc.no w how to get tceli, which la answered In three words rake Hop BUt-rs ! f None renutne without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vlic, poisonous stuff with "Hop oi "Hops" in their name. , nov IS lm dJfcw nrmte BROWfi'A IS THE- Bejt Tonic The Daily teview rORH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop WILMINGTON. C. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 19. IS84". jiterd at the Poetnfficc at Wilmington, N. C &s second-claga matter. After a long and unnecessary delay the Mayor of New York and the Police Commissioners hare taken steps to stop the filove contests which have dis graced that city for the past two or threo years. Whenever Suliivau or ' some other well known brusiser has run out of money, it has only been necessary for them to go to New York, make the announcement that they were in training for a contest with hard or soft gloves, and the Gothamites would fill the pockets of the impecunious prize-fighters full to overflowing. If the new orders are obeyed this will be impossible hereafter. The retirement from public life of the truculent politician and duell'st, Paul de Cassaenac. is a noteworthy event in French politics. For fifteen years this hot-headed knight-errant of Bonapart Um has been, by turns, the butt of ridicule and the terror of Republican deputies. His motto has been, not that the pen is mightier than the sword, but that pen and sword together are net to be resisted. His duels have been well nigh as numerous, and on the whio rather more harmless, than his slash ing leaders in the Fays. He was a picturesque figure in the Chamber, with his stalwart frame and hi3 more than" six feet ot height; his quick and loud mouthed anathemas hurled at speakers in the tribune from the Bonapartist benches, aud his prompt challenge to exchange rapier thrusts in the Bois, to any one who in the slight -st offended his amour propre. The Chamber will be more tranquil for his absence, but perhaps will be legs amr.sing to the world at larce. i ne Republican papers are getting rather hoarse and tired abusing the result and tryin lo depress the country witn felooxy lore boilings. Several of them have turned over a new leaf, and begin to betray expectations that the country will live throughout it. Even the New Ydlk Tribune ad mits that there is "no present daneet" of a change in the tarifl. Two week3 ago it was claiming that inilh would stop the day after election and never resume, if Blaine was not elected. The Hartford Courant, which goes to all lengths when the craze is on, is nearly ready to get a discharge from the asy lum and will be in its righi mind per haps by Thanksgiving. It says: "Ol course the Republican Senate will con cur with the House as hitherto in all measures necessary to carry on the government, and will be only loo glad If the Democrats shall make up, their minds to renew the American navy, continue the banking system and reasonably reduce the revenue and modify the tariff." As four new ships are building with the appropriations made by the present Democratic House the Democrats seem toe quite as ready as Republicans to "renew the Ameri can navy," when they are sure that plans are well matured and the money likely to be well spent. It is now'- ad" mitted that the attempt to fores through the authorization of more new ves'els lastWinter was preamatureand un wise- Now, also, we begin to hear aijain ihat it is wise to "reasonably reduce the tariff." Before the election such tak would have been attributed to British gold aud a desire to crowd American laborers down to one dollar a day. Here it is regarded as settled that Gov. Cleveland is the nextPiesident.and already the g ssips are busy with con jectures as to who will be the lady of the White House, says an Albany spec ial to the Philadelphia Times. There is a well-defined belief among his menus mat tnere is a young lacy in Western New York who will soon be le,d to the altar by the President-elect. Others-who have known him long and well say that he will never marry, and lhat this talk simply comes of the lact that he has shown this young lady some slight attentions since he was elected (i over nor. Early in life his hopes and ambitions for a wife were crushed by the hand of death, and his affection for ths lo3t one has kept him treading the wiae pre?s of life alone. If the reports that he is to marry are not true, then his own immediate fam ily will urnisb the lady to do the sial honors of his administration. Ii is generally believed by those who know him best that there will be less festivities durioj his term of office than ! tacre have be-a f.r many years past, He has been a hard-working GoTernor and will probably continue his in dustrioDS habits as President. Bachelor as he is, the White House will, how ever, have a most creditable mistress. There are four ladies in hi immediate family, either cf whom can well do the honors .of the household. His eldest sister in this country, Mrs. W. E. Ucort, of Fayetteville, would fill any position with credit. She Is a middle aged laJy, of pleasiDg address; who ha spent a good deal of time at the Executive Mansion here : since her brelber has been Governor. She has made many friends here ta the capital of the State, and will doubtless do' the same in Washington, where she' will probably go the 4th cf. next March. Miss R. E. Cleveland is the maiden sister. She still resides in the little home cottage at Holland Patent, just above Utica. A good public speaker, a quick conversa tionalist and generally a plain woman of intellectual force, , she would do her share in entertaining ber brother's guests at the National capital. Mr. Cleveland has a sister who for twenty years has been a missionary at Ceylon She has two charming young lady daughters, Mary and Carrie Hastings, who the Governor has for years been educating in this country. He has given them every advantage and they have improved them. They will no doubt be a part of their uncle's family circle at Washington, as they have been at times here. With Mrs Hoyt. or any one of the three other ladies spoken of, the social end of the last Democratic administra tion for a quarter of a century will be well sustained, even should the President-elect continue a bachelor. As a purifier. Ayer's Sarsaprilla acts directly and promptly. A single bottle will prove its merites. Many thous ands of people are yearly saved from dangerous fevers by. the exercise f a Utile timely care in properly cleansing the system by the use ot this remedy. novembehTnonsense. Patch-work Hoeing. Risht-about face The hair. Robbing the males The girls who steal men's hearts. N. Y. Journal. "How shall I sleep?" asks a correi pondent. Try to stay awake to catch some taiti. Milton News. 'Horses run fastest, in hot weather," says Mr. Bonner. That is nothing re markab.e. So does butter. Call. At what age does a farm usually be come worthless? inquires' st correspon dent. At about mortgage Burlington Free iress. I watch for your coming each evening. When ihe Sunset Gates are ajar. LillaN. Cuchman. Look out for the dog at the portal, Aud I'll keep an eye on papa. Gorhnm Mounlaintcr. 'You look distressed. Mr. Slowpay ; what's the matter?" 'Matter enrfugb; I've lost my pocketbook." ''That is bad ; much in it?" "No; that's what wor ries me I'm afraid some poor man will find it, and if he does it'll ruin him, "Burdttle. Mr. Muchtalk dropped in at the cor ner grocery with the morning paper in his hand and excitement in bis eye He said: "Look here; do you credit ibis outrageous rumor ?" "No, sir." said the grocer promptly; "don't credit nothin'; terms cash; everything's going up now, too." Hawkeye. A young Wall street business man has written a four-act melodrama, founded on incidents in the recent fi nancial panic. We have not seen it. but it probably runs about this way: First scence, Wall street; second scene, detective's office; third scene, railway depot ; subsequent scenes, palatial mansion in Canada. Phila. Dispatch. 'T will stay," he sang, and sing my lay. Whiie slumber 6eals your eyes; And the deep still night will chase the day Away from the star-light skie3. T will wake and sing till the morning . star Shall glow in the Eastern sky" But he didn't; the dog woke up just theti And smote him hip and thigh. Louisville Courier-Journal. The Great Exposition Inaugu rates Then. The approaching Inauguration of the Exposition of the world's Industry at New Orleans, La., at noon on the 16th of December, reminds us of the Extra ordinary Grand Semi-annual (the 175tb) Drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery at the same hour, when $522, 500 will be distributed among the fortu nate investors in sums from 150,000 to 50. Full particulars can be had on ap plication to M. A. Dauphin, New Oleans, La. A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This reat remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. eod'u&w ly DRUNKENNESS, OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, CAN BE CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking ir, effecting a speedy and per manent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drickor or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who hate taken tha G. ldn SpcTie in their coffee with- ou-tlieir knowledge, and to-day beheve they quit drinking of their own free will hrrrfnl tfT"orto ?no'1 fVm j itg administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Goldkn Specific Co.. 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. d eod & w6m Brass Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tongs, gOMETHING VEST KICK . AND VERY CHEAP. 3 1 ura ik uUUuiilSON, iS and 40 Murchtaon Block oct 27 MISCELLANEOUS THE GREAT .tZZV A tVl5TTNIEiI 11 CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Bore Throat. Swellings. Sprains, BruUf Bunt, Scald. Frcut Bite. AXD A IX OTHER BODILY FAISS ASD ACb. Sold by Drnggtsta and Dealers everywhere. Fifty CebU 9 bottle. WrecticM in ll'Lanipufes. THE CHARLES A. VOOEUCK CO. (8aniew t A. VQUSLEB, UU.) Baltimore. SdCS. A, ilch 29 lyd&w. JUST OPENED ! -AT- 1 1. KATZ'S, 116 Bflarket St., An Entire NetV Stock OF- FALL AND WINTER GOODS. BLACK AND COLORED SILHP, RHADAWLES. ARMOURS.IBROCADES. 8ATISS AND SILK VELVKTS. FRENCH DRESS GOODS OTTOMANS, TRICOTS, SHUDDAS, CA8HMERE3, FANCY PLAIDS & COMBINATIONS, In all Qaillties and Shade?. Ladies' Cioth and Flannel Suitings. A SCPEKBSSOCK OF 51 INCH GOODS, comprising ever Grade and Shade, -c- LADIES' DOLMANS, NEW MARKET, CLOTH AND JER3EY WALKING JACKETS. Shawls, Skirts, Corsets. LADIES AND CHILDREN3 UNDERWEAR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR AND FURNISHING GOODS. Table and Piano Covers, Smyrna Bugs, Cretonnes, 1 lnen Damasks, Tovreld, Napkins, White Goods, every variety, Embroideries, Ribbons. Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Staple and Domestic Gools, Notions, Ac, Ac. All of the above have been bought during the present panic in prices, cheaper than cvr before known in the history of Dry Goods, and if my kind patrons will cal, GOOD MA. TERIALS and LOW PRICES will do the selling. - EUJ. IV3. KATZ, 116 Market St. oct 6 Groceries. Groceries. pLUR, MOLASSES, COFFEE; BACON, Sugtr, 8alt, Corn, Rice, Meal, Lard, Soda, Glue, Lye, Foap, Potash, Hoop Iron, Oats, Hay, Starch, Snuff, Crackers.Tobacco, Cigars, Candy, Candles, Matches, Powder, Shot, Caps, Paper Bags, Buckets, Fuse, Ac. For sale by nov 3 KERCHNEB & CALDER BROS Paint the White House Red A GRAND .EXCURSION TO YtlSHlJGTOJ J. 'ft, Will be given early in the New Year, day not yet decided upon, for the purpose of mmm the wsits bouss m, And making other necessary alterations preparatory to Installation of CROVER CLEVELAND, Meanwhile the undersigned still continue to lead in the Printing Eaime IN WILMINGTON. . JACKSON & BELL. FOE of nmeu of iuuih. Ul Wl ttWleil WMVlMi, L.t t-ZZ, do, t rmJu of ladteentioBa. ay irfmr trUl pmOurm a racdyt r 13 mu fori -m FOB TC1IAL 15 MISCELLANEOUS Capital Frize 150,000. ffe doherdjt certify that toe ruperxis tht arrangement for all the Monthly and. Sew. Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in per eon manege and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that Vie same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and it good faith toward all parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver tisement. . ... .- - Commissioners. "JJNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I OVER HALF MILLION DISTRIBUTED! Louisiana State - Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Leg Islature for Educational aud Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has Ince been aided. - By an overwhelming popnlat vote Its fran fthlse was made apart of the present State Constitution m lop ted December 2d. A. D.1879. ItS GKAXD SlXGLK NXTMBEU DRAWINQ8 Will lake place monthly. It never scales or post pones. Look at the following Distribution: 175th Grand Monthly AND THE KXTRAOSDRf ART SKMI-ANNTTAI. DRAWING, At the Academy of Muhlc, New Orleans, Tuesday, December 16, 1334. Under the personal supervision and manage ment of - Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JDBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. Capital Prize $150,000. K3T Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths . IJST OF PRIZES. .. . l Capital Prize of $l5O,O0O...$!5O,ooo - 1 Grand Prize of 50,00... 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000... 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10,000... 20,000 4 Large Prizes of 5,ooo. . . 20,000 CO Prizes of 1.C00... so.ooo 50 " 500... 25,000 100 " 300... 30,000 200 200... 40.000 600 " 100... 00,000 1,000 " 50... 50,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200.... $20,000 100 " " 100.... 10,000 100 " 75...." 7,5'JO 2,279 Prizes amounting to $522,500 Application for rates to clubs should bo made only to the office of the Company In New Or leans. Tor further information, write clearly, glv log full addresB. POSTAL NOTES, Express MoDey Orders, or New York Kxchangc in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $5 ard upwards at our expense) addressed 1LA. 1AJPII1N, New Orleans, la. .x M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St.. Washington. D. C. Make P. O. Money Ordrs payable and ad dress Keglstered Letters to SEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BA.NK, nor 12 NEW O It LEANS, LA Burnham's IW-fROYED Standard Turbine I Is the be3t constructed and finished, gives better percent age, more power, and is cold for less money, per horsepow er, taan any other I urbine in the world. JB3 New pamphlet BURNHAM BROS, York, la sent free by nov 3 4w The Science of Life. Onlv $1 BY MAIL P03T PAID. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man, young, middle- aged and old Jt contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which la invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 800 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work In every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will hu refunded In every instance. Price only $1.00 by mall, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 eta Send now. Gold mciai awarded the author by the Nallonal Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. The Science of Life shouM be read by the young for Instruction, and by the afflicted lor relief. It will benefit all .London Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom this uook wui not do useiui, wnether youth. parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Pea body Medical Institute, rc UT. v. ii. jrarxer, .no. Jtsunnnch street. Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have Darned tno sbiij of aL E" A other U E- A I physicians c special specialty MM Im la Such STHYSELF irearea successful ly without an stance of failure. Mention this paper, nov 3 d&w 4w Female School. St. James' Seminary MI33ES BURR JAMES, Principals; MRS. M. 8. CUeHING, Musical Instructress. rtWB ' TWESTT-FIBST ANNUAL SESSION A of tala School will commence on Monday. 6th of October, and close about the third week in Jane. 18S5. SpecUl opportunities for learning the a r; of Painting in water colors, oil pastel, Ac , wlU be afforded those who desire tceir children to learn tbis beautiful and fashionable accom plishment. Pupils outside of the School ac commod Ued with eultable hours for learning Music or Pointing. For further particulars enquire of the Principals. sept ll a week at home. $5.00 outfit ree. rTT7i Tl u"uweiy sure. jo risk. 1 UUi rtquireo. Ke&der, if you want business at which persons of either sex.youSg wL iftQwme,great Pay a11 the tinle they M-i Tabf? lute cersainty, write for par- J. I- WINKER, yATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, pd Jewelry repaired and warranted. COppositeKew AlarJtet, FxoSet. -" KHDW THYSELF.b V7ilmlnston iTr Kallroad Company WrJmlntfon. N. c.. Oci Sl.isst. Change of Schedule. ton A Weldon?!.? on the WnL Arrive at Wellon?..!; ntsuIPt, s.55 aJ Ul ! ArrlveatWltoFLD tiSt FAST THBOnaH Matt. i....'-?3 DA11.T No. 40 South ieave weldon.;....... .. . . Leave Wilmington............ a?ft, Arrive at.Wcldou ".. .. f JJ No.j42 South, dally except Mon Leave We'dou...... ....... . ' Arrive Wilmington i No. 45 North, dally except Suntiar Leave wiimlngtor............. , Amve Weldon . Train No. 40 South will stop only J wr ' Trains on Tarboxx) Branch RoadLcar- p. J Mount tcif TarUnm 1 t 5fKci M. Dallv. iSucdava xrTttAd li'L""5 leave Tarboro at 1.5D P. M. and 10 ATM Trains nn Snntlnml Vmv t- " tuxming leave Scotland Neck at 1 dallv exceDt Snndar-. -.w. ma ciuso connectloa ti ! S?Vor,41 p0Inls Norta 1AU3- All Afn 1 Rkhmond, and tally except sWay ru i v - 1 Train Kn IS nma h.iw .-i ' . I noctuon for all Point North via UlctmoM sl All trains run solid between Wlulngtoi J ers attached. i ger coach will be attached to local frelcWJ gig Wilmington at 5.20 A. M.. Dally exd ' JOHN F. DIVDTE Rnnl ' T. M.oEMKRSON.Ger' ?nr Wilmington, Coluinbr & Augusta R. R. Co. Ozmas or Genkbal suPKarsTEfDEaiT. " WUmlcgton, N. C. Cct. 31. 1SF4. Change of Schedule, rN AND AFTER NOV. 2nL 1S?i J 9. CO A. 21., the following Passenger 8cs oel u v Yfiu ue run on tms roaa : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Ko West and 47 Eact. Leave Wilmington. S.tOP.if Licave iorence 2.40 AH Arrive at C.C4A. Junction b.20 a X Arrive at Columbia. MOAK Leave Columbia......... 9.53P.K eave C, C. & A. Junction. 10.50 P. K lave Florence 4.50 AX Arrive at Wilmington.... 8.85 Al Sight Mail and Passenoek Tkaqt, Dae? No. 48 Wear. Leave Wttadnarton....... 10.20 P.X Arrive at jrioren.ee.... 1 30 A. e.... 130 Al SSENGER TTULTN Dttl No. l East. I t ........4.05 P.X MAIL AND PASSENGER - . No Leave Florence at. Arrive at Wilmington. ....8.05 P.k ondnyi", I 70.X No. 42 West, daily except Moml Leive Wilmington Arrive Florence ,tl5 A No. 45 East datJy except Suniays Leave Florence .9. 10 P. AKive Wlirington.. ....115A Train 43 flnd42atora at all Stsittnna No. 48 stops only at Flemington, and Ma?. Passengers for Columbia and all poloaoa A C. R. R., C, & A R. R. Stations, Aiken it tlon, and all points beyond, should Uketii 48 Night Express. . i Separate Pullman Sleepers for Aumtio: Train 4 8. All trains run solid between Chirkatoi v Wilmington. Local freight leaves Wilmington dsllj tz cept unaay at o.oo a. m. JOHN F.DIVDnE, ' General Superiatcndest T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Aes OCt 30 Carolina Central R. B Company. OffflCB Of &KKXBA1, StJFEUIJITEJDBfl Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 0. 1SB4 i Change of Schedule. N AND AFTER SEPT! 21st r 12. &l Rallroa!: PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TKAl 1 - Leave WIhnInon at.....-i''"4' ' ' t i 5 Leave Raleigh at. M ) Arrive at Charlotte at WO ) Leave Charlotte at f ' ) Arrive at Wilmington at...A Passenger Trains stop at regular onto. iLnrfnnlnta fteslaniAted in the CoBPT' AHELBT DIVISION. PASSESOEB. Wl EXPRESS AND FREIGHT xauy except ounuajo. So - Leave Charlotte mmSpM- No-3-1 Arrive at Shelby nAi J J No. 4 litA .... dJOPYlk Trains No. 1 and 2 make close nVjii, Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to w "1"" - Cugh SleepingCars betS and Charlotte ana 'ie su Take Train No. 1 ,SttS fftft Western N C E E, Ashevll wd J2 Also, for Spartanburg, Greenniie, au- Atlanta and all points boovnwe. - ; supertBtcndest ' JP. W. CI.ARK.deECrilPMaeEger Ae sept 23 VHiom debility. tJn mm . dullc proper. "l esctm err of rjt& 'j ---, nccessful new tir.i. Addree C UARST0"; -3tf rift VVeaH m trim V.- THE MAKOI y rS , r